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C3 Episode 21 Reviewed Two

Eberron Renewed
346 Plays1 month ago

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction to Eberron Renewed and Hosts

um threatenly with the coach boy D20 Radio, at your game is roll. radio
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Eberron Renewed, an actual play RPG podcast set in the Eberron campaign setting. Except not for today, because I'm not Eric, I'm Jeff. And what we're going to do is self-indulgently talk about the last arc and how great we thought we were. and So again, I'm Jeff. I'm Nia. I'm Madison.
That is right. It is an all new cast member reviewed, except for me, but I do these so I get in on a path. We're very excited to have me and Madison joining us. We're going to answer a lot of questions from you guys. We're going to let them talk a little bit about themselves so you can get to know them a bit.

Recap of Nine-Episode Arc

But as is tradition, let's begin with recapping the nine episode arc that we just finished. We got really good during campaign two of keeping the arcs like three to five episodes. Campaign one, they got really out of hand sometimes, like 12 episodes we were trying. It was nuts. And doing a bad job. but But it starts at Athelhampton Manor, our home away from home. And each of us are given an opportunity to kind of take advantage of the space somehow. And all three of our characters chose the library.
Kaz is is quick because he didn't find much out. He's just new to magic and was like, I guess I should learn some things about it and how it might spontaneously show up in somebody's life. um And he didn't learn much from that. And I assume Eric has a reason for not giving much from that. But if either of you would like to talk about your research or what you did, what you learned.
Well, right before we got to go kind of do our own thing, Selena got roped into keeping an eye on Kaz. So, Selena decided to spend her time in the library brushing up on, like, shield spells and things like that that she could try to keep the kids safe. Yeah, it was a little ways back.
the best memory. But I do remember, Valk does have his cart in the library of just books that are stacked on there. And then he started cutting out newspapers, trying to get the important information, which was, you know, disrupting the with the crossword on the back, because he started taking out chunks.
But it gets taped back together eventually, if there is tape. I don't know if there is tape. I'm sure we can conjure some tape from somewhere.
But yeah, so, and then we were called to the director's office and told of kind of our first job. And I mean, it's right. there's There's not, Eric wasn't trying to trick us this time, which was nice. He told us what the actual job was and it turned out to be what it is.

Zombie Encounter and Team Dynamics

There's some zombies menacing a town and no one knows why and we get to go figure it out.
And so we take off, we go to Kernville on the way there. We're attacked by zombies and we get our first opportunities. It's our first opportunity to see how our fighting works together. We've all fought now.
in, we've all had at least one battle with our characters, but none as a group, and I think we're pretty salty, guys. We can't heal for crap, but. I know. Yeah, that's a struggle. yeah After the first one of us went down in the first fight, or got really, are I can't remember exactly when, but Eric let us know off mic that we are going to start getting healing potions from the initiative on our way out to different battles. It was it was after the the second one.
but it started getting I started eating mad because the cows went down and then Valp was striking cows around and the Knicks went down and then I'm like how? a couple Like the recoveries are so cool, but you can't use them if you're unconscious. So yeah, it was this that's right It was it was a it was in the third fight wasn't it the spider fight? but It was the first time one of us went to zero and we're like, yeah oh, what do we do? Yeah Yeah, and the answer is deal with it hopefully win the battle before Mike. I will say this, I did not know this and I know I will talk about y'all's RPG experience but in a minute. i did not When he said it's a 16 or higher is a past death save, that was really scary to hear instead of 11 or 10 or higher even, right? Yeah, and D and&D is ah it' a lot lower.
But you get five shots, you get five fails in 13th age and only three in D and&D, so that

Investigating Kernville's Mysteries

sucked. Yeah, so we have our first fight, we make it to Kernville, we meet Core, who is like a former adventurer, member, or leader of the town guard, and she basically fills us in on what's happened, like the town dead turned. I don't know what you guys, but I just imagine this whole town was like some weird little town surrounding and facing a cemetery. like Me too.
like Everybody lives by the cemetery. Everybody lives facing the cemetery for some reason. Yeah, I wasn't fully thinking that, but I did think it was really weird that they wanted to have the cemetery in the center of town. Yes. I think that's why I kept getting confused direction-wise. i like it's It's in the center, right? It's not like the edge of town. It's like, nope, nope, it's right in the middle. like It's the town square expansion anyways. like Right. there are There are times, we you know we play,
Just like we always have for those who are, we've always played theater of the mind. I don't, I can't think of a time we've ever had even a map up, but in my head this time, every time we walked around this town, I was picturing like a little like roll 20 battle map with a, with a cemetery smack in the middle. And then just like maybe 12 or 15 houses. I don't think he's fixing each other. And it was just very with a ramshackle walls around it. So like in my head, like when I'm standing on the porch talking to Terrence, I can see you guys standing over there talking to whatever their names were.
Yeah, that's how I thought of it, too, whenever, because I remember there was a time um when you were like, hey, do you have any questions? And I was like, Valc, from way over here. Yeah. It's just like quite literally shouting across the. I like it that way. It's so much better if Valc is just shouting questions from across the graveyard. Yeah, none of us. We'll talk about. I'm sure we'll talk about it. None of us are particularly skilled with people. We are not people people in this part, which is going to be interesting.
I think it's fun. Oh, yeah absolutely. Having to figure out a way to overcome something that's that integral to being an investigative unit is going to be fun.

