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Ep. 93 Lost In The Dark image

Ep. 93 Lost In The Dark

S2 E93 · The Hired Swords
119 Plays1 year ago

This is it. This is the hardest fight the Swords have had to face. Rise up. Be the light in the darkness or die trying. 


Introduction and Player Introductions

You are listening to the Hired Swords, made with all natural ingredients, contains 0% juice.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of The Hired Swords. I hope everyone's doing well. I'm Michael, your dungeon master. And with me, I have Derek playing Davin Mindstrider. Hi, Derek. Hi. I'm looking at Ash's webcam, and it looked like her dog had a top hat on. I got really excited, but it didn't have a top hat on. Oh, it's just something behind him, huh? Mm-hmm. Oh, that's cute. Speaking of Ash, we'll get to her in a minute. Mikey, he's Joxer.

Encounter with the Shadow Elf-like Creature

Hey, oh, how's it going? Good. How are you? Fantastic. I'm ready to, I mean, to make it out of this event. Yeah. Yeah. This could be an exciting one. That's kind of fun. I dig it. It's ready to dial in the strategy. Yeah. And Ash, it's your turn again. At last. Welcome. She is Gwendolyn. Yeah, I'm here. Yes. If you want me here.
I do, I do. I was just making a funny. She's ready. Ready to go. Ready to go. Ready for anything. Ready. Yeah, I was just trying to be funny earlier, failing as usual. Lance is here. He's Krigs Golder. What's up? Ha. When we left off last time, we were in the middle of a combat ash or Gwendolyn trying to decide how to use her spell.
We had made our way down this pit into a cavern underneath this gem mining village. Filled with shadow, with eyes, the eyes eventually after a couple of our party members being drawn towards this strange gemstone doorway,
And the shadow coalesced into a creature that is some sort of giant shadow elf looking man who keeps kind of phasing in and out of this plane of existence or the shadow itself.
And as he phases back in, he does some damage and he phases back out. In the meantime, the shadow that is swirling around is doing damage, draining the strength from our heroes. And as I said, after a few rough attacks from this creature,
Then fading back into the mist, we fell to Gwendolyn's turn, having just been healed for a few hit points by Davin. It is now her turn to decide what she's going to do next in this combat.

Gwendolyn's Strategic Moves

As we sit the scene there, she's on the ledge of this kind of cliff that is near a couple of stairways, but she's not right there by the steps, but this ledge she's on
is the way to walk towards this entryway that has this gemstone door in it. The gems around on the floor are very gray and dull as if the light and the color has been drained from them, so is that doorway itself.
The mist is swirling around. There's mist swirling around Gwyn's ankles coming up behind her as well. Krigs is getting surrounded by mist and so is Joxer. As we pick up, that's the scene as Gwendolyn. What would you like to do? You've had some time to think about it. I have one thing to commit to prior. So I took a lot of hits.
And I'm fairly certain that my spell is a concentration spell. Okay.
And so I need to roll like a billion. For that big dome of light that's there? Yeah, for that. So that is just making sure. And I will say that, thank you for mentioning that dome of light. We did have mention of that light shining into that gemstone, causing it to light up colorfully and shoot little bits of light through the walls, through crevices in the walls, into this doorway, making it start to shine a little bit.
That's the radiant light shine through it. Yeah. So I know I for sure got hit three times for like twenty four. Got it. That's got to be a twelve or better for those. OK. And I do have advantage because of that feat. War Caster. So that I. That's twenty one. That's two net twenty. Really? This is when you roll two net 20. This is this is what you do here.
That is a 21. All right. And then I think there were three other kicks of damage for the shadow that I need to roll for. Okay. Well, the shadow is not doing direct damage. It's doing a strength drain. So. Oh, okay. Well, then you're saving for strength drain on that.
Okay, then if that did not actually do damage, then I'm good. Actually, it does do damage. I just looked at it again. It is 2d8 necrotic. Man, this roller coaster. It was doing damage. I apologize. I don't even know what to feel anymore. That is a 16.
that succeeds. A one and a nat 20. So I apparently maintained my little circle of sickening radiance. So sounds good. All right.

