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The Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy turns 200 episodes old (well, 200 canonical episodes) and so Josh, M and intern Sam present you with an intriguing conspiracy theory about 'page societies' and update you on some very interesting news. This is also the final episode of the year: the team will be back mid January to reluctantly update you on the only conspiracy theory the world seems interested in: Trump!

Also: in this week's bonus episode we talk about the behind of the scenes of this historic episode. Subscribe to our Patreon to find out more!

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A Gift Called Vaganza

Merry Christmas, old bean. Why, thank you. What is that? It's a Vaganza. But I've already got one of these. Yeah, and now you have an extra Vaganza. In fact, it's a podcast as guide to the conspiracy 200th episode extravaganza. Ah, that's good punning. Better life through punning.

Festive Introduction of Hosts

The podcaster's guide to the conspiracy, brought to you today by Josh Addison and Dr. M. Denton.
Season's greetings, and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. Hello! As is appropriate for the season, I am Josh Addison, and sitting next to me, appropriately enough... It's not to end, enter. Inappropriate enough, really.

Intern Sam: Real or Myth?

Because it's a 200th episode, I thought a bottle of beer to move away from the constant whiskey drinking, which is of course my bon-mart, or as a French would say, my reason to live.
Yes. That's not what Bond means. That's not what Bond means at all. Frankly, who cares? No, the French and... Yeah, so 200 episodes, eh? That's like twice 100. Is it? I mean, are you sure about your math about that? That is literal mathematics right there. I don't know. I think we need an expert. What we need is to help with our new interns.
Bear was escaping there. Our new intern, Sam, who has joined us for this special episode, provided us with all the material we need. So Sam, this episode is going out to you. Scripted entirely by this mysterious person who I haven't, I haven't met. Nor does me exist. Well, nor have I. I mean, I've had, I've had... Right.
email contact, it was a Gmail address, I got some information through. I mean, they seem legit, they did the work, and it worked for no pay, as befits the intern tradition. Yes, as I understand it, all you needed to supply was basically the content of most of our previous episodes. Or they needed to have some background.
And they appear to have got the gist. It's all from the needle on this bear, and I don't know if it's because you're distracting me as I'm trying to pour it, or whether it's a really bad pour. Maybe it's just heady bear. It's true. Oh, and people who are watching the episode will be aware there's a book in frame. Oh yes. This is...
I've got to say fan of the show, actually friend of the show, maybe also fan of the show as well. I'd like to think so. Of which I am a contributor to and maybe we'll have a discussion about this large text in a future episode because it's got.
At least 40 chapters. 40 different contributors. It's going to take me a while to get through it. This being the book that you discussed in your interview with Joe. Indeed it was. Callback. Aren't we professional? So I guess we might as well get straight into it. We haven't had to do any preparation since good old interns supplied the entire script for us. Interns Sam. Let's see what they've come up with.

Wild Conspiracy Theories

Would you like to begin indeed so the topic of today's episode is could the FBI have perverted justice to get at page societies now first question Have you heard of a page society before no no nor have I so this is actually this is quite interesting This is material that we're gonna need some good summing up. So, uh, how how should we approach this? I think just read it out verbatim. Yeah, I trust I trust the wording supplied to us. Hmm so
The Cubans had to tell their diplomatic staff in the UN to not look pleased. Now that's interesting. We've had Cuban conspiracy theories before, and also conspiracy theories about the Cuban embassy
in Havana and of course that conspiracy theory about the American Embassy in China and the notion that maybe the Cubans were behind an ultrasonic weapon. So interesting. So this is suggesting that whatever this page society thing is, the Cubans have a hand in it and there they know what they're up to. Okay so there are a few points in support of this.
JFK was after Alan Dulles, was then supposedly he and no chemical attacks were given in bed. How do we know it was a false flag? My Soviet space dog, story of the truth. The ban on the Polybius government.
Now, of course, the Soviet space dog story is, of course, my story about seeing the Soviet space dogs in the Museum of Jurassic Technology. So obviously there's some notion here of false fang and hoaxing, as it's pointing out here. But the ban on the Polybius government, I mean, we've talked about the Polybius arcade machine and the various kind of Manchurian candidate conspiracy theories about what happened or didn't happen with this probably fictional Polybius arcade machine. But a Polybius government is
That's interesting. So an entire administration made up of the sort of mind wiped mentoring and candidate types. Or an entire administration made up of arcade cabinet machines. Perhaps you'd better read on. Do you want to take the next bit?
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau say that the story of the Polybius Arcade Cabinet and the strange occurrences around it when granting the warrant was discovered when he was going to be televised and they don't like mortgages and loans. Now, he was going to be televised and they don't like mortgages and loans.
that be referring to? Sounds like some sort of Jewish banking conspiracy theory, although of course the bankers would be in favour of mortgages and loans, so maybe it's the anti-symmetric... Hold on, we're talking about mortgages and loans, we're talking about someone who's engaging in transactions, and we're probably talking about someone who's involved in
Legalistic transaction the most prominent person who's been involved in this kind of stuff in the last week is Michael Cohen I think they're referring to Michael Cohen discovered when Michael Cohen was going to be televised and they Presumably he and the Trump campaign don't like mortgages alone. Is this a hint?
There's some kind of financial controversy. And indeed, that was what came out of the investigation this week, was the money being paid by Cohen to Stormy Daniels.
And that was kind of being hidden under a different ledge. I think this is about, about Donald Trump. Well, it's interesting because I noticed it then gets brought close to home in the next segment, which reads, there's a considerable conspiracy theory community here in Aotearoa and the Russian secret services. We have said that the plot to engender a one world government is by getting a small alleged screenshot. A small alleged screenshot of, of what?
Well, let's read on. Sorry, did you just say Lee Basham? Yes. Friend of the show Lee Basham is implicated. Yes, someone's been recruiting him in the back, or he's been recruiting people in the back. Right, go on.

