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366 Plays8 months ago

It’s A Fat World After All! Dave tries to survive a family trip to the Land of Endless Temptation, while Dr. Val visits Nirvana!

Hello, everyone. Welcome back.

Introduction and Episode Consistency

What you don't know is we took a little bit of a break in real time. And the reason you don't know that is because we're releasing this episode right on schedule, but I had to go away for a couple of weeks. Where did I go? What did I do? How much trouble am I going to be in? Well, let's find out together.

Dave's Midlife Crisis Song

It's chapter eight of Dr. Val saves Dave.
Hey everybody, have you heard the news? Dave's turning 50 and he's got the blues. He's out of shape and this is true. He needs help, he has no clue. He grabs his phone and she can't quit. Dr. Bow will do her trick. She'll be tough, there's no free pass. Come on Dave, get off your ass. Dr. Bow, can you save Dave? He's quite alive.
He'll behave. Oh, do you think he will cave? Listen, and he's back in school. It's his body, but it's Dr. Val's rules.
And we're back. Welcome back everybody to chapter eight of

Missed Episodes and Health Updates

Dr. Val Saves Dave. We missed a couple of weeks. We also lost an episode. So someone in the universe is some witty banter. You will never get to hear. And some health updates. Five minutes of your life you just got back. Oh my goodness. It was probably the most clever stuff we've ever said.
It probably was. But anyhow, we've got new updates, new clever stuff, lots to talk about. How are you, Doc? How have you been? I am fantastic on this amazing, beautiful sunny day. Such a positive outlook. Always. Still and always. It gets a little annoying, folks, I'll tell you. But it's

Mental Benefits of Healthy Living

exactly what you want from your naturopath. You need that lighthouse that
that guiding person there if you're going to get through all these changes. This is what happens when you eat healthy and exercise and take care of yourself. You mentally stay happy. Agree to disagree. Have you ever listened to this show?
There have been stretches. It is not that happy. But yes, I am feeling better. My energy is quite good. David Thunder, if you've listened to our show throughout, then you know we're coming off of David Thunder episode, which was chapter six, I believe.

Beyond Weight Loss: Achieving Full Health

And I have now been working
the program so we can start right there with fitness in addition to the goal of this is to optimize health, right? Yes, absolutely. So it's not just to lose weight or learn a certain diet. It's to become a very healthy, fully functioning adult human being.
I would say, actually, it's even more than that. So most people don't know what they're actually physically and emotionally and mentally capable of. So a lot of people, they have these bodies, and they're driving it like it's a Volvo or a Ford F-150. And really, they've got a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. And they just don't know what they're fully capable of. So we want to get you to optimum health. We want to get you to wellness. And we want you to get so cellularly optimized that you're doing the impossible every

Aging and Unawareness of Body's Potential

because what i see for people for most people is they age way too fast and they think that that's just normal and a part of life and it's not it's just a function of the fact that most people aren't fueling their body for what their body is really capable of so i not only want you to get into
optimum health and a great vibrant way of living. I want you to actually go, oh, I want to see what this sucker is capable of. Like taking the Ferrari out on the Autobahn and just opening up that sucker and seeing like, what are you capable of? Right. So cellularly optimal. Exactly. That's awesome. Everybody out there I'm sure is keen to have a new title for the way that they are not living up to their potential.
So perfect. Oh, I knew I wasn't this, but now I also know I'm not cellularly optimal. Add that to my pursuits. Well, I don't think anybody wants to feel bad. I don't think anybody wants to age faster than they have to.

Yoga for Toes and Body Awareness

But that's what's happening because most people don't know what's truly possible and what they're truly capable of. It's true. And as far as aging quickly goes, it's not just diet. It's cortisol, as we know now, which I'm an addict. Yep.
So baby steps here, Doc. And I mean this quite literally because right now I'm learning how to move my toes independently. And thank you for that, David Thunder. So ladies and gentlemen, listeners, I don't want to presume who you are. I don't know if you've ever tried to move your toes independently, but let's just take a quick sidebar here so I can share my frustration. It's not as easy as it sounds.
If you don't know what we're talking about when we say toga, it's yoga for your toes. And again, go back and listen to David Thunder in chapter six. But I was issued my program, my workout routines. It's not workout, it's not even the right word. My body awareness exercises in beginning to reposition my neural pathways or to realign on my body works. And one of them involved moving my toes
independently of the other toes, which was shockingly difficult. Yep. So you have to move like your second, third and fourth toes back and under while your pinky toes do like a Texas Longhorns.
and then move your big toe independent of your other toes. Now, I want to say something about my toes. First of all, team players. They are team players. When their captain's doing something, they want to follow. So every time the big toe would go to do something, the other toes are like, yeah, we're with him. You know, like the honorage trying to get into the nightclub. Lemmings. Lemmings, yes. We're off the cliff. We're going to. My toes are lemming. That's exactly right.
And so when you suddenly try to move your toes, for some reason your sphincter flexes. And your brain just, there's panic. It's a wave of panic through your body as your brain discovers it can't move the toes. And it says, go, hey, hey, I'm moving you. And the toes are like, what? You guys hear something? What's that voice? And I can only see in the middle toe. It's like, that's the voice of God.
I had been told to work independently. And then my ring finger would go. I'm trying to move my toes. My fingers are flexing. And the brain is just going, what is happening? Why can't we move the toes? The toes are like, God's angry, man. What's going on with God? I guess it was supposed to move or something. I don't know how to move. I've never heard a voice.
So yeah, this whole cellular optimization, optimal health, whatever we're calling any of this, is frustrating, maddening, embarrassing, humiliating at times. It's super difficult. How, you've known David a long time, how are your toes? How are your toes? Tell me about the future. Oh, that takes so much practice, daily practice. Eventually your toes will start to wake up, but yeah, it's really challenging.
Do you remember your brain getting upset? I remember my toes going, what?
My brain just kind of crickets. I'm waiting. I'm telling you people, try to work your toes. Now some of you toe spreaders out there, we don't need to hear from you. I can tie it up with my toes. Two cherry stems. Yeah, sure. Knock yourself out. Post your videos on your own pages.
But for the rest of you listening, honestly, try to work your middle toes independently of the other toes. It is bizarre and frustrating. So the good news is I'm learning how to walk.