Exploring the Mausoleum

We we meet Cora and she fills us in and we immediately go into investigation, talk to some people.
um valcquisite you or sorry, Mia, was it Valk and was it Valk and Vy that went down the first time, the mausoleum? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We really hope that there was something on the surface. So like a gremlin, we started digging up, poking at the unturned graves.
that didn't do anything. And we started to go down into the mausoleum. It was a very, very much implied, don't go down there with just the two of you. And so we turned back, really reluctant when I wanted to go down there. But I mean, Valk can't really do too much on his own turn. So probably not the support of some Right, please, if i don't if I don't later, please remind me to i let you just kind of talk about the way your character works mechanically. Buddy, I don't even know. you best here To the best of your ability. I'm so like curious about your character and also so confused, because I'm just like, I have no idea how this character works. Yeah, I don't even know why I chose it. but right yeah It's It's complex, we we'll get there.
Yeah, we're gonna we're going to get to the glossing over of things at this point. But so we go into the mausoleum with you the second time and have a fight with some zombies that were down there. Push through that and into a... it was but The back of the mausoleum was busted through into a cavern, right? And that is where we found a ritual circle.
a scrying circle, and inside the ritual circle was a dead body with a knife in it. Yeah, don't forget, though, the giant spider that took you out. We'll be getting there, because doesn't that happen? Am

Chaos Mage Abilities and Visions

I just remembering? That's all one scene. Okay. The spider that you're doing, yeah, the skelly bros, and then the mad witsa looting, then you went down, and then the spider.
There is a lot of internal conflict between Nyx and Valk with the the transfer of profit, which is it's just really fun. You're right. That is, yes, the spider took me out. Yeah, I was going to sog a little bit. So this Chaos Mage thing is insane. The way that it works just really quickly is I've got a bag with seven dice in a 7D20s. That's what I chose to use. You just need tokens.
two of one color, two of a second, and two of a third. And depending on what I pull, I can attack, defend, or do what's called an icon spell. And those are those big powerful ones that I get to do occasionally. ah The seventh dice is the Chaos Spike. It's a feat that I took where I get to modify if I pull it first. but And then if I get a certain one of those dice, then I also roll on a random table for something weird that happens. And this time I happen to get flight and that gust of wind. And it ruined me. There was no coming back. I got flung around, flown to the spider, poisoned for seven. My next random roll was that any ongoing afflictions like the poison, I take that damage immediately and it just killed me. Two rounds, dead dead cat. Are you happy we talked about it now, Mia? It's just a little ah trauma reminder. Yeah, it's a little get the heart going. it's Yeah, and I got to tell you, like, and like again, i'm I'm new to this system, too, but the more I read, the more I don't think it gets better or easier or more controlled. I think I'm just constantly like, oh, doing this now. I have access to stronger spells that I have no control over as I level up. That is the way this character works and I think I love it. That sounds so dangerous. Yeah.
There's a lot about multi-classing with the Chaos Mage that I'm going to look into maybe down the road it if Kaz realizes he needs to kind of buckle down on something and maybe have some cat some spells he can cast at will might be good. Maybe. But he might not, because he's an impulsive 16-year-old and not the nicest guy, it turns out. um so yes And Valk does do most of the work of keeping Kaz from bleeding out from spider poison.
It was more of dragging away and then has spoke up and started crying. And then that was immediately uncomfortable and missed. Yes. And Nick's also went down.
yeah in the ritual circle, just a straight, like, felt the effects. It's sort of, because Selena went in, and the ah bar of it all tripped you out. Yeah, Selena had to back off. But, so, definitely bad by the way. That was between recordings when Nix went down. and No, whenever we tried to use the compass, and it didn't work. Oh, gosh, yes please. eric did Eric did not make it clear that that was intentional.
Apple so for like two to three weeks our however long it was between that recording. I genuinely thought I'd messed that up up oh no I was sweating. I was like, there's no way and Then we came back. It's like oh, no, no. No. Yeah, that was good. Yeah, it wasn't gonna work you You were kind of set up because it was like yeah use this on ritual circles and then we saw a ritual circle and He was like not that well Not that one. And it was so clear of like, oh, Selena's heart is going crazy. So it's my bar. Like, there we go. Yeah. Then it didn't work. No.
He's gonna hear this in the edit, and he's he's never cut into a review where we've talked about something he's done before, so I don't think he will do that, but he'll he explain himself some one way or another. But, yeah, and then this is also where you start having your visions that go a long way towards us figuring out what we're supposed to do. Oh, I do, I also wanna point out, Nix used, oh goodness, the only name in my head now is Dracarys, and I know that's not right, but his familiar. Nix, you still have used his character's familiar. yeah Who is a guy who iss a sassy little dragon.
I love the sassy little dragon. Ever. And so. Acheron. Thank you very much. Hey. At one point also that helped us divine a lot. Like we're. for a while until we kind of get a handle on this, like, how much do we know about the planes that we're touched by? How much can we glean from other things? We are thankfully getting a lot of things from Eric, like, you have a vision, or talk to your familiar, or yeah I think, you know, mine is supposed to go the kind of vision route, like Baux as well. So explain a little bit about what the vision showed and what we learned from that as far as the
temporal kind of thing and the temporary, not temporal, temporary aspect of this circle. There we go. Yeah. So, Vauch's whole thing is that he doesn't have the clearest memory of his past. It's a changeling. It's kind of standard. But with this particular vision, he it went back through his journal to try to recall anything. And he remembered whether it was his memory or someone else's memory, that's not entirely sure. I don't want to make clear that there was a ritual circle in the pirates. I don't know this world. I'm so sorry. But there were a bunch of pirate people. in pilot as a so Yeah, it's pirate. it's
but But there's the same virtual circle and whoever was initiating it had a sacrificial dagger and then also had an amulet on to protect themselves from this kind of negative life force energy. And that is how Zout knew not to go into the circle. So same kind of setup. Not the best communicator under stress.
just said, yes, we need to take the knife out and tapped his toe in, felt that pain, didn't communicate it, and then Nyx went in and dropped. And that's when Kaz knew not to go in was when he saw Nyx go down. And that was when that is when we did the session break. That was when Nyx going down in that episode ending was the last time we recorded together for two weeks, I think, and then we got back together to finish the arc that just finished last week.

