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Mezzanotte Podcast #5 feat. Smoovie Williams  image

Mezzanotte Podcast #5 feat. Smoovie Williams

158 Plays1 year ago

Smoovie Williams co founder of Sanko Game Corp and $DMT details the upcoming Sanko Chain, working during the bear vs. bull market and building a ridiculous amount of projects at the same time.


Introduction and Background

Smoothie Williams of DMT and Senko Game Corp and we'll be talking. So what's up, man? How are you doing? Hey, I'm good. Nice to meet you. I know it's been like chatting for a while. Thanks for having me on. No problem. I wanted to ask you about what you're working on, but first introduce yourself and like how you got into this and stuff like that.
Yeah, for sure. Hey everybody, I'm Mr. Smoothie Williams for Smoothie420 on Twitter.
I'm one of the founders of Sanko, which is the project behind DMT and Sanko TV, as well as a number of other projects of ours.

Senko Mainnet Launch Features

Our upcoming thing that we're working on is the release of our chain. Sanko Mainnet, which is an orbit chain, an orbit from orbit chain, is going live, you know, later this month. It's March now. So yeah, just working on that.
Uh, and the related projects, super excited about that. So like what entails making a chain? Really? Like what's up? Um, how difficult is that? What are you, what are your thoughts on it and stuff like that?

Collaborations and Partnerships

Yeah. Well,
I mean, collaborating with Arbitrum is really great. We're working with this lab called Caldera Labs. They're essentially like a service provider where you collaborate to spin up a custom chain. Ours is the DMT chain. DMT is the native gas token.
Sanco and Caldera will be together running a validator set over time. Hopefully, more people join the network as validators. That's the ideal. You have a new chain. You want people to join validating. It's pretty cool. Yeah, Caldera and Arbitrum make it super easy. We're using antitrust as a data availability layer.
I mean, the specifics of the chain should really be awesome, like super quick, super cheap. And there's a native bridge between Arbitrum and Back, and then we're also working with Layer 0. So there should be a direct bridge from Ethereum. So it basically should be like the experience of any other Layer 1 chain.
the experience of like spinning the chain up and working with caldera and what uh how it will come out i think is really awesome it's really exciting for us that's awesome um so like yeah i guess like i'm that's interesting to me it's like you've been working on this for a while now right and it's like people are pretty hyped and like um i was talking to company phone mr phone about it a little bit a while back and um
Are you building anything on top of the chain or are you just focusing on the infrastructure of the chain itself right now? Yeah. The

Native Platforms and NFTs

infrastructure, fortunately, is in a good place where it's great and ready to go. It's also really exciting that the Denkun upgrade is happening next week, which if you haven't looked into, it's worth looking into the specifics. It really makes things great for a chain publishing to Ethereum like ours.
But yeah, so it's like the chain is pretty much ready. What we're working on now is the native set of platforms because we don't just want to launch a chain. We want to launch a chain where there's things to do. There's reasons for people to bridge there. So we're launching a set, a suite of native platforms. When the chain launches, we want to have the native decks
the native NFT platform and our next in-game studio launch as well as a native terminal so that will have like
charting, you know, TVL activity metrics, all that like DeFi llama kind of stuff that you want to check. So we want to have all those platforms kind of like live and ready to go. So the chain is kind of like, you know, one stop shop where like everything is ready so that people can like, hop on and have fun and like march their own stuff. And our kind of idea
You can see this now with Songgo TV being live on Arbitrum One. So the fee switch is turned on that app.
Um, you know, everybody is aware and like the track that like transactions on that platform, like buy and burn DMT, the token. That's how every native platform on Sanco mainnet is going to be like Sanco swap our decks and our NFT platform. The fee switches will be on, uh, they will be interacting with DMT in a native way. Um, that like is something we're very excited about.
It's kind of an experiment for a chain like ours. That's cool. Do you have any information about the game that you're going to put on it yet? Or is that under wraps or have you announced that yet? We have not announced that yet. That is pretty much super under wraps in-house. Information will be coming out about that soon.
So like, are you like, what's your main role in Senko and DMT basically? Yeah, I guess I guess that's a good question.

