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NFL Sunday Ticket Lawsuit + MLB & Negro Leagues + USA Presidential Debate Disaster (@BALLandBUDS) image

NFL Sunday Ticket Lawsuit + MLB & Negro Leagues + USA Presidential Debate Disaster (@BALLandBUDS)

Ball & Buds Sports + Entertainment
40 Plays8 months ago

Mind of the Professor #2 featuring Omar 'The Professor' Fonseca

#NFL Sunday Ticket Lawsuit & Judgement

#MLB Integrates Negro League Stats Creates New Leaders

#USA Presidential Debate Disaster (Donald Trump vs Joe Biden)

Blows Mind: Terrence Howard #Math, Beetlejuice #Movie Sequel, #Greece 6-Day Work Week?!

#RIP Willie Mays, Bill Walton & Jerry West

Subscribe & Watch #YouTube


Introduction & Podcast Overview

Yeah, yeah, I knew they call us man We professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor, professor,
Yes, yes, yes. Welcome in to the second installment of the Mind of the Professor. I am your host, Omar, the Professor Fonseca from Ball and Buds. Make sure y'all go ahead and subscribe at Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S, and you will catch all of our shows everything from the bottom line to combat sports special with clubber d and to the mind of the professor with yours truly now thank you for all joining us uh joining me today excuse me uh wasn't assassinated or canceled the first episode we made it through alive no one came after me for my secrets hopefully no one comes after me for them today as well because it is going to be another
Feisty Feisty episode today We are going to talk about the NFL lawsuit first of all the one going on with Sunday ticket Then we're also going to talk about the Major League Baseball integration of the Negro League statistics into their ah lexicon into their Hall of Fame and all of their league leader stats and how That has come from a past of racial segregation to the ah breaking of the color barrier by Jackie Robinson and everything else like that. And then

Presidential Race & Debate Insights

finally, the last thing we'll touch on today is the presidential race. Yes, we are going to look into that disaster of a debate last week in so many different ways.
And I will touch on both candidates. And if there's anything we can do, solutions oriented from the professor ah to make our, ah you know, um um election, something that's palatable to to everyone. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on, as long as you have something that you ah believe in, but something that we can all sort of believe in ah more of. ah And again, we'll get into all this a little later, but I have some solutions for us, so we'll talk about all that as well. And
Finally, you know, we'll talk about some weird quirks going on in the world. What's been blowing my mind lately and will always end off with a positive. So as we get started again, make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buds.

Reflection on US Growth & Veterans' Contributions

You see me wearing my. NBA champion Boston Celtics hat you see it you still got the stickers on it's literally fresh I just got it in the mail took it out the box right as I was coming in so shout out to my Boston Celtics champions that being said I'm gonna take that off because right now I'm focused on this show and me so I'm just gonna put my backwards one on and we are gonna get to business all right first things first like I said I wanted to
Well, actually, before we get into the NFL, I don't know what I was thinking there. You know, the last time we came on was Memorial Day. Now it is 4th of July, Independence Day, tomorrow. Happy 4th of July. Happy birthday, America, the 248th. commemoration of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress. Since then, the U.S. has grown from a tiny, 13-colony America with 2.5 million people to 50 states.
14 territories and a population of more than 330 million people. And we're going to talk about how all of those people can coexist in one area, one country, such as this one, when we get into our later topic about our presidential race. um That being said, America has done a lot of great things over the past almost 250 years, and it will do so many more great things in the future. Salute. to all of my veteran brethren, all of my military brethren out there. Obviously, you know we get Veterans Day, we get Memorial Day. It's only two days a year. ah every Every other you know cause gets you know ah their own months, including, I'm not just saying anything about any months at all. the latin The Latino people like myself, we get our own month. The veterans don't really get recognized, and I'm a veteran

Critique of For-Profit Prisons & NCAA Updates

too. So
you know we only get two days a year we should have our own month we should have our own year to be celebrated and for all of you that gave your life or fought for this country from the bottom of my and my family's heart who is all military we thank you and we wish america happy birthday all right moving on i want to do a correction and an update from last episode so last episode uh first of all The correction I have for you is in the last episode when I was talking about the ah CIA and gangster rap connection and how CIA used gangster rap to infiltrate minority communities for their destruction, I mentioned the for-profit jail system that we have here in America.
And I accidentally said 90% of the jails in America are for profit. Obviously, that's hysterical as 100% are for profit, even the federal ones. So that made mo no sense whatsoever. And I laughed when I heard it back. But what I meant to say is through the new guidelines of the for profit system, In order to get all of the profits that they can kind of sort of like an athlete gets bonuses and in order to get all of the profits they want right these prisons, they need to keep the jail population at above 90%. So that's where that 90% came in.
ah they need they They want them to keep their jail populations at 90% or above in order to keep getting subsidies and and and and funding and things like that. So I just wanted to make sure I corrected that mistake because it wasn't that 90% were for profit, 100% are for profit. It's that they want them 90% filled if they're going to you know be given money to fund them. So again, we need to abolish the for profit prison system totally. I get we have we have people in this world that are criminals and are bad and need to be maybe you know put in mental hospitals, things like this um ah or other situations and solutions that cannot. Now, obviously we have to have places to keep people. It's a very dichotomous situation, but it just should not be for profit where people are getting paid to incarcerate more people. That's when you start to get into some sticky and shady territory that you really don't want to get yourself into.
cool Also, um I wanted to note that an update to the NCAA story that I had last time, ah it has come out after we talked about the NCAA lawsuit that allowed students to use their NIL to the fullest advantage. um We also talked about the Dartmouth University had gone on to try to create a private, um ah private excuse me, um What's the word I'm looking for now? I'm blanking on it. Oh, geez Louise.
uh labor labor union there we go um and they were approved for that because remember they're a private school right they're not publicly funded so they are able to be more lenient and do more things in those sorts of establishments uh so anyways just wanted to make sure that i that i updated that that that Dartmouth actually they were approved for that now how far that actually goes um college sports is gonna have to bring in a union at some point there's gonna have to be some sort of governing body that ah Is on the side of the players as this grows bigger and bigger because it's only gonna grow bigger and bigger now Obviously the athletes deserve to be paid and with all the money and media rights coming in Obviously they deserve their piece of the pie, but things are gonna have to be Regulated to the extent where always everything has to be have some sort of regulations in order to not get complete chaos um But anyways, I did want to make sure that that note was noted because that's a pretty big deal and
If there can be some sort of body that can take over all of this to combat the NCAA, we may actually see more substantial change in the future. So be on the lookout for that. Thank you again for everybody tuning in. I see y'all piling in. Thank you, thank you, thank you. If you have any comments, make sure you say them in there. in the Oh, shout out Daniel Berry. Thank you for tuning in as always. Ronald, Later comment last night on the bottom line tank. Thank you. Anybody who wants to tune in the bottom line sports Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern. We go live can't team flow hot take Jake and myself last night was an awesome episode. ah Yeah, you know, like you said, we talked about it all night last night.
um They got some contenders coming for them right now, right when you're the king Like they said when you go in and from the wire, right? When you come at the king you best not miss and that's gonna always be what it is So damn, I love the wire Omar. Oh, that's me. Not me. I'm not ah you know what? You know what I mean? Anyways, alright, let's guys get into the episode into the actual topics that we were gonna talk about today So the first topic that we're going to touch on today is this NFL Sunday ticket lawsuit and what it actually means for you, the consumer.

