Our conversation with Amy Babish was so beneficial! According to Amy, mindset work isn't effective if you are in a reactive or stagnate state and don't have the tools to come back to your True Self. We talked a lot about how our bodies can carry intergenerational patterning, trauma, or systemic oppression or racism and mindset work can’t flourish in these states - we must process it and get to our True Self. Amy shared her personal story and how she came to be doing the incredible work she is doing now. This was, of course, after we got past how cute this woman’s hair is! Don’t worry, we got her secret and there’s a link in the show notes!
Amy also shared that she has three coveted openings left for her Soulful Visionary Collective, so if you enjoyed today’s episode, be sure to check out her Collective for more of her goodness! https://www.amybabish.com/the-soulful-visionary-collective
You can find Amy online here:
Other resources mentioned during the podcast:
Sam Garcia | Bestselling Author of Regenerative Business
Stay connect with Fempreneur True Confessions here: