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C3 Ep. 20 Grave Dawn Chapter Eight image

C3 Ep. 20 Grave Dawn Chapter Eight

Eberron Renewed
364 Plays1 month ago

Now that the culprit is in hand, how will the party handle dealing out justice?

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction and Cast

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D20 Radio, at your game is roll.
yeah Hello, and welcome to Everyone Renewed, an actual play podcast set in the everyone campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. Mia. I'm Phillip. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Stu. And welcome to to another episode.

Recap of Previous Adventure

What happened last time, everyone? We solved it. We did. We did we we we we definitely nailed the suspect. Ted Lasso was the bad guy.
Well, we arrested the subject, I don't know why. And we broke the ritual. It just seems to have also brought something back to life. It's just fighting. Yeah, we love it. Or animated something, maybe not brought back to life. Right. Yeah. So the, well, yeah, initiative. Let's roll initiative. Okay.

Battle with Lazar Begins

That's a very good word. I don't like that.
I need to be better. or so I was better. I hope I am okay. Nevermind. Let's do conflict. 21. Okay. Nice. 22. Well, 23. Eight. 14. I messed up. I feel better. 12. And the initiative order is Lazar. Kaz, Val, Blaina, V, Nix. Thames. He rolled very high.
I have a question, real quick. Did this arc end, or did we just get, like, a rust? You got a quick rest after the last point, but now we are still in the luck. Okay, so he is going to immediately leap up and strike at Valk. So you see the black light that was the ritual circle is now kind of enveloping Lazar's body, including his hands that are now like the shadows extend beyond them into gnarly like claws. And he is going to leap at Valk and swipe as
Yeah. Yeah. He says the Empress of Shadows will feast upon your flesh. Oh my.

Selena's Shield and Chaos Unleashed

That is a critical hit. no Oh no. So that is 16 damage now as the Shadowed Spikes pierce through you. Yes. What's your question? I have the amulet though that protected me from that same magic. On?
it's It protects you from the ritual magic, but it's not a whole protection against negative energy in general. That was a good try, though. Yeah, that was a very good try. Okay. Oh, question. i have I have shield, and we talked about, for this one, being able to cast it for an ally instead of just myself. Can I use that? Yes. How does shield work in the system? That's a question. that I should know the answer to you, but I don't. I think you just have to re-roll the attack.
I have a problem that already being better at this game than me. Got those in the end. What I just messed up earlier. Not adding things I should have added. I was off mic. Shh. Must reroll the attack. That's stupid game. All right. There was this end guy block. There we go. That is instead of 12 to hit your AC. That does not hit. All right. What does your shield look like, Selena?
It is just like a burst of white light that kind of creates almost a bubble. Nice. and ah So yeah, you see as the as the I'm gonna call him Lazar. i I'm trying to make it pretty apparent that it's not there is no Lazar only Zool. We understand. I'm gonna call him Lazar though because he's wearing a Lazar suit. So the arm she goes to strike at Valkans. It passes through the bubble of light. This lead creates the negative energy disappears. And so the claws don't have anything to strike. They can't strike because they're not there.
And then for... Yeah, that's gonna be it for his turn. It is now Kaz's turn. Kaz, what'd you pull? Okay, so here's what happened. The very first thing I did was pull my Chaos Spike. and Oh no. I rolled a two, which gives me advantage on the first attack that I roll. And I did pull an attack thing. Nice. So I haven't picked my spell yet because here's what happened. I rolled my attacking warp. I got water, which just gives me a bonus to disengage if he ever grapples. Yep.
But for my weirdness, I rolled a two. Do you have your 13th-age monster manual handy? Oh, yeah no. Turn to page 222. I accidentally summoned one D3 Wibbles that either- Wait, what's a Wibble? but I think we're all gonna find out together. Is it two? They either attack me or drift off to wreak a small amount of havoc elsewhere in the battle. Oh my god.
If the GM is bored with that, or you don't have the bestiary, enormous bubbles pop out of my skin and deal damage to me equal to 1d3 times is my level. So if you want to deal with Wibbles, go for it. Otherwise, I just take like up to three damage. and like Do you have the bestiary? So I might as well deal with the Wibbles. I did say, oh, I'm sorry. I guess so that's not called that. Yeah, I'm sorry. it's But they do just attack me, to have like which is not great either for me.
the the initial flavor text for the Wibble page. Yes, they have a full page spray spread for Wibbles. If the legends are true, Wibbles were created inadvertently as a side effect of a semi-automatic error monitoring system in a wizard academy. If the same legends can be believed, the wizards responsible somehow managed to not lose their tenure. And checks out. What do they look like? Wibbles look like a loosely clumped group of dirty brown or purple soap bubbles floating and bumping along together. Each bubble is about the size of a guinea pig. A specific wibble will be composed of anywhere between four and 14 bubbles. The number shifts as the wibble moves and takes damage.
Who rolls the D3 to find out how many Wibbles show up? You can. Okay. One Wibble. I rolled a one. So, on a D6 to be clear. Very rarely, the component bubbles twist themselves into recognizable shapes, but it's generally regarded as bad luck to see shapes in Wibbles because it means you're paying too much attention to them and you might make more. Claiming that you can communicate with Wibbles is even worse. Get a lice. Buddy, it is a hater. I'm going to have to use my first turn that I have advantage on to attack a Wibble. Because it's going to bubble me.
its Wow. I want to belch it out, but that feels real bad, considering it's apparently a creature. Yeah, they're just, they're, they're arcane bubbles that are kind of like a plague that just attacks sentient beings. They don't attack animals, just like sapient beings. A flotilla of wibbles will float. Yeah, grab a safe.
A flotilla of wibbles will float right past wolves feasting on a deer. But if those wolves were feasting on a still breathing gnome, wibble a rampage. So there you

