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We return to Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory image

We return to Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory

E390 · The Podcaster’s Guide to the Conspiracy
94 Plays3 years ago

Josh and M revisit a story from 2019: the tale of Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory in Killeen, Texas.

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Revisiting Dylan Groves: Allegations and Audience Reactions

In June of 2019, we covered the story of Dylan Groves, an alleged survivor of... Alleged? Alleged. You said alleged. Did I say alleged? No. We're out of the game. In June of 2019, we covered the story of Dylan Groves, an alleged survivor of Uncle Sam's snuff factory.
It turns out this is the episode we get the most correspondence about, and that every two weeks or so someone will find a video of it on YouTube and comment on it. Tonight, or today, depending on where you're listening to it, we provide you with some of that colour. Here's the Intolerant Texan writes...
I need not listen to any more. He, I'm assuming you're going to say he, is referring to only one of us, though. Did he actually listen to the podcast? I think not. Now, one chip-chap stance. Haven't even listened yet, but by the first few minutes, my guess is these guys are dismissing it.
So, hasn't listened yet is listening. What is this one chip chap? A cat in a box with a radioactive isotope? No. Should we check? No. Now, kept risk alright.

Humor and Critique: Listener Feedback

You guys shouldn't speak to things you have no clue about. Or do you? You sound like you're deliberately attempting to discredit these atrocities while making profit off of it. Oh yes, we're really rolling about in that snuff dough. Bought my second luxury yacht with that snuff dough. Snuff dough.
Here's Alexei Paquin comments. I watched this girl's videos years ago. It's so important to have intelligent people like you talking about this. It makes it more than a story and brings more credibility to this. I don't think she listened to the episode. Oh, she listened. Now truth is key had the following to say. Do people really listen to these guys? They spend a lot of time talking about nothing. Get to the damn point.
There's a cannibal restaurant in California. You get to meet your meat before you eat them. Look it up. We've both been to Milliways. Don't you worry. And finally, Kat D writes, you too have no idea what you're talking about. Not a freaking cloak. Finally, a comment we can agree with. Roll the theme.
The Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy, brought to you today by Josh Addison and Dr. M. Denton.
Hello and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. I am Josh Edison. They are Dr. Emdenteth. We are sitting here in a chilly Auckland. Is that brandy? Was it delivered to you by a Saint Bernard with a cask around its head? No, it's the standard whisky. Yeah, that's not really suitable for the for the chilly conditions we have here. No, but it's

Broadcasting from Auckland: Hosts' Setting and Style

got a port cask finish. I don't know what that means.
Well, it tastes like a shipping dock. You know, it tastes of cables and oil and steel trenchants and dock workers. You know, it's just a... It's full of dock worker goodness. It's pretty much what I've always thought of whiskey. It's coming to you from Auckland, New Zealand, the night after the blood moon. Don't, don't. Actually, we've got a bottle. We do have a don't, don't, don't sound effect. But unfortunately, both your hands are busy. Whereas you get yourself licked up for...
for what's to come, I suppose. I was so sure you were going to say get licked up for Christmas, but no. Yeah, so this week we're going back, we're going back to an old topic.
And the reason we're going back is kind of out of morbid curiosity, really, I think, because it's a topic that it kind of turns out we're the only people talking about, apart from those who actually believe in it. Yeah, so we covered Uncle Snams Uncle Snams. I haven't seen that a few drunk already.
About one drop. Well, obviously it's a drop too many. So we covered Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory back in June of 2019. That's episode 224 for those of you who are managing to keep count. And if you are, you've got the numbers wrong because our numbering system is not correct in any way, shape or form.
And we have, as the intro intimated, got correspondence about this from time to time, and we think that every single person, apart from Dylan Groves, who is aware of this theory, has been in contact with the podcast to tell us that we're morons.
And the reason we think that is because basically, yeah, if you go looking for information on Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory apart from the videos of the person who first talked about it, we're pretty much all there is. And that doesn't seem right, because we're nobody.
and this is actually kind of weird from my perspective because we actually might be drawing attention to a conspiracy theory which is unwarranted and the kind of thing that probably doesn't need to be disseminated but at the same time
It's also a very good example of a particular kind of conspiracy theory. And I guess we also want the attention. I guess we do. From the eight or so people who know about this topic.

Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory: Conspiracy and Controversy

So before we actually get too far into it, should we play the proper chime and then that way it signals that we're starting the episode properly. It's true because we are professionals and professionals have chimes like this one.
Snuff doh. Yes, no, I can feel it now. It's official. We're properly talking about the topic instead of just pissing about. We're no longer talking around the topic, apart from... I mean, we are. Right, this is exactly what we're talking about. We are entering the topic now. Yes, the topic is Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. And not Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. No, that's a different one. Or Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, which is... Actually, I can't really make... I can't really remove the end. No.
Uncle Snam's Suff Factory. Sure. Now, although we are being quite flippant about it to begin with, that's mostly due to, I think, the conversation that's gone on around it. The topic itself makes for some fairly grim reading or listening in this particular case. We'll get into the exact details of it, a bit of a recap, I suppose, for those who went around for the first time shortly. But there is a lot of new data. Well, there is. Yep, there's more to say.
But yeah, the weird thing is if you go to Google and type in Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, seven of the first 10 results when I did it were this podcast or links to it. There was what I assume was the original Reddit thread that first got you onto the topic.
There was one guy who mentioned it in a comment on one of his Instagram pictures. Which I should point out, it wasn't the Reddit thread that got me into it, it was an email. Someone emailed me about it. Right. And now I no longer have that email, but I was emailed about this. So there was one other person who thought they should draw it to our attention.
that person believed the theories. It wasn't a fan of the show going, oh, you people should talk about this. This was someone who wanted to spread the word about the theory, possibly to the wrong people, possibly. And it was like the time that David Icke's PR person got in contact saying, you deal with conspiracy theories, want to promote David Icke's show in case of sure, if we can get him on it.
And so since it seems like we're the only people actually looking into this in any great detail, on a podcast anyway, I guess, we should do it some more and see what happens. But first we should talk about the internet movie database. We should, yeah, because
When I Googled Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, the first hit was, I think, a link to the podcast on one of the various podcasting services. I think it was either the second or the third was a link to that, a entry for that episode on the IMDB, Internet Movie Database. Well, that's a movie database. I thought that, I mean, they do everything these days, I think.
I thought, that's a bit wild. I guess, does the IMDB, I mean, because, you know, we put our podcast up on Podbean, the site where it's hosted, and then it immediately shows up on iTunes and Stitcher and all that, because everybody just scrapes everybody else's seeds. It's syndicated, there's scraping going on. But you think it's something slightly more than that. And so I assumed that, oh, I guess IMDB does the same thing. And I went along and had a look anyway. And sure enough, has all of our episodes there.
which could just be from a robot scraping our feet. That could be easily done. But then I looked at the cast page and it lists the two of us. It lists everyone we've ever had as a guest and what they do. It lists my children with the title of Josh's children. In fact, it lists I think everyone who's ever been on this episode except Drew.
Oh, now that's interesting. It's been a long time since we had Drew on, but still, we have had him more than once. And so that seemed to be the sort of information that you could only get from actually listening through each podcast episode. And apparently not liking Drew. Because I mean, as you point out, every single person assigned from Drew. All of the academics with their titles and what they were doing here.
David Eich, obviously. And yes, either they've got some really good AI that actually scans through the whole episode. At which point we have to work out what is it about Drew's life he's able to escape the system. Is this an enemy of the state situation, Drew? Are you doing a Will Smith? Do you have a blender?

