Filler Episode - The Opal File image

Filler Episode - The Opal File

The Podcasterโ€™s Guide to the Conspiracy
513 Plays3 months ago

With M off in London and/or Bucharest, Josh fills time by telling you all the secret history of New Zealand as contained in The Opal File (or possibly The Opal Files - no-one seems sure). What do Robert Muldoon, G. Gordon Liddy and the Shah of Iran have in common? They're all in The Opal File!

The podcast's guide to the conspiracy featuring Josh Edison and Im Dintas.
Hello and welcome to the podcast as guide to the conspiracy. In Auckland, New Zealand, I'm Josh Edison. Dr. M. Denteth is wherever, wherever Dr. M. Denteth's go. As we talked about last episode, Emsoff has been in London, might still be there, not quite sure. In London or Romania or or places in between, but not right here is the point. If you've been tuned into the episodes, you'll see that you've put up an interview with some of the co-presenters at the conference where they've been. But um for now, it's just going to be ah one of those good old fashioned filler episodes. Haven't had one of these in a while actually, but it's just me is the point.
And I don't have anything interesting to talk about ah in advance of the episode. All I've been doing for the past two weeks is having the flu. Didn't test positive for COVID at all, but I bloody felt like COVID, I have to say. Anyway, I'm better mostly now, so I can talk to you in this episode about the opal files.
So the opal files, or possibly the opal file, not quite sure, and that a little little bit unclear on which way that round is. um The opal files contain the secret conspiratorial history of New Zealand. You'd think I'd have heard about them before now. i When I heard about this, I sent off an email to Ian and said, look surely we've heard of this before? And Ian had a hunt and said, I think Ian Wishart's talked about it previously, but we haven't actually, hasn't come up on these podcasts before and it was certainly news to me. The opal file slash files is a document that has apparently been around since the 1980s. Nobody's quite sure who wrote it. It seems to be, when I've heard of it, it's been it's been a friend of a friend. I know a guy who knows a guy. In fact, literally the way I heard about it is through my wife who likes to go to the gym
and have a sauna afterwards and chat to randoms in the sauna and it was in just such an occasion that she got talking to a ah very nice apparently sort of middle-aged white guy who out of the blue started telling her about all these weird things that the the secret history of but of of what's happened in New Zealand since the 1960s and my wife nodded politely and said yeah really gosh that's interesting assassinated him you say and then came home and said, right, have I got a story for you? And she did. The opal file may or may not be related to the gemstone file. Now, the gemstone file is another one I hadn't heard of, but when I started trying to find out more about the opal file, the gemstone file immediately showed up. Now, the gemstone file we do know a bit more about. It's written between about 1968 and 1975 by a guy called Bruce Porter Roberts, who apparently people have looked into and isn't is a human being who exists or existed.
and He put together something around 300 pages of, I think, handwritten stuff about about conspiratorial happenings. and in nineteen We know about this for because of two people. In 1972, a photocopy collection of some of his writings was a given to a woman called Mae Brussels. She was a conspiracy theorist and a host of the radio show Dialogue Conspiracy. Apparently she's very much into the Kennedy assassination and one of her claims to fame is that she actually compiled an index, quite a comprehensive index, to the Warren Report. If you recall when we've talked about the Warren Report in the past, one of the things that made it difficult to get into was that it was
It has no index and it's very hard to sort of search through either by design or simply because at the time it was made they didn't realise what a big deal it was going to be and just sort of slapped it together and and put it out there. But at any rate, so she she she gave it the index it sorely needed and apparently even cross-referenced things in the report to its magazines and newspaper stories that she thought were connected to everything. But as well as that, she um gave gave ear to the information of the gemstone file that apparently was more more widely known because in 1975 a freelance writer called Stephanie Carona released a book called A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File, which was only a few dozen pages long and it was sort of a synopsis of the the wider gemstone file.