Founding Story and Fictional Games

So I am one of the founders along with my associate company phone, Mr. Phone.
We founded it together close to three years ago now in early 2022, late 2021. We're friends. We're IRL friends. We were collaborating on projects.
We were in crypto and stuff like that together, and we were interested in making a project that was about our love of old video games. So we started by making NFTs. The idea is that these NFTs were re-releases of Sanco games, like classic Sanco games from the 80s and 90s, Sanco being
one of the former gaming publishing giants that was now defunct but had this library of amazing titles. And so we made these nfts we made secure park as a sort of re release of these games and that was how we like.
told people about it. What people didn't understand was that there is no Sanco. It was like that was something that was completely made up. And when we would tell people this story, people would be like, oh, I remember Sanco. I remember those games. That's so sick that you got access to those titles. And then they would Google it and find that there was nothing there. So it's a way to tap into
this sort of like culture or memory of like the early like mid 90s to like, I would say like Y2K era of gaming, which is what we're super interested in. So for all of these releases, I would say like, you know, company phone and I as co-founders have kind of been the sort of like,
joint artists of making these projects, you know, doing all the animation, the artwork, kind of bringing them to life with game devs. As we've expanded, you know, we have a couple more artists working with us now. We have like, it's called, we call it like the Sanco Art Department. And, you know, as the project has gone from release to release, like first the gaming NFTs, then the platform, you know,
More collaborators are I would say you know contributors have joined different kinds of devs different kinds of game devs so there's like a pretty like wide scope of people who are contributing to Sanco collaborating with Sanco now It's like it's pretty fun to see How many collections entity collections have you released? together

NFT Collections and Innovations

with company phone
So Sanco has put out two. Sakura Park and Streets of Malady are the two flagship collections. Sakura Park was the original. They're both connected to coming games. They're also, if you had those NFTs,
you were eligible for DMT at launch. You can also charge them to earn XDMT. I'm not sure if people are fully aware of that now. If you have those NFTs on mainnet, you can charge them to earn XDMT, which is an ERC20 token that will have some relevance for the chain launch to come. And where would you do that on your site?
Yeah, I think on the same site where the games, on the Dream Machine site. Yeah,, okay. Which is kind of like, so that was our gaming platform that we released around this time next year, or last year.
I think May was one of the launches, so almost a full year ago. And we're kind of viewing the upcoming launch of the chain as sort of like the next-gen console. If the Dream Machine was a sort of like Sega Genesis kind of launch, the next chain is like Dreamcast or PlayStation 2 or something like that. That's cool. So there's going to be like a revamp to the website or something like that, or like you're just going to kind of
do a launch when the chain drops, basically. The dream machine will probably stay the same, but I think there might be a few new websites introduced into the Sancoverse, into Sanco lore, etc. Like I mentioned earlier, there's like a few different platforms. The chain will have its own website, so there will be like
the main chain website where you can bridge and where the docs are and stuff like that. And then the apps and the game, presumably, as we're designing things, the idea is that we will, they will all have their own websites. Cool. Yeah. What I like about the NFT collections that you released is like, it seems like because your, your coin, like DMT is, has done pretty well and people are into everything. Like the NFTs have also seemed to do pretty,
decent volume. Yeah, I really like that. Because they've been out for a while. They've been out for a while. And it's cool to see that. What I've noticed just from being on Twitter or whatever and paying attention is more people are getting into it. More people are supporting it.

