Fact, damn it, facts! Give us cold hard facts! Beautiful, comforting numbers to make sense of the world we live in! Wouldn't you know it, the surveys in Joe Uscinski's “Have beliefs in conspiracy theories increased over time?” give us exactly that - let's rifle through them and see what conspiracy theories are believed the most, and which (if any) have seen belief in them rise in recent times.
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Fact, damn it, facts! Give us cold hard facts! Beautiful, comforting numbers to make sense of the world we live in! Wouldn't you know it, the surveys in Joe Uscinski's “Have beliefs in conspiracy theories increased over time?” give us exactly that - let's rifle through them and see what conspiracy theories are believed the most, and which (if any) have seen belief in them rise in recent times.
You can contact us at: podcastconspiracy@gmail.com
Why not support The Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy by donating to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/podcastersguidetotheconspiracy
or Podbean crowdfunding? http://www.podbean.com/patron/crowdfund/profile/id/muv5b-79