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My exact Amazon PPC Strategy for Prime Day - How I prepare for Amazon Prime Day  image

My exact Amazon PPC Strategy for Prime Day - How I prepare for Amazon Prime Day

The Amazon Blueprint
127 Plays7 months ago

In today's episode I break down exactly what you need to do to prepare for Amazon Prime Day and what to do before, during and after prime day.

Amazon Prime Day is one of the biggest shopper events of the year and yu need to plan for it if you want to maximize profits.

I discuss my Amazon PPC strategies leading up to Amazon Prime Day and what I do the day of and after.

🔥Key Takeaways: 
Prepare your Amazon FBA inventory levels
Preparing your Amazon listing
Amazon PPC strategies pre-, during, & post-Prime Day
Deals & Coupons
Post-Prime Day strategies to maintain sales momentum

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Introduction to Amazon Prime Day

Welcome back to the Amazon blueprint podcast.
Amazon Prime Day is coming up July 16th and 17th, and it is one of the biggest events on Amazon. It's a massive sales day and everyone makes a ton of money, but you have

Pre-Prime Day Strategies

to be prepared. So in this episode, I'm going to break down exactly everything that you need to do to prepare before, during and after Amazon Prime Day to make sure that you are primed and ready to make a lot of sales. If you guys don't know who I am, welcome to the podcast. My name is Mina Elias. I'm the founder of Trivium Group, an Amazon marketing agency where we grow and scale brands. We manage about 185 brands. So I see a lot of stuff. We've prepared for a lot of brands for Prime Day this

Mina Elias on Learning from Mistakes

year. So I want to share with you my strategy now. This is something that I've been using ever since I started my own brand. I actually made mistakes, many, many, many mistakes.
with a lot of prime days and so I lost a lot of money. Sometimes my discounts were too big and I lost profits. Sometimes my PPC wasn't prepared and so I ended up bleeding from a lot

Optimizing Product Presentation and Pricing

of window shoppers. So I want to prepare you guys. All right, pre-prime day. What do you need to do? First of all, you want to make sure that you are primed and ready to go for conversions, which means this is the time to work on your main image, your listing images. your price, your reviews, anything that will help convert people and especially anything that will help attract shoppers like main image price and reviews. Those are things that you want to start optimizing right now. Now, optimizing your main image is pretty easy. You want to start testing out different main images where there's more eye candy, there's, you know, catchier things. People will click on you as opposed to clicking on your competitors. You want to start messing around with price, right? I know there's going to be discounts on Prime Day, but start just testing out and seeing if you can drop your price, you get a ah better click-through rate, or if you increase your price,
You maintain your cook-through rate with a higher amount of profit. Now, another thing to prepare for Prime Day is make sure that you have Prime exclusive discounts. Those are discounts that are going to be special to Prime Day and they show up with like a different color badge. So you want to make sure that you submit those ahead of time. Now, a lot of people will ask what percentage, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, whatever, right? It's really hard to tell, but here's what I want you to know. There is no point in selling 10 times more units if you are going to lose money on it. So you want to come up with something that's reasonable. Usually 20 to 25% is more than enough. No one needs to see 30, 40, 50. You can go 30 if your margin's supported, but think about this. 30% off on the discount and then you have your PPC costs and all of that kind of stuff. You want to make sure that you're not going in the red because of Prime Day, right? Again, There's no point in selling more and then losing money.

Keyword Bidding Tactics

Now another thing that you want to pay attention to is your PPC leading up to Prime Day. Now leading up to Prime Day you want to start increasing bids on all the keywords that you want to rank for organically. So if you guys are not familiar with my ranking strategy it's pretty much I do single keyword campaigns.
One campaign, one ad group, one single keyword, one for broad, one for phrase, one for exact. Budget is usually $150 to $200. High bids. And what I do is I track that keyword and I start spending a lot of money on it. And when I see more and more conversions happening, I start seeing organic rank go up. Now, why do I want to rank keywords organically leading up to Prime Day? Because leading up to Prime Day, you are advertising normally, right? But what happens on Prime Day, is people, so many, so many, so many more people than usual start visiting the platform, which means you have millions and millions of window shoppers, right? A lot of people that are coming onto the platform just to window shop, click on a bunch of products, but not essentially buy. Now, that is a big problem if you are paying a cost per click, right? So if every single time someone clicks on your listing, you pay money, that's a huge problem. So what you want to do is you want to increase your organic rank so when those people come,
You lower the bids during Prime Day, and ill and I'll break that down a little bit, but you lower the bids you know the day before Prime Day, during Prime Day, and then bring them back up after Prime Day, but you lower the bids so only your organic rank is showing or majority is your organic rank showing, right? Your sponsor rank is maybe page two or something where if someone makes it all the way down to page two, okay, they're pretty much interested in buying the product. However, the people who are shopping on page one that are just clicking everything, you avoid all of those window shoppers. And so let's dig a little bit deeper on PPC strategy, right? So as we said, leading up to Prime Day, I want to increase my bids, increase my budget, start spending more and converting more, right?

