Season One, Episode Two: This month's guest is "Dayton Gem" Gregory Robinson. Robinson received his dance training at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. His career as a performer, teacher, ballet master, and choreographer, primarily with Dayton Ballet, in Dayton, Ohio, has spanned more than thirty years. He was named a "Dayton Gem" by the Dayton Daily News. His works have garnered critical praise and funding from regional and national arts agencies including MCACD, Culture Works, the H. Robert Magee foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
OhioDance A State of Dance is a six-part series coming out the fourth Friday of each month through November 2023.
This podcast is driven by the OhioDance mission to secure the foothold of dance in Ohio through increasing visibility, firming viability, and elevating the position of dance in Ohio.
In 2016, a five-person team set out on a mission to capture the achievements of persons and institutions who have shaped the intricate diversity of dance history and practice within the state of Ohio and weave them together in an easily accessible digital format. This we call the OhioDance Virtual Dance Collection. As of 2023 we have highlighted 33 individuals and institutions. The team has traveled over 5000 miles and interviewed 100 individuals in all five regions of Ohio. In this second episode we interviewed Gregory Robinson, a performer, teacher, ballet master, and choreographer, with Dayton Ballet.
If you like what you are listening to and are not a member of OhioDance, you can go to and click the membership button to join and receive the many benefits that come with your membership. You can also donate through our purple donate button.
OhioDance would like to thank our funders: Ohio Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, The Ohio State University Dance Preservation Fund, The Greater Columbus Arts Council, Columbus Foundation and Akron Community Fund.
Host: Rodney Veal
Executive Producer: Jane D’Angelo
Editor and Audio Technician: Jessica Cavender
Music Composition: Matthew Peyton Dixon