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C3 Episode 22 Bright Moons Rising Chapter One image

C3 Episode 22 Bright Moons Rising Chapter One

Eberron Renewed
386 Plays1 month ago

The party reports back and begins to build up the Lighthouse.

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Introduction to the Eberon Campaign

um threaten with the coach
D20 radio, at your game is roll. Hello and welcome to Eber on your new natural play podcast set in the Eber on campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Phillip.
I'm Madison. I'm ready for some baseball. Thank you all so much for listening. Hey, everyone.

Kernville Problem and the Spell Shard

What happened last time? We solved it. It's difficult to remember because that episode hasn't come out yet as a time of recording. Oh, yeah. And I do recall that you texted me and said, hey, can we review something before we start recording? I didn't review that. And now we're recording. So. So Eric, why don't you tell us what happened last time? We would love to know. This could just serve as both. You all, yes, you all fixed the problems going on in Kernville, discovered the amateur necromancer that was attempting to perform a resurrection underneath the city and it went wrong. Then you all left him in the custody of Kor at the town, Yvonne. Nix's friend also parted ways from everyone.
friend has air quotes around it and you all came across a bunker in the middle of a wooded area on the walk back to Affelhampton Manor. Inside you found a spell shard with a video recording on it of a large half-elf that to to use a real world anchor point looked Samoan with a large axe who had a message, not for you all specifically, but hoping that somebody would find it. And then you all, we we left off there. You found a map with 13 total markings on it.
ah of other places of interest, perhaps bunkers, but it was something that the recording beseeched whoever found ah his recording to go find the truth and tell their story. And that's where we left off. Did I miss anything, gang? I don't think so. Did I remember?
Cool. Well, Madison is our boardkeeper on the show. So if she doesn't remember anything else, then me to take that as fact there was nothing else possible. Perfect. So I actually have started. I've got all this stuff written down about the bunker and then I stopped typing thinking, we record this. So, you know, you fool. You're my maths, right? So, yeah, you all, we're going to ah jump past the rest of the journey home to where you all are in Athlehampton Manor.

Mission Report and Ritual Concerns

in Javier's office. As you all can tell, we are without Trevor, so V is gonna hang out for a bit during this and then take a nap for the rest of the arc. So yeah, you all find yourselves in Javier's office. Javier, Aurora, and Hendrik are there, and Javier looks at you all.
So, word arrived shortly before you that the situation in Kernville is taken care of, but I'd love to hear the report from your perspective on how things went and what went right and what could have gone better. I think Valk is just gonna anxiously crack and just say it didn't work and it's broken. Pull out the compass. Hendrick walks over. Hendrick is in full human form right now, just for the record, he's not. in his hybrid form. He walks out and picks up. It didn't work. any Anything notable as to why it didn't work correctly? There was a ritual maintaining the manifest zone. And so it wasn't a naturally occurring event. I see. Okay. Oh, I can try to get weak with it. No, I would not say that you broke it then. talk It was a issue.
in the power of the device. I will do what I can to see if I can tweak this to overcome that kind of barrier in the future, but yes, I will i will take this down to the the lab and take it with it for a bit. All right, so, and Javier, can he speaking, the device that Hendrik invited you with did not work, but obviously the situation was dealt with. So I'm assuming you disrupted the ritual. We found who was doing it and made them stop. Good. So any reason for concern with the individual doing it, that they might be a problem in the future. I don't think so. So it was done out of desperation. And I think, I think that probably won't happen again. It was okay. Sloppy. It was a really sloppy. And I think the rest of town will probably have an eye on him when something like desperate things happen from now. Yeah, if he's there.
If he hasn't been killed by an angry mob, he's probably left town by now. Fair. What about the the evil spirit that possessed Lottie and Aurora? kind of look Yes, that would be good to know about. More details.
It really happened, you know, i because it was right in front of me. It happened really fast. yeah Having no details, Cass, will stick with it. When you say evil spirit, were there any notable magical abilities or ah tactics or attacks that performed?

Evil Spirit Encounter and Casualties

The last notes I have is that the man looked like Ted Lasso. Nix pulls out her Prima game guide to see what special attacks the boss had. It's a joke for old people. He took life force. It was the same as the but the dagger that was used as the anchor and the holes in general. But the guy came out and he was like, I think there is something about a lady, an evil lady. An evil knight.
And yeah I was real, to be honest with you, I was close to death in that moment. So I told him, we're cool. Exactly what he said. Something about a lady, though. Interesting. Another god. did i pull Yeah, I didn't write it down. Well, it'll come back to me.
It was hard to take notes in the moment. Fair. But a evil spirit that, capable of communication, embodied the corpse of the body used in the rituals. what And they spoke of an evil woman. Okay. Yeah. And also just something that worth taking down. The category is casualty reports. Obviously you all write back, but did any of you experience anything close to death, severe injuries on the adventure?
V would definitely say that Nix did if Nix is out there with you. Is V still here? If V is pretend still here, she'd say something. Nix shrugs. Right? Why aren't you talking about the time you died? Didn't die. I'm right here. I mean tired me things will be dead what think I technically died. you I was briefly unconscious.
What happened? I stepped into the ritual circle and it knocked me out. Fair enough. The life drain. base And we saved it. Her. Sorry. there making the group sorry And then I was fine. Alright. Noted. Okay. Didn't Kaz also go unconscious?
I don't think I went unconscious, no, did I? ah that You didn't, then you went back up because of the round, so you used your recoveries. That is right. yes what so that was withy We forgot that I went down. Was that with the spider? It was the spider. you said Yeah, the spider. I listened to the episode too, okay.
Like I tried to drag at least two bodies. Yeah. I did. Kaz would say it. Kaz will mention it. Kaz does not know what's going on in his world right now. So any help he can get for anything that's happening is fine. So yeah, Kaz will mention that he also was unconscious as a result of spider attack. All right. But I also am fine. So no lingering side effects for either of you. Good. None noticed. Right. Can't smell rain anymore. Is that normal? We'll have Hendrik take a look.
I've always had this unquenchable thirst for blood. Alright, one last, actually two last pieces of housekeeping before we dismiss this