Decision at the Mausoleum

And during that time, we were having some real
serious conversations about, but do we stay down here? Do we leave? Do we go regroup? What should we do? And Philip not wanting to cast his opinion because his character is unconscious. And then finally was like, Nyx would go crazy if you guys left. We're like, I don't know how to tell you this, but we have to leave. ah Because yeah, you is that with once Valc made it more clear that like,
this amulet is necessary to survive this. It was like, well, then we obviously have to go fight it. And there was some red herrings. yeah Terrence and his collecting was definitely where I thought it was going, mainly just because I only pay attention when I talk. And that was the part that I did the investigation for.
But it turned out to be a character, had any of us talked to Taurus yet? We'd heard the story. We had only heard the story. Of of the the affair and the and the the lovers dying and the other one trying to run away or trying to leave town. But we hadn't actually talked to Taurus yet. And so it was not our first priority by any means, thinking that he would be the guy. Especially, I may get it wrong, he was trying to bring back his sister-in-law.
Right? Like a very weird, familial person to desire to return to you. but He was trying to get his wife to come back because she left town after her sister right died. Right. And I love my sister-in-law. I think she's fantastic. But if I'd lost multiple people, I don't know that she's the first person I cut myself open and nearly die with an amulet in order to bring back. But I get it. Clip it and send it.
but they said it and my sister will go, what were you talking on? Oh, I have a podcast I've never told you about. Anyway, but we do. We we we go to Taurus and through a little bit of dumb Keystone copying on the part of myself and V and some actual investigations from Selena and Nix and Valk, I don't really remember what side of it you fell on.
I think he was just existing at that point. yes we teeth he did get that I remember about really wanting water. Really wanting to drink water. Because I was actually thirsty. i I was really thirsty that entire recording. And I remember it had water and the water came up and then I tried to drink the water and then Nick said you probably shouldn't drink water from a very suspicious person.
And then I felt I couldn't drink my own water. So i that did happen in real life. It was very funny. But yeah, yeah, Valq does. Valq does a bit of like kind of regrouping and intake when other people are talking, which is a skill that Kaz does not have. He's either talking or he's zone thinking about what he just talked about because he's a teenager. I work with teenagers. I actually have a really high opinion of teenagers to be clear, but I'm also realistic about what they're like. but I mean, I don't want to.
really gloss over the finale of the arc, but it wasn't the heaviest battle we did. like I got lucky with a good couple of rolls on that icon spell. There you go, there's an icon spell, that that crazy scream that did an unbelievable amount of damage.
was one of the icon spells that I got to roll. And because of the amulet's existence and because of the various safeguards that we were able to learn about through visions and through, I mean, Taurus, once was dead to rights, was helpful in helping us turn it off.
We learned that it just kind of got out of control for him, like he didn't intentionally do it to this level, so. I did, like, one thing that I think is going to be fun about playing somebody with not a lot of social grace is saying the thing that my old characters had to stop and think of the tactful way to say stuff, and my new characters were like, how do you want everyone to die? And it's just a lot easier to get to. I mean, that ended up being what got him, too. Like, what made him confess, so. that's date eric That's dangerous. Don't feed into my impulsivity that much.
but But it what it ultimately was, we got the amulet, we killed the guy, we closed the circle. Taurus will get the justice that... Hopefully not the town decides to meet out because they'll kill him.

Return and Discovery in the Bunker

But hopefully his core takes him to a tribunal or something where he can get a real sentence that doesn't just flat out murder him. And and we started to head back. And on the way and on the way back, we got hour our lore, our narrative tie that I think is going to help us bridge some things together. And that was we found this
this bunker. For those of you that have been with us since the first season, I immediately went in my head to a Ducati night thing and someone's going to hear that and laugh and it's not going to be one of the two of you on this call. it You guys think bunker is the right word? That's how I was picturing. Yeah, that's what I would call it. And we go in and chick Grub who goes in first. God bless Grub. Grub's my favorite. Fearless racket. He's so funny. He's just so funny. So Grub goes in first, and Grub is fearless, grabs a spell shard, shoves it into the appropriate slot, and we all see a vision, a help me Obi-Wan style thing.
of a man, ah Eric described as Samoan in appearance, and he spoke about, what, at times running short, they've already caught up to us. We don't know anything about any of it except for that there are 13 points on a map. Yeah. And everything was extremely old. Like, whatever magic was holding this thing together was extremely old. All the papers were turning to dust.
Is there anything I'm forgetting about it? The other points on the map were nowhere near us. Yes, that's right. He said they were heavily spread out. It's not all fire. It's all over Eberron. I assume Eberron. I didn't ask. Yeah. He includes like Sarlona or any of the other cloth notes, but he may have said continent. But yeah, and and we decided in the moment, like we actually, another fun thing is Kaz, is I get to just say what Jeff wants to know. Like, are we going to keep this a secret or are we going to tell people? Because I don't want to be the one to mess this up.
yeah yeah And we decided to tell them and you know, they I don't believe it's much of a spoiler because we just gloss over it at the beginning of the next arc, but we have told them about it in the sense that we said, of course we tell them and then we moved on. So but yeah.
And that is the arc. That was a very truncated, extremely high high overview of it. But there we go. I would love to talk to you guys before we get into into listener questions. I would love for you guys to take a second, Mia, do you mind going first and just kind of say how you fell in with, Eric brought you into the podcast and what your experience of TTRPGs is, why you chose Valk, whatever you'd like to talk about with questions over