ah the gemstone file. Apparently it was called the gemstone file because Mr Roberts claims that Howard Hughes stole his method for producing synthetic rubies. At least that's what I read. But basically it's just all about how important industry and political figures are involved with the mafia, or literally are the mafia, controlling the entire world. It brings in figures of the time, Aristotle Onassis, Joseph P. Kennedy, which is JFK's father, Howard Hughes, a bunch of other notable figures. i think I think at one point it says who shot JFK. There's a lot there's a lot in here. Unlike the opal file, I haven't been able to easily find a copy of the june stone file to read through, but from what it sounds like,
it's it covers a lot of the same material that's in the opal file. ah The opal file lists a chronology, ah sort of ah it lists a bunch of of events and in chronological order from 1967 up to 1987, and it largely focuses on this international mafia control of oil fields near New Zealand, but then more broadly about control of business in general, both both legal and illegal, and it brings in various and international events as they relate to all of this. so having From what I've read about the gemstone file, the the two certainly sound related. I don't know if the opal file was sort of composed like like like a compilation of the bits from the gemstone file that specifically related to New Zealand.
or if it was inspired by it, or maybe maybe maybe maybe they're not related and they're just simply inspired by the same sort of general conspiracy theories that are always floating around and so and as a result come out sounding very much the same. But as for how it sounds, let's um here's how it starts. I'll give you the first few entries, which should give ah give a good idea of of what the whole thing is like to read. So it begins. 18th May, 1967. Texas oil billionaire Nelson Bunker Hunt, using a sophisticated satellite technique to detect global deposits, discovers a huge oil source south of New Zealand in the Great South Basin.
10 June 1967, Hunt, a New Zealand finance minister, who doesn't identify it initially, but it would have been Robert Muldoon, reached an agreement Hunt will receive sole drilling rights and Muldoon, now there it is, will receive a $100,000 US non-repayable loan from Hunt's Placid Oil Company. 8th September 1967, Placid Oil granted drilling rights to the Great South Basin. 10th May 1968, Hawaiian meeting between Onassis and top lieutenants William Colby and Gerald Parskey to discuss establishment of a new front company in Australia, Australasian and Pacific Holdings Limited, to be managed by Michael Hand.
Using Onassis Rockefeller Banks, Chase Manhattan and Schroeder's, Travel Lodge Management Limited sets up another front to link the operations to the U.S. Onassis crowned head of the Mafia. Colby, head of CIA covert operations in Southeast Asia, ran the Onassis Heroine operations in the Golden Triangle, Laos and Burma, Thailand, with 200 Green Beret mercenaries, i.e. the Phoenix program. Jerome Parsky, Deputy to XCIA slash FBI Robert Mayhew in the Howard Hughes organization, took orders from Onassis and was made responsible for laundering skim money from the Onassis casino operations in Las Vegas and the Bahamas.
i think that's I think that's a good um ah good representation of it. You've got a bunch of sort of boring business stuff, and then just Chucks and oh yes, Aristotle and Assis became king of the Mafia. so So as you read through this thing, there's there's quite a lot of of of, quite frankly, boring information. well All the business side of things about how this Mafia, and when he says, or he, when the author of the file says Mafia, they don't seem to be meaning specifically like like like the godfather Mafia, Sicilian Mafia. they They seem to just be using Mafia to mean international crime syndicate. But but what whatever they are, these these Mafia folks, they're controlling New Zealand's oil reserves and most of the rest of the world as well, including the global drug trade. There was the the mention of the onassis heroine operations right at the start there.
And it's lots of details of people being appointed to various mafia-controlled companies, new mafia companies being set up or or buying up other companies, um companies being given the go-ahead to operate operate in New Zealand by the government of the day or or other territories. It has various states of the meetings. yeah On this under state there was a meeting of the international mafia and exactly who was present at the meeting. ru and but Rupert Murdoch gets in there as well a little bit, went into about control of the media and what have you. It's all like surprisingly dry and then every now and then it'll drop something like this.
