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Ep. 100 Fury of the Fey Forest Fangs image

Ep. 100 Fury of the Fey Forest Fangs

S3 E6 · The Hired Swords
42 Plays3 months ago

Deep in the forest, the Swords are hearing voices...again! Will the mysterious creatures of this strange realm get the better of them or will the Hired Swords triumph? Find out in the 100th episode of The Hired Swords.

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100th Episode Celebration

You're listening to the 100th episode special of the Hired Swords. Just kidding. When we recorded this, we didn't know this would be the 100th episode. Enjoy!

Character Introductions

Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode of The Hired Swords. I am Michael, your dungeon master. And he is. I'm Ash and I'm Derek. There's a Mikey right here. They play. Let's go on the last episode. Oh, I'm Jockster. Jocks are you're running. and and gwolyn I'm going. I'm nice to meet you. We also have a squirrel with us. Continue.
Hello. It's it's a chipmunk and her name's Dale. Their name is Dale. ah Don't force a gender on Dale. I don't know, Dale's. I don't know. We've never asked. We've no one's checked or asked. No one's asked. He don't has one. Checked in with to see he don't have one. So yeah, he's ah acceptable. Apparently the term the the pronoun he seems to be acceptable. So that's good. His pronoun is chipmunk.
perfect So deal with it. The jokes on you is pronouns actually a noun. it Just a full blown noun. Done. I'm rewriting history here. It's and not available. It's a yeah not applicable. um Anyway, what are we doing here? Oh yeah, we're going to play Dungeons and

Exploring the Fae Forest

Dragons. In our last episode, we were still in this crazy fae foresty world with crazy colored trees and colored grass and this amazing this amazing little homestead they've been at with a garden and and greenhouse, these giant, these big statues. And yesterday, I guess we woke up in a new day today after this exploring and flying around the the the the area to kind of see what they could see. They saw a few things at the distance. And after seeing what they did in the distance, they came back and kind of rested, had discussion about what all that was. And then the next morning they wake up
continuing to talk about their plans for the day and see some weird some creatures that look strangely familiar to Joxer and Krigs who go out and see if they can track some down.
with mixed success. Craig's thinking he may have spotted something and Joxer I think saying he did but we're not sure if he ever truly did or not. ah And then from there um we are going back to the homestead where Gwendolyn and Joxer, or Gwendolyn and Davin had been kind of talking amongst each other about their plans for the day and and talking to Marlow, the founder of this homestead, about his history and having been banished, Joxer and Kriegs come back and kind of hear this over biscuits and tea, talk to them about their plans. They travel to this, they travel through the forest a little ways, coming up on a creek.

Investigating the Creek

As they arrive at this creek, they discover that the
the um There's a voice in, or they discovered actually first some ah broken shield and arrows and things like that that have just kind of been covered up and swallowed up a little bit by the grass and things here in the in this area by the creek. And then after kind of investigating that, wanting to look a little further, Gwendolyn gets, hears a voice in her head as they decide to follow the river and go upstream towards the Northwest.
She begins to, she hears this voice in her head that realizes something's going on, something suspicious. And so she, um that's where we leave it off. I don't know if she actually had a chance to do or say anything to anyone. So that's where we we left off. What would you like to do now, Gwendolyn and the rest of you guys?

Sensing Danger and Battle Begins

I think I would probably hear the voice and kind of stop. And then I try to take another step forward and I just drop to the ground. and Okay. Did you guys see this flat hole? Gwen and I'll, uh, I'll hop over towards Gwen. Okay. Everybody make perception checks. Don't mind if I do. Okay.
Nope. I haven't eight days. Nope, four. I'm sorry. It's a four. It's real good. So 19 plus I believe it's a plus one. If I'm terrible, we're all bad at perception, except for Gwen. Yep, it is a unnatural 20. My passive perception is like 20. So I rolled a 20. OK, awesome. All right, so um Gwendolyn, you start to see ah the branches in some of these trees ah seem to be kind of shifting and moving a little bit. And as they shift and move, you see the you see this group of what looks to be
some sort of serpents sticking their face out at you or sticking their heads out towards you like they're ready to snap and jump towards you. Everybody roll initiative.
Oh, boy. Did I see anything special with my 20? No, you and you and you and Gwen both saw those that group of snakes there in the trees. And and I'll say ah that you Krigs also see one to your left in the distance about 15 feet ahead of you. Gwendolyn, there's one about 10 feet ahead of you up in the trees, only about eight feet up in the trees. I had a whole tactic.
And unnatural 20 gets me nothing. Well, you avoided surprise with your perception checks, a surprise round. but All right, Daven, you see ahead of you, ah you see two, like a, actually, you only see just past Gwendolyn, a large, what looks like a poisonous, or a possibly poisonous serpent coming down out of the tree, slithering down towards towards where gn Gwendolyn is standing. Oh, I get to go? It's your turn, yeah. Oh, shoot, okay. I was expecting that to be first for some reason.
Yeah, you know, you're 21. Got you there, buddy. So I just see it it just looks like a normal snake to me, right? Correct. OK. I mean, I've fought snakes before. I've seen snakes. I don't think that they're that big of a deal. So I'm not going to do anything crazy. I'm just going to take a firebolt. I'm going to stretch out the flame in my hand and I'm just going to throw a bolt of flame at the snake that I see. OK. And is that that's just an attack, right? It is. And it's a 13 to hit.
that does not hit. It just explodes through the tree in the distance ah pulsating with electrical energy as it kind of and the snake twists and and ah kind of releases and falls to the ground quickly putting its face its head at the front of its body up like it's down on the ground now but ready to launch towards Gwendolyn B knocked down out of the tree. Gwen, I missed. You might want to. There's a snake right by you. You might want to be careful. Is that your hole?
thing. Okay. So after I call out to Glenn, I'm going to, it looks like there's like a log right behind me. So to kind of put a little space between me and jocks are, I'm going to hop over that log and step back about a 10 feet or so. Okay. And that is the, that is the water. Well, my water, the water's on your ankle, around your ankles at this point. So I'm not worried about a little bit of water. Yeah, it's not. It's a, you you already knew, you guys knew this was a not super fast rushing, uh, little shallow Creek. So currently it doesn't seem to be an issue. Did you build this man?
Yes. Very nice. Thank you. Thank you very much. You know, the listeners out there is very pretty. Lots of colors, lots of love for it. This is what the world you're in right now looks like. Yeah, very nice. It's beautiful. Doctor will vacation. Yeah. All right. So that's the end of your turn.