Host Backgrounds and Role-Playing

there. Yeah, that's all a lot to cover. So I knew Eric from the past job and we were going to do like a little like mini D and&D run with a couple of our old coworkers. ah That didn't turn out because we're all adults. And then I kept getting apologies and then one
Random day, it was like, hey, do you want to join this campaign? And I was like, sure. He's like, it's not going to be D and&D. And I'm like, I don't really care. And then I wasn't cold, I think, until like a month before. It's like, oh, no, he's it it will be recorded. I did not realize it was literally the podcast.
But until I showed up and then I was in like, I started figuring it out. So I was thrown in a group text. And by the way, I and i immediately knew group text. So I had no idea what was going on until like Eric would text me on the side and being like, did you see this?
I was like, oh, and then yeah, and I showed up and I was like, I am not quite sure how this is going to work because I played for vibes. I can't play for entertainment, but I mean, I was brought here for the vibes and I'm hoping that's turning out fine.
I think you're very entertaining. The vibes are great. Well, same to you. Thank you for saying that for the the recording. I actually understand it's it's not. It's also true, but yep. So what is your prior, like have you you have you, did you play a lot of D and&D or? Yeah. All together.
I played a lot as D and&D. I am actually playing a lot of D&D. I have like two or three other campaigns that I'm in, just because I'm bored. I'm an artist, so I end up drawing a lot of the characters first, and then I'm like, no that would be cool. How do we cram this into a game? And then a couple of my friends are running them, and they need like a more...
I would say a more experienced player. I'm not the studious player, but I do have experience. Am I the person that says, Mr. Game Master, please do the numbers for me? Absolutely. But I get the job done. I mean, as you all know, I'm not the best with simple math.
oh so It was a really rough game. But yeah, I play a lot of tabletop RPGs, usually because I'm asked to do the drawings and all of that, which I don't find, but I have fun with it. It's easy, creative outlet, and it fills up hours of my day. There you go. And this is your first 13th age experience, though, as well, right? Yeah, I have no idea what's going on.
Yeah, same. All of us are in the same page. I'm sure Philip knows what's going on, because he just is one of those guys that can intuit this sort of stuff pretty well. Yeah. I was sent the guide. I did not open it. I'm going to be honest. I'm sorry, Eric. He knows. He knows I don't read it. So what made you pick the class? And so Changelings being an Eberron race, I'm guessing you've played in Eberron before, or are you familiar with Changelings and other thingy stuff? No. No. OK, hit me.
So I made a what I called the rolodex of characters that were based off of the D and d like the d and&D races. And I had some of the first edition classes. So I think I made one for each plane. And then I sent it to Eric and I said, whoever is not sealed. And then.
I ah was told not to do whichever class Kaz is, and not to do someone from Nisei, which I was a little upset about that. Yeah, i I stole all of that. So I did... That, and then I, at that point, I just kind of wanted to play... ah Well, in the previous game that I had started with Eric, I was playing like a... What's it called? I think it was like a Critical Role thing. It was like a Bloodhunter or something like that. Yeah. And I'm like, I wanted to play another overly complex character. Nailed it. Yeah, I was like, this guy's pretty cool, let's do what a cult is. And then Eric's like, yeah, that's the only one that exists, and it's kind of confusing. Are you sure? And I'm like, hey, I guess.
that One of the things about Thirteenth Age for anyone who's ever played it is every character has to pick a one unique thing. Something special about them. It's Selena, it's her, the mabar pacemaker keeping her alive. For the occultist, it's just like their existence. They're the only one that does these things, period. And I may be getting this wrong, so please correct me if I if i am.
Most of the occultist efficacy is is buffing other characters, like adding damage to stuff other characters do, or modifying what other characters have already just done. Yes. Right? Yeah. Which is part of the reason you can't have a party of occultists because there has to be a first mover to make things happen. Yes. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Which is unfortunate because I kept rolling relatively high initiatives. Stuck at the start of the round just standing there, you know.
Yeah, we need to see if you can, like if there's a hold action mechanic, like there is a ready action or whatever, like there is in D and&D. I bet Eric would love it. I think, technically, everything I have is a hold action. Oh, fair enough. So, I just need to gain my focus and then just sit and wait.
I do want to defend myself. The first, the first a sketch, not, not, not a sketch like you can do. i cant I have no studio art skills, but my first inkling of a, of CAS was in like 2020. I promise. It was when I was at the time was going to be a wild magic sorcerer.
you And then that, for a while, we were talking about doing Pathfinder 2-E, and he was gonna be whatever the wild magic equivalent is that. And then I was like, whatever it is, I just want to not have any control over what I'm doing, because I feel like it'll absolve me of a lot of responsibility. Yeah. That's what I was going for, too. And he's like, can't do that. Somebody else already did it. Oh, man. Oh, man. Is there anything else you would like to share for the people? I mean, you're much like the rest of us, kind of an Oklahoma lifer, right? And that's that's something.
Yeah, I think it was a ah little funny because I wasn't sure if I was still going to be here. I think I was supposed to move out because I work in games. I do art for games, so I was anticipating to have moved by now. But that didn't happen. So now I'm locked in. Let's just move on and talk about you. Oh, man. OK. All right. Now, Madison, why don't you tell us a little bit about your past role playing game experience?
I did one, one shot, one time with Eric, and that is literally it. I am an actress, so, well, I'm not an improver though, so that doesn't hold too much, but you know, it's it's fine. But yeah, that's the extent of my experience.
Madison is following the tradition that Eberron renewed has of a fleet novice joining a campaign. Season one, it was me. Season two, it was Trevor. And now we have Madison. We can't continue this because eventually we'll have like a 30 person party of people who don't know what they're doing. But yeah, so Madison has joined the podcast through doing a bunch of community theater stuff with Eric and I. She is my partner to be clear, but Yeah, I don't know that we've ever said that on the podcast. I guess that' that that's true. They had nothing to do with what she was asked to be the podcast. Nope. Eric's the one that asked me. So yeah, Eric's been my director a couple of times in a couple of different shows. So so what drew you to to build a character like Selena? What drew you

