VOY: "Tuvix" (s2e24) with FanSince09 image
S2 E22 · Trek, Marry, Kill
VOY: "Tuvix" (s2e24) with FanSince09
149 Plays
6 months ago

DEEP LORE TREKKIES aren't the only ones who know about the episode where Captain Janeway straight up murdered a dude. Indeed, the one where a transporter accident merges Tuvok and Neelix has been the subject of philosophical and legal papers and years of social media debate -- but has it all added up to this one being worthy of the Star Trek canon? Is it marriage material? Joining Bryan and Kristen to help them decide this week is Twitter/X's FanSince09, who has never let this one fade from memory. It's a whole new theme month! SPLIT IN TWO.

AND! FanSince09 will hang around for one more episode with Bryan and Kristen -- is Lower Decks' followup to this famous Voyager episode, "Twovix," a Trek, Marry, or Kill? Keep your playlist running and find out. we've dropped two this week.