Fear and Serpent Attacks

So that means that it is a different character's turn.
um Step out of the bushes, you see this creature that has the, it's like a serpent, like a snake. but it's it's it's huge and has arms and it's carrying a sword and it looks like a cobra head and it is it has a a long the long just its body is long snake like serpent tail all the way to the end but it's front section of its body is pulled way up like a person with two arms and
As it stands up and raises its arms, this blast of arcane energy comes towards... I'm gonna make sure it comes towards all of you. How about you don't? How about you don't do that? He's going to. How about you go towards all of us? He wants it to go to all of you. Why can't it just be Gwen? Well, it's all of you. I'm kidding us. So it goes towards all of you. Everyone make... Everyone make...
Wisdom saving throws. Wisdom wisdom. No, I won't do it. Yeah. Do it. I like it. This is not my strong suit. I'll mess with it. Oh, wait. I did that wrong. All right. ah Twenty one. Eight. Dang. Sixteen plus two. Eighteen. if Twenty one. Gwynna fourteen. Yeah. Wisdom saving throw. Yeah. OK, Devin. Fifteen.
15. Okay. So, ah Davin, Joxer and Krigs, you guys start to see these images flash through your mind. And as they flash through your mind, you shake them off and you can you realize this is something of arcane nature, something magical is happening. You need to resist. While Gwendolyn, you start to see these images of your mother. You see images of Dale.
ah Scurrying into the distance never to be seen again and suddenly all of your worst fears become real and you are now you now have the fear condition you are afraid and so you have to That means you have to run away from the person who cast this on you when your turn is here You have to try to be as far away as you can Am I being charmed?
Oh man, I don't know if this counts as being charmed or not. so i haven't any yet ah does your What does your ability say? Does it say can't be charmed or or frightened? It would save the word frightened.
no i just not Okay, then no, you you can be frightened. So so you ah you have the fear condition. That means you can't willingly go closer to this creature who ah cast this on you. It's the guy with the two swords crossed in front of his face. um And so, or in front of his, I don't know, not necessarily his face, but you can't go towards him. So you're you're a feared. um And then that is, since he's done that, he's gonna back up a little ways.
to here. That is the end of his turn. He backs up towards these bushes with a sword ready ah with it actually he yeah he's got a sword ready and you see this longbow strapped to his back. He's got this belt with these bracers on his on his wrists as well. And then when that happens after that This group of snakes over here, this swarm of poisonous snakes, jumps, or just starts to crawl down through the tree right up to you, Gwendolyn. And as it does, as they do that, as they do that, because you're standing right there, first one. As they do that, they ah make their bite attack against you.
This is supposed to be fun, D&D, not getting up on Ashley. I'm sorry, I was confused. An 11, that won't hit you, will it? Get outta town! Yeah, so that 11 doesn't hit as it tries to bite at your at your at your leg and start to so so the swarm starts to kind of coil itself around your legs and try to go up up to you. Also, Joxer.
the tree behind you that you haven't been looking at, there is another group of these snakes there, and they fall down from the tree on top of you and start trying to bite you as well. They roll to bite you a...
18 oxer, but you put them behind me I meant Daven my apologies. They were there already Daven Okay, yes, behind davin whole show I just made them visible so there was always Daven Yeah, I believe start back at season one. Yeah. Yeah
Backline didn't even know how to do an accident. Oh, that's gotten better. Anyway, um yeah, my AC is only 12 right now because I did not cast Mage Armor. Oh, weird. Okay. So yeah, this is why you buddies have to be Mage Armor accountability partners. um So the 18 hits, that is, get ready, here it comes. It is D4 plus four piercing damage. Okay.
You take four plus four, eight total damage from the bites of these snakes as they all make a, make a bite. Now I need a constitution saving throw from taking all these bites, constitutes saving throw. He's got the HP to, to tank that now. I'm surprised he isn't dead. Constitution saving throw is 26. Thank you very much. 26. Yeah. You and you definitely survived that one. So great. So yeah. Um,
So yeah, you are, you you shake off the poison as you feel the stinging in your leg from the venom ah going up through, it's actually venom, not poison. So it's a venomous snake should be. Anyway, when are the difference? Or if you eat it, you would get sick, maybe. Or maybe both. Awesome. And then what other swarmies? There's a swarm over here by Mr. Kriggers as well. Come at me. Exactly.
So this swarm comes down, falls, just starts just kind of falling out of the tree and falling around crawling up up from under the log by the water. They were kind of... perched in there waiting for the the initial kind of command, it seems maybe, like everything sort of like attacked together, and which just feels weird for these creatures to do, but you just saw a guy cast a spell that looks like a snake, so maybe it makes a little more sense. And this spell, this ah attack is a 24 to hit, 18 plus numbers, six, so a 24.
I will do believe it hits, yeah yeah. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I don't know. This is level 15 stuff. I don't know how high your guys' as armor classes are getting. And so you're also going to take a D4 damage. I hope you like it, you little son of a gun. And so it's a five total damage. One plus four is five total damage. Please make a constitution saving throw. You have to beat 11, sir. I rolled a 19.
You beat 11, sir, so you do not get poisoned. I don't think you can get poisoned, can you? I cannot get poisoned. Correct. Finally, I kid you not. I'd rather I have advantage on it, I think.
Finally, I kid you not, this other this other group of snakes, which was right here, is going to go ahead and slither down towards Mr. Joxer, man. Counter spell. Man, I am tired of this mother effing snakes and it's mother effing trees. It's mother effing trees. Okay, Samuel. um So you take, no, you have to, he's attacking, you don't take damage unless he hits you. And with your mage armor,
24 to hit, another 18 plus six. Yep, no that, that will hit. Yeah, I figured so. So then the the damage is gonna be that D4 plus four, so it's a two plus four is a six, make a constitution saving throw and beat an 11 for me. Okay. All right, so that is a 10 plus four. Yeah, that beats 11, great job. So there you go. So I think that's the whole, all the groups of snakes. So that now the swarms are done, that takes us to Gwyn.

