Episode 93: Its not just a job image
S6 E93 · SICOP Talks Winter Ops
Episode 93: Its not just a job
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7 months ago

Part 3 of our workforce recruiting and retention series showcases a grass roots program the Washington State DOT launched a few years back to encourage high school students to consider a career in transportation maintenance.  Pasco Bakotich, State Maintenance Engineer for the Washington State DOT explains the program, the benefits they’ve seen, and success they’ve witnessed by bringing these young adults into the maintenance family. 

If you’d like more information on the Washington DOT High School to Highways program contact Pasco at BakotiP@wsdot.wa.gov 

If you'd like to be a guest on SICOP Talks Winter Ops or you have an idea for an episode send an email to Rick Nelson at rnelson@aashto.org or Scott Lucas at SELucas@columbus.gov

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Thanks for listening in and stay safe out there!