Dylan Groves' Claims: Analyzing Allegations

or a very dedicated person who doesn't like Trove, who is unknown to us, is going through the IMDB. I put in the name of a couple of other local podcasts and they didn't seem to have an entry. So possibly we have a dedicated fan who's keeping our IMDB entry, which they created up to date in meticulous detail. And I suspect we will know whether that's the case,
if within the next week or so, Drew suddenly appears in the cast notes. Oh, the story gets more and more intriguing as time goes by. Enough about us. Enough about, indeed, most of the comments that talk about the previous episode start by saying, why do these guys go on about so much rubbish before they start? And the answer is because this is a podcast. Have you never listened to any podcast? It always starts with the hosts rabbiting all about bollocks before they actually get into the
especially when the podcast hosts are in their 40s and have a long-standing friendship and thus use this as an excuse to spend time together because of their very, very busy lives. So busy. Actually, my life isn't really that particularly busy now, but it's going to get very busy very soon, but more on that in a later episode. Anyway, so
To the topic at hand, Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. How many times have we said to the topic of hand this episode? Not enough, because we're going to keep saying it. Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory is a story, I guess you could say, promoted by a person on YouTube currently going by the name of Dylan Groves.
who's an alleged survivor of a child snuff ring in Killeen, Texas, called Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. It's a government-run facility in which children are abducted, or in some cases are raised in, I think, and then murdered and mutilated in all sorts of horrific ways and filmed for the purpose of your depraved satanic pedophile types.
Yes, we'll get into the details as to exactly how the system works later on. Now, last time we talked about it, we talked mostly about the theory around Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. What we didn't talk about was the township that the factory is said to be located in, which is in Killeen, Texas, which is very close to Fort Hood, which is a major military installation.
Now, I don't think that Groves actually identified Fort Hood as the location of Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, did they? I don't think they did, but people immediately set off Killing Texas, Fort Hood, that's the one they're buying, so it was identified. Yes, because as we're about to find out, there's a lot of oddities around Fort Hood and Killing Texas.
actually in retrospect may make sense of some of the theory, given just how weird Cleantexas turns out to be. So we'll start with something rather mundane, which was a family saw a UFO in Cleantexas back in July 2019.
I mean, it's a thing. It doesn't sound directly related to satanic pedophiles, but it's weird. It also turned out to be an unidentified flying object. It did not turn out to be an alien flying saucer. Yes, it was eventually identified as a bundle of balloons from a funeral, I think.
Yes, about 50 silver balloons had been released after a funeral. I don't know why. And that was what was spotted in the night skies. Yes. Now, more seriously, in 2009, there was a mass shooting at Fort Hood, the military base nearby. 13 people were killed and 42 of them were wounded. Now, where were the numerologists? Those numbers would be significant. 13 and 42, unlucky and the meaning of life.
I mean, how very coincidental. Coincidence? Yes. And then Fort Hood itself. I think it's fair to say Fort Hood is possibly suffering from a bit of a leadership issue. It's certainly got a dead soldier issue. It's definitely got a dead soldier issue and much more besides. So in an article from 2017, they said,
Oh, no, actually, it's more recent, though, because it says, in the last five years from January 2016 to present, so this one's actually up to date. This is a blog entry which has been updated over time. That's my confusion. Yeah, so in the last five years from January 2016 to present, Fort Hood, on average, lost 33 soldiers a year. That's about three soldiers a month. Now, these deaths include suicides and homicides. This isn't just natural causes of people being on base.
And my immediate thought was, okay, what's the base right here? Because we know that military life is not necessarily the kind of life that leads to a person flourishing. We also wear the kind of institutional settings you're likely to get
abnormal behavior, including homicides and increased risk of suicide. But it turns out that actually the death rate at Fort Hood is so unusual that there are multiple state and federal investigations going on into the leadership of Fort Hood because people are going, no, this isn't the normal number of deaths we expect in a military base. This is actually really, really weird. Now Fort Hood did try
to solve this problem with one really, really easy fix, which was basically just stopping talking about it. So at some point they just stopped releasing press releases about what was going on at Fort Hood, because one way to make a problem disappear is to simply not talk about it. That's how people have managed problems in their families for generations. And look at us now.