Healing and Battle Strategies

Good. Golly. Miss. Um, so Gwendolyn seeing, uh, flashes and she's just, just kind of terrified and she feels like she has to do something. So she just kind of shakinly reaches up and snaps her finger and she's going to cast, um, her spirit tonum, which is, uh, the unicorn one. Um, just a reminder,
ah The unicorn spirit lends its production to those nearby basically um You and your allies gain Advantage on all ability checks made to detect creatures in the spirit um If you cast a spell using the spell slot that restores hits points to any creatures inside or out Then you get to add my druid hit points, which is for 15. Okay, and how many how many ah Feet. It's a 60 foot circle. So 30 foot radius. Yeah, I want to do it right on me because she's not going too far. um Basically, if you do a spell that restores hit points, then I get to add 15 to it. OK, the cast spell. OK, add 15. Got it. Don't forget that. And you're going to see Gwendolyn not really wanting to do much. She's kind of hunkered down.
And she's trying to turn into a creature, but she she just can't. So you see her skin kind of flash, flicker between fur and skin. Okay. That's all she's doing right now. Okay. All right, then. That takes us to this the individual snake guy here. Comes up to Gwendolyn. Makes his bite attack. Another 24. Interesting. Wow. All right. Consistent.
Well, yeah. Roll 20 is consistent. So a 24 to hit hits Gwyn. That's another D4 plus stuff. D4 plus stuff. That's a five total. Make a constitution. Saving throw with disadvantage. Disadvantage? Because you fear. Right? Does it say no? That was a ability checks. You said disadvantage, Celia? Hang on. I don't think it is actually. I think I was wrong. Disadvantage on ability checks attack rolls. So not saving throws. You're fine.
Great, because I rolled a 19. Plus, what was it? You're within 10 feet of me, yeah. Yeah, sure. Add two to your saving throws. Okay, then I'm above 20 now. Oh yeah, you you succeeded. You had to beat 11, so you succeeded. Wait, poop. I forgot how to paladin.
You can't be frightened. She can't be frightened. Why I have the aura of courage courage It's a paladin feature while I'm conscious me and my friendly creatures around me within 10 feet cannot be frightened She's not in 10 feet Okay, well, I'll just walk to you. She's in 15 feet So I should have moved I remember how to I wonder if that works like after the fact like if she were to not unknowingly or maybe knowingly walk into the Yeah, if she were to walk into the aura, she would be unfeared. Okay. Uh, she'd look at me and be like, Oh, what a beautiful creature. I'm no longer afraid. Yeah, that's what it was. ah So she took five damage and, but no poisoned. No poisoning. me Let me take five off my 126 hit points.
Yeah. All right. And then that takes us to last. You see another crazy kind of interesting in the tree, ah in the distance, there is another snake creature, but it looks like it has this magical hand swirling all around it. And this creature, it starts to run, like slither towards you all.
And as it does, it gets right up to Gwendolyn. And then in a 30 foot cone, it's going to attack all of you with its fury of 100 mage hands. And all of you are going to, and I did not create, I did not create this monster. This is a, where did it go?
Where did it go? This is an action, not a spell. It's it's literally making punches. it's It's created, part of its stand essence is these. So yeah, it's not casting a spell. It's just making, it's a flurry of spectral punches and a 30 foot cone. Each creature in the area make a dexterity saving throw. He's like a monk mage. If you are within 10 feet of me, add plus two to that. Yep, everybody, except Gwen. Okay.
Um, so I get to add plus two to a negative, uh, natural one, right? Did you roll that one? I rolled it now. I did. it Did you roll one too? No, not one buddies. Yeah. Yeah. Not one for jocks are not one for Devin. I chose to steal a lot on that one. I haven't even acted yet. So that was a 19 plus lots of things. Gotcha. Uh, Craig's, uh, 13.
13, okay, I think that saves. Actually it does not, you're going for 14. Oh boy. Yeah, so you take 66 bludgeoning damage as these mage hands just <unk> fuck swack that fuck fuck suck on just like smack through all of you and then kind of fall back to around this creature swirling around him, all these mage hands around this snake creature. and Do these mage hands have HP?
um The Mage Hands themselves do not, but the creature as a whole does, for sure. I feel like Mage Hands should have HP. I know, right? So you take 2d6 plus anything. No, straight. Not 2d6, 66. So we'll do four more. So that's 2 plus 20. 22 damage for everybody who failed. That'd be me. And you're knocked prone.
Gwen, what did you roll? I didn't roll anything. How come? You gotta make a dexterity saving throw. No, I said you don't get the plus two. Oh, I thought you were saying you don't roll. Oh, sorry. Yeah, you do. So he's right there. You're at the very brunt of it. That's what I thought. But I was like, okay. Like if he said so, I'm not asking questions though. 17 total.
ah Yeah, you succeed. So you you'd take half the damage, so you only take 11 damage, and you do not fall down prone. So 11 damage for Gwen, 22 damage for everyone else as these mage hands just start slapping you all around, and just realized I've been having the wrong music playing for us this whole time. It was the ambience, not the battle. All right, and then that is that guy's plan. He's done Krigs, you're up.
Oh boy. So I am currently prone. ah After taking a wallop of slaps. Uh-huh. I am going to stand up kind of angrily because like this this definitely was not something I was expecting. It just happened all so fast and I'm surrounded by literal just monstrosities.
The big guy back there. How far away is he from me? That guy is currently... And what do i what do I see when I look at him, by the way? He's 35 feet away. He is a snake except from... he He seems to have almost like a waist that gets into a muscular upper body with big muscular arms with bracers on carrying a large scimitar and a regular snake head and face with his serpent tongue slithering out. And yeah. Cool. That's what you see. ah Well...
I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything that just happened so quick because it had been so peaceful for so long and now just laying on my back basically staring up at the sky and just Just frustrated. I definitely am going to take my some of my movement to stand back up. OK. I'm not even going to use, like, ah you you see me standing there basically with my shield on my back and my war hammer kind of like slung slightly to my side. And I'm going to just start like glowing with this energy, this this natural radiant energy kind of phosphorescent in nature. and
um just ah just all around me kind of like a fury of a sense uh and i'm going to hulk smash the ground very angrily it's gonna be silly because i'm quite small and i'm using child divinity scorched earth yes okay as as my action i'm releasing a blast of energy that ignites the ground around me in a 20 foot radius and every creature in the area must make a constitution saving throw all right if they fail They take 14 points of lightning damage for half as much on a successful save, and for one minute the ground in this area continues to crackle and glow with that natural radiant power. The ground is difficult to rain, and if they move into the space or start their turn within it, they take two damage for every every turn they're in it.
Okay. And creatures of my choice that I can see are immune to the effects. So nice. Yep. Okay. So I have to make, I have to make, waterals ah they're going to roll. Well, I don't know. We'll see. Um, I was going to say they're all going to roll as groups, but that might be a bad idea. So the swarms of snakes, what, uh,
You said it was a dexterity. It is a constitution saving. Constitution. Can it be dexterity? so Sound like you guys. All right. That is a 15. Fail. The dexterity or the constitution ah for those first swarm. And how much do they, how much damage does it take? 14. All right. that That hurt. Didn't kill it, but hurt. The second one.
That one rolls a 10, so also takes the same 14 damage. And then this other guy over here next to Davin swirling around suddenly feels the the this circle of this crazy energy swirling around it, and the electric energy rolls an 11, also fails. Then this last swarm here is going to roll a...
Six, which is another failure. and a fail So they all take their they all take their medicine right here. Was it fire or electric? It was electricity. Because me and this snake are in water, aren't we? That's true. Boogie, boogie, boogie. That's true. So it buzzes these guys and it energizes the water shooting jilts of electricity around. it Davin, roll a d10 for me. A d10? Did I just supercharge my boy?
I don't know. You could have killed me, Raleigh, though. I rolled a six. You rolled a six? So you feel it start to energize you and ah suddenly gets a little too hot. And and it instead of energizing you, it doesn't. You gotta to forgive you the shot for it, actually, to give you more okay like temporary hit points or something. ah Thanks to your little idea. ah So the swarms are no longer That was the swarms, they all got their damage. Now the one big snake that attacked. Gwendolyn is trying with an 18. Succeeds. Succeeds. So seven. So seven, Dimash for this snake.
The snake looks suddenly this electronic electricity fries that you see these gaping burning wounds with smoke coming out of them as this thing seems to have really been damaged massively by this attack. And then it also affects this mage hand snake guy. So he's going to roll his or that creature's goingnna roll its It's an eight for a failure, so it takes its 14 damage. So the three right there in Gwyn's face all take some damage. Also some damage you guys are unaware of yet. Is the water still electrified in this moment? I mean, it should be, I guess, technically, right? um It's, it's ah yeah, in this moment, yeah. Okay. Let's see here. This magic moment.
Sorry, rolling a D20 manually here. So 11 fails, so this is a minus 14 to this one. And then, I think that's outside of the space. All right, so that is everyone rolling their saving throws for that. What's next? um and As a bonus action, I am going to attempt to shield master shove this snake. Basically what I'm doing is I have my shield in my hand, and now I'm just gonna, if you'll allow me to, I am going to spin it, like spin around holding my shield, kinda like how you brush something off, and I'm gonna attempt to like push it into the electrified water. Oh, push all these little so all these smaller snakes, the swarm of snakes off of you. I'm just gonna like swoop at them real heavy with my shield.
Yeah. Okay. Uh, just make it a, uh, do you have to normally make an attack roll for that? Is that how that works? Oh, you know what balls I can't cause I have to have used an attack action before it. Nevermind. Can't do that. Bummer. Good call. All right. Um, bonus action. Well, you know what I'm going to do cause I have never in history of playing this game done it. I'm just going to drink a straight up health potion.
Oh, look at you. Yeah. Baldur's Gate ruined me. I'm going to drink. I know. Right. I'm drinking health potions now. Dude, those are essential in that game. Can we start? Can we start throwing those potions? I don't think. Have you got any damage yet, though? Yes. You hit me almost the worst out of it. Oh, that's right. That's right. Wind got it worse than I did. Yeah. What's your. I'm like half my health potion. What'd you say, Devin? They say he's got the worst. I'm down 30.
Yes, true. ah After all the hits in the health potion and everything, I'm up to like 135. Okay, all right. Oh yeah, the mage hand did 22 damage on you guys, so I forgot about that. I was thinking these little snake bites and I'm like, how are you that bad off? All right, so that takes us to, if that's your whole turn, sir.

