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Episode 88 - REVIEW MONDAY - Brighton lose at home to Everton!  image

Episode 88 - REVIEW MONDAY - Brighton lose at home to Everton!

S1 E88 · Daily Brighton
31 Plays1 month ago

Daily Brighton – Joe and Bless look back on Brighton’s loss at home to Everton

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Introduction and Guest

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Hello and welcome to the Daily Brighton Podcast, brought to you by the Global Sports Podcast Network. ah It's sad times on the pods. I'm joined by, bless you, Shabamba, how are you, sir?
Yeah good good I mean miserable weekend, miserable weather.
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Yeah I don't know what else to say.

Post-Match Frustrations

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Well we're lost for words over here because um we are here to react to our 1-0 loss at home to Everton. I don't even know where to start to be honest. ah ah Bless, what were your just overall thoughts? I'll take that first.
Um, I think initially going into the game, I'm always a bit worried, uh, especially with a team of a new manager. And especially because last time we beat him first game of the season, we beat him and me, you and Jamie, I'm not going to lie.
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We gave it a big one. I feel like calm has come round again to us. um So getting into it, I was expecting a tough game, but I was expecting us to win really because we're at home, but wasn't meant to be really disappointing to be honest.
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Yeah mate, it was... I don't even know. This is the thing, so like, I ah think this might be one of the first times that we've come on here and I generally like, the game was so boring, we don't really have much to actually speak about.

Penalty Incident Discussion

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um So I don't even know if I could give you segments for this because are we going to talk about ah penalty for X amount of time probably not like I could tell you about stats for X amount of time but I just want to I think what we should do is we should probably start with the penalty um so the ball's been sort of is like being played down the channel and Veltman's trying to like see it out but he's got two man on him
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and he's dolphin dive like it was black ops 2 mate and i mean i love joel melton mate but like you can't get away with this mate like you've actually clawed the ball out ah ah i mean if you just wait i was we were saying before we we come on on the if he's just like fallen and like sort of just like his arms are just naturally sort of hit the ball then like I mean you could probably be like nah but he just looks like he's like because he thinks he's gonna lose the ball and they're gonna go and score he's just like clawed at it like a little bit to like make sure he thinks I'm falling over if I hit it then the referee's not gonna give it and he's just giving it but what were your thoughts bless on that
yeah the exact same as you because i think that if he just fell and didn't even try and touch the poor the referee normally gives them i'm not going to lie because he sort of is being sandwiched by two players but it's the sort of panic you can sort of see the panic in his face you can see the panic just off the situation and then the claw is so obvious he's literally like just Do you know what I mean?
Clawed it away. Like, oh, you know, I wonder, I'm like, has he actually done that on purpose or is it just like there's an instinctive thing like in that moment or is he like just from the panic, he's just done it.
It was like, this is what I need to do to get get it away. But yeah, it's a strange, strange situation and a little bit of a surprise because he's a very experienced player and we know that he does love all the
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Mm-hmm Tom foolery
um That's the word I was looking for. Thank you, Joe. he He does love all of that and he gets involved a bit, but that was, yeah, that was silly and ultimately he's costing some points to be honest.
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Yeah. um And then the penalty was dispatched by Illaman and Dai, who is a very, very good player, actually. I think he's, I mean, in that team, I can't even cast him out because they've just beaten us at home. But in that team, I think they have a couple of players here and there, but I think he's one of the standout ones. And then, of course, he's wheeled away.
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And he started flapping his wings like a seagull in front of the fans. And to be fair, he got booked for it. I think that's ridiculous. um because I've just seen um before the game, yeah before we come on, I've just seen Jamie Vardy point to the Premier League badge and then point yeah saying that they've got one to the away fans and then point at the home fans and say they've got zero. And like, I feel like if if that's enticing, like inciting the fans to like be angry, then Jamie Vardy is like the king of that.
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um and he did get booked for it I don't think so um ah yeah it was I mean that's that tells you all you need to know that's basically the whole game that I've just explained to you in pretty much like there's not much we had 16 shots they had three and we both had one shot on target like and I think I take it that the penalty counts for the shot on target so I mean they've created two got two chances in open play and neither of them were on target but then we've created 16 and only one of them was on target
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they're like we had less xg than them and most of their xg must have been from the penalty because i imagine that counts from that as well and um after we're gonna in a sec we're gonna go to a quick break but what we're going to talk about in the sort of next um in the sort of next segment is um sort of like where do we go from here because Hertzler did actually get a lot of stick for his um for his sort of team selection. And I'm just going to bless his brain as to what he was thinking, to be honest with you, because he does get a lot of stick for his for his team selections most weeks, to be fair, for on social media.

Critique of Team Selection

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um But again, it's just that we've played against a team who I think we all the players think they're better than that. And then we've ended up paying the price again. And it's but been a little bit of a theme throughout the whole season. um But yeah, we're going to go to a quick break. And then when we come back, we are going to talk about that. So we will see you after this ad.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And we are back. It's Review Monday, and we're talking about absolute hooner of a game. Evertun, well, Brighton Hill, Evertun won, I'm going to die penalty as we spoke about on the top of the show. ah Bless. There's a couple of things I want to sort of throw over to you here, and this is split opinion actually on social media.
Global Sports Podcast Network
um so So, Minthe has been performing really well over the last um few game weeks. um he was I think he was ah don't know if he was left out of the squad entirely or if he was benched, I can't remember, but he the reason for this was apparently because of lateness.
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So where do you stand? Because loads of fans think it's petty from Herzler. I'm just curious to see where you stand on it. And then I will obviously tell you how I stand where you stand. I want to see if we agree or not.
um Yeah, that's quite interesting to be honest, because I wasn't aware that there's that going on. I just, but in my head, I've been sat at home thinking, why is he not starting Minto? To be honest, yeah I think it all depends on how late he actually is. Like, obviously, if he's, you know, very, very late, you have to make a point of it. You have to sort of let the whole squad know that that's not okay. But with that being said, just the time is so bad because He's just picked up some formulas on the score sheet in our last game. Like we sort of need to get kicking on. Like Everton at home is a winnable game to then just randomly put Gruda in.
Yeah, that's not great. But I think I stand with the manager. I think if you're late to a game, there's got to be some sort of punishment. I think otherwise it sets the wrong, it sort of builds the wrong culture around the team.
And, you know, people would just turn up whenever they want and that carnage.
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Yeah, 130.
yeah Yeah.
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Go on.
It sounds like a boring cop-out answer, but I think I stick with the manager with this one.
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hundred percent joe what i'm I'm actually going to agree with you because um I believe that the reaction to him not playing is very dependent on the result of the game and because we lost a game and it's a game that we should be winning on paper, I feel like that sort of

Struggles Against Lower Teams

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automatically the sort of first thing you do in this situation is who do we blame that's what most fans do right they sort of go who do we blame for not winning this game what for this result who where's the scapegoat
Global Sports Podcast Network
I feel like a lot of times this season, Herzler has been the scapegoat for a lot. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with so ah quite a lot the chopping and changing all the time. like I understand injuries play a part, but I feel like he's chopped and changed quite a lot, especially with the wide players, Bar Matoma, and with the midfield pairing.
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and the fullbacks as well. And I just think that, again, if he's late, and if you have a set time, it's his job, do you know what I mean? Like turn up on time, like, unless there was, I think if there was a crazy reason why he was late, then that would probably be let off.
Global Sports Podcast Network
But there obviously wasn't, or he didn't have one. So you can't set the precedent of, like oh, he was late by like 10 minutes, like it's calm. But because again, like you said, obviously that then says to everyone else, oh, we could be late whenever.
Global Sports Podcast Network
But for me, it's just a thing of you need to be able to set the tone, show that there's respect that needs to be done. I can't go to work tomorrow 10 minutes late. Obviously, I'm not going to get benched from what I do. Do you know what I mean? But you don't turn up to your work late. Obviously, I know some people do whatever, but you're not supposed to do that. We both know that we're not supposed to do that. He knows that he's supposed to be at a certain place at a certain time.
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Also, he gets paid a ton of money. So, mate, you tell me to be there, I'll pay half an hour early for the amount of money that they get paid. and know so I know it's such a like a stupid thing to say, because obviously that it's football, they have so much money, whatever. But like I mean, when you're in a good run of form, you finally start getting the starts, and then you know you're doing something that you know is going to have a negative effect on that. I don't know why you put yourself in that situation.
Global Sports Podcast Network
So I 100% stand by the decision because I just feel like if we've gone to gone on to win that game, I feel like people just go, well, okay. And then they just move on to the next thing.
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but at the same time now, we've lost the game. People are just like, oh, who's to blame for this? Oh, Herzler, what are you doing? Sort of thing, but I did actually wanna, I wanted to come to you anyway about this sort of um these issues that we've been having against the so-called smaller teams and also sort of the, like, where do we actually go from here? Like, where what's the, how how do we stop these results from happening? Because so far, I think off the top of my head,
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Ipswich, Southampton, Leicester. So all the relegated, all the promoted teams we've dropped points to so far, right?
Yeah. yeah
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but i know we I know we beat Leicester, but we drew to them. No, no, beat Ipswich, but we drew to them in the first game. We drew with Leicester and we drew with Southampton. So we've beaten Everton away and then we've lost to Everton and they're in the sort of relegation area.
It drew to wolves as well.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah. Drew to wolves.