NFL Sunday Ticket Lawsuit & Listener Reactions

Okay, so let's let's let's let's ah talk about what the background is on this. First of all, the NFL was taken to court for
federal antitrust ah charges that they made consumers pay for out-of-market broadcast bundles basically to watch all the teams, even if they didn't want to, right at the at the sacrifice of not having single team packages, which meant that at some points, fans are paying $350 a year for this NFL Sunday ticket package. But maybe they only want to watch the Raiders, right? Maybe they're me, they just want to watch my Raiders, right?
um But they can't, they they have to pay for all of the teams. So NFL was taken to court by a bunch of bars that came together to represent ah not only bars, but also citizens. yeah And so what the judgment was, a Los Angeles jury came back and found that the NFL is liable for $4.7 billion. dollars ah Now, obviously that's going to go up. um uh with legal fees and things that have to be paid to lawyers and so on and so forth but the league is reported to have to pay five billion dollars to fans and another 96 million to bars um who were overcharged right for the package that maybe they didn't want the full one so this is crazy crazy crazy and it all really got exposed when ESPN
offered the NFL um to changers lower their Sunday ticket to $70, which would obviously allow for a lot more revenue to come in due to the influx of added customers. They didn't want to do that. They wanted to keep it at a premium product. Jerry Jones, Cowboys owner, noted saying, you know, I'm sure my team would make a lot more money in a single market than the Browns, I think is who he uses the example. And it's right, they would make more money than a lot of other teams. So um to have it at that price, you know, they considered it to be a premium that consumers should have to pay. Well, the judge did not say that. And right now it is going to come back to you if you were a subscriber of Sunday ticket. Now listen up, listen closely.
if you subscribed or bought the package this goes to 2.4 million residential subscribers from June 17th to 2011 to February 7th, 2023. So if you invested in the package from 2011 season through the 2023 season you may be entitled to money. I sound like It's not like a like ah infomercial for for seniors in the middle of the day. You may be entitled to Medicare money. Anyways, you may be entitled to money. So I did a little bit of quick math for everyone. Cause I saw somebody do some math online on a YouTube video and I don't know.
exactly exactly what he was talking about. His is math was quite quite off. ah But anyways, you're getting $5 billion, dollars right? You're dividing that. but And I'm not going to show this to you on the screen. You can check my work if you want to. ah you're dividing that by 2.4 million subscribers, right? So you're taking your five billion, you're dividing that by your 2.4 million and you're getting an average of what these people should get back. It came out to $1958. Now, if you were paying $350 over that 10 year period, you would have paid about $3,500 give or take. I'm not gonna do the math on that one. I can just figure that out in my head.
that taken away from the 1958 let's call it 2000 and call it even you're getting back the majority of your money you're getting back 60 65 percent of your money that you paid so you may want to file uh my boy peach and everybody else out there who I know may have packet purchased the package during that time um I've never purchased package I figured it was way too much I've always watched local or I just go to the bar we used to all go to the bar as friends now I live up above a bar that has the package so I don't have to pay for it, but there are a lot of you that have and I want you to get your money. So make sure you go ahead and file. Obviously that's not out yet, but it will be out if it comes out again before my next episode. I will update you with the website in which you can file, but just make sure you're looking out if you subscribed again from 2011 to 2023. Now we can only hope that this spurs the NFL to now lower the cost of the Sunday ticket.
um Hopefully they will now take into account ESPN's offer, even do it for $99. I would then become a customer, even though I live above the bar and I still probably want to go down to the restaurant to watch the game. Sometimes I would still buy it because it's cheap enough where if I don't watch it, then oh well, I mean, I'll catch it when I came upstairs. I catch it downstairs and it won't be that big of a deal to me. So NFL, lower the price to $100. Serve your consumers and customers, the ones that back you every year. You had 93 out of 100 of the top television broadcast in 2023. Treat your fans right as they support you. Support us. Help us help you. Lower your price to $99 for the Sunday ticket. And I promise you, I will even buy it.
Awesome, awesome, awesome again. Thank you to everybody tuning in. This is blowing up. Wow. There are tons of you in the stream. So I appreciate that. Make sure you're keeping those ah comments coming. Ronald has not as sure if I agree with the bars lawsuit. They play multiple games besides that's the local and they make their money back. times 1000 in liquor and bill sales. I agree completely Ronald, not going to disagree with you on that. The majority of the um ah judicial decision for the outcome is $5 billion dollars going to ah residential subscribers. The bars are only getting 96 million. I know I say only, um but that's a very, very Small comparison to what residential subscribers are getting and it's that exact point is because you make that point That's exactly why they're not getting that much back now, you know, I agree with you They made all that back in tenfold But there may be some bars that are mom and pops that didn't and maybe they can at least apply for this and get a little bit of money back I know I worked at a mom mom and pops in Here in Nashville that we had the package and we didn't really make a lot of money as a mom and pop We were just there to serve our community serve our local things like that. So maybe a bracelet place like that
could use, you know, not as they're not going to get as much back. They may only get, you know, $50, $100, but, you know, every little buck helps when you're a business small business owner. I know that myself. So thank you, Ronald, again. All right. Awesome. So let's move on to the next topic here. We got today the Negro Leagues and the Major League. So Major League Baseball announced a couple of weeks ago. Excuse me. Let me wet my whistle here with my oh, I'm sorry. Is that Is that also a Boston Celtics championship cup that I just got in the mail today? Sure would be. It sure