Casting Powerful Spells

Yeah, I don't really feel like giving any out any opportunity attacks, so I'm just gonna chill. Okay, so that takes us out of,
out of your turn into finally Joxer's turn. All right. there was ah There was a lot of thinking over here because I didn't know I'm i'm surrounded by snakes and friends. Yeah, and that that's definitely super helpful. um So my plan has changed. I'm surrounded by friend snakes. um So I think I'm going to cast Wall of Light.
OK, which creates a 60 foot wall going to go. I put a red line basically straight up and down is five feet. Any creature that it that is in it must make a constitution saving throw of 15. OK. On a failed save, it'll be 48 radiant damage and be blinded for a minute. On a successful, it will take half that and is not blinded.
and then I get the mother effect later. And what kind of saving throw did you say? It'll be constitution. Boy, you guys are in your constitutions today. a Oh, that's not good. That's a two. Stop having such a weak constitution. I know. I guess so, huh? And then this is the mage hand guy. Snake with a hundred mage hands. This is his official name. Fancy. Oh man, a four. Good grief. And then the, uh,
Giant poisonous snake. Oh, that's that was the first one. This last one is Five I got all my 18s out quick before now. They're gone So I rolled a a two and I added three so five total so those all fail So I take what do you say for D? twenty damage Yeah, so it's 24 damage and they are all blinded Lined it by the line one minute literally All right, so this this wall of light emerges and rises to five foot in height Is that we said is five foot tall ah five wide it is actually 10 feet long
10 feet tall. Okay. And, uh, gotcha. So, and it just completely, and it's, what is that? Like 30 foot long or? Uh, 60, 60 feet long. 60 feet long. Um, 10 feet high. And then, yeah, so it is. So this huge wall of light appears right next to you, Gwendolyn. And you see the, this, the giant snake that was at your feet, raring back to bite you again, had already been fried by so much of this lightning. Now this light just burns right through it as this thing, ah as this, uh,
wall of light appears here the snake just sizzles away in the this is this radiant damage yeah radiant yeah and so as well as these mage hands start flailing and swirling and you hear as this serpent with all the mage hands also takes this damage and you hear ah a a cry out um from up north of you by the bushes where this larger snake man type creature seems to be also damaged by the same wall of light. What's next, Joxer? And I will take my bonus action to use a key point to do a flurry of whatever that's called, flurry of blows. Yep. um So that'll be two but melee attacks against that snake that is hugging me a little too tightly.
Okay. Uh, 10 plus unarmed. Uh, eight. So 18 does an 18 hit. Uh, yes, definitely. so Okay. And then I'll use the other one as well. That will be a unnatural 12 plus eight. So that'll be, what is the damage? That wall of light, does it stay there? Uh, it's a concentration up to 10 minutes until, um,
So i I got to make those rolls whenever I get hit. I was going to be six plus six of twelve damage to that snake next to me. OK. All right. So that's a swarm of snakes in your punch. Just start just squashing them as you punch through them with your flurry of blows. You know, chunks at a time of these small snakes that are swarming around you. Is that it?
And something that I have failed to because I'm a ah drunken master when I hit with my flurry of blows, I can disengage and move an extra ok and a amount of feet. So I'm actually going to close the distance with ah that snake up north. Oh, cool. So that um it will, you know, be there. Actually, I'll move one down there. OK.
Cool. That will end my turn. Got it. All right. So that is the end of Joxer's turn. So now as you disengage from these other snakes, wiping a couple of them that are still kind of hanging on to you with their fangs, wiping them off of you, backing away and running, ah you see ah those snakes ah One of them actually transforms and begins to rise up as it it drops its polymorph and one of these small snakes becomes a Visible as another one of these snake men seemingly though smaller He's not he's not adorned with the same armor and things as the the other guy you had fought but he is He does, he does is the same kind of looking kind of kind of creature with his his body being, actually his body looks more human-like while he has a snake serpent head and and his polymorph has dropped. He no longer looks like a snake at all except for his head while his body is more human-like. Sorry, I just looked at the picture while I was describing it and realized I had it backwards. And so,
So this guy ah now stands there and then another one appears right there next to man to Mr. Daven stepping in the water with his big old boots. He's carrying a I believe a scimitar as well just like the other guy was and So, Joxer, or not Joxer, we'll go down to Krigs. This one comes right down to where Krigs is. And we'll make an attack with a Scimitar. When he started his turn, or did he enter my zone, he should get two damage, by the way. Yep. Yep. He'll take two damage. Good call. Thanks for the reminder. And then he makes two attacks with his scimitar. The first one, he rolls a 24. The second one, he rolls a 16. Hits on the first one.
Okay, second one does not hit. That is a D6 plus three for the scimitar. So it's only going to be five damage to Kriegs, Kriegsman.
And so the the one, you know two attacks, one of them actually hits and that takes your five damage. The other guy makes and ah makes a couple of attacks against Devin. The first attack, he rolls a 19. Of course. The second attack, he rolls a 17. I ain't hard to hit. Yeah, not today. And so he gets you for two D6 plus three. So that's a total of nine plus for four. So 12, 13 damage total for Devin.
um And now these two guys are standing there ready to to swing at your, at you with their scimitars raised. Again, these two guys with the bodies of big muscular warriors, but the heads of snake people. And I believe that's the end of the round to take us back up to Daven at his 21 initiative. Okay. Um, quick question. So it's like a swarm of snakes that are on me as well, right? Correct. Does that count just as one creature?
Yes, you attack it as a creature. You can you can you know obviously role play it however you want, but it it as a swarm has hit points and when it in it its stats change when it gets to half hit points as far as its attacks and things. Okay, Daven's gonna kind of whirl his hands around in like a fashion you guys haven't really seen before, and the air around both the ah the two guys around him, as well as the three that are kind of surrounding Kriegs at this point, guys all starts to shimmer.
Um, and I'm going to cast Scatter on them. So all five of the creatures that are surrounding us need to make a wisdom saving throw and they got to beat an 18. You have to beat an 18. All right. Well, let's see how they do with their plus zero. The first one, the one the the swarm near you rolls a seven.