Strategy Against Lazar and Wibble

go. This is fantastic. OK, so one wibble. Where does it come from, Kaz? I think I've belched it out. Okay, the wibble was in me all along. All right. Yeah, so there is a wibble and it does hang around Kaz's head. I guess I need to roll initiative for the wibble. It's a natural one. So the wibble is going last. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is or that it's dangerous. So I don't think I actually would attack it this first time. So I'm gonna go after... Oh, I need to... I'm so sorry. Get back to my spells. Yeah, I am... Yes, I'm going to... At the cheeks. I think, yeah. All right, here we go.
I get advantage, good, because that was a two, but that was only a five, so it's like 11 against physical defense for Lazar. That is a miss. Okay, I think what happens is I try to summon some magic and I get so distracted by the wibbles that it just fizzles out my hands because I'm like, what just came out of me? And that would be my turn. All right, Valc. Yes. Your turn. I am going to try, I'm going to try something.
I'm gonna use my standard action to gain my focus. I still have a quick action. Yeah. Can I use rebuke? Immediately. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to use rebuke. We're gonna roll and pray. That is 16 plus 21.
like twenty one 21 against their mental. a yeah Yes. Sorry. Yes. Sorry. 22. It didn't add my level. Yes, that hits. Okay. So that is now 1d6. So that's six plus wisdom, which is plus two. So that's an eight.
yeah He now, because of brain melting secrets, cannot attack me, because I hit him with a spell. Can I also move away from him? Because he can't attack me anymore? yeah Okay, I'm going to do that. i Also, he if you want, he takes the ongoing damage because of your Heuer of Truth as well, because he was engaged with you. Yes, that is just an additional one.
but one ongoing damage, yep. Yeah, okay. Do I still have to roll of things? Roll. Since he cannot attack you, he can't make an opportunity attack, so no, you can. I am going as far as possible. We're just gonna take the nice, hey, we're looking, we are gonna. I can't actually move. No thank know they no thank you, hand up, and then just out. I love that, amazing. Okay. All right, it is now Selena's turn. All right, let's try Ray of Frost.
Nice. That is a 14 against physical defense. Does not hit. Yeah. All right. Anything else? Nope. I'm already pretty far away cause I stay back cause the whole, you know, crystal pacemaker things. Yeah. V. Yeah. What could I even do? but yeah Holy damage. Yeah. I was going to say, are those going to do anything? They might. we No, no. Let's do it. I'm going to throw a whole one way to find out. We're a holy ninja star. Sorry. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Okay. That's,
I add strength, right? The dexterity plus this. OK, so that's still in 22 22 to hit. Yes. Work. So what? So 2d4 to see it's vulnerable. Yep. Yeah. Oh, that's four. And then that's three. So that's seven. Nice. Plus your dexterity. Yep. So that was your dexterity. Ten.
10 damage, nice. Yeah, you see the holy damage hit and kind of sear at the flesh of Lazar. It's very welcoming to the light where you're going. And it is now Nyx's turn.
Well, Nix has been told that it's safe to step into the circle. So Nix is going to engage. so The light of the circle is gone. So yeah, the particle is just carved. Yeah. Couldn't step into the circle if I wanted to. Nix takes the sword and just charges. As Valk is retreating, Nix just rushes forward. I'm going to use another use of demonic violence as I engage him. So he takes three damage just from me approaching. And then I'm going to try and hack at him with a sword. All right. That's 20 dirty 20 to hit 21 actually. And where did he take ah that is only seven damage. OK, he is staggered. Oh, oh which is he's half halfway down. Yeah. Yeah. It's just that's nice. Yes, that's it.
Okay, the wibble, wibble time. Yay. Everybody, wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble. He is going, to the wibble is going to use its force burp attack on Kaz. Seems fitting. That is a, to the world. 21 to hit. Yeah, that hits me. Against your physical defense specifically. Four force damage. Okay. And it does say they move every turn in battle. So the wibble will float over towards Slink. Awesome.
I think Kaz goes, ow! Okay, that's not that thing's not good. It just feels like it hits me in the chest, force damage, right? It's just like a blunt, yeah. Ow, boom, yeah. And now it is round two. The engagement would die, is it plus one, everyone? Don't forget, Lazar is going to turn.
and regard Nyx as Nyx's hit rather potently. Once you turn, you will be a worthy warrior in her army. You are not the first person to say that. That is a 23 to hit, rolled a natural 16, and since he is staggered, that means He heals. Disagree? I don't know. Show us the she-laws. The shadowy claws sink into Nyx and Nyx you, once again, you're kind of when you tried to grab the dagger, like your skin grows a little bit paler, your face a little bit more solid, some of your life energy siphons into... Lazar and he is no longer staggered. 8 damage. Ouch. Are you staggered? I am exactly staggered. Yeah.