Inexperience Analysis

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So all of those teams are, that's the bottom five teams, isn't it?
Global Sports Podcast Network
Right. So what, what do you think is going on there?
I think To be honest, you've got to remember that this side is still quite young and the manager's young as well. Obviously not an excuse, but just like a...
sort of determining factor like it's a young team new manager new league for him there will be spells where like the inexperience sort of comes through and i think yesterday's game that's exactly um what we what we saw to be honest and David Moyes you know he's just returned we we like to play good football and you know he's probably gone in there sort of planned and devised something to stop that so The way I say it, we got moised.
It's one of them.
One shot on target. They've not really not really created anything else after that penalty. there's
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They've defended deep, they've defended bravely, just pinging it over. Do you know what I mean?
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It is a typical Mois performance and we just did not have enough experience, enough sort of know-how to combat that.
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um hurts his made his changes a little bit too late as well no router came on at the half time I think but some of the other ones in and I know mint a obviously the things going on but I still would have gone on a bit earlier than the 74th yeah it's just I think Initially when I saw the result I was frustrated but then in the long run if you look at it we're gonna get games like that the way it is at the moment.
Global Sports Podcast Network
So I think we take it on the chin hopefully there is something we can build on from it and actually learn something from it and how to sort of combat these sides. um But yeah, in terms of experience, they had much more established from League players in their lineup than we did. We had the better team, but they've got you know players that have been around for 5-10 years in the and they know how to do it.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, 100%. Anyway, that's gonna wrap up this section.

Lackluster Match Reflection

Global Sports Podcast Network
um And then because I'm not gonna lie, this game is making me this podcast, I'm trying to cut from this podcast, because this is not a game that I want to be talking about, honestly. um it Honestly, it was just, it was so like, just devoid of anything. And it's just, it when when you do what we do, it's like, it's very much like we want like, loads of talking points. But like,
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we're sort of I find that when it's like these sort of games and this sort of result and we've actually been quite hard to beat this season to be fair so like when it's these sort of results it's and it's against again ah a lesser team I don't even know if you could say that because it's all it's all of the it's the bottom five teams in the league I feel like it's just
Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
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the There's only so much we can say it but like when you say it, we're also thinking like well, it will get better, but it hasn't really. So, anyway, um in the last segment, I'm going to be um picking bless his brain sort of about where we go forward from here and um sort of what our expectations are.
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like for the rest of the season, should we be changing them um and what we can do to maybe sort of change that for ourselves. ah So I will see you after this short break where you were here from our partners at Zencaster.
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And we are back and I have some breaking news, which has literally just happened now. um We are going to be introducing a fine system for our podcasters. I mean, there's only three of us.
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ah But we have just got word through. um Bless, would you actually like to break the news? Because we just got word through. I don't know if you've seen the chat.
i'm not I'm not actually seeing it.
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I've not seen the chat. So I just got a message from um Mr. The General Jamie G, um who recently celebrated a birthday. um So big ups to him. But also, what a wassey.
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He has um
Oh, no, just read it. oh
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Yeah, so he's he's just informed us. that We were waiting for him for ages. We were supposed to film half an hour before we did. And he has just told us that um he's just woken up, which is so peak, is a direct quote.
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um So we are going to be introducing a farm which goes directly into my bank account. um And then I'll half it with you, bless.
Yeah, it's on it.
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And then by the end of the season, hopefully we have a kitty. um So we can, I don't know, What are we going to do with it? Something to beat up Guerra, I guess.
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That's the only thing I can think of, to be honest.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Anyway, final segment.

