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Films to DIE for! - Perfume: The Story of a Murderer & Trap image

Films to DIE for! - Perfume: The Story of a Murderer & Trap

S2 E8 ยท Block-Busted
37 Plays6 months ago

Just like a predator in the night, this episode is stalking up behind you, but instead of doing dastardly things it's going to ask if you have games on your iPhone.

Max and Mitch delve into the world of serial killers as they learn that they can discern the smell of anything and everything... like frogs eggs in a pond. After sniffing pond scum they take their daughters to a concert only to discover that their scum sniffing crimes have been found out and they need to escape!

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Introduction and Concept

Welcome to Blockbuster, the movie review podcast where we roleplay as fake serial killers. I'm the Brunswick Yodeler, and today we are looking at Perfume the story of a murderer and trap.
Oh, I was like, oh, that timing's off and then I remembered I'll just edit it. Yeah, you just take you can take out the huge gap that you have. Yeah. Yeah. it's It can be fixed in

Hosts' Introduction

editing. So, so um by the way, I'm Max. He's Mitchell, but this is one person. Hi, welcome.
Welcome back. We're back again. You didn't think we were gonna come back. We're back. Yeah. Again. You thought you were rid of us, but um... You can't get rid of us now. We're like a cancer. Oh, we're the cancer of podcasting. We're the cancer of podcasting. I don't think we should, um, I don't think that should be our, our brand. I think it's a bit insensitive and also we just keep coming back. Cancer can be gotten rid of though. I feel like we we wear everywhere. Could we be the bad pennies of podcasting? Extra prevalent in those aged 40 plus.
I should probably is the majority of our ah audience because it's my parents and your parents. That's for people. i'm um Let's move on from this bit. yeah I was trying. I was trying to get away, but you stuck to it. I was trying to get out of it.

Killer Theme Discussion

Welcome to this killer theme for this killer episode. This week's episode theme. It's so cute. So you say soaking? It's soaking. Okay. I'm going to explain it to you. I'm not, this is not going to make it difficult. Okay. So soaking is a, is this like Mormon thing. No, no, I know it. I actually know it. It's like when there's like a cloth in the way or something and you shove it in and you just hang out in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't, you don't have anything else. You get your best buddy to kick the bed underneath you.
Oh, that's clever. Because then you're not thrusting. So if you don't trust, it's like, yeah, if you don't thrust, you're not actually the one having sex. Yeah, you're not having sex. Yeah. sir So, so it's just your bunny underneath. He's not like, he's just like kicking the bed. No wonder why Mormons are such close knit people. Hmm. Otherwise, how can they, sir? I thought the circus would brought them together. Like friendship through adversity, that type of thing. Hmm.
So this makes fame. Killers. I tried to do this. I tried to do a bit where I was saying this killer episode, killer theme.

Podcast Branding Controversy

Just do it again, because I'll probably just cut out of one of the crap. This is a beautiful episode. This killer episode, killer theme for this killer week is Killers. um Serial ones.
Um, they eat a lot of brekkie, but also they kill a lot of people. What's your favorite cereal cereal? Okay. What's your favorite cereal killer? and I was like, I'm not doing this. so what's it What's your cereal cereal?
My so most serious cereal? you No, you're at cereal cereal. like Your most go your go-to cereal. What's your cereal cereal? It's been a while since I've actually eaten breakfast. so That's not good. it's just I don't have time. I wake up too late. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Everyone tells me that, but I've lived my life without it since I was 18. I

Breakfast Habits

think of all of the missed potential.
I like to, um, I have to give myself a look at this, looking at it this way, Mitch, you haven't eaten breakfast. And where's that led you to hosting a podcast? Maybe I should rechange my dietary thoughts and processes. Um, but, uh, my favorite cereal would probably be the mini wheat mixes with berries in it. Yeah. That's so on. Yeah. What do you think?
Um, I'm not a big cereal eater either, but like, cause I mostly have like toast. That's fair. Yeah. Because milk is bad. Only if you are. Okay. i So you're going to say just milk is bad, hard stop. I was going to be like, no, milk is good. If you don't have lactose intolerance, they're bad for.
me and getting to work on time. Um, so, but I used to, my go-to used to be muesli. My dad used to make muesli. He probably still does make muesli. I just don't eat it anymore. I don't live with them. Well, I don't live with him and also I'm lactose intolerant. Oh yeah. So yeah it's like a, it's a, like a double punch to the gut. No more muesli band. No more dad and no more muesli.
Yeah. Friendship with dad ended. Friendship with dad ended? My best friend is lactose intolerant milk now. No lactose milk. my My best friend is Zymul or whatever it's called. but Is it not pronounced Zymul? Zymul. I I don't know. I don't drink it. Me either. though I'm like, i'm like ah I can't drink milk. I'm not having anything. Black coffee. It's raw dog coffee. No cereal. draw Just dry cereal straight out of a bowl. Crunchy.
People say, like, do you like your wheat pick soggy or or firm? I'm like, I don't want to put any liquid near them. Just give me a straight brick, baby. Soggy or firm, what do you mean there's options? There's only one way. No, hard. Dry as a dirt road.
in Middle Northern territory. Well, it's a local reference, but not local to us. It's a call to a different part of Australia. Yeah. That one, you guys know that one word ever listening in the, yeah in the NT. I don't actually know if anyone does listen in NT. Surely. I feel like it's only people in New South Wales and Victoria. It's been seven minutes and we have talked about milk and dirt roads, but we haven't.
Talked about the films we're gonna talk about today. Uh, so maybe we should do that. Yeah. Uh, spoiler warning for perfume, the story of a murderer and trap.
I'm really glad you've taken a active stance and like all the admin stuff in this. It means it's less awkward for me to like, a, remember to do it every single time and be, I don't actually have to remember it every single time. It's nice. I appreciate this. This is not a bit. This is serious. I'm i'm appreciative.
i I appreciate your appreciation. Dude, I'll appreciate you all day. Give me a chance and I'll do it. No, I need like me time. No, I'm not saying I'll do it all day. I'm just like, let me know and I'll do it. Oh, I can't. go Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. I'm ready to go. Yeah. All

Review Introduction: 'Perfume: The Story of a Murderer'

right. Perfume, the story of a murderer released in 2006 and directed by Tom Tickworth. It stars Ben Whishaw. Whishaw? Whishaw. Alan Rickman, Dustin Hoffman and Rachel Hoodwood.
Maximus, tell me, what is this film about? Perfume, the story of a murderer, based on the ah novel by Patrick Susskind, is the story of Jean Baptiste Grand-Oui,
ah ah man who lived in 18th century France and could smell real good. In fact, he could smell so good that he ah

Plot Summary of 'Perfume'