Expansion Plans and Team Roles

meeting. Firstly is we have begun clearing the grounds during our downtime while you've been gone and discovering that there are possibilities for expansion on the grounds.
So as we gain more resources, payments from the jobs that you make and also just knowledge in general, we can make those expansions and we are obviously welcome to your input since a lot of these upgrades can be used to supplement your abilities when you're and doing the investigations. Additionally, I would like to begin formalizing our organization a bit more because as nice as it would be for me to have a bulletin board behind me of all the different woes of the land that you all can just pick your next job and take off, ah that's unfortunately not where we're at yet. So we might have some time before the next job comes up. And I would like to keep putting you all to work in terms of your abilities and services when we are not sending you out into the field.
So obviously myself being the director or being the archivist and Hendrik being the engineer for the organization are already set. But we do have some other roles that need filling that I thought we could have you all take up.
And so I will give you the list of ones that I was able to come up with. And then if anybody wants to volunteer themselves, importantly, feel free to speak up. And if we still have some open slots and people not volunteering, we can then look at assignment. So we have a chaplain of some sort, obviously divinity rituals, things like that. An armorer in charge of making sure our equipment is maintained and up to date and possibly doing requisitions if necessary, a guardian in charge of security for the mana, a treasure just to make sure that we're not burning through all of our resources too quickly. This one, i the title is Shadowmaker just trying to get a little creative with my pen, but basically I would like to establish a very different mood suddenly. I would like to establish a contact network.
of people that could provide us information ah outside of these walls in the wider world so call them informants call them spies what you will but that is what i was thinking a
ah a librarian. Obviously Aurora is handling archiving and research, but we need somebody to maintain the library itself. And then lastly, custodian. That's more of the upkeep of the the grounds in the house and things like that. So do I have any volunteers for any of those roles? I would like to be the librarian. All right. Selena is the librarian. I will take the custodian. All right.
because somebody needs to look creepy outside. I am committing to that bitch. Explain to me more about the shadow network. The shadow maker, yes. That person would be responsible with, you know, as you all go out on jobs, making notable contacts, maintaining those relationships. And then also, you know, as as that relationship develops, asking if they have additional contacts and did developing a network of contacts in the larger world. Don't we have a former spy? Who me? the Like I've got the charisma for it, but it doesn't feel like it's in my wheelhouse.
That's kind of what I was thinking. If you want Kaz to do that, like Kaz could, Javier opened it up for volunteers first. So if somebody, cause his mentality of somebody wants to do the job, then they're likely to at least try to do well at it. I feel like Kaz would hear the name and. next show yes there' more that No, honestly, no, I think Kaz is still too scared to engage with the world to outside of these walls more than he's been wired to.
He does not want to run into a friend or a gravestone. That is not something he wants to see. So I don't actually think he'll do a lot of outward facing stuff right now. He may. All right. If we need to, I can. I still have my friends. I can call one. We'll have much larger network than me. She's kind of mean though, but okay. No, dude. Kaz, what would you like to do?
i don't i I mean, Jeff was also going to volunteer for the library, but and it makes more sense for Selena. So im I'm trying to think of what would make would be best secondary. It's hard to know what mechanics support these different roles. I mean, it's going to be up to like your backgrounds and stuff. like It's going to be just general skill checks to try and do it. like There's not a big mechanic system based around this. This is more for flavor kind of thing, and development of the organization. There's not a big engine behind this decision. I mean, I'm here. I'll be the shadow baker. set All right. I really feel like you just said shadow baker. I would like that to be the job. You wait till you see what I go up to in the kitchen. It's like someone who's plotting to overthrow the chef. Somehow he'd kill me.
other than the ability to physically resist an intruder. Nothing about k Nix's backgrounds or mechanics that's going to support Guardian. Nix knows and understands magic and rituals, but she's going to just break out in hives at the word chaplain. She can use any weapon that somebody makes, but making them isn't.
She can pitch a different job title. Really her saying. Arcanist, ritualist. We already have an occultist, so we can't do that title. Can I change mine to groundskeeper because that seals more feet? Sure. Groundskeeper of elk. So good. So we've got Kaz as the shadow baker. Yes. It was chaplain, shadow maker, librarian, custodian. Did I miss one? Guardian, treasurer, and armorer. Armorer. how did i How did I miss three? I was trying to... I will admit to trying to get my character sheet to work for most of the sessions so far. But unless I miss three of them, I'm sorry.
what What is the difference between an armorer and what Hendrik does? Hendrik is focused on magical experimentation and creating magical implements, whereas is this is gonna be much more of, you know, you'll have the opportunity to hire guards down the run, so making sure like their weapons are up to snuff and just being able to make sure like you all carry like mundane weapons and so making sure that those are in good use. Yeah, so. Nyx will do that.
Okay. Right. Exit. He should probably be fine at the chaplain job, but she doesn't actually want you guys coming to her and asking her questions about magic. There are uncomfortable answers. And Kaz has a lot of them. slightly doubt but Oh, that's true. Kaz, that did get skipped in the in the recap. Kaz knows more than he should about Nyx now, ever so slightly. Yep.
Kaz, let's eavesdrop. Okay. All right. Well, we will dismiss this meeting. And like I said, if you all have any um insights into how we should be upgrading the facilities, feel free to let me know. And then as soon as I have another job for you all, I will call a meeting and we will brief for the next mission. Thank you all for your hard work. Dismissed. How do we know when it comes time what upgrades are available?
Philip, I'm glad you asked in this, in this adaptation.