Character Inspiration and Community Engagement

to kind of that class? Did you want to be a magician? Did you like the spells aspect of it? or
So when Eric was trying to help me build a character since I did not know what I was doing, you too Jeff, also you helped. When Eric but came over to try to help, I was just like, I don't know what to do, like I'm not familiar with any of this stuff. He knew that I really liked the Akatar series because I'm basic.
And so he was like, maybe think about like high elf. That's kind of very like, like that's sort of like characters in that book. Maybe you can kind of pull from that world a little bit. So that's kind of what I ended up doing. And then I liked the magic of the, of the wizard. And the plane touched idea of the kind of, there's actual magic from another plane. The plane of kind of death, keeping you alive or of darkness, I guess, keeping you alive is such a really neat little thing. Yeah. I really liked that.
Okay, we are going to jump, there are some questions that are going to touch on some of these things as well. If you would like to ask a question during one of our reviewed sessions, you can do so on our Discord. Easiest way to join our Discord is through any of the link the links on any of our social medias. As of now, we still have a Facebook and a Twitter or whatever and a TikTok and all of those things. I think a lot of content creators are doing a lot of soul searching on which social media platforms they want to stay on.
yeah in the current climate, and we will keep you updated on what we choose to do, but the Discord is going nowhere until we hear some terrible thing about a Discord founder, but that's not the point. If you would like to join it, please find the link on any of our social medias. We are at the Geek Pantheon on all the social medias that we are members of. There is no cost to join the Discord and ask these questions, so we'd love to see it. If you join the Discord, you will also see Mia's painting she did of her character, Val, that is just really gorgeous.
and i believe there is actually a question about it so we will All right, we're just gonna knock these out in order. And so I don't know what order is gonna be, but we'll begin with a bunch of questions from Laura. And they start with a question for me. Does Kaz's class ever give him more control over his magic? Feel free to not answer if you want to be a surprise. I already did touch on that, not really. Like the main mechanic is you are surprised by what you are going to do on your next turn. Now, as I learn better, I will have more control over so we will...
what Kaz does with that randomness, but as far as mechanically, it doesn't really change. Like I said, the only way to change it is to multi-class, dip first level into somebody that actually has some spells they can control, and then I at least would have... The nice thing about the Chaos Mage is if I pull a dice that doesn't work in the moment, I don't have to cast a spell. I can always go back to like my dagger or something, but the next time I want to cast a spell, it has to be...
whatever i drew from the bag the last time so there you go okay mia and madison laura wants to know what's your experience with ttrbgs we covered that but mia do you have a favorite character that you've played I haven't played her yet. She's in an upcoming mini campaign. Her name is Ilya Pounsel. She is a ASMR cleric, um but she's a zero very, very plump black woman who talks in a transatlantic accent. She's very, very kind and very, very sweet, but then also very passive aggressive because she's like, i'm
I'm I think there are I think they're it's a level 20 campaign. So he's like oh say you're trying to question me and Like tell or like doubt me and my skills like I am touched by the gods Yeah, and you're playing a level 20 asmr cleric. So there's like there's no one you can't heal Yeah, however far away you need to for however much damage. They need to heal. That's pretty Yeah, I'm very excited