April 1970, Onassis Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters which sounds sinister but i believe that's just the name of the seven biggest um oil companies begin setting up the shadow world government using the Illuminati-controlled banks and the transnational corporations, In Melbourne, they set up the Australian International Finance Corporation using Irving Trust Company, New York, linked to Shell Oil, Continental Oil, Phillips Petroleum, Crocker Citizens National, linked to Atlantic Richfield, Arco, Standard Oil of California, which is Rockefeller controlled, Bank of Montreal, Petro Canada, Penarctic Oils, Alberta Gas Gulf Oil, and Australia and New Zealand Bank, ANZ.
so um and So to my australia and Australian and New Zealand listeners, if you bank with the ANZ Illuminati bank, now you know. that was that That one sort of starts with World Government Illuminati and then again just sort of lists off a bunch of companies. um Sometimes it goes it goes the other way with a bit of bit of boring um business stuff and then lurching straight into the One World Government, such as 26th May, 1972. Gerald Parsky installs Michel Sindona as owner of Franklin National Bank, helped by the Gambino Mafia family, so the actual mafia, I own there as well, and David Kennedy, chairman of Continental Illinois Bank and Nixon Secretary of the Treasury, Pacific Basin Economic Council Conference in Wellington, New Zealand, Vice President Shigeo Nagano, also chairman of Nippon Steel, and member of Onassis and other world government organizations.
Chairman of New Zealand's Subcommittee, Jay Mowbray is also General Manager of the National Bank. Meanwhile, Michel Cendona, acting as the go-between for the Mafia and the CIA, was the conduit between US and European banks. Michel Cendona's Vatican Bank and associate Kelvin's Abrosiano Bank was used to finance CIA neo-fascist Italian-slash-Latin-American operations through Biccio Gelli's P2 Lodge, which helped organize the death squads of Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile. This aided the P2 members such as Klaus Barbie, the butcher of Lyon, and Jose Reger, organizer of the AAA in Argentina.
bit of a swerve at the end there. so and and this this yeah As it goes through all this business and who owns what and who's secretly controlling this and that, it gets it brings in the CIA and various other spying organizations that claim to be related to all of this and bringing it all in. and it's all it like what what i've What I've read to you so far, I think is pretty well representative of the whole thing reading it through, but then every now and then, there are There are still some sections that stick out, in particular. After a little while, there's a section, there's like mostly they just go by the dates for each entry, but in this case there's a section with a title, Whitlam and Kirk, referring to Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk, who were the prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand respectively in the early 1970s.
And so this section talks about how in mid-1974 Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk began a series of moves absolutely against the Mafia trilateralists. It continues, Kirk had introduced a new tough anti-monopoly bill and had tried to redistribute income from big companies to the labor force through price regulation and a wages policy. Kirk had also rejected plans to build a second aluminium smelter near Dunedin and was preparing the petroleum amendment bill to give more control over New Zealand oil resources. Kirk had found out that Hunt Petroleum drilling in the Great South Basin had discovered a huge resource of oil comparable in size to the North Sea or Alaskan North Slope.
Gas reserves alone are now estimated at 30 times bigger than kapuni, and oil reserves of at least 20 billion barrels enough for New Zealand to be self-sufficient for years. Oil companies completely hushed up these facts. To have announced a vast new oil source would probably mean a decline in world oil prices, which would not have allowed OPEC and Onassis plans for the Arabs to eventuate. It doesn't say what these plans are, I i think. New Zealand could be exploited at a later date, particularly since the North Sea operations were about to come on stream. Kirk was the last to hold out. September 1974.