Choosing Upgrades and Development Points

Okay. So, so right now there is basically, this is the first tier of upgrades and we'll go over how you all pay for these in a second. But the first one is the first one is more of you all. No, I guess this makes sense. You all can establish a tavern down by the road.
to, you know, ah attract people. The staff will come with the tavern and stuff. But basically, so part of these upgrades is you all get to do one thing to prep for the next adventure. You basically will have a scene before you all leave to prepare. Player characters that prep at the tavern here gain a plus one per level. You can buy the tavern three times to upgrade its level so the tavern can get up to level three.
Player characters who prep here gain a plus one per level to add to their backgrounds for the arc. Neat. And you all, of course, need to name the tavern. A map rune. Let me know when y'all ready for the next description. The map rune. If a player character preps here, odds of having a random encounter on the journey to your destination are reduced by half. It does not affect discoveries. So sometimes when you roll a certain number, it'll be a discovery on the road like the bunker.
these Those aren't affected just random combat encounters are. This is also a helpful reminder that we figured out to do something since we're at the top of the arc. Meditation room. Player characters you prep here can re-roll their iconic relationships. Players must accept the new role. Cool. And we'll do that after I'm done reading this list.
Okay, so those are the three things you all can build. Then the sex category are things that you can uncover in. So these are rooms that are already existing that you all can discover. There is a seller vault. This is another one that can be purchased up to three times to increase its level to level three. Each level can store two magic items from previous adventures safely and without risk of theft.
Is that a vault in the cellar or a vault that is held by someone who sells vaults? Hold on. Oh man. No one else is going to like that as much as I did. Some of the visitors will. The next thing you can uncover is a dungeon.
the dungeon has a prerequisite of the seller vault. So you have to get the seller vault first. And the dungeon is NPC prisoners here cannot escape without help. So the next one is a forbidden library. Once per arc, a player character preps here may gain an automatic success on a non-combat check based on the research done here. And you can use this after failing the check. However, the success always comes with a complication as if it were the use of an iconic relationship.
One more time. Once per arc, a player character who preps here may gain an automatic success on a non-combat check based on their research here. This with a which may be used after failure check. The success always comes with the complication. The next one is a gymnasium. Discover a gymnasium. Player characters who prep here only need to roll 10 or higher the first time they drop to zero hit points in order to use a recovery.
Once a player character is successfully recovered in this array, the normal rules apply. So normally when you go down, you have to roll a 15 or higher to get to user recovery. ah Okay, let me know when you're... The next category are personnel, people you can hire. Chef's one, a custodian, is a chef. So the chef can cook fancy dinners at the manor during downtimes, which can possibly elevate the manor's perception locally.
But then more mechanically focused, each player may reroll one recovery roll during a quick rest. The player can take the better of the child's arch nemesis of the Shadow Baker. Yes, and then the last person you can hire is a guard, protects the castle from mundane burglars and enemies as best they can. So the way upgrades work, we're going to determine how many development points you all earned by going through a little questionnaire here in a second. When you all purchase an upgrade, there is a possibility of a threat arising as, or more than one threat ah rising as a result by just drawing attention from the locals, uncovering something that you shouldn't have uncovered in the house, et cetera.
The way that works is whatever, however many development points you all spend, I roll 1d6 per development point. And for any that landed on a six, that means that a threat arises in some way. Makes sense? Yep. So the questionnaire to determine how many development points, and we'll do this at the end of each arc.
Did you play at least one scene at the headquarters? That's a yes, because you got the special. Yes, you all did different scenes at the headquarters. So did you encounter a new type of extra planer creature? Yes. Yes. So we're the weird thing that possessed the body. Yeah. we can Did you visit another place? Sort of.
Does the manifesting count? you didn't ph i I was in the other side. but all right were you Which part is really me, though? Were you subjected to planar magic? That would be a yes. Did you bring back any important items from your adventure to the headquarters? yeah We still have the dagger, right? I have that, yeah. yeah as a Yes. so Did you make any important contacts? Does core count? Is core important?
I mean, the court could be in court. You didn't make that contact, you encountered that person. I would say you all left you all left a good enough impression with court to where, yes, she counts as a contact. Was the mystery particularly difficult and or epic? Two of us died. Fought a giant spider and there was a zombie horde. Okay. And lastly, did you solve the mystery? Yes. So how many yeses did you get? I think that was six. Okay.
So, you have six development points to use on upgrades during this downtime. The cost of all those things I read off, the Tavern costs four development points. Oh, this just changed, thanks. The Map Room costs four. Okay. Meditation Room costs two. Seller Vault costs four. Dungeon costs three. Forbidden Library costs five. Gymnasium costs five. Chef costs four. Guard costs five. So, feel free to discuss a amongst yourselves I mean discovering something new in the place is appealing just from a player from a player perspective. I like taverns and naming taverns and so that's obviously also appealing. I don't know that any of us really want more people hanging out near the place as characters.
But as a player, taverns are fun. This would also be like, it wouldn't be on the grounds. It would be down by the road. So there would be a level of like physical separation. Place to store the evil dagger and book. It's not a terrible site. Don't I already have a cellar-ish area?
There's a seller, but there's not a vault in that cellar. And there's a creepy thing that lives down in the cellar. they wait up to whom yeah Just anything called a forbidden library is fun. What do you all think? Flavor-wise, is that an extension onto the current library or is that that like the Yes, part of the discovery is it would be attached to the current library. Basically, it's just a hidden wing of the library, essentially with the more forbidden books. And it would definitely have a bookshelf door, right?
Absolutely. Okay, I can neither confirm nor deny this. We have. I have. I'm open to any of these. Cellar Vault seems very practical for what we've got. Forbidden Library is very cool but from what it's called and useful. I don't mind the Cellar Vault. I will say that the dagger no longer has the magic tied to it. Oh, that's true. It is just a dagger. So we don't really have a specific a specific use for that yet. But that dagger can be used in future rituals.
Oh. Like, because it is a ritual dagger. So with the book and the dagger, if somebody takes both of those, then it's not like a stew. Well, I push the dagger. So the dagger is on my person. So take it from me. So you can use the dagger for rituals. It's my set up. How's it going? What's an objection? What what it jumps up to you guys? I see all like maybe the... How many points do we have? six We have six. So we we can buy one of anything.
We could make a patient room and and up end and and a four point one as well. That would be under option.
I feel like... I don't like how much I want to build towards this dungeon as a person. And you don't lose the development points. Anything you don't use does carry over. I don't mind the cellar vault flavor-wise. I feel like Val could just keep making that spacious more creepy. yes But that's always a little bit selfish.
so The tavern or the library also feels the most practical for everyone. Was there a mechanical boon to the tavern or just the narrative? who knows you you get a If you prep there, you have temporary extra background points.
Okay, for that's the one we missed. And remember, the tavern and the cellar vault are the two that can be upgraded mul multiple times. So the tavern, it's a plus one per level, so you can invest in it, make it nicer, attract more people, and the cellar vault, you can make bigger.
and instruct Also, when we do eventually get a guard, I would really like to just pitch early that one of the various people with the capacity to creepily pull something out of the world, which is like, I think all of us except V, the guard should definitely be something horrible that one of us accidentally pulls into reality. You're not hiring someone, you're summoning them.
Perfect. Oh, no. shit It just be a bunch of little fade goblins that I accidentally. Sure. that Yeah, that kind of thing. Like it's when when we get there, when we feel the need for that, I'm of strong opinion that it should not be that we should not hire a normal person for that job. I'm i'm on board. I like Tavern. I like Cellar Vault. I like the chef.
bo if you, I mean, and pick a lot of the sting out of rolling a one on your recovery. The gymnasium is also pretty nice, only needing a 10 or higher. So the gymnasium, so I'm reading it right, the first time you drop during a battle or during an arc, you just have to roll a 10 to get real roll recovery and get back up. We'll say during a battle, okay. Cool.
Oh, sorry, sorry. First time, it no, it's the first time during an entire arc. Sorry, I i misunderstood your question. Yes. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, that's what I meant. And sorry, I was trying to figure out how to do the wording correctly. First time you dropped to zero.
you get that benefit until you successfully use it. So it's not like you roll a nine on the first roll. It's like, ah, crap, well, now I need it. You didn't waste it. Okay. Yeah, it that is cool. it's once Once you have rolled a 10, or once you have successfully recovered, so even on the first time, if you roll a 19, you've still used that benefit, but that makes sense. Got it. I'm happy with this first one starting a seller vault for to just absolutely make unwelcoming. I think they just got so excited. but Okay. Okay. So we're doing the seller vault ah using four. Are we then gonna also do the meditation room to use the last two or are we gonna hold on to them?

