This gives me another thought too because you and I are kind of struggling to talk about this a little bit because it is like really confusing, right? Which makes me think that this knowledge would have been something that not every single like every day my in-person would have had access to. would have been specialized Yeah. It definitely would have been specialized, which tells you that you've got a culture that is definitely like split between but higher and lower people who have this greater knowledge and those that don't, it would have contributed to like a class distinction and stuff like that. So you're talking about a really advanced society, obviously who's coming up with stuff like this, because it's just not something that everybody can wrap their daily brains around. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. Yeah. I'm definitely specialized information that you can only do if you've got a larger, a larger state level society. there's There's somebody supporting the people who are putting so much time and effort into creating something like this. These guys aren't farming. No, no, they're spending all their time just understanding this and it's important enough to this people to these people as a whole that whoever is in charge of this does this work. It's just so advanced and I i love it. They call them Maya astronomers too, which sure, if you study the sky, but I'm willing to bet they were probably part of the religious orders as well, because anytime you compare yeah astronomy or astronomical observations, it's wizardry. Yeah, it completely is. so But gosh, just so advanced these people, I love it. Yeah, and this calendar also matched up with the commensurate points in the cycles with the Salken, I can't remember, I'm probably pronouncing that wrong, just read the article, calendar and the calendar round, which were two other, the two other big ones they used. counters yeah so so So they matched up together, they they all worked together basically, or they could work together if you had the right knowledge to to read them, you know, yeah.