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Wellness In Travel Tourism (WITT) image

Wellness In Travel Tourism (WITT)

Green Healthy Places
133 Plays3 months ago

In this episode I’m in New York talking to Oxana Spivey, Vice President of Wellness Standards & Development for Wellness in Travel & Tourism (WITT).

Oxana is also a yoga teacher, life coach, and entrepreneur in her own right but today we’re talking about WITT, which is aiming to become the leading wellness certification for the hospitality and travel industry.

WITT focuses on wellness destinations under development, under renovation and existing hotels, effectively providing a global benchmark in how to meet the demands of wellness-focus travelers.

Certified hotels already include US-based properties from brands such as 1 Hotels, Aman, Faena, Four Seasons, Park Hyatt, Ritz-Carlton, Rosewood, The Standard and Proper Hotels. All the heavy hitters in hotel land, basically.

The key pillars are movement, holistic healing, healthy eating, nature and local impact.


Introduction to Podcast and Guest

Welcome to episode 85 of the Green Healthy Places podcast, in which we discuss the themes of wellbeing and sustainability in the built environment.

WITT's Wellness Certification Goals

I'm your host, Matt Morley, and in this episode, I'm in New York, talking to Oksana Spivi, Vice President of Wellness Standards and Development for the Wellness in Travel and Tourism Standard, WITT, W-I-T-T.
She's also a yoga teacher, a life coach, an entrepreneur in her own right, but today we're talking about WIT, which is aiming to become the leading wellness certification for the hospitality and travel industry. It's focused on wellness destinations that are under development, as well as properties, undergoing renovations, and of course, existing hotels. So effectively providing something like a global benchmark in how to meet the demands of wellness-focused travelers.
I had a little look around and I could see that certified hotels already include US-based properties from brands such as One Hotels, one of my favorites, Amman, another one, Fianna, Four Seasons, Park Hyatt, Ritz-Carlton, Rosewood, The Standard, very cool, and of course Proper Hotels as well. So some of the heavy hitters in corporate hotel land as well as boutique hotels.

New Wellness Standards in Travel

So Ojana, welcome to the podcast. Thanks for joining us.
oh thank you matt thank you thank you for inviting
Pleasure. So look, why don't we talk first, if you could, just about the gap that you're trying to fill with this new wellness standard focused specifically on the travel and tourism industry.
And how does it fit into the wider context? Because you've got all these other standards out there, right? We've got like healthy building standards, such as well.
Oh, thank you, Matt. Thank you.
We've got green hotel standards.
Thank you for inviting.
such as Greenkey and now we've got a wellness standard for the hotel world. So how do you fit into that?
Great question. So I'd like to begin first saying that wellness is inherently subjective. So it varies from person to person greatly. And it's based on their needs, preferences, their desire for certain experiences. So with that in mind, we developed foundational framework for wellness in hospitality and travel industry that did not exist in the past.
and with standards to define the um essential principles and practices that guide development, implementation of wellness in a consistent way throughout the throughout hospitality and travel industry.

Genuine Wellness vs. Wellness Washing

So we focus with standards on um holistic 360 degree experience when it comes to travelers journey.
from A to Z when they visit the properties. With that, we focus on looking at how the wellness is integrated into the experience at every touch point of the guest. So when it comes to amazing, excellent certifications out there, just like Green Key for sustainability. Well Bream lead focusing on health in within buildings with focuses on holistic wellness as a holistic half hotels really truly genuinely offering
the wellness throughout this day. um There is a lot going on when it comes to well washing right now. A lot of properties right now advertise themselves as wellness, yet at the side they would offer green juice and a plastic bottle with natural flavors. So this is not wellness, this is wellness washing. And we come also with education on that.