Discoveries in Magical Storage

Are any of us currently mentally healthy enough to be meditating like?
Or maybe it's in a place where we're where we're taking care of ourselves in that way. Selena does seem healthy. Other than our heart. with Yeah, hey it's functioning. i I don't care. I don't mind if we do, but I'm also fine saving the dice for something we should say we want more later. Jeff is too dumb to understand how significant icon rolls are to push for that right now. So I'm fine with saving too. mind Yeah, it's random anyways. Yeah, fair. One of the bigger benefits of this particular room is if you don't roll a five or a six on any of your icon relationships, you get one with a complication. So this would allow you to meditate and reroll again to try and get something out of complication. So I'm sure. Yeah. All right. So I'm going to roll four D sixes. Okay.
It's a secret role, so suck a butt. And okay, so yeah, Valc, while you're down in the cellar at one point, you know, the the cellar isn't just a singular room, but there's lots of like doors and hallways that have caved in or are rusted shut and as you're down there, through a cracked door in the cellar, you see a dark passageway leading down. And what you can tell is underneath the grounds, like you're going, extending out beyond the confines of the house. And once you reach the end of that hallway, you find a open, but very secure door that can be locked. And inside you find a small space that can hold two magical items. And then when you lock the door, it no one's getting in except for people that are authorized to do so.
So, okay, cool. Now let's go ahead and roll icon relationships since we neglected to do that at the top of... the session. So everybody rolls a six sided die for their heroes icon relationships and keep the dice organized in a way to where you know which one represents which icon. Oh, and sorry. See, I don't know. This is the thing with being a new GM for a system is I don't know how potent how like, cause you can gain and lose icon relationship points.
I don't know how big of a deal that is. Like, it feels like Philip should have gained a relationship point potentially because of the run-in with Yvonne, but I don't know if that's like too punitive.
like punitive or or you too impactful, I guess. like So you you're acting like I don't want these things to trigger. I have no idea how to, I have no, I have no means of of guiding you there. Yeah. What are the vibes? Where are you feeling? I think the relationship, the interactions with Yvonne went well. So I'm inclined to not add another relationship point because it's not like Yvonne ran back and like snitched on everything that Nyx was up to.
So I'm going to say no, Philip did not gain an additional one. So just, yeah. Such are the vibes. All right. What did everyone roll? OK, question. Do we roll one for each point or one for each icon? One for each point. So if you have two in a single icon, then you roll two dice for that icon. I do not select mine. OK, I'll go. Let me let me confirm that. so That's correct. we'll see Yes, that's what we did last time, yeah. yeah Philip, what'd you get? I rolled no fives or sixes.
Okay, so then you get a connection with an automatic twist with a icon of the GM's choice. So- Okay, my two relationships are Lords of Dust and Silver Flame. I guess you don't know if that- Oh, okay, it's whatever you feel like. Okay. Yeah. the dust Okay, I will make a determination here in a second. Kaz. I rolled two sixes.
on which icon? On the Arcane Congress. For both? No. I rolled two dice and they were both sixes. And then the Platinum Concord, I rolled a two. Okay. So you have two relationship points with the Arcane Congress going into this. Selena? I didn't roll any fives or sixes. Okay, a twist. What's twist? And then are you gonna roll a D12 to determine randomly what your icon is about? Were we doing that? So I thought you were gonna do that. Just because I didn't, I don't know a lot about Yeah. Thing, so. I could do that. Thank you. Yeah, welcome. Philip, your twist is going to be with the Silver Flame. Good. Oh, yeah. Madison, who are your icons that you have relationships with? it It's Lady Vole and who else? Lady Vole in the Arcane Congress. We'll do Lady Vole, Madison, for Selena's twist. Okay.
And then Valk's icon relationship for this arc is with the King's Citadel. So just to refresher me in terms of who the King's Citadel is, this is Breeland. So you all are based out of Kyra. So this is another nation's kind of elite military and intelligence agency that Valk presumably would have had run-ins with, but they are in service of King Bornell of Breeland.
The organization serves a number of purposes, law enforcement, espionage, protection of the royal family, special forces, military operations, eager to win the last war through a variety of means, can be brutal when necessary. So yeah, that that's who they are.
the You're in the kind of heart of Tyre, so probably the most, either coming across a Brielish military force or the Citadel has an organization called the Dark Lanterns, which is basically like their CIA-esque spy agents.
So if you use this in the middle of an arc where you're in Kire, maybe you come across a dark lantern that Valk knows or something that you can gain information. OK. Cool. I will not. I will try. OK. So thank you, Jeff, for sending me that. All right. So the cellar vault is getting cleared out and you all have a bit of time on your hands as Javier tries to broker for another mission for you. all So Like we've said, you all are near Kalzart in Kyre. You're in the hills outside of the town. So you all are obviously empowered to go into town whenever you like, but what what would you all be doing with your downtime after a couple of days of relaxing from the mission and things like that? You don't have to say things, but yeah. Yes.

