140 How To Come Back To Business After The 2004 Tsunami image
E140 · Tricres The Entrepreneurial Journey
140 How To Come Back To Business After The 2004 Tsunami
140 How To Come Back To Business After The 2004 Tsunami

Michelle ran an award winning marketing business and all was going swimmingly, until she found herself in the 2004 Tsunami that hit the countries around the Indian Ocean.

After multiple illnesses, Michelle decided to forge a new path.

She outgrew the behaviour tools she knew and created her own, she now uses these diagnostic tools to help businesses understand themselves and their teams at a deeper level.

She's the Membership Director for the Professional Speakers Association and incoming VP.

You can find Michelle's website here

You can find Michelle on LinkedIn here



2 Plays
1 year ago

Michelle ran an award winning marketing business and all was going swimmingly, until she found herself in the 2004 Tsunami that hit the countries around the Indian Ocean.

After multiple illnesses, Michelle decided to forge a new path.

She outgrew the behaviour tools she knew and created her own, she now uses these diagnostic tools to help businesses understand themselves and their teams at a deeper level.

She's the Membership Director for the Professional Speakers Association and incoming VP.

You can find Michelle's website here

You can find Michelle on LinkedIn here