Certification as Marketing and Benchmarking

So to answer your question, we complement other certifications because we truly focus on ah holistic wellness approach when it comes to the guest's experience at the properties.
So essentially it hadn't been done. You were saying there was not a previous concept similar to this. And so you basically tried to fill the gap.
Indeed, correct. um I've spent about almost 20 years in hospitality industry myself in the past. So I've observed many facets of this land and hospitality. It doesn't exist. um And everyone, and even looking at our inquiries from other properties, how excited they are, because they've been waiting for it. They've been wanting to stand out with their authentic deliveries to wellness.
What do you think it's about then? When you sign up to a standard like this, obviously, to some extent, it's about marketing and image and showing to the outside world that you've done the work. In another angle, perhaps it's about benchmarking yourself with the best in the industry. Perhaps it's about um reassuring investors that you are not well washing. What do you think your Clients, customers coming to you to sign up. What are they looking for? What are they after by pursuing certification?
One thing is...
This doesn't, just like we mentioned, it it doesn't it didn't exist before us. So that means properties can certify to be a healthy building. They can certify for sustainability initiatives, yet they couldn't differentiate themselves um when it kind came to the actual wellness experience as a whole. So yes, a lot of properties look at us as perhaps highlighting them in a marketing way,
to stand out and differentiate themselves when they truly offer wellness offerings genuinely, not with plastic bottles yet with genuine offering that means wellness. And some properties simply want to attract ah more travelers that are wellness focused.
For us, our mission to make wellness actually accessible to all. This is one big mission that we have. Not all people have access to that, and this is important

Collaboration with Hotels for Genuine Wellness

for us. This is one of the important elements. So making it making wellness accessible to all through hotels and travel, and also highlight those hotels that really deserve to be highlighted, and at the same time creating that foundational framework for the hospitality that did not exist. And that's what we decided to do.
you use that word experience and I think having looked at the your various sort of categories within the standard it does seem to be yeah sitting somewhere between you know the facilities that are on offer and the the services and amenities and the experiences that are so we'll get into that I wanted to go through one by one but just to be 100 clear at the moment are you just talking to hotels and resorts or Can you go across into, for example, like retreat spaces or ah service department, apart hotels? like What are your outer edges of where it can be applied to market categories?
We work with a variety of hotels, starting from boutique, small hotels, let's say 10 rooms, I've visited those, extending to larger brands that we're all aware of. As long as their focus is on wellness and providing it in an authentic, genuine way, we will work with all of those properties as long as the wellness is supporting the travelers and hopefully enhancing their stay as well.
They can reach out as long as they're focusing on wellness or integrating slowly too.
Okay, so then you have these.
and So you use a framework of five core pillars of wellness. One of them possibly my favorite is movement. So what are you looking for when you go in and assess or grade or mark and score the movement offering within a wellness hotel or a fitness hotel or a wellness resort, whatever it might be.
Movement is a great pillar. um good Good to see you. You enjoy that one. We'll look at how hotel incorporates movement into the experience of the traveler. And more than anything, in a natural way. Of course, fitness facilities, gyms, they're amazing and needed at hotels. But does every hotel need it? That's the question. So depending on their focus, because every hotel has their niche, their focus, their audience. So it's based on what works for them when it comes to movement and how do they integrate