Halftime in Self-Improvement

Yes, that is good news. Like an adult now, I am walking different. I'm bringing my glutes to the party. Nice. Thank you. But what has happened in the meantime, dear listener, is we had what we called halftime.
And when I say we, I mean me. I declared halftime in my pursuit because life again sometimes finds a way as Jeff Goldblum taught us. And so I had to travel again and I went to Disneyland with the family on a trip. I went to the wonderful world of diabetes. It's a small world after all.
It is a fat world. There's a lot of Scooter people there.
Yes. Should we talk about scooter people? I think we have to. It's a public service announcement. I want you to know people, when we say scooter people, we're not talking about elderly citizens. We're talking about people, some younger than me, many sadly, younger than me, who are morbidly obese to the point that they get around the park on a scooter. Now, this is different than fat shaming. Yeah. Because we're not saying, oh, look at that. That's a fat person. I'm saying it's appalling.
how many people there are that use a scooter to get around because they are morbidly obese and their body does not work and they are in line to buy more sugar.

Obesity and Malnutrition Misconceptions

Yeah. Yeah. And this is not about shaming because it's not their fault. And so this is my big
soapbox that I stand on all the time because what's happening with the food industry, the health industry, with the information that's getting out there, 90% of it is wrong. We're missing a lot of nutrients in the food and there's a lot of chemicals in the foods, preservatives, additives, flavorings to manipulate taste that are really causing a lot of people to become over nourished or overfed but under nourished.
So there's a lot of reasons why obesity is happening globally. And it's actually for most people a sign now of malnutrition rather than actual good nutrient function. And so a lot of the chemicals in the foods and the fact that we're deficient in all of these different vitamins and minerals makes us crave a lot more of the foods. So we're being set up for failure everywhere you go.
Well, I don't want to just agree with you the whole time. Because I make sense. It doesn't make you a great podcast. I'm just like, you're here. Way to go. But as a person who is a new convert to seeing the world through the filter that you have for a long time now, yes, it is. It seems to me now that it's a byproduct of availability as well.
because I am, I showed up determined to do my gosh darned best. I mean, the first day I grabbed a, I was scouring the park to find some protein. I got myself a turkey leg, peeled the skin and was just not on that turkey leg. But we had a few days at the park and it wears you down. It is, there is an onslaught of sugar and salt and fat coming at you.
And alcohol, depending on where you are. Not that much there. Not that much there. Not the happiest place in the world.
Just the sugar high. Yeah, it's sugar. It's sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. It's sugar everywhere. It's sugar while you're walking to sugar. Yeah. And then the meals are obviously, you know, bread and cheese or breading on cheese. Some sugar sprinkled on top. Everywhere you go. It is a fat world after all. It definitely is. There's so much there to eat that you don't use your feet. It's a scooter world after all.
It's sadly normalized down there. As an outsider, you see it and you're like, oh my God, that person's young. Why are they on a scooter? And they say, oh gosh, look at that. There's more than one of them. But down there, it's very sadly common. I say sadly because it's sad. You look at it and you go, oh gosh, well,
you need to change the way you eat. And, you know, I had the one thought that if you've had too much to drink and you're at a bar, we cut you off. We say, look, you've had too much. You're over-served. Yes. We can't serve you anyway. You can't walk, for God's sakes. Let me put you in the cab and send you home. Exactly. That's what we have to do at Disney. Well, in other places too. I mean, as a public service,
And as a responsible thing, you're going to kill yourself the way you're going. I have to cut you off. I cannot, in good conscience, serve you anymore because you're clearly over-served. You've had too much. Well, the unfortunate thing now, statistically in North America, more Americans or North Americans are overweight or obese than are normal. So 72% of North Americans are overweight or obese. So that means it's normal or quite what I call common.
for people to be overweight or obese. So when we're looking around, we're going, well, that person's smaller than I am, so I'm okay. Or that person's bigger, so I'm okay. Is there a big gap between overweight and obese? Or is it all the same thing? Sliding and losing into it. I was overweight when this started, for sure. And that's measured by how quickly I've lost weight that I clearly didn't need. So I was overweight. I don't know what I've been classified as obese.
I didn't need a scooter to get around. I was able to walk incorrectly. I woke up every day and moved. So I think when you talk to most people, they want to lose 10 pounds. Everybody wants to, oh, I got to drop 10 pounds or 15 or 20 or whatever it is. But then there's the next category up of people who need to urgently lose 50 pounds. And quite often they can't see it.
They don't realize it. But I know I've spoken to people in my practice who don't recognize when they're overweight or even for parents. They don't necessarily recognize when their children are becoming overweight or obese. And it's a real problem and it's why I really want to do this podcast because people are being biochemically manipulated by the food industry and by the foods that are out there.
and they don't realize it.