According to CIA sources, Kirk was killed by the trilaterists using sodium morphate. Rowling's first act as New Zealand Prime Minister was to withdraw Kirk's anti-monopoly bill and the Petroleum Amendment bill. Later, Rowling was to be rewarded with ambassadorship to Washington. Incidentally, the Shah of Iran was murdered the same way as Kirk on his arrival in the US. Now, now, this is something we've seen before. The death of Norman Kirk is something that we talked about ah back in March of 2022. At the time, ah this was an episode that was in response to to young David Ferrier. I keep calling him young David Ferrier. I probably should stop. He's not that young, but he's younger than me, so it kind of counts.
um But he had recently said a thing about how there were no no conspiracy theories around New Zealand, basically. And and we said, oh, i was that a fact now? And devoted an entire episode to various conspiracy theories around happenings in New Zealand. And one of those was the death of Norman Kirk. So, as I say, he was the leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister from 1972 until his death in 1974. So he did he did indeed die. at the very end of August 1974, so that September 1974 is not far off off the mark. Now, there were theories, there there have been theories put forward that he was poisoned by the CIA. ah The main proponent of these theories was Labour Party President Bob Harvey, who claimed that Kirk was a robust man with the constitution of a horse who couldn't possibly have just dropped dead,
He must have been poisoned. But um from what we know, that is not even slightly true. ah Norm Kirk was not in good health. he For one thing, he was apparently a workaholic and would never, never give himself a break. And multiple doctors had warned him repeatedly to take better care of himself, as well as overworking himself. He apparently did not smoke, but was overweight and drank a lot. yeah it was the 1970s. He had had varicose veins removed previously, he had suffered from dysentery and he'd been diagnosed with an enlarged and weakened heart. So he was not a man of ah of ah with the constitution of a horse and could probably not accurately be described as robust. Now on the 26th of August 1974 he finally
agreed to take some time off to actually work on improving his health. Unfortunately he'd taken too long to come to this decision and by the 28th of August, two days later, he was in hospital and on the 31st of August he died of a pulmonary embolism. And so there doesn't, like, from everything we know about the guy in his life, his death doesn't actually seem particularly suspicious. But maybe, I haven't looked, I don't know how much of this stuff about this petroleum amendment bill that he was supposedly preparing that that that got withdrawn after his death. if If that's the case, then I could see people making making dark mutterings about maybe they bumped him off because they didn't like what he was saying. but apparently there was um
Bob Harvey was the main guy who did it. um I remember when we looked at this last time, apparently, so this was the 70s, in 1999, President Bill Clinton came to New Zealand for the Asia Pacific Economic Conference. And apparently this stood all that stuff up again. And then at the time, Helen Clark was the leader of the Labour Party. I don't think she was Prime Minister yet, but would be soon. But when when Bob Harvey apparently started bringing up these claims that the CIA had been involved in Norm Kirk's death. Helen Clark basically told him to shut the hell up and stop making trouble. um According to a New Zealand Herald article from the time Harvey had sort of suggested that that all this happened before Clark's time, so she didn't really know what she was talking about. On the other hand, politician Bob Tizard, who was around at the time, said that the claims about the CIA being involved in Kirk's death were, quote, a heap of crap.
But um all this aside, with this with the new information granted us by the opal file, is it possible that normal Kirk could have been poisoned with sodium morphate? Well, probably not, because sodium morphate doesn't exist. It is not it is not a the name of a chemical compound. Apparently it's been mentioned in works of fiction before, apparently the show Alias. made reference to people being poisoned with this this ah poison sodium morphate that tastes, it's undetectable because it tastes just like table salt and you can sprinklo in you sprinkle it on any meal, but it's incredibly poisonous and fatal. But apparently I've seen sodium morphate sort of compared to red mercury, if you remember our episode on that, as being just the sort of this magical substance that shows up, only seems to show up in conspiracy theories.
