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Stop Being So Sensitive! It’s more science this week as Dr. Val gives Dave an IgG Test and we learn more about food sensitivities!


Introduction to Food Sensitivities

Hey everybody, welcome back. We promised you more science this week, so here we go. We're going to be talking about food sensitivities, and I took something called an IGG test. I don't know what that stands for, but Doc probably does. I think it means I'm going to have to stop eating something I enjoy.

Dave's Health Journey

Let's find out what that might be together. It's chapter nine of Dr. Val Saves Dave.
Hey everybody, have you heard the news? Dave's coming 50 and he's got the blues He's out of shape and this is true He needs help, he has no clue He grabs his phone and she can't quit Dr. Val will do her trick She'll be tough, there's no free pass Come on Dave, get off your ass Dr. Val, can you save Dave? He's quite alive
He'll behave. Oh, do you think he will cave? Listen, and he's back in school. It's his funny, but it's Dr. Val's rules. It's his funny, but it's Dr. Val's rules.
Good morning, Doctor. Good morning. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. How are you, Doctor? I am fantastic on this beautiful sunny

Blood Work and Progress

day. Fantastic. You're always fantastic. Well, I'm excited because we have blood work. We have results. Oh yeah, you like your science. I do. Duck likes her science. I do. I love the data.
Those of you who have been joining us on our journey throughout, welcome back to Chapter 9. We promised you science this week. And again, you should see the glow on Doc's face, because I believe some of the science will be illustrating more areas of meat that can be improved, which isn't getting old at all.
This is great. Every adjustment I make, you go, good. Now here's a new category of problems with you that we haven't looked at. Well, first and positives first, before we get into your lab work, is I was on the scale this morning and we are down to 201 pounds. So that is a 19 pound drop from the start of the show. And that's in post Disneyland.
So that is significant. So first of all, bravo you. You did all the hard work. I was very sure. Yes, you did. I mean, unless you want to count all your studying. Well, there's that. The educational program of becoming a doctor of naturopathic medicine. I suppose that's a touch harder than me, you know, not having a piece of toast.
and the 24 years of practice. Yeah, a little different. You're right. It's a tie. You're right. But you have to give yourself credit. That's challenging what you've done.

Challenges of Dietary Changes

It's hard to make changes. It's starting to feel like a bit of a quantum leap episode in that I've jumped into this body to try to make things right. But it also feels like at any point Ziggy says there's a 93% chance he's going back to eating like a jackass.
tune in and let's find out. You know, yeah, it's like, well, why haven't I leaped out of here? Doesn't look good. The temptations to eat things I'm not currently supposed to be eating.
is still a constant. It's still, and going out into the world continues to be a terrific challenge as far as finding food. So if I were a student, I would write a thesis on what's wrong with menus.
Oh gosh, yeah. There's a whole, we could write encyclopedias on what's

Dr. Val's Naturopathic Path

wrong with the food industry right now. Oh, so you've noticed? Just a little. You don't have any thoughts on the subject, do you?
None at all. Where's my soapbox? Okay. Well, my toes are still not working independently. It's still a real challenge to get the two through four toes to do anything without their big leader. I can tell you that El Capitan still drives the boat. David Thunder has sent me a new work out, a combination of stretches and horrible feelings.
Without weights, it's just... But can you twist yourself into this shape? I cannot, sir. Oh, well, try it every morning, 50 times.
So I spend most of the day feeling very, I don't know, I wouldn't say I feel great yet as one of our goals is feeling great. I would feel it is still a challenge to eat properly throughout the week. And then dealing with all your issues and weaknesses from a mobility standpoint also leads to bad feelings. So it's like I'm focusing on my weaknesses so much that there's not

Understanding Food Sensitivity Tests

a ton of dopamine coming.
Well, you're going to really be upset about today then. You're going to have just a whole new set of challenges. And so, you know, I believe in previous episodes, you said like one of your big things is change is strange.
And so as you start getting used to a new way of eating, you kind of adapt, you get to know your different strategies, you get to know the things that you like. And then when you shift things up a little bit, now you've got to recalibrate. And now you've got to put some energy and focus into, okay, well, what do I do now? Because it's just shifting to something different.
I love when you use my words to try to make me more comfortable for the bad news you're about to deliver. That's a very clever psychological tactic right there. You're the one who said. Well, they teach us this at the naturopathic college. We get some good psychology courses, so we have a good bedside manner. Okay. Is that a class you take, bedside mannerisms? Yeah, it is. Really? Yeah. Well, it should be. It definitely should be because you're human.
the thing that got me into naturopathic medicine was I was I had this undergraduate degree in nutrition and was going to go on to do further graduate studies

Revealing Dave's Food Sensitivities

and then I got sick and when I got sick my medical doctor had no answer for me and I went to see a naturopath and the naturopath said it's your foods and I was like it can't be because you know like you think when you graduate from university with an undergraduate degree in nutrition you should know everything about nutrition I'm like I'm I'm a nutritionist now I know everything and there was this whole
side of nutrition that I didn't know about and wasn't taught. And this test that we're going to talk about today for you, the food sensitivity test, this is the one that turned my life around, that blew my mind and made me become a naturopath. Because I could have sworn that I wouldn't have any food sensitivities, any food intolerances, and then sure enough, it turns out I'm allergic to life.
And so then I'm like, OK, so the first time when I heard this with my naturopath at that point in time, you know, my naturopath was like, OK, you can't eat anything, you know, drink some water, breathe some air, see in a month.
I looked at it, I cried. I was so devastated. I was like, I don't even know what to do. And so I went back to him three weeks, a month later, and I looked at him and I was like, hey, I can't do this. And he's like, oh, you know, there's gluten free stuff. Because I was like, at that point in time, I was like, Oprah, I'm like, I can't live without bread. I need bread.
And so he was like, oh, there's gluten free. And I was like, oh, game changer. And that was like way back. So again, you think about I've been in practice for 24 years, four year postgraduate degree. So my journey started before that. So we're looking at over 30 years ago. You can get half decent gluten free products now. Back then, there was nothing on the market. Like it was awful.
So we're going to talk about your food sensitivity test, but as far as that's come a long way, I get where you're coming from in terms of like, this can be a real mind bender when you first learn about it. So welcome to being allergic to life as well. So you were crying back then because of all the money you'd wasted on your nutritionist program. Left out apparently half of everything you needed to know, because that's sad.
It was a huge thing. That was the mind bender. How is it possible then that you're studying nutrition and they miss all of this? They weren't taught it. Because people don't know enough. This is new science. No. I mean, they had the testing back then. They had the knowledge back then. But when