Character Concepts and Development

for that one to have that kind of sickening, sweet character. All my other characters are not very nice. They end up being very, very sassy. This shadow to Avent, apologies. Avent was a a very, very, she's one of the the sassier guys. But yeah, I'm excited to play her. She's ready. It's just waiting on not holiday times for everyone to regroup.
yeah but Yeah. Great. When we finally get together in person to play, and it's not for public consumption on a microphone, I'm going to need to hear your transplant accent. I am not a theater kid. I am so sorry. That is why Zal, does he has like a tone? He doesn't have an accent. And I can barely keep that up.
But I am practicing. There is a comedian on TikTok. I don't know her name. And if I pull up TikTok, it's going to start playing the audio. So I'm not going to do that. But she is the inspiration. She does like a kind of like audience comedy going back and forth. and So I found that amusing. And she was the inspiration.
Very fun. Yeah, Kaz's voice is just me in a good mood. Like, just a little higher pitched. You can fake it. I can't do accents at all. And I am a theater kid, so that's kind of sad. But yeah. Okay, Mia, in your latest Valk post, which was your painting, you said there's a lot of symbolism for the character. Is there any of that that you feel comfortable sharing as a stuff that's going to come out later? If you'd like to take a look at your painting and say a few things.
I can. I have this in a document, and I'm sure Eric would also like to know. I bet. The way i I work with my characters is that they usually kind of just develop on their own, so I don't do the crazy backstory and all of that much to Eric's displeasure. But I have it. If I can find it, where did that It's right there. So there is a list. I'll try and find maybe the cooler ones. I think the big one is the framing. It is inspired by a Leindecker painting, but I think the most important part is that we're looking into the mirror. So we're, as of Alkasein himself, himself, theirself, herself, he'll respond to whatever. And it's a double framing mirror.
ah The outer mirror is the part that's actually shattered, so that kind of represents the external perception of himself, but he's almost shielded from the actual core of his reflection. But there is still the curtains in the back. ah Red drapes symbolize transition, mystery, and power, which is something that he has with his class.
is the occultist with the jewel on his journal is a moonstone which is a sign of new beginning and the actual journal itself is kind of a collection of all of his scattered memories which then ties into like all the loose blank pages and a lot of that falling everywhere number one he's just not a very neat person, but all of that is kind of lending to his new beginning. Some of the bigger ah symbolisms are in the flowers. um The red spider lily is a symbol of death and a cycle of rebirth, which is something he he went through with the loss of his memories and going through Zoria and everything. I have a plan for that now. Note that to to Eric. You should write that down. But the spider lily, death, cycle of rebirth, separation, abandonment, loss, is it loss of self, loss of a person, abandoned by who? There's a dyesthelia, which is the little white flowers that are semi-translational whenever water gets onto them.
Those typically mean I will show you my true self clarity and honesty, which is why is out just not like changing ah using natural changing ability. That's not because I forgot that I can do that. I don't know that about the year there are schemias flowers, which means I've lost it all.
And then the white poppy, I didn't go for like the super American interpretation of that, because that's like post-war remembrance flower. I went with an alternative version, which is dreams, peace. There's a quote, my bane, my antidote, which kind of plays into this kind of loss of stability and like his whole connection to Zoria. It's his bane, but it's also his antidote. So there's going to be some sort of clarity and reasoning for everything.
that he went through that. Maybe, maybe it's just for a trauma. I haven't decided that yet. And then of course there's some nightshade in there, which is just the spelly witchcrafty kind of thing. Yeah, but a lot of the symbolism in there kind of plays into either transitions, new beginnings, and then a lot of like emotional States, like the teardrop, kind of ties into signifying like the fluidity of life change. And because it's coming off of the Zoriet symbol, I kind of connected that to clarity and compassion from the chaos. Yeah, I had a lot of fun and it took me e too long in illustrations, but that one was Gwen. It's my beautiful boy.
It looks fantastic. Yeah. It's funny you said the thing about forgetting. I played a changeling in the first campaign and one of the things that Baker did that's really great is he gives different schools of thought of changelings so that if you forget that you're a changeling you can just be like oh no there is a type of changing that's called the, I think it's called the reality seeker that thinks the changing form is beautiful. And why would you ever change up? So that's just one of those probably. Yeah. That's my kind of, I quickly tried to cover my steps by being like, yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to change into the dead. That's really disrespectful. So there you know close enough.
Yeah. My guy just lived as another dude for pretty much his entire life. And that fairly you can that's called a passing changeling. I'm like, all right, great. That's what I am. All right. The last question Laura has in this section is they say, so I said that Kaz has been a long time coming. Did either of you have any other character concepts bouncing around for this campaign that you did not go with, that you may have touched on earlier and want to expound on or something totally new?
I did not. I was begging for help on how to build a character. So, no, this time I did not have any other ideas. Like I said, I had a... It's quite literally called, like, the Rolodex. I'm trying to see if I can find it. I shared it with Eric. Yeah. Hearing as me and Mia are, like, absolute opposites for this question. Yeah, I had... Of course, there is a vowel, because I did not have a name. I'm not gonna read his... Little concept backstory, because I think that would be more spoilers. There was a Seder druid. bond There was a... ASMR or Holy one. That was a fighter in Tommander. It was a tiefling barbarian. A dwarf rogue. ah There was another occultist. It was an unholy one occultist. That was kind of your more traditional necromancer kind of style. There was a wood elf ranger. A spirit-born chaos mage. A human cleric. That one probably would have been nice.
I can see how it felt. yeah A draconic monk, of course your classic tiefling sorcerer, a dark elf bard, and then a halfling fighter. That one was not finished, so obviously I did not want to do that one. you go I would not trade Valk for a human cleric, but I would love to see a human cleric travel with us for a while.
but right We're going to jump over to the other channel. Darren asks, Jeff, you mentioned that you've been thinking about playing this character for a couple of years now. I guess I just really talked about that a lot. In what ways is he surprised you compared to what you were expecting? The system change has kept him from surprising me too much because I'm still learning how Thirteenth Age works. The the the table of it all. ah but I think the main way that he surprised me is I was acting like I don't know what sixteen year olds are like when I was pretending I was gonna be this character and I was treating him like he was my like at the time ten or eleven year old son. And what has surprised me is as I've been playing and I've been remembering no wait you talk to sixteen year olds every day and they they're not scared to talk to adults and they're not.
you know, demure around most 16 year old boys, especially ones that are recently ah found out that they have magical powers are not going to be like wilting flowers. They're going to be a little more pompous. So I think what surprised me is how confident Kaz is becoming yeah i know but as he is it feels true to the age that i said about more than anything else he's still very sad like that's a port and he's going to be a very sad guy for a really long time like well like in this in this arc that people of kernville thing that i did i was like well someone's got to say something and
this guy has just enough bravado to think it should be him So yeah somebody named Summer Hawk, ah that is Phillip, asks which of your teammates, Phillip wants to know which of your teammates your character is most and least comfortable having on the team. So one of your co-players is relaying the question from the other co-player of which one of us do you like Well, with one of our character this is gonna be awkward because, okay, I think Selena is most comfortable with Nyx after this first adventure because Selena and Nyx kind of bonded. We had so many moments that we would just look at each other and then like communicate that way. like there were I was re-listening to the episode and I was like, oh, we're kind of buddies. We have a lot of like moments like that.
And honestly, I have to say probably for Selena, Kaz is the one that she doesn't enjoy having there because she's worried about him, because he's a kid. And she's been kind of tasked with like keeping an eye on him. And so just for that sake, like he's unpredictable. He's a kid. like She's nervous for him. You're not going to hurt my feelings by saying like my my annoying character's annoying. I know. No, not annoying. Selena's worried about him because he's unpredictable in the child. So the issue with this question as I move out is uncomfortable with every everyone.
I don't think that's valid. So I don't think there is an answer to the favorite or like the most compatible this time. I would say that the person he's probably the most cautious and frightened of is V, because V is not afraid to call him out. I think particularly in the moment when he was like, well, hey, people die every day. He's like, what is your problem? It's like, oh, yeah, that is not a normal thing to say to someone. But I also think that Z is kind of like spontaneous nature and it's kind of like, yeah, let's just do it. like Let's just go.
is very unnerving to Val, because if there is not some sort of plan or escape path, it's just going to keep stealing his anxiety and V is just anxiety fuel. But in like a positive way, it's like you need to do something that you're not used to and you're not really going to have a choice if you're with me. So he's just never near her. Yeah. Is there I think Kaz is I don't know about most comfortable, he is most excited to to work with us for more time with V and Nyx just based on the, I mean, that sort of power and just like martial strength is appealing, especially since Nyx seems to come from some magic that while she doesn't fully understand it, she does have some control over it and I think that's appealing to him. I think Valk is growing on Kaz as he realizes Valk is not nearly as dark or scary as Valk's abilities are.
Like, Val is actually a little insecure and a little quiet and it gets put off by things. And I think that Kaz can see them growing as, like, I think if he were to look at a group of this group after this first mission and go, which one of these people is the closest thing I might have to a friend, he might actually think it's gonna be Val. Understanding he's gonna have to temper himself a bit for that to happen. yeah And then Selena is very much just a big sister thing to him because she's had to take on that proposal.
and I will say for Taz, and I even thought about this as it was happening because I think it was kind of clear that you were going to go down, you're going to go unconscious. I was really sitting there because I was like, I i think I still had my my focus and i was I felt so deeply upset that I did not have something I could do. And I think that's why that was immediately like the moment, the moment he hit the ground. Doesn't matter. I think it was getting closer to the spider. Technically, it was like, I'm going to I'm going to go get him. So maybe, maybe I don't think he would admit that at all or even invite Kaz into his relative space. But, you know,
Yeah. Okay, great. So next up is Liz, one of our mods. Hi, Liz. Thanks for moderating the Discord. Liz asks, do your characters feel better or worse about the team now that you have a mission under your belt?