Food Industry Manipulation

So the health industry and the fitness industry, I shouldn't say that industry in particular, I would say the weight loss industry, they get a buy-in from you failing. So when we take a look at statistics, the way that we look at that calorie in, calorie out model for weight loss, 95% of people who try to lose weight by cutting calories and increasing their exercise, 95% of them fail.
You have a 5% success rate. So to me, that's not success. And very early on in my practice, I started saying, well, why? And I started looking into the lack of nutrients in the food, how the foods are being manipulated, how the tastes and flavors, how fat, salt, and sugar, the magic, magic weight gain formulation is in everything.
Starving yourself, cutting calories doesn't work, never has work, never will work because you'll lose the weight. Your body goes into starvation mode, but you'll start losing muscle mass. You cannot go against, push against the body. You can't starve the body and force it into submission and expect that you're going to be healthy or that you're going to be able to do that for the rest of your life.
So the way the food industry is set up, if you start saying, okay, I'm going to start looking at cortisol levels, the hormone levels. I'm going to start looking at sugar levels. I'm going to start looking at bad fat versus good fat because there's a ton of manipulation. And I'm going to cut out the noise of what people are saying out there because a lot of the studies that are out there saying
you know whatever claims they're making a lot of them are wrong and they're just marketing and if you're looking at something and that says oh I I'm organic and gluten-free and you know sugar-free you know that's marketing it doesn't mean it's healthy for you so one of the tricks that I teach my students is that start playing the game with yourself where anytime you see the word sugar you substitute it with the word cocaine
Yeah, we touched on this on the last one. And it's amazing how difficult or challenging it is to try to eat healthy in so many places. It's remarkable that they don't have an option. And I wonder if that's done ignorantly
or deliberately because I can say this and, you know, full testimony. We can talk freely here, right? I did not pass the test of Disney. I caved and it started so simply. I came, I caved, I was conquered. I caved, I was conquered.
I got run over by the monorail because the Sugar Express took me down. It starts, you know, with just a hot day. Oh, maybe I'll have a bit of that ice cream. That doesn't seem so bad. Or, you know, oh, is everybody getting some popcorn? And they pump the smells. Oh, yeah, they do. I can't legally say for sure that they pump the smells. And I'm not suggesting they've done anything wrong.
We just came off being sued by Starbucks. But the smells are in the air. The smells get you. So you go, okay, we'll have a little popcorn. That won't hurt, you know, and then we'll have a little ice cream and that won't hurt.
eventually you know you're getting around you can't really find food so okay we'll just have a little slice of pizza here or have a little burger here so the thing about these foods that i noticed from eating healthy as a as a newbie as a noob uh as a noob healthy eater i hate all this language but as a person who tried to eat good
For a bit, what I learned in starting to eat foods that I shouldn't have been, again, is you want more of them sooner and quicker. It wears off faster, right? The sugar high, the dopamine hit. Yeah.

Sugar's Impact on Health

And the hunger hormones come out. Because you are malnourished by that feeding, your body goes, hey, that doesn't count, give me more food.
And your sugar levels, when you eat that, right, there's a lot of foods, a lot of at the food turns into sugar really quickly, it shows up in your bloodstream is sugar. So you get this high spike in sugar levels in your bloodstream. So your body goes, Oh, I got to protect the brain too much sugar for the brain is bad. It damages the brain. So the brain starts getting drunk a little bit and goes, Okay, let's get some insulin here because we don't we don't need to be damaged. So the insulin levels come up, you get this big bowl is this high amount of insulin coming up.
It grabs onto the sugar, pulls it into your fat cells because let's face it, that's exactly where it goes. And then what happens? Then you get your sugar levels in your bloodstream tanking. They drop. Now, if your blood sugar levels are low, you're going for whatever is going to bring it up.
It's biology. It's physiology. You're not going to outthink physiology. You're not going to out willpower it, which is why I do not believe in willpower. So if you have like even the turkey, like good protein that you're eating, you stabilize your blood sugar levels.
But if you have that sugar and your blood sugar levels crash, what do you think your brain's going to want when your brain is starving? It's going to want more sugar. You see a lot of people with the souvenir mugs loaded with pop soda, if you're American, but soda pop basically just running sugar around your neck. Just a little sugar suckle.
Big, big jab of that sugar cup that you can just nurse. Nurse your little sugar high as you walk around. Now, here's the other side of it though is, and this is why I'm saying Disney back off. Let me finish. I don't think Disney is doing anything wrong per se, because I'll tell you what, nobody's lining up to go to vegetable land. You're not getting a four hour lineup.
people because there's no instant gratification in a carrot. There's no quick fix like they're sinking your teeth into something that's garbage. I agree with you. So what's happening is a lot of these food companies, their job isn't to make you healthy and optimized. Their job is to make money.
I have to buy more of their product. That's what they want. They want it to taste good. Immediately. Also to make me feel good immediately so that I crave it. The more of their product that sells, the more you find it tasty, the more you like it, the more you want it and crave it, the better their profit margins are. They're going to go, oh, we're getting this fantastic feedback. People are buying our products. This is great. They're not thinking, I'm going to poison Dave today. You don't know that they're not.
Well, I'm just not a conspiracy theorist. I'm too lazy. Maybe they've listened to the show. Maybe they've seen me live. I don't think anybody cares about me. Really? You thought I'd really like that today? No, it would be flattering to think there's a company out there going, how do we kill that son of a bitch? No, I don't think they're not. Luckily, I'm off pop, so at least that's one thing.
And I was able to avoid a corn dog the whole time. But here's what's amazing is we talk about neural pathways is even now, even though, okay, so I eat a bunch of terrible food and you'll be shocked to discover I felt bad. I didn't feel good. I mean, we were walking all day.
which, thanks to David Thunder, I knew how to do. So, you know, very heel-toe, very hippie, had some glutes going, shoulders were back, arms were swinging. Really stunning walking. I put on a walking clinic. So, amazingly, I didn't, I was shocked to discover I didn't game.
weight over the course of this debaucherous several days, but what I did gain was stomach cramps, discomfort, and I could identify that it was from the food directly. Now, here's a question for you, Doc, and I think I know where the answer is going to be already, but there are other people listening.
uh who may not so um you know you've got me off all these foods that i used to enjoy with impunity i used to eat uh everything without questioning anything that went in my mouth i i could eat i would eat are you finished with that i would eat whatever you're eating i didn't care what's that yeah 100 a rutting ditch pick i might have called me so
Suddenly now I eat these foods and I feel terrible. Yeah. So did you put a hex on me? Yes. Yes. I'm a witch doctor. Which doctor? Yes. Which doctor was that again? Have you? How have you?
uh, changed my body to the point that it now, uh, reacts negatively or resents. For example, piece of pizza, cheese on bread. What could go wrong? Oh, terrible. So you've somehow made me lactose intolerant. Nope. No. Okay. Well, I was fine until this started. Well, now I feel horrible when I eat. So because explain yourself, woman.
I will. So basically, your body is doing what it's designed to do. I didn't do anything. Your body did everything. So normally what happens in a human body. So and we'll talk about the body.
That's a good point. So don't try this at home. No, there's a reasonably hand-drawn facsimile of a human body. The role of the human will be played by Dave Hamstead. So sure. Yes. So what we will do is it's imagine like when you're having these foods, it's like having 10 kids playing with the same etch-a-sketch, right?
Okay. And there's all these lines all over it. So what we did basically was we took the Etch A Sketch back from the children, shook it and cleaned the slate. So before what was happening with your body is you had a ton of inflammation happening within your system. When you were eating those foods, you were having an effect internally. But because you were so used to that level of feeling bad,
You acclimatized.