Cross-Reactivity Concerns

you go and study certain streams of medicine, there's a streamline. There's a lens at which you're looking at. So it's not the whole picture.
And so there was this whole side of nutrition that just wasn't being taught at the university. So there was the natural nutrition, the holistic nutrition. It's very different than what a nutritionist or a dietitian learns. So what I think people should really know about then is the fact that there are these different schools of thought. And so there's a whole field of knowledge out there that I wasn't exposed to in an undergraduate degree in nutrition.
And so it wasn't until I started studying naturopathic medicine that I learned about this whole different way of looking at the body and this whole different way of actually seeing what's happening as a disease process inside the body. It's very different ways of thinking.
Sure, than just eating, actually looking at what's happening after you eat. I can see where that would be a whole different thing. Well, I found

Healing and Food Reintroduction

it fascinating because I know people who have taken courses to become a dietician. I became a nutritionist myself. And the information that you get there, it's only a piece of the puzzle. And so there's this whole other area that naturopaths have access to and a whole different area of learning.
And they're two different paradigms too, because dieticians and nutritionists are quite often looking at, well, we're looking at a disease per se, but we're not necessarily looking at cellular optimization. So there was this whole field of knowledge that I got to learn as I explored naturopathic medicine. So that's how I got hooked. I'm like, you guys have secret knowledge. I'm on a quest for knowledge. I want to know what you guys know. And then from there, the learning just continued.
Okay. And so today now you've got one of your new super secret, not everybody knows it kind of tests, and you're going to share some of this knowledge and science with us. I am. And yet I feel like somehow it's going to impact my life. Yeah, it's going to suck for you. And I'm about to get guinea-picked again this week.
Listen up listeners, it's going to hurt. I really hope you people are enjoying this show because there are moments where I really regret this whole his body, her rules idea. I thought it would be good for the show. It's clearly the only way I could change the way I'm living, but this doesn't seem fun, but you know what? Hey, I'm all about positive energy these days. So yeah, let's dive into your super-duper science-y stuff.
And learn more about how I could be a better adult person.

Critique of the Food Industry

Yeah. Thank you. And what I will say is that the change for most people, it is something that you have to put some energy towards. It's going to feel strange. It is something you put a focus towards, but the results are amazing.
Change feels strange. Uh, I've confirmed that. I mean, that was something I learned in golf, but it's, it's true in this. The results already, I'm so close to breaking the 200 pound barrier, which I haven't in 20 some years. So, uh, your results are, are working. Otherwise I would probably have stopped.
I wouldn't call what I'm going through necessarily enjoyable per se. There are certainly moments where I feel really, really great. Yeah. And then there are moments where it just makes life harder. It's just, you know, there are some, you know, adaptations that you have to make and for sure. Absolutely. It's just a challenge to eat in certain places. It's a challenge to map out your day knowing I need to bring this, this, and this.
Yeah, yeah. It's much, much easier to hit a drive through, grab a slice of pizza, you know, the fast food that's available. I totally understand why people eat this stuff so much. It's so convenient, especially if you get hungry, but we've covered the importance of preparation.
Absolutely. And I just want to build on what you're saying because I think that's what's happened in our fast paced world. And the reason that it's a challenge isn't because food shouldn't be available. It's just that everybody is going so fast
that it's become a default to go to those fast food places. And a lot of the food companies out there are producing all of these products that when you go to the grocery store, they've got a lot of chemicals or sugar or additives or fillers and they're not healthy foods for us. And so you're being set up everywhere you go to be poisoned and starved and marketed to. So it really becomes, it's up to each of us.
to really focus on, OK, how do we choose this food in this lifestyle? So we advocate for ourselves and we

Conditioned Taste for Unhealthy Foods

and we put pressure on the food industry to change so that the options do become available. I would say that, you know, I'm trying right now, I'm trying to understand is do the bad foods actually taste good or was I just conditioned to think that's a taste I like? It's actually because of the quick hit of the sugar or the salt or the fat.
Yeah, it's a little bit of both. Because in eating the, you know, the foods we eat now, I wouldn't say, you know, having a carrot or an eggplant leads to that. Oh, yeah, baby. Damn, that's a good carrot. You know, the dopamine hit. Yeah, it doesn't do that. But the feeling I have after it's been a long time since I felt stuffed or like that bloat that can come after eating that I thought was just
how people feel after they eat. I didn't realize that, no, it's when you eat non-food, you feel like that. All right, well, I can see that you're really excited about this test. So I gave more blood.
Yes. Uh-huh. And you've looked at the blood. Now this is a what test? Why don't you explain what we're about to talk about to our listeners?