Team Dynamics and Global Coordination

And some bigger accounts are also saying hyped about it too.
which is awesome. And so that's seems like you're, it's like a good spot to be in for everything that you're doing and stuff. It seems like it's a lot of work that you've all done already. And like you're cranking out some serious stuff, which is really impressive to me. Hey, I mean, you never stop, you know, Sanco never sleeps.
Yeah, that's sick. It's actually funny as we have, so there's, you know, a number of people involved with the project now that are all around the world, basically. So it's, we kind of, we're joking recently, like the sun never sets on Sanco. That's a nice little thing, this little saying, like kind of motto they have going on, you know, saying they never sleep. Yeah. And that's kind of how this works too, I don't know, because it's like, I feel like
I don't know, people are always talking about like European time and American time and then the Asian trading time and all this stuff.
It can be a little tricky to coordinate to get everybody on a call that's working on one specific aspect of a project sometimes. We do have to plan that a few days in advance to get to line up all the time zones. But it's worked pretty well for us thus far. And you're right, what you're saying about the NFTs, they have
Like our original that came out close to two years ago now so it's like it's gone through different life cycles of seeing different groups of people kind of discover it and get interested in it and like come into the project which for me is always like super cool i'm still super proud of those i think those are like.
our first sets of NFTs, you know, they're like the genesis of the project, but there's still something that I'm really interested in. And it's nice to see that there's like a consistency that like maybe people who get into the project through DMT, you know, cause like tokens are the main way that people understand projects now can see these NFTs that they weren't like previously familiar with or aware of and kind of resonate with them. The projects that we have upcoming, I think, hopefully, you know,
will sort of kind of coalesce together, sort of something that, like, yeah, all fits together and makes sense in the sort of, like, cohesive Sanko verse for people. Yeah. And why did you choose Arbitrum as, like, a base of, like, who you're working with, basically? You know, it's funny.
Yeah, we were considering, you know, the gaming platform and the token launch last year, DMT and the Dream Machine, the first gaming console that has a few games up on it now, all launched together. And, you know, we weren't actually sure we considered a number of things. We actually considered Kanto at the time, which maybe not a lot of people know about.
But there was strong consideration amongst people involved in the project to use Kanto. And it was actually the community that was so strongly vocal for Arbitrum that really kind of pushed us and swayed us to Arbitrum. And honestly, we couldn't be happier with the decision. It couldn't have worked out better.
And also a special mention to Mr. Iron Boots, Sir Boots of Iron, one of the Camelot founder's contributors. He's actually one of the earliest supporters of Sanco as a project.
I believe massive ape of the NFTs, massive whale of various aspects of the project. So he was like, we had a number of calls with him, you know, last year where he really, you know, extolled the virtues of Arbitrum, really like laid down the gospel of why it would be a good home for us. And, you know, he was absolutely right. That's awesome.
So it's like, are you communicating with them pretty frequently or is it like, yeah, you guys are kind of just, yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah. I mean, we, you mean arbitrary. Um, yeah, yeah. We have like groups were in pretty regular contacts, uh, with.
You know, people from Arbitrum are off chain. I would say shout out Churro, shout out Hunter, shout out size Chad. These guys are all like really great. They're kind of constantly working and pushing for things that make projects like ours feel at home or supported on Arbitrum. It's kind of, it's not like you're just like a drift on a network. It does feel like they want to encourage and support, um,
the projects that are going on, you know, in their ecosystem. That's cool. Is

Upcoming Launches and Collaborations

there anything that you can tell us, like, that maybe people like, is there anything you want to clarify, like, to let people know that are already into what you're doing? Like, what's happening when or like certain things like that, like, kind of go over like the stuff that you mentioned at the beginning, I guess, again?
Well, all the stuff that I mentioned at the beginning, our aim is to launch everything coincident. So it's like all the next launches, platforms, all get released at once. It's kind of a big endeavor of ours right now because we're working
In-house on a lot of stuff and we're also like collaborating with other teams like our charting terminal that I mentioned all that kind of stuff like the charting terminal the block Explorer the sort of like defy llama TVL metrics kind of website we're doing that with in collaboration with parsec and there's like other teams that we're working on other stuff with so it is kind of this sort of like
gathering it all together, getting everybody on the same page and getting ready for the same time, which like it's not a small thing. We're optimistic about it, you know, end of month. But yeah, it's like there's, there's a lot going on to keep track of for us. And parsec is like a crypto analytics company.
Yeah, you can look them up like Parsec Finance. They do really cool terminals. We're really excited for what they're going to do for Sanco. We think it looks really slick. It will be an awesome experience for people. So that'll be a terminal that'll show all the tokens that people launch on SancoChain, basically.
Yeah, exactly. Like it's sort of your all-in-one. It'll be like the Block Explorer. So like, you know, you're comparable to Etherscan or Arbuscan, SoncoScan. It'll also be like essentially what deckscreener is. You know, Block Explorer, charting, tracking other metrics, wallets and stuff if you're into that. And yeah, like the coins that people launch, the pools that people launch, stuff like that.
How hard will it be for people to launch coins on Sanco, Shane, or like what will be the process of that? Extremely easy. If you're familiar with launching coins on Arbitrum, on mainnet, pretty much exactly the same. You know, we want to make it super easy for people. Like you have to have stuff to do. Like we're, we're trying to put everything in place and we're trying to launch our own projects, you know, as kind of like,
proof of concept or entice people, but people have to have stuff to do. They have to have incentive. So we just want as many people shipping their coins, independent studios, releasing their own projects. We're talking to independent game studios, some of which you may be aware of to put their own projects out. Yeah, I saw one called FU Studios. That's what you're working with.
or something? They're super great. Yeah, they're an independent project. I think their launch on the chain they decide to go on is still a ways away, but we're collaborating with them on Sanco TV right now. And yeah, they're awesome. And, you know, it would just phrase it as, you know, definitely love to keep working with them.
and excited to see what they do and how it continues to grow, et cetera. StankoTV, are there any updates with that recently? Mr. Phone was telling me there's a new feature on StankoTV in terms of something.