Now, some of the earliest comments on our first video about Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory started referencing Vanessa Gillan and indeed the hashtag find Vanessa Gillan, which was going around in 2019. No, sorry, 2020. Because yes, this is a case that this one made the news this one.
got a bit more attention than the three other three soldiers a month dying one way or another around Fort Hood. Private first class Vanessa Gillan, 20 years old from Houston, disappeared from Fort Hood in April of last year. Now when she disappeared it was an unusual disappearance because all her belongings were left in the barracks
including her cell phone, which had a message that was sent to US Army specialist, Aaron Robinson, a person who later committed suicide after being identified as a potential suspect in the disappearance of Vanessa. And then, unfortunately, two months later, Private Gillan's remains were discovered and identified. Not too far away, were they?
No, I think they were either found in the grounds or very nearby the grounds. And these are partial remains. So they didn't find all of her. They found some of her. So yes, she unfortunately came to a fairly unpleasant end. So in the wake of the investigation into what happened, at least 14 army leaders, including one general, were fired or suspended after an independent civilian review board found systemic leadership failures and a toxic culture at Fort Hood, which seems to be putting it mildly.
Yes, so you've got three soldiers a month dying on average. You have someone who was murdered on site leading to a mass of firings of high ranking army personnel. You can kind of see why people when they were making comments on our video were talking about this particular case. But the next case, well, that really takes the biscuit, as they say.
Well, yes, because also Fort Hood soldiers were not too long ago arrested in a child prostitution sting in the Texas town next to the Ummiwais, which I assume is Killeen. Yeah, so they basically, some soldiers, three of them were arrested August last year, basically for showing up to a location to meet underage girls for sex.
Now, these soldiers were part of a larger ring, so they were the soldier component of a larger child prostitution ring. And yes, they were making plans to meet the girls for sexual acts in exchange for money, drugs and alcohol. Yes, so it certainly seems that there's a problem with, would you say, discipline? Would you say culture in general?
I mean, I'd say generally there's a problem with the military, but in this particular case, I'd say there's a very particular problem with the leadership of this military base. So knowing all this about Fort Hood certainly gets one's attention when we start talking about a supposed organised snuff factory somewhere in the area.
Well, yes, so I can kind of see why some people, when they listen to that original episode going, but where's the context, man? Where's the context? All this other weird stuff is going on around Fort Hood and Killeen, Texas. You're ignoring the facts, man. Well, we're not ignoring the facts. No. The thing is, are the stories that we're looking at here in any way related to the idea that there is a industrialized snuff factory operating beneath Killeen, Texas? Mm.
Because that was the actual claim, that 45 minutes drive from Austin, Texas... Which is approximately where Killem is. There's an underground facility run by the government to sell children or food stuffs made from children. So, silent, green as people, in this case, young people.
On the black market, there was the idea that a lot of these, the majority of these children were people of colour and Groves described a lot of went on as a kind of genocide, racially targeted, with white supremacist sort of overtures. Apparently, this is not the only such facility. Other nations have their own snuff factories. And there's just
Lots and lots of horrible, horrible claims about horrible, horrible things happening to children in these facilities. So she goes on to some link describing how the children are prepared as foodstuffs and the kind of kitchens they have for serving this foodstuff to other children in there, because it turns out part of the Snuff Factory is not just
creating food from children but then feeding other children that particular food. Now it's more interesting with respect to Grove's story is the idea that some of the children are what they call trauma bonded. The idea that the way that they control people within the system
is to bond you via PTSD to another person of a similar age so that they can control you by threatening the other person. And there's the idea of a sort of family structure to it and that people involved would get their own children involved as well to sort of carry, it's sort of a generational thing. And I should sort of,
We're saying Groves at the moment because Dylan is the name they're using currently. They have used other names in the past and, as we'll talk about in a little bit, also claim to suffer from Polyfragmented Dissociative Disorder and will identify as a variety of other alters in their videos. Yes. Yeah.
So Groves, as we're not trying to be overly formal there, it's just an easier way of talking about this person. Now, Josh, where does this evidence come from? If Groves is going to make these claims, and these are fairly bold, extraordinary claims, what's the evidence? Well, it's all from their YouTube channel.

