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Download Festival 2024 - LINEUP REACTION image

Download Festival 2024 - LINEUP REACTION

Minds Of Metal
161 Plays1 year ago

Download have announced their 2024 line-up with some mixed reactions!

Looking like they're headed towards a more Punk/Rock/Emo line-up, we give our reaction to the first wave of bands announced!


Introduction to Download Festival 2024 Lineup

Hello and welcome back to Man's of Metal. My name is Daria. And I'm Laz. And today we're here to discuss with you some news. Download released the 2024 lineup. That's right. Yeah. So over the weekend, wasn't

Initial Reactions to the Lineup

it? They, they put out the, it was a big, big announcement. There was about 80 plus bands on there, which normally they don't do. I feel normally they just put some of the big names like the headlines with the subheadliners and a couple of others, but they've gone all out with this, as you can see on the poster.
packed with bands from a variety of different genres but what are your first opinions? Okay so I'm really glad we're doing this video a few days later because my initial reaction wouldn't have been so great. Do you remember what I said? I was like oh this is not heavy enough

Evolution of Download Festival

for me. Yes you did say that. But I've had a few days to think about it and I actually
I'm not against it so much anymore. I think something people need to realise is that Download Festival is not a metal festival. It is a hard rock festival. It never has been. I mean, you had Monsters of Rock back in the 80s and that's when you had people like Guns N' Roses and I made them play. Monsters of Rock, the clue is in the name, there was never Monsters of Metal.
And over a few years, Download had some very heavy lineups with some big heavy metal headliners. And some years, you'd have three metal headliners. Some years like this one, you've kind of got three rock headliners. I avenged a metal book. You see what I'm saying? You told me that. So I kind of, I was like, oh, right. Okay. So it's not just slowly a metal festival because I'm quite new to

Headliners Analysis: 2000s Vibe

Download. I've only been twice.
but you have you've known this festival for a while yeah and and my favorite festivals are the one where there's metal bands because i'm a metalhead but at the same time when there's rock bands on it i don't have a problem so if we look and dissect what's going on here at the moment let's take a look at the three headliners you've got queens of the stone age kind of like a hard rock stoner rock band from the i think it began into the 90s into the 2000s yeah you've got fall out boy which are kind of like a pop punk emo band if you like from that
mid-2000s scene where My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy were leading the rock music charge. And then you've got Venge Sevenfold who are, you know, they've done everything really at the moment. You could call them at their heart, a metalcore band.
again beginning in the early 2000s so we've got this very 2000s kind of vibe and that is reiterated especially that pop punk emo thing check out these bands Fall Out Boy, The Used, Bowling for Soup, Sum 41, Billy Tallent, The Offspring
These are all the kind of bands that, as I've just mentioned, were thriving in the early 2000s, mid 2000s, really pushing and progressing that punk slash rock slash emo scene. So I think this is tailored to their fans, really. This would be a dream for someone like that. It would be absolutely.

Sunday: A Day for Metal Fans

But then look at day three. Yeah, we've got a very good machine head.
as the main guys that's the day we're going that's the day we're going uh yeah because we love avenge yeah and she's my mother favorite man as well so so i think it's like if you want to go just for one day and if you want it to be really heavy or out heavier you can go on sunday one thing i felt they've always done well is
as you're saying, if you like metal, you go on Sunday. If you like that punk rock thing, you go on the Saturday. If you like the kind of hard stone and rock kind of thing, you go on the Friday, because you've got royal blood there as well. But you checked out this weekend, didn't you? Guys, I loved them so much.
Okay, so it's like very Queens of the Stone Age-y, so I'm not surprised that there's subheadlining that day. I describe Royal Blood feeling I hasn't heard them as the white stripes plus Queens of the Stone Age plus a bit of pop. Yeah. Pop melodies. Very Jack White vocals. Yeah. And do you know, I'm like, I asked, she was like, you know, he's vocal. I just can't get my head around. What is it? I know this voice. And you're like, it's Jack White.
Oh my god, it's Jack White and it's really great. So I see why they would be, you know, filming on the same day as Queens of the Spanish.

Controversy Over Pantera's Lineup Placement

Then what about Pantera? That's an odd one because I, you're asking me,
I would have Pantera in place of Fall Out Boy. I'd have them as a main stage headline. Now there's a few caveats to that. Number one is not Pantera. Dimebag, Darryl and Vinnie Paul are no longer in the band. They both passed away. So it's only half of Pantera. So that's one reason why it's not a headline thing.
The second reason is that Pantera have come under a bit of scrutiny because of former political opinions from people like Phil Anselmo who very vocally and in some cases drunkenly made statements that don't appease to the morals of most metal fans. So they have been criticized for touring under a band that have so many political views, supposedly. So that could be a reason to download not sell tickets if Pantera are headlining, possibly.
because they're too niche there might be too niche and again all the controversies come with it and the fact that it's only half of the band that we know and love that i can see that happening but i just don't know where they see it i don't know if they headline the second stage
out boy. I don't see that happening.