Nyx's Connection with Her Sword

Nyx wants to try to find out anything that there is to find out about this sword that she got when its previous owner tried to murder her. Okay. And so she'd like to try and know anything about it, it's if it's got any history, if it's got any lore to it, or if it's just somebody's heirloom sword and it just happens to have a bad attitude.
um think
I assume, or I take from her nature that she would do this not so much by like trying to look up any records of the sword or the records of the family necessarily, although that might be a method, but more by reading the sword through her connection to the plane of war. Yeah, absolutely. So just pulling up the properties that we had on that. It was bloodthirsty. Yeah. It's bloodthirsty. You can't rally while you're wielding it. And after a crit for the rest of the battle, it deals plus 15 damage. Yeah. So it's, it's proud. That's the property of the, you can't rally. And then bloodthirsty is the additional bonus statements. Um,
Okay, so you are in the chapel, I'm guessing, where all the questions that we've seen are. So what is what does this look like visually when Nyx attempts to do this? So Nyx goes over to a ah corner of the chapel that's not much in use, and clears away the things that are there, and there in the corner,
In one of the alcoves of the chapel, there's a small, in this small empty space, someone, maybe Nix, has scratched into the wall a set of symbols representing three of the sovereigns that are Dol Ar, Dol Dorn, and the mockery. And these are the three the three sovereigns associated with war. And she would lay she would lay the sword on the the stone pedestal near but on a stone pedestal nearby and kind of enter a meditative state with her hands resting on the blade.
Trying to trying to read the personality and and history of the weapon and no. know what it's done and what it's called if it has such things. And in doing this, the while while she's got her blade her hands wrapped around the blade, the the the dark metallic scales cover her hands so that they look a little bit, I don't know, I guess a little reptilian, but yeah. And she tries to focus in.
Okay, so Nix, as the quiet washes around you, you feel your mind beginning to, it's almost like your mind has a heartbeat, like it's kind of retracting and expanding slowly, and with each expansion, and get you feel it getting wider as it like reaches out into the history of this weapon, and the you start to get visions of the sword.
you know in the hands of a wielder fighting in numerous battles. It's kind of like quick succession of the sword striking enemies. Specifically, you note that it seems that each enemy that's struck down is either a goblin, a hobgoblin, bugbear, but they seem to be the adornments of the enemies Do not match up with what you know of Jeroam culture. Seems much more old and ancient. You hear cries of victory with the name Dressar. D-E-R-T-H-A-R. D-E-R? Or D-R-E? D-E-R. Very good. Sorry, D-R-E. D-R-E Dressar. Yeah.
Okay. T-H-A-R. As you are witnessing these battles in rapid succession in Nick's mind, you note that in the beginning, the the fighting was disciplined.
like even regally noble in the the nightly way. But as the fighting continues, it becomes much more brutish and violent. You hear cries of orders to stand down being ignored by the wielder of the sword. You also feel a sense of unrestrained ambition swelling up.
as the wielder of the sword looks to those who cry out for mercy with disdain and a belief that they could do better. And you then see the sword being used in a way that previously up to this point, it's been on the battlefield, it's been in view of many, and now the sword solidifies its legacy as you see the sword under the cover of night, sliding in between the armor plates of a general from behind. And you see the bloodied face of Drethar looking down at the body, and then looking at the sword, and you get the name that in ancient goblin tongue by those who feared it, it was called Venderak.
V-A-N-D-A-R-A-K, but that translates into common, the Crimson Whisper. As she does this, I think what's happening is that her her mind is is going across the barrier to the other half of herself. And so she's she's seeing all of this through—you said this was ancient, so Drethar is obviously not with us anymore—through Drethar's sword wraith in Shabirath. And this seems very appropriate to her beliefs, the various
faces of warfare and so as this goes on she she feels this sense of rightness and connectedness to the sword that almost seems like it comes from the outside like the the the suggestion almost seems to come from outside and she will try to divest the crimson whisper of its properties and take those properties into her into her sword. And you didn't respond to my last text message, so I don't know what's going to happen now. So yes, and apologies for that.
You also get the sense of... Oh, I just assumed you were being cagey. Yeah, as part of your visions. You also know that you witnessed the first wielder of Van Der Aak, not the only wielder of Van Der Aak. So this isn't the first chapter of the sword's history. Sure. Drosaur was a human, a goblinoid. Human. Human, okay. Yeah, and then after... So you're attempting to absorb this into your soul, and then, yeah, Nyx, you black out.
while you're attempting to hold this. And when you come to, that's just a sword. It is just a sword. And also it is early morning of another day. And Nix, you like wake up and note that the fiendish elements of yourself are receding, but not totally gone. And there are splatters of blood on your clothes. Okay. Nix will pick herself up and go hang the sword in a, find a, find a prominent spot in the chapel and hang the sword up and undress.
and put her clothes wherever to wash them and just sit down and wait for it to pass. Wait for the things to recede after which she will dress in her normal clothes and walk over towards the house because she's probably hungry. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah. What is everyone else doing? Oh, sorry. Quick question. Did you all tell Javier about the bunker as well? It didn't come up in the conversation during the debrief. I think we would have had to have had a talk on the walk back if we were going to keep that to ourselves or or tell him that we didn't really play. So what do you guys think? Nick's doesn't see any reason to keep it from him. Right. He's never given us a reason not to tell him things. So yeah, sounds like told him.
Yeah. did And what did you all do with the spell shard with the map? Nyx had that. Nyx would, ah my inclination would be to give it to Hendrik to see what he could make of it. Okay. We expect to see it in our new vault eventually. I'll be checking. but but then You don't want to make him mad. ah Because what I'm gathering, we're still new friends. Friends? Just have an anxiety attack probably that it's a missing. Okay, cool. Yeah, you don't want to make him sad. That's the bad one. that's who would like to describe their downtime next.