Krigs and the Party's Strategy

You kept concentration. Now we go to Gwendolyn. What are you going to do, Gwendolyn? I don't know. Oh, OK. It's been a while and I still haven't come up with an idea. Well, I have something, but I don't know if it'll work. All right.
I know I would like to cast Moonbeam. And it doesn't seem like I need to have a moon to do so. Since we're all the way down this hole. Yeah. But I would like it to shine towards the beam. It's just a magical beamer. Shine where?
full of radiant damage. So I want it to shine. I'm going to move first. So I'm going to move closer to the door. Okay. So I move up more towards Jockster as I rush past Daven. And I gotta, I gotta think of something, something. And I cast Moonbeam and it's going to come down in front of me and hopefully shine. So right in front of you, kind of between you and Jockster, between you and the door.
Between me and the door, mainly. Okay. It's five feet, right? Yes. And it's 40 feet high. Yeah, it's very high. Cool. Are you trying to hit the door or just? If I had it my way, I would just cast it and have it moving constantly. Throughout the whole shadow.
move constantly like in this level in Mario. Gotcha. Yeah, exactly. But I also have another thing I want to do, but I, I don't have any bonus actions, so I'll keep that secret. Ooh, I like secrets. My goal is to have the light near the door. And if any of it shines onto these gems, that's great. But if not, that's fine too. Got it. So you're going to put it right here in front of you. Yes.
Cool, cool. Alright, that's the plan then. Hopefully it's not a bad thing. Right there in front of you. Visible-er. Visible-er. Okay, so we got a moonbeam there. Are you able to move it on your turn? Is that a thing you can do? I think it is. Yes, I can move it on my turn. Maybe not. I might be thinking of a different spell. Okay. Alright, so it shines right there, putting that sharp radiant light right there in that spot.
And do you do damage with that if you hit something? Yes, I do. You roll damage for that? Go ahead and roll that for me. I'm going to cast it at a level five spell. Oh, look, you put it in the chat so I can see the spell. 40 foot high, five foot radius. Dim light fills a cylinder, does 2d10 radiant damage. At higher levels, you add a d10 for each slot above second level.
Great. So even if I did, this is a meta game. So even if it is casted at a level five, if they walk into it, I would cast, I would do damage for level five. Yeah. Does that make sense what I'm saying? Yeah. It's got the same amount of damage for the duration of the spell. You know what I mean? Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Because it's a full, it lasts a full, uh, takes an action to cast one minute. So yeah, as long as it's there, if it, if it does damage, it does the full amount of damage.
Okay, okay, okay. And you can move it. And you are able to move it up to 60 feet in any direction. Great. Go ahead. Then I am done until my hopefully next action.
Okay. Well, let me do something real quick here. All right. Sorry. Rolling something secretly. We, did you roll that damage? How much damage is the, what is it? Uh, six detailed each spell slot above second level. So one for second level of five D 10 plus two D 10 plus three. So it's five D 10 total.
Oh yeah, yeah, 5d10. Yeah, that's what I thought. 5d10 total. 5d10. What is that total number of damage there? 15. 15 radiant damage. What is the 16 from? So that 15 is literally the 2d10, so you haven't rolled damage at all. Oh, you gotta roll three more d10. Well, I just did the spell.
Yeah, but you didn't do it at the level. So if you hover over that radiant damage, it says nine plus six because rolling to the end. So you just need to roll another. Read the base for like a second level, but you catch that fifth. So you get three more details so you can just roll 3D 10 from the die. Well, then why did it ask me what level, though? That's what I'm asking.