Body's Reaction to Processed Foods

That was my normal. Exactly. Like turning the water up on the frog. So the water was really hot. And so now we brought you back down. And then as we normalized your body, as your body started to react normally to do what it's starting to, or what it was designed to do, to work optimally, to function at a higher level. So now it's healthy. Now you're eating clean. You put that one thing on it, so you can give it back to one kid versus 10.
And what's happening is now you're seeing the noise. Now you're actually hearing and experiencing how your body truly responds to it. Whereas before, you were just at this level of suck. Yeah, but I was really good. As most people are. And we reframed the narrative a little bit, like I was a champion of suck. You were. I don't know how you were alive, like a medicine miracle. I watched.
I know. It's a shame. I really had fun doing it too. Absolutely. There's nothing. There's no judgment on this side. Well, there's probably some, but that's okay. That's what we're here for. No judgment. No, as long as it leaves— Shocking horror, but no judgment. Let's try to cover the children's eyes. Don't look at the hideous beast.
There is that sense of, it's weird, I feel better, but it doesn't feel like as much fun. It's much more work now to eat and there is less joy because there's a lack of variety in the food I'm eating. Let's remedy that.
Well, we will, and we're going forward for sure. But this was an important step in my journey this halftime, because as you recall, and anyone who's listened to this, if you listen in the first half, you'll hear me, I went back and listened to a couple, and you'll hear me talk so much about when can I eat the crap again? When do I get to start to eat?
poorly again. So now this is why I'm saying halftime, because as we enter into the second half of this, now I don't want to. I got to, and it didn't feel good. My tummy hurt. It was a tummy ache that I want to go away. So when I got back, I was like, oh, and here's words you've never heard from me ever, which I was like, boy, oh boy, I sure want some vegetables.
There are places where I've almost cried because there's no fresh vegetables. So here's what I will say to you based on, I forget where it was in the beginning, but you had said, I don't know how to speak body. So here's the deal. I still don't know how to speak body, but my body is learning how to speak up. Exactly. Hey, hey, hey, knock it off up there. We're not doing that crap anymore. So to your point, my body has gotten a taste of the good life. Yep.
And now it won't go back. Now it's like, no, no, no. Exactly. I got sick. Like I was sick to my stomach. I get to the point where my body is literally taking over and rebelling and telling me I can't eat that crap anymore. Yep. Okay. So how do we, how do we tell the world? Like this. Hey, that's a brilliant idea. We should.
our medical disclaimer. Before you go down the rabbit hole of kale smoothies and laughter yoga, a quick reminder, we're not your doctor. We might have the prescription for a good joke, but when it comes to your health, consult the pros. So laugh and learn, but keep that stethoscope handy, just in case. Hey everybody, Dave here.
I hope you're enjoying the journey with Dr. Val and I so far. If you haven't yet, be sure to like or subscribe or follow us or whatever they tell you to do on Spotify or Apple or whatever platform you listen to us on. And if you have any questions or if you want to follow up on anything we've discussed on the show so far, head on over to Instagram and find us there at Dr. Val Saves Dave. Send us a message with your questions and we'll be sure to answer them on a future podcast. Hey, thanks for listening and be good to yourself.
We do need to change the way we eat. I wonder how to put pressure on places like Disneyland lacking a better choice. How do we educate, you know, at least no, but just one small corner of the park, little health land. Well, it's two things. Number one, it's grassroots, right? Like, I don't know anybody who is on any type of high or in high positions at Disney. I just don't know those people.
But what I do know is that any company responds to money. So the more we can make people aware of how their food choices are affecting them, they'll start going, oh, now I'm going to put my money where my values are.
Well, healthy food is more expensive everywhere you go. So the money's already sort of built in there. Even if you're there, you can get a burger for a lot less than you can get a salad in a lot of places. Yeah. The more people start demanding that higher quality, that higher level, the more they stop buying the foods that have the sugar and the, all the chemicals in it, the more they start, we get people advocating.
And the more we can lobby the government with, but the government's not gonna do anything. If the Simpsons have taught us anything, it's that you don't make friends with salad. You don't make friends with salad. You don't make friends with salad.
There's not enough demand, but there must be a percentage of people at the park. I was wondering this because... Well, Matt Damon, I hear, is really health conscious and a great advocate, so let's just get Matt Damon to do it. That Woody Harrelson seems to like living clean. Yes, he does. People have said I look like him. There we go. We'll get you to just pretend you're him.
There you go. Maybe we can get him to join us. There we go. After Wim Hof. That guy. He'll turn everything around. We're going to get... This is what we need. We need the average person saying, really advocating for themselves. Number one, knowing where, how to spot where they're being manipulated biochemically, intentionally or unintentionally. Which is everywhere. Which is everywhere. That's the short answer to that I've learned. And then having them say, okay,
I'm not going to take this anymore. I'm not going to buy these products. And starting it, when companies start getting those messages, they will change. Now, again, some of the stuff we've talked about is unique to me right now. And I'm in what we call a healing process, right? Recovery. Recovery, yes. We could say detox any of the terms you want to use. So, you know, for example, bread, you know, grain, I'm not having any right now, but that doesn't mean everybody shouldn't.
That's correct. You have some, right? So what are some of the like crossover foods where like dairy, for example, like what would be the ones out there outside of sugar that like nobody should have no matter what? Because you could have a piece of toast and your body wouldn't.
throw you over a balcony. Stop it right now. We're going to let go. So, um, you know, what will be like the top three for Joshua out there who hasn't gone through the testing that we've