Antibody Reactions and Inflammation

Sure. So this is a food sensitivity test. And again, I'm really happy to share it with the world because this test actually really changed my life. And so one of the things that I want to say is when you're looking at this blood test, what they're doing is they're looking at food sensitivities.
versus a true allergy. Quite often, people will substitute allergy for intolerance. They'll say, I have a food allergy when they mean a sensitivity or intolerance. Intolerance and sensitivity, we can use the same thing. But a true food allergy, it's part of the immune system called IgE, like elephant.
That one is like eat peanut and your throat swells right away. You can get that anaphylactic shock. Eat a strawberry, you get hives. So if you have a small amount or a large amount, you'll know right away. It doesn't matter, and you'll get the same reaction. With this one, it's IgG, like George. And so it's a different part of the immune system, but it's still an immune response. So we're looking at IgG.
So that is part of your antibodies that will attack the food.
if it sees it in the bloodstream. So if you're not breaking down your foods properly, for a number of reasons, your intestinal tract, the barrier can be a little bit what we call hyperpermeability. So things can start to slip through into the bloodstream that shouldn't be there. And your body can start making antibodies to it. It doesn't recognize it as a food. It thinks it's being attacked by a virus or a bacteria. Hang on, this is escaped food.
This has broken out of the intestinal tract and is now loose in the bloodstream. Yes, that's what's happened. No, not exactly. So, you know, if you have like a cheesecloth and you put something on- For breakfast or just in general?
And just in general, when you want to basically put something on top of a cheesecloth and strain it, right? Right, from all my baking. Of course, yeah, I have several. Yeah, so the liquid comes out, right? Yeah, cheesecloths. Oh, so many I have. And I use them every day.
How about strainers? Yeah. Okay. That might be better. But there's only small little particles that are supposed to come through. The big ones stay behind. But if someone takes like a pen or a knife and cuts little holes in the cheesecloth, now larger particles come through.
And so what we can do is we can say, okay, first of all, that shouldn't be happening. But if it is happening, those little pieces of food that aren't fully digested, they slip through, they get into the immune system, and then the body doesn't know what to do with it. It doesn't recognize it as food. It says, this must be a virus or bacteria. So you start to produce these antibodies.
So you develop a sensitivity. So if you have a small amount of the food, you get a small reaction. If you eat a large amount or two or three things that you're reacting to together, you get a larger reaction. And what can happen is you can experience the reaction right away or up to two days later.
So the responses that people get are very different. They're unique to them and they're really challenging to figure out. And so if you ever have one of those people who are like, you know, some days I eat this food and I'm fine and other days I eat it and I feel off.
or the symptoms can be like, oh, you know, one day I have a muscular pain here, the next day it's over there, or I just feel foggy, you know, or just achy and I can't really figure it out. There can be a lot of different symptoms that aren't necessarily related to the intestinal tract.
Right. So you're saying you're not going to necessarily eat it and get a tummy ache right away. Exactly. For example. And tummy ache, I believe, is an adult medical term. Yes, it is. But you're saying it could impact your feeling in multiple ways. You might be sluggish. You might be lethargic, tired, achy. Achy, gain weight, chronic recurrent infections. And this is because the food you're eating is putting the body into fight or flight.
And the body is not fighting off or is it because your immune system is now? Your immune system thinks it's a virus or a bacteria. Right. So it's fighting that off. So that's different than the fight or flight response, which is more like the cortisol response. Okay. But still your system is active. So like, why would your elbow hurt if you ate strawberries or whatever your example was?
What could happen is if you are having these food sensitivities and you have this attack of the immune system against the food. So the immune system thinks, oh, this piece of food is a virus or a bacteria. You can actually get several of them kind of clumping together to form what we call immune complexes. And when they clump together, they become really heavy and they sort of sink to
We call that precipitate out. They can kind of sink down and they can do damage to the tissue. You can get more inflammation as a result of those immune complexes.
OK, so by eliminating those foods, you are eliminating inflammation. The real you can decrease inflammation. Yeah. So the problem with eating the foods that you're not aware your body doesn't like is that you are creating inflammation. Is that the biggest risk of this or just the inflammation? Because what can happen, of course, like if you can imagine if you're exposed to cold and flu viruses all the time, what can end up happening is you can get your system run down.
So your body is producing antibodies against these particular foods, so it's not going to be fighting off viral or bacterial infections. So you can get sick more often. The other thing that can happen is, yes, you can get more inflammation happening and you can use up resources like zinc and protein.
which are really important for other things in the body, and so you can get disease processes happening. Now, one of the things that can happen as well is those IgG antibodies can actually start to flip and potentially have the potential to turn into an IgE, a true allergy, a true allergic response.

Impact of Eliminating Eggs

So, there's a number of reasons why these can be harmful, but they can contribute to things that people wouldn't necessarily connect with food because they think, well, if it's food, it must be my digestion and other areas like rain fog.
So if I can read between the lines here, you're about to take away some more of my favorite foods, aren't you? Yes, yes. Now that I've started adapting to this new system and getting comfortable with it, you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's mix this up. Yeah. Great. Yeah. All right. What can't I eat now? And then you can tell me why.
Well, sure. All right. So this test, we took a bunch of blood and we introduce food to it. Yes. Is that what happens? Yeah, pretty much. Basically, we have little pieces of those foods and we have what's called like a reagent that we use so that if you are producing antibodies against that food, you'll actually see the reagent turn color. So you took my blood to a wine tasting.
Yes, that's what we did. Basically, or a buffet. Yeah, there we go. And asked it to say what it liked, what it didn't. Yeah, pretty much. And this is the results of what my blood told you it doesn't like. Yeah, so what we're actually measuring is the antibodies, to see if you have antibodies to those particular foods. Well, everyone has antibodies, don't they? To foods? They shouldn't. No. No, but just in general, you got antibodies floating around in there and they got to do something, right?
Well, yes, but they're not measuring antibodies in general. They're measuring it to the specific foods. OK. So I got all these little antibody guys, just my little team of infantry in there, looking for a fight. And then some foods are like, oh, there's some stuff. Let's get it. Yeah, pretty much. OK. All right. Let's find out who we like picking a fight with.
Awesome. So one of the things when I talk to my patients about this type of testing, the first thing that I like to go over is kind of explain what it means because I think there's a lot of misinformation out there and there's a lot of practitioners who don't really know how to utilize this information.
And so if you go to the lab, the lab is going to tell you there's foods that will turn up in the normal range and they're highlighted green. There are foods that are borderline and there are foods that are elevated. And they'll tell you foods that are borderline are okay to eat on occasion and foods that are elevated you have to stay away from.
And for me, I like to take a deeper dive because what I've seen is if you do it that way, you're always going to be having an antibody production. You're not going to heal the system. You're not going to get rid of all of the antibodies against food. You're just going to start switching it to something else.
And so if we want to affect healing in your system, which we can do, you shouldn't have to stay away from these foods for the rest of your life. We should be able to heal this and have all of these foods come back in. And if you're actually healthy, you shouldn't have any of these foods showing up.
and food sensitivities in your system as well. So it's really important to know that, okay, we've got to take out all of the foods in the borderline and the elevated range.