Celestial Assistance and Battle Developments

I saw a whole bunch of dice show up on the screen. Yeah, that's why I'm saying is it the 16 plus 15?
So, oh yeah. So 31. Oh, okay. 31. There we go. Higher level cast. There it is. Okay. 31 damage. Roll 20 guys. We've only been using this for what years? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It should be right.
All right, so as that beam appears, it seems to put a hole through a spot where the mist that is there has thickened around you right there next to Joxer. So you cast that beam there, and it seems to have disintegrated a bunch of this mist that was there, causing it to kind of gyrate and jostle around a little bit around that moonbeam, seeming to have done some damage to the greater mist itself.
Do I seem to enjoy its charations? No, it's kind of sickening, kind of like a sploogy, gross look. Like the yeast sick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's sick. It's not that kind of sick, but like the bad sick. All right, so we're gonna go now finally to Krigs.
So I'm golden. Craig's you're sitting there with these this thick amount. This is a huge amount of fog surrounding you wrapping itself around you having drained you a little bit or attempted to. Okay, sounds neat. So something I'm really enjoying. Yeah, better than the generations. I mean, yeah, I do have haste still, I believe. Yeah.
Uh, with haste, am I able to cast two spells in a single turn? Can trip and a leveled spell. I don't have can trips, my guy. I'm sorry. My dude. My homie. My cousin. Secrets. Can't let the word get out. I think that's already well known. All right, I have ideas, but like- I love them. None of them have been great. Let's hear some ideas. Is dude still invisible?
Correct. You do not see him anywhere. He was over by Gwyn the last you saw. Okay. Okay. So this is, this is a potentially dumb idea and I want to see how you're going to let me do this. Okay. I love it. I have seen the monster, the guy, right? You have. You've seen what he looks like. Yep. Okay.
Did I see, is he like, did he have anything specifically on him, like a weapon or anything that I could have seen? You did not see a weapon. You did see he was wearing armor, but when you cast heat metal on the armor, it didn't seem to have an effect. But I recognize it, correct? Yeah.
Okay. Would you say that I am now familiar with it? Yeah, familiar enough. I mean, you haven't like, you couldn't tell somebody what it feels like or what it's made of, but you definitely know what it looks like. You could picture it in your mind if that's all you're trying to do. Cool. I'm going to cast Locate Object. Okay. So if it's within 1000 feet of me, I can detect where it is in the directional sense. And if it's moving, I know the direction of its movement. Right.
Okay. Uh, if I have seen it up close within 30 feet, at least once I've been within 30 feet of this thing. Yeah. Okay. All right. So I'm just trying to see the direction of where it is and if it is like moving.
Okay, you cast Locate Object. What do you do to cast that spell? Like, what is your, you know, it's like a, you have to have some sort of like movement, like semantic component and verbal components and stuff to do it. What's your secret handshake for yourself? Yeah, what's that look like, sound like?
Well, what happens whenever I actually cast Locate Object? It's kind of a bizarre to see experience. My eyes actually go closed and there's this slight aura. It used to be kind of a goldish light, but now it's more of that phosphorescent blueish glow that kind of emanates around
more specifically my head and kind of like a third eye type alignment. I kind of peer into the aether and start to see when I open my eyes, they kind of have a bluish glowing hue to them and I can kind of see into the aether in a sense like waves, kind of like you would imagine echolocation would be but not.
It's just seeing waves of motion in what I'm looking for is kind of like a hunter vision looking thing for me. All right. So you cast that spell and you see him do that. And as you focus in and you prepare to see the return of that signal you send out bouncing back to you, you get nothing. OK, cool. Glad I did that.
Hey, you did get info though
with the rest of this turn since it's bonus, bonus actions and whatnot. I am going to, I'm trying to remember if I have, I think I just can be within a certain range. I had aura of vitality up. So within a 30 foot radius, I am going to give Gwen some healing, 2d6 hit points. Do you want to roll that? Do you want me to? Oh, you can.
All right. I rolled eight, two fours. So you get eight HP back. And I'm going to walk over in between Gwen and Joxer closest to, I guess, this like doorway cave looking thing that we're still kind of next to. And I'm going to say, I'm very quickly just going to kind of say as a free action, like
I tried my best I can't I don't see it here I know it it I don't know where it is okay everything careful don't step into the light yeah I'm not stepping in the light
Okay, beam me up Scotty All right, so that takes us now you are Suddenly the the shadow you stepped away from this dark shadow Actually, I need you to roll damage for that moonbeam again Gwendolyn roll your 5d8. Is she doing damage to the shadow? That would be pretty neat
No answer means something. 8 plus 25. All right. Nice. Constitution saving throw is in order. That's a fail, so full damage. Oh. So you say 33? Yes, yes, yes, yes. OK. Take it. Yikes.
All right, so the shadow, you hear a sizzle as the moonbeam pulses. And in the pulse of the moonbeam, you see this figure
of this shadow. It looks like it doesn't necessarily have a face, but it's got almost like this form of this giant head with the arms reaching for you as the light pulsates through it. And it continues to reach out, but it turns and reaches towards Joxer.