I had a quick look around. Sodium fluoroacetate is apparently is poisonous and does taste like salt. Apparently it's used in rat poison. So it could be that's what they're thinking of. A little bit off topic now, but I did when I looked up when I was trying to find out is sodium morphate actually a thing, I did find a single conversation thread in an old um Google Groups group. group which starts with someone saying that I hear that sodium morphate, can I can use it to get rid of rats. Can anyone tell me how to make sodium morphate?
and then immediately gets into people, first of all, claiming that, oh yes, there's hundreds of variants of it, but they call it sodium morphate so that people like us, people like you searching on the internet can't find it. So they sort of say sodium morphate isn't the real name of this chemical. That's just what people call it to disguise what it really is. According to one of the posts in this thread says, if gangsters from the Bloods or Crips or other gangs discovered how to make sodium morphate, they might use it to kill as opposed to governments only using it for good. Apparently, it would be the perfect crime since the body metabolizes it and leaves no trace in a victim. And then other people talk about the apparently the fatal dosages. Oh, actually, this one here where he sort of says all this, it's where it's been studied, it's been used for assassinations committed by an MI 60 FBI and the CIA, blah, blah, blah, and then finishes the post by saying, to kill rats, the LD50 is just 0.1 milligrams per kilogram. Despite being so effective, it's not for sale as a rat poison.
and There's a bit of sort of bit of sort of chemistry, including they start talking about SF6847 and SF6849. I assume SF is sodium fluoroacetate, but apparently SF6849 short-circuits mitochondrial chemiosmotic potential, uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation. One molecule blows out one mitochondrion, body temperature skyrockets, the brain melts. Nice. i don't i i did like I know there are some people with a scientific background who listen to this. Does anything I just said make sense? Were those even real words? I don't know. Anyway, sodium morphine, probably not a thing. Now, hang on a second. Hang on. I know what you're saying right now. Okay.
Norman Kirk, probably not killed by the SAA, probably not poisoned. What did you say about the Shah of Iran a second ago? Because yes, don't forget that after the whole thing about about them not liking Kirk and bumping him off, they dropped him that little bit. Incidentally, the Shah of Iran was murdered the same way as Kirk on his arrival in the US, so I had to look up that as well. I assume when they say the Shah of Iran, they're referring to the last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who died in 1979. He did not die in the US. He had some ah some condition with his spleen, which was causing him troubles. and Some people had told him to go to the US for treatment because they have the best medical facilities and obviously Iran and the US weren't the best of values at the time and he thought them the US might not be the best place for me to be. He did eventually go to the US but then left from there to Panama. From Panama he went to Monaco and then finally to Egypt where he finally had a splenectomy to deal with this condition but unfortunately the operation also damaged his pancreas and caused an infection which killed him.
So he died in Egypt in 1979, having visited the US a little while beforehand, but unless sodium morphate is a particularly slow-acting poison, um I don't think that had anything to do with his death. There are conspiracies theories around his death that the CIA did in fact want him dead, and supposedly his enemies, I think, i think because because the Shah got booted out and then it then around became that sort of theocracy under the Ayatollah. And I believe it was one of the associates, someone who worked for Ayatollah Khomeini apparently went to the CIA and said, hey, can you please bump off the Shah while he's in Panama? And supposedly this word of this got back to the Shah, who took it seriously enough that that's why he left from Panama to Monaco and then eventually Egypt. And it has been suggested that
all this All this international jet-setting, instead of just getting the treatment he needed straight away, may have contributed to his death. So maybe they maybe maybe it was maybe the CIA was responsible for his death a little bit anyway. But whatever it was, I don't think there's any chance that he was poisoned with sodium orphate. Certainly not on his arrival in the US. Now, at this point, I should possibly point out that we've just dealt with the assassination of the Prime Minister of New Zealand and in an offhand manner the Shah of Iran as well. That's only about a quarter of the way down the opal file document. It continues and continues and continues in the same vein as before. Lots of lots of fairly uninteresting unless you're really into this conspiracy theory style of things, business stuff about about what company was started to do what and and who owns what and who controls what. But then every now and then it still manages to throw in things such as the following.