The guy near you, the the the guy kinda stand in there, he rolls a wisdom, he actually has a plus one, so hey. He rolls a 15, not gonna get him there. Not gonna get him there. The other guy rolls a 12, not gonna get him there. And the other swarm, two more swarms actually,
We have a 12, and we have, because they're plus zero, a two. All failures, what happens to them? um They all get teleported to a position of my choice. okay So the snake man that struck me with the scimitar closes to me, he's gonna land in the bushes right behind the snake caster that they have. And then the rest are just gonna land in a line all in that same light wall.
Yeah, they are. OK, that's freaking the coolest idea. And to note, it blocks line of sight so they can now not see. This is beautiful, oh man. And so they all upon entering that, do they take damage or like first turn? ah So I know i'm entering.
Some are different. So this one, when a creature ends its turn in the walls area from that point forward. Here's a question to you. Since they've now exited via teleportation and are now back in my field thing, does that apply? No. Come on. Not again. Well, mine is two each. I think if they have to do it on their turn.
yeah seemsly into well i mean it can have relocated them that's true They exited and what's the what's the distance on it 20 feet radius around me so some of them would I guess a fish technically take two entire damage well But hey two damages two damage is too damaged so yeah all the way to this mage hand guy Which he would didn't really return he was already there so ah Shoot Man, I was kind of disappointed. I was hoping once they all got in that wall of light, they would all take immediate damage. I know I wish, but now they can't see us. You're thinking in ball their gate turns. We all played that game, so we're all like pro at fighting now. That's right. Strategy. Yeah. I got them away from me. That's what I cared about. All right. So they all take the two damage. Yeah. They are away from you for sure. And then is that your whole turn?
um I'm going to kind of move up right next to Craig's kind of lump jump up on that log right there Okay, and then I think do I have any bonus actions? I high-five you present bonus action, okay? ah that's a free action High fives are always a free action Nice. um I'm going to use one sorcery point. I do that after my high five with that hand that I high fived with the sorcery point. i'm I'm going to use one sorcery point so I can cast quick and spell and then I can cast one more spell as a bonus action. Um, and I will use, um, um, it'll just be another fire bolt cause it's gotta be cantrip. So the, um,
The snake guy that's kind of closest to Gwen, like that's in that line. I'm just going to throw another firebolt directly at him. This guy here. I didn't see the man. Yeah, that one right there. That's perfect. The snake man firebolt. Yep. And it's a 20 to hit. Not, not that hits that hits natural or no. Three D 10. Hello. Is going to be 14 plus another four is 18 damage to him. And that's fire damage. Ooh. And a D six, right?
First time I've ever remembered that. And three lightning. So 18 fire, three lightning. All right. Yeah. This fireball hits him and, and, uh, burns and singes away some of the scales on his, the upper part of his, his shoulders and head. And, uh, you see the the little bits of lightning kind of crawling on his skin after the flames kind of dispersed and burned through. Uh, so is that your whole turn, Devin? That'll be it.
All right, so this big guy here, the main big boy you guys had fought, let's see. And I believe he is also blinded for whatever he's doing. Yep. um He's blinded for a certain amount of time or as long as he's in that spot. um He is blinded for one minute. He is, okay. So so that gives him, he's gonna step outside of that um and that gives him a disadvantage on attack rolls, is that right?
yeah All right, so he is going to attempt to constrict you, jockser, and he's going to roll a natural one. Wowie, wowie.
and so Nice. Got me. He tries to constrict you and he fails. And upon trying to constrict you, he can't see. ah So I'm not even going to bother rolling his arms out like going for a hug, trying to construct you, but you're just like pushing him away. yeah but But it's not the time. Yeah. And then it ah having missed with the constrict, it just reaches out with a poorly with an attempt at a bite to just bite in the direction. Uh, so that's a 21 or a with, with disadvantage, a 13 13 won't hit. but Definitely not.
Yeah, so yeah, he is unsuccessful ah to unsuccessful in any of his work against you there and so that will be the end of his turn and it'll take us to the swarm of snakes, which the first one here will come right back up to Gwendolyn, I guess, to where it's just the nearest target. And so all three of these, the the three swarms are all surrounding Gwendolyn and then one swarm is next to Joxer. My plan kind of backfired and now all I did was put Gwen right in the middle of everything. So swarm is so the swarms are biting.
Gwendolyn, this swarm is actually not quite at half, so. ah All right, so that's a 21 to hit. Yes. And then the second one rolls a 10 to hit. Yes. Third one rolls a 14 to hit. ah That matches.
Okay, so ah that does not hit if I meet it, right? No, meet it beats it, so I hit it. So I hit you, so that means two D6 twice damage. So 10 damage, the first bite, the second bites, ooh, two sixes for 12 damage, and then I need you to make a constitution saving throw. So that was 20?
20 total, or 22 total, and then make a constitution saving throw. Sorry, I'm counting. It's okay. 110 minus 22. Is that 88? It is 88, yes. 88, yes. Okay, great. Can I come with... With the constitution of independence.
Uh, four plus 11 15. Yeah, that's definitely a success. Uh, so I get to play the game. So you do not take any poison damage, even though you feel the sting of that venom inside your body from those two large bites and these snakes. And that is it for the, although there's one swarm on joxer, which is going to make an attack as well. Wait, how much yachts got plenty of hit points.
Twenty four, 18 plus seven ah or plus six. Sorry. plus six That will hit. I don't know if it matters that technically there's no supposed to be or not supposed to be line of sight through the wall, but I don't know. We did attack through it, so I think.
19 would not hit right the night. It has to do disadvantage because it's blinded anyway, so That does not hit so it doesn't hit you either way floats so and So yeah ah Thank You mage armor Yes, yes. Yes. All right. So that's it for the swarms ah that takes us now to Oh, ah any any creature who ends its turn in the light, it takes more damage, take another bit of damage. You have to roll again or? Yeah, so'll be sick plus a so but fourteen plus for eighteen but a ah it'll be twenty six right, 26 for this guy here. Yeah.
So that actually is enough to end him into that group of snakes as the swarm is fried by all these, um, indeed it's more, it doesn't realize what's going to happen to it. The snakes. So they, they are burned away, singed away by the radiant damage of this wall of light. Uh, that is, uh, Gwyn's turn now.

