I think coaching has changed, you know at least I hope it has. um you know When I played it was it was a lot of laps, it was a lot of lines, you know and and these days you still see some of it, but I think you know coach on the whole has changed where it's more player, it's about the player, it's player led rather than it being all about the coach. so You know, I think it's, yeah, I think your age definitely impacts it as well. And I think the experiences you have. So, you know, who you work with, what teams you work with. And I think that's where working from under, you know, five, six year olds all the way up to men, I think is it's probably help benefit me. Because I think if you're your philosophy, you've only ever coached under seven, under eight, it's going to be vastly different than a men's team's philosophy for their manager.