Defeating Lazar

And now it is Kaz's turn. Alright, I rolled a defense or I drew a defense die and based on that
a the and god I gained 17 points. That's all it is. So I see Kaz feel better. What is your question, Philip? You had actually answered it in the description. I was going to ask you what the natural role of his attack was, but you would actually set it there. I guess planes have lots of things on it. This thing is undead, right? It's not a fiend from my bar or something. Correct. I have things it isn't for that. Yeah, it is undead. Just seems to be a much more potent undead than what you can do. Sure. this Yeah. OK.
Vow. I have to do a recovery. Okay. Going to rally with you. Yes. I can't. You're out of recoveries? No, the sword doesn't let me. Oh, right. Oh boy. That feels not good. That is and i'm very fine.
Out loud for accountability. That is seven. On my next turn. Oh, occultist. Yep. Your recoveries happen the next turn. Might have delayed healing. Delayed healing. There's an exist out of time. Cool. Narratively. Not so much in this moment. Cool from a design standpoint. many and Neat. Sleyna, you have a wibble in front of your face. Yeah, Sleyna doesn't like that. So I think I'm gonna do magic missile.
Okay. At the wibble. That's extreme. Get that thing out of here. It's like when you lice out the whole bubbles on fire. and it So roll a 1d2. Okay. All right. That's a 2. That's a 3.2. Okay. Sorry. I was thinking d3 because that's a valuable second ago. I'm so sorry. Okay. So then you get to do it for two rounds. So how much damage did the wibble take? Bring it to your magic nistle.
Wait, how do I find that? What's it? Should say it in the spell. Okay. D4. That's the pyramid. Okay. Five force damage. Oh, okay, okay. Okay, it takes five damage. A few of the bubbles pop as your magic missile makes impact, but there is still like two bubbles playing together, floating in front of your face. Real quick. Yes, I'm sorry. The last part of delayed magical healing says this doesn't apply outside of combat or when you rally. So does that? Oh, so yeah, so you can just take it right away. yeah But it's every other type of magical healing, including a healing potion.
Yes. That's all. V. Are you going to throw another thing or are you going to come up, punch him? You know, I'm going to throw another thing. Might as well keep my distance where I can. OK, so that it hold on. I want my paper go. I'm going to optimistically say that'll be about two rounds. So that is going to be a 17 to hit. ah That misses is a soul.
Okay. Well, then I don't hit him. Yeah, he's he spotted you now. And so as the holy damage infused shuriken comes or ninja start comes flying in, he bats it away with the back of his hand and snarls as even that singes the back of his hand a little bit. Just touching the ice, the holy damage. Sounds like damage to me. You'd be wrong.
Although he did not take his one damage from your ongoing damage before, so yes, there is one damage on it. Sounds like I was... Quiet, you. Nix. You know, Nix is going to try and hack at him with a sword. So, okay. Seven plus one. So that is another modified 20. Okay, that hits. That's better. 12 slashing damage. Okay.
e or just damage, slashing damage is the thing. It's just damage. ah Yeah, so Nix, I mean, Nix is looking pretty pretty bad, but still sort of moving around him in the circle, trying to keep him on her and away from away from the others. I mean, what's what's hitting him doing? Like, you are i just am I just chopping up a corpse? You you are chopping up a corpse that is being animated, but you're also like, it's very clear that this, well, give me a quick,
Intelligence check, you can use Shabirath touch. Okay, that's not a very good roll. For just 10. Okay, yeah, you're cutting up corpse that i'm busy yeah you tell a corpse that is hitting back, so. Sure. Wibble time. Okay. Selena, the wibble is going to you. Burp in your face. Oh, wait, does it move after each turn or no? Is it still on you? It hasn't taken its turn. You attacked it, it didn't get a chance to attack you. you thought This is its turn. 16 versus your physical defense. Yeah, that hit. Oh my goodness. just Four force damage. As if your face. And then it's going to float on over to V. hit webble I couldn't see that. That was exactly V's reaction. Like, but she hadn't noticed these things. All right, it is now round three. So the escalation dies at a two. So add two to your attack rolls, everyone. Lazar is going to attack Nyx. It's a natural 14. So 21 to hit your AC. Yes, that hits my AC. Eight damage, but did not roll high enough to get its healing. So and it now it's going to be Kaz's turn.
Okay, I rolled and I pulled an icon and I rolled the Lords of Dust again. Can I take some flavor liberties with this thing? Yeah, sure. Not not crazy or anything. So what you guys see, this actually, hang on. Let me see how much I get hurt. Oh, just one. Okay. I have to take damage to do this spell, but I just got hit temporary hit points. So it seemed appropriate.
Kaz turns like sheet white, almost translucent, and you see like the blue veins of his face as he just looks sallow and gaunt, and a sound comes from him that each of you hears differently and terrifyingly.
and But it's focused at Lazar, so it doesn't hurt any of you. And Lazar takes five, 11, seven, no, sorry. Yeah, 17 total points of damage. Whoa. That goofed him up. Not enough to kill him, but definitely goofed up. You know what I just realized? I didn't roll the hit. Give me a second. That felt really fun, but I didn't roll the hit. Let me kick that up.
It's against mental defense. Okay. That was an asshole. So, so that's 34. No. Well, we, we've been doing it where you roll double dice. So roll the dice more. Yeah. Okay. So we're at 17. Yes. 22, 25, 29 points of damage total. Describe how you yeah the Lazar puppet I mean, Cass doesn't know because his eyes are rolled back in his head screaming. I think, what does it look like? I think, I think, I think the cavern or the, you know, where we're in shakes a bit and some like, there's like some crumbling, unsettling above it. And I think that like, is it all of you can hear it, but it sounds different if you don't know that and we'll be talking about it later.
yeah I think you just see him, his animation shut off. If it was a sapien being, you'd see like a brain shut down kind of thing. If he doesn't have that, it's just like marionette falls, I think, in this yeah a little anticlimactic, honestly, because of math nature.
Yeah, so it's almost like the whatever entity was controlling Lazar like is banished and disappears into Lazar's corpse that just falls back down on the ground, covered in the cuts and slices from Nyx and V. And yeah, and then the cavern goes quiet. Nyx steps out of the circle very carefully, and then staggers down to her knees, leaning on the sword. Kaz coughs and sputters and looks around for the wibble. Oh yeah, the wibble is still there. No. It's a little anti-climactic, but it's still there, man. I forgot. out yeah exactly I'm going to... I guess. I stand by what Dix is doing. Somebody else can text the Wibbles. Yeah. I wish I could just let it go, but I know that I can't, because we don't just do this. I'm gonna do the same thing, I guess. I'm gonna get my focus and then look at the Wibbles. Okay. And I was supposed to say, go away.
you Roll. That is a plus intelligence. No. yeah yeah but your colleague because you Yes, my brain like fries here, so sorry. yeah That is 19th. That hits the wibble. And then it's not going in away. That is a eight, no, six. The psychic damage builds up inside the wibbles and then they both the both two remaining bubbles pop right in these face. And they are done. Couldn't handle the awkwardness of of being not being unwanted. I'm gonna spend some recoveries in this moment here.
Yeah. So yeah, we are in a quick rest. So spend any recoveries that you like. If you used any rechargeable spells, roll for recharge. Remind me about temporary hit points. They're done at the end of the battle. They go away. Yeah. Okay. I just