Rage and Firestorm

And then did that also hit the one next to me. There's another one next to Draxor.
Oh, yes, I keep forgetting that it's a swarm because the lines the lines so thick I can hardly see what the what the thing is. That's what she said. yeah Nice. ah That's the swarm and it's making it's taking the damage of 26. It also is destroyed. Yes, it's just dead. Don't have to think about anything. Dead. It's dead.
All them snakes is dead. ah Yes. So now can we go to Gwen's turn or? Yeah. Yeah. but you will start be again but Yeah. Wait, I got things. I have a celestial. No. Oh, my gosh. All right. now um ah The flashes are still going through her head. She's still feared and.
She can't take it anymore. Skin going back and forth of beast mode that she just kind of just yells at a scream and to the point where she almost has gone super sand. So I'm going to cast Firestorm right as she yells. Oh, God. What? And I get to pick the blocks I get to pick. They face each other, so it's not corner to corner, but I get to pick 10 blocks that touch each other. I choose those.
Wow. oh So it's just going around all the creatures around her and then up to the big guy that's next to Joxer. And what happens to them? 10 10 foot cubes. So it could be bigger, I guess. Do it like the forest on fire. I think I can almost hit this other guy. to Did you say 10 10 foot cubes? Yes.
Yeah, no, you could definitely. Because he's going to do whatever you want, right? Yeah, yeah. And it's just going to kind of do like the lightning and and kind of surge through to them. Just flames just bursting and erupting all over. All right, what are they? Do they dex save or is it just damage? Yes. Okay. Each creature in the area must take a dexterity saving throw. All right, the first saving throw is a...
15 get out of here is that a success or failure fail then a worse than that 14 fail um so Both of these guys, both of the the guys with the human bodies and snake heads fail. The two swarms, they get a plus four, but that's not going to help if you roll a five for a total of nine. And then a total of six for the other one. There's only two of those guys left. They both fail. The mage hands guy, that's not the right thing. The mage hands, the snake with a hundred mage hands, he has a plus four also.
He rolls a 14 plus four for an 18. That matches. First success. 18 is your spell save, DC. Yeah. You are a powerful druid lady. but but And then the but big boss guy is a 17, the abomination he's called. So he fails as well. What does fail mean? Fail means they take full damage.
Okay, what is that damage? And I have to roll seven D10. What are you, what? Yeah. What's spell whale slot? What spell slot is this? Uh, it's seven. Okay. Wow. Yeah. This is like, okay. Do you have one of these six? Tell me you only can do this once. and Okay. That's 35 already. It's a concentration last 24 hours. ah Yeah. I wish.
Okay, so 35 plus four, 39 damage. 39 damage. And I have to specify, I don't want the plant life to catch fire, so. Oh, okay, okay. So you have um very specifically burned up these creatures. Do they take half damage if they succeeded? Yes. Okay, so it's you said it was 39? Yeah, so 15 plus...
4.5. So 19. 19 damage. Okay, so the mage hang guy is still there. Not happy. All right. So yes, these flames erupt all over just seven just burning and singeing everywhere. And As that happens, uh, you hear this the screeches of some of these serpent creatures as they cry out in pain and die. You hear the screeches of some of them as they're just injured severely from this. And that is it. Is there anything else Gwendolyn you're going to do? I'm mad as hell. Yeah, I see that you created hell right here on this, in this forest. How fun was that? All right. And i'm done she's searching, she's looking around, not realizing what she did.
All right. That takes us to the, the one with mage hands. Uh, oops, this guy, he's going to step out of this. He is also blinded still, I believe. Yes. Is that correct? For another nine round. Okay. So, so yeah, he, he, Oh, I have to see if it recharges these poor guys. They should have stayed in the trees.
It does not recharge. He can't do his cone of stuff. So instead he's just going to make two disadvantage bite attacks against this person that was right there in front of him before. So it's a 16 to hit Gwendolyn. And then the second attack, I can actually roll with disadvantage by clicking this thing here. Second attack is a 11. So the 16 hits.
Yeah. All right. Well, that's only two D four plus four damage, but it's something. So his name is snake with a hundred mage hands. His parents must have hated him. I know it's a terrible name. Uh, so it's seven damage. That's a, that's an odd thing to like teach yourself. Like I need a hundred mage hands at one point. I can't, 97 wasn't enough. I got to train harder.
Yep. Maybe they can't shine. I feel like they added cheese in Baldur's Gate with that, that was patched. That is, uh, Krieg's turn now. Okay. So have I been able to like see through this wall of light or no? No, you can't see the other side of it. How's the creature standing next to Gwyn like looking?
Health-wise. You see it's struggling. You can tell it's it's struggling pretty bad. Did it take two damage from being in my cone thing? Yes, it has been in here. I think it has been. At the start of its turn, it took two damage. I don't think so. Is that enough to kill it? yeah No, and not not even close. Balls. Balls. So I guess I'm going to walk up to it after I had my little tizzy.
Yeah. And in my stride, you're going to see some like mission, a possible slow motion dove flying behind me as I grab my war hammer. Okay. Yeah. Wonderful.
I'm going to really, ah clearly it's blinded. I can't, it's it's kind of staring at nothing as it's lashing and gnashing around, trying to bite a Gwen. Got one successful off, but I'm going to try to bring the war hammer down on a top. It's a noggin with a full, full weight of my two handed swing. Got it. Does that mean that you're stepping near me? Yes.
Does that mean I'm no longer feared? Yes. Yes. Oh, okay. Good. That was my, you saw the dove fly behind me and you were inspired to be like, yo, we're in this together. A full montage. I just said everybody on fire probably can get through this. All right. So I'm going to attack this B with my weapon that is apparently not equipped currently.
18 to hit, plus 9, so yeah, hefty hit. Yeah, big hit. What's your damage? Tell me your basic damage before you do any extra stuff to it. 11 plus 1, because it's a plus 1 warhammer now after my level up that I did. Yep. So 12. 12 damage, okay. the The basic hit didn't kill it, so if there's anything else you're wanting to add to this, you're welcome to do so. I would like to...
trying to remember I'm trying to remember how to paladin. Please forgive me, listener, as paladin is very difficult when you've not been playing it for a long time. On a normal attack, you should be able to add fancy stuff to it. Add your radiant damage. Without using spell slots. Through your... Improved divine smite. Divine smite, that's the one. Trying to find it in my giant list of spells. Alright, so an extra 1d8 radiant damage. Find my d8.