MLB's Integration of Negro League Stats

would be. You know, just want to wet my whistle real quick.
Show the logo like I like you do acting like Kermit, sipping on some tea anyways. Negro League, so. then the Major League Baseball decided that they would finally, finally and legitimately incorporate Negro League statistics into their own, which now has brought on a lot of new league leaders and as well has brought a lot of Hall of Famers who have been Hall of Famers but may have may have not had the notoriety from before are now able to get that notoriety because their statistics are now ah official within the Major League Baseball lexicon. So what happened?
Well, back in ah back in it' been three it's been three years. So back in 2020, the Major League Baseball decided that they wanted to incorporate the Negro League statistics into their own Major League statistics. um They found that through surveying former players, through obviously doing research and looking into ah game capsules, box scores, things of that nature, not to mention, the fact that a lot of these players that were segregated racially from being allowed to play in the major leagues, not through any fault of their own other than the color of their skin, but not being allowed to play was not only disenfranchising to them, right? Not only hurtful and denigrating and all the other sorts of things that come with racial segregation or any types of segregation,
ah But a lot of them were just as good, if not better players than the Caucasian players that were actually allowed to play in the major leagues. And this was seen through barnstorming games. This was seen through unofficial games like the California League where they actually let Uh, integration happened. Um, this was seen when players like Jackie Robinson, Willie Mays, statue page, by the way, pitching the majors into his fifties and was still better than all the major leaders. So don't tell me that these players don't deserve to have their statistics, um, incorporated. Now, obviously major league did their due diligence. They went back, they checked all the box scores. They may check all the news. Now, obviously there is a lot of incomplete information.
You know, this is 1920s, 1930s. We're talking about newspapers, information, things like that. Very sparse. They had to piece it together, which is why it's taken so long. And they don't even have the complete database full. They only have about 50, 60 percent of the Negro League statistics. But. It has made a dent already. It has made an indention and these talented ballplayers and legends should be allowed to reap, even though most of them have posthumously have passed away already. They deserve to be ah um you know recognized. And even the great Ted Williams said that the hall should induct their first Negro League star Satchel Paige back in 1971.
ah It would take another 24 years even after that. um So the Negro League players dealt with this contention for a very long time, but as we saw many great players came through. We lost recently the great Willie Mays. Willie Mays is one of those players who was in the Negro Leagues and then came to the Major Leagues and was better than all of the other players. ah that he played against. Ernie Banks, another one. Hank Aaron, another one. Jackie Robinson. I know I'm only mentioning the greats. There's others. There's Buck Leonard, Turkey Stearns. You know, there's a bunch of yeah um ah what I'm trying to think of the one guy in the outfield. He's one of my one of the greatest hitters. I can't for some reason cannot. think I'm flipping on his name right now. But anyways, a bunch of great players that deserve to be recognized. So one of the greatest is Josh Gibson.
Judge Josh Gibson was called the black Babe Ruth. He played catcher, one of the hardest position, the hardest position to play on the diamond and was still the best hitter on the field. um So now that they have incorporated these statistics, Josh Gibson is now the career leader in batting average above Ty Cobb. At 372 over Ty Cobb's 367, he also takes over Babe Ruth's lead in offensive percentage of percentage of slugging, excuse me, OPS, 1.177 to 1.164.
four Now, there are obviously, as i you know on this show, I'm going to give you both sides here. There are obviously people that say these statistics are not legitimate, that these players did not play against the same level of competition. But why was that? And are we even sure that is the case? As I just mentioned, a lot of those players came in and proved themselves to be, if not as good, better. Yeah, not all of them would have been, obviously. But if we're doing any kind of ah regression to the mean, we're going to know that we're going to have some people in the average. It's the bell curve. We all know the bell curve. And then you're going to have your people to the outsides that are going to be you know on the upper and lower percentages of our bell curve.
The same thing is the same thing here, but it doesn't mean that they're not important and that their statistics do not deserve to be included. So whatever your argument is to why they should not have been included has already been debunked, has already been talked about, has already been debated, has already been debated by MLB itself, who decided after a lot of debate, a lot of research to do this,
It's not their fault that they were prevented. It's not their fault that they were racially segregated. Maybe sometimes through jealousy because they were better.
We won't ever know because we can't go back to those times, right? I mean, we we we know, but you can never know what's actually in a person's mind unless you talk to them. And a lot of those people aren't around anymore.
but it's something that needed to be done. These black and Latino players deserve to be recognized. They had been denied entry to MLB. They did whatever they could to try to get in, to try to improve themselves, creating their own leagues even. And again, you can say, and I'll ill give credence to your argument, I will at least listen to your argument if you want to say those leagues weren't as good as the major leagues. But then you're going to you're going to at least admit that we don't know the percentage, but a good majority of those players were as good, if not better. And that if that is the case, using our, you know,
are are our A squared plus B squared equals C squared, bringing my math into it, because we're going to talk a little math later too. ah We can see that the outliers are not going to prevent the real people that deserve to be included from being included because they won't be on those lists anyways. The non-good ones is what I'm talking about. The non-stars. And we see that through the inclusion. We see that through who's actually included in these actual um League leaderboards now. And let me correct myself. I just checked the statistic. They're 75% complete with the database. So they still have about 25% more you know statistics and things to go through. But for now, this is probably what you're going to see. And this is probably what's going to stay. um You might see some increases here and there and in in in in a few statistics, but it's not going to be anything major. um you know Again, um I understand.
that a lot of people ah will say that you know um a lot of these leagues didn't last a long time. A lot of the games were exhibitions. um But again, you have to look at the reason why this was. Why were these people segregated from playing in the game? Could it have been that they were better? It was definitely because the color of their skin.
