Episode 96: Shaken not stirred - the Rocker Ice Melting Test Method image
S7 E96 · SICOP Talks Winter Ops
Episode 96: Shaken not stirred - the Rocker Ice Melting Test Method
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3 months ago

When it comes to liquid deicing products how do you know you’re getting what you paid for and that it’s likely to perform as promised?  The Nebraska DOT has been working on developing a easy to run, repeatable, and cost effective test method to determine the ice melting capacity of liquid deicing products.

Mike Mattison and Jasmine Dondlinger of the Nebraska DOT take us on the journey this test method has taken from the initial idea using a instrumented martini shaker to the Rocker AASHTO Provisional Test Method and why this test method should be part of your winter operations program when it comes to liquid deicing products.

If you would like more information about the new Rocker Test Method or how it might fit into your winter maintenance program you can contact Mike Mattison at mailto:Mike.Mattison@nebraska.gov or Jasmine Dondlinger at mailto:Jasmine.Dondlinger@nebraska.gov .

If you'd like to be a guest on SICOP Talks Winter Ops or you have an idea for an episode send an email to Rick Nelson at rnelson@aashto.org or Scott Lucas at SELucas@columbus.gov

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Thanks for listening in and stay safe out there!