New Features on Sanco TV

Yeah, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. So we actually just shipped VODs yesterday, which is video on demand. So it was previously just like a live streaming and chatting app. But now when someone posts content on there, you can go back and view the video again. And you can share that video on Twitter.
or you know other platforms by a link so it's like you can go back and like see these videos which is pretty awesome and we just kind of launched that feature at the start so right now it's like whole videos will be on demand but soon people will have the option to
you know, release to like take a long stream and like chop it up into clips, sort of like a TikTok or an Instagram reel or something, or to upload their own like short form content. Like if you want to have a video on demand on your profile, that's like a minute long. That's like, you know, just like a prerecorded video that you want to release. And then you want to share that video on Twitter and like embedded in a post, like that's what's coming next.
Um, so super hyped on that launch. I think like VODs are like a big, big.
a new feature to introduce, which is really awesome. And we launched that yesterday, and we wanted to be coincident with this promotion campaign that we're doing with FU Studios. They're sort of like live open season alpha stream is happening right now. So you should go on Sanco TV. You should get your open season game pass. They're available on Blur for super cheap.
And then you should start get on epic games start playing open season and stream that on sanco tv Uh, it will probably be a good idea for you What's um the open season game like It's awesome, I mean it's like a third person shooter battle royale uh with nft characters like your milady or ramilio if you want to be
um, you know, running around wrecking other, uh, you know, shooter players, you know, I guess like the comparable experience would be like Fortnite is maybe like the most similar game. Um, but I think it's something that we like, haven't really seen as far as like a token gated crypto game. So it, it, it's really cool. The gameplay is fucking awesome. I'm, I'm really excited to see
you know, how the game develops, what they add to it from here. Uh, because it hasn't, it's just the alpha launch. It hasn't launched for real yet. That's still a ways away. So very excited to see what happens. That's awesome. So like, how do you organize all this? Is, is there, is, are you the one that's managing all of it or are you both doing it with Mr. Phone or like, and then having all these people involved, like what's the process of that? Like,
It's a collaboration. We try to be as decentralized an entity as we can. That's our ethos.
But it's true that there are some aspects of administration or organization that are probably myself and phone's responsibility. I