Dire Situation and Battle Continuation

Whoa, so this is like the shadow formed? Shifting this way around this way. Yeah, it's like sections of the shadow are forming into something sentient now, almost. Is that still too far above me, or is that going to start its turn in my sickening radiance?
Oh, he was already in that. So yeah, you should start his turn. He started his turn and you should roll the damage for that too. That and the moonbeam. He started in the moonbeam and in the sickening radiance.
In the meantime, Joxer and Gwyndolin, as this mist, this fog joins together and sharpens itself up, stiffens itself up next to you guys, I need you to make saves for me too. What'd you say, Joxer? 31 radiant damage.
Is there a save with that or no? Once you just entered it, so that's just what you get. If you start your turn there at that point. Got it. All right, so... And it gets a level of exhaustion if it can.
Okay immune to exhaustion. It's a it's a shadow so it doesn't have like the The organs the things inside it that would be exhausted. It doesn't have that so Yeah, it does make an attack at krigs golder krigs if you could please I don't know that one's making an attack at joxer joxer if if it's gonna make two
Strength drain it attacks so I need to do so a nat one Fails the second one's a dirty 22 So the second one hit just hit for just hit 2d8 plus 4 necrotic damage, and if you would please Oh, there's no safe. You're okay. I just have to roll a d4 and see how much you lose how much strength you lose 10 necrotic so 14 necrotic damage
And you lose one strength point. Not your full strength score. Again, let's clarify. Yeah. Yep. All right. Krigs, two attacks at you from the giant overshadow. Two strength drains. Bring it. The first one's a 17. Nope. No, wait.
an 18 and then a 17. Nope, nope. Neither one hit, okay. So it's trying to wrap itself around you and drain you, but you're able to kind of pull yourself free from its grasp, causing it to dissipate a little bit as your arm moves through the grasp of this fog. Gwendolyn, there's one more kind of pile of this fog next to you that's gonna make its two attacks against you now.
14 and 11 holy garbage Were your attacks at disadvantage last or against me? No, they just rolled two attacks as I was dodging like you Oh, yeah. Yeah, we could reroll that 22 if we need to That would probably make sense 17 plus 6 23 or 22 longer I tried so thankfully we don't have to change anything
I'm fine with it, not hitting you. 14 does hit. Yeah. Oh, okay. I'm surprised. Okay. So that is going to be then 2d8 plus 16 armor. So you get 14. You have, you take 14 damage and you lose four string.
Oh, well, I guess I'll make me negative, wouldn't it? It kills you. You're dead. It kills you. For real? The target dies if its strength is reduced to zero. Kills me or unconscious? I don't think there's I think it's straight killed. Just dead. Straight, that's a straight dead. For real?
I think so. That that that rules as written. That's how it is. Yeah, that's the if your strength goes to zero. Well,