Adjusting Bids and Ensuring Deal Visibility

This is going to help me rank a little bit better. Now, the day before Prime Day, one or two days before Prime Day, what I like to do is I like to lower my bids by around 30%, right? And show up more on page two than on page one. What that does is it drops my visibility from paid, but it maintains all of my visibility from organic because it's happening only in one day, right? so
If you guys ever notice, let's say you have all of your ads running and then you kind of like turn them off or whatever or lower the bid significantly, your sales will maintain for like a day and then they'll start crashing down. And so that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to turn it off, you know, right before Prime Day. All my organic is going to maintain. So I'm going to get all of that visibility and I'm going to get all of that traffic from my organic, not going to pay for any of it. My sponsor will still be there, but it'll be more on page two, page three. So people who make it down there are actually more interested in clicking on buying on my product as opposed to, you know, the regular window shoppers that type in a keyword and maybe even accidentally click on your listing. And then the day after Prime Day, I'll reset all of my bids. And I do that by downloading the bulk sheet the day before Prime Day before I optimize anything. So I download it, save it, I say this is the original, and then I optimize the bids, upload it back to Amazon with a separate sheet, right? So I maintain that original sheet. And then the day after Prime Day, I upload the original sheet back and it reverts all of my bids back to the original values. Now, let's talk about what to do during Prime Day. So first of all, confirm that the deals are live, right? A lot of glitches happen. So make sure that the deals are actually running. And if not, open up a case. Make sure if you have any issues with item suppression or anything like that,
that all of that is covered immediately right at the beginning of the day and you don't wait too long or you're like, oh my God, you know half a prime day is over and I didn't notice this. Look at your buy box status as well because buy box is very, very, very important. If you don't have the buy box, there's a big chance that you're not converting. So you might as well double check all of your ads and make sure that everything makes sense. You know, your bids, your budgets, all of that is fine. Make sure that you're not running out of budget. So I like to raise my budget on any campaign that's running. Again, remember, my bids are much lower. So I'm showing up on a lower position and hoping that it's more profitable. And if it's converting profitably, I don't want to cap it with a budget. And again, make sure that your high search volume broad keywords are not showing up at the top of page one. That will drain your budget and that will cause you to spend a lot of money unnecessarily. All right. Let's talk about post-prime

Analyzing Performance and Retargeting Traffic

Post Prime Day, the first thing you want to do is compare year over year. How did I do this year versus how did I do last year? Did I get better, right? You just want to start learning from every single year because my first Prime Day on Amazon is pretty terrible, right? But I didn't just take that as a loss, right? I said, okay, that's fine. It's my first one. What did I learn? Okay, my bids were too high. My budgets were too low. I didn't do deals, etc, etc. So I want to make sure that I'm always learning from my mistakes. Also, I want to check inventory levels and make sure that I'm stocked. When Prime Day happens, hopefully, you're going to make a lot of sales. And so, with all of those sales, you want to make sure that you have enough inventory because running out of inventory is essentially the death sentence on Amazon. You also want to take advantage of all of that traffic that came to your listing but didn't convert
So if you're running DSP, you want to beef up your retargeting, you want to beef up your loyalty funnel. If you're just running sponsor display, again, you want to beef up your bids and your budgets for retargeting. And then maybe set up a brand tailored promotion for car abandoners and be a little bit aggressive. you know So if your discount is usually 15% and on Prime Day it was 25, maybe give them a 25% off. Kind of remind them that Prime Day is not over. If you come back, I can still get you that Prime Day deal. And remember, let's bring back all of the bids that we had before Prime Day for our PPC because I want to make sure that I'm back on those high positions because the low positions were fine during Prime Day, but I got to get back to a high position so I can get that visibility back and make sure that people are seeing me and cooking on me after Prime

Post-Prime Day Opportunities

Day. Now, one thing that I've tested and actually works pretty well for a lot of different products
is setting up like a lightning deal or a coupon the day after Prime Day. So when the Prime Exclusive discounts are over, setting up an additional discount or like a lightning deal that shows up with the same percentage, some people think, wow, the Prime Day is still going. And you get a little bit of that halo effect. So this happens on Black Friday, Cyber Monday. So Black Friday, Cyber Monday, before, during, and after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, people are still buying a lot. So you can take advantage of that by having a discounted rate after Prime Day. Some people also do it before. I haven't seen a ton of success in that. They could dilute a little bit because people hold off until the day of Prime Day to buy the product. I don't know why it's different than Black Friday and Cyber Monday because Black Friday day and Cyber Monday, people leading up to the event during and after are buying a lot, right? But with Prime Day leading up, I think they hold off and then they buy a lot during and then also they buy a lot after.
And then the final thing that you want to keep an eye out on is refunds.

Handling Refunds and Support

So a lot of people might be buying discounted products and then refunding them. So you want to make sure that you pay attention to your refunds and your refund levels. And if that is spiking, that you address that right away. If there are any issues with the products, you take care of that. You start emailing customers back. But most likely, if you see a refund spike because people are just taking advantage, you know, buying something discounted and then you know, refunding it because they don't want it or they tried and don't want it. Make sure that you're ready to open up cases and fight all of those cases and make your money back. Now, if you guys don't know how to do that, reach out to Trivium. You can reach out to me at Mina dot.E at That's T-R-I-V-I-U-M-C-O And I can essentially set up free monitoring on your account. So for any refunds or anything like that that comes in, we can immediately open up cases with Amazon at no cost to you.
We only make money if you make money. So if we recover something, we'll take a cut of it. But besides that, we can monitor everything and make sure that Amazon is not taking advantage of you or shoppers are not taking any advantage of you.

Conclusion and Call to Action

All right, guys, I hope that you enjoyed this short and sweet podcast episode about preparing for Prime Day. I hope you guys crush it. If you guys haven't checked out my YouTube channel, check out Mina Elias and let me know also what other podcast episodes you want me to do. And I'm happy to record them. See you in the next one.