Evolving Leadership Roles

think that's something that I've kind of learned as the project has grown. It started with just a couple of us as contributors.
you know, probably at least 10 regular contributors with like people who come in and out on like a project by project basis, also sort of like a rotating cast of characters all the time. Yeah, and that's, that's kind of something that, you know, personally, like I've had to learn as we scale, like a lot of my roles at the beginning were
you know, uh, just fully the fun stuff, like kind of like the art and the animation and like the creative stuff. And that's still like primary, primarily what I do, but now it's like a balance between the creative work or being like a creative director and also sort of like admin administrator or, uh, you know, organizing all that stuff. That's crazy.
But it seems cool. And the fact that you're able to pull this off is really impressive. And working with more people, like contributors and things like that, it's always interesting. We were talking about the game dev, Tech and Tommy, how
like he helped make the Tekken, the Malady Tekken game, right? Yeah, he's awesome. Yeah, Tommy primarily helped us with Tekken, I think maybe a little bit with Pinball as well, two of our earliest game launches last year. And he was kind of just like freelancing then. And I know Phone has put you guys in touch and you're now working together on something, which is awesome. You know, he's just like a super cool guy. And it's like,
great to work with a contributor who pops in and out at times and can do awesome stuff for you. Yeah, it's interesting because I think are you primarily a game dev, would you say, in some way as well? Or an artist?
Yeah, I would say artist. I'm probably the least competent dev wise person in the entire project at this point. So I would say art ideas and creative direction. Like that's what's great is like as the project has expanded, you just meet people
who are really talented and have their own ideas and are better at doing the thing you want to do. So we had worked on animations and artwork for games previously, but we're not game devs. So then as we release these projects, people find you. Out of the world, people who are awesome game devs are like, oh, this looks sick. I can do this. I can do that. And then you just start collaborating together and working on stuff.
and things grow from there. What's been awesome, my feeling is that every time we do a new launch or there's attention on the project or say number goes up and it's a good moment for Sanko or DMT, the best thing about that, the best thing about number going up for me is that just means
every time it happens, it's like, okay, I'm about to meet somebody cool who's going to add something. It's like, it's, it's the best advertisement for the project. And what it means is like, without fail, that like someone is going to appear out of nowhere and be like, I think this is awesome. And I have this to add. And, um, you know, it's like, then there's like another chunk added to the Sanco arsenal or something. For sure.
Number go up is the best multiplier in some weird way to get people involved. That makes sense. Yeah, totally. Do you have time to pay attention to the market at all? Or are you just mostly focused on all the stuff you're working on?
It's tough, man. You try to balance it all. When I first started in crypto, I don't want to say first started, but a lot of my experience in crypto, probably prior to or aside from Sanco, I really fancied myself as a trader.
And that's just not the case anymore. I just do not have time to be doing that high-leverage scalping on the five-second chart or whatever. That's just not in the cards for me. So I guess the important thing is just I am a crypto true believer. So

Market Strategy and Belief

I just spot and chill. You can't
You're probably familiar with this, too. If you're running a project, you kind of have to pay attention to things at large. Like, you know, like how Bitcoin is doing or how Ethereum is doing new Bitcoin, new Bitcoin all time high this morning, by the way, probably worth mentioning.
Congratulations to everyone. But how the environment is doing as a whole, it does affect how people relate to your project, how things respond to your project.
finding the right balance of like being aware of this stuff, but I'm not like, I just don't have the time to be in the trenches or be on the five second chart anymore. Um, not that I ever was to the extent that other people were, but I'm very much just the like, you know, the bottom was in a long time ago. I'm like heavily, uh, in the coins that I love and support and we'll just continue to be so.
That's cool. I mean, I feel the same way because it's like, um, we got into this at the same time, I think, or started launching our projects in a similar time. It was like early 2022. I got into it in late 2021. Um, and like to come from that moment to now is really surreal. It doesn't feel, it feels crazy to me because I've never experienced like a bull market, I guess before, really. I only came in like when it was starting to go down.
Yeah, it's kind of nuts. It's kind of nuts that it can feel good, huh? You have to break that like PTSD. Yeah, it's interesting. I have experienced the bull market before. I probably was first interested in crypto in like late 2016, early 2017. I just like
Someone pilled me on Ethereum then and I thought it was super cool and I kind of all-in and just bought before the top, but bought all the way up to the top then and continued buying after and then was super wrecked. That was Baby's first market. I just held all the way to the bottom and thought my money was dust. I never sold.
was depressed and fully checked out for a couple of years then. So I did miss most of 2018 and 2019. But then 2020 when things started getting good again and my ether that I'd forgotten about suddenly was no longer dust. I just got interested and got back in. But that was in a personal sense. I think you're totally right. I think we relate in that we first started putting projects out early, mid 2022 and that sort of
twilight of the bull, real beginning of the bear. Our first launch, our NFT, was in May 2022. I think it was the week before Luna happened.
which was like pretty incredible timing. But yeah, this year now is like my first experience of we're running the project and it is a bull climate. It's a good climate. And people are like excited about adding to things and collaborating and everyone's interested in what you're doing. And that's just like a really sick climate to be in. It's funny, you know, it's like when we put out
DMT and the projects last year people are like, oh you're building throughout the bear. This is awesome And I was like, no, this is I don't know what you're talking about This is the bull market like the bottom is in like the bull market has started already It's like we've been in a bull market for like a over a year now And it's you know, it's probably Yeah, it's like maybe and it's that's been great. It's really awesome You know as we hit Bitcoin all-time high, you know
That just draws a huge public spotlight on everything that's happening. So we'll see if the mania phase kicks in or what happens now. But it's fun stuff. Do you think that you'd be building either way because you believe in the whole thing? That's how I am.
I feel like the thing that was cool about building during the bear or releasing NFTs during the bear and minting out or doing a little bit of volume, a substantial amount that's impressive to me, that's so cool to me because it's like, I believe in all of crypto NFTs, the whole ecosystem or whatever like that. I think