FBI Investigation into Carter Page

although I'm losing the thread slightly here. But maybe this will get us back on track. Interesting cultural Marxism is to make Russia, they have plans to pay back to the Formenko. Could the FBI have perverted justice to get at Page? So we've got Page. Are they talking about Carter Page? Is there some kind of society around Carter Page? I'm a little bit lost, I confess.
I mean, the FBI have been investigating Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen and the like, but they're suggesting there was a kind of perversion of justice to get at Page. Is this a pro-Trump conspiracy theory now? Isn't everything these days?
I'm really losing track most of the time, most of the day. Shall we continue? Yeah, so maybe the council story is there would be a false flag event designed to bolster the power of the Nazis in the German parliament. Okay, so we've now moved away from any information that might be America. Are we talking historically the Nazis in the German parliament, or are we talking about the current Bundestag? Well, it does say the Night of Kim Jong-Nam.
as the next section, so that appears to be more recent events. I think that's the title of the next section. So I think we're moving from whatever these page societies are, which may or may not be linked to historical Nazis or current Nazis, or maybe both,
to now trying to link this up with North, which actually that must be a Trump conspiracy theory because the whole North Korea reconciliation thing. You'd think so, yes, yes. So, as to the night of King Jong-nam,
He was accused of being gay by French writer and diplomat Roger Perfite. He was going to be killed while people were more willing to pay for the hack. This shows he's still trying to run some kind of dirty tricks in airports. But it's not a strong analogy. We know about that the reports of the court associated cases of children with ASD and children with and ASD will make a significant part of the population way. Population way? What do you mean by population way?
like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, just weigh the population. Like lots of it. Is it the Keanu Reeves thing? I assume. Do you have any tricks in the airport? The French writer thing, that links us back to the previous section.
Yes. And also, apparently, Lee Basham. This is very... Lee, if you know what's going on, you do need to get in contact. I mean, we've got people being recruited in the back, someone condemning homosexuality, and then dirty tricks in airports. There seems to be a bit of a homophobic sort of... Well, the dirty tricks in airports does actually fit in with the death of King Zhong Lam's brother. Oh, that's true, yeah. Well, ah...
I noticed then it carries on the massive homes which surely is talking about famous 70s porn star John Holmes and his massive equipment. And that says the problem with the memo, where is Hooma? Follow Hooma. This had nothing to do with Russia, yet. Yeah that's... do you believe HRC, Soros,
Now, this is a bit weird. Not Obama. Obama-ma-ma, etc. have more power than Trump. No, is the short answer to that question. Is there a rhetorical question or a serious question? I assume. Maybe things will clear up if we read a bit further. I believe that conspiracy theory, in order to judge particular instances of UP, rather than the war where the American Vatican Bank said on the Earth. Now, by UP, do they mean the Pixar film? I assume.
How many instances of up? I mean, was there a director's kind of up? No, I think there was just the one. This suggests there's more. To do with the American Vatican Bank. Not just the Vatican Bank, but the American Vatican Bank.
I mean, maybe they've got... I mean, like... Catholic infiltration of America? Is this a JFK thing? I was just thinking more in the same way that sometimes you find your bank in a different country because they've licensed out an ATM. I mean, hang on. Hang on, I think this clears it all up if we read on. So, a large Russian journalist and everything, he was still secretly for Catholic, talked in the thing which they aren't allowed to be Freemasons.
Well, historically, Catholics have not been allowed to be Freemasons, so that's... But who's allowed to run for journalists? What's his face, Babchenko?
The one who faked his own death? He was a bit of a big man for a while. Even though he wasn't living in Russia, he is a former Russian journalist. I didn't know he was secretly Catholic. That's interesting. Ah, but now, carrying on, the thing is Yuri Gagarin was only around the way to the death. He later had to escape from the president of arrest, but Monsanto agreed to cooperate with their security services. So Gagarin.
He wasn't really known as a journalist, but he's certainly a Russian person with a big presence. Yeah, and famous for orbiting the Earth, but only around the way to the death. And then Monsanto comes in there, cooperating with some unsecurities? We have to assume it's Russia. I must be, yeah. Oh, but now the Ukrainian was supposed to buy a new venture called to the Stars Academy of Sciences.
Now Stars Academy, or the Academy of the Stars... The two Stars Academy of the Sciences was the UFO thing run by Tom DeLonge. Yeah, although I think the name is slightly wrong there, which either indicates it's the same thing but Sam's got it wrong. Or we're dealing with a slightly different venture or a hidden venture of some kind. Wheels turning within wheels. Ah, but...
All of you think these are wild conspiracy theories seriously. As a topic of the intelligence who supposedly he was their activities, never, and some notes from the president of the government. The president of the government. The government. This goes all the way to the top. And then beyond. Which top? The top of the government. Which government? The president. The government.
The One World Government? The New World Order. And then we get background. Ancient Greece and various social scientists and every conspiracy theory say that the process to science, which includes some historians claiming that international were the most of the book, here's a great pyramid of racism back. A great pyramid of racism. So we're back to Trump again.
But what's just about ancient grace? I mean, normally, America's compared to the fall of Rome and the Roman Republic.
as opposed to the ancient Greek nation state. So this is some sort of Illuminati-style conspiracy stretching all the way back to antiquity. Is this somehow trying to intimate the new Assassin's Creed game, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which talks about the establishment of arguably one of the first Assassins,
and the establishment of the organisation known as Abstergo or the Templars is in fact some kind of template explaining what's currently happening in the world? Well it could be because it does say as a waiter last year he reveals the fear how the clown government have been too and one that they had been stabbed in the back and the Chinese government being have hired a discrepancy paper to talk of the anti-Semitic undercurrent but and psychologists are the contributors to this volume 2016 as we argued in the records for all that being Jewish.
Right, so I've got several questions about this paragraph. The first is, which volume 2016? The volume of 2016. Was it about 2016? Maybe 2016 itself was a fairly voluminous year. That's what I call music volume 37. Well, you could be onto something there, yeah. But the clown government, is that another Trump reference? I'm getting a little bit sick of this thing banging on about Trump.
Well, it kind of sounds like it does this. But then there was the Chinese government anti-Semitic undercurrents and being Jewish. Well, I mean, the Chinese government has kind of stabbed America in the back due to America setting off tariffs in a war which China's winning with regard to trade. The anti-Semitic undercurrent thing, that's, I mean, there's been a
a bit of quite a lot of that with the rise of the alt-right and various organizations in the US. So that kind of makes sense. But the psychologist being involved, this sounds more like a Scientologist thing. It does. It is heading towards that, isn't it? Okay, hang on. It looks like we're wrapping up here. Maybe this will tie it all together.
Plots to think the CIA do an anti-Catholic conspiracies in the states had mentioned he knows this and the podcast or legend that was a gender identity or by which he was the intelligence of one of a UDHR which can be aware of his chest pains wanted to the criminal Western but Israel out the Illuminati but they've not known for being Mueller all they are may never be investigated by the law and the FBI have three directives
Okay, so the podcast. Is that us? Is it this podcast?

FBI vs. Robocop: Hidden Directives?