didn't want to do anything but smell the best all the time. And by smell the best I meant with his nose. And the best was um young women. So he mentioned saying that my microphone is doing eyes up better. Okay, let me start this again.
You just slowly got further and further away. Because I was rotating the mic like this, and then that one was getting quieter, and then it was like... I was like, where's he going? Come back! Okay, let's start again. I'm gonna hold it like this so I don't lose track of where I am. Okay. I'm sorry. perfume, the story of a murderer by... He did so well for the first time too, I'm so sorry. I know, I know!
perfume the story of a murderer based on the book by Patrick Susskind is the story of Jean Baptiste Grand-Ouille, a Frenchman from the 18th century who can smell real good. And by smell real good, I mean with his nose. um And all he wants to do is smell the best things. um And he does that until he realized the best things are young women. And then he wants to preserve them.
That's the movie. I know we start a lot of, after you do your little bit harder, of the intro, usually what happens is it goes back to me because that's how conversation works. It goes starts with me, goes to you, comes back to me. And what often happens is I'll say really quickly, I've super quick thought on what I think about this movie or the movie we're talking about. Max, I want you to kind of guess.
I want you to be part of this process with me now. What do you think I think about this movie? Even though I know you already know what I think about this movie because I mentioned it. I think you think the book is better. I haven't read the book. Even though you haven't read it. I can assume the book is better. Yeah. This movie sucks.
I'm just going to quick disclaimer. There is there is a think one thing we have working against our favour here. um and Unfortunately, it's working against everyone who lives in Australia's favour, um which is that you cannot access this movie on any streaming service other than Plex. For those of you not familiar with Plex,
It interrupts you with an ad about every 15 minutes. This movie goes for over two hours. It's two it's almost two and a half, I believe. Yeah, 227. That's a lot of ads. The ads mostly, for me, were like skiing resorts.
in the United States. What happened was I got a lot of those ads, a lot of ads about ah Amazon. It would be like, I don't know what Amazon ads. Yeah. yeah The one i I found, which one I hate the most and which one I don't mind.
don't mind the least. Mind the least. Mind the least. The one I mind the least. Yep. Yep. Hit me with your with your Amazon ad refuse. So there's three that come to mind. The one that's the most middle like I have like it's it's been between these two extremes of mind the least and hate the most.
um is ah the one where the guy is really into pajamas. um he buys a lot He's like, people tell me that I buy a lot of pajamas. um I don't listen You know what? Fine. If you like pajamas, you like pajamas. And if everyone's gonna give you the pajamas, that's great. The one I mind the least is the one where the lady's walking through a school and she's like,
your Your little kids are little garbage people and they cost too much. No, I didn't like that one. I thought that was bad. i think I think as an actual ad and a stance for a company to take horrid, but for entertainment purposes, the best. like i I love my kids, but you know what I love more? Not spending any money off them. It wasn't even saving money, it was I'm not spending money on my children and I don't know what lacrosse is.
I love my kids, but I also love not being broke. So this back to school season, I'm just Yeah. That, that, that bit's okay. But like, I mean, as as someone who played lacrosse offensive, but, uh, look, you're not showing yourself any favors here.
My point is more so that I don't like, I don't think for as an ad it's good, but for entertainment purposes, I minded the least. The one that actively incited rage in me was the one where there was the guy, it was, it was in the same theme as the guy who buys too many pajamas because they're both living in a dorm room or something. And it's the guy who's like, welcome to the chef corner. This is my mini fridge.
This is my mini fridge. The fridge itself is mini, but the possibilities... I've got an air fryer. Don't plug it in with the RAs or something. Sorry, you interrupted me before I finished the part that really frustrates me. Sorry, this is my mini fridge. The fridge is mini, but the possibilities aren't mini. The air fryer is great, but don't plug it in with the RAs around. The fridge might be mini, but the possibilities are not mini.
It's like good one brother. Yeah. You really, you really cooked with that one brother. Yeah. Get it cooked. My, I got another one, which was like this really super generic one about this one that like woman who moved into a new apartment and wanted plants.
Oh, that one I got a couple of times. That one was nice at the end. Like I actually liked the look. Yeah. It was, it was the best of the ads, but I saw it about 10 times. So I think it played back to back one. No, that was the skiing ads. They played back to back. The best ads were the ones actually for Plex where they were just showing me.
Um, what Plex had such as classic movies and zombie nation. That's all that Plex has beyond. No, no, no, no, no, no. You missed the best recommendations. I got some excellent recommendations. What'd you get? What'd you get? I got, sorry, I got Z nation. I got, yeah um, I think it was charade. No, but that's, that's a classic film. Sorry. a Classic film. That's a, and i that counts in my classic films. Yeah. But more importantly, I got several recommendations for telly tubbies.
Oh, no. Okay. Actually, I did want to bring this up. Sorry. I have one recommendation for the Sonic the Hedgehog animated series. I had that too. Okay. I had Teletubbies and Sonic kind of in their separate things. I wanted to mention the absolute tonal whiplash that was going from a man pickling a woman and to take the scent from this woman and then going to gotta go fast.
What? Cause it's not like 90s. Pinky. And then like American ads for Teletubbies, which is weird. Like American Teletubbies seems or is weird to me. There's more talking in it than I remember there being. It's also been a while since I watched Teletubbies. So I might not be the little litmus test on this one. This is our very long disclaimer about, um, there's no good way to watch this movie unless you have a disc of it. Um, or you, um, pirate it or you pirate it, which we didn't want to do. because we're lazy. Yeah, it's more that than anything else. It's like, I probably would have, if not for the fact I have to think about it ahead of time. Yeah. If I pirate something, I can't watch it on my TV as well. I have to watch it on my computer and I don't want to do that. Can't you just chuck on your phone and cast it? Pirating it? Yeah. How do you pirate stuff on your phone? We're not doing this. We'll talk about this later. I'm not doing this. For legal reasons, this was a bit.
Um, point is buying isn't earning, pirating isn't stealing. That's true. No, I, I stand by that. Yeah. The official stance, the block busted podcast. Yep. That's absolutely correct. Um, but.
This movie's dumb. He smells fish eggs within the first 10 minutes of this movie. um He sniffs him out from underneath the pond. Like he can sniff above water, he can sniff fish, ah not fish eggs, sorry, frogs eggs, underneath the water. At that point in time, I gave up on the movie.

Early Criticisms of 'Perfume'

It didn't take long. You were that light. i Oh, you were earlier than that?
So you might remember we watched adaptation a couple of weeks ago. I do remember watching adaptation a couple of weeks ago. Um, now one of the things I really took away from adaptation was, um, I've totally blanked on who, who play the, who play the character or what the character's name was. Um, no, it's not Nicholas cage. It's for Brian Cox. It's Brian Cox's character. the Yeah. The Brian Cox's character. Yeah. Who says narration is lazy.
Narration is lazy. theration miss philly right Narration is so lazy. It's so lazy. I gave the narration a pass on this one only because it was John Hurt. I couldn't care. I couldn't care less. I lie on her i could not care less because the the narration not only tells you things that are very easy to show visually, but adds absolutely nothing to the film. it's It's the thing that immediately pulled me out of it. and
There were a couple of moments in the film where it went away for a for a bit. um A lot of the second half, there's not a lot of narration, and then it appears again right at the end. And it ripped me out every time because there's no need for it. It doesn't add anything. It's almost there as if they they've gone, oh we need to put it there because it's a book. This is based on a book, so we've got to do speaking. yeah and What the book does really well is this really impressive ah language around subtle description. um and Narration is the opposite of that.
it's it's it's explaining things through exposition over the top of anything else that might be going on in the scene. And it really irked me. at that That's my number one complaint with this film is the narration. Narration is absolutely a crutch. And sorry. Narration is absolutely a crutch. And I don't forgive it. I could just deal with it because it was John Hurt. But I still think it's not like, I still think it's a bad part of the movie. I don't think it's a good inclusion. And i I feel though that a lot of this movie, I feel like the biggest problem, one of the biggest, but not the biggest problem with this movie, there's a lot of other problems with this movie that aren't this. One of the big problems with this movie is that it's trying to convey a sense that I don't think works
you can easily convey through a visual storytelling medium, which is smell. So so and this is a really interesting thing because the book does this really well. And it's really interesting that the book can do this really well. What I was going to say is I reckon you can write about smell and you can like describe smell in that way because you can provide extra stuff of like this smell connects this. You can do stuff in writing to do smell. You can't actually do that.
in a visual medium without someone talking you through it and when someone's talking you through it, that's not good storytelling. I don't agree with that because way there are plenty of movies that do this with taste. um And taste and smell are really similar senses in that respect, where it's not something that you can and something you can show and sort of emulate, but you can't replicate it through a visual medium. And um I think that given enough thought and given enough care, this movie could have replicated the nuance and the be ah description that the book has when it when it comes to describing sense. But
I feel like the way that this movie approaches it is so heavy handed that we end up instead of ah like exploring that as an idea and exploring the character through that lens, which is a really unusual and interesting lens. We spend the time getting told what it's like to experience that, which which is completely different. um and And I think given yeah given the time and given the care, um the this could have been a ah very different experience.
I think, um, I do you see what you're saying with taste and smell being a very, cause they are and ah a connected sense as well. Like it's like, that's just biology. I just do think there's something about taste that does work visually that smell doesn't. And I think it's simply because I am willing to have ah something show me up on that.
But I just haven't. I don't I don't believe there is something currently out there that will. I think the closest this movie gets to so to what this could be this is the orgy.
It's not the orgy. It's a scene in the second act of the film. Has he moved to the small town yet? He hasn't moved to the small town. He's moved in with... Is he with Dustin Hoffman? Bellini. Is it Bellini? Dustin Hoffman, yeah. Baldini. Just Seppi Baldini. And he replicates this perfume. And then he says, I can do it better.
And Baldini kicks him out and he smells his scent. And we see around him, he develops a scene of like this tranquil garden. That was actually cool. Attractive woman who comes and pecks him on the cheek. um And it's this sort of fantastical understanding of what can be achieved with this idea without explicitly conveying like, this smelt like fish, this smelt like apples. It was a vibe. It was an a literal translation of what actually it smelt like. But that's the closest the movie gets. Yeah. um I think I do actually agree with that. And it would be as being it was being key if the rest of the movie did that. Yeah. um I think
One thing I actually did like about this movie that I actually don't know if was intentional or not, I think it was intentional, was just kind of the the dramatic comedy, dramatic irony comedy type thing. Not really dramatic irony comedy, but like the, um the like comedy of everywhere he goes, people die around him. Like his ah mother dies because she tries to leave him under a a fish stall.
And he cries out. And so everyone else thought that she was leaving him to rot there. And then as soon as he leaves Dustin Hoffman, AKA, baldini's little shop, the whole thing crumbles after years of it, like saying it's going to like it it rushes and it crumbles around him.
And so, yeah, i I just think it's kind of funny how like everywhere he goes, people just die around him even if he's not trying to kill him. ah He's not trying to kill them, sorry. Yeah, I mean, it it gives an interesting sort of like the the it's a narrative device that sort of like suggests that he brings death regardless of of um whether he chooses to enact it or not and yeah it's a it goes really well with this idea that i think again is reflected much
better in the book is this idea that he doesn't ever do any like murder out of malice. um yeah He does it because he has this like obsession with the smell. um And we get a degree of that with the film, but it's never really like we never truly get this idea that he is really completely obsessed. the Like the closest we get again is
Alan Rickman's character... I can't remember. Oh, Riches or whatever? Riches? Yeah, Riches. Riches? Riches? Riches? Riches? Riches? Riches? They're all French, but not a single person has a French accent. We should have done this with the lame-ism episode. um Alan Rickman says, Oh, the murderer is obsessive. The murderer is a collector, but that's the first time that we get that idea. And, and the fact that we have to be told that rather than, then again, like it's, it's, it goes back to one of those, the simple principles of show and don't tell. And, and this movie really just fails on that over and over again. We keep getting told things that we should be shown and should be easy to be shown a lot of the time. Nice.
I think the biggest problem I had with this movie as well was that I couldn't get on board with his ability to smell.