Post-Battle Consequences

was wondering, yeah, I need to roll recovery. Can you tell me about the nice in mining still?
The knife has a lot of the same iconography that you saw in your memory with the bloodable ritual that was going on. But outside of that, this seems to be a ritual dagger. This is a dagger designed for conducting necromantic. So you could stab somebody with it. It's not going to be any more effective, though.
Yeah, so I don't have to, if I keep it, I don't need to keep the direct and also keep the email. Well, I guess might as well just keep both icons. These are also very clearly very powerful implements that if in the wrong hands can cause a lot of destruction. So might be worth taking back to the manner and just say, yeah.
Alright, I just draw Val with one more necklace. Sorry. Okay, so it is quiet in the cavern. The light from the ritual circle is gone. The ritual circle is still carved into the stone, but... Yeah. Right. And you have a corpse laying on the ground. Well, he's in the right place. That's... Simptary, right? Fair enough. Fair enough.
Nyx will step over and pick up like the back of Lazar's tunic. Let's drag him into the actual burial area and not make anybody come down into this creepy place. Okay. Then can we go up and see if the zombies outside have stopped?
Yes, it's on our way. buts I gotta know. Does anyone have the ability on the off chance to maybe he destroy and or collapse via explosion this cavern so it cannot be reached? I'm just guessing it doesn't need to be done but it I have nothing that would do that, I don't think. <unk> right that People, I will share that with the town.
I pulled a defensive spell. So no, I got nothing that I can do right now. Oh, but you did say next anybody I pulled a defensive spell and a battle is over. Does anybody need ah yo your recoveries? With recoveries? I'm okay. Yeah. My bad. yeah I didn't think about it. that's true That's what I would have been giving you. That's true. Yeah. You'd have been loving your recovery. So Nix will haul Lazar until we're in the actual area where there are crypts and then just set his body against a wall.
They're going to have to come down here and rebury a lot of things anyway. So yeah. OK, so you're heading back up to talk to core that plan. I think so. And we have to address the talent again. So you see you go to course house. ah There's still a large group at the Allen Kitten, but it actually seems a little bit smaller, like some people that.
The fervor is not quite as fun, and so they went home. Folks are bored. Yeah. You do see Yvonne standing outside Cor's door, kind of watching the owl and kitten, just keeping an eye on that situation ah with the door open to where he can still hear what's going on inside. And he sees you all approaching and kind of nods, happy hunting. I mean, we did it, so... Good, sure. Assuming that Nyx probably doesn't stop to Yvonne and just walks into Tucked Core or what is... Nyx is not in the lead. got Other people are going to be better at explaining what we did yeah to make it. Nyx hacked an enemy until it fell over and she didn't even do the causing it to fall over. So, yeah. yeah