Promotion Challenges and Independence

independent people that are doing it and
without some, you know, crazy VC backing or something like that is really exciting and interesting. And then having, you know, having a good unique vision is really cool too. So it's like interesting to me that like, even then in 2022 or like throughout that year, like stuff was still happening a lot. You know what I mean? And like now I feel like it's like hyper that's at hyper speed. Like I can't.
Yeah, it's like you can't even focus on all of it going on at once at this point, right? It's cracked out right now. It's cracked out pretty much. Yeah, it's super cracked. Yeah, I mean, same thing. Like I told you just now, I fully checked out end of 2018, 2019. This time, we didn't check out at all. We were actually putting projects out and building stuff.
And what was funny is most of the people I knew also were too. The vast majority of projects I know, people that I think are interesting, people that are probably our peers, just kept going throughout. Considering how, in a mainstream perspective sense, how awful the crypto environment got by the end of 2022 is pretty cool. I think that's pretty impressive that
the majority of people I know, the majority of who I think our peers are, like stayed, logged on, stayed, kept logging in every day. Um, kept working on stuff that I think is, was definitely, it's definitely interesting. Um, and yeah, like I, like true believer for sure. I think like you only like pay attention to cycles in the sense that you have to like manage your risk or whatever, but you know,
It's just like probably the best space in the world or whatever. And you can just like continue building throughout, continue doing stuff. You know, good, good stuff. Yeah. I mean, also it's, what's cool is like you're, you're promoting things over long periods of time. And that's kind of what I do too, is like, I think like when, when we, when we, I got into this stuff and started releasing in the early 2022, late 2021, like they were,
A lot of the projects would promote stuff in a really short period of time, and it would be like this flash thing, like a two-week rollout or something like that. Whereas I feel like people have a longer attention span for projects and hype and building and stuff, and they understand that stuff takes a long time to get right. You don't want to have a sketchy SUS launch or some stuff to fall apart and stuff like that.
I kind of think there's something cool about that in a way too where it's like you can kind of just keep building and promoting your stuff over a long period of time instead of like, you know, a really quick rollout where you just hope it catches on or something like that, which is like totally not my vibe. I feel like that seems more difficult to do or something. For sure. Um, yeah, I think there's like a lot,
The environment's much healthier about that stuff. I think the projects that you see are more developed, more real, more tangible, have more on the table.
Yeah, I just think there's more interesting things happening. It's funny, we balance it in that we just love shipping. We love putting out stuff as much as we can. We love putting things in people's hands. So we've probably shipped a pretty crazy amount of content. Maybe since DMT came out, you'd say,
At the token launch since then, which is less than a year ago, that's like nine or 10 months, we've put out, I think, five playable DMT games, two separate staking or charging contracts, and Sanco TV, the sort of web streaming app, now kind of all in anticipation of our chain and the platforms related to that.
And that's all happening in less than a year as like, we are an independent team, we fair launched, you're right, we don't have any private investors or any VC backing to do that kind of stuff. We kind of just like, if you will it into happening, it can actually happen. For sure. And like, yeah, it's awesome. I mean, I don't want to keep you here too long. So I feel like we could just like sum this up with like, you're launching the chain.
Later this month, there'll be like a Dex. Is it a Dex? Would you call it a Dex or more like? Yeah. I would say like a Dex. Um, yeah. So like Sanco chain, Dex game. Oh, you just got all muffled for a second. I don't know where you went. If you're, did you hear me? Now you're, am I there? You're back. You're back.
Okay, cool. I think I might have lost my connection for a second. But yeah, chain decks, NFT decks, terminal, Sanco game, Sanco TV will migrate to the chain and independent projects to come as well. That's awesome. Everybody's looking forward to it. And I'm stoked to release this. Just stay on the line for a second. I'm just going to stop this. But thanks so much, man. Yeah, for sure.
They do not do.