Desperate Tactics and Season Finale Tease

this got serious real fast. OK, I. Gwendolyn just collapses and Dale rolls out of her bag. OK, Gwendolyn lays on the floor not breathing. Dale laying next to her, also not breathing, never has.
breathed since you've known Dale. And Krigs and Joxer, you're both standing right there when this happens, as this fog continues to swirl around Gwendolyn, having drained her of the last bit of life she had inside of her. And just as you begin to reach out or call out or whatever your reaction is, the figure of this giant reappears behind Daven.
as he's turned to look at Gwendolyn. And this giant creature, seeing Daven right there next to him, makes his three attacks. Talon attacks. Great. And Joxra, I need you to make a, oh no, nevermind. That's if you start your turn there. Nevermind, nevermind. The first attack is a 23. That hits. The second attack is a 29.
Yeah. To note to the audience, this is a plus 12 to attack. Correct. Plus 12 to hit. And a 25. Three strikes. True. Three heavy hits there. And it is 2d6 plus seven slashing for each one of those. First one is 11 plus seven. So 18 damage. And then it is 2d8 necrotic damage as well.
The necrotic is nine damage for the first question. Yeah. I had temporary hit points from her totem when she died. Did the totem stayed the temporary hit points there that all go at the same time. The totems gone. I don't know if the hit points linger after the totem goes or not. I'm going to say if you've got them, they stay. So you had the hit. You had the temporary hit points as a part of this. So it's been 27 points so far.
Correct. And then, so that's the first, the 2d6 plus, so seven plus, uh, seven, 14 damage. And then 2d8 straight up from the second attack. 2d8 is a six. Uh, so 20 damage from the second attack. And then the third and final attack, 2d6 is 16 damage. 2d8 is 14 damage.
So, 16 and 14. Mm-hmm. 30 damage. Gwen, I'm only alive because of your temporary hit points. As this thing, this giant... I am also not alive. I am not alive, regardless of hit points this time. This giant, having reached out and tore at your flesh with his giant talons,
and calling out the whole time and just grabbing and pulling and just tearing at you as he is seeming... his attacks seem almost desperate, just...
Not necessarily for, don't know if it's fear or what, but just doing all he can to do damage and cause you damage that way. And that ends his turn and takes us to Joxer. You do still have this fog swirling around you, thick, heavy fog.
cool cool cool extra cool um there i mean there's no exit right like there's nothing like we're we're in it to win it right now if you can go straight you could try to go straight up
or you can try to find a way through that doorway. I like that we went from, oh, we might be screwed in this fight to, oh, we're screwed in this fight. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, I forgot to call her roll though. Is an action to drop concentration or is that like a free action? Just stop thinking about it, my guy. It's a free action. It's a free action. Yeah, you literally can just cast another spell and it ends that spell.
Yeah, it's my understanding. At least I am. OK, yeah, so I'm going to I'm going to use one of my weird abilities and and I'm going to go into the astral plane for for a second and go poof and then cast two spells on myself. One's going to be shadow blade and and the other is going to be armor of Agathys. So section and then one's an action.
Well, so I actually get because of this ability, I'll paste it here, but my that's like I just go into the plane. I get two spells that I can cast only on myself. And then I and that's that's right. I remember that. Yeah. And we got it.
Yeah, so I get to do that. So I get 20 temporary... So I get 20 temporary hit points. I now have my shadow blade. My item here will drop. And I'm going to guess... So if I try to move through this shadow,
Can I still, like, can I make it within the door, like, to be able to physically attack it? Can I make it without being attacked as far as I understand? Yeah, yeah. It doesn't seem to be the kind of enemy that's like a person that would, like, reach out and attack you as you try to run away, attack of opportunity sort of thing.
Okay. You can also pass right through it as if it were just fog. Okay, so I am going to use, so that was one action for my haste, and then I'm going to use an attack action to attack the door, or do some form of
something against it uh so i guess i'll just um i guess this is dim light right so i should have advantage technically okay really all right so 25 hit a door it hits
okay uh it it's your what are you hitting it with uh so it's my psychic blade right so the blade strikes against this and you don't see a scratch you don't hear any or you don't see anything flake off or fly off of it it's like hitting diamond i mean it's just solid but you do hear this