Benefits of Real, Unprocessed Foods

done? Yeah.
What would be somebody listening right now that's actually getting converted or is hearing this and going, I want to change. What's like the top three foods you need them to cut out sight unseen. If you were talking to just somebody, you didn't know them. What would you say? Here's your top three. Number one, stop it.
Other than the sugar, you mean? Well, sugar shows up everywhere though. It shows up in so many places. But if you could have a piece of toast, which is going to turn into sugar and you're okay, then that's not a sugar that's a number one culprit, right? Well, not all toast will do that. So the first thing- Not all toasts are created equal. Exactly. Because not all grains are the same. Exactly. And not all companies put the same thing in terms of their grains. So if you have
First of all, what I would say is what it really boils down to is eat real food. Yeah, I think you've mentioned that. If it's real, that's great, but how do you eat real food? If it looks like it was picked off the tree, if it looks like it came right from the farm, if it's fresh, local, grown in season, go down to your farmer's market, pick up some vegetables, pick up some fruits that are there.
They're the ones, if it's local and grown in season, they're going to have less pesticides, less chemicals. Try to get things that aren't in packages because they're going to be less chemically messed with. Read the ingredients. It really comes down to that first and foremost.
So when a lot of people talk to naturopaths, they'll hear us talk about gluten. They'll hear us talk about dairy. They'll hear us talk about peanuts. What you've heard me talk about peanuts, nobody should eat peanuts. Just don't get up to the... Just don't. Just don't. Oh boy, here we go. You did this one to yourself, by the way. I did. I did not bring up peanuts. You were bringing up peanuts. You had to move on. I got a thing with peanuts. You hate the peanuts. You had a terrible ex. You had a bad relationship.
You just can't let go. You see what peanuts is up to now? Yes, we all know. Exactly. We get it. You're with almonds. It's OK. You've moved on. Exactly. Almond butter, everybody. Everybody, just say almond butter whenever Dr. Val. Almond butter nuts. Don't ever date that guy. So yeah, but I mean, that's really what we're looking at. When something is a real food,
You can develop still sensitivities to it because of how you're living your lifestyle and if things are off balance. But once you correct those imbalances, all foods should be back in, right? So dairy products, if they are made from like grass-fed, grass-finished cows, for example, they have different vitamins, minerals, nutrients, they have different
They have conjugated linoleic acid in them, higher concentrations of that, which is a really good fat for helping in terms of leaning out and losing visceral fat. Oh, yeah, I love it. I know. I love the conjugated linoleic acid. Exactly. Oh, I sprinkle it on my... Right. What did you say? Can you slow those ones down when you're saying the big ones? Conjugated linoleic acid, CLA, right. Conjugated, like cardboard. Right. No, that's corrugated. That's corrugated. But they can have some real health benefits.
but the problem is is that most people don't get grass fed grass finished same with beef there's a lot of studies out there that will set tell try to tell you that there there's facts that are bad for you and that if you eat beef it's going to be bad for you and
I take offense to that. Well, I take a different position and say, well, it depends on the body type for some people. Yes. For some people, no. And it depends on are you doing grass fed or not? There are some people who are really big advocates for everything plant based. But I look at a lot of those plant based products that aren't real food.
if it's made from- They're beyond food. They're beyond food, exactly. That's not real. Impossible. Right. They say it right in the name. It's an impossible burger. Yes, it is. It's possible that that's a burger. How is that healthy when you're creating something that didn't exist in nature? I would rather that someone eat an actual meat from a cow that is
grass fed, it's a happy cow, it lets go out pasture and eat the grass and live in the sunlight. Like happy cows produce good milk, happy chickens produce good eggs. So if we actually don't mess with nature, if we don't try to fractionate it, if we don't try to mass produce it, the nutrition that's in it is very different than things that are mass produced.
I wonder if somewhere in a factory there's a sign that says, happy frontline employees produce happy impossible burgers. How do you make an impossible burger happy? It's impossible. Yeah, I'm kind of grateful that you don't have me eating all that tofurkey or beyond. That's why I've been banned from never bringing anything to a family Christmas meal.
I love that at some point the only companies that could possibly sponsor this show are like the lettuce farmers of America.