Skepticism and Comparisons: 1980s Panic to QAnon

But where have they got the evidence to present on their YouTube channels? Well, first-hand experience is their claim. Is their claim, yeah. That they were a member of one of these families, essentially, a bloodline family, as they're called, but managed to break free from their programming.
But crucially only realized this recently because all of the evidence is from recovered memories now that will probably send a lot of alarm bells ringing in people's minds because what we've described Sounds very much like your standard satanic panic from the 80s and early 90s which also rested on the idea of recovered or facilitated memories where people were
put into situations where they recovered memories of traumatic events which they had suppressed in the past, most of which, I'm saying most here because even though I suspect almost all of which there may well be some legitimate cases, turned out to be fraudulent.
Yes, I mean, if you're our age, you were around for the first round of Satanic Panic. And you're probably a podcaster. And of course, it has to be said that the Satanic Panic type moral panics of the past can trace their roots all the way back to the sort of the Jewish blood libel
protocols of the elders of Zion type stuff anyway. There is actually a long history of people claiming that some particular group within society is doing horrible, depraved things to our children. In the past, the satanic panic was daycare workers, and there was always some implication that it was a bit of a reaction to increasing numbers of women entering the workforce.
I mean, therefore increasing numbers of children. You can't have that, Josh. I mean, I mean, they'll ask for the right to vote next. They are going off to work, leaving their children in the hands of these mothers. And then, obviously, of course. I mean, as we know, men can't look after children. They are biologically incapable of looking after anything, including doing their own washing. Last time I was looking after my children, I literally threw them into the oven.
That's not actually true at all. Please don't take away my children, family services. No, but obviously, of course, and this kind of became more of a thing after we recorded that first episode. QAnon, obviously, is neck deep in stories of satanic pedophiles sucking the adrenochrome out of children and drinking their blood and what have you.
It's actually Groves has a fairly interesting relationship with the QAnon community. Yes, that's the thing which we'll have to get into because we never really talked about that. I mean, a couple of... QAnon was very definitely a thing when we first talked about this, but I don't think it was... it hadn't metastatised into its current form as much back then, I don't think.
hard to tell because of course the problem is our experience of QAnon here in Aotearoa New Zealand is very different from the experience about people who have an interest in conspiracy theories have say with respect to the US so QAnon kind of came late to us politically because we are not America most people who were in the bowels
America like you would be if you're in Killeen, Texas, probably had more interaction with QAnon if they're looking into theories of this particular type. Now, Groves refers a lot to Project Monarch, something that they were subjected to and only after a long time were able to free themselves of. Project Monarch is allegedly a spin-off of good old MK Ultra.
Now, we know MKUltra was a thing. There's plenty of documentation to show that that is a thing that actually happened. Not nearly as much documentation as there should be, I understand, because it did destroy a hell of a lot of it. So MKUltra

