Later on, they could they adopt central plains traditional horticulture. they're not They're introduced to it by the horticulture sound south, which we have in the South Bend Pawnees. Now, how does the language fit into all this? how does how does Our old traditions talk about meeting people that speak to each other, and I think this is really speaking to what I talked about earlier, that The Great Plains is ancestrally a Katoan-speaking area. and Even the oral traditions of the of the South Bands would talk about coming from the Missouri. Before they were at the Missouri River, they came from across Oklahoma and somewhere from the Southwest. so They were already in this Katoan region. I think they're Katoans as well, ancestral Katoan speakers that just kind of travel across the Southern Plains and end up in the Central Plains. I think I need to talk more with the tribe about this and some other groups. Because like a lot of the oral traditions that talk about this Missouri River stuff, it's it's really South Bend oral traditions that are harkening to this, whereas Skeety oral traditions, I can't express enough, they're the ones that are like, well, we've always been here. But like so but you also see remnants and vestiges of South Bend oral traditions where you can definitely tell there's hunter, the ancestral hunter and gatherers are also speaking through oral traditions. Like, no, we've always been in Kansas. As you can also see central plain tradition hunting camps and later initial coalescent hunting camps, the hunting camps that are in the west in Colorado, and Wyoming, they're on top of central plain tradition and woodland hunting camps. Now, is that ah is that an artifact of, well, those are just best places to camp? They could be, but also, I think there is knowledge being transferred, right? Like, basically, you might, you know, you're a central plantation horticulturalist, but your grandfather, you know, he was the hunter-gatherer before the days before a corn, back when they had to walk.