Reflecting on Team Dynamics

Okay. Worse. In a sense, and this is part of kind of a backstory that was touched on a little bit in the kind of prequel. He comes from another team who is a little more solidified in a little more sort of more businessy. So now coming into this group and it's just kind of like,
What are we? Is there a plan? No, we're just going to keep going. Are we going to sit here like in the forest, walk quietly? Are we going to start summoning demons? A kid is just exploding and flying everywhere. There is a wizard who can't keep the book light. are die right He's a little stressed and especially that two people went unconscious. Yeah. because doesn't know that well. He is very, yeah he's always nervous. But I think he's just kind of concerned. but Sure. You know, no not for nothing, Mia, but during during the prologue, I saw your other team and those guys were dumb. kind of it does guys Those were two real w's you were rolling with that day.
I could tell while we were recording that. I was like, this is not how Mia envisioned these characters, but she has got enough to roll with it. No, but I also I also really enjoy that. Asda, yes, I want to ask and be kind of stupid. That that's stupid, but I love it. good I'm glad to hear that. I love it. And then Theron.
was not anticipating Bald Els. I think that kept throwing me off. But i I really chalked it up to, like, yeah, without, like, the main... I don't remember if I made her a wizard or a sorceress. Without Zarya, this group is a mess. And, like, the next person in charge is a Valk, and that is, like,
the blind leading the blind like don't don't do that but he will but yeah I think he's I think he's used to having like a very firm leader figure and there's not a firm leader figure that he can look to yeah and I think that's a little unsettling to him but it's it's still the first go about so who knows yeah that those things have to develop naturally what about what about Selena I actually think Selena feels better now just because she hasn't come from a team. like This is all new to her. She did not know what to expect. And I think just taking some of the uncertainty out of it and like seeing how everybody is in action, like seeing what everybody brings to the table, at least she knows what to expect now.
Yeah. Kaz feels better because Kaz feels very, very stuck in this group. You know, he doesn't know enough to know if anyone else. As far as Kaz knows, you guys are all here by choice. You got recruited in shows to be here. Kaz literally doesn't know where else to go. And the fact that he didn't die, and he didn't die because of you guys, he's like, all right, well, at least I have that much. And so he feels a lot better than he did day one. And Liz follows up with, what are your character's favorite sandwiches? That's a good, that's a good question. It is, I think he's a little, I'm gonna say it's odd, I'm really sorry if this is your favorite sandwich, but like a Monte Cristo, I had one of those once, it's like a breakfast sandwich, so it's like a ham, and you but you also have like jelly and mustard.
on it. And I still like he just made that out of necessity and scavenging. And now it's just like his go to hungry meal. Let's just get the ham, get this jelly and the mustard and then just... Yeah, a little powdered sugar.
Yeah, just a little bit. I think Selena's favorite is a cucumber sandwich, something you would have with like afternoon tea. Crap. Real sense, see? Kaz's favorite is a big sandwich. He's a teenager. He just wants as much what's maximum food in him in his stomach. All right, Kevin, what is your character's wind-down activity, either daily or after a tense mission?
floor time, he does floor time, which is in the more like non Gen Z way of saying that. He just meditates by grounding himself and that might be by just laying on the floor after he comes back from a mission and closes the door and then just sits there or will lays there in silence. Selena has like a panel in the wall in her room that opens up into the secret passageways. I think we mentioned it briefly in the first episode.
Yeah, that's kind of like a darker, more secluded area. And she likes to go in there and just like chill with grub somewhere that like nobody knows where she's at. She can just go hide in there and be by herself with grub, obviously. I think I haven't I haven't talked to Eric by this, so I don't listen too much. But I think Kaz has had a collection before everything of like Eberonian pulp fiction, like gritty stories of the mafia and sharn and things like that that he enjoyed. He liked and and if there are comic books in Eberron, which I guess we can say if there are or not, like that's sort of that type of fiction. And I think that honestly, what he's doing now for downtime is trying to recollect some of those things now that they are 20 years out of date and trying to find them in the library or things like that so that he can get back to his hobby of
reading. Now, now that he lives a life of fantasy, is it going to be as interesting for him? I don't know, but we'll find out. What would your character find? these These are all Kevin until I say otherwise. What would your character find lacking or frustrating in the team's recent performance?

Team Performance and Improvement

I died for a little while. Yeah, two people going down is frustrating. Not being able to heal each other. Yeah, I think there is that, and I think ah probably just like the kind of a lack of leadership. I think everyone kind of, whenever a big decision needs to be made or somebody needs to speak up, there's always like a second of everyone kind of looking at each other and then somebody chooses to talk.
Yeah, I think it just says as a folk. I think he would kind of see that as. Something's going to go wrong and the Roxy's can to get said, but it's also like what else? I think, especially in the last arc is like, well, what else can you do? There are so many different things going on. He's a conflicted guy.
yeah and Yeah, it is kind of fun. We are also feeling each other out as role players and real humans yeah and while we're doing this. So that it's kind of fun to do that as well. And I certainly have not found any lacking performances from my fellow players, especially oh yeah the two of you who are I don't envy you jumping into the four of us who have been playing together for years and are not. We're all pretty loud and want to be the talker, so I i thing thank you for being patient while we are learning why they shut up. right What is your favorite aspect or mechanic of your character thus far, even if it hasn't come up in play yet? Mine is the randomness. I'm enjoying having to really think on my feet and really pay attention between my turns to see what I should be doing when my next one comes up.
Continuing on with Kevin, what is your favorite aspect or mechanic of your character thus far, even if it hasn't come up in play yet? I'm just gonna say the I'm having fun with the randomness, like that's my answer, so.
Now I feel greatly unprepared. There is a lot with the occultist. It hasn't been worked into a second edition yet. So it's a lot of first edition stuff still. There is something on there that I had thought about selecting purely to cause pain.
which is there's an ability in a cultist ability to effectively have a shadow perceived and so like a mirror of yourself that is independent and sometimes it goes away if you roll line up and sometimes it doesn't and I felt like over time if it just if I kept rolling poorly it doesn't go away but it just starts getting symptoms and it just It causes Bane and Strife within n Valk because it's no longer just a shadow anymore. It's starting to just split off into another version of himself. Yeah, we'll see. I don't see. I don't know. It seemed fun. You know, I'm going to roll this in. One of our Discord members, Flame, also asked what's your favorite aspect or what aspect of Thirteenth Age specifically you're most excited about. So if that's kind of the same answer, if you want to add to that.
I don't know. I don't go here. Fair enough. So I am learning. Thirteen of these ages. I know I am learning as I'm going so I'm not sure I think I'm interested in the kind of like the icons because that's not something that I have Used before I don't even know if there's like a D and&D equivalent because it's not the kind of interactions or characters I play that have those interactions with thoughts like that so gods or you know those kind of like higher organizations and beings so that
might be something, but I feel like also because I have icon channeler, it's also semi-random. So like right whoever wants to show up in Valk's life, that's who's going to be there. And I also don't know anything about them. So a lot to learn.
As far as 13th age goes, well, again, I'm coming into this with zero experience with any of this stuff.

