167. U.S.Basketball Coach Colin Stevens: Building Young Men of Character in the N.B.A & His Own Youth Academy image
E167 · Tricres The Entrepreneurial Journey
167. U.S.Basketball Coach Colin Stevens: Building Young Men of Character in the N.B.A & His Own Youth Academy
3 Plays
7 months ago

This week Rebecca meets Colin Sevens, a former U.S.A. Division 1 basketball player and senior year team captain at Coastal Carolina University. After spending years working in the banking industry, he left the 9-5 to embark on the entrepreneurial journey and start his own business. He has since created two brands in the basketball development industry that have thrived for over a decade.

Over the past five years, Colin has worked as a life strategist and performance coach. He's been hired by professional athletes, business executives and entrepreneurs to help them maximize their potential. He uses a deeply engaging and unique approach to enhance decision making, personal growth, and emotional intelligence - leveraging his sports background and personal development expertise to guide individuals towards success. 

Colin is the published author of two books, COACHABLE available HERE, and his most recent book with raving reviews, Make Your Mark available HERE.

He is a sought-after speaker and trainer for various companies, motivating and empowering others to reach their full potential.

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Colin continues to inspire and uplift those around him.


[0:55] Let's hear about your NBA coaching skill story, getting started, and where it has taken you

[3:25] Where does the interest in pushing people to succeed come from? We talk about closing the gap.

[8:55] Building the Academy in the basketball landscape of 2010

[11:20] How has the business pushed you? (And do we need a whole day to talk about it! :-D) How to present the authentic you to elite clients?

[17:10] How did you transition to life/business/relationship coaching with Pro N.B.A. players to be 'better humans'?

[20:00] Character building: caring for your personal life and not just business and success

[ 22:30] When discipline and grounding affects results in sport

[27:00] Where are you taking your business? It's not just athletes anymore. And why communication and mentoring men is key.

[32:25] If your business had a character or personality what would it be like?


Find more details on Colin Stevens here at his website: https://thecolinstevens.com/

Find his podcast here: Colin Stevens Podcast

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