Nature and Design in Enhancing Wellness

that? Yes, we do look at amenities such as fitness, studios, classes,
And more than anything, how those classes and amenities are customized to different levels of fitness and different likes and needs. We'll look at how property incorporates outside wellness because nature naturally heals. So we'll look at what is provided, how does it fit in the whole ensemble.
and what ah levels are provided because accessibility plays a big role. And of course, for example, it's different for properties that are city located or properties in the nature. City located, of course, will be focusing more on fitness center and road climbing wall inside of the building, not outside of the building. So what other modalities can property offer besides a standard fitness, standard movement. What is out there? Maybe even fun activities, excursions that help couples to connect deeper. All kinds of ways can come through wellness activities such as movement. And just to go back to pointing out that city hotels will focus on more internal and maybe access to certain parks nearby, like in New York, the Central Park, for example,
And land and more ah rural kind of hotels would definitely look more into how property utilizes also outside nature for activities because that's huge plus when you can move in your way that fits for you in nature. That's a top for me.
and And nature is its own pillar within your framework. So it's one of the five categories. So obviously there's some crossover with with movement. As you say, it could be movement and and exercise outside, for example, or walking trails. What else is in the ah nature category that isn't related to movement? Is it more about by affiliate, like connecting with with nature visually or through the physical spaces?
Good question. This one actually is my favorite. I fully believe that nature is its own healer and it's been amazing for me. When we come to this pillar, we'll look at how property integrates itself with nature, how it lives in harmony with nature. And it does affect the inside of the property, indoors, the decor, the atmosphere, the design, the biophilia inside and of course outside. How property looks at their land, landscape, how is it taking care of it, how it incorporates nature into activity of the traveler, how it is benefiting
property and the traveler to connect to nature. So we'll look at all of those things, making sure that nature is present to interact with. That's what I mean. So not only based on the design, which is done very well by designers now, actually, amazing, all the, you know, rooftops and landscapes and green walls,
gardens on site as well. We just look at how it is integrated in nature, what activities are presented and of course how it is being taken care of.
um Makes sense. And then you look also at the idea of holistic healing, which I as I understand is maybe more of a multi sensory wellness concept. like Is that is there also an element of the architecture and interior design there? Or is that more about treatments and and therapies that are on offer or both?
Another great question. It's a wide range starting with definitely what amenities, treatments, supplements, what property is able to provide holistically to the traveler. So we do look what amenities, what level of customization, inclusivity is a big role here. Of course, we'll look at design by Ophelia.
For example, you walk in into the one property or one space, let's just say, right away you feel uplifted, inspired, positive, because it works. Somehow together, this space works. And you walk into another space, you feel completely opposite. So how does property incorporate all the sensory, of course,
elements ah from the sounds or the appropriate sounds in specific areas, the smells. I had a situation when I walked in into the property and right away I smelled chlorine from the from the pool in the in the lobby. It's just how appropriately smells are within the property. Maybe near the pool it might be appropriate to have that smell but not in the lobby when you walk in. So we'll look at the senses that are connected to tactile, how the furniture feels. We look at the visuals, of course, the quality of material, ah the natural materials, metals, wood, natural fibers, because everything contributes to the well-being of the person.