Season Standings and Expectations

Global Sports Podcast Network
We are going to be talking about sort of going forward now because I feel like we might need a little bit of a rejig of our expectations. I have in my mind what I think our expectations should be. Bless. I'm going to sort of throw some facts at you. But what do you think our expectations should be going forward now? So currently we sit ninth. um Three points behind Aston Villa.
Yeah, I think it's is sort of becoming, I'm sort of getting the similar feeling like I did last season, that the season slowly, slowly, slowly is becoming meaningless in terms of we are not fighting for anything at all.
So I don't want it to go down that route.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Mm hmm.
Obviously ah I'm pretty confident we'll be safe, but also that, yeah, yeah.
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Well, for mitigation. Oh, maybe my knife, bro.
Yeah, but I'm just saying, you know, it's either you're fighting for litigation and your season's not exciting, but at least there's something going on.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Mm hmm.
Or you're fighting for the European places.
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Oh, your crystal palace.
Or your palace, yeah, you're just there.
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Yeah. Yeah.
But yeah, we don't want to be in that space like Crystal Palace. That's a really good example, actually, where you're safe, your season is just meaningless by like February.
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Put the 13th place in the bag, bro.
Do you know what I mean? It's getting that kind of feeling. I really want this to kick a so kick on. I think we're still in the cups as well. There's something to play for in the cups, the cup, FA Cup. There's something to play for there or at home to Chelsea um with their form as well. You just, you know, it could happen. We could do that. um But yeah, that's my worry. we need to We need to really kick on and carry on making this exciting because the season can't be feeling like this and it's not in February yet.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, definitely.

European Aspirations Discussion

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At the start of the season, I couldn't believe people saying that they think we could go down. Dom, who's on the Daily Bournemouth podcast, said that he thinks we could go down.
You said we can get full, so...
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Yeah, but at the time, we're flying, do you know what I mean? I was spitting bars, mate.
Yeah, yeah really?
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no Not now, but like at the time I was spinning bars. But like, for me, I think that that Europe is still achievable. It just depends on what, what flavor of Europe we're going for here.
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So and we're not going to be going to Milan and then we're looking more at
ah star um
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Astana, Cherif and all them, man.
So great.
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Like we're talking about carro, yeah, like, no, not even carobag, probably Europa League, man, I'm not gonna lie.
Carry a bag.
Yeah I think so actually.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, like Red Star, maybe, I don't know. Like, we're talking about where we're going, it's not gonna be hot, nice weather, it's gonna be freezing. And there's probably gonna be flares and some stuff like that, cutting about.
Global Sports Podcast Network
This is the sort of flavor that we're gonna go for, I think. but The thing about the conference league is that I feel like if we get into the conference league, we rob you would probably go into it being in the, I mean, how many teams in that that weird league phase now, like 30, 32?
but Yeah, for E2, yeah.
Global Sports Podcast Network
32 or something like that. Yeah. So like, I think in the conference league, you got to be looking at, and it's the top 24 that go through. I think you got to be looking at that like one to eight or one.
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Onto it.
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One to eight, like automatics. I think you got to be looking at that if we're in the conference league. Europa League is a bit of a different story. um But yeah, I just think that that should still be the aim. um And also if for the players, I mean, Europe surely has to be the aim. I don't know how players feel about the conference league, because obviously it's a new thing. But any sort of aspiring player with any sort of aspiration would always want to do that. Do you know what I mean? So, I mean, that that's the hope. And I think the so the teams the two teams above us are bornout for Aston Villa and Bournemouth in eighth and seventh. Aston Villa, more likely to catch up to, um because Bournemouth are flying. But I think Bournemouth play Liverpool next.
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I don't know who Aston Villa play next, but they have literally, I think they've just drawn. So, you know what I mean? So like, I feel like if we can get a good run, then there's, but when it comes to sort of like that running of like the last five games, I'd like for it to be a race to try and get into those positions at that point.
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And like you said, I wouldn't want to see like us in that sort of place where um we're on the beach or any sort of thing.

Listener Engagement

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um because but some of them men don't deserve the holiday, to be honest.
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So, yeah, that's where I'm at. Anyway, um guys, let me know where you think we should be at the end of the season.
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Let us know what you think about development red card. Let us know what you think about Minthe being absent from the team because he couldn't tell time properly. And we will see you on a wildcard Wednesday.
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So thank you for listening. Peace out.
Thanks for listening guys.