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But enough grave dancing - here's a quick episode from Josh, as it turns out neither of us are in a state to be recording a full episode this week. Instead, let's see what Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga has in store for us in 2024, despite having died in 1996.


Introduction and Health Updates

The Podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy featuring Josh Addison and Em Dintus. Hello and welcome to the Podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy. I am Josh Addison in Auckland, New Zealand, and it's another solo episode, but for me this time. So earlier this week I was not feeling my best, and so we thought we'd put it off, but Em just stuck up a little quiet reflection.
on the passing of Henry Kissinger. And today, when we were planning to record, Emma's now not feeling their best. So we figure we'll wait until we're both on form and record a proper episode in the coming week.

Baba Vanga's Predictions and Legacy

And for now I'll just put a little something here to tide you over. So
We had a few sort of current events type things that we're going to put into the bonus episode for this week. One of them, of course, was going to be talking about Henry Kissinger. I thought I'd cover another one of those now, which are, of course, the predictions for 2024 by Baba Vanga. Babanga, full name Vangelja Pandeva Surchieva was a Hungarian woman born in 1911 who died in 1996.
commonly known as Baba Vanga, she's been referred to as the Nostradamus of the Balkans in that she apparently made a whole lot of predictions during her life which her followers wrote down and now
constantly bring up anytime something major happens to say that Baba Vanga predicted it. Although they do, of course, make predictions in advance, apparently. And these lists of predictions in 2004 were published in the news earlier this week because
Apparently, that's news. So let's have a look at what she said. Apparently, in 2024, there will be a rise in terrorist attacks in Europe, particularly, and that a quote, big country will conduct biological weapons tests.
I mean, possibility. There will be medical breakthroughs in 2024, including treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer. Be nice if that happens. Apparently there will be a rise in cyber attacks.
and a huge breakthrough in quantum computing. We'll come back to that in a minute. Some natural disasters, apparently the Earth's orbit is going to change next year, perhaps, although apparently this year that was also supposed to happen, so I'm not quite sure if it's going to keep happening next year, and I'm really not quite sure. Also predicting an economic crisis,
our large crisis in the economic landscape that will make waves in the global economy. So that's what we have to look forward to. I suppose, I suppose, before we all start making preparations for the... Oh, hang on, sorry, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I left out the most important one, which of course is that in 2024, according to Baba Vanga, Vladimir Putin is going to be assassinated. Tough luck Putin.

Skepticism and Interpretation of Predictions

So yes, but before he goes beefing up his security and the rest of us get ready for terrorist attacks and quantum computing and cures for cancer, maybe we should look at exactly who it is who is making these predictions. So Baba Vanga, as I say, died in 1996.
She lived in the mountains apparently, which technically she was born in the Ottoman Empire and died in Bulgaria. That's international politics for you. Apparently lived up in the mountains her whole life, was blind and
made a bunch of prophecies and had a following of sorts. Now apparently she, being semi-literate, what is it? Semi-literate and Bulgarian could read some braille in Serbian, apparently. She didn't actually write any books herself, so all of these predictions that she made were things that were written down by her followers and claimed
to have been said by her. And over time, this has led to people saying that she's predicted all sorts of things like Princess Diana's death, World War II. Not clear when she actually predicted that. Back with the Soviet Union, Chernobyl, all sorts of stuff. September 11. So as with
Nostradamus, the original, there are these sort of poetic sounding phrases which then people are interpret to mean various things. So supposedly in her works is the passage, horror, horror, the American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush and innocent blood will be gushing, which of course is taken to be her predicting the September 11 attacks.
She's also said things such as a huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns and everything will disappear beneath the water, everything will melt just like ice, which sounds like a tsunami to me and indeed has been taken to be her predicting the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, although again
I've seen things that she supposedly predicted, and in a couple of cases such as those ones, the texts that people have read as these predictions, I haven't seen anywhere where they attach a date to any of these predictions.