seven radiant damage. And that'll do it. So you slice through and the thing just like and then rises up like it's going to keep going. And just then your hammer pulses ah with as you've had so much peace time lately that even your hammer forgot. Oh, yeah, I need to do this too. And the radiant damage from your hammer just sears through this this serpent, destroying it as well. All that is left now is up up near Joxer to the north of you guys, ah near in a little pat near a little patch of orange and blue trees. You see Joxer there with this abomination snake creature standing there with his ah scimitar raised. And then in the distance, you can just barely see over the bushes, over these orange and purple bushes that has snake serpent head of another one of this this other creature that had gotten shoved shoved over there, teleported over there by Daven.
ah Is that all that you're gonna do for your turn at Craig's Galdor? Nah, dog So the the dude is that standing right above right north of jocks are is still in play, right? Okay ah So I was a free action. I'm gonna give an over-the-shoulder wink to Gwen and I'm gonna walk forward and Use my second attack at yeah that big boy back yonder Yeah, yeah, you can end up right there right next to standing right next to jocks are like Hey, hey, buddy. Do you bring sandwiches as another 18 hits? I think it hits that guy. Yep. Yeah. All right. Do your worst. Slap him for 14 damage plus three. So, uh, 17 damage.
All right. So, yeah, you hit him with your war hammer and that the damage he definitely takes ah the big bludgeoning shot from the hammer and then the radiant damage ah pulses through his body and causing him to groan and and kind of call cry out a little not dead, but definitely in bad shape. Sick. As a bonus action, I guess I could use a bonus action.
I'm going to shield bash this dude to try to push him five feet into the wall. Push him as far as I can. I'm going to give him a good shove and try to push him into the wall just to be a big meanie. Yeah. OK. So I don't think I have to roll for that. It's just a like a feat, basically. I can potentially roll if I need to shove him back. Yeah. Just 10 feet or five feet or five feet.
Okay, so you shove him back into the very top edge of that big radiant wall and his and into the bushes. Does he fall prone? Is that a thing? He doesn't say I have to roll. No, he's just shoved back five feet. Okay. Wait, hold on. as ah You can use the bonus action to try and shove a creature within five feet of you with your shield. How far that goes, I got no idea.
Shield Master Shove, let me look at it. I guess he has to make a Dex save. um Dex is just a plus three. 11. I'm sure your spell save DC is better than an 11. Uh-huh. Yep, so he definitely has shoved backwards into those bushes. Okay. All right, is that it? Yep, yep, yep. Joxer, it's you. Oh, hey, I have things that I can do. um Okay.
Hmm, but they were slightly different. did you do If when whenever he left my site, how did how did that that ah serpent look? You know, OK, bad off, could be better. He looked he looked about a third. He looks about two thirds. Wait, no, a third as good as he did when you first met him.
Two thirds worse than he did when he met him, I guess. That's however you want to say. He looks 64 points bad. Yeah. if If he had a hundred, if it was a hundred, if it was like, if he had felt like 127 good, he's like 47 good now.
um So so what I can do good is forty seven good. ah Me too, buddy. Same, same. Oh, brutal, but true. um I know I wake up in your short rest these days. I get right. It was a, you know, proper siesta in the middle of work days. Now, I am I think i' I'll because I still have the spell up, I'm going to use an action to shoot a beam of light um at
the ah serpent man that is in the the wall right now. OK. And so it has to just make another dexterity save. OK. Of 15 or no Constitution, I'm sorry, Constitution. That is plus three on that 19.
Okay. That'll do it. So it'll only take two D eight. Oh, is that all? Yeah. Creatures don't take so much. Been an action. Oh wait. No, no. I'm sorry. I had that wrong. I use a spell attack for this one. So I, I do a spell attack plus seven. Not only are we learning how to D and D again after a long time, it's also, this is your first combat at level 15. Oh, that's ah that's a nat 20 plus seven. Oh, got him.
Um, that'll be 27 and then I roll 48 and I double that number. Great. Do or the damage. And then I shorten my wall. It goes from 60, 50 feet. Wow. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so that is a eight, a seven, a four, 11. So that's 19 and another eight. God, I love this guy. Um, what did I say a second ago?
19 plus eight 2727 doubled. So that's going to be 54 54 light radiant damage on, uh, on beastie boy. That's sitting by the light. Yeah. The light just engulfs him and it just, and as it dissolves, there's nothing but a clump of scaly, uh, serpent flesh on the ground. Um, and I think,
The only thing that I could kind of do because I don't know if I could see anything. I don't think I know that there is another another beast beyond the wall. ah Sure. Yeah, because that would be the only thing that I could say is that I don't know what direction the wall was shortened. Do you tell me if it's shortened from the top or the bottom? ah Just roll a D6 123 123 top 456 bottom. OK.
There's a five, so it's bottom, so it went upwards. So I don't see it. So I think I'll probably just run down towards the rest of the group. OK, because I don't I don't know what's happening. I see you run down towards the.
You run down towards the little breakaway in the trees that are right along the edge of the creek and just past Gwendolyn to where you're and and away from where Kriegs is standing by the tree. And they're yeah, none but nobody can really see this other creature behind these bushes because it's behind this wall of light. Except Davin knows he's there because he put him there. Yeah, so as i i think we I think we got him. Gwen, are you okay? And then that'll be my turn.
And that's gonna be this creature's turn. And it's going to Vamanos. Of course it would. Hold on. No, it's too far away. Butts. You start to see it, you suddenly, or actually make a, you can make a perception check if you want, Krigs, if you think you're looking back to see that direction. Oh yeah, I'm fully focused on like everything that's been coming. Where the creatures were.
Uh, I got my, I got my battle steeze going. Uh, let's see here. Perception. Yeah. Uh, that's 17. All right. So you, when you look in the distance, you do see another, a small or ah a regular size, like medium sized snake slithering off into the distance.
how quickly, uh, about normal, like 30 feet, uh, uh, turn speed. No, did it look injured at all? As fast as possible. Um, beat up the snake itself didn't look, it didn't look injured at all. I'm going to disengage and keep track of the direction that I went in the event that we decide things, but Yeah,