Dietary Changes for Healing

And then there are certain foods that you could have a cross reaction to or could make this whole
intestinal hyperpermeability, the cheesecloth issue that could make it worse. So we pull those foods out. So what you're going to notice is that I've spent some time not only saying, okay, these are the foods that are in the borderline in the elevated range, but these are the foods that you could have the cross reaction to or could make this situation worse. So you have to avoid those two.
So for you, you know, naturopaths are notorious for saying, hey, stay away from wheat and dairy and gluten and dairy. And you definitely are lit up, like total elevated red, completely lit up for all types of gluten, all types of dairy, but you're also reacting to eggs. No, I've been eating eggs nonstop.
Exactly. Every day I eat four eggs. Yeah. No. Yeah. And now is it possible I'm reacting to it because I'm eating so many eggs?
Actually, yes. And so it's not the fact that you're eating eggs all the time that has caused the intestines to have an issue. So the eating eggs on a daily basis, four eggs, is not going to cause that intestinal hyperpermeability, the poor cheesecloth issue. It's not going to cause it to show up in the bloodstream.
So we have to really understand what's happening and we have to know, hey, we've got to heal that. But what it is going to say is that, hey, if you have a lot of those, a lot of foods that you're eating on a regular basis, if you're eating a high amount, your body's going to see it more as a threat. So you're more likely to have a response to foods you eat often. So my soldiers are just tired of eggs coming around and they're like, you again, get out of here. Scram.
they're like, you're not supposed to be here. So if it was like one or two here or there, they'd be kind of like, meh, you're not a threat. But because it's so many all the time, they're like, hey, you're on our turf. We gotta get rid of you. Well, breakfast just took another hit.
Yes, it did. Okay. So no dairy, no gluten. No. And now no eggs. No eggs and. So for breakfast, I can eat an eyelash hair. Yeah. You can, you can smell it. Drink some water, sniff the air. You're good to go. Fantastic. This is great news. Yeah. I'm so tired of having breakfast.
Exactly. Intermittent fasting, here we come. It's not true. I know you told me I couldn't fast. That's right. Okay. You're just going to take away any food I would eat. Yeah. But not fasting. That's right. Okay. It makes total sense. It's going to be the opposite. You're really slowing me down.
OK, so eggs. I got to cut out eggs. You do. OK. And is there something I'm supposed to replace it with

Reactions to Oats and Corn

or not? Well, I think we can talk about that, but we probably should go over all the foods that you should stay away from first, right? Because you got to know what you can't have. Sure. So for some people, they would say, OK, well, if I can't do gluten, what about doing oats for breakfast? Because you get gluten free oats. There we go. But you're highly reactive to oats. Oh, well, I haven't been eating any oats.
And yet you're highly reactive and you're reactive to corn. How does it know if it hasn't seen oats in a while? Well, it's showing up in your bloodstream. So why are my... You've got high antibodies to it. Well, how could that be? I haven't been eating oats. Well, it could be for a number of different reasons. One, it could be because you've been exposed in the past and this is having, this has been around for a long time, right? Okay. Because your body's holding on to that, those antibodies.
It doesn't have to be something that you have just eaten more recently, which a lot of people think that it has to be. But no, it could have been something that you were eating both before in the past and the body didn't like it. The oats did so much damage that my soldiers still have signs up saying, hey, if you see oats, don't let them in either. Exactly. No. He was at the bar and he was so disruptive. Get rid of the eggs. Eggs, what'd you guys get out of here? And if you see oats, take it with you.
I don't want to see any oats around here. Okay. Exactly. So these are new and old foods I can't eat. Absolutely. All right. Well, oats I wasn't eating anyway, so I'm fine with no oats. Yeah, but some people would also say- No, that's like a win. It is. I don't have to eat something that I wasn't eating anyway. Great. And same with corn. Same with corn. I wasn't eating corn. Oh, good. I mean- No corn on the cob, no popcorn.
I can't say there's been no popcorn. I can say I haven't had my own bowl. That's good. And now you're not even having your own kernel. Does that count if I have somebody else's? I mean, just a couple of kernels? Nope. What harm could a couple of kernels do? Didn't you say my soldiers can let a couple of guys go?
Well, not once they're already aware that it's a problem. Now they're going to see it and they're going to be like, okay, we need to have people who can recognize this guy around. They're going to keep the immune system, the antibodies up. Crunchy and covered in butter and salt. Russell sprouts. Oh yeah.
I don't know why they don't sell that at movies. You can't even have butter. Of course. Still, oh yeah, big bag of Brussels sprouts in the movies. That's what's happening. I don't know why. I don't know why. You just said it had to be crunchy. Brussels sprouts are crunchy. Of course. It's the perfect substitute. Kale. Kale chips. Kale chips. Awesome. I can't wait.
Oh man, what a party I'm going to throw this weekend. Hey kids, come on over. Dad's got some kale chips and some Brussels bros. That's fine. Your daughter's never having friends over again. I'm not going to be allowed to be around. Nobody, nobody. I'm not going to have friends for you to keep this up. Okay.
All right, great. So I'm off the eggs. I'm off the butter, obviously, and the oats, but oats was the main thing. No oats, no corn, no dairy. No gluten, no dairy. Yeah, no eggs. Okay. Yeah.
And so, for some people, they'd say, okay, well, you can't have gluten, so go to a gluten-free product. But you can't, because gluten-free products are made from oats, they're made from corn, they could be made from rice, you're highly reactive to rice. So this is why- I thought rice was the safest food in the world. It's considered one of the most hypoallergenic, and you're highly reactive.
Well, what, is there a pattern there? How am I just reactive to these random, how could I be reactive to eggs and rice and oats? Well, I would say, you know that lifestyle that you lived? Yeah. That's why. It's all the drinking and you blew a tube. I got a lot of holes in my cheese glasses. You do. That's exactly it. Well, I felt fine for most of it.
But did you really? Now that you're eating clean, can you honestly say? I'm certainly having less fun.
Can you get up out of a chair yet without groaning? Uh, depends how deep the chair is, but yeah, I can, I can spring off a high chair for sure. Give you a bar stool or something, but who cares? Cause I don't sit on bar stools anymore. Cause I'm not allowed to go sit at the bar. So you could sit there and drink water. Oh yeah. Can you have any bar snacks? What are all these nuts? Yeah. We need to talk to bar owners everywhere. Yes, that's right. And say, guys, Brussels sprouts, that's the future.
Well, I'm just saying, something better than peanuts. How about that? Well, this is your personal peanut agenda. It is. So what's going on here? This is really starting to show. Well, it's because so many people think that the foods that they're eating are okay. And so they're just not told what the dangers of different foods are. And I think with this test, this is why I love it, because it really... It tells you exactly what it was. ...individualizes it. So this is a very specific
This is next level testing to find out what I shouldn't be eating currently, but a healthy person you said earlier would not have anything show up.
Yeah. Yeah. That should be the normal. So that's what we're working towards is that someday I would be green light across the board. Exactly. Well, wouldn't that be something? And so that's what we're going to work towards. You don't have to stay away from these foods for the rest of your life.