17th August 1982 Inauguration of Restructured U.S. Mafia Council. Rulers include David Rockefeller, responsible for banking, John McCloy, Redmond Rockefeller, and J.D. Rockefeller, who would run the Seven Sisters. Second tier council includes Gerald Parsky, responsible for heroin and cocaine operations, William Simon, responsible for running the presidency cabinet, etc., Catherine Graham, links to our manufacturers, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Linked to National Security Council and CIA, George S. Franklin, Linked to FBI. Third tier council includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Secretary, Gerald Parsky, Hero and Cocaine Operations, William Colby, Crack Operations and Assassinations, John N. Perkins, Banking and Laundering, Leonard Woodcock, Labor and Unions, Mitchell Sharpe, Banking, William Simon, Presidency Cabinet,
Ernest C.R. Buckley, Arms Manufacturers. George W. Bull, Bilderberg, and Council of Foreign Relations. Catherine Graham, Arms Manufacturers. Olden W. Clausen, World Bank IMF. William T. Coldman, CIA. Archibald K. Davis, Media, Radio, Television, and Newspapers. George S. Franklin, FBI, and Trilateral Commission Coordinator. J.D. Rockefeller, To Spy, on the Fifteen Man Council. I noticed the Third Tier Council also seems to include everyone in the Second Tier. I'm not sure what that's about. and interesting that J.D. Rockefeller was there to spy on the rest of them. Possible internal dissent that may come up later. So that's all good fun. Then it gets back to back to the New Zealand focus. It says March 1984. Where were we just a second ago? 82. Right, I forgot. So we so we we werere wrong we've jumped ahead to 84 now. Muldoon knitted with GCMG as a grain cross of St. Michael and St. George. That's an actual knitted honor. knighted for keeping the economy free of obstructions, for easier takeover and exploitation. Now, if you know anything about New Zealand politics, that that doesn't sound right. there's I've actually just been listening to an interesting new podcast by The Spin-Off called Juggernaut, which deals with this era of of era of politics in New Zealand. It's about the fourth Labour government, which is when things went a little bit wacky in New Zealand. um It starts with
then Prime Minister, Rob Muldoon, declaring a snap election on live television while visibly drunk, then losing that election and it going to Labour. And the whole point of everything that happened with the Fourth Labour Government is that prior to that, Muldoon's national right-wing government, under them, New Zealand had one of the most regulated economies in the Western world. they paraop like like they They just controlled the whole economy. Apparently, at one point, they are legislated away inflation. Apparently, at one point, Muldoon's government, just to clear the law, there will be no inflation. Retailers, you're not allowed to put up your prices. Employers, you're not allowed to increase your employees' wages. And it was, in fact, the Labour government that came afterwards.
Which, strangely enough, as a left-wing government, then brought in a whole bunch of free market reforms and and and turned New Zealand's economy from being one of the most regulated to one of the least regulated. So it seems a little bit odd that these and this international mafia a controls who gets knighted. I mean, why not? They might as well. They seem to control everything else. But why there'd be such pals of Muldoon, that because he was keeping the economy free of obstructions, when in fact it seems like the mooon the economy under Muldoon was about as obstructed as it could get. And it also doesn't explain why, if they liked him so much that they awarded him a knighthood, they then immediately started scheming to kick him out and get Labour voted in. Because um just a little bit further down the file, we get the entry
And this is a good one, I like this one. 17th July 1984. In New Zealand, subliminal advertising begins on Channel 2 between 6pm and midnight, hours later extended to begin at noon. Subliminal messages prepared in the US by the CIA and, with the New Zealand election imminent, tell voters to support the Labour Party, the New Zealand Party, and to buy mafia company products. This doesn't quite come as out of nowhere as it sounds. they had There had been previous entries that talk about the CIA apparently setting up subliminal advertising gear in New Zealand and also in Australia. But so apparently, they that this this international mafia, they want they wanted national out of power so badly that they were setting up subliminal advertising to ensure that it came about. So, yeah, not a lot of consistency, I think is what I'm saying.