Victory and Message to Enemy

okay. Well, the then we are out of initiative as you're surrounded by these bodies of these serpent creatures, burnt up snakes and
ah and the seemingly somehow not charred grass and trees and things. It's like Gwyndolin was able to protect the the surroundings. and um Can I still cast a spell if he's within 120 feet? Yeah. All right. I'm just going to cast the cantrip message and I'm just going to whisper into his ear, say, tell your friends that we are not to be trifled with.
Okay. I ain't trifling. And I want to do an imitation to imitation role. Can I or not? In intimidation. Go ahead. See if I can scare the guy. Like to imitate. I would like to imitate him there. I would like to imitate being intimidating. Yep. It it was a 16 total. I want to be imminent.
It's a hard word to say. try All right. inter Intimate. That's a hard word to say. Indicate. Instant mint. Awesome. All right. Intermittent. and So as you look around at the the bodies around you and these daven makes one last little ah call out to this creature as it slithers away, catching your breath, looking at trying to assess the damage to yourselves, that's where we'll leave this episode and end it.

Episode Conclusion and Appreciation

Oh, I was going to do something for me. We got to inspect the body. You're welcome to do that. You're welcome to do that in the next episode. and yeah Totally. I walk over. I walk over to the ground that was on fire for my special thing and I put my hand, the one with the mark of hell on the ground and I reabsorb the the magical energies that come up my body. You see the phosphorescence go up my arm and it creates l corns and I look real cool. OK, bye.
Listen to your brother. It's killing me. Why are you a WWE w e wrestler when you did that? I don't know. I'm called Steve Krigs. ah You get speared immediately by Joxer.
I'm sure there's a lot of people that the team would want to thank, but I get to do it since I'm recording this. So I want to thank Ash, I want to thank Blaze, I want to thank Derek, and I want to thank Mikey for being a part of the Hired Swords with me. And of course, I want to thank you. We're at 100 episodes because people out there listen and give a crap, and that makes us want to make more. So thank you so much. Tell a friend.