Temporary Dietary Restrictions

What we need to do is heal up your system. And so eventually we heal it up, your antibodies stop being produced to these foods or any food, and all of these foods come back in.
So I don't have to stay away from these foods for the rest of my life. I just have to stay away from you when I'm eating these foods. We actually want to get your immune system. I wasn't eating both. What? Some of my teeth. What? Hey doc. What are you doing here? I didn't know you like movies. This isn't for me. I'm just holding it on my lap. Sure. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. What else? What else can I not eat for like, how long can I not eat these foods? Do you think?
Well, so that's the thing. So we've got to put together a whole process and a whole protocol. So the first part of that protocol, we have to remove all of the foods that you're reacting to plus we have to remove any of the foods that are going to have a cross reaction so we can start the healing process. Because every time you eat these foods right now, it's like swallowing a Brillo pad. And so it just
causing inflammation throughout your intestinal tract all the way through and it's making the situation worse.

Healing the Gut

So once we've removed it, then we've got to do our, we've done a little bit of deep dive and we have to say, well, what was the initiating cause? I would say alcohol, good portion of the issue that contributed to this.
So you have to say, is there any issue with respect to testosterone? What's happening with the stomach? Are you digesting your foods properly? Is your pancreatic enzymes working well? Are those issues? So if there's any issue that's going to cause the body to continue to hold on to bad bacteria and to make this process worse, we've got to identify that and treat that.
Once we've healed that, we can actually start the healing process of the intestinal tract where we can remove all the food or sorry, remove all the bad bacteria that could potentially be there and put the good bacteria back in. So repopulate your gut microbiome and then seal up, heal and seal that intestinal tract. And so that's the whole process. But I find, you know, there's a lot of practitioners who will do this test who don't really understand how to use it as a healing tool.
And so they'll say, well, yeah, this is a lot of food, so let's keep the foods in and we'll start working with the gut microbiome first. And I disagree with that because the gut microbiome, if you heal that, it doesn't get rid of the underlying issue. And you're just going to get further disruption because you're eating foods that are going to be irritating to the intestinal tract and you haven't healed the reason why the gut microbiome went out of balance to begin with.
So this, having food sensitivities or intolerances, it's a symptom, it's not a disease.
Okay. And so you got to find out why that's happening, heal that, and then hit the reset button and heal the system. And that's what we're going to do. And then all of these foods come back in. Now foods that you are having just a smaller reaction to, just one of those borderline reactions, those foods can come in much sooner than the ones that you're having a very severe reaction to. So the borderline foods will keep out for maybe six months to nine months. I know.
Yeah, this show ends sooner than that, so I won't actually have to. Stay tuned for season two, Dave rebels. That's right. Dave strikes back. That's exactly it, the new hope. Season two, I'm telling you, you have to live the way I lived. We'll just see how long you make it.
I'm telling you, that's going to be the best part. I'm going to be dead within two weeks. Yeah, no, no, no. Have a chaser. Have a beer to follow that show. Dr. Val gets alcohol poisoning that season two. Yeah, you're going to want some poutine with that booze.
medical disclaimer. Before you go down the rabbit hole of kale smoothies and laughter yoga, a quick reminder, we're not your doctor. We might have the prescription for a good joke, but when it comes to your health, consult the pros. So laugh and learn, but keep that stethoscope handy. Just in case.
Hey everybody,