Confrontation with Yvonne

So, as who would be walking in the lead? now
Okay, Valky, as you start to get up to Yvonne and can hear inside, you hear Taurus' voice kind of going through. It's clear that Cor has been talking to him while you've been gone, getting a detailed confession of what happened. But as Yvonne speaks, you hear Cor say, you didn't come in here. You can debrief. He's walking in gesture, and everyone else said,
Come on, if you want. Does everyone else go in the house? and nick Nix does not. Okay. Yvonne starts to, and then when he sees Nix is it, he just he shifts his weight back to staying outside the house. So, inside the house first. So, Cora says, so, how'd it go? We have successfully stopped the ritual. We're hoping that that will also have an effect on the end and outside, but we would need to confirm that. I'm not sure if there will be a delay or if it was immediate. Easy to turn. and Hearing Kaz trying to speak up didn't work.
i sorry i i I jumped ahead, I wanted to ask a question as Jeff, I apologize for that, no. Okay, you're good. I mean, you can ask. Is there like a watch tower that someone could run up to see if the outside zombies are still ah shuffling and bumbling? I mean, like I said, that this this town didn't actually have walls, they like threw together a barricade when they saw a zombie horde. So there's like makeshift parapets that people can walk along, but there's not like a watch tower. I just volunteered to go check, is all, and I was gonna,
Go on there a bit. So I'm, the cash takes you out for the walls from the seat. That's next before Nixon Yvonne are not right outside the door when Kaz comes up. Okay. In finishing the stopping the ritual there, yeah he's not good at what he was attempting to do. He did not understand what he was doing and thus brought back from my very brief face-to-face interaction a follower of a shadow god lady in the body of his dead
brother-in-law, which he did sacrifice, by the way, I would make sure that's very clear. Importantly, Lazar was the ah guy that his sister-in-law was cheating on, not her husband. That was Eric providing clarification. Maybe she wanted him to be the... the brother in law, so that's why they I named him their life story. But he did sacrifice. That was our, I want to make that very clear, stabbed the guy down there, didn't bring back his sweet sister. In law.
Blah and brought back the weird follower of the shadow demon lady that was handled I don't really want to talk about how because that was kind of weird a lot. All right. I think Selena will jump in at this point and she's happy He's having a meltdown yeah, yeah, so Selena just does for it a little bit is the horror she Exactly hit it. Okay, Selena's gonna jump in and just say, it doesn't appear that he fully understand understood what he was doing, what this was actually for. And it does not appear that it was done with the intent of reanimating all of the dead. It, I think, was mostly, you know, out of desperation, kind of a misunderstanding and misuse of the spell.
Just also want to make that clear. That is noted. All right. Well, Taurus, you really stepped in one. and they Also seem to inadvertently have created a beacon that draws undead. So I don't know what to do about that, but hopefully they'll go away now. And yeah, let's cut to Nyx and Yvonne. So everyone has just walked inside. So Nyx grabs Yvonne by the arm. Yvonne is a lot bigger than Nyx. She cannot manhandle. I mean, she's tall, but I imagine Yvonne to be very big and by the arm and hauls him around the side of the house so they're not right outside the door and puts a hand on his chest and just shoves him against the wall to whatever degree he allows because he's definitely stronger than her. Yeah, he allows it. Yeah. And what are you actually doing here?
Okay. Okay. Calm down. I'm just going to lean into it. Calm down. Nix, by the way. No, I, I am in Kyre. They sent us out because these armies are doing crazy things and getting desperate and summoning things they don't understand. And I, we have the ability to sense when things are summoned that shouldn't be here. And I felt something gets summoned here. We're not in this area looking for undead. No.