Project Monarch: History and Allegations

was a CIA program. You might recall that the CIA also had their so-called enhanced interrogation program.
and they ended up producing what was I think a 5,700 page report into their enhanced interrogation programme. And somehow, before it was meant to be publicly released,
they deleted the only copy they had on their servers, which meant there was only a 500-page summary, an executive summary, of the 5,700-page version of the report, which just
disappeared. Turns out they only had one copy and it got deleted and it just completely disappeared. So it's not unheard of for the CIA to lose documentation that they really ought not to.
Nevertheless, MKUltra, which was basically in the 60s when everyone was experimenting with drugs, the CIOs had it as well and they were looking for also, I mean, there was all sorts of stuff. There was the idea of, can we use it to make program people into Manchurian candidate type
Can we use it to spy on Russians by sitting in a ranch in Los Alamos and thinking really, really hard about Moscow? Can we use it to help with interrogations and get people to tell us everything they want? Can we kill goats with it?
I'm pretty sure extending life or immortality was one of the other things they wanted to look into. I think they were kind of treating drugs the way people treat computers in 1980s films as just sort of magical things. They can do anything. But supposedly, there was also this Project Monarch, which was basically the Satanic ritual abuse branch of MKUltra. And this one, there is not so much evidence for it, I gather.
No, in fact, if you look up Project Monarch, there's very little reference to it online at all. It does seem to be the invention of certain people who are claiming, well, you know, MK Ultra was simply the smokescreen for the really, really bad satanic stuff. And in part, this is because this is fairly standard anti-Catholic propaganda. So the Project Monarch stuff was apparently a...
residual mystery religion that managed to survive the emergence of Christianity. And it kind of rumbled around in the background with people engaging in their mystery religion stuff from the ancient world until Adam Wishalp and the Illuminati got involved, started infiltrating a whole bunch of free Masonic orders and bringing with them the esoteric mystery religion
which was apparently based upon freedom, equality, and being nice to one another, which some of the most insidious things a person can possibly suggest to a Christian. Shocking. Now, this then rumbled away in the Anglo-Germanic world for quite some time up until roundabout World War II, where the Nazis adopted it and made it into behavioral research. Now, of course,
after World War II with the defeat of the Axis powers, this allowed these Satanist mystery religion worshippers to go to the US via Operation Paperclip, because of course the Americans swooped in, they took all of the best Nazi scientists they could possibly find, like Wernher von Braun and the like, and they brought them to the US and treated them remarkably well.
And so these Nazi behavioural researchers who happen to be Satanists and also practitioners of mystery religions were brought to the US where of course they entered the CIA and they developed Projakt... Projakt? Projakt Monarch under the auspices of the CIA. And the whole point is
Monarch is an umbrella term used by the survivors of this particular project, which is why it's probably not the official name of the made up program at all. It's a name which is used by survivors because it describes the transformation of the individual as the survivor records it.
So the whole point of Project Monarch was to create altars in people in order to make the subjects controllable by suppressing the original personality and creating an altar which they were able to control and condition often via electro-shop
and they would be able to update their programming via a whole bunch of occultic imagery that, because they were the CIA, they were slipping into a whole bunch of popular media. And indeed, Dylan Grove kind of talks about the idea that people are putting this imagery into their YouTube videos unbeknownst to them.
Mm. Apparently, Stephen King books are full of this sort of imagery, which is possibly fair. But apparently, other media that reinforce this programming, basically all of the Disney films, E.T., Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Trances 2. Yeah, no, I was not... Not Trances 1. Trances... No.
Most of you probably don't even know about the Trances series of films. Josh and I, of course, as devotees of VHS are very, very aware of the Trances films. Mm. Grew up watching crappy budget movies from the local, rented from the local video library, watching them on VHS in the wee hours of the morning, old, old tapes. It was sometimes almost impossible to watch. Did you watch the most recent Trances films?
I didn't make one a few years ago. No, no, I stopped. I mean, the same respect that Don Mancini, who did the Phantasm films, allowed someone to make a kind of official fan fiction final Phantasm film. Somehow the guy behind Tranzas allowed someone to make a really, really cheap Tranzas film. And I saw the trailer and went...
That does not look at all good. And those are actually many of the Trautsters films after About Trautsters 2 look good at all, but this was particularly bad. But for some reason... That's a deep cut, anyway. It is, yeah. I mean, Trautsters 2... Amongst Ghostbusters and E.T. and Batman. And yours, yeah. You've got Batman, Bewitched, Fantasy Island, Reboot. Now, there is a good show. Although, actually, I can understand how Reboot is filled with occultic imagery. They did an entire episode devoted to the prisoner. Yes. Which is another one... Absolutely astounding.
Another one with a whole evil deed thing as well. Tiny turns. Old one or new one? Duck Tales. Well, actually the time this was written had to be the old one. Duck Tales. Not Duck Tales, woohoo. Duck Tales as in the Tales of Ducks.
The Dead Sea Scrolls. Now that is not as far as I'm aware a pop differences to it. Yeah, because I mean, I'm not even aware that they've made a TV series out the Dead Sea Scrolls. Also, it'd be a really boring TV series. If you ever read the Dead Sea Scrolls, it's not exactly compelling.
But yes, so it's everywhere, essentially, these things reinforcing the programming that's been instilled in people by Project Monarch. And the long and the short of this is that this is the program that Groves claims to have been subjected to.
Yes, and as I said at the top of this little discussion about Project Monarch, this appears to be fairly standard anti-Catholic propaganda because they talk throughout about the way the Catholic Church is involved in this particular program. They intimate that the Catholic Church is not particularly good. I should point out this is not growth we're talking about here.
We're talking about another reference to Project Monat we found outside of Groton's work. So this is a long-form document describing how Project Monat works. And it just appears to be ye bog-standard anti-Catholic propaganda, which is fairly common in the US.
in the 19th century and early 20th century and has persisted in amongst certain Pentecostal denominations as evidenced by all those tracks by Jack Chick.
And Monarch had numerous levels of programming. You've got an alpha, a beta, a delta, a theta, an omega, and a gamma. No sigma though. Have you heard about the sigma male? No, what is the sigma male? A sigma male is basically because the whole alpha beta male nonsense. Somebody came up with the idea, basically it was like,
I want to be an alpha, but I'm not your sort of jockey, outgoing, sportsy, athletic type. And so they thought up a different kind of alpha male, which is the introvert, cool, calm and collected alpha male type. Apparently John Wick is the exemplar of this and referred to that as a sigma male. So it's basically another way for
in sales to claim to be alpha males despite not displaying any of the properties usually associated with alpha males. Anyway, it's completely irrelevant. Monarch doesn't have a sigma to its detriment. But a lot of these these programming's delta is the is the killer programming supposedly. It sounds like you're
Well, it's named after Delta Force. Delta Force is a humanitarian candidate style thing, I was going to say. Omega is a self-destruct form of programming, which basically forces people to become self-harming or suicidal, which is basically activated, I guess, if they know too much or look like they might be getting out of the program or something.
I like the description of gamma. Another form of system protection is through deception programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection. This level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately deactivated. Inappropriately, simply by the whole going to therapy and recovering your memorous thing ICIC. Presumably, and then the demon reasserts itself.
Yeah, so there's a lot going on there. We