Healthy Eating and Community Engagement

That's overall that what we looked at, the amenities, what is offered, how everything is positioned, how it affects the person. So I would say it's easier to look at the pillars when you keep in mind the process, the journey of the traveler, because we are all travelers. And as we walk in into the spaces, hot how do they make us feel? And um so holistic,
Holistic pillar, forgetting my own pillar now.
What is the healing?
Holistic killing pillar definitely promotes the overall feeling through the modalities, through the amenities, and through the all sensory aspect when we walk through the property.
The healthy eating pillar was particularly interesting to me because it can often be so hard to maintain your diet or your nutritional protocols, whatever they might be, basically eating the way you want to eat.
assuming it's a healthy way, it can be quite hard to do that when you're traveling, when you're on the road. um Perhaps in a and tropical island resort, it might be a bit easier, but often it's it's not easy from the breakfast buffet through to you know what options are on available for dinner. If you're eating a alone in the hotel, for example, often eating healthy can be a real problem. So how have you addressed that within within the framework?
Indeed, I fully agree with you. It is challenging. I travel a lot as well, and um I find sometimes being challenged by that. And when we when we look at the healthy eating pillar, we definitely focus on nutrient dense menus. Menus that come hopefully from local farming because they're fresher.
they're more in closer proximity to the hotel, to the resort. So we look at the nutrition level, the availability of fresh, perhaps seasonal foods, because sometimes even allergies can come from foods that are not necessarily come from local lands. And that's just my personal knowledge and thoughts.
that sometimes we're affected by allergies because food comes from overseas, and we're not used to that. So we do look at the nutrition level. We'll look at dietary preferences, what the menus are offering. ah they Are there vegetarian, vegan, gluten free? Are there dairy free? Because some people not necessarily don't prefer certain food. They actually can be seriously affected by certain foods. So we have to look at that.
and make sure that everyone has options when they travel because it is challenging to find your own diet during stays at hotels. We'll look at sourcing, where it's coming from, how properties are really taken care of. Do they have a garden on site? Because that can be really positive going back to, for example, a nature pillar.
In this case, property not only has a garden, they can incorporate garden into the experience of the traveler. They can interact with the garden. They can can go and pick their own herbs if they need to for their dinner. So it can be so creative. It's just the desire for it needs to be there and the education. So we do look at sourcing and of course the whole experience, the quality of the dining experience and in-room dining. How staff is interacting and of course that goes along with the the rest of the pillars including holistic healing. How is the interaction with um travelers and more than anything amongst staff because staff is the natural marketing for the hotel.
How do they interact with one another and how do they interact with the traveler? So um this is what is covered in that pillar.
And then the fifth and final one is perhaps more externally oriented. It's to do with the impact the property has on the local community. That might be the environment or the people living nearby. So what do you look at there? What are you evaluating in that pillar?
Here we'll look at how property engages with the local community and how it minimizes its own environmental carbon footprint.
We recognize that some properties lead certified, well certified, and that's amazing. And we definitely take that into consideration. It's a huge step. yet not all properties are. And it doesn't mean that they don't do anything about that. And to my knowledge, existing properties, you know it's harder for them to, for example, become lead certified. So they have to incorporate certain practices without being certified like that. So we look at their individual practices, initiatives, and we all know very common
elements such as water preservation, waste, energy conservation. So we do look at those things, but more more than anything, we look at how they're treating the land where they are, how they are connecting to the local community through the land, how they are respecting the local culture, how they perhaps bringing that culture into their spaces and assisting and collaborating with local businesses by bringing, let's say, artisan programs, farm to table programs, where there is still support that goes to the locals. And there is an interaction. there is Because there's so much rise right now for indigenous travel, and a lot of travelers really, truly look for properties that
they connect to through their own values. And that's what we're looking for is instead of just taking from the land and the community house property, contributing back through charities, through donation, through any type of educational initiatives that can be extended to the local community, perhaps maybe even contributing with Free massages is just my example to locals or in a certain way like that. So there's many things that property can incorporate as long as respecting the land or respecting the local community and engaging with them. Because one cannot be a healthy person without healthy land and healthy neighbors.

Future Expansion and Communication Strategy

So that's what this pillar covers. And it's woven deeply into our mission
as a company, we do thrive into making wellness accessible to all. That includes local communities.
Great. I think that's a very clear summary. So we've been through the five pillars. You've got a bunch of prestigious hotels signed up and certified in the US. Where do you go from here? Do you go international? Do you stretch into different adjacent markets from a business perspective over the next 12 months? Like what are the but are the key objectives for WIT going forward?
We are excited about future. It has a lot coming. Right now we're focusing on present. We have ah really have been receiving many inquiries worldwide from properties that are interested to be evaluated for certification. There are a number of inquiries about our consulting services. We are looking at them.
We are taking one step at a time. There is a lot of development internally happening and we will be announcing all the new initiatives on most likely LinkedIn that we post on every day. Right now we're focusing on Northern America because that's where we are. It makes absolute sense. And we definitely have a lot in the development and we are ah looking into the right partnerships right now, including with investors that align with our core values and mission. So this way we can continue evolving our approach, making sure that wellness is integrated into the hospitality and travel industry and accessible to all.
Great. So people who are interested in knowing more, you mentioned LinkedIn. We'll add a link to the widthcertified website. Are those your two primary communications channels?
Yes, LinkedIn and website. Yes.
Cool. All right. Well, listen, thank you so much for your time. That was really stimulating conversation.
Thank you so much, Matt. It was a pleasure. Thank you.