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Avenged Sevenfold - We Love You | New Song & 360 VR Video Review image

Avenged Sevenfold - We Love You | New Song & 360 VR Video Review

Minds Of Metal
56 Plays1 year ago

Avenged Sevenfold give us another new single from their upcoming album. 

“We Love You” is the second single released and comes with an incredible VR video! Daria & Laz dig into the song, the music behind it and discuss the intricacies and meaning of the video! 

As well as this, they do a preview of ‘Life Is But A Dream…’ due for release on June 2nd.

You can also watch us on YouTube:


Introduction to Hosts and Song Review

Hello and welcome back to Man's of Metal. My name is Daria. And I'm Laz. And together we're a husband and wife team, both pro musicians talking all things heavy metal. And today we're reviewing the new Avenged Sevenfold single called We Love You. That's why we're going to be taking a look at the second release from their upcoming album Life is But a Dream. We're going to give you a quick musical analysis. We're going to talk through the video and then we're going to do a very quick Life is But a Dream preview.

Analysis of Song's Musical Elements

So musically, this song is quite all over the place. I think it's fair to say that. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, but the song jumps from section to section, from style to style. I'm just going to do a quick little musical analysis on it.
So in the intro, we have some very jazzy chords and melodies going on. Whilst the music itself is metal in terms of what the guitar and the drums are doing, the chords and the harmony behind it is very interesting because the chords that the guitar is playing directly contrast with the melody that M Shadows is singing, creating this really dissonant melody. It's almost unpleasant. It's very unpleasant, I think. Lots of vocal effects. So his voice, you know, they've done a lot of editing on that.
We then go into what I'm going to call the verse section, which is the more section is more, more, which the interesting thing about this is it takes it, you know, so much simple with it. And it's almost, you know, when I first heard it, I thought kind of industrial metal, I thought sort of heard the Ramstein, the do.
to us, the more, you know, like that. It's very simple with the drum pattern and I think actually having listened back there is some poly rhythms going on. I think Sin and the guitarists are playing in one time signature and I think the drum and the bass are playing in another one. If you have any idea about this let us know in the comments. Following that we go on to the light metal section which I'm going to presume is the chorus where we also
and a jazzy vocal line, you think about that melody. You know, very playing with those notes and picking out really unusual and interesting melody notes. And you know what, it's actually quite catchy. I've been singing in my hair all day. It's very catchy, despite how unusual it is. And in terms of the music, we have hints of power metal, hints of progressive metal, you know, in my opinion. And as we said, it's agreeable and pleasant to listen to compared to the intro. And actually, this part reminds me of the song,
between these two albums already. After that, we have almost like a vocal solo where he sings that section again, but it is brought way down and we really see, just like in the song, Nobody, then experimenting with the vocals, techniques, production, layering, harmonies, very produced, very progressive and very technical.
After that, we then go into the, I think there's another more verse part, but then we go into the heavy metal section, which sounds like it has come straight out of Avenged Sevenfold's early music, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet and Waking the Fallen. We're really hitting or hearing this early Avenged Sevenfold neck and core, which is what they put them on the map with that, with the Waking the Fallen album. And I thought it was very nice to have it back, really, really nice, although it was a big jump from the previous sections.

Perceptions and Themes Explored

the speed up where it's like more beats more and they speed up and it builds up and that really is very hip-hoppy when you think about hip-hop artists especially like Kanye who they say they've been influenced by you often have a little build up drop the bass and we didn't get a sort of drop or a breakdown but that's definitely what I heard them building to then after that to end the song
We have the country influence where the song just fades out with the we love you and the guitar playing along with a little solo. It's either done on a Dobro guitar or a pedal steel. I'm not entirely sure. And we know that Avengers 7-4 love their country. You know, we've heard it in Strength of the World. We hear it in Gunslinger. We hear it in Dear God as well. It's a very interesting song. I think it's one that grows on you the more and more you listen to it.
upon first listen jumping from style to style it can seem messy and it can seem quite all over the place but when you listen to the song and more importantly when you watch the video along with it I think it makes a lot of sense and we're gonna go on to discuss the video now so let's get into the video now and if you haven't watched it yet I strongly suggest you guys pause this video go watch the video of we love you and come back to discuss it with us
So the reason being is that I really didn't like the song upon the first listen. Like I just really didn't like it. It was way too messy for me and really quite disturbing with this unpleasant melodies in the beginning. But when I watched the video, it completely turned my opinion upside down. Like totally. This is why I think this is essential that you guys give the video a chance.
And I also think, after watching the video, that it's not actually a song per se, it's a message. They're trying to...
tell their fans where they are at the moment just in life I think as well which is obviously what really heavily influences their writing so let's get into the video it starts with like a really peaceful nature scene and it's really nice it's like a house in the country yeah and there's like this 360 view you can do it's like a virtual reality thing isn't it yeah so if you if you've got your device and you're watching the video on your device you should be able just to turn it and you've got a 360
degree view around you and it's this really special virtual reality thing that I've never seen in a music video before. I've really enjoyed that experience and it really immerses you into the song itself as well and you kind of connect on a different level almost and I really love that and then after that nature scene it sort of develops into what the world is becoming at the moment and
it shows how materialistic we've become and all these tall buildings just growing out of the you know floor just coming up and up and up brands you know all of this stuff and i feel like they they're showing in the video they're showing three worlds all right they're showing the sort of natural
world where it all began, you know, with nature being untouched and just so beautiful and peaceful. Then there's also, I feel like I saw a take on the nuclear world. That world comes up when the heavy metal music kicks in, the little core music. Yeah, it just felt to me like we were in like the nuclear winter or something, there was like all this dust, the world was grey, it was all destroyed, it was absolutely awful, absolutely awful and sad.
and third world which is where we are really where we're going so much into that direction our way digital world i'll just call it that digital world all these cars flying in the you know flying around uh no nature at all you know what i felt like i was in blade runner yeah very tokyo very japanese very industrial very dystopian dystopian yeah so this is where i felt you know they're showing us sort of
you know, different worlds, personally. Yeah, different flashes of what could be. I thought that, you know, different sections of the song, linking it to the music, when a certain section of a song changed, that's when we went to a new place. In the intro, you said that that's where we are now, I think, isn't it, with the natural world? Do you think that? I don't think we've moved on from that. And I think this is what they're trying to, this is their message, I think, that