Character Analysis: Jean Baptiste Grenouille

Like I just never really believed it. And that is never, and I understand that in the tags, the genre tags for this film, it's thriller slash fantasy. So the movie, someone at least has gone, this isn't meant to be realistic. This is meant to be.
you know, he's he's a mutant before Professor X is around. you know he's he's on he's like He's like Wolverine or something, a pre-modern day mutant or something, but it's...
Just, I don't, there's no point where I'm just, it didn't look cool when he usually did it. And when he did do it, I was just, I would kind of sit there and go, this is dumb. This is dumb. Especially, can I just put, I know you're gearing up to say something, so give me a second. um Especially the end when it's the final little bit and he's tracking down um Alan Rickman and his daughter. And he does that here.
And he can smell a woman riding away from him, and not only smell her running ah running riding away from him, like 20 kilometers away, but what distance would you call that? like would you Would you say it's a fair while away? Yeah. He can smell that she dropped her hat and looked back down like... So so that's yeah that's not my problem with it. My problem is is that well it's that we don't ever get that to become believable within the world. That's what I needed. Like I don't think a movie about someone who has really good smell even beyond like actual human physical capability is something I inherently won't believe. It's just that the movie never made me believe it was something durable in this world. I just didn't buy it. Which means the end of the movie itself
I also didn't buy, and it was um stupid. The end of the movie is weird, and the end of the book is weird. it's it's I assume it's the same ending, right? It's the same ending. It's yeah it's kind of just strange and abrupt. um and It feels like a cop-out. It it it does a bit. i I want to give credit where credit's due. i think the idea that he's like created this almost like angelic scent is an interesting idea. And the fact that like, it makes everyone submissive to him. And then like, they all want to have sex with each other is like, ah interesting way to play that. um But
And I think a lot of this, i'm I'm going to circle back, but like, I think a lot of this comes down to the way the movie was shot and edited. I right i i think a lot of um how where he sense are shown and how um we show, we see Gronwe interact with the world is is through a lot of these like zoom cuts. Yeah. It's so early 2000s.
it's it's It's early 2000s and it's of the time, but at the same time, it does not do the film any favours. It lacks creativity. It lacks creativity, absolutely. But I feel like it also, it feels excessive. And one of the things that make the story really interesting is the subtleties. And I keep coming back to this. as ah i the idea that he can smell and differentiate between the different scents within a perfume, um, down to the, like a fraction of an ounce. He is testament to his ability to be able to like notice the tiny, the tiny, tiny things. And we're shown this by zooming into the really tiny, tiny things really fast. Like it,
it felt yeah it felt excessive and it felt like um kind of lazy trying to use like a uh a big thing to to accomplish a small goal and there's a better metaphor in there but oh i like trying to use a like use a jackhammer where i like a like a singular like hammer would do like a normal hammer or something yeah not that exactly but you get what i'm saying yeah that Um, yeah. And nuclear bomb where a single ballistic missile would do. Yeah. the Yeah. But you like use a nuclear bomb or a single bullet would do it. It's um, it it gives that and it it's not just that like the way that he approaches sense. It's, it's, there's a couple of shots where there's a reveal and there's this huge glowing light. Yeah. It's it really pushes weird. It really pushes the Jesus imagery.
And like I get that on the one hand, but on the on the other, it's just unnecessary. yeah It doesn't add anything. It doesn't make me ah feel like the reveal is any bigger. um ah like It happens when, for instance, he finally ah manages to ah murder Rishi's daughter. Alan Rickman's daughter. Alan Rickman's daughter.
he enters the room and there's this bright light and then she's found that like there's no reason for that and and um it's just cheesy it i mean yeah it is cheesy and like not the good cheesy but like it it made me kind of go like that this is on the same level as and not done to the at the same Let me rephrase this. yeah It feels really similar to that scene in Ratatouille where Remy eats the cheese and yeah many eat the strawberry. And there's like the dancing lights behind him. yeah Yeah. And that works really well in that movie because it understands the tone that it's trying to achieve. ye That felt like it would fit in place in this movie yeah because the tone was all over the place.
Remy walks in with a knife in hand and he's glowing ready to murder a woman for something. Yeah, give me give me a fat. A what? It's the fats he wants the fats. He wants the fats. He's got to make he's got to he's got to cook some some ah some potato and he doesn't have any duck fat left. He needs human fat needs human fat. It's the next closest thing.