I was in this area looking for people trying to summon fiends and I found one. You need to be more careful. It was careful. Careful this time. Maybe next time not so much. You know better than anyone. What you're playing with. How can go wrong. I don't want that to happen to you. I also don't want to have to take you in. We're not your enemy. Oh no. Know it happens to what happens to the Tieflings who can't control themselves. A more merciful thing than would happen to their victims.
What happens to you one day if a shadow fiend crawls out of your eyes? Then they will do me the mercy of ensuring that I don't hurt innocent people, which is the right thing to do. You think your life is worth so much more than hundreds of inno innocents that would die.
i haven't killed hundreds of in innocents. Yet. And you think, what? The dead at Relacor are not innocents? The captives at Relacor are not innocents? They don't count guilty because we were born with horns? You know it cannot be that simple. Just because you were my friend. And that didn't neither. It did. It does. I am your friend. Yet here you are, chasing me. I am chasing danger. Things that hurt people.
You've summoned a fiend, what if you can't control it? I summoned a fiend, and it protected my friends, and it protected people in this town, tore apart undead, and then I put it back. You have seen that they don't always want to go back. You know this. I know how to handle that too. Of course you do.
Of course I do. I don't have a choice in this, Yvonne. I'm half there all the time. Be careful. I'll report that I couldn't find anything. But... Somebody summoned something here. Undead. A fool in there. Yes. Something... this was not It was not normal. It talked about a shadow empress. I don't know what that is. It was it was Mabarin. I will see what they know. Where are you located?
I can help each you. You don't need to know that. Please, let me help. And what happens when they ask you, where is she located? So we can help. Not to burst your bubble, but there are a lot of things they are having to deal with right now.
You were of grave concern when you first left, but it's been some time. Perfect. That's how I like it. Not of concern. Very well. You won't lie for me, so I won't put you in that position. Right. But I suppose this is it, then. Nyx. You're all right. I'm fine. Helping people and saving people. Me too. Meanwhile, we see Kaz sprinting through the city towards the parapet. I will say here for Jeff's amusement and choice that Nyx doesn't know how to whisper.
And so I will leave it to you whether Kaz sprints out the door too fast or whether Kaz overhears that and and stays to eavesdrop. I do have a question. is Was the accent change? a that You said I'm leaning into it.
Is Nick's hiding her ass in front of us? Yes, that would be noticeable. Okay, I wasn't sure if if if you were saying, from now on, I'm just gonna talk like this. no Okay, gotcha. I think that I noticed that. I hear them talking intently, but I don't stop because I genuinely wanna see these zombies. Shit, i or if they are down and i can I can go up to Nick's lane and be like, hey, I heard you talking, because 16-year-olds have, Very little. that This 16 year old that I'm playing. that's for yeah No, you it it stands. I mean, I'm a high school teacher. I feel like I have some. yeah stand Yeah. Yeah. So he hears that he clocks it and he like does that thing or like, and then takes off towards the parapet.
Yeah. Okay. So yeah, there's nothing to stop you. You climb up the ramshackle ladder that's been used ah and you see a couple of kids up there with like bows, just kind of standing around, not knowing what they're supposed to be doing. They've just been told to man the walls. And, but you do see the vast majority, I would say like,
85% of the Horde has now begun like venturing off kind of in the same direction. And ka as you can tell, they're the ones marked as part of the Carnathi army. So obviously whatever pulled them here, whatever would have, you know, keeps them in formation normally is now pulling them back towards their army. So. Okay. Yeah. And the kids like, they're they're leaving.
They're filming. What? Kaz goes, yeah, I fixed it. You fixed it? Me and my friends fixed it. How? And I think Kaz tells a the story. He doesn't embellish, but he definitely makes it. Kaz did get the killing blow. He does it so that he blacked out during the killing blow. My friends and I went down there, and