Kaz's Research at Kalazart Library

I have a question. Ope, Señor Villa-Hente. I cannot remember his first name right now. Javier. Javier. Javier. He's the kind of guy that would need to keep up on current events around areas, right? So he probably has a couple of years worth maybe of periodicals that Kaz could be reading for two things. One, just to understand what's been going on the last 20 years, but he's also very specifically looking
I'm going to assume that these platoons are made up geographically. And so he's kind of trying to find any battles that maybe people from his hometown were involved in just to kind of research those further. He wants to see what happened to his family, his friends, is all that. Sure. So he's been yeah really trepidatiously reading up on that sort of stuff.
okay Alone and sad and telling no one, because he's 16 and doesn't get it. So does Kaz start by going as far back as he can and then like trying to fill in the gaps chronologically, or is it just much more like, I think he slap dash. I think he's grabbing what he can. I really, I don't think he's, does it like, he's grabbing a handful of old papers or pamphlets or whatever, okay running back to his room or the war room and just going through whatever he kind of grabs at the time.
when you When you go to ask air for periodicals, Javier says, absolutely, you can feel free to go. It's not well organized just because that's not something that I thought would be necessary. However, if you're up for it, there is a ah periodical newspaper in Kalizart that operates. It's a tyrant newspaper. And they would obviously have much more well organized and historical records of previous publishings. If he wants to go into town and they obviously have, they have that, those kinds of things available to the public. It's not secret. It's not a lock and key. Yeah. I think I'll take him up on that advice then. And I'll actually go and maybe do some, some ordered searching, look at some so years and dates, or maybe even be able to go by topic or region.
I don't know. Okay. What their card catalog looks like there. I know they have magic, so I can assume there's a keyword search maybe. I don't know. Yeah. and Unfortunately, nothing that advanced, but...
um What's the name of the newspaper, Jeff? Oh, you're killing me. It's in Kallisart, in Kire. It's called... The country I know the least about, because every time I don't have a plate, it's been a wasteland. Yeah. It's called, We'll Always Be Here News. I'm opening up to the group. What should we name this newspaper? I don't know the... At first, I would be like, The Kallisart Bugle, but... Bugle, gazette. Yeah, it was called the bugle. What is it, sorry? The calisart bugle, unless you know of an Eberonian instrument that it can be. I do not, so calisart bugle. Lack of alliteration is- I was gonna say chronicle, but- Calisart chronicle. Calisart crying.
Hey, Eric, how much time did I lose? Just a day. You woke up this morning. Yeah, once you ask around, it's like, oh, okay. Yeah. So we're going with bugle or chronicle or cry. I do like cry. So that's a good one. I cry. Okay, so yeah, Kaz, you find yourself walking through the front doors of the offices of the Kalazar cry, and you see a, you would, older than you, remarkably, but that's rare for a D and&D character. ah You would pick her up at about 19, a young half elf woman behind the desk, scratching on some parchment, and she looks up at you, enter, and she's like,
Hello, welcome to the Kalazar Cry. How can I help you today? Do you have a story to report? I'm hoping to look through your archives. Oh, sure, yeah. Do I clock that sense of disappointment when I say I don't have a story for her to write about? Yes, yes. I'm trying to think of one now. All right, yeah, you can follow me. You'll try to think of one? Yellow journalism, for sure. Just participated in one. I don't know if we'll just talk about that.
Yeah, I will tell her about this obvious for sure. Yes. So as you're walking back, she asks you, so I, I don't, cows are, it's not that big of a place. I don't recognize you. Where are you coming from?
Oh, I actually just... Okay, hang on. I gotta think about mine. I think he just says that he's new here, and he's looking to head to... He would know the name of some sort of like, maybe preparatory school that's in the region, like or college thing. He's 16, it would make sense that he was... but might My story for wanting this information was I was going to say I was working on a research paper.
So I need to say something. I came here for school. is If there's a school nearby, he would be able to know that. Give me a charisma skill check. And what are your backgrounds? Oh, privileged mischief and they touched. And I think there's a one like prentice fa apprentice, apprentice.
I will surely Faye touched makes you a good liar. Yeah. I will let you use either Faye touched or the mischief one. Okay. I mean, then it will be Faye touched and just a straight up charisma skill check you say, plus your, plus your background, plus your level. I rolled bad, but that's nine, 12, 15, 15.
Okay, oh, okay, interesting. What's your researcher paper about? I am hoping to look into some of the mobilizations of forces out of Brelin. and where they might have ended up so far in the war. Okay. and Sorry, I did not do a good job of this person. She has like bright red hair tied up into like big bun with like two different pencils stuck through it and kind of the big wide wire frame glasses, very thin light. And she's got just a very squirrely vibe about her. So yeah. Interesting. Okay. Well, yeah.
Here are, and she walks through a door with you, here are the periodical archives that we have. Feel free to go through them. If you need any help, I'll be up at the front desk. And if you See anything notable after you leave, please come back and report it to the Kalazar Cry. Yeah, my name is Renee and oh like I'm Kaz, hi. Sorry, nice nice to meet you. So yeah, bye. And she walked up. Okay, okay. And yeah, I think Kaz just starts, like i mean I don't know what this place is, how it's... designated if it's by date. Yeah, it would be by date. Yeah. Okay. And he'd would know when the war started now. So he probably would, would go within a couple of years of that.