Casting Critiques

I just
It's just the word dumb just keeps coming to mind, which I know is not good criticism, but it's just, that's what I think. I think what's really frustrating as well. Okay. Well, I mean, what really sucks is that they cast, um, Paddington to be a serial killer, which really doesn't help because I do not believe it. Like there's nothing wrong with Ben Whishaw.
I just don't think he suits this character. I don't think he did a good job. I don't think yeah the casting was good. I think that's not his fault though. I think he's just not in a role that's for him. Again, it's one of those roles where it's it's not a dialogue heavy role. No. um And they keep trying to write it like it is. um And they keep trying to write a lot of the characters like they're dialogue heavy. And as a result, you get a lot of unnecessary dialogue. um But the beauty of a film in which a character doesn't have to speak is their ability is is the ability for the actor to really take that like the physicality of the role and play into that. And I just don't think Ben Whisho does that here. No, he's a I feel like he's an actor that relies heavily on his use of language and he does a really good job with when he's talking.
not in this movie, but like in the most recent James Bonds when he's playing Q or in Paddington. which Paddington is an exclusively ah speaking role for him because it's a CGI character. So all he does is the voice. I'm pretty sure I don't think he does anything else. He is really great as that. He he works really well and he's a good actor in that sense. But when it's a role based on physicality in a role based on presence, just physical presence, it doesn't he doesn't work. And therefore my murderer
When the movie decides to become a horror movie for 10 seconds every now and then and go, Ooh, he's stalking people and you don't know who it is, but you kind of do because like, why are we hiding the killer? Cause you know who the killer is. Like you've been following him for the past hour and a bit. It's like, but I also know that like it's, it's been Ben Whishaw who's just this skinny man who I feel most of his victims could take in a fight.
Um, I'm going to try and, I'm going to try and say some nice things about this film because there are some, there are some, no, absolutely. Yeah. The the story is good. Like I like the story. I think it's a really interesting idea. Is that a hang up from the book though? Look, probably. And cause I don't like the story, but I think it's cause it wasn't presented to me well here. Um, and I think, yeah, there's definitely an element of, I read the book and the book is good and the book is well-written. Um, and I like the idea of the story and.
Um, that sort of revisiting that is nice for me. Um, Alan Rickman's great. He's always great. Yeah. no I think he really carries the second half of that movie. He really makes the back half watchable, especially because that back half is what kind of drove me to insanity a little bit.
Yeah, that back half is kind of, it's goodies there. Cause when Dustin Hoffman died, I was like, Dustin Hoffman was kind of keeping the film a little bit together with with it. So I hope, I didn't know Alan Rickman was in this. So I was like, Alan Rickman, what are you doing here? That was a nice surprise.
But yeah, absolutely. Yeah, please continue. um And the the one other thing that I really appreciate in this movie and really appreciate when contrasting with the next movie we're going to do is the protagonist, in this case, who is the who is the serial killer, um has a clear motive and is motivated by that. Oh, I think we're going to fight in the next movie. I think we're going to fight.
probably but you. It depends on how you put it. Cause I might agree with you. I might disagree with you. It depends on how you view it. Um, yeah, I think they, they write or rather Conway is written, written in a way that he's waiting in a way wi your way that makes that lets you as an audience understand why he's doing things. he's very understandable yeah And and um as much as sometimes it feels like there's a bit of a logical leap between certain things and there's certain things that could have been explored a bit more, for the most part, you understand what he wants as a character. and
um what he's trying to achieve. And yeah, again, sometimes that's, that's assisted through um narration and and could be achieved in in better means, but but for the most part, I think it's a character that we do really understand and do to a degree feel sympathy for. um and so And that makes a for a movie that positions itself around a character that's not meant to be a good person. um feels like This feels like you're foreshadowing.
yeah of course foreshadowing. um were When a movie or a story frames itself around around a bad person, we need to be able to feel some sort of sympathy. I keep moving my mic. um We need to be able to feel some form of sympathy for that character. Otherwise, there's no reason to connect with them at all. And I think that this movie does that. um yeah Could it have done it better? Almost definitely. But I think it does it enough that that I'm willing to go, I believe the motivations of this character and I care for the outcomes that this character is trying to achieve. Yeah, I i can agree that i understand I understand this character's motivation, whether I get behind it or not.
different story, but at least I know what he wants and I can understand what he, why he's certain actions are being taken. And that is definitely very important for any character in general, let alone a character that's like not, um,
not ah subscribing to the same moral standards that most other main characters do. ah I want to quickly just mention that my friend and I really scoured the orgy scene at the end and we saw a lot of men and women hooking up, a lot of women and women hooking up, but no men and men hooking up. um That was actually quite disappointing. Um, I know it's from 2006, especially given that we get that one scene where he like drops a little oil on his hand of the, like the first woman that he like turns into ah oil. Yeah. It it makes the other guy gay for a tick. Yeah. Like.
It was just like, it was so, it was so cool. Cause I, I, I tend to my friends was like, Oh, maybe cause for some reason my roommate joined me at the back end of the movie. I can't even remember why, but they just did. And we were watching it and we went, Oh, I think it's just straight on straight. Like, okay. If that's how the movie wants to play it. Sure. But I think it was the inclusion of.
women and women, but no man on man that like made it really like kind of gross. It's like, OK, you've you've gone like has to be a woman involved for it to be sexy. Like this is just weird. This is um you've made it weird movie. Thank you. um Anything else? I actually I would have liked the ending ending where he covers himself in it and gets basically ripped apart a lot more.
If I believed that the perfume was able to do stuff, like was like this ethereal thing, like beyond belief, but I liked it, ignoring the fact that I didn't buy into it, I still liked that as an ending. I think that is actually an interesting way.
And it's an interesting because the main character obviously can't be left to go and do whatever he wants because he has this ability to control people. And so I found it really interesting that he because the way I read it was that he basically managed to create the sense of true love because that's what he had been looking for this because he what he smelled on the woman the first time was love. And he'd been looking for that the whole time. That's how I read it at least. I could be wrong. um It's just my reading of the movie.
um So he found love and all that. And so I thought it was really interesting like this, but he just poured pure love on himself and he was devoured by other people's love. And that was, that was interesting. And I wish worked better. I wish the movie had done more for me to believe that ending more. Yeah, no, that's, that's, yeah, I completely agree with that. I think that's, yeah, spot on. Thank you. Damn, that's two for two. I did last week. This week I got a good one.
so give some ratings Should we give some ratings? Absolutely. I want to give some ratings. All right. I've i've got mine locked and loaded. You ready? Yeah. I got um a sniff and a snort. One of them's half. The other one's one. I don't care which you can decide. um I gave perfume story of a murderer.
two essential oils out of five. So like, um, what, what would you give like a wormwood essential oil and cat lilac. Oh, lilac's a color. It's also a flower. I mean, I need that.
yeah think so you need some it's so I saw you edging towards the button. I wasn't going to let you try and cut me off halfway through a sentence. i'm co i'm go All right. It's cup time, baby. Cup time. What's cup time? Time for cup. What cup are we talking about here?
That looks like a glass. Glass in a cup. Glass in time in a cup. Did I not hit pause properly or did you hit not pause? I can't hit not pause. You just started it again though. It's just started again. Oh, has it? Okay. You you started it as you said, it's cup time. Oh, that was an accident. And it's a very cool. It's been, I can't unpause or pause this by the way. Cool.
If this has been running, I apologize. It hasn't been. It's so we we it's only been 44 minutes, brother. We haven't been. we That would be like an extra 20 right there. Not that long, but still. um Hell yeah. Melbourne has banned East Scooters.
Oh, you just, yeah, that happened like two days ago or yesterday. Yeah. All right. It's like they've officially voted just now. Oh, they just did the vote. Right. Yeah. Yeah. yeahp Yeah. It's bad baby. Thank goodness. I hated those things so much. Um, but you know, I was about to actually do a segue into the. You can still give the segue. I scooters. They like segues.
Max and Mitch's mini media.
Um, who went first last week? Mine's on brand. Sorry. I would like to do mine second. because the show all breakfast I went to another movie. What what movie did you go to?
I went to kinds of kindness yeah by your glass lantern. Yeah, you were expecting this. so you should land him on You should cut me out so I don't ruin it for you to say it. I'm sorry. Cut me out when you edit this. Oh no, please don't die. I didn't mean to do this to you. I'm sorry Max, please. No. I'm okay. Do it on camera so we can record it and use it for content.
Um, I saw all Kinds of Kindness by Yorgos Lanzimos. It's his latest feature film starring, um, Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe. Um, the other guys, Jesse Blumman, that's a guy. He was in, he's, um, Kirsten Dunst's husband and was in Civil War with Kirsten Dunst.
I mean, yeah, I just, yeah, he's fine. ah Oh, you don't like him? I mean, he's fine. You did just say that. um And Margaret Kweli and Hong Chao. They're like the big ones. Anyway, and Hunter Shafer's in it for half a second. Who's Hunter Shafer? She was in um the Hunger Games prequel. Hunger Games. She's like up and coming.
hunt shameful I'll look it up while you talk. She's in Cocker. That's meant to be okay. I think I haven't seen it yet. Keep talking. I'm looking up. Oh yeah, okay, so Kindness is sort of a return to Lantimos' earlier work. It's more surreal um than some of his more recent stuff. um And it was good. I liked it. um It's a triptych of three different stories and all played by the same actors, but they have different roles with different sort of emphasis on the different characters. um
we get ah little ah store we get little stories that are sort of surreal but mostly about like kinds of control um and it's got this very sort of unsettling ah vibe to it that ah his early work earlier work has um but I'm not sure it lives up to the same quality as as some of his earlier stuff. I think it is still a good film, and I think ah he is still a good filmmaker, and I will guarantee the next film that he does. um But is this my favorite, Lantimos? No, because Killing of a Sacred Deer is insane. um And all in all,
I think it's, I think it's good. I think it's an interesting exploration of a whole bunch of different characters. Um, I think each story is nice and a little self-contained sort of thing. Uh, I like the, like sort of connected, but not really. Um, the acting is all very good. Um, I think Emma Stone has been great in his films. She was great in poor things. And I think she was great again, as along with Willem Dafoe, who continues to be the weirdest freak man.
Um, I, we almost got to see him full frontal naked, which was awesome, but, uh, we didn't. And that made me sad. His penis is too big. We'll get distracted. I know. But like, there were so many scenes where he was like completely naked, but no full frontal. His penis would be too big. You'd be distracted. Um.
But ah yeah, i i it's it's good. It's kind of, ah yeah, got that surrealism that Lanthimos is known for. And yeah, I'm still keen to see what he does next. Excellente. I had a bit of a killer week.
Whoa, I see what you did there. Killer week. Yeah, I saw four movies that are about serial killers this week. well That's too many. It was like it's actually last week because we're recording this late. but um we um You shouldn't see that many movies. About serial killers or in general? Yes. Okay, well, if you want to go down that path, then I'm going to call you a hypocrite.
Because, do you want to maybe give the audience a little taste of what they're getting next week, Max? I'm going to miff. Yeah, he's going to miff and he's seeing too many movies. I'm seeing a correct amount of movies. You're seeing a amount of movies that's going to bankrupt you. The bankruptcy has already happened. Thank you very much. So you're seeing about movies that has bankrupt you. I could not go see the movies and I will still be bankrupted.
You're bankrupt and you're seeing too many movies. Thank you. No, I may not be saying the correct amount of movies. You already admitted it. I saw long legs and ah hit on a history of violence um in a violent nature. ah Around the same time, I saw a trap. um Both. Which trap is the other movie we're doing today?
but good know I think I'm dying man. I think I was riding off. I was riding off of um pure spite for the last review and this one I've, I've lost the spite.
um Well, get it back, get it back, quick. I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying. All right. um Long Legs, Overrated is all hell. um hosh I was going to do a bit where I was going to be like, Max, one of these movies is super ultra famous and everyone went to go and see it and everyone loved it. And the other one is really under unknown and no one knows it. Which one do you think I liked more? The unknown one. Yeah, I kind of ruined it by saying that Long Legs was overrated.
I had a bit planned, but I forgot my bit in my um tiredness. ah Look, Long Legs is fine. it's it's it's It's got good style, and it's got good um thing. That's why you really need some good style. No, it stops being scary about halfway through, which is bad for a horror movie. It should get scarier, not scarier. Scary less. Scary less. Yeah, scary less.
Um, but, uh, in a violent nature is really cool. Cause I'm actually going to go into this one cause this one deserves more because everyone knows what long legs is, but in a violent nature isn't, it's a slasher movie. Really? Are you leaving while I'm talking about the thing? Oh, no. Okay. you're back way Okay. All I could see was you taking off your head for instance, i and then the frame like stuck on that. And I was like, Oh, he's just going to leave me while I talk about something I'm passionate about. That's cool. I don't care. Um,