And so I think you've probably got the idea of of what's in the Opal Falbina, but now there's just a couple more, a couple more I'd like to go through. ah From July 1984 we skip ahead to 8th November 1985. Parsky, Colby and JD Rockefeller meet in New York to discuss their plans to assassinate McCloy and the Rockefellers and to take control of the Mafia organization. I said a minute ago about descent within the ranks. That does seem to be the case here. Apparently um Colby would organise an eight-man hit squad to be headed by Gordon Liddy, who had worked for Colby in the 1960s as a CIA contract killer and was responsible for over 10 murders, including in 1961 two members of the Gambino family in New York, in 1963 Officer Tippett after the Kennedy assassination in Dallas, also a witness to the Kennedy assassination in Dallas,
In 1965, politicians in Chicago, Washington, and and another one in Washington. In 1966, a US independent cocaine importer in Mexico. In 1967, an independent heroin importer in Los Angeles. and in 1969 a politician in Washington. And reading that, are we talking about the same Gordon Liddy? Do they mean G Gordon Liddy? I know, from what I know about G Gordon Liddy, he would love for you to have believed that he was a CIA contract killer but who was responsible for over 10 murders.
But um everything I know about Gordon Liddy says that he was actually pretty much just an incompetent maniac who failed upwards all throughout the 60s until he ended up um working for the Nixon administration and doing Watergate. So yeah, if if we're talking about the same Gordon Liddy... um i do I do have to question that. Also, as far as I had never mentioned anything about, further down in the opal file, about McCloy and other Rockefellers being assassinated, they're still mentioned after this, so I assume this plan, despite being being outlined, never actually went to ahead, but like again, never actually be brought up again.
And it carries on its way until finally it concludes the final entry of the Oval File, which is 8th February, 1987. U.S. Mafia Council meet in Washington, including David Rockefeller, John McCloy. See, he's still around. Brzezinski, Parsky, Simon, Catherine Graham and George Franklin. Brzezinski outlines plans to invade Iran using a 75,000 strong mercenary army supported by the U.S. Air Force and Navy with a starting date of the 8th of February, 1988. an integral part of the plan, Saudi and Kuwaiti oil tankers would fly the US flag to provoke an Iranian attack so that US invasion of Iran would be justified. Reason? The Seven Sisters wanted to exploit a secret oil field near Bandar Abbas discovered in 1976
with estimated 150 billion barrels and also a huge gold source that Nashabur discovered in 1977. The Iranian invasion would begin after the world economic system was collapsed by the mafia-controlled banks target date 17th January 1988. Other countries on the takeover list include Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, South Korea and New Zealand. in each case for either oil or gold. And then the final final line of the oval file in parentheses, obviously this part of the plan failed to happen, which I think possibly says a lot. It talks a good game, but then it eventually gets to a point where it's like, okay, and then the this international mafia are going to take over numerous countries and start a bunch of war and crash the economic system, which
quite notably did not happen, whereas everything that's been spoken about previously is all this this behind closed doors, secret meetings and machinations. ah So yes, we never but when it comes time to actually um put up or shut up and to to to detail events that would be impossible to ignore on the world stage, that bit actually didn't happen. Bit of a shame. And that is the opal file, or possibly the opal files. um I saw it as i saw it as one one thing split over a couple of web pages, but I don't know. It's a bit inconsistent in numerous areas. It's a bit inconsistent.
And that's all I have to say, yeah I think. I believe by next episode, M should be back from gallivanting around the world, and we'll have a regular episode. Then, if not, I'll probably put out another full episode. But also, in between now, and then you can probably expect another dispatch or two from M as they recount their travels and and possibly put up another interview or two. But for that, you'll you'll just have to wait and see. So for now, this should keep you going until next time you hear from us. ah So there's there's really nothing else for me to do than say goodbye.
the podcasters guide to the conspiracy styles josh addison and myself associate professor, M.R.X. Denton. Our show's con... sorry, producers are Tom and Philip, plus another mysterious anonymous donor. You can contact Josh and myself at podcastconspiracyatgmail.com and please do consider joining our Patreon.
And remember, they're coming to get you, Barbara.