Notable Predictions and Future Speculations

So like that tsunami one, the boxing 2004 boxing day tsunami is not the only major tsunami to have happened in the last century, so I'm not quite sure why that one is the one it gets attached to. Now, she said some other stuff that doesn't seem to get brought up as much. There's some good stuff there. She said that China would be a world power by 2018. I don't think there's any
arguing that China is not a world power these days. Not quite sure if 2018 was at all significant here. I don't know my Chinese history, I'm afraid. She did predict that, again, 2023, the Earth's orbit would change. Apparently, it was lumped in with next year's predictions as well, so I don't know if they've doubled up or what. She said that by 2023, the world water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt, which seems a little bit late there, to be honest.
Now, her predictions carry on well into the future. Apparently, the ice caps will be completely melted by 2045. Between 2170 and 2256, that's what, 80-odd years, 74-year span, somewhere within those 74 years, a Mars colony will gain nuclear weapons and demand independence from Earth. We'll have time travel by 2304.
Good news. Unfortunately, the Earth will be uninhabitable by 2341. I guess that's what we need the time travel for, to go back to before the Earth got stuffed up. By 4674 humanity will have totally assimilated with aliens, and apparently the universe will end in 5079. Bit of a shame.
What else is good here? In 3010, a comet's gonna hit the moon and the Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash, something to see. And while Earth will be uninhabitable by 2341, apparently it's not until R3797 when everything on Earth will die. Fortunately, we'll have left the planet by then, apparently. Humans were gonna become androids.
androids are going to breed with aliens there's some good stuff here actually i should have should have read through this earlier but um as as as with the uh the nostril i keep wanting to say Rasputin i don't know why as with the not as with the nostradama stuff
One does have to wonder whether or not she actually said this stuff and there have been claims by people who knew her that a whole bunch of these predictions are things that she never herself said and it's simply her followers engaging in a bit of fan fiction and even for the things she did say
You always have to wonder exactly how much of a stretch some of these interpretations are. The one that I got before me, like I said before, that one about a rise in cyber attacks and a huge breakthrough in quantum computing. We are to believe that a blind semi-literate Bulgarian woman who died in 1996 was making predictions as to the nature of quantum computing.

Institute of Suggestology and Episode Wrap-up

I can't even imagine how you would get there. But I don't know. What do I know? I've never predicted that anything's going to happen in the year 3797. If you asked me when the universe was going to win, I couldn't even give you a date. There she's got it down to the year 579. So what do I know? And also,
I will say, not only have I never predicted the end of the universe or human androids breeding with aliens, I certainly have never been taken to study at the Institute of Suggestology, as she was in 1960s. Apparently, they used her to study her predictive abilities. Now, the Institute of Suggestology
sounds, when I first read it, like the sort of institute a TV writer would make up when they want to talk about Scientologists but don't actually want to get sued by the Church of Scientology. So they give it another silly name like that. But apparently it's a thing. A man named Georgi Lozenov came up with this idea of suggestology
and formed a suggestopedia, which is a pedagogy, pedagogical technique based on this suggestion. And he was all about some sort of a psychiatrist who studied the concept of suggestion and believed you could use that for accelerated learning and things like that. And he also was interested in what Baba Danga had to say. So
Yeah, interesting thing, interesting little thing to look out for, 2024. The whole Putin assassination one, I guess, would be the most obvious if we were to see that. But I mean, you know, cure for Alzheimer's would be nice. Cure for some form of cancer, wouldn't say no, wouldn't say no.
So I think that's about all you have to say right now. Get well soon, Em. Get better, me. I mostly am, not 100%. We should be back with a proper episode sometime within the next week, you'd hope. But until then, I'm just going to go ahead and say goodbye. The podcast is Guide to the Conspiracy, stars Josh Addison and myself, Associate Professor M. R. X. Dantas.
Our show's cons... sorry, producers are Tom and Philip, plus another mysterious anonymous donor. You can contact Josh and myself at and please do consider joining our Patreon. And remember, keep watching the skis.