Whatever it was was wrong. And whatever it was needed to be rectified.
And hats off. Bring my champion Celtics hat back in my brand new one that I just got. If you're just tuning in, you just got in the mail today. Hats off, Major League Baseball. You did the right thing. Little golf clap for you. Should have been done a long time ago, to be honest.
should have been done a long time ago.
Now it's funny. Because where I wanted to ultimately go with this is that the but the the amount of African-American population in baseball has decreased. It's under 10% now. I think last check it was like 8% or 9%. So how do we go about bringing that diversity back up? Obviously the Latino players have taken over the game The majority of players in the league are Latino now Obviously that's because of the preponderance of of countries There's a bunch of more Latin countries than there are the United States granted. There's a lot more people in the United States um But it's a lot harder to and baseball in the United States is a lot of a how much money do I have kind of game? Can I afford travel leagues? Can I afford a bat a glove please?
A lot of minorities, a lot of inner city community people can't. Which makes baseball, which makes golf harder to play and harder to attain for minorities. Not harder to play, harder to attain and harder to gain ground in when they play because of the color of their skin.
And so we've seen it now for almost a century now, and we're still seeing it to this day. And if you go listen to my Hank Aaron podcast, which I just i did the re-release version with the updated remastered audio about a month ago, check it out at Ball and Bud's podcast on Zencaster or on obviously Apple and Spotify.
But I talked about it. We're still experiencing racial segregation at this at this time. And it's even through simple little things like that, like the amount of monetary value it takes to play a sport that can keep people out of it, that change the demographics, that change the psychographics, that change the the way that the organization doesn't have to be a sport, the way that the organization is developed, the way that the organization is progresses, the way that the organization improves,
And that includes here. You can't tell me that if we didn't have more black baseball players, we wouldn't it wouldn't be a better major league because that's a lie. yeah There's a lot of good black athletes that are out there that probably want to play baseball that have been prohibited because of that monetary factor or other factors that would have helped make this a better league.
that's good it's not it's probably not ever going to get back to where it was ever because now again latinos are the main in major league baseball it's probably not going to change from here on out but uh you know we definitely need to increase baseball within the inner city give more chances to more kids that may be the next willy mays that may be the next hank gary and that may be the next roberto clemente shout out my buddy brother Wepa, Wepa, Wepa.
That's my take, MLB. You finally did it. A little bit late, but, you know, hey. did it anyways keep up with the dream series in connection with Andre Dawson that brings in a lot of inner city players to try to bring that diversity a fun fact fun fact the Wichita Monrovians which is a tremendous name fantastic also known as the Wichita wind surge now double-a affiliate of the Minnesota twins They were originally known as the Black Wanderers and they were a dominant semi-pro team that debuted in 1922. They posted ads in newspapers all over the country to play any teams that would be willing to take them on, obviously most of them all white teams beating all of them, most notably and dramatically in 1925 when the Black Wanderers defeated a team mostly comprised
of Ku Klux Klan members.
How's about that? For i don't give me your statistics. Ah. Just fucking beautiful, fucking beautiful. I love it. Oh, oh, man. Yeah, a little golf clap, a little golf clap. L.O.L. ah Facts. Thank you, Clever D. Thank you for for for tuning in. I appreciate that. Let's see.
Yeah, I mean, thank you for filling us in on that, Scott. I really appreciate that, Scott. Kobe telling us that they may not get ah see any money. that's a lot that That happens a lot of times within these class action lawsuits. um If you've ever like applied to get money for these, I have in the past. Sometimes you'll see it'll be like, oh, $7.70 or $14.20. So ah yeah, you know definitely, you all got to have to look into that. I am hoping that you all get money back. Again, it's probably not going to be as much as what I estimated. That was just an estimate from just a purely mathematical standpoint of data. um But I hope you all do. I really do. Again, I never bought it. So I'm not looking to get any money. I'm just trying to help you all out for it. Yeah. Ronald, better late than never. Yep. Better late than never. I agree.
Black players were as good and in a lot of cases, better. Like I said, my favorite is that special page was pitching into his fifties. And he I remember I think one of the one of the stories was I think he was like 52 years old. and He was pitching against the Royals and he came in and this was like he was pulled. You know, at this time he had retired. I think he was like pulled off the streets. And he had like, he pitched like six innings of one hit ball. And I'm like, he came off the street as a 50 year old and still dominated a professional team. ah You can't tell me, you can't tell me that. Willie Mays, the greatest player ever, hands down. Don't give me Babe Ruth, because Babe Ruth didn't play against most of those players. And when he did in those barnstorming games, in those exhibition games,
He was beat by Josh Gibson and the crew. So don't give me that. Babe Ruth has never been the greatest player of all time, and except when he was ah before, you know, the the the black players were allowed to play. Thank you, Ronald. I appreciate you tuning in. ah Yeah. Yep. And I mean, growing up, right? A lot of people ah that I grew up in, I grew up, you know, I have a lot of white friends, my high school was mostly white. But, you know, before that, um you know, middle school, or middle school, it was a lot more diverse. um And so
Most of my friends, my personal friends, I grew up are black and brown. Again, I have a lot of white friends, um but a lot most of my friends are black and brown. And we would know that those were sports that we may not be able to play. Now, granted, I'm not talking about myself. I grew up middle class. Thank God for my parents, my mom, my dad, you know, my dad was in the army. I was able to play those sports. But there are a lot of people that don't get that chance. I mean, I didn't get to play golf, but I played baseball. play baseball my whole life. But there's a lot of people that don't get that chance that should. And that's what this is about.
Hey, thank you all for tuning in again. Subscribe at Ball and Buds. We are loving it today. It's about to get a little crazy here in a second, though. So I'm going to eat a drink for this one. ah We're drinking some ah Pursuit Unlimited Whiskey today. Shout out Pursuit Unlimited up in Louisville. I actually poured my own bottle there at the distillery. Shout out ah Uh, shout out my boy, uh, Blake M or we'll call him be more for short. Uh, and my squad mob crew shout out the Sergenius and Brenta kiss and, uh, Diaz. Um, uh, we went to Louisville, had a great time, poured our own bottle. So a little bit, uh, uh, we're gonna, it's going to get a little feisty here in a second now. Again.