So ah In a Violent Nature is a slasher movie, but told from the perspective of the slasher. and Um, it's like the unfunny version of behind the mask, the legend of Leslie Vernon, uh, which is a mockumentary with the same premise basically. Um, but behind the mask is a natural comedy. This is not a comedy. This is a legitimate slasher just told from the perspective of the slash, uh, the slash ease. And it's really good. Um, it's very violent, uh, as you would want a slasher to be the first couple of kills had the audience being like, whoa, Oh, yeah, like I saw it in the cinema and we had a good time at the audience. And I mean, we're having a great time. We all vibe together pretty well. We're like, oh, yeah. And we're like going woo to like the kills at the start. And then there was one kill about it feels like it's halfway through, but it's probably close to the end where just the cinema was silent because it was really sadistic and like kind of horrible to watch. And no one wanted to cheer on that one. Good movie.
Um, good movie. It's shot really well. It's really pretty. It's shot like kind of in like this rainforesty place. And it's so gorgeous. Holy cow. And it's also it does this thing where it's kind of like you've been dropped into the third or fourth iteration in a slasher film. So there's like pre done law with this one killer who's or who starts off the movie dead and comes back to life because of reasons. And you hear other characters talk about previous times this guy has come up and what they've had what they had to do to um send him like get him get rid of him and stuff and it's that's really interesting as well just like it's like this funny like kind of like oh this is like the fourth time this has happened like it's like the fourth Friday the 13th movie or it's the fifth Halloween movie or something like that that was cute um but yeah if you like slashes
and gory violent movies you'll enjoy this movie but yeah be warned there is like a really kind of disturbing kill kind of like at the back end that just like really took me for a surprise and i did feel really like i'm pretty good at not reacting to violence on a screen in real life don't know probably would shit my pants immediately upon seeing anything too gross but like if it's in a movie i'm pretty good at like saying this isn't a movie this is fine um but Uh, this one, this one made me really uncomfortable and this one like made me squeamish to watch. Um, so just be careful with that. ah Yeah, there's, um I'm gonna, I'm gonna just hop back to mine cause I feel jealous. Um, there's a couple, there's a couple, there's a couple of kills in my movie, mostly, mostly, mostly funny.
but There is a bit that is a bit squeamish. I don't want to spoil it because it's cool. I mean, it's also on the poster, but like, it's cool. There's a kill on the poster? There's, there's, well, it's not a kill on the poster, but there's a squeamish, there's a bit, there's a bit squeamish. Is it a dentist? It's not a dentist thing. Is it a gynecologist? It's not a gyner thing. There's, there's some cool little, there's the way that they treat deaf is funny. Okay.
Well, that's more reason to go watch that one. And then if you're screwed up in the head like me, you can watch the one I saw as well. I mean, it's just screwed up in the head, but different screwed up in the head. Yeah. If you're like, well, I mean, I don't think you're screwed up in the head if you like slashes, by the way. I'm sorry to imply that to your listeners. It's perfectly fine to watch slashes. This guy who's screwed up in the head thinks it's okay if you like slashes. It means the guy who's screwed up in the head thinks that you're not screwed up in the head.
Cause he thinks he's not screwed up in the head. No, I think I'm screwed up. I think I'm screwed up in the head. I just don't think it's because I watch slashes. I think watching slashes is the perfect, like there's no moral standpoint to watching all or head screwiness to watching slashes. Yeah. Sex is bad, Mitchell. There's no sex in this one, I think.
I remember isn't that like the whole, like where it all came out. but Well, that's the thing. It's like, there's a lot of implied, like these people are going to have sex, but but it's not, it's all told from the killer's perspective. So the killer doesn't actually see the sex because the killer isn't in the room when they're having sex. It's good. It's, I think there's a sequel already approved as well. So I'm, I'm in, I'm ready to go.
Sounds good. Yeah. All right. Let's, let's move on to the next movie. Oh, this movie's title. it's So long, dude. I don't know if I can remember it from my notes in front of me. I believe in you. Oh, you tell me one more time. But you believe in me. Do you want the English title or do you want like a different one? Because but it's got some other titles.
I think I can handle the English one. I think I got this. All right. All right. Just tell me one more time that you believe in me and I'll do it. I do believe in you. All right. All right. Rap. Damn it. That was a joke. That was a joke. Trap. Released in 2024 and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It's Shyamalan. Sorry. ah It stars Josh Hartnett, Ariel D'Nouw, Celica Night Shyamalan, Hailey Mills, and Alison Pill.
Max, wait, let's see if I can do a ah trap rap. Hey, I'm Mitch and I'm here to ask Max, can you get down with trap with a flask? What's the movie about today? Tell me before I say hooray.
I thought you were going to say like, hooray task. Um, okay. So if I'm not going to spoil this movie, no, spoil it. I'm not, I'm not going to spoil this movie for the first five seconds of this, of this review. And that is a man in a door that go to a concert.
But more than that was in the trailer. I know. her um this is That's all you can say without spoiling it. um Okay. Well, spoil a warning the rest of it. You seemed worried about it, so we're doing another one. I'm not worried about it. I'm just annoyed at the trailer. Oh, fair enough. Because because it it reveals too much. You really could have like cut that trailer to make it look like he wasn't the killer. yeah Anyway, anyway, that's this is my bit, Mitchell. Gosh. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
A man and a daughter go to a concert that the daughter wants to go to because she likes teen music or whatever, and the dad is actually a serial killer called The Butcher. um And the whole concert is actually a sting to catch in.
or the concert itself wasn't made to be a sting. No, but like, and that comes wanting yeahs them that's not important. Sorry, that was semantics on my part. I'm sorry. um And that he has to escape from the arena where the concerts being held. i And then he does that. And then there's more things after it for some reason.
Yeah, so I think the start like 45 minutes of this movie is really good. And then it leaves it leaves the arena and then it kind of loses itself a little bit.
I'm not gonna go as far to say that the start of this movie is really good. I had a lot of fun. I'm gonna say the start of this movie is considerably better than the end of this movie. I had a lot of fun when he's in the arena. I was just really enjoying, I was really enjoying it. I was really enjoying the I've heard the term, like, it's basically the most, the best adaptation of a adaptation sorry of ah Hitman game there's ever been, ah of him just kind of going around stealing clothes, putting ah oil into stuff that's like other oil, so it blows up. yeah It's hard to explain, but you if if you watch the movie, you understand. He puts sealed things into a deep fryer, don't you? Yeah, don't do that.
Yep. It's just, I liked that. Like it's, it's so contrived. Like everything that happens is so contrived. I will not try and like, I'm not going to defend this movie. Like any most criticism you can aim at this movie, I will happily like nod along and say, yeah, you're right. Like that's absolutely the case. But I had fun in that first bit. It's once he gives up the jig and tells lady Raven, Hey, I'm the butcher.
And that but once that happens, the my enjoyment of the movie drops significantly. And then, as Max mentioned, there's stuff after he leaves. the ah There is apparently about almost half another movie after this one where the can where the thing that got you into the cinema isn't happening anymore. And now it's just boring.
So I think this movie would have been an amazing short film. Oh, if we're going to just read our own little box reviews, let me read mine. Hold on. No, this is not, I was not i forgot that this was my letterbox review. No, I stand by this because this movie has some really cool, good key ideas. It takes the idea of having a sympathetic villain who's your protagonist, it takes the idea of being in a confined space. It takes the idea of of the the tension of of trying to escape and it allows you to solely focus on one character. And as long as that's all you're doing, that's great. And that would work great in like an eight minute film. Because
fun. Like a 40 minute movie. I reckon you could do this film in eight minutes. I reckon this film could be done in eight minutes because like even um I know you like the first half of this movie, but like the the fact that you have to mention that the that the whole, like all the stuff that he does is so contrived. Just leads you to go like, well, why is he doing that? There's so many times where he repeats the same series of events with marginally different outcomes. Instead of getting, like he gets through a door and then he is in the police briefing. Oh no, he shouldn't be there. He gets through a door and he's on the roof and there's police there. Oh no, he shouldn't be there. He gets through the door and there's police there.
it It didn't feel like they trump like there wasn't but the first time, it's an interesting idea. The second time, you're repeating yourself. The third time, you're a broken record. like it it it It just felt like this movie just kept saying the same thing over and over and over, and I just could not get around that at all.
i really struggled with the fact that like there's no variation. but There's nothing that makes me think this villain is or this protagonist is clever or interesting.
um hey ah doesn't act in a way that seems particularly sadistic, he doesn't have a particularly clear motivation, which I'm sure we will discuss, um and as a result we get this front half of the film where it feels like it's just dragging and dragging and dragging, and the second half of the film that does not need to be there at all because it's like unnecessary to the core of this movie, which is, which should be a serial killer in an environment where they have to escape. And it's hard for them to do that.
That's an interesting idea. I mean, idea behind this movie is an interesting idea. I just don't think it's executed. Well, um that's my that's my rant. I mean, i I think I don't understand why you're getting the idea that he's not showing sadistic behavior because I feel a a this is huge idea that he keeps his life separate. That's even though it's in the bad part of the film, it's still there. um And so like he he deliberately...
He's, he's probably deliberately, there's a level of of him deliberately not entering into that mindset while he's around his daughter so that he doesn't mix the lives together. And second of all, he is more than happy to push a woman downstairs. He's more than happy to leave, as previously mentioned, leave, um, pressure, I will like leave bottled things in a air fryer. So they explode and like.
the exploiter love of poor woman And we, we, we we see these sort of like, and like, I understand that like part of it is, is the fact that like he's being monitored and all of that sort of stuff, but you never see him actually engage directly in any of that sort of stuff. It's always like, ah Oh, I'll do something that happens to end up with this person getting injured. And like, that's fine in a different sort of. story, but I feel like the fact that they've introduced him as this guy who's like, I chopped their body into pieces. Do you not feel that's like a level of though that these people aren't the ones that he considers like the victims that he wants to act because he talks about who he likes to know. I know. But like at that point in the film, you don't at that point in the film. but I don't think I don't think it's I don't think you can dock some movie for like, obviously, we don't know that immediately. But like,
a well a something I do actually think and this will play probably play more to your side than my side is I don't think this movie should have been an emerited movie I think they should have had the balls to take it to MA or something like that and like make it actually more violent and more messed up like so that we I am agreeing with you on that sense. like I think the movie has is missing some teeth and is therefore the character himself is missing some like bite to him. um But I do think that there's a level of... I think i think once again, there's like iront that we get that characterization and maybe you could say it's a bit late and we should have maybe got it a bit early, but we still get it. So I don't think you can... I don't think you can say that that's the problem with the movie. You can say that the characterization maybe isn't done well and isn't done early enough, but I don't think you can say that like why he's not going full out in these that far front front section is a problem with the movie. I don't know. I just I don't I don't know if that's it like I don't know if like
him like talking about keeping his life separate is enough for me to go. Oh, well, like I truly believe like we get, uh, it's one of those things again, where like we get told this man is evil, but we never get shown this man is able. And, but and, and on top of that, we got told this man is evil because he has mummy issues.
Okay, no, that is funny. That is funny and something I made fun of and in the review. I shall read from my letterboxed. You ready? If there is one thing I've learned, it's that mummy issues can lead to two things, obsession with goth girls or murder.
And I stand by that. Um, but no, I do think, I do think a major drawback in this movie is the fact that for some reason they were like, this movie, we need to make sure that every audience can see this. This is not, this is a make it MA, make it more violent, make it more make, let our main, let us see what our main character has done.
more horrifically because like we do get a sense of what he's done because there's that one picture of, um, like all the body parts covered up by top on the playground. But yeah, to us, that's to a movie go, that is nothing. And.
It also means that's the one that's the one horrible thing we get to see ah he did. We didn't even actually see him do it. And we don't even get to see it. The aftermath of it done properly either. Like we just don't that. And that is something I totally agree with. There's this move, as mentioned before, this movie is missing teeth because it has to stick to a certain classification level of violence and showing this. um I just don't believe. I don't believe the character like.
I, I really struggled to get behind this character of, uh, my mum was mean to me. So I am a serial killer now, but I keep my life separate. But I i guess I get that as like a, if you're doing like true crime, something, and that's a legitimate reason. And also you have like psychosis or whatever, like then sure. Like I get that that's. a real story, or it might be a real story, or it might be really closely related to a real story. But where this is a movie, we have the opportunity to be fantastical. It doesn't have to be outside the laws of of what you know like regular human existence is, but it has to be, and ah to an extent, and especially in a movie like this, it has to capture the interest of the audience. I just feel like
no one's like relating like people are relating to having like mummy issues, but they're not relating by doing a a serial killing. yeah and i think what what what i've What I've been itching to talk about is like if you compare this to even ah even with perfume, which I can pretty confidently say neither of us thought was a fantastic movie. You see the difference between the characters in which one has a much more clear motivation if albeit obfuscated by ah the the um limits sort the way that the the movie is the going about itself.