Are we part of this? Plot to think the CIA do anti-Catholic conspiracies in the States had mentioned he knows this and the podcast. All legend that was a gender identity.
I mean, there's been no other reference to podcasts, and I'm pretty sure Sam would just mention podcasts without making some reference to another podcast unless he's referring to us. So in that respect, yes, I think that is. Hmm. It's very about the Illuminati. They're not known for being Mueller. Well,
They're not. They're neither Israel nor the Illuminati have anything to do with Mill or Muller, as the Americans seem to like to call him. Despite having a movie called Ferris Bueller, which is it Bueller or Buller or Mueller or Muller? Make up your mind, Americans. Make up your mind and send their postcards.
But the FBI have three directives. Are those directives serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law? Because that's Robocop. Is the FBI Robocop? Well, I mean, A, that should be the directives of the FBI. And B, yes, the FBI is in fact Robocop. But then we have to remember, the Robocop actually had the fourth hidden directive.
where he wasn't allowed to take action against OCP employees. So are they implying that the FBI actually has secret hidden rules? Are they implying the FBI is O- is OCP?
Now, I would like to point out as a footnote, OCP and Robocop get mentioned one of the first philosophical papers on conspiracy theory. Charles Pigdon mentions that plot point in Robocop, and Poppy revisited what's wrong with conspiracy theories. He's an erudite man. I didn't know that, and I'm glad I do now. Good. Well... Actually, let me read the next one. Conspiracy theories come from the fact that there were no chemical attacks.
Are we in Syria now? But also, are there all conspiracy theories coming from the fact there were no chemical attacks, or... Yeah, I mean there certainly seems to be some amount of false-flag-ish 9-11 trutherism and allergies going on there. Yeah. But I see as the last entry in this thing, um, Sam sums everything up simply as a shitload more biblical.
So there we have it. The conspiracy manifesto, perhaps, generated by... Are you sure this person exists? This was a human being you corresponded with? I'm beginning to wonder. Let's see if we can try and sum up what we've learned.

Recap of Conspiracy Theories

We're talking about page societies, which is fairly clearly a reference to Carter Page, and there's a whole bunch about Russia and the Ukraine, which Carter Page and Paul Manafort were involved in. There's a suggestion that the FBI investigation of these individuals is inauthentic due to the Polybius government
doing its business. George Soros and anti-Semitic undercurrents were in there. And that makes sense. Then isn't that a waste of the way? Yeah. We've got a whole bunch about French writers. And Catholicism. And of course historically Catholicism has been associated with the Democrats as opposed to the Republicans. Although I mean actually there's a lot of prominent Republican Catholics. We think of JFK and the like. We think of Catholic family dynasties.
And then a whole bunch about Russia which would fit in with the Trump stuff. And the clown government. Really the only question I've got now is this volume of 2016. I'd like to know more about that. Maybe it's the 2016 volumes in the secret protocols of the shadowy clown government. And we need to look to the last one.
I think what I'm getting from this is that the Trump government and Russia have colluded with the Catholics to call the Chinese people homosexuals and then collude with the Catholics and the reverse vampires that Kim Jong-Nam is a Russian space dog and it's all in the Bible.
I have to say, for a 200th episode, the revelations we provided you with here are quite frankly staggering. Yeah, astounding. World changing, actually. I actually don't know how the podcast will be able to go on, given what we've discovered. Well, I mean, immediately how it will go on is to the news section, which I understand our intern also had a hand in. Yep. Fresh news facts by Sam delivered straight to you from our devices. Shall we get into it? I don't see that we have a choice.
Good. Breaking breaking conspiracy theories in the news.
And now, the theme. The election results were somewhat surprising, giving that polling had indicated the race for the other partisan likely, Pence. Like a various, more intelligent book by the New Zealand police force, as some are claiming. It was also more guilty of the stories of being culpable of becoming minister in the past, so why not pledge a few bucks a month for next week?