Ritual's End and Discovery

there a yeah feel crazy he also doesn't say anything about Taurus in it. He just talks about the ritual circle and the stopping it thing.
It's crazy. No, go tell everybody it's over. Tell them they're walking, tell them they're leaving. They're going away. Go spread the word. ah Oh, are we relieved? Did Cortele, like we we don't have to be on the wall anymore? Awesome. Yeah. I'm relieving you. He says, and they claim her down the ladder. Awesome. I think he, Cass stands up there and like watches them run. I'm assuming like they would probably run towards the Allen kitten since there are people standing around there and like,
waits to see the reaction of the people they tell first. And just like, it's just a real satisfaction out of this. But but yeah you you initially hear them shouting the necromancer is dead. And then when people don't understand what that means, they let you see them start explaining and people get excited and start like fanning out, going to tell neighbors and friends and stuff that something good has happened and that the zombies are leaving. So back into the house, um,
All right, so virtual has been dealt with. no more energy, no more beacon of the undead. So what should we do with him? She looking at Selena since Selena was the last one talking to her and nods at Taurus. I think that's up to you guys as a town. All right. Well, certainly not going to leave him to the people of this town. They tear him apart. So I'll send a missive to, send a missive to the Kyron government to see what they want done with him. Seems word you ni as way we know that the people know they were running out of food, does she? Does she? Yeah, yeah. Okay.
I didn't know if we counted it off. I can never tell you. Okay. All right. Well, then I will, I'll deal with that and you all are relieved of duty, I suppose. Um, so I appreciate it. I'll ensure that payment is sent to Javier and yeah, thank you. Anything else for me? I don't believe so. All right. Phillip, any last interaction with Yvonne that you want or? No. That's about right. right She's off front again when they come back. And then Kaz, do you just come back to Cor's house?
ah Yeah, yeah. And I think I say, I got my people on and letting everybody know it's safe to go out again. Of course. Good. Thank you, cast. He has people. You don't know about the teen network. like My whisper network of teens throughout longer.
as long as they aren't coming back with us. Yeah. oh bless All right. So it does not take much time for court to get the teens a back on the wall to actually clear out the last remaining zombies. And you all are able to leave the town unless there's anything else that you all want to do before heading back towards Applehampton Manor as you all. So it was two and a half days. Was that right? Was your venture trip? Yes. Yeah. Two days South by Southwest directly. Three and a half days by road to the South. But you all. Yeah.
Okay, so as you all are venturing back, are you all going the same way that you did through the woods? You avoided the roads on the way here. Nyx is going to propose quickest way, but... You might as well go back to quickest way. All right, first day of travel. Philip, roll a d12 for me. Five. you know Okay. First day uneventful. Madison, roll a d12 for me. Four. four Or, okay, as you all are venturing through the woods, Selena, you spot a structure that you didn't notice on the way back that looks to be just, like I said, in the middle of the woods, and there's kind of some brush on top of it. You're walking, you kind of step on it. It's like a bunker door that there's some vegetation growing on top of it, but but you all are walking through the woods away from the roads. There's nothing, no infrastructure out here.
And you see, like, two stone doors. They're kind of like cellar doors, except they don't have the handles. But you do see two, like, off-color ovals right along the scene, like, where there would be, like, handles almost. And above the door, you see what you would immediately recognize as the symbol of the sovereign host etched into the stone. ah But it's it's very weathered.
Okay. I think Selena would notice this and then probably turn to Nyx and point it out and say, this seems out of place, doesn't it? It is rather in the in the middle of nowhere. And one of the doors is slightly ajar. Like, it's like they would normally shut, but one of them is like half way open. And you see a few stairs leading down before a flat walkway. Is that... Can I send Grub down to scout it out?
Sure. Yeah. We love Grub. Grub's going to go scout it out for us. So Grub the Shadow Raccoon takes off with his little cape into the darkness. It is a very short amount of time. It's maybe 45 to 60 seconds before Grub comes like skitters back and pokes his head through the door and he looks