Revelations in Kaz's Findings

Like he's young still. Yeah. But his friends would have been fighting age by the time the war started. So he knows that like day one, they could be there. I think. Yeah.
And where's the cast from originally remind me? Roet. Roet. Yeah, he's from Roet. And that's the ah thing that it scares him particularly as you would figure that the, now forgive me if I'm wrong, but at this time it would be ah the princess who's damn, I can't remember actually in charge of Berlin, right? Yeah, way back then. Yeah, yeah. So what a princess is personal.
guard and you know who knows how many of his friends ended up in it or whatever so yeah so yeah as you're as you're going through you do definitely like begin seeing writings about realist troop movements on the western borders of kire obviously all of this is through a kiren lens so this would be kind of like us trying to get the weather report in toronto on the nightly news it's like i can see it but they're not really talking about it a whole lot right
Yeah, I mean, give me... You you do spot... Okay, something that that triggers Kaz is he's kind of flipping through, spending some time up here. You finally see a name that you recognize, but this is like three years into the war. So this would be kind of a quick, like... I imagine Kaz would be doing a quick cursory glance through, just trying to see if he recognizes any proper nouns kind of thing. Yeah, town names, especially, like the unit from, or I guess neighborhoods rewards in Roa kind of thing. Yeah. and i dont yeah and He also went into this and knowing that that sort of granular stuff was not gonna be in a paper from hundreds of miles away, but he has he doesn't know what else to do and thinks this might be a way to figure out when to try to find other papers from more local. Yeah, you you spot a surname that you recognize that is Kimble, K-E-M-B-L-E. Okay. That, I mean, let's say like really good friend, best friend, something along those lines of chases, somebody that you ran around with, but confusingly, and you got a first name off the top of your head, or do you want me to throw something out there? For Kimble? Yeah. Kimble went by initial. It was GK Kimble.
GK. okay So you, even more confused only with the initial thing, you see the term general GK Kemple, which at first Kaz is like, well, that's got to be a mistake because this guy was an idiot. And you'd also only be like.
20, yeah. Okay. And so, yeah, that is something that, a name that Kaz recognizes with some context that is confusing about his time that you could continue to go on. You also spot while you're looking another name, let's go with Habra Riston, H-A-B-R-A, Habra Riston, R-I-S-T-O-N. This would have been a young woman that Kaz would have known.
from his childhood as well. Okay. And this report in the Kalazar cry is that she was found behind enemy lines in Khair as a spy for the British government and she has been captured and taken prisoner. Okay, that was interesting. And probably in the window of time that we're talking about, assuming that Kaz didn't go for a single day, but you know, when he has downtime going, trying to catch up, that's about all the information you can get for this current window of downtime. Okay, sure.
I think a couple of things that during this, Kaz is taking notes of the things that he sees with a pencil, and he's writing down, Habra-ristan, Habra or Habra? Habra. Habra-ristan, and when he sees taken prisoner, his his pencil kind of lightly explodes in his hand, and then he's able to kind of like grab one piece of it, kind of rub it around on the table, and his pencil comes back together and he finishes, and then he just stares at his pencil and goes, well, decides not to,
both confused about both how it happened and why he knew how to do it, but he continues to work. And okay and then on his way out someday, he's going to tell Renee, he's going to say, look, I don't know what you guys cover as far as other municipalities, but there was a zombie situation in Kernville. If you wanted to talk to anybody about that, it might be worth writing about. so and Renee starts scribbling down when you start saying that. And who would be a good contact to reach out to for this? Okay, she's probably busy, but there's the the the core. i I would know her last name. I'm sorry, I don't have any yet that note up.
And then just he goes, and whatever you do, just leave a guy named Terrence alone. he' just he's a He's cranky. It's by... Yeah, no, like I get ya. Not that I've been there. And then I go and then I leave. Thank you. She calls out to use cash rins at the door. All right. Val or Selena, what are you all up to in your downtime?

Selena's Exploration of Spell Swords

Well, I think Selena would be spending a lot of time in the library. I think she would take her new job very seriously at first.
ah and At first. At first. And she would be talking a lot to Aurora and just like seeing what kind of needs to be done, getting ideas about her new job. But she's also going to be doing some research while she's there because she's self-taught wizard. And she's a little frustrated that she wasn't doing great at close quarters spell and everything was kind of ranged. And she's a little frustrated about that and wants to kind of brush off on that. Okay. Interesting. Cool. So as you are, yeah, reading,
like doing a lot of the the legwork of the library and Aurora seems very thankful for your assistance because as you're going through the books, you're starting to realize that like, very few of these books were imported in by Javier Aurora Hendrik. Like a lot of these books are old old and like dude did the level of dust and kind of mildewy smell and then like came with the house. So yeah there's there's a lot of really old ancient text here. You begin to as your
looking at kind of the the historical, the practical history of wizardry and magic and kind of venturing into more warfare style uses of magic. ah You do begin reading about individuals who go by a variety of names, spell swords, mages, like just the people that utilize melee combat and magic fluidly and together through wielding weapons that are infused with magic in some capacity and in some way that allow them to not in court incur the the damage that is a threat for you due to having to use your hands and materials while casting magic that prevents you from defending yourself. And you get a sense that if you... And also using Aurora as a resource in talking with her,
you know you're beginning to learn that this isn't like the most popular of uses of magic just simply because a lot of people view it as they the encouragement is to pick a lane. Like either do magic or be really good at fighting. It requires too much brain power to do both. So to try to do both at the same time, just you're not gonna be great at either.
but you through like these really old books are starting to read about people that somehow overcame that impediment that used both to supplement each other as opposed to having to try and think about the two disciplines in a separate way, if that makes sense. And the- Just one second. You find the name of a like notable spell sword named Soandra, S-O-R-A-N-D-A, Fauldron, F-A-L-D-R-E-N. Okay. Who led a... an organization dedicated to this practice. As Selena reads it, like you you kind of get a sense that almost like the concept of paladins would have been a part of this organization just with divine magic. And there was probably also a version with more like primal natural magic. But for some reason,
the arcane and the primal magic uses fell out of favor over time, but Paladins stayed, like this idea of using divine magic along with practical weapons. And so it's something that Selena is going to have to go further down the rabbit hole to try and find the actual teachings. You found a historical document about the organization, not like a handbook of, and here's how we did it, kind of thing. So yeah. Interesting. Valak. Yes. What are you up to? I sat on this for a very long time. His well valve is a very interesting person. I think he would try to be the most boring. So you have a couple things on his list of horse number one is keeping the ground. Gotta keep those hedges as creepy as possible. We must keep the grouse.
That's his bus's his go-to. About learning to use a lawn site for the first time. This is bald spots all across. Falcon's to lay it out with both very dedicated backdrop. Yeah. And of course, I think he would be a part of clearing out the cellar, but I think the most important things for him is he's going to want to try to, try to, he's going to pin a letter back to Z, whose name is Zarya, back to her last known location.