Message and Broader Implications

we sort of stopped living, we just want more money, we want more power, like in their chorus bit or whatever the bit is, the verse bit, more power, more money, more this, more that. And I feel like this is what maybe they're trying to, you know, get across because
they said previously that I mean it took them so long to get a new album out that tells you something as well you know maybe they don't want to live so fast anymore maybe they want to slow down a little bit and I think this is the whole message of the song per se as well and the ending oh that really got me you know the ending where that country bit comes and
you've got this acoustic guitar and you're in a boat floating through the river and it's so peaceful and lovely and you know I might be looking too deep into this but there you go I felt like even the water was clean cleaner at the start of the boat trip and then the boat sort of arrives in the city
and the water gets dirtier and mucky and yeah that made me really sad remember i was like i'm really sad i'm really sad about this yeah it was a whole experience i think that's what's most important for me as we travel through different worlds you know in the intro that for me i know you
you think that's where we were with the nature that for me the intro is where we are now still have a lot of elements in place of this beautiful world then the more verse section and the vocal solo that to me is where we're going the materialism you know you think about that soft vocal section all we saw was magazines and computers flying through that really screamed materialism to me then heavy metal when that metal core section comes in to me that was where the world could be if we don't change and if
if there's a nuclear holocaust. Before we go back to the light metal bit and then the country bit, as you said, for me, that was like a likely outcome. It reminded me of like the Fallout 4 video game where it was just this barren wasteland with only a few people left. It's a great comment on the world and how we're treating it and where it could be if we don't do something soon.

Upcoming Album and Fan Interaction

So this means we're just three weeks away from the upcoming album, Life is But a Dream coming out on June 2nd. And we thought we'd just do a quick little preview knowing what we know. And some further news has come out regarding the album, which is that they have done a special listening experience for fans down in Las Vegas, where I believe, I'm not entirely sure how it's gone, but I've been following the threads on Reddit. And what they're doing is there's almost like a little interactive museum where you go room to room and you listen to the album.
apparently there's like visuals and imagery and videos for each song and it just made me thinking that with what we've discussed about how central this video is to this song, I'm just really really hopeful for this album because it seems to me like it's going to be a phenomenal experience. I don't, I purposely didn't say a phenomenal album, I meant an experience because if you think about this,
What we've extrapolated from the video compared to the song is just two people who love heavy metal and know heavy metal music, watching a video and listening to music. But it really feels like they've put a lot of time and effort and thought into making that video appropriate for the song. And on top of that, doing that special interactive thing in Vegas, that's a lot of time and effort that needs to be done. And we know with the stage, the album that came out in 2016,
It was very progressive. They were very talking about space and existentialism and all that stuff. And we know from the tracks episode about nobody, that Sin and Em went on a DMU.
using toad venom for spiritual experience. I don't know if it is exactly drug taking. I don't know whether that constitutes that or not. But they have had this huge experience, which N shadow's on the podcast said was unlike anything he's ever experienced before. He supposedly came out of his body and saw the world
around him and all that stuff. And this has heavily been linked to the writing of the album. And I'm getting the feeling that Sinister Gates and M Shadow's experience doing that stuff has led to them making an album that is more than just a sonic and aural experience. It's about visuals. It's about lyrics. It's about the music. And this is just why I wanted to say that, you know, this is why I think you guys should like the new song, because it's only a small part of what is to come.
is true then this is just going to be one part of a long long experience which is going to be the new album Life is but a Dream and I'm actually really excited for it now and I wasn't before because I didn't really nobody I thought was a cool song when I first heard this I was like okay but as we've said more and more lists as it gets better and now I
When you told me that stuff yesterday about the video and what you thought it meant and how it linked to the song, it almost like it clicked for me. The penny dropped because I just thought, this is it. They're not doing songs anymore. They're doing experiences. They're doing albums. And that's awesome. But I think, you know what, I think honestly, yeah, that song without the video is just going to be like, nah, I don't like it.
Yeah, I think I'd still like it with more, but I just wouldn't understand it as much. I wouldn't. I thought it was just messy without the video. I was like, okay. Do they just not care anymore? They just do whatever they want. And this is actually another point. You know, guys,
I feel like with all this sort of, you know, um, from the stage as well, cause I started to explore all these, you know, our existence and this universe, I think this kind of, you know, topics and stuff, they actually, so, okay.

Innovation and Conclusion

So they say.
we wanna maybe slow down, we wanna be in the nature, you know, this and the other. But then they're actually really moving with times. They've got this NFT going. I don't know much about it, but there you go. And the good virtual reality videos, which is like, I don't think I've ever seen that before. Which is really great. And so they've got these two sides of them, you know, which, you know, I'm interested to see where this is gonna go.
Thank you so much you guys for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it. Please let us know in the comments below your thoughts on We Love You and what you expect from the new upcoming album. Yeah thanks again for joining us guys and don't forget that we have a dedicated podcast available where we take the audio from this video and we upload it to the podcasting platforms. You can find us on Apple, Spotify, Amazon and all the other podcasters. If you don't have time to sit and watch us but you want to listen then you're going to find us there. Thanks for joining us and have a metal day. Have a lovely day. We'll see you very soon.