this sound, kind of like reverberating through it from the point of contact, where it's almost like the sound of ice, like an ice lake when you step on it and it, and it doesn't show any signs of damage, like it's getting harmed. It's just making that sound, like it's reverberating, the sounds reverberating across it. You also, everybody hears that sound reverberate into all the crystals in the room and kind of echo,
up the channel that you guys, this hole that you guys have gone down into, the sound reverberates through all of these gemstones that are in this space, not just the door. But again, it doesn't seem like it did any damage, but it definitely, the impact definitely made that sound and the sound echoed through everything in that chamber. Okay, so if that's the case, because I'm kind of reaching for
literally anything sure um i guess there's there's two things here i'll probably use a key point so that i could uh take a bonus action to just punch the the like two different crystals okay and see if i get a different reaction with the magical whatever see if
Anything happen? So that'll be over 20 and 20. Yeah. So you punch at a couple of these crystals and it doesn't have any kind of negative. It doesn't hurt it anyway. You know, it's a solid punch. You do notice they kind of have the same consistency as the gemstones that were up in the in the town.
They give just a little, but the magic does seem to cause a slight flicker in the gemstones that you hit and one of them you punch one and it kind of flickers an orange color and then filters out. The other one you punch and it flickers this
dull green color and then flickers out. And so the magic seemed to have some kind of impact, but it seemed to be this this like radiance kind of light magic that came from your from your tattoos and your hands. OK. And then last game, I remember throwing a rock. So there's technically like 20 feet of bright light next to me. Yeah. So I don't know if that's illuminating that area. So there should be at least like light in front of me. Yeah.
Okay. Um, so that is technically my turn, is I'm just like, we have to open this door. We have to get out of here. Great. Okay. That takes us to Daven. I don't want to. Okay.
That takes us to Krigs, I guess. No, go ahead, Devin. Man, okay. I love that everybody turned your cameras off when this got serious. Mine died. It's... Oh, okay. Which is a weird... Mine was internet connection, so I just turned it. That's all good. I'm just teasing. But you will notice, Devin, the monster was not able to or did not disappear into the mist.
And he stands there, heaving breaths, reaching up like he's about to strike at you again when the next opportunity comes. Yeah, I can't run away from him. And if I stand here, he's just going to kill me. Davens desperate at this point. He knows he needs some help, some defense. After seeing Gwen goes down, he's going to reach and he's going to grab his necklace. He's going to say, we need hope. We need more.
More aid. And he's going to squeeze it and you see his whole hand kind of glow white and his eyes glow white. And I'm going to open the necklace and I'm going to cast Summon Celestial. OK. I'll get you that stat block. I'll put it in Discord for you. So hold on, you could have done this the whole time. And then appearing right next to me, you will see
Well, why don't you describe him? You see a giant, nearly eight foot tall man wearing a, almost like toga over his chest that goes down into a leather armored kind of kilt skirt around his waist. His shins are covered in armor and he's wearing sandals.
He carries a blade that flickers with lightning and he is bald. His skin is almost a blue color.
like a pale blue, and the skin on his, his skin is also pulsing with this bit of lightning as he stands there, just looking around, trying to assess the situation, looks up at this giant creature, and he says, you only had to ask, and raises his sword ready to begin. What is,
What is this creature's name, like, for the stat block? What is his name? What is it? What is his, like, it's the monster name or whatever. On the stat block here, it just says large celestial. It doesn't have the actual creature name. Oh, he doesn't have a name. It's... Oh, gotcha. I was trying to find a picture to drop in here. That's all.
Well, the spell itself is called Summon Celestial. Oh, I found a picture, that'll work. Okay. And I'm going to use the Defender stat block. I like the picture that somebody drew there. That was pretty good. That is really good. There it is. All right. And whatever his attack, his attack when he hits, he does lightning damage. Okay.