Groves' Online Presence: YouTube and Conspiracy Links

could go over a lot of the stuff we talked about in the first episode, but maybe we shouldn't repeat ourselves. You can just go back and listen to that if you want. We should probably talk more about where it's at today. So Dylan Groves' YouTube channel is still up and going. They're putting out videos on a fairly regular basis, a lot of singing. A lot of the videos are of Dylan singing a song, which is nice.
Yeah, and then occasionally videos with trigger warnings as they talk about what they've recently discovered whilst being high on marijuana. Although actually even the singing songs are always referred to as monarch survivor sings, whatever song they happen to be singing at that time. But anyway, so yeah, I mean, they're not slowing down. But yeah, the QAnon stuff.
which we never really drew any sort of connection to last time. I think we do need to talk about that a bit. I mean, right back at the beginning, when I was talking about what you find if you go searching for Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory on Google, one of the few results that isn't a link to our old podcast episode is from a website called The Orion Lines.
by a guy who apparently, quote-unquote, solved the Nazca lines and renamed them the Orion lines. And it's one of those websites. There's a lot going on in that website, but it has a page specifically devoted to Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, but then it just talks about everything. Pizzagate shows up. Apparently, Pizzagate was covered up because James Alephantis is actually James Rothschild.
Who's James Elephantis? I have no idea. But they were a Rothschild anyway. That's one of those things I probably should know soon. As you talk, I'll check to find out who James Elephantis is. This person on this site also says, CERN is a stellar doorway to the Satanic force, the Orion group. Well, everyone knows that. Which I assume is something to do with the Alliance.
And a classic, a little bit further. This is still all just on the page that starts talking about Uncle Sam's stuff, actually. All right. So, James Ellifant. This is, this is Wikipedia. James Ellifantus is the American chef and restaurateur. He founded and owns two restaurants in Washington, D.C., including the pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong, an American restaurant, Bucks Fishing and Camping.
Okay, right, so apparently he's actually a secret Rothschild. Indeed, if you actually just do a search for James Elephantis, the autocomplete is James Elephantis Rothschild, or James Elephantis Podesta.
Why do all your favorite stars look like shit? Because Trump ended their adrenochrome supply. These people are sick. So, I mean, yeah, this is essentially a page of someone who's promoting every angle on the QAnon-style conspiracy theory imaginable. And you can kind of see why, because given that one of the central tenets of QAnon has been stopping child trafficking,
and getting rid of the global pedophile elite, Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory fits into this perfectly because it's both a child trafficking and pedophilia farm run by the global elite. So you would,