Exploring the Bunker

at Selena and he gives a thumbs up and like
and then Grub takes back off and goes into ah the structure. Selena turns to everybody else and says, you saw him, let's go. Stakes the sword out. Okay, so as you all walk in, like I said, it it does not take very long. There's a few steps once you get a bit further in that leads into, this seems like, and rather than a dungeon or even a bunker, it just seems like a shelter.
Like it's a singular room buried in the ground. And you see along the walls, the stone walls, there are stone, like basically built in desks around the walls. The room itself that you finally get into is an octagon in shape. And in the middle, you see kind of a slightly smaller octagon that is raised in the center of the room.
ah then is flat on top. Well, not even flat. It's slightly concave, like it goes into the center. And there is a small hole in the middle, and you see a spell shard kind of sitting next to the hole, like it had fallen out or something. Along the desks, the built-ins, you see what is obviously papers, but they are...
Like one of you goes to touch one and it immediately turns to dust. Like it is ancient. At this point, any kind of ink that would have been on them is faded. Uh, so yeah, that's, that's what you find in here. Well, this is a very odd place for a reading room, but Grub hops up onto the center octagon and like skitters over and picks up the little spell shard and is looking at it.
Can I do an intelligence check to see if I can kind of recognize what that is or yeah anything? That is a 16. 16. Okay, I mean, Selena, you would know just baseline knowledge that spell shards are like crystals that can contain information. A lot of times it's like written information. It can also be auditory, things like that, that can be used in so as a substitute for like a spell book or a scroll to store spells, but it can also have much more like mundane uses. That's that's what Grub is holding.
It is very clearly like looking at the hole and the shape of it as Grub's holding it. Very clearly it was made to be inserted into an apparatus that is like in the center of this room. I mean, I'm going to let everyone know that information and that that's what it's used for. Are you going to push the button? Yeah, who's going to... Kaz just kind of braces himself knowing eventually someone's going to shove it in the... Is Grub going to do it? I think Grub's going to do it. Grub's looking around and like if nobody else Grub's like,
Grub wants to. I think I just give Grub a little nod. Grub sticks the spell shard into the hole. And you all see a visual projection come up in the center of the room. And no matter what angle you all are standing at, it's it's like it's a forward facing. It's not a three-dimensional picture.
But you see it's clearly an image of they're sitting in this bunker. Like you can see kind of the wall behind them matches one of the walls here. And they're sitting on a wooden stool and you see a fairly large, a half elf man to use a real world touch point. It looks like a very large Samoan man with long dark hair and a long black beard. And he's just sitting with very tired eyes.
And he looks up directly into, like he's looking at you and says, we failed. The rest are dead. It's only me and Arashi left. And he holds up a massive axe. I can hear the rumbling rose outside. It won't take them long to batter down the doors and seal me to whatever fate they've sentenced the others to.
And then the spell shard kind of scatter jumps to obviously further into like picking up mid-sentence. I just hope that these logs have preserved our story. I know they'll try to erase us, but all I can hope is that our sacrifices in this war are not in vain. Another scattered jump forward. If you've somehow stumbled onto this bunker first, well, that's more planning on my board then. General kind of garbled, scattered jump would have been smarter about it.
but she was the first one they took. Find the rest. And he kind of holds up another smaller spell shard and there's like a projection of a map of Corvair with like points. Find the rest and tell our story. Tell the truth. And then the spell shard ends. Weird. All right. Nyx takes a cursory look around the room in case that axe is lying somewhere around. It is not, tragically. It did look like a very that its like a very cool axe. Is it possible to go up to some of the, any papers before touching and see if there's anything decipherable on them or are they dust covered as well? All the ink is faded through. I mean, you all can give me a wisdom or intelligence check to kind of investigate the state of this room to get some further information about it.
Next is going to roll intelligence with black market here just to see if there are secret doors because that's really she's wondering if there's like a cache of something around here. So I have let's see 16 plus one plus two plus modified 20 20. Okay. That wasn't going to intelligence or was yes.
I got a 22. Okay. I got a 16. Is there any chance that just, I mean, the fey touched, I guess it's any planer touch would be a thing. So I'm going to be, I would accept that. Yeah. Okay. Then I got, I also got a modified 20. 19. 19 Trevor,

Future Adventures and Level Up

you're muted. Modified 20.
Okay, so for those of you that were just kind of generally investigating and looking around, you all can tell the architecture of this space seems somewhat alien to you. This is not like just the the way it's built is unlike anything you have ever encountered before. And for the paper to be in the state is it's in like you're you're legitimately estimating that this bunker was built before the founding of Gallifar, maybe before Karn conquered Corbere. So we're talking about thousands of years. So this is very old, which doesn't make sense that there would be a recording of a half elf in this space, ah because half elves like
you're talking about a time when like goblins ruled this this continent. And so that's very confusing to you all. Nix, your role, you do find along the backside of the center octagon, a small drawer that you're able to pull out and you find a smaller disc with a spell shard in the center of it that you recognize is what he held up with the map. Yeah.
Cool. And we'll get that map to you off mic. Sure. ah But there are, so you can just, when he pulled it up in glance, you could tell where the one in Kire that you are currently at is, but there was a total of 13 dots on the map. Of course there are. Yeah. And that's, that's really all you can find in here.
So, ah I think as he's looking around, Cass just goes, all right, so I just want to make sure we're all on the same page here. Is there some reason to keep this a secret or are we going to tell Javier and Aurora about this? I just don't want to be the one that does it if one of you doesn't want to. I see no reason not to. I feel like they could be helpful if we're trying to figure out what's going on here. I don't see any reason not to tell them. They might be interested. Notably though, Philip, Nix, the dots do cover the entire comment. They're not concentrated to Kire, they are all over the place.
All right, unless you all are going to exam close the door on the way up. Yeah. And then you all are able to return to Apple Hampton Manor ah without. he So that is the end of the arc. So you get a full heal up all of your once per arc slash daily. If you're using first edition stuff, resets and we will deal with, you know,
anything you get to do in terms of upgrading Ethel Hampton Manor and debriefing with Javier ah in the next session. So great thank you all so much for listening. If you're part of the conversation surrounding this episode, you can head over to our Discord, the link to which is on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok. That's our YouTube channel, So I speak Pantheon, I do TTRPG videos, and now Philip's going to talk for about 15 seconds.
We have another actual play called Blades and Banners. It's on the YouTube and Spotify channels for The Laughing Tree. It's Pirates. We have five more seconds, Philip. It uses Tales of the Valiant. Dodge. Okay, plays. And we have a Patreon, patreon, slash the e-pantheon, if you want to financially support the show, you can do so over there. Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your Game Master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Philip. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. Oh, and you guys leveled up. See you next time. Hey. Hi.