So that, that radiant damage is lightning damage. Okay. No, no, no. It's radiant damage. He also does the same lightning damage. You do the D six or whatever it was that you got to yours as he's just emanating with that lightning.
And now I'm going to use Quick and Spell so that I can cast another spell as a bonus action. I guess I don't even need to do that. I don't need to do that. I can just cast a... No, yeah, I do. I'm sorry. What is this game? Have we ever played this before? Yeah, it's called Dungeons and Dragons. So far, that's what we're playing. So I am going to Quick and Spell so I can bonus action cast a Fire Bolt.
Okay. And then I'm going to use another sorcery point to twin spell it. And then I'm going to shoot two firebolts at the two smoke creatures that are surrounding Kriegskaalter. Okay. One at each one, huh? Yep. All right. Make your attack rolls. So it's going to be a nine plus nine is 18 for the first one to hit. That hits. And the second one is 18 again.
Yeah, it hits both of them. So it's 3G10 to each one of them. Oof, duh. That's good damage. That's 12 damage to the first one. And that's fire. 16 damage to the second one, plus 4 lightning damage to the first one, and 5 lightning damage to the second one.
All right, so the first one as the flames go through it and the lightning flickers around the flames, this thing just dissipates and disintegrates into vapor. As the fire, the bits of fire kind of flicker off and on like.
burning up little bits of what was left of this fog. The other creature that is standing between Krigs and the edge of this cliff, the fire hits it and the lightning crawls throughout it and you see it spark in the inside of this fog as the fire burns a big swath of empty air through the middle of it before it swirls back together to form itself, not as big as it was before. What's next, Daven?
That's the end of Daven's turn, but immediately after his, the Celestial Being gets to go. Perfect. And he has a mace, and he gets to make three attacks, because I guess I said a six level spell. Yeah. And he doesn't see. Plus my spell modifier to hit. Man, there's a lot of rules to this guy. So that's 20 to hit, a dirty 20 for his first attack. He's just going to swing all three at the big guy. Okay. Second one is a 21 to hit.
And the third one is a 17 to hit. 17 is what you needed. So all three hit. That's awesome. That's very good. So it's going to be a total of a lot. 3d10.
plus the spells level radiant damage 13 plus 9 is 22 plus spells level which is 6 that's another 18 so 22 plus 18 is 40 damage 40 radiant damage yeah from all the tax
Yeah, that was all three attacks. Great, all right. Big attack as that mace just slices through this creature, and it looks down and sees this celestial, and his eyes widen as he seems to just be shocked at the appearance of a creature like this. And as the radiance echoes through these attacks, the gemstones nearby start to flicker with that radiant energy being nearby them.
Did he get the extra lightning damage per attack or just one time? Per attack. So he gets an additional 10 lightning damage. Okay. All right. He takes all that damage. What's next? Anything else? That's it. Oh wait, actually I get to heal or somebody says. A D10 temporary hit points. Okay. I'll take that because I'm very, very low. Oh, 10, sweet. Nice. Okay. Now I'm officially done.
All right, next on the initiative order is Spell Slots. Anything Spell Slots is going to do, Joxer? Yes. Well, I'm assuming he was hiding a little further away. So I had him a little bit farther to left, so he'll probably move sneakily. Okay.
closer to Daven because I kind of had him on this little edge here. So he's got 30 feet, which is obscene for. So he'll get for a little bit. Yeah, it doesn't make it. But he'll move a little red squiggle is spell slots kind of being out of the fray. And then that that's why he'll he'll go to hide again. OK.
All right. Finds a new spot to hide. Great. That takes us now to Krigs Golder. All right. I was standing right next to Gwyn when this happened. Yes. And I'm standing there. I've just been befuddled as they're making their attacks and I didn't even notice this.
I don't even have any idea about this creature that came out of Daven's necklace or anything like that. I am oblivious to the fact that there's still like monsters around. Okay. I bend over, which wouldn't be too far. I was pretty close and I, uh,
I pick up Dale. I kind of just look at him for a second and I grab her bag, which is still like somewhat on her shoulder. I put Dale back in her bag and I cast a spell. I cast Conjure Animals and I
I conjure a... Nah, you know what? I don't conjure an animal. I just summon my steed, that spirit elk. Yeah. It doesn't take any kind of amount of time to get there for me. I get that this is still like an action. Since I have haste, I'm going to be using both of my actions, I guess.