Comparing Character Motivations

But I just think that Josh Hartnett's character in this just
yeah is nothing. He doesn't make me believe that he's evil. I don't understand why he's evil. We don't get told any of this until quite late in the film regardless. And and on top of that, I just like there's no I didn't have any interest in him in that in that first half of the movie so I just am sort of at a loss because I like I really want to enjoy this movie because I really like the concept but I just think that it's that there's just so much missing there's there's the teeth there's the personality and there's
just, you know, like the drive that this movie is missing for me. I think what I think the problem is actually that they tried to give him motivation. I don't think that's necessary. Like people, people become killers.
because sometimes that's just how they're wired. And I think what's problem is, is they do a half-assed job with saying, mum issues. Well, sorry, the technically the actual problem is that he was born with, like, like he was born with sociopathic or psych, sociopathic or, or sell the tendencies. More than anything, it's just like, they're using it as an excuse, like they're using it as an excuse to excuse the way, like the, the, um,
police profile or the criminal profile as a character and yeah it doesn't add anything to the film. it's like if you just took out the need for that character to be able to say, so like, I think enough would be like the OCD stuff. Like I don't think, I think that makes him interesting enough and helps the profiler be able to utilize enough of their knowledge to track him down through that. Like you don't need, you don't need the mummy issue stuff to get to the same outcome. And it if anything, it just means that you have given a character that didn't, that could have worked without, um, this, that type of motivation.
a bad motivation and therefore has alienated max my good friend max how dare you but in general we' probably also alien and max is not a weird person whose views don't resemble anyone else so it's likely that you've eliminated a bunch of other people in the audience audience as well because you've given this character.
just like it's it's it's like simplified down his actions so much that you're like that's kind of pathetic like I I do I am actually on your side with this I I don't like the fact that they were like mummy issues because I was like well He's kind of a wuss. He's kind of, yeah. it's it's And this is why, i like again, I keep going back to this idea of like, I think this would be a great short film because in a short film, you don't need to go into any of that. Well, you can't. You can't go into that. You don't have the ability to go into that. The simpler that this character is, the simpler of an idea this character is, the more effective it is. and and and
it just Shyamalan really falls into this trap of over-explaining. Sorry, ah ah sorry I thought you'd do not deliberately. Shyamalan falls into this trap um where he just tries to over-explain everything. um and This movie works so much better with less.
Do you reckon that this movie would be better if it had the same twist as Split and that it was in the unbreakable universe? Max is shaking his head. He has refused to even bring his mic to his face to respond to me on And he's taking a drink. All right. I've exhausted him. We can move on. um I did for two seconds though. I got split. I had split deja vu. I had deja vu to split though at the end when he's hot shirtless and he's going. He's like getting so shot three times by three different teasers and he's still managing to stay standing. And he's also drugged up to hell, but he's still stabbing, stabbing ladies and gents all around him.
It, I think, I just, I think what the thing is, is that I just found the start. I was hooked. I was happy to just buy into the idea of this guy has to escape. I didn't need much else. So I was like, he has to escape. Other stuff is weird. I also, I actually thought his relationship with his daughter was kind of cute. I was on board with that. I don't know about you. You seem to like, yeah. It was fine. Like I didn't think it was anything, anything special. It's nothing special. It like it needed to be there ah for the for to drive of the plot, but I don't think he needed it needed to get being returned to again. I think I think this movie tapped into my weakness for dads. Okay. like i I love a dad. I love a dad that loves his daughter and he clearly does dad loves his daughter. Is this a sad dad? Does this come a sad dad Mitchell's movie Mitchell's sad dad movie list? No, not really. Does the dad count as sad?
He's kind of just insane, which is sad in of itself, but the dad himself is not sad. It's the concept of the dad that's sad. Um, but no, I think like I'm, I'm always more than happy to buy into a dad trying to have a relationship with his children. So like, it's really not hard Once again, there is no problem with my dad and me, by the way. Why don't I have a great relationship? I don't know why this happens every single time. But I'm just really happy. I think it's just because i don't you don't see a lot of dads, good dads in media. like You see a lot of good moms and a lot of moms like struggling to look after their kids. And like that is absolutely a reality and it's absolutely something that should be presented. But I just think we have a lack of dads that are good dads. A lot of times dads are used to being abusive.
Give us more good dads, not bad dads. Cause all of dads are usually used as abusive or as um like, like absent or something like that or ah or already dead as well. Like that's like, that's not even rent. Like look, I'm not going to say that because fridging is very much a, a female oriented problem. Like, that like in that, like it's a very, it's just dads leave, let dads be normal. Let dads be good dads. I don't need action dads. Cause that's the other thing. It's like if dads are usually just action heroes. I don't need action, we just get them in this problem. Like this is the same problem here.
ah Whatever. it's like He was a dad trying to do something nice for his daughter and then this happened and I just thought that was I was on board for that but I can understand why other people were not so easily swayed by it as I am. why I think the idea that he is taking his daughter to the concert because his daughter once really wants to go to the concert and that they set it up as a sting. I think that's a cool idea. i think That's really cool.
I think that inherently shows this relationship that he has with his daughter. It's cute. Yeah. And I don't know. I just feel like there's a lot of like, he'll go do something and then you'll come back to his scene and the daughter will be like, where'd you go? And he'd be like, Oh, I left my credit card. I mean, I have to go. Sorry. I have to take another one of the stairs. That was weird. Yeah. No. So once again, I think, I think there's probably this movie falls, falls to the M9 Shyamalan. Uh,
isn't a trap. I was trying to think of like the word for um like sickness. Like it's like the it's in that Shyamalan school of dialogue. Disease. Disease. Yeah. It falls to the end of Shyamalan disease of bad dialogue. Itis. um No one talks like a human. ah Everyone is absolutely aware there's a camera on them. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, what do you think about? What do you think about serial killers? You know, the butcher.
Well he's, there's a trap, we're setting up a trap for him.
And then he he's like staring, because at that point in time they're staring directly into the camera too, because we're supposed to be doing a PRV shot, but we are the PRVs, so.