Listener Engagement and Closing

Dave here. I hope you're enjoying the journey with Dr. Val and I so far. If you haven't yet, be sure to like or subscribe or follow us or whatever they tell you to do on Spotify or Apple or whatever platform you listen to us on. And if you have any questions or if you want to follow up on anything we've discussed on the show so far, head on over to Instagram and find us there at Dr. Val Saves Dave. Send us a message with your questions and we'll be sure to answer them on a future podcast.
Hey, thanks for listening and be good to yourself. All right. So for the, so a lot of this information is too specific to me to be helpful to others. Well, yes and no. I suppose, right? Like people shouldn't, anybody listening to this shouldn't be doing everything you're telling me to do anyway.
No, but I think what the great take home message is, like if we look at your food sensitivity list and we start pointing out, hey, you're reacting to radish, you're reacting to cabbage, you're reacting to celery. Celery? Who's ever reacted to celery? That's my point exactly. You are, and there are people out there who are, but they won't know it because they'll think, oh, this food is healthy for me.
It's celery. There's no way you will know this information unless you have the testing done. And yes, celery, there was- It's like eating a shin bone. Who could react to it? Apparently you can. And there's this guy out there called the medical medium.
And I don't know if you've heard about him. I certainly have because everybody went on this craze for a while where they were drinking celery juice. They're like, have you read the medical medium? Celery juice is the best thing. And I saw so many people who reacted. And so if you did that thinking, well, the medical medium says this is good. All my friends are trying it. It's celery juice. It can't be bad for you. This should be healthy.
You'd react. This would be bad for your system. This would cause damage. This would cause inflammation. So I think this is a really important test for people to have and for people to know because of the fact that
food that you think is healthy, maybe it isn't for your body. Okay, but for the most part, you can trust everything you read on the internet, right? So you don't actually have to. Especially on Instagram and social media. Yeah, no. If somebody says it's good for you, you never have to question it or check it, right? But there's a lot of people that don't and that just believe the hype.
So I like that you snuck in the radishes there though, knowing I wouldn't have a big reaction to radishes. Like you did, there was no buildup, just like celery and radishes. And no, there's no big thing about radish juice out there then or anything. There isn't, thank goodness. Okay. I think I'll be able to get through a week without radishes. You're saying six months, six months I'm off the radishes? Probably over a year because you were actually quite reactive to it. Quite reactive to radishes. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I know.
Okay. All right. So that's one more thing I can't have on a salad when I'm out in the world. Yeah. Okay. No celery, no radishes. That's right. All right. Hit me. Let's take some more foods away. Sure. Well, what I found really interesting was you are having a lot of reaction to different types of nuts and seeds. And so things that would be healthy like kidney beans, you're reacting to kidney beans, you're reacting to white beans.
I haven't eaten, I couldn't tell you the last time I ate beans. Yeah, and I see kidney beans come up for a lot of people. Well, I used to like chili.
people do, but what is happening now is, you've probably heard the term, well, you may or may not have heard the term Frankenfoods, where people are talking about, okay, what's happening when we start to genetically modify foods? And so they're using bits of DNA from some plants and putting it into other plants to make hybrids.
and they're genetically modifying and manipulating foods. And because we're getting that type of exposure, we're starting to see more and more of these reactions to foods that people don't or haven't even necessarily eaten it sometimes in their life. And they're like, how am I getting this exposure? So red kidney beans you've eaten before, but kidney beans is one that I see coming up really, really commonly. P protein.
I take pea protein. You do, and you have to stop because you're reacting to peas. Oh, come on. I know. And so this is the whole thing. Well, hang on now. I'm taking pea protein because of you. I know. So this is entrapment. Yes, that's exactly what I did. You've set me up there. Wait a minute. I did my best. That's why you need to have this information.
But beet protein was your idea. It was. And it was building me up and making me feel good. And now you're saying it was also. And there was a wonderful, there are wonderful benefits to that particular protein that we were using because it's a medical food powder that has a lot of vitamins and minerals in it and is really good for cleaning out the liver. So there's really good products out there. But now that we're doing the deeper dive and the deeper testing, we're finding like, wait a minute, it's not for your body.
Okay. All right. Your body's reacting to it. Noted on your record. I know. Your first strike, doctor. There we go. Will we find other faux pas on this test of yours? Oh, I'm sure we will. Let us not bring up the great mustard incident.
Well, guess what? You're actually reacting to mustard seed. Oh, come on. I'm not joking. Oh, come on. You're making this whole thing up because you're ticked off about mustard. I'm not. Does it say how I react to yellow dye? Everybody has a problem with yellow dye. Well, I'm going to just eat yellow dye for now on then. I don't need the seeds of my mustard.
This is nonsense. You've rigged this. I can't make this stuff up. And this went to a lab. It had third party testing. Who you chose. They didn't know anything about you. They didn't know who you were. I bet. Just say, hey, would you slip my fiver or something? Make sure mustard's on that. Don't let the kitty mustard. You know what I mean? Terrible baby dodger.
Okay, so I'm off mustard seed. Well, it doesn't matter because I can't have a chili dog. No. Can't have a hot dog. No. Can't have a bun. Nope. Can't have any fun. Can't have cheese on it. No bun, no fun. Not a single luxury. Uh, no cheese. Sure. Great. Perfect. This is great. So now I'm eating what? Forearm bone? What do I have? What can I eat? Well, you can have chickpeas.
Great. Take a big party at my place. So I get to keep hummus. You do. And guess what? What? You're fine with every single type of meat. Ooh. Yeah. So we're putting meat back in the play. We are. We are. Oh, I'm fine with every type of meat. I could have told you that. So, you know, there are some people out there that for sure, back in the day, you know, you just
You're gonna kill something and eat it. I'm guessing. I'm assuming that's how we all survived. And most people ate meat. Yeah. And their ancestors, I mean, most of our ancestors ate meat. Yeah. So I can eat all the meat I want as long as I don't have any radishes. There we go. Yep. I can't imagine that's great for my digestive system. Where would I be getting my fiber from?
I am so glad you asked that question because there's an entire way of eating out there called carnivore. Well, let's just stop and appreciate that I asked another great question. You're on a roll. So audience, whoever you are, high five me, high five yourself. Way to go hammer. Got a good one in there. Way to go hammer buddy. All right. Talk to me fiber. I sounded so smart there. I want more.
You did. There's a type of way of eating out there called the carnivore diet and what it's a medical doctor who has written this fabulous book called called conveniently the carnivore diet and this is what he talks about and he's like hey you know I've seen for a lot of people they switch to this way of eating where they're having nothing but you know good organic red meats
And a lot of the meat product, any animal product, they stay away from all vegetable products, so there's no fiber whatsoever, and they get really positive health outcomes. And so I have had patients who have been on it and who have done well on it. And so it's not what I'm advising everybody to do. And for you, I'm not advising you to do it. Oh, it so sounded like you were about to say I could try the carnivore diet.
Well, you know, we would be getting close, but there's the fact that there are certain foods that you are okay with, a lot of vegetables that you're okay with that would still have fiber. So how do the people on the carnivore diet get away without eating vegetables?
they just focus on meat and that's all. And what happens with them is that their appetite, it's so satisfying that their appetite kind of shuts down a little bit. They don't need to eat as much, but they do. Well, I'm going to lose my high five status here, but it was my understanding that you needed some fiber in there to break up the protein in order to have a fully flowing digestive system.
So with some people when they're on carnivore, they will have loose stools. It won't be fully formed. Some will have less stools because again, you're not having the fibers, the bulking agent. And some will actually become constipated.