Presidential Debate Criticism & Political Commentary

I come to give you both sides of the coin. I am coming to point facts out to you and you take them for what they are worth from what you hear from me. Now, always fact check. You should always fact check everyone. I ain't telling you to take what I say as gospel. Never should you do that. I am not Jesus. You should not take me as gospel. But I do a lot of research before I come on here. I make sure I check My facts before I come on here. um So again, you're more than welcome ah to check my facts. ah But um the things I'm going to give to you today are what I see from both sides of the aisle. Last week, we had our presidential debate. Absolute disaster. Absolute disaster.
Let me be clear. I tuned in for the shit show. I tuned in for the disaster. I thought with the muted mics, Trump was still going to be speaking, but apparently they trained him like Pavlov's dog because he was a good boy. But that's not what I tuned in for. I wanted the debate from last time. Now, granted, I get it. That's not how you can do a proper debate with someone talking over, but it was funny as hell. I can give you that. yeah It was funny. So I turned in for a shit show. And boy, did we get one. Not with Trump necessarily talking over people. And again, let me actually back it on. merry re we wewi we railroad ro
Let's establish something as a preface. First, I am an independent voter. In the past, I voted Democrat. I did vote for Obama both times. I am now an independent voter. Ever since Hillary V. Trump and the lesser of two evils there, and then Biden V. Trump and the lesser of two evils there, I have been an independent independent voter since 2016. I hate both sides of the aisle. I think all politicians, all, no matter what party, even if they're independent, are scumbags, are liars, or as Francis Long would say, liars and cheats. Shout out my boy Francis. I probably said that incorrect too, but they're liars and cheats, all of them. All they're out is for the greater good of themselves, their families, and to stuff their pockets. So I don't trust anything a politician says.
Okay. So let's just get that out of the way. First. I do not like any of them. I don't like Biden and I don't like Trump. They're both evil to me. Yeah. Let's start first with the debate.
Hold Hold on one second. Hmm.
It's not good. It's not good.
We can't, we can't do that. We as a country, as the United States, and I know we're not United right now, we're a lot divided and it sucks. I wish we were United. Again, I have friends from both sides of the aisle and I'll judge you on who you vote for. Um,
if you're, if you're off the if you're off the rails, then I'm going to judge you. That's what we're getting. But for the majority, I understand there's a difference between conservative and liberal policies.
And we'll get into that in a second and how that affects a voting of a Hispanic man like myself, which we talked about last time, but we'll talk a little bit more about you there. Um, we cannot,
We cannot continue on with Joe Biden as our president. And I know all the Trump fans are probably screaming and yelling, yay, Omar's on our side. Not so fast. Not so fast. I do not believe Joe Biden is fit to be president anymore. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. There needs to be term limits. First of all, this is ridiculous. You should not be able to be the president over the age of 70. They need to immediately institute term limit a term age limit of 70 years old as the president. Once you get to 70, you're not allowed to be president no more. Sorry, we're getting some new young blood in. I don't care if they're worse. They'll learn on the job. But no, I'm sorry.
They've been propping Biden up for a long time to be coherent and physically well and able to do this job. And he has proved in the last few months that he is not. And that's no slight on him as a politician or whatever. Again, I hate all politicians, but he's done good. I mean, most politicians, at least they do some sort of good in their, in their career, even if they're trying to do bad most of the time, they'll somehow end up doing something good. So he's done some good things along the way. And I'm not saying he's not even a ah good person. Right. I mean, aside from the fact that you could accuse both of them of some tendencies that are not very good. Let's throw that out the window completely. You know, as a president.
You know, before, obviously, he's gone into this decline. He's what I would look for, a stoic, a ah humble, a down-to-earth, not a dictator, right not a but ah Hitler or a Kim, or a Putin. so um
as a as a As the person that he projects to the outside world, he is the calm demeanor, everything like that. He is what you would want to show on the world stage. That's no longer the case. That's no longer the case. We can no longer prop him up on the world stage. We can no longer put him out there.
uh when it's clear he's not mentally fit anymore so let's get that out of the way first we need age term limits for presidents 70 year old is the max and while we're at it Term limits for Supreme Court judges too. There should be no reason clai and thomas uncle to ah Clarence Thomas' Uncle Tom ass should still be on the Supreme Court. There's no reason he should still be there. He should have been gone a long time ago. Now he out here accepting yachts and gifts and trips to ah to to to affect his opinion. You think that ain't affecting his opinion? Well, you think he's getting that because they'd be nice to him? Come on, y'all think. Think.
That's used to influence opinions. That's how politicians get paid lobbying to influence their opinion. and Supreme court Court justices need to have term limits as well. 20 years. No more. That's it.
Because then you have these issues where you have judges who, granted, even if you have term limits are still going to be biased to their political party, but at least then after 20 years, you know, okay, you're going to get something different in there. It could be the same party, but at least it's a different person. And again, it gets back to the age. alanie We don't need no 80 year old Supreme Court justices. Rest in power to RBG. Rest in power Ruth Bader bader Ginsburg. But shouldn't nobody be dying while they're on the job. What are we doing America? What are we doing?
So let's get that out of the way first. Joe Biden is too old to be president anymore. But again, I'm in the middle. I don't like either one. I don't like Trump either. So Trump fans, I'm coming to y'all now. Because damn it, Trump can't be our president either. Biden can't be our president, but damn it, Trump can either.
Because the only thing he did on that stage was completely lie his ass off for it for two hours, which is all he ever does.
And I don't want my president to be a liar. I don't want my president to pop off at the mouth. I don't want my president to be angry and tweeting all the time. That's not what I want. I want a stoic, calm president that doesn't have his finger on the damn nuclear codes and could at any minute go off. That's not what I want either. So I don't want Biden, right? Cause he's just not physically mentally fit anymore. He can't do it, but I don't want Trump either. Cause he's too crazy and he could pop off and get us all killed very easily.
But he also lies and he's also not a good person. And what really bothers me the most is when I go to my church meetings or I go to church in general and I'm around the conservative Catholics. I'm around the conservative Christians.
that claim to be these things, but then still tell me that I have to vote for Trump. No, see, that's the confusion. They're voting for Trump because he's a Republican. They're not voting for Trump because he's Trump. Actually, most of the ladies dislike him, and they've told me that. But they've also said, no matter how much you dislike him, Omar, you've got to vote for him. Well, no, I don't. I don't. Because as we talked about last episode, Conservative policies only support rich and Caucasian folks. I am neither one of those yet. I will be rich one day. I can never be Caucasian, but I will be rich soon enough.