Gratitude to Small Farmers

Small farmers, I love you. Small farmers, we love you. I do. You talk.
You're the expert. You want to hear more about how stupid I was? Okay, that was stupid. No, I ate, I drank, I felt bad. That's the summary. Here's the second point to that. Number one, the first point being, you actually your body spoke back. Yes, it did. Yes, my body loudly and clearly, by the way. And you heard it, which was awesome. My body is an interesting point. I would say in previous years, I lived, to your point, I lived so incorrectly.
poorly, that my body's voice was just a muted, like the waves crashing on the shore. Like every day was just a wave that I never heard. It was soothing. It was peaceful. I don't feel great. Yes. Tuck her up. Tuck her both again. You said to me once, ah, morning, my nemesis. Morning. You again, huh?
Come to pay the bills. Come to collect. That's what it was, mornings. Come to collect. Yeah, you go to bed in a good mood. You wake up in mornings like, oof. Now, in hindsight, that was probably my body talking to me. That was probably my body going, hey, hey, not today, pal. Please, we can't keep doing this, could you? Is there any jazz we could talk to you about? No, there you go. That was the McMuffin.
ground the voice and as fast as you can. When you wake up and you don't feel good, first thing you do is shove more garbage into you. Right. That's a cold pizza on the stove. Hair of the dog. Sure. Hair of the dog. Yeah, I'd eat the hair of the cat, hair of the dog, hair of the gerbil. It was laying on the stove.
Um, but yeah, the cold pizza in the morning, you know, there's a classic while you're coming down, you go, Oh, I don't feel good. Oh, pizza. And you're halfway. So I got to tell you this one, cause this might lead to something unless you were on a point in which case. Well, I was going to go to point number two. So you do. No, no, point two. I'll I can hold onto this really irrelevant about my own inability to be an adult.
You'll probably loop back in. I bet you there'll be another chance. Very shortly and probably at this point because you now have developed or what we heard from your body is that you're starting to develop metabolic flexibility. I know. Most people don't realize this is a thing because they're told that this calorie in, calorie out model is the way of weight loss.
And they're told that if they cut so many calories, then they're going to lose all this weight, and then they're going to be healthy. And what happens is the body is not like that. When we look at bodybuilding, when we look at building muscle mass or exercising, we say, don't always do the same thing. You've got to shift up what you're doing for exercise in order to shock the body and get your muscle growth.
Metabolism is the same way. So if you're eating the same way all the time or if you're starving yourself all the time, your body is going to send out starvation hormones. It's going to lose muscle mass and you're basically going to end up being a skinny fat person. It's what we call it because yes, you get to a certain weight, but you're more, you've lost muscle mass and your body fat percentage hasn't really changed. But what happens is when you're actually eating for health and eating for
optimization. Your body develops metabolic flexibility, which means that it's going to tell you what it likes. You're going to crave proteins. Some days you're craving more protein. Some days you might want a little bit more carbohydrates. Sometimes you might want a little bit higher fat, but you're tuned into your body. You know what it wants. And it's similar. And then you'll go and you'll have a day where you're just like, you'll just blow it.
and it'll be like what some people call a cheat day. I don't call it a cheat day. I call it maybe an off-plan day or that's your date. Just like celebrate, go hard, go home. Whose food is your celebration? Do it.
So when you go off plan, do it and do it with pride. Lean into it, like no guilt and just go for it. And when you do, what's going to happen is your body usually, if it's developed the metabolic flexibility, you'll actually lose weight and lean out. Your metabolism spikes up.
So I would have said that my body has developed a metabolic inflexibility because it said no for the first time in its life. So just look at the weight. Look what happened with your weight. It stayed there. Yeah. My body survived it. But, um, whereas previously I would eat whatever I wanted, which to me would be the flexibility. Now my body is saying I can't. So just don't want to be clear on this. This is called metabolic flexibility because
in terms
the foods that you're reacting to now and you won't feel bad because your body will have healed to the point where it's not as big of a deal, if not as much inflammation as there. But surely after a couple of days, I would start to feel lethargic, sluggish, less optimal.
When you're healed, yes, that's true. But the metabolic flexibility is a different point than that. So what we're talking about for people who are trying to lose weight, quite often they think that, again, if this is a calorie in, calorie out thing, you would have had like way, way increased calories. Yeah, we would have had 73,000 calories that day. Yeah. And did you gain weight? Well, I was walking 20,000 steps. Yeah, but still, for most people- I had to go around all the scooter people.
I really take up a lot of the roadway. Knock a few off the stairs. You can't, they're quite sturdy. Many points. Knock one off. That's a new Disney game. No, it's awful. It's not awful because you can knock them over. What are you waiting for? 105? No chance not going to be scooter people over. You know, there's probably a biker gang of scooters.
There were, they assemble. Exactly. Like the Avengers, but they assemble. And then it's a big, I don't know, they pass the cotton kite around. I don't know what happens in those parties. And I'm not, honestly, I'm really trying not to shame or make somebody feel bad. It's alarming. And I'm as guilty as anyone of input. This was the thing I was going to say was the other day I bought some frozen kale, not bragging.
uh just did to put in a smoothie which i haven't yet and i don't want to okay but i was like huh maybe that's something you should get it was on sale and i was like oh maybe that's what good people do i don't know but uh to make room in the freezer i had to move the ice cream down to
the downstairs freezer. Now, having had ice cream recently, I know how bad it makes me feel. And this was not my ice cream. This was family ice cream. So I was fine moving it. I didn't care. And yet, going down the stairs, I was like, ooh, butterscotch ripple.
And before I could even stop myself, a spoon was in, and it was in my mouth. And I'm like, I'm trying not to spit it out, but I'm in an argument with my body going,