So, everybody's body is a little bit different. Certainly, it's one of those things where if you look at the book and you read them, there's a lot of people who have been on carnivore diet for a period of years and experienced positive results. So, why wouldn't I go on the carnivore diet? Well, first of all, because for me, when I look at carnivore diet,
First off, there's not a lot of really good long-term research behind it. And there's a lot of research that does have some positive benefits for things like olive oil for lowering cholesterol levels and for helping in terms of longevity. There's some really good research with different antioxidants that would be in different types of fruits and different types of vegetables that you can have. Don't tell me you're taking away my olive oil.
No, I'm not. Oh, thank God. No, olive oil you're flying with. Okay. Yeah. No, I think that's wonderful for you, but that would be off on carnivore. Really? You can't have olive oil on a carnivore day? No, carnivore is only meat products, like only animal products. Okay.
Right. So on carnivore, they say, yeah, you could do a little bit of butter or you could do a little bit of some cheese on occasion. Oh, well, I couldn't see that. But you can't. Yeah. Right. Okay. And so there are things about carnivore that I think it could be, I could see it used as a therapeutic tool. So Hippocrates said, your food is your medicine, your medicine is your food.
And for some people, that way of eating will be very therapeutic for a limited period of time, in my opinion, because the human body was not designed to just eat one type of food. And I think we do know, it's not just, I think, we have a lot of studies out there that say, hey, there's these wonderful components in plants that help in terms of preventing cancer, increasing longevity. And so those are really important as well.
All right. So I won't do a carnivore for now. Well, I guess what else is on my, I can't eat it list. We green lit all the meat so I can have all the meat. So that's good news, but I can't have eggs. So breakfast will still be a question mark because I'm off. How do you feel about Turkey bacon? And let's do a side note on that because I see it out there in the world. And one thing I can tell you about Turkey bacon is it's nowhere near as enjoyable as bacon.
Well, first of all, for me, what I like to get back to is eat real food. So is turkey bacon real food in your mind? Not really. That's the problem. But there's a lot of other things that are in there. So you'd have to read the ingredients. So just because it says turkey bacon and it sounds healthy, I know. I can't read ingredients on turkey bacon at a restaurant.
Well, you know, if that's the best choice that you have at the restaurant, then yes, that's what you're going to go for. Because if I go to a restaurant for breakfast right now and I can't have any eggs, any oats, any toast, any butter, what am I supposed to actually order?
Well, at a restaurant, that's going to be really challenging. So if you can get steak for breakfast, yeah, if you can get steak for breakfast, that's probably great. But the choice for you is you're going to have to make sure that you're always as prepared as possible. Oh, yeah. Well, that's me my whole life. I'm super prepared always, you know, because I'm so disciplined. With a different option. Yes, that's you. Can I have potatoes again yet?
No, you were reacting to potatoes. How could I even add potatoes at all? How can I still be reacting to potatoes? You mean at all? You had it before. Yeah. Yeah. That's months ago now. You're still reacting. Son of a-
Okay. So I go into it. Thank you for pointing that out because some people will say, they'll read the, like the, a lot of laboratories will say, okay, if you, um, haven't eaten the food in a while, we want you to eat it so that we get like the results and we can, and if you haven't eaten it in a while, you won't see any type of reaction. And that's not my experience. You could have not eaten something for, in some cases for years. Some people, you know, again, have never really had any exposure.
That they are aware of and it's coming up. So okay. Yeah. All right More bad news. What else we got can't I eat? I still don't know what I'm ordering at this breakfast restaurant I guess I'm just asking do you have a steak? Can I have that on a plate and nothing else? Well, my my whole thing would be to try not to have to be in that situation where you'd go because you're right It's gonna be a challenge for you to go out for breakfast, but you don't travel for a living. I
Yes. So what we'll do is we'll make sure that we get you some recipes for things that you can grab and that you could have in your hotel room. So you can eat breakfast in your hotel room. Oh, great. I can't wait to travel with Tupperware. Well, there's also things that we can do for different grocery stores and things that you can pick up that we'll talk about.
off the record. We'll get you some strategies. And that's, I think, why it's really important as well to work with a professional who has some of those tools and tricks in place. So one of the people that I've worked with as well is a gentleman who you know by the name of Andy Muto, and he is a wellness chef.
and works a lot with professional athletes, elite athletes, but we work together as a great team to help in terms of creating a lot of those recipes and giving you those support. Because if you did this test on your own and you were to try to implement it without having someone develop those recipes for you, give you different strategies and hold your hand, you're going to have issues. It's going to be really, really challenging. It's challenging enough as it is, but we'll make sure we get our team on it so that you've got
I can't imagine walking in and asking for this test without somebody like you. Anyway, it's not like I'm wandering around going, oh, you know what? I need blood work done.
There are people who do that. Hey, can you guys just stab me with a syringe and find out if I can have popcorn at the movies tonight? Nobody's doing that. So of course I'm going to take a team of people to be involved. But some people will just hand you the test and not necessarily have the skill set and the strategy to work with you in terms of how do you make it workable in your life. So that's important.
So what is the intended outcome of this test? That we get me back to eating other foods or that we create a new, better version of me just running? Like what's our end goal and how will we know when we've achieved it?
Yeah. So the reason that we're doing that is these foods that you're reacting to, if you're eating it and you think it's healthy, it's actually harming your body. So what we want to do is we want to heal your body. We want to get you not only to the best health, shape, and fitness you could be in at 50, we want to optimize your body and we want to optimize your performance. So this right now is something that you
aren't aware of that's leading you towards a disease state down the road. It's causing inflammation and damage within your system. So we want to take out these foods and we want to heal your body so that eventually, so first of all, we get rid of the damage that's being done and we reverse it. Number two, we stop the reaction. We prevent future disease because if this continues, it's going to lead to another type of disease down the road.
And then what we want to do is we want to be able to heal your system so that eventually all of these foods come back in and you're fine with them because it really sucks if you have to stay away from these foods or any foods for the rest of your life and you shouldn't have to. We still haven't ordered for breakfast. We haven't got to lunch or dinner. Yeah. Well, lunch and dinner is easy because it's meat and vegetables, maybe some fruit. You're fine. That's going to be easier. All right.
Is there, is there any more really bad news in there or? Well, you know, there's some surprises in terms of how much you're reacting to different types of nuts. Like you're reacting to almonds and hazelnuts and pistachios and cashews and Brazil nuts and soybeans. Common. Do you see that a lot in people or is that unique to me?
I see like pistachios and cashews are very moldy nuts. So it's not so uncommon. They're not the greatest nuts to be eating. But I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that try to avoid moldy nuts.
Yes, exactly. Most people do. It just doesn't sound wonderful. No, it doesn't. Although I saw Moldy Nuts play at the Horseshoe Tavern one year, and I thought they were fantastic. There we go. Yeah, Moldy Nuts, they open for the chickpeas. There we go. It was a great show. Fantastic. Super, super good show.
And a show that I obviously can't go to now. No, not at all. Because I can't go see Mouldy Nuts anymore. Nope. Nobody wants to hear or see Mouldy Nuts. Yeah. Well, they're bad for you, apparently. They are. Some people, I'm sure, have no reaction to Mouldy Nuts. Is that what you're saying?
Well, some people may not, but you definitely do. Yes, I am a verse. And mushrooms. And mushrooms, weird. I love mushrooms. And coffee. What about magic mushrooms? Do they count as the same as regular mushrooms? Yep, sorry. Come on. Sorry about your luck. Oh, this is ridiculous. Now I'm upset.
