Episode 90: Where's SICOP image
S6 E90 · SICOP Talks Winter Ops
Episode 90: Where's SICOP
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8 months ago

Introducing the transformation of SICOP to the AASHTO Winter Weather Management Technical Service Program and SICOP Talks Winter Ops to Talkin Winter Ops.  With the re-branding of SICOP we're re-branding the podcast as well.  Same program, same podcast, with a new look.

If you'd like to be a guest on SICOP Talks Winter Ops or you have an idea for an episode send an email to Rick Nelson at rnelson@aashto.org or Scott Lucas at SELucas@columbus.gov

Sign up for email notifications for future episodes and other communications from AASHTO's Winter Weather Management Technical Service Program at https://subscribe.talkinwinterops.org We'll never spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.