Food Cravings and Control

oh, where are we? Where are our articles? Where are our articles? Well, at the same time, I'm like, mmm, buddy, let's get a triple. Did you see how chemically manipulated you are at this point? Well, I also see what terrible impulse control I have. I learned to count to 10, brother.
It was happening before I could stop it. And this again happens when we're at a theme park that won't be mentioned as per my voters' instructions.
But when you're there, you see these things, and it's like, oh, I want that. And then you have it before you can even go, this is probably a bad idea. I don't need this. So do you think, and maybe this isn't in your area, do you think impulse control is something that people improve at as they begin to break their addiction?
to these things. For example, is this the tail end of my addiction to sugar and salt and fat, that my body was just like, oh, I want that, versus just me continuing to not be fully functioning at all, who has enough mental power to be like, since we don't believe in willpower, the mental processing ability to go, let's think this one through, champ. Tell me heardy if needy.
He's got proven to me. We don't think about tomorrow, Dave.
Well, what I would say is this. So first of all, over time, will you lose that addiction? Yes. Over time, that urge and that addiction will go away. However, when you are hungry,
and your blood sugar levels drop, you are biologically hardwired to eat the sugar. And so if your sugar levels are low, if you're not eating, that's why I have you eating protein every two to three hours. If you're not eating protein every two to three hours and your sugar levels drop,
It doesn't matter if you count to 10, you're eating the ice cream because you're biologically hardwired to do that. It's a survival instinct. That's called being human. Every human being physiologically would do that at that particular point in time. Thank God. So that's why I say I don't believe in good willpower or willpower. I believe in good strategies and good biochemistry. So one of the things though that is really interesting is that people who have ADD have lower levels of dopamine.
Correct. Right. And so quite often when you eat those foods, foods and some of them actually caffeine can do the same thing. So coffee can, but foods like that you get addicted to that have a lot of sugar. So like the ice cream for you, it can increase dopamine.
Right. And so you get the dopamine hit. Definitely touched on this and probably will throughout the journey is about creating that dopamine substitute. One of the things that I struggle with and maybe everybody with ADHD does
is the delayed gratification versus the instant gratification, right? Like this will make me feel better now to hell with later. And who doesn't want to feel better? Always. Like have you ever felt optimal? Like really in a moment, you're like, I couldn't possibly feel better than I do right now. Have you ever? I actually have. Yeah. I've had those moments. Okay. I'm talking about real people.
Of course you have. That's someone who's actually spent their life in pursuit of that moment. Yeah, you probably have it daily. You probably set your watch to it. It's really scheduled. Oop, coming up on bliss. It's bliss across. Which way do I want to be facing today? Hello, son. Hi universe. Thank you for this incredible moment. It feels exactly the same as every other day. I feel this amazing.
Hey, things don't hurt right now. This is pretty good. I feel less crap in this moment than I normally do. You too can learn to quit your bliss. Yeah, as you float by carried by dogs. Pretty much. Follow me to better feelings.
And that was just this morning. Yeah. Got some of you with the turkey legs going, I'm headed. It's true. She knows better feelings. You could follow her. Here, here's some chicken. It's not, it was, it's happy chicken. Just eat it for my aunt. Here's protein, protein boy. Here we go. Yeah.
That's what this podcast is. You're floating a little angel of bliss telling people that there's possible out there and I'm the life can suck less. That's what I'm saying. You're saying it can be great. I just want it to suck a little.
There's more available to you than getting out of a chair without groaning. By the way, I am getting a really good app. Depends on the chair. The deep ones are still a bit of a, but I could hop off a chair right now. Yeah. So kudos to David Thunder, uh, who, uh, and you.
for teaching me how a body could work and how it could talk. But David, in particular, I had to send him these videos of me moving, which is just, like, one of the things I really am not enjoying about this podcast is all the schoolboy feelings that are coming back as I get graded and told how not good I'm doing. And David, as far as you can prove,
I feel like I'm becoming David a lot again and I'm a, I'm a Dave, but, uh, yeah, I don't squat, right? Yup. Um, yup. You say yup like that. You don't know how to squat. I heard David. Yeah. How bad I squat. Uh, well, I had to send him more squatting videos and there's more compensations happening based on my body. So it's a lot of baby steps. Like I'm just, you know, you're going to the gym and practicing walking. I mean,
sculpting a body at this point or just uh like i was in a bad car accident or something and i had some head trauma born as a hunchback yeah i just you took eight good steps way to go hey you're walking better like i sent him new videos waiting for a thumbs up he's like all right some improvement i want to keep at it way to go oh yeah but you know it's coming
Not really. I don't even want to see there. Oh, goes us to pause before he comments. Oh, OK, where do I? Better, but... All the butts coming whenever they start. OK, I do. OK, how do I explain this to an idiot? You see where your feet are? Yeah, they shouldn't be.
Your hips, can they move different? I'll make some. Let's try it. So yeah, that's great. By the time I'm 50, I'll feel exactly like a kindergarten student again, which in its own way is exciting. It's a new lease on life. It is. I am passionately coming into the second half of this now. When we started, I didn't know where this would take us, obviously. Yeah. Or you never would have signed on.
I might have because, you know, I'm a masochist. I'm a comedian and a golfer. Are there two things you could do that would make you hate yourself more? Nope. They are just suffering followed by suffering. I suffer a day and then I suffer it. So, of course, I would sign up for this because it's prolonged. It's a new way to suffer. Okay, good. But what I hadn't really considered is that
It would be so educational and there would be so life altering. I thought this was going to be, all right, look, throw in two salads a week, do 10 pushups. You're going to be right as rain by July. I didn't know. I'm over simplifying, but I'm not. It's going to be okay. You can only have dessert twice a week and we're going to have you jog every other morning.
Something really, really simple that I would just add to my life. I didn't realize it was going to be a complete tear down. Renault, like an absolute, not even down to the studs, just an absolute raise this house and raise it away. It's got good bones. Yeah, it does it. I don't know if you would know. Your magic scale probably says even my bones are ruined by me.
So in your working with other patients, and I know there's confidentiality and I respect that. Do you find that most people who are, you know, having their eyes open or taking the red pill.
Is it always a complete teardown and rebuild, or is this advanced level restructuring?