Enhancing Combat with Magic

She doesn't move around a lot. Okay.
And he's gonna try to ask vaguely for some of his stuff back. Okay. His stuff back. Their relationship was very like boss big sister bully. So he didn't get to keep any of the cool stuff. So he doesn't have anything of his cool stuff.
okay He was just like some of his stuff back. I think he would try to get that out. I'm not sure how that would work. And then ah the next thing that he would do is probably just awkwardly observe Hendrix. It'll tip to trying to learn something more about like magical implements. And if he could probably be a little more use in that space. He's not for engaging people. So he kind of just stands there.
Yeah, it's probably like an hour or so into the first day of Valk just like standing like Hendrik is a good read of people so he kind of like gets, he gets it, he's not gonna like, but after an hour he just like casually asks Valk to hand him something as like the way of breaking the ice and then just tries to continue to like build on it from there. Yeah, so one particular day when you're,
in there with Hendrik Valk. He is working on recharging and tweaking the compass that you all used on the job. And Hendrik at this point has, I think, grown confident enough in Valk's presence to speak directly to Valk as opposed to just speaking ethereally out loud, and he he flips down from the ceiling and sits on one of the lab tables. He's in hybrid form right now. It seems like he thinks better when he's in hybrid form. He just, you know, knows that sometimes yeah you have to look like a smart person in the room, and so he goes into human form, but he is holding the compass and says to him, I think
I think it might be powerful enough to overcome a ritual now. Depending on the strength of the ritual, I'm not sure, as he kind of like unconsciously spins the outer ring almost like fidget spinner-y-esque. Like he's just like, you know, just doing something with his hand as he talks and thinks through the compass. I think that the concentration of the magical powers that existed with the ritual that you encountered underneath Kernville is just too much for the anti-magic properties of the compass. So the danger is, however, and he like looks directly at Valk at this train of thought, there are manifest zones that exist in the world that need to be there. Like the world developed with those manifest zones there. And so if you all were to encounter a manifest zone, let's say of trying to take a good example,
Let's say that there is a cold climate town that relies on ice fishing, let's say, and there's certain species of fish that swim on the river to this particular location, and their whole economy is built around this fish. And you are investigating that area.
and you find a manifest zone to Rizia. And oh no, when ice elementals come through, we have to deal with it. Well, if you were to use this and potentially disrupt the manifest zone of Rizia, and then all of a sudden the climate's not as cold for this town, so those fish no longer swim to the cold waters, well, now the economy of that town is completely disrupted.
So that's the danger of using something like this. I was confident giving it to you because we knew it was either Mabar or Dolor, which there's no real documented cases of a positive thing happening with the magic from either of those planes. And he stops till, don't tell Selena I said that.
ah But yes, I think, and then he kind of turns his hand and just holds it out for Vout to look at. I think this will overcome the problems that you ran into the first time. Apologies about that. Vout's gonna take it and he's also gonna like reach for the knife. It's like, do we, do you need?
Are you going to see what this bad boy can do? i sign in i I'm going to say no, I don't because that would require doing a ritual to Mubarak using that knife. And I think we need a human sacrifice port based on your report. So he's going to put the knife away. We're not going to do that.
But it it is there a way, say, for me to be able to reset it or repair it if it doesn't work again? Part of the problem with that, and he continues talking, is he kind of monkey bar swings over all the equipment in the lab to the other side. Safe. And he reaches into a crate container and pulls out like three glowing shards out of the container, and then swings back over to you, valk and holds them out. The problem with these, and they are dragon shards, like crystals that contain magical energy within them, I have to put that
into that, and he gestures to kind of a a box behind him with arcane symbols along with this to charge it. And I don't have a mobile version of the charging box conceived yet. and sir Something that potentially could be done at a later date, but not right now, unfortunately. yeah Or if we could come up with a way for you all to send it back to me via some kind of teleportation device, then I could charge it and send it back to you.
I'm not sure which would be more difficult, creating a portable size charger or teleportation. Something to ponder. Profitably the teleportation. Well, yes, of course, teleportation already exists. So it's just about finding a way to hone it in the way we need it to. We're going to go with the magical mobile charging box option and the suit. Yes. Yes. Right.
Is there any way, and I think he's gonna take not the sacrificial dagger, but his dagger, which looks very similar and might be slightly concerning. is you I very rarely find myself in situations where I'm having to be in extremely close combat, but do you think that there is a way that I can make one of these a little better. I didn't want to mention it, but I did almost die with that a possessed body in front of me. If it wasn't for Selena, I was not going to make it out. So. Better how? I think I don't hit that well. I would like to not have to depend on Nyx to hit harder first, then follow up on that.
I would like to be able to hit hard with something and then be of more help than a follow up help. All right. So you're looking for this and he gestures dagger to pack more of a punch is what you're saying. Yes. Or my sword. I don't quite map large it. I don't carry the sword with me. It's a little, so I could take a look at potentially doing some alterations. Uh, if I have time, but I might not have anything ready for you depending on when the next job comes in, but it's something that I can, I can work towards.
So yeah, I'll take a look at that. Cool. And he's going to walk out.
Goodbye. Nice. Yeah. Let's go into the cellar and we will call it an episode there. Thank you all so much for listening. If you want to be part of the conversation surrounding this episode, you can head on over to our discord, the link to which is in the description of podcast. And yeah, just click on that and then head on over. We also have a YouTube channel, slash the geek pantheon. If you want to be, if you want to watch TTRPG videos made by myself and now Phillips going to play a thing. Yeah.
Tales from the Laughing Tree on Spotify and YouTube. There is another actual play over there set in the Lazar principalities with Eric as a player. I'm the GM. It's Pirates. Indeed. We also have a Patreon, slash the campaign if you want to financially support the show, you can do so over there. Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Phillip. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. We'll see you next time.