Learning and Adapting to Thirteenth Age

So it hasn't been as overwhelming to learn as I thought it would be, like coming from knowing absolutely nothing about this. Like I've been able to kind of grasp.
More than I thought I would this soon so and then my character I don't know if this really counts as mechanics, but I love having a familiar It's very fun like it's been fun to like give that little personality to grub and his little thumbs up So that's probably I love his thumbs out i thats time My 13th age thing I'm looking forward to is as we get deeper into feats. For those that haven't looked into it, feats in 13th age are very different than what you're what are called feats in D and&D. Each, or not each, but many individual skills or individual spells have feats that can go along with them. Like, for example, I took a feat that goes along with my attack, attacking warp.
That means every time I roll an attack, I get to add a weirdness thing. I added a feat to, I have a spell called Wardrums that I don't get to do very often, it's an icon spell. And I took the feat that goes along with that, that allows me to add just more, I think and it's that one that Nyx did one time that added more damage under her attack that I get to do, and it just added like 13 more damage or something to take the feat on that. So I really enjoy those and you know trying to pick out which ones.
Kevin continues, what is your favorite aspect? Nope, we already did that one. Would your character rather be completely unknown for what they accomplished or earn the kind of recognition where walking into the right gathering leads everyone immediately deferring to you? Well, I'm not even gonna bother answering this for Kaz, but you should go ahead. Like I also don't need to answer. Right. Do you not perceive him, please.
Selena would rather be unknown because she was used like by her father for so long as like the example of like, oh, look at how pretty and pure and perfect she is, even with all of the stuff going on. Like, look at how good this is, and was like paraded around. So at this point, she's like, just just don't. i'm I'm good. I don't need to be known.
and Yeah, I guess if you could change everyone deferring to you to everyone catering to you That's very much what yeah, and then Kevin has a question I don't know why he called you guys this but he wants me to answer if playing with these goofballs is everything I expected I think I'll think you guys are good. Oh, I get it Well team is playing with these goofballs me and Eric and Trevor and Philip everything you expected I'll take my headphones off. Feel free to answer on us.
No, I don't have XO, they're really off. I don't have expectations because I have no idea. i Again, I was put in a group chat. I think there was like one text of who is who, but there was no association with phone numbers or anything like that. So it's just a list of names. Yeah, me, I'll be honest. I just saved your name in my phone today because you're the only one in that group chat that wasn't saved. I was like, well, I don't know if it's me. is That's easy. And then today when I had to text you individually, I was like, I should save this number.
not You're all just floating just floating numbers. ah okay Take it personal or don't. I certainly don't. Yeah, I guess, Madison, you actually knew three of the four of us fairly well and had met Phillip a couple of times. So what was your expectations of playing in a game? but I was very nervous coming into it. Just the playing the game part, not so much with you guys, but just... not, you know, having that experience and immediately doing something for public consumption. But it's been like it's been a lot easier and like better than I thought it would be. I'm not as nervous anymore before we start recording. So that's fun. It's been a very welcoming experience. So. Oh, great.
Yeah, it's been really fun. I think, i like you said, I'm still feeling everybody out. I think naturally I always go into a game feeling like I don't know anything. And that's probably because I don't read, so I'm setting myself up. But but I don't. I've never felt uncomfortable playing. So there is that.
ah Great. I am genuinely glad to hear it. Our last question of this reviewed is from Irene, another one of our mods, and she asks, who all is attending Gamer Nation Con?

Community Engagement and Future Content

if so If you don't know what that is, Gamer Nation Fund is the convention that is put on by our podcast network, the D20 Radio Network and the Order 66 podcast, more specifically, I believe, put on a convention every year in Texas. And for the last handful of years, Phillip and Eric and I have all gone.
I fully intend to at least to be there for the weekend portion of it this year. I can't make any promises ever, but I fully intend to be there this year. So there's that. And I'm sure i I don't want to speak for Eric and Phillip, but here I go speaking for them. I think they plan to be there as well. That's all. Yeah, I guess depends on where it is and or not where, when it is and stuff. But yeah. Sorry, guys, my conventions are of the anime variety. There you go. I will not be there.
All right, thank you all so much for listening. That is our final question. Thank you for all the questions that you asked. I will editorialize just a bit and say how excited we are that Madison and Mia both joined. We've had a lot of fun playing with them so far and are really excited to see where all of this leads.
And with that, thank you again for listening. If you want to check us out on the social media, as I threw the tag out there earlier, but we are at the Geek Pantheon, please come join us on our Discord. It's a very active community. Lots of chatter going on every day. And we will see you next week with the beginning of a brand new arc. And with that being said, I have been Jeff. I'm Mia. I'm Madison. Thank you for listening.