Yes, outgoing chair of the police federation, Steve, of course. The usual unnamed intelligence made over news about the government is a large simplification of a bad theory. Yes, a minor story, but also about Kavanaugh about being famously not happy about the previous intelligence services.
Yes, it seems that maybe the liberal conspiracy to silence giants might be a story still we are to go back to. Tell us about the lake. Ooh, Greenbeck is one thing that to make of a perpetrator footage for the Gatwick non-leader Semitism. Well, the thing was, because people assumed there was an interesting investigation into the Russians' Kavanaugh, into the US Supreme Court, should come up with some present for Trump.
Yes, upon gaining access to the files, he simply got one and claims the article in that recent book. We start this week's news segment with a piece which needs some introduction, Philip. Second rate of the Mandela, including Ante, which you do after the Hungarian. And now, Alex Jones. Maestro, he has recently had a book. All hail!
Oh, it doesn't. Indeed, my laugh co-host, but I've said too much. In news close to other news, it way, because they assure who is nothing only to note the former government's priorities. Thank you, Em. The Marvel Cinematic Universe. We turn to James' people correspondent.
This week we introduce an excuse to think that the hoaxes were meant to have said that it was enforced on the API of limited use. But it's an interesting case of knowing what counts as evidence and what doesn't. Well that sounds dubious. Well, let's travel back in time where at the moment it seems to have got a bit of a comeback. Yes, it seems that maybe the liberal conspiracy to silence Jones might be a story. Before we would be mentioning we're sceptical despite our recent books and here's an article in what it is to be a hero to go on.
And now, Nabiro. Apparently, we're all going to die. Except that they are not. That is, African Americans are not white attendees of the show. Apparently it's hot on the hunt, and this isn't used so much as it is old. Now, this is conspiratorial enough as it stands. Yes, Johnson believes that the FBI and the CIA have it in for Republican presidents. This being despite the fact that an awful lot of the attacks being culpable of culture in the election. Conspiracism!
And now, a quick message. Prime Minister of the more exciting news. It turns out that Mr Odinger will not be contesting that election in order to give the Electoral Commission enough time to introduce reforms that would help deliver something more credible or named. Lots of news say we are not. Go as you are. A story before we get a little bit real.
But it is in our response to the Russian media today, I believe you just came back for an back of what a caught Schumer, and I just don't seem to be a priest to baptise anyone. Well, the thing was, because the question is whether many of the valley time we would want more and extra liver, especially since he says they claim it has been on topic. Which is not to say that Kavanaugh is a bit of a cultural cold war going on in the Pacific with the facts in order to make people become uncertain of the truth.
Let me flush a conspiratorial. And now, the theme. Officially, you would say he has to be someone by a deep state plot to stop Russian media interests, when it turns out that the time between an event and someone saying a false flag, this week.
And now some local news. Relates and the investigation. Well, not really. We know about their fake news, usual. But this is evidence of what we should be taking stock about and taking action. It all seems a little convenient. Shaw has appeared on the conspiracy theory and comes to cover up about you. Yes.
Yes. In a previous episode, we upped Jones News and had the first Prime Minister of New Zealand, who are going to be fined because they broke spending his former thing's claims. Fake and investigation about the real government. But until then, Josh, we're saving Syria. And now, the theme. And now, grudge article. But we're not the environmental first. It, moving, should be so a unicorn.
But we're reviewing sex toys. Yes, in the script. Interesting. But of the aforementioned surefire intelligence, this week they will be trying to say about this... bad news. Well, that's a usefully useless update. More lack of news as it. Because everything is a lie. Yes, why you read the important thing, and this is a left-wing activist. You see, the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight has resulted in thoughts of a bad lot of the people of Aotearoa, New Zealand. And now, the theme.
Well, there you have it. That was actually quite informative. I didn't actually know about a lot of that, but now I feel like I didn't know about a lot of that.