And the whole point of taking mushrooms is that your stomach feels weird and then you giggle a lot. Yeah. Well, there you go. So I can't do that? No, I know. What is happening? Not an advocate. Okay. Your rules are starting to be suspect. Well, they'll keep you out of prison. So that's good. So not only can't, I think you're allowed mushrooms. Anyway, uh, all right. I want this show over so bad now.
I knew you were going to cry. What are we going to do? Can we have a party next episode or something? What can we do next episode? Tune in next week. Find out what else Dave's going to not enjoy for the rest of his life.
I thought the whole point of this was to enjoy life. Isn't there something to be said for just enjoying life and feeling good about yourself? Yeah. And there's also, you're going to enjoy a longer quality of life with your daughter and you're going to be able to do things with her because... Filled with cortisol and stress because I can't go anywhere or eat anything. No, it's just right now while you're in a healing phase. This all heals up and then you can't. That could take years, you're saying, though, this healing phase.
This podcast, this season ends. I don't know if we'll do a season two, but this season ends. This season does. But I'm not saying this whole thing is going to take years and years and years to do, but the foods in terms of what you're reacting to, there's a process of how long you have to stay away from some of those foods. Okay.
Well, I'll do what you say because so far it's working. Um, certainly from a weight loss standpoint, uh, as far as quality of life remains to be seen, but it's amazing how much weight I've lost. A lot of people are starting to comment. People haven't seen me on the fact. In fact, my neighbor the other day said he, uh, didn't recognize me. I was out in front of the house with my head down on a hat on and he went, who's this guy skulking around?
Oh, it's you. Oh, you've lost a lot of weight. Yeah. So Bravo you in that regard. And it should start to happen where you also get this healthy glow through your skin and you actually start to reverse the aging process. So you should start looking younger and have people going, yeah,
And so by eliminating these foods for a while, that should start to happen as well. I should feel extra amazing in how long will it take till I start to feel some benefits of not eating this way.
Really within about at least two weeks. But for me, it was night and day. I noticed it really quickly because the symptom that I had was it affected my energy. And so I would be sleeping 10, 12 hours. I'd be up for an hour and have to go back to bed and my skin would hurt. Like I would be able to touch like my skin and it would hurt. It was like, it's the weirdest thing. I felt like I was hit by a bus. And so as soon as I pulled these foods out,
Like the difference was, was so fast. Really? Yeah. Okay. Well, my soldiers are going to get pretty frustrated then, uh, with nothing to fight. They're just going to get bored. Yeah. So what happens to all these bored antibodies? Well, they hang around and then eventually your immune system goes, ah, we don't need these guys anymore. They just get resorbed. Your body uses them in some other area. They all have to like leave the army and become like,
Peacekeepers. Yeah. Okay. You guys are going to the elbow joint. You guys are going to form muscle. You guys are going to form testosterone. Oh, all right. Yeah. Come on, soldiers. Time for you guys to turn into beefcake. Exactly. Woo. All right. They all become magic Mike. Suddenly apparently. Make love not war. Exactly. That's what we're going to do to this body now, huh? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
All right, so tune in. What can we say? I don't know. Next week to hear Dave cry. I'm impressed. I'm impressed that I'm not crying. That's because I'm in shock. Yeah. There's no emotional reaction yet. Yeah. It's just more devastation. Don't worry. The recipe book is coming.
Yeah. There you go. The Dr. Val saves Dave recipe book. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We'll put it together. Um, okay. So for those of you listening, uh, do not try this at home. Enjoy your life. Have some popcorn at the movies tonight for me to have a radish smoothie, radish and celery, chug a radish and so smoothie for me. And then throw some eggs on top with oats and just live your life, live your life.
Check out the carnivore diet and see if... Well, no, I wouldn't say to necessarily check that out. I'm not advocating that as healthy. Oh, I wasn't saying you're advocating. I was going to say to see if that's something... I thought you said it was beneficial to some people. It could be used as a therapeutic healing tool, but I would get guidance on it. Get guidance is always our advice to seek out your health practitioner. Because there can be, if not right, for everybody. No, no, but it might be. And you need to know. Maybe somebody listening.
Yeah, but I would say contact a qualified healthcare practitioner to guide you on that. Of course, that's our advice to everything. But you know, you could at least read about it. You could look into it. I'm just saying, check it out. You can? Yeah, there's no crime in saying, check out the carnivore diet. Well, I just don't want people to get the wrong idea thinking that, oh, this is going to be the answer to all my problems. I'm pretty sure you make it impossible for people to get the wrong idea on this.
I don't want to misinform anybody. I'm pretty sure they have belabored the point. I don't want to misinform anybody. It's very weird to have a podcast that we're insisting people not listen to. Listen to us, but do not listen to us. I don't want to be like, okay, well fiber, I don't want to say like fiber or plants are bad. I don't want to make that implication or that cause they're not, they have wonderful health benefits. So you just have to know what's right for your body. We still advocate for the Mediterranean diet, do we not?
It's a, yeah, but not for everybody. So again, do not listen to anything we say. It's not about that. And we're going to put out a cookbook? Yes, we are. This is a book of foods you shouldn't eat. Or you could, but maybe, but don't take our word for it. Ask somebody else.
Hey, ask around to find out if anything reset is good for you. The whole point of this is we individualize this to you. And the whole point of going through this is to say that there's no one right way of eating. So it's not all about plant-based for everybody all the time. It's not about vegan for everybody all the time. It's not about carnivore for everybody all the time. It really is about individualizing the way of eating for your biochemistry and for your nutrition. The main thing we're doing is that I am trying all of these things.
so that I could show people that you can turn your life around. There we go. That you can repair and restore your health and your optimum functions. So I'm in no position to argue with you over these things. But other people who are listening don't have to necessarily. And they can argue all they want. They don't have to. They're probably not even listening anymore.
Because we told them not to listen to them. Because you just explained to them to go listen to somebody else. Well, you just said, go do carnivores. No, I said, look into it. I didn't say go do it. I said, check it out. See if it's something you're interested in. There we go. That's totally fair. Yeah. All right. There we go. And the Mediterranean diet is something I've also said, read into, see if it makes sense for you, and then consult.
somebody other than us to get the okay on these things. Cause I'll be sitting alone at a breakfast restaurant, crying, having water. Well, the staff tells me I have to leave cause I've been reading the menu for 48 minutes without ordering like a weirdo. Cause I'm like, I just can't, there's nothing, it's impossible for me to eat here. Then please leave, sir. No.
I need to eat. Bring something in. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to be so healthy. You are. Right? That's what you're saying here. You are. So I'm going to cut out all these foods and it'd be an amazing shape with the most lowest inflammation. What's the record for low inflammation?
Probably zero. Okay. That's what we're going for. And we're actually going to lean you out too. We'll lean out that body fat percentage. Oh yeah. The pics are coming this summer. Look out. It's awesome. Sun's out. Inflammation's out. Isn't that the thing? Exactly. Yeah. Okay. Hey everybody. Enjoy your life while you can.
Tune in next week. Next week, I'm going to need a counselor. We're going to have a grief counselor next week because the guest helped me through the stages of trauma, recovery, PTSD, all kinds of things. Yeah, so tune in and check out our Instagram, Dr. Val Starves Dave. I mean Saves Dave. That's right.
Yeah, check us out on Instagram. Dr. Val saves Dave like and follow our podcast and we will be back next week with a super healthier version of me and some fresh griping. I'll have sour gripes this week. That's what I teach, right? Great. Okay. Bye. Bye doc. See you next week. Bye-bye. Dr. Val, can you save Dave? He's quite alive.
He'll behave. Oh, do you think he will cave? Listen, and he's back in school. It's his funny, but it's Dr. Val's rules. It's his funny, but it's Dr. Val's rules.