And then maybe I will have to vote conservative because I got a lot of money and I need to protect my money. That's neither here nor there right now. I'm not right now. I'm not rich. So ah conservative policies do not support anything I do or anything I would look to do. Fix my camera real quick. Get back and focus there. bla We don't need any of that. What are you doing? gip It's like it's like David Blaine. um
I don't want that in office either. I don't want either choice. It's again, the lesser of two evils. We gotta do better in this country. where We've got to have better up ah better choices, better opportunities for ourselves.
Now, fine. I've got a lot of people again that I know that are Trump supporters. And again, I'm in the middle. I don't carry the weight. But their thing to me is, and especially the ladies, especially the ladies, right? We don't like him, but he's conservative. So we're voting for him anyways, because he supports anti-abortion, right? He supports not having abortion, right? We can get into that all day and whether you support that or whether you don't or whether you're in the middle like I am again, like I don't believe you should be able to just go out and kill babies. You don't believe you should just be'll be able to go sleep with whoever you want and then get pregnant and then a month later just go have an abortion because you want to. No, but I also believe that the health of the lady, the incest rate, those things need to be protected as well. So I see both sides of the coin. I do.
But you're not but they're voting for that person based on his one. You know, not based on the one policy, but mostly based on that policy and then his other policies, which are concerned. But they've told me before they don't like him as a person and they wouldn't have voted for him had he been, you know, not been conservative. Which, by the way, hilarious. I read an interview. Um, uh, from Trump, and this was back in like 1987. So I get it. It's a long time ago, but he even quoted back then that if he ever ran for president, he would run as a conservative because it would be easier for him to win. He doesn't believe in the conservative issues. Do you think that he really cares about abortion? No, he doesn't. He could care less about any baby being killed. Actually, the only thing Trump cares about is himself and money.
He doesn't even care about his own family, which is why to me, when the, when the Christian conservatives support Trump, I look at him like, well, how are you going to support him when he is the anti, he is the anti? Let me not get upset. He is the anti ethical. He is the antithesis to what Jesus was all about. Jesus was all about loving your neighbor, helping each other, being nice to people. And Trump is none of those things. Yet they still blindly supports him, which is very upsetting because you can't be a Christian and say you love Christ and say that ah that Trump is anything like that because he's 100% the opposite of what Jesus was. 100% the opposite. But again, let's throw all of that out. Throw all of it out. Doesn't matter the character of the people. Doesn't matter if they're old. Doesn't matter. Let's throw all of them out.
We still cannot have either one of these two as candidates. There's just no way we can go on and yeah, you can talk Oh, but joe biden and the hunter biden laptop and baba and I agree Hunter biden should have been convicted and he was So was trump And if you want to try to say that hunter biden biden's dealings in barisma and ukraine and all these other things Are what makes the biden family corrupt and you got to go the other way you got to read deeper into it because there's a lot of reports out there and intelligence. I'm not talking news reports. Okay. I was in the community. I get, I still know all of the information that most public are never going to know. You act like the Trump kids didn't have ties to Russia and China getting paid by them because they definitely are. And still, so don't get it twisted. All of them, which is why I said I hate all of the politicians, the Biden's, the Trump's, all of them.
They all the same, all the same. They just want money to make themselves richer and more important and don't care about you or me.
So then you asked, you asked me, well, how's that going to change anything? Omar, then if we get new candidates, how's that going to make anything better? You could be right. You could be completely right. I don't know. No, we can't have these two. I know we got to have some better choices than these two because that ain't going to work. That ain't going to cut it. I don't want somebody who's not mentally or physically able like Biden. And I don't want a liar in a sheet in a scumbag like Trump. I don't want either to be my president. Now.
Some would argue, we need Trump right now. Look at the world, Russia, China, North Korea, all invading on territories and looking to invade on the United States. You will hear no disagreement from me on that. I agree because, again, I was in the community. I have very close ties to all of those areas. And so I know those areas very, very well. And you're right. They are trying to evolve their world domination by encroaching on territories around them and then to move in on us. Sure.
Yes, there are cyber, electronic, and other types of warfare that we have to worry about that you may have never even heard of.
And so you may say, and I've heard this from some Trump supporters, we need trump we don't need Biden. Trump is a strong man. He can go out there and handle the rest of the the the the you know the the world and make sure that they ah they stay in their place. Okay, I can hear that. I can hear that. And I give credence to your argument. And I would even, and I've thought about this the past couple of days, I even thought about, that's a very good point.
But then I look at the other side of it. And I know that Trump's form is in the form of other dictators that have come before him, most notably Hitler. And the things that he's said lately about deportation, about camps, I'm sorry, I don't want to be thrown in a camp. Granted, I'm a citizen and a veteran, but there's people that may have been just just become citizens or just naturalized or coming over to join the military from a foreign country. ah Those people deserve to be. So again, we don't know exactly what he's going to do, but he usually goes by what
ah He usually, his policies usually trend in the direction of strong arming people, of forcing people to do things. And again, that may be good on the world stage and what we need right now. So I give credence to that argument, but I would also venture to say, and I would give you the other side of that argument, What if he pops off and pops off the nuclear codes for no reason? What if he presses that red button? It's not really a red button, by the way, everybody. I'm not going to tell you what it is, because that's not your that's not your you have no need to know. Let's just say, ah ah but there's more involved than just a red button that you can get to. um But still, I don't want that person to have my nuclear codes as well. I want neither of them to have it. So my whole point here, y'all, as we get
more and more into the election season is the debate showed us that Biden is not fit to be president anymore. That's key. But it also showed us that Trump cannot be either. If I have to fact check 90 minutes of your speech, I don't want that as my president. I'm sorry, I just don't. If I have to fear that you may pop off at Putin or Kim and they may throw a nuclear bomb at us, I don't want that. I don't want that at all. But I also don't want Joe because he might not be able to stay awake to make sure that he stops the nuclear bomb from coming. Got to call a spade a spade. I'm not going to let a dictator, strong man, Hitler, who lies and cheats and steals. And, you know, whether you want to call January six, whatever you want to call it, you call it whatever you want. I call it, a I call it an insurrection.