Lifestyle Restructuring for Optimal Health

At what level are you tweaking and at what level are you completely renovating humans? For most people who come in as adults, there's a lot that we work with. And for most people that come and see me, yeah, it's a lot of restructuring.
It's, it's, it's the, that's what I love doing. Should people be coming to you sooner? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Like, uh, I don't even want to, I don't even want to think about how long ago.
I should have been listening to you. It has an athlete. Can you imagine? As an athlete? Yeah. When you were in your college days, could you imagine what your performance level would have been? Back then, I had no body fat anyways. It didn't even matter, but probably my brain might have functioned better if I was a doctor. And muscle growth, and then the nerves, and how you've actually physically performed would have been huge. So you didn't hear me when I said, I don't want to think about that.
Yeah, so this is you know, he's gonna keep talking about Tiger Woods there
Who knows what I could have been. But then we wouldn't have had this podcast. Exactly. So maybe everything I did was to help you get your message out there. Did you ever think about that? I did. I suffered for your glory. Yes, you did. Thank you. And this is the thanks I get. You're just going to rub my nose in what could have been. Thank you for holding back. You're very welcome. While I caught up. I should just say, you don't have to sit around with your feet on me like an ottoman going, you could have been a champ.
You're allowed to smoke now. He's super helpful about it. You should have listened to me, kid, as you cash on my head.
What would I be smoking? A big cigar, a big, fat, successful cigar because of the podcast glory that I've brought you to my tremendous self-harm. Of course. Well, thank you so much for sacrificing yourself and taking one for us as a team. No thanks necessary. All right, so that's probably enough for this one.
That's a great way to end this. We better shut up now. Yeah, I'm gonna be too sad. I'm gonna go cry in a mirror for a while. It's not my fault. I could have been a contender. I could have been a chap. I didn't know what to eat. Listen, it's just you sacrificing for other people. You know, some people are a warning. Some people are an example. And little from Colm A, little from Colm B. It's my life's work.
I am willing to bet that most college sports programs are now so much more aware or informed on diets and programs and fitness for their athletes. I want to believe that anyways. I don't know. I would hope in the 25, 30 years since I was in university eating biscuits and gravy and Shoney's and Taco Bell at night that there are now meal plans in place.
or at least the education available to athletes. Um, because kids are getting stronger, faster. Every, every 16 year old hits at 330 yards now. Um, so I gotta believe they're growing stronger, faster, and hopefully they're eating right. If you're a parent listening to this, um, for heaven's sakes, please start correcting your child's diet. This would be the positive note we could end on. Please, please, please take your teenager, get a mother, uh, still malleable.
Yes, start now. I don't know how you're going to explain it to them. I don't know how you're going to convince them that they will feel better and that this will serve them better. Hopefully you have a good relationship with your child and they'll listen to you. If not, you're going to have to go by modeling and that'll have to be the only food that's available in the house because otherwise, like me, they will eat the ice cream on the way down the stairs.
because I'm basically a giant teenager. Yeah. So the world's oldest teenager model anyway. Um, but going into next week, we have some new food, uh, results coming in, some new body blood work results. We have some new tests, some new feedback. So, um, whereas there was not a ton of science in this one for you science buffs that love listening to doc talk about all the
Sciencey stuff, don't miss next week. Science it up again and we will find out more that's wrong with me. Or what, maybe there's been some improvements. We don't know for sure, but we'll find out what the halftime, Super Bowl halftime party did to my insights. But I am committed
Here, big push in the second half as we head towards the future of me. I don't know. What do we call it? It's still my 50th. We're still just in for that. And now it's my 90th we're looking towards. Dave 2.0. Dave 2.0. Dave 5.0. Dave 5.0. Dave 5.0, 2.0, R2, D2.
Big shout out again to David Thunder for his kindness and patience in teaching me how to be a functioning human. A little Pinocchio. I look forward to having no strings. And to you, Doc, for continuing to be the beacon of hope that leads us all towards your blissful moments. You too can feel like me!
uh follow us on instagram at dr val saves dave uh like and follow our podcast and uh have a great day eat well sleep well and we'll talk to you soon
He'll behave. Oh, do you think he will cave? Listen, and he's back in school. It's his funny buddy's Dr. Val's rules. It's his funny buddy's Dr. Val's rules.