Personal Preferences and Festival Experiences

I think it's an odd one to put Pantera on that day. Sorry, death metal logos, can't read them. Yeah it is, it is. If you ask me where I'd want them, I'd have Machinehead, then Pantera, then Venj. Because that makes Sunday the Metal Day. But it is what it is. As you can see from all the bands that don't have their own logo at the bottom, it's in alphabetical order. So you're not going to know until they split the line up who's going to be in what. But I would love
Some bands I'd like to see that I'd love if they put on Sunday. So if you're watching this, Andy Coppie, put on Sunday, please. Atreyu, Alfa Wolf, Bleed From Within, Crystal Lake, Dine Thetus, Era and Carnivore. Some bands I'd really like to check out. What about you? Well, I'm actually I'm OK. OK, so if you go and check out our video about download this year, we were talking about how actually we wouldn't probably go to all three days ever again.
It's difficult. You get so tired. Like I was shattered after that. And I hate camping as well. I just can't do it. So I'm really happy that we're just going one day. It's a metal day. And this is also another reason just subjectively for me.
I don't have any problems with the rock days per se. I don't. So I'm really excited for Machine Head. We already saw them last year and it was an absolute blast. It was so much fun. Eventually, I love and saw probably seven years ago last time. It's been a while, so I'd love to see them again. I'm actually really excited to see Fear Factory.
We did a live stream on them a couple of weeks back and I really enjoyed it. I'm like, I'm a new industrial metal fan. Really love it. Love the genre and can't wait to actually check them out as well. Yeah. I think for us, there's, we need one more band on that Sunday, one more band that we like that's going to justify the ticket price. I'm thinking a Trivium, a Korn, an Aim on a Moth, someone like that. It's one more band I really enjoy that would then sort of do the ticket. But we've already booked our hotel room for that night, so that's going to be fun.
Uh, so yeah, we are going on Sunday because, uh, very seventh holder off one, one, definitely my favorite band, one of your favorite bands.

Advice for Exploring New Music at Festivals

Machine head two as well for me. Um, but I just think it's something we need to give credit for is that I feel like we've downloaded the last, Oh, I don't know really, you know, the last five to 10 years, maybe, maybe tens a bit much, but the last five years or so, there has been this constant rotation of the same headline bands. You can expect to see a Slipknot, an Iron Maiden,
Ramstein which I know you wouldn't have been disappointed with. I've never seen Ramstein. Yeah you got into it recently. I really have. So there's just been this and then normally you get like you know a kind of classic rock band like a Def Leppard or an Aerosmith there and it's just kind of been a bit lackluster the last few years because you kind of it like I just said you expect to see Slipknot you expect to see Maven and I'm kind of I saw the I saw the pet poster in the headline acts and
I love Queens of the Stone Age, but I wouldn't put them as headline material for download, just personally. But I saw those headlines and I thought, you know what? It's fresh. It's different. And they've kind of gone back, as we mentioned, to this kind of 2000s hard rock thing. Last year, we got some modern names, Bring Me The Horizon, Architects, Parkway Drive, you know, not modernism, brand new bands, but modern in the metal scene.
And now they've kind of gone back a bit. They've taken it back to, as we said, the 2000s punk rock emo thing. And I'm fine with that. I'm not going to go for all three days. No. We're going on the day that has the bands that we like the most on it. I think if you're going for three days, yeah, it's a bit different, isn't it? But then again, it's how you view it. It's how you view it. An out and out metalhead won't like this lineup. A 2000s punk rock hard rock emo fan is going to like this lineup.
But you can look at it as an experience. Even if you just love metal and you just love going to this festival and you always do. Just think, look, I'm here to experience this. This is cool. This is music. I'm going to hang out with my friends or not. Doesn't matter. Like I'm going to have a great time. And that's what festivals are all about going. And if there's a band on that you don't like, go to one of the smaller tents and go and check out a brand new band. And you never know, you might find yourself a new favorite artist. Exactly. So yeah, I think we'll see you there.
You guys, we'll be there on Sunday, checking out Avenged and Machine Head and we'll see who else is gonna be there. Yeah, it might be worth doing another video when the lineups increase when they split the days and maybe we'll come back and see you then for another demo. Yeah, let us know in the comments below who are you excited to see. Yeah, and if you're going. If you're going and how are you feeling about this rock emo era coming back. Let us know your thoughts. Have a metal day. Have a lovely day. We'll see you very soon.