January 6th Event & Supreme Court Concerns

I have a friend, our friend, we have a friend that was there that day working as a police officer. And he has told us everything. And I saw it live with my own eyes. We are from DC, so we know all about it. And it was bad. No spin to put on it. At all. And you can say, oh, he didn't necessarily tell them to go and ah attack. He said, fight for your country. He said,
peacefully protest, but you've got to fight for your country. Okay. Well, what do you think people are going to do? Riled up angry people. I'm not, I'm not putting any suppositions on the people involved. It doesn't matter when you get into that group state of mind, when you get into the group, think things happen. I've been part of it before where I've made stupid decisions because I've been part of a group that made a larger stupid decision and I went along with it. It happens. I understand. I get it. A lot of those people are probably very nice and innocent people that got caught up in the wrong sort of thing. But there's a lot of people that weren't. And come on now, you can't say that they weren't. And you can't say that it was nothing. It actually surprised the hell out of me. I'll tell you a little story. I was at ah was that the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program with a bunch of other veterans.
Um, and I was having a chat with somebody at the school at the university and come to find out that they had never even heard about January six. Obviously they're conservative Republican. They don't watch the liberal news networks or things like that. So, and Fox news wasn't going to tell you about it, but I was just like, damn, really? You ain't hear about it at all. Like you even just stumble on it on the internet and you're a 50 year old man veteran. Okay. All right. I just ba bamboozled the hell out of me. Uh, but that wasn't, that was an insurrection, whether he spurred it on or not, which is debatable and on you decide not me what it was and what ended up being and what I know from what I saw and what I know from personal police witnesses that work there as police. That was an insurrection.
What do we do? What do we do? It's too late to get rid of Joe if theyre if Biden, if you're the Democrats. I mean, you could have a shadow Obama president see through Michelle Obama, I guess, which, by the way, hilarious survey came out today. 33 percent Democrat, 33 percent and independent, 33 percent Republican. So split across the board for this survey. It was done by Reuters and they found that Michelle Obama was the leading candidate that could beat Trump and the only one that could beat Trump, from the which is crazy to me because she has no um political experience, but obviously that shows you that they would be voting for her to have a shadow Obama campaign, which honestly I'd much rather have that a shadow Obama campaign than Biden or Trump, either one. at least he At least he's young and has ah has a good mind, the other two don't,
right Yeah, his policies may not be for the conservatives. But again, we talked about this. I'm not rich or white. So the liberal policies until I become rich are still more on my on my side. Sorry, I got to vote for what's going to give me the best life, not you. um You know, so you got to look at a possible civil war that might come. And this could come either way. This could come whoever gets elected. Which is what I fear most because I think that we need to be united at this time instead of divided. But there's so many people, especially on the Internet, that just want to bring division and and and and and just want to fight each other. And it's just like, come on, like we are in this together. If there's a nuclear attack, we're in this together. If there's a zombie apocalypse, we are in this together. You think I'm a care who the fuck you voted for if there's a zombie apocalypse? No, I want you to grab that rifle and run with me and shoot some fucking zombies.
When we're, when when military members, when veterans, when they go to war and they're in the foxhole, cause I never got to go, I volunteered to go to i Iraq, but they wouldn't let me go. I wanted to, they wouldn't let me. So don't want anybody to think I didn't want to go, I wanted to go, I volunteered. They wouldn't let me, but I have friends that went, you think in the foxhole, they care who the hell the person next to him voted for? No, they want you to keep your eye on the enemy. Let's be united. Let's not let these stupid scumbag politicians dev divide us because they don't care about you and they don't care about me.
And I've said that before. The government don't care about you. You think the government care about you? They don't. I worked for the government for 10 years. They don't care about you. They don't care about me. If they did, maybe they take better care of the veterans.
Ah, it's neither here nor there. That's just a side side thought that crossed my mind.
But it's not good because then you go to the Supreme Court ruling where they're saying that presidents have immunity within their official duties. Well, then you start to urge and lurk into territory that you may not want to get into because then can Trump call up Georgia in demand for 12,000 votes? Can trump then tell people to go fight for their country and cause an insurrection? Not that he did not saying that again That's up to you to decide. I don't I don't have a decision either way But the reason I bring that up is because the supreme court now giving immunity Which by the way, the supreme court leans conservatives again back to term limits, right? We wouldn't have these issues so much if we and we still haven't but not as much if we had term limits
How, and this goes for any president, not just Trump, but Biden too. How much power does that give that person? I don't care about the Stormy Daniels case. That was a witch hunt. I don't care about that. That's true. I don't care if he slept with some porn star. I don't care. That matters none to me. I would expect him to have done that plenty of times, actually with how rich he is. But I do care when you're going out trying to affect the electoral process.
I do care if you're trying to affect Congress and what they're trying to get done in non-official capacities. It's a very thin line there that now we have to subjugate, right? Now we have to figure out because of the fact that they have now given official immunity to presidents. So now it's not just Trump, but it's anyone that comes along. That might be crazy.
Just things we gotta take into consideration, y'all. things we got to think about. i I personally, there's not really much um in the way that the Democrats can do at this point to replace Biden with another candidate. It's just too late in the game. ah I honestly think Trump's going to win this one. I have said that. I said that back when he won in 2016. And I said Biden was going to win in 2020. So I've called these correctly. Well, I should I called the two Obama ones too. So I've called the past five presidential races correctly.
I think Trump is going to win this. But again, I don't want either one. It's the lesser of two evils. They're both really evil. They both don't deserve to be a president or even hold any official position, much less. I mean, most people, depending on which one you like, you probably hope the other one dies. I don't. I don't wish death on anyone. But the majority of the population probably feels that way about one or the other. Hey, they ain't getting no younger. the Grim Reaper knocking on that door. I can tell you that much right now. So anyways. All right. Let's move into a couple of our final categories. Hopefully I do not get assassinated or canceled for anything I just said. Uh, but let's get into, you know, some things that, uh, uh,
just really have blown my mind. um You know, Peter Griffin used to have the grind my gears. I'm gonna have my own new snooze segment. It's gonna be called what's blowing my mind.