Conclusion and Holiday Wishes

Well, that brings our 200th episode extra Vaganza to a close. Are you getting all your Vaganza back? No, no, you can keep it. I've got Vaganza's coming out my ears. Extraordinary. And, coincidentally, ears coming out my Vaganza's.
see a doctor about that I keep telling you those aren't ears those are warts okay um so obviously um there will be bonus content for the week today we'll be talking about the the making of this 200th episode
Maybe a bit of local news, maybe a bit of a bit of a retrospective perhaps on the previous. Expect patrons a bumbling episode this week because it is episode 200. It's actually not episode 200 of the patron content. It's like episode 25. It's patron content for episode 200. Indeed. And expect the expected. Indeed. And of course, being episode 200, it's our last episode.
For this year. For this year. We'll be back at some stage in January, probably. I'm sort of on holiday until around mid-January, but sometime after then, I imagine we'll strap on the equipment. We will. We'll set up the lights. We'll dust the cobwebs off there. Also, cure. Yep.
and get back into it. But until then, I guess Merry Christmas. Happy New Year, I suppose. There'll be one of those before we see you again. Or a sad New Year, depending on what happens now. Well, yes, you never know. You never know. There will be a New Year. Yep. Unless the meteor hits beforehand, at which point there won't be anything. And this really will be the final episode of the podcast that's going through the sea. But you'll be dead. Yep.
You'll still regret it, because in the afterlife, in the hell that you're going to go to, you won't be able to listen to new content. What's up in heaven will be broadcasting 24-7. But it will be the last time you hear the episodes. Yep. So, worldwide cataclysm was not withstanding. See you all next year. Burn in hell. I mean, bye! But also burn in hell.
You've been listening to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy, starring Josh Addison and Dr. M.R. Extended, which is written, researched, recorded and produced by Josh and Em. You can support the podcast by becoming a patron via its Podbean or Patreon campaign. And if you need to get in contact with either Josh or Em, you can email them at or check their Twitter accounts, Mikey Fluids and Conspiracism.
And remember, silent green is meeples.