M. Night Shyamalan's Cameos

They're just staring, through the guy's staring directly into my face and saying, we're going to trap the butcher. There is one.
further interpretation of this movie that I think is the funniest interpretation of this movie. All right, hit me. And that is M. Night Shyamalan, his daughter is the singer yeah in this movie. Yeah. Did you also see that M. Night Shyamalan's in this movie? I did see that he's um he's like the uncle, isn't he? He's the uncle, yeah. yeah um i am I love how he likes he puts himself in his own... Sorry, I know you're trying to say something. um I love how he puts himself in his own movies. I think that's really cute.
the So his his his daughter is actually a singer. She does do music stuff. I am fully willing to believe he went, I want to support you in your career. Let me make you a movie. A dad doing a dad move or making a dad movie.
Now that's true. That's so cute.

Plot and Audience Appeal

The other thing to consider about this movie is so much of this movie is just watching like a recorded concert movie. Like it's just a concert movie. Like the the the other way of presenting this movie is like that it's it's watching the eras to a movie, but there's also a serial killer. I was going to say it would be really funny if we'd paired this movie with the eras to a movie. Yeah. Okay.
Do you not reckon that would have been funny? Look, I think it would have been funny. I think... I think watching would have killed me. I don't know how much good content that would make. How do you how do you critically appraise or even comically appraise? We just keep talking about the cinematography. The ears to a movie. We get canceled. How do we get canceled? Because we said something bad about. We would we would never scheduled. We can't get canceled. I did. It was very there was a point where I just kind of hit like, oh, this is why I don't like.
This is why I don't like i'm um concerts because I'd have to stand there and listen to songs I don't like if I get unlucky. I actually didn't actively dislike the songs in this movie. I just don't think they were brilliant either. I think they were fine. um It's fine. It's it's it's it's like watching a concert movie. It's like watching a recording of a concert. It's it's strange. I think Celica Nightshawn has a lovely voice.
ah She has with great potential. I just think the songs that were on display here weren't really songs for me. And you know what? That's fine. If you like the songs, please don't feel bad, by the way. i I hope you don't think I'm saying this is bad. To be fair, they was really specific in like, oh, no, the songs aed a aimed at like teenage girls. yeah Yeah, it's really not for us. Like we're not the audience. Guys, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Mitchell was not a teenage girl.
That's exceedingly exclusive to just me. Are you trying to mention that you're a teenage girl? I'm i'm not ah claiming or denying anything. Hmm. Now that is curious. oh chinese I think but like why things really just kind of whack though is in the back end. What I think lets down the movie a lot is that it decides to come to your house. Sorry.
Okay. That was pretty funny. Uh, well, I think that that's the problem though, is that lady Raven has not been a character up until then. And then also becomes integral to the plot and then disappears much like the daughter. So what what should, what I heard someone was talking about. So I'm not going to claim this idea as my own, but I really liked it. So I want to share it with you and our listeners was that it should have been that the daughter had accidentally marked up in some way. And was the reason why the police.
Um, were like, she didn't, she didn't

Debate on Plot Explanation

either. She was in on the trap or, um, she, in some way, she had left something somewhere that that like he had taken her to a something, whatever. I'd not meet to write this movie, but like, like it was her fault that the police knew about this and were like,
I have another suggestion. what It's not explained. It is explained. It doesn't need to be explained. No, I think it does. I actually think it does. I don't think it does. I think it's why I think it's weird way too specific a thing to be like, this guy's going to be at this concert with i when he does not fit the demographic that that concert is for. I think it's way too weird. I think it does need to be explained. I think the problem is that we got a really bad explanation. is why does have If you're showing this movie from his perspective, you know, he's like, hey, you know, he's the killer. yeah then then, um, like the, the police presence is implied, the police presence is implied from like minute 10. He walks in and he's cutting to the police. no i come back to him They cut back to the police. No, you don't need to explain it further from that. But like, how did they know he was there otherwise?
What does it matter? It matters to me. it's all it's not It's not about how they know that he's going to be there. It's about him escaping. It was absolutely something I...
It was absolutely something I was trying to, I thought was weird. And I was like, if they don't explain this, then I'm going to kind of be a bit niffed about it. Because I look, I think at that point in time, that's something that you can either take or leave. And that's personal preference. Like, I'm not going to say you're wrong to feel that way. And I hope you don't think I'm wrong to feel this way. I think at that point, it is definitely personal preference. I think you you're wrong, but for other reasons.
Yeah, well, I think you're over other reasons too. I don't think this is what makes you wrong. um But it was seriousness though. like i do I was definitely thinking I need some level of explanation for this just because i um it was too it was too specific a thing for them to have worked out because they were also right, which is the thing. like how they must something must have told them that this was going to happen. It wasn't like they were going from they would like hanging out at every single concert or see what he could have done is just being like, Oh, he always takes people from concerts.
If that had been it, then I'd be more than happy to take it. But that wasn't what he did. He just, he, he, he was, none of his crimes had been connected to a concert in any way, shape or form. So there had to be another reason. And I needed that other reason. It's because his wife worked it out because he smelled of the kind of alcohol that they use in the cleaning of hospitals, which is also unexplained by the way. Um, yeah, look, I mean, like that point, I was happy to like, But then out somehow and then stole a ticket snub out of the wallet. It just shouldn't have been the wife. In the place where the, in one of his safe houses because you know, he's a firefighter.
Yeah. I i i just don't think it should be in the way. Why do we have to know that he's a firefighter? Why does it matter? Oh, that's because i'm I think being him being a firefighter, A, it helps with like this thing where like he uses the carbon monoxide thing, which I know you're just not exclusive to firefighters, but at least it kind of helps why he would know about it. That's a general knowledge thing. why yeah no We get ads on the TV saying,
Covenant on Oxide is a silent killer. I think the other thing it does is it actually gives him technically it gives him physical like superiority over most other people he encounters because firefighters are like strong like really strong and really like it but like aren't most of the people he encounters like teenagers well that but the point is that like he's even scarier now because he's like this man who's actually like working out and doing this physical job I do agree I'm just saying this is probably the idea where they were coming from when they wrote that like that. Yeah, i get I get that. I just think they should. They need chill out in the writing room. It's because i M. Night was good. Just leave it at that. Yeah. M. Night likes to complicate things way too much. I do really appreciate he decides to not ruin the movie with a weird twist.
I do think the movie was ruined. the wife knew the whole time She didn't know the whole time. she like yeah But I don't like that it was the wife though. It really should have been the daughter because that was who we spent time with. That was who we like got to know. um i'm not goingnna why I was sort of expecting the daughter to be the villain.
That was like my thing going in is I thought the daughter was the one who was actually the killer and it turned and it was going to turn out that he was just like covering for her. Like I thought that was going to be the twist. But and honestly, that that would have made all the convolution much more interesting. I wouldn't have even needed an explanation for how they knew she was going to be there. Like if that was because that would be enough to distract me from the fact that I didn't know why they were checking out this one concert like.

Tone Consistency Issues

that I don't know. I think the movie either needed I think the problem you and I are having and what this movie has is it it it it plays with being realistic and being fantastical and it doesn't pick a side and it needs to either have picked being really realistic and like stuck to like being very serious and very like this is hardcore this is like or like like some very like uh uh what's what's that one movie with um other serial killers, the what the famous ones, Silence of the Lambs, like very like Silence of the Lambs type thing like this is like a hardcore serious true crime type thing or it needed to go really corny and wacky and amp everything up to 11 and it just keeps playing with both. It wants both and that doesn't work because you can't have your pie and eat it too. It's cake but all alright. No I know but it's the pie in the movie. Oh.
that was too That was too... That wasn't too... Yeah. Look, I appreciate the attempt. I do. I'm sorry. Maybe... I'm not gonna say... audience Wrong audience. Wrong audience. Yeah, you should be someone who watched the movie, Max. I was asleep. No, I wasn't. I watched this one. um Yeah, this was the one you picked to stay awake in? I don't pick him. It just happens.
I was having fun. Even when I wasn't enjoying it, I was still having fun. I don't know if that makes sense. No, I really doesn't. I'm sorry. I think I had enough fun at the start to maintain an awake status at the end because I was hoping it'd become fun again. It just didn't. um I do really I do find it really funny that the day was saved by Instagram live. um
That's all