Pop Culture Critiques & Lifestyle Reflections

A few things are blowing my mind. First of all, as you see on the bottom of the screen, it says the math don't math.
I first had that as Terrence Howard math because Terrence Howard has been going on the Joe Rogan show or went on the Joe Rogan show experience. Excuse me. Had a lot of controversial things to say. A lot of things about science and patents and math and all this other stuff. Boy, you're going to listen to the whole three hour interview and you're not a smoker. I don't know. take something, have a drink, you're gonna need it. Cause this interview is off the rails. And there are some points in time I had to, I had to take a hit just to make sure I was still, it's still coherent. And I was like, what is he talking about? um But the thing that blew my mind the most among many of the things that he said ah was that one plus one
and one multiplied by one, both equal two. And that one times zero equals one.
Lord Jesus help me. Okay. They had a mathematician on there that told him he is speaking none of the realities of math. And let me tell you, as a person who loves math, as a person whose favorite subject was math growing up, as a person who took trigonometry and calculus in high school, as a person who took calculus and calculus two in college, for no other reason other than I just liked math and I took them as electives. I didn't have to take them. I could have taken anything easier. I decided to take calculus because I just like math. So as a person who loves math and knows math pretty damn well, more than most people I know. What the fuck are you talking about, Terrence Howard?
i Hey, bro. great actor, you came from from a place where many people cannot build their careers up. So I salute you for that. And a lot of things you said were very interesting. A lot of things you said actually had some validity to it. But the math part, brother, I'll even give you. As a person who loves math, I'm going to be so blasphemous right now, but I'm going to even give you, let's say you're right about one times one. Let's say that one thing times another one thing equals two things, which it doesn't, but let's just... but
Let's play around with that thought for a second. Let's say that that's actually true, which, okay. If, if you could prove it through me mathematically, uh, by actually doing your, uh, you know, showing me your work, as they say in school, then I'll, I could actually believe you. I could actually believe you because in my mind, right? I know that one times one is one, but in my mind, if I was a kid, I could think, Oh, you know what? It actually kind of makes sense. Now, again, I have a lot of experience in math, so I don't need to guess, I know. I'm not giving you one times zero, brother. I ain't giving you one times zero.
I'm not. Zero is the ultimate cancellation. It is literally the definition of zero is a cancellation. It is the only cancellation in this universe. So when you take one thing and you times it by zero things, that gives you zero things, not one. You don't get one times zero equals one. No, no, no. I'm not letting you do it. I'm not even going to let you try to get away with that nonsense.
Again, I'll give you one times one equals two. I'll give that to you. It's not true, but I'll give it to you. Let's say it's true. I want to even acknowledge that that may be a possibility in this universe. Not one times zero, brother. I can't do it. One times zero will always be zero. Zero times anything will always be zero. It is the ultimate cancellation in the universe. I'm not going to go no farther into this. I just had to bring it up because it blowed my mind. Yeah, I mean, the math just don't math, brother. One times zero, nine times zero, a hundred times zero is zero. Zero. yeah not I mean, that's thank you. Wow. OK.
I meant to say Nana and I said, you know what, let's just move on. What else is blowing my mind these days? Well, oh you know, I'm sick and tired of sequels, y'all. I'm so sick and tired of sequels. I just read today that they are making a sequel of Beetlejuice. Damn it, man. For what? For what? Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder. Perfect. What a great movie that was. One of my favorite movies of all time.
I don't need to see it updated with new graphics. I want to see the sandworm come out in 360 P. I don't want to see the sandworm in HD.
Stop making sequels. Blow in my damn mind. What is wrong with you people? We don't need a sequel to every damn movie. Leave the originals alone.
Can't we just let our movies be? I heard they want to make a Goonies too. Son, if you make a Goonies too, I swear I am going to come to Hollywood and punch somebody in the face. Stop making speak walls.
ah By the way, if you didn't see, I got my Boston Celtics champion company. There we go.
What else is blowing my mind?
Greece. We gotta have a chat. The country of Greece. The whole damn country of Greece. We gotta have a chat, y'all. I read today that they are trying to institute a six-day work week in Greece, y'all. We trying to get it down to four, Greece. We try to work six days a week. We try to get to four. We need you how to be with the rest of the world. Come meet the rest of the world. We need, we four. No, we don't need a five day work week. We don't need a five day work week with all the technology we got. Now, granted, there are jobs that are 24 seven, seven days a week, police, firefighters, much needed military. We need all of them. We need all of them. So I get that there are outliers to everything. We've got to support those, but
For the most part, private companies, ah but yeah even, you know, stores. I'm not gonna get into all of it, but six day, six day day work week. You must be out your damn mind. You thought I was coming in Monday through Friday, I was. I ain't coming to no, Am I getting paid overtime? Now granted, yes, they are. To answer your question, that is a joke. They are going to get paid overtime. But still, no, no. I don't want to work 60 hours a week, which is why I'm a business owner. I quit that shit. I ain't going back to work for nobody ever again. Tell you that much. I'm tired of that. I like waking up whenever the hell I feel like waking up, which is usually nine or 10 in the morning. and I like going to sleep at two, three a.m. whenever I feel like going to sleep because I'm a night owl and I get most of my work done at night like now.
Nah, man. Greece, you tripping. And I get it. I get Greece is trying to rebuild their private sector. Their their their economy is kind of floundering right now. um But this is the average. Listen to this. Greece is a workaholic nation. They average 1,886 working hours in 2022 compared to 1,811 in the US, s so 75 more hours a year than US s people, Americans. why I just call this US u people. 1570 for the EU, for European countries. 300 more hours a year than the European countries. We need to be where the damn European countries are. Again, most of the companies that I've worked for couldve gotten ah could have done fine with four-day work weeks versus five. They would have been fine. Make it an at-home workday if you'd still want to do five.
But this work, work, work, work, work, workaholic culture is, I get it. You got to hustle to make money. But if you're working yourself to the bone and working yourself crazy, what the fuck is the point of the money? You ain't even going to be able but to have fun.
Who am I? I mean, anyways. And that's what's blowing my mind today. So that's the new segment, blows my mind. ah Harkening back to again, Peter Griffin's grind my gears, had to get some things off of my chest.

Tributes & Closing Remarks

That being said, you know, we like to end things here on a positive note. So before we get out of here, I have to give a rest in power to Willie Mays, the aforementioned that we mentioned. Jerry West also passed away ah recently and
The one I want to talk about, Bill Walton, close to my heart as a UCLA and Celtics fan, um just a life that he lived, a life all about loving others, treating others with kindness and respect, ah the life that Jesus would teach you to live by, the life that I try to live by, loving others and helping others. Even if I don't love or help myself, I know I am my own worst enemy. ah But as long as I'm trying to be nice and help other people, at least I can sort of feel good about myself is how I feel about it. um I want to give you a quote before we leave from Bill Walton, the great Bill Walton. It's a quote about loving life and loving other people. He quote, love is the single most powerful and important word and notion in culture and language. Until the power of love supersedes the love of power, we have no chance of ever being successful.
On that note, y'all, that pretty much explains what I just went through in the whole political argument that we had. We gotta be better. We gotta love each other. We gotta be kind to each other. We have to ah learn to agree to disagree even sometimes, accepting each other's opinions even if we don't agree with them. But working to be better, working to be more united,
working to make America the best place that it can be.
And I hope we get there because on a day like today where we will be celebrating 4th of July tomorrow, I want us all to be united in the love of our nation, the love of our fellow man, the love of our families, the love of whatever you believe in God, universe, whatever it is,
love will power us through.
That being said, I love you. I am your host of Mind of the Professor, Omar the Professor Fonseca. And I thank you all for tuning in today. Make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. Please subscribe to our YouTube. That's what I ask the most of you. I post videos every day. So I promise you will not be unentertained at least. And you know, I see all these other channels, they got 5,000, 10,000 million subscribers and
For some reason, Ballin' Buds, we're still struggling to get above 100. So I just request that you go and subscribe to our YouTube. Help us help you. Help a brother out. Help our brothers out. For Clever D, Mike, we be the rest of the Ballin' Buds crew. For all my crew's bottom line sports, check us out every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. i o w sports I was just on the Green Wonder Network the other day spinning the ones and twos DJ Street professor. So check me out on there. I'll actually be releasing my DJ set on the radio all on the podcast. So look out for that Friday. I should be releasing this ah actually look out for that tonight. I'll release this on Friday.
um But yeah, again, I really thank you all for tuning in, man. This is a blast doing this show, ah you know, by myself getting what's really on my mind out there and not having to necessarily compete with other thoughts. But I do think everybody tuned in and commented today. ah Ronald Scott. Clubber D Daniel Barry shout out to everybody. I hope everybody has an amazing and wonderful 4th of July Blessings and love to you and your family and your friends. I hope everybody is an amazing time I will be out downtown Nashville if you want to find me. I'll probably be at ah Nashville live Ava rooftop I will be most of the day, but also be floating around downtown. So if you want to catch me holla at ya boy That being said again. Thank you
for everything. And thank you for tuning in. Subscribe at the Ball and Buzz. I am Omar Fonseca. I am out. Love and blessings everybody.