I am going to, with all my strength that I have, I am going to pick up Gwen and kind of set her as gently as I can to where she's not like jostled, but I want to basically set her on the saddle of this elk. Yeah. And I will kind of lash
what i can in a quick quick round with the reins of the actual elk i will find a way to like at least keep her there like i know she's not going to fall off or anything and uh
I'm going to put her bag with Dale around my shoulder and I am going to command the elk to basically take her immediately away and just duck and dodge the fight as best as possible. I keep her away from this danger because that's... I'm not done. Nah. That's not going down like this. Cool. Okay.
Uh, and then I'm going to just very angrily hold my, my hammer out in front of me, just ready to, uh, just ready to thrash about, and I'm going to take the, uh, aura vitality I have and cast 2d6 on joxer for healing. Okay. Roll those d6s.
Uh, seven, three, and a four. All right. But if it's not blatantly obvious, like all that phosphorous, phosphorescent junk is just like real being now. Like I'm glowing at this point.
Yeah, the emblem on your shield is beaming, glowing. Everything's glowing. The radiant energy inside you is pulsating. The celestial nearby, even. The creature that was summoned, you look up as you begin to focus yourself again. You see Davin standing next to a giant, giant just monster of a man who seems, however, to be squared up against the monster you're fighting. And
I'm very confused by that, but I also don't care. Sure, sure. All right. Is that your whole turn then?
Yeah, that's all I got. Because I imagine it would take a minimum of time to do that. You're hasted, so you're able to do it all, but that's about all. So we go now to the mist. And the mist, two of them surround you. One's already right there next to you. The second one gathers itself near you. And they both attempt their strength during attacks on you. And the first one attacks for a 22.
That hits. The second one burned 18. That doesn't hit. Okay, so the first one that does hit two eight plus four necrotic damage, two d eight plus four necrotic damage, so a total of 16 necrotic damage as it rolled two sixes, and then your score, your strength score decreases by one d four, two points. That's the big number.
Yeah, not the little number. Thank you. Yeah. All right. And that doesn't seem to be any more of those types of creatures making any kind of move. The fog seems to be concentrated around this giant shadow monster and these other two beings that have just attacked.
The turn now goes to our shadow giant friend as he does not get that back. So he strikes out this time at the creature that just did so much damage to him. The threat has just shifted to our celestial friend. And so he makes three attacks against him. He was an AC of 19. Wow, okay, thank you.
So the first attack is a 21. Second is a 15. Gotta roll low with a plus 12 to get a 15. The third is a 32. That was a natural 20, actually, on that one. So a nat 20 for the third attack. So on the first attack, we roll the 2d6 plus seven and then the 2d8 necrotic.
The 2d6, 6 plus 7, 13 damage to the Celestial plus the 2d8 Necrotic. Does he have any kind of vulnerability to Necrotic damage or anything?
Nope, no, it's fine. And so eight, Necrotic, and then we double the dice for the third attack. This is because the second attack missed. So it is 2d6 doubled. So that is 18 plus seven, 25 damage there, plus the 2d8, which are doubled as well.
Unless this is real low he might be done already 18 again That's it. It is that ends our celestial friend. I don't have his Hit points here. I guess do I oh yeah there. He had 50 gotcha, so he is now eliminated after doing some severe damage to this
monster. The monster now rolls and with his low roll, he disappears again after those three attacks. And so now we sit as Joxer turn as Joxer's turn comes. We sit Gwendolyn being carried off on Krigsgaldur's steed. The last ditch effort to call on this strange being for help as this being has already been eliminated.
possibly giving Daven a little more time. Krigg's Galdor receiving a bit of damage but standing strong against two shadows as Joxer tries to figure out what's going on with this door and if opening it might be their salvation. And that's where we'll leave the episode.
Oh boy was I waiting to release this one. If you want to catch us on social medias you can find us at the Hired Swords on all platforms. If you want to catch our merch you can find us at and I appreciate it again so much for your listening. Season finale will be around the corner and season three will start soon thereafter. Thanks again so much for listening.