Social Media Realism

I got. That's that's that's it. It is funny. It's dumb. It's so dumb. I actually think the most realistic part of that movie ah the movie was the comments, which were just completely ignoring what she was saying and saying, like, you go, Queen, slay. She's like, there's someone dying. There's someone who's going to die. It's like, slay, Queen, you were so good. And then they're like, wait, can we actually listen to what she's talking about, please? Like that one moderator who's always there is just like, go away. We're just let us let us praise our Queen. They were just missing all the like the bots and the like,
Sex, Russian sex, Russian sex, no real gold. Yeah. Holiday in the Vatican. You can't holiday in the Vatican? Sure you can. I mean, not if unless you break in. I don't think you can stay there. Can you stay there? You can't stay there. You know what? I haven't looked. I don't think you can. It's not big enough.
Can you stay in the Vatican? I'm looking this up. I mean, like there's big enough for buildings. so shes It's big enough too. but you like You could sleep in the Vatican. Only the clergy can stay in the Vatican and also the Swiss guards who defend it. Well, that's your answer people. You got to be in the church or the Swiss guard. I know what I'm picking. Breaking in. Yeah, obviously.
We may, we should probably censor that. Why? what's What are you gonna do, the Vatican? Two Jews saying they're gonna break into... Excuse me, indicate me? We're already Jewish.
um I'm good to do scores. You're good to do scores. Yeah, let's do scores. Yeah, let's make this a short one by like 10 minutes. You go. I gave trap.
two slap bands that cover tattoos that relate to the clue's name that isn't really explained beyond that, but then he wears for the rest of the film after that one scene for no reason. Actually, do one before we continue, I do we want to point out that the profile they were looking for was just every man ever. He could have walked out.
Guys, it's a man. He could be black. He could be white. He's of average height. Yeah. He has a daughter and he's at a concert. Well, they don't know he has a daughter. They just assumed that because he went to this concert. Yeah, that's what the Profiler does. They assume things based on evidence.
So they're like, he has a daughter. He probably has facial hair. He probably has a tattoo. But he could not. But he might not. He could be black, we don't know. He could also be white, we don't know. He could, might not be a man. Unlikely, but possible. Did you ever, sorry, I'm, no, nevermind, I'll tell you. No, no, no, no, say it, say it, say it. No, it's it's actually a complete sidetrack.
but Let me say my thing then, and then we can do it in the outro or whatever. ah um I'm giving this movie three versions of Tortured Poets Society out of the maxim five maximum it would have been. Can I start this again? yeah are you You want to have a longer score than me? Three versions of Tortured Poets Society out of the five maximum it would have been appropriate to release in the way that Taylor Swift did. That's funny, right? It's Tortured Poets Department. What?
I almost wrote Dead Poets Society, so I actually did pretty well.
What a dumb name for a... I i can't say that. We're gonna get cancelled. But it's a dumb name for an album. It doesn't roll off the tongue. It's not... It's... Mmm.
but Don't silence me with the interlude. do you You need to give your opinion now, otherwise you're gonna seem like a fence sitter and everyone's gonna hate you. Hey Mitch, you know what time it is? Ah, you fence sitter. What time is it, Max? Doo doo doo doo doo doo, fan rail! Do we have any? No. Oh. And you know what that means? No no no, this is my turn then. I'm sorry. Max, do you know what that means?
Film buff! Yeah, you did it. I did do it. I got some questions on a card and they have answers. Mitch said I'm going to ask the questions and Mitch is going to give me the answers. Last week I said I got three out of six correct at the end. It was actually two out of six. I got correct.
the ketons music off yeah ten the meal tell the music thank you okay yeah All right, first one is a quote. It's always a quote. The first one is always quite the first one is quite no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling this confession has meant nothing. That actually sounds really familiar. um No new knowledge this confession. Can you say it again?
Yeah. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing. That is so familiar. I'm going to kick myself when you tell me the answer. You are going to kick yourself? Hold on. No, I don't know it without hints. Yeah. It is Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Actually, no, I actually feel fine. I haven't watched that movie in years. I don't know it that well.
Linda Hamilton and Amelia Clark have both played which character on screen? It's some Sarah Connor in Terminator. Sarah Connor is correct. Who performed the Oscar winning song City of Stars from La La Land? Ryan Gosling. I'll give you half a point. It was Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. Oh, okay.
and It's mostly him who does it. Alright, I'll take it. They're both in the song. Yeah, but he wrote it in the movie. In real life. He did not write this song. What are you talking about? Who directed Thor Ragnarok? Taika Waititi. Yeah, that's the easy one.
Thank you. yeah On what famous street is the Tiffany and Co store featured in breakfast at Tiffany's? Beale Street. No, it's not. Um, it's that really famous one. That's like really expensive. That's what I did say. Yeah.
Well, no, I meant like it's like the famous one though, that like- Yeah, I did say it was famous. I did say on what famous street- I meant it's the expensive one where like everything's really expensive. It's like in LA or something. I don't know. Yes. It's, what street is it in Melbourne? Like Collins Street? That's where the banks are. Be the one with like Myers on it, right? Burke Street. Yeah, that one. No, that's like where the plebs go. Which one has H&M on it? Is that also Burke Street?
Yeah, no. That's where the GPO is. when thats What's the answer? answer the The answer is Fifth Avenue, New York.

Ghostbusters Title Issues

Oh, it's New York? I was on the wrong side of the country. What movie links Melissa McCarthy?
Yeah, please talk. but
yeah please talk
What movie links Melissa McCarthy? I'm screwed. Kristen Wiig. Kate McKinnon. Oh, it's Ghostbusters. Leslie Jones. Ghostbusters. Who are you going to call? ah It is gar the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot. They renamed it. They renamed it to who are you going to call so that it doesn't get confused with the OG one. Did they actually? I think so. It's kind of like a live die repeat edge of tomorrow type thing.
Right. Okay. I thought it was just tagline of, of, of, so did I, but like, if you look at the blue rays now, it's kind of like too big to just be just a tagline. Like and it's weird. Yeah. I might be wrong. It's just like the way the presented is often like that. Well, that that's, that's three and a half points. It's better than half. Can you give me the four please? No, it's only three and a half. No.
I didn't know it was a duo. You said who? It makes it sound like it's one person. No, it does. It's a word that can be plural or singular. Yeah, but how was I supposed to know you wanted more than one answer?
um Because the answer would have more than one answer. I didn't know that. I thought you just meant like the first time when you see him. I forgot how many times that song was played. No, but you're going to do the from the Oscar bit. I don't know. I didn't watch the Oscars. I didn't watch the Oscars. I just assumed it'd be Brian Gosling. No, it's the full song. It's the full song. The full song. It gets the nomination. Okay. But I didn't know that I didn't realize they did City of Stars. I thought they did a different song together.
that you see you sir It's been on many moons since I watched that movie. I watched it probably the last time I watched it was when it came out. Stop cutting me off. you Stop talking. I said sorry. This has been the podcasted podcast. Well, I will remain grumpy either the way. um This has been the blockbuster pod. Let's have some energy. Let's have some oomph. Come on.
This has been the Blockbusted Podcast. I've been the Brunswick Yordolo. And I've been the hang glider man-man. You always change your answer at the back end here. No, I think that's the same that what I said, wasn't it? Run the tape. And I'm the hang glider man-man.
i Hopefully you'll insert that. Don't explain that. um You can send us questions, reviews, and more at hatemail at blockbustedpotty at gmail

Engagement with Listeners

Speaker That's potty, spelled P-O-D-D-I-E. You can also find us on the app formerly known as Twitter, as well as Instagram and TikTok at the username bbpotty.
Leave us a five star review and if you're on Apple, give us a give us a little cheeky comment as well and we'll we'll read it out. um Did we check to see if there's any? ah No, I didn't. oh we should ohll look I'll look, I'll do that real quickly now and we'll cut around it. Sweet. Readings and reviews. Do we have any reviews? Can I click all? Just click all, yeah. do for it Does it give me all? Does it give me an option for all?
Um, no, but it gives me Australia. That's good. And that's got nothing. I'm going to check Ireland for you.
Yeah, there's no ratings or reviews in Ireland. All right. Give us some reviews and ratear reviews. So we can end up on the charts, please. Marketing tools. Maybe we'll look at that and figure out how you can include in your marketing. That's okay. We're not good at that. We're not marketing. We'll work on it. We promise. I know we said this every week, but I don't know. Maybe I'll post something from myth. I'd be pretty rad if you did that. It would be on brand.
Uh, next week, because we decided that it's good for you guys to know what we're doing next week instead of keeping it a mystery. Uh, yeah, we forgot to do it for the past two episodes. Um, next week, like we're having a little spacey space time.
Right? In space. No one can hear you watch a movie. Because there's no air for the movie to travel in. Yeah, not a good way to watch it. There's also no movies in space. I'm sure the International Space Station has like a Blu-ray of Godfather up there. No movies in space. They have a band. Anyway, we're watching Alien Romulus and ET. The extraterrestrial.

Upcoming Movies Announcement

Thank you. That was and that that is a full title. No, it is. It is. is You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. If you haven't seen Alien Romulus run out and if you haven't seen E.T.,
run out. It's been a while, but to still do it. You got time. You got a week. You got time. You got a week. You've had 40 years, but you've got a week. Not for alien Romulus there. Not for alien Romulus. That one came out recently. It's not out yet. It's out in two days. Well, by the time you listen to this, it will be out. That's true. In Australia. It's probably out in the States already. I think it's out. I don't know. This week,
Don't do murders, wink. Why are you winking? Wink, wink, wink. Don't. No, don't do murders. Just cheeky, just a cheeky wink to say don't do a murder. No, no, no, don't do murders. Don't do murders, wink. Don't do murders. I already said okay, but murders are bad. Wink, wink, wink. there wing week wink win week No wink. No, no winks. I would never
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