Hosts' Skepticism: Evidence and Mental Health

if you were someone who was interested in QAnon, want to incorporate a story like this into your corpus if you thought it was reasonable.
And maybe, maybe I suppose we should round things out by addressing, first of all, do we believe in Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say no. I'm going to go and say no. Yes, I mean, I don't. It's one person talking on YouTube. Now, I've looked at a few of the videos. There are a lot of comments about I'm a body language expert and I can tell this person isn't lying to which some people say, well, that just means they believe what they're saying. It could still not be true. And to which I say, no, you bloody can't. Anyone, anyone who says they can easily tell when people are lying is wrong because you can't.
It's like the classic case of TERFs. I can just tell by looking at someone, whether they're biologically male or female, and then you put four pictures up on a screen and go, right, so can you point out who the transgender person in this photo is? Oh, it's obviously that person. No, you're wrong. It's all of them or none of them.
No, you're just trying to form your case. No, you claim that you can just spot these things by looking at photos. Or these people can say they can read someone's body language by looking at a video's case of... No, because it's bunk science. It's not even real.
Yes, I mean, it's all of this stuff as we've seen in things like the talk of targeted individuals and so on. It sounds like either the cynical reading of it would be it's all just a bit of a lap.
And this is just a story that they're spinning for attention or whatever. The more sympathetic reading would be that this person does actually believe it, but it's a result. It certainly sounds like, as do the targeted individual type, sounds consistent with
some form of mental illness. They do claim to have this poly fragmented dissociative disorder, or dissociative identity disorder, which is a little bit controversial in terms of the medicine, I believe.
Yes, let's just say the medical stuff and the psychological stuff here is very, very contentious as to whether DID actually does exist. There are a lot of arguments even within the literature about the reality of this apparent disorder.
So we aren't going to make any comment there as to whether we think this person has DOD or doesn't have DOD because we are not medical professionals. What we can say is that the recovered memory aspect of the story is the thing which makes it really, really suspicious.
This is not a case of someone who has diary entries detailing these events as they could at the time. This is someone who has recovered memories of these events and continues to recover memories of these events now.
And if you know anything about recovered memory syndrome, you'll be aware that it is very, very contentious in the sense that most medical professionals do not think the recovered memories work in the way that they've been described here.
And most of these things are more due to these beliefs being reinforced by people who support the idea that memories are being recovered than they are supporting the idea that there are memories literally being recovered from the subconscious.
So no,

Reflections and Opportunities: Hosts' Personal Insights

we're not convinced by the story of Dylan Groves. And I suppose the other thing we need to address is, are we being paid to say this by global elite kabals and their horrible snuff funded blood money?
And the answer is not yet. Not yet. The answer, I wish we were being paid to say this, for goodness sake. I mean, I said at the start, we're nobody, and that's pretty much true. We are two people in New Zealand. These accents are real on the other side of the planet from where all of this is happening. We have an interest in the area, but we aren't actually, don't have a, what do we say? We don't have a dog in this.
I mean, you say we're no body, but I'm actually a well-respected scholar on conspiracy theories. Well, you're a well-respected scholar on conspiracy theories, yes, but in terms of, I suppose, investigating global pedophile elites?
That's true. Neither of us. Although I have been approached several times by TV production companies who have wanted me to be involved in their kind of travelogue shows where people go around investigating things. It just turns out that none of these shows have eventuated. So it's possible I could have been a contender. I could have been a player, Joshua.

Conclusion and Audience Appreciation

But no. No. Here we sit. And I guess that's all we have to say. That's the state of things with Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. And basically, we're going to put this episode up on YouTube as well and maybe get a whole bunch more. Let's be honest. That's really why we're doing this, just to see if we can get more comments on account if we appear to be the only place to go for commentary on Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. I mean, that is part of it. I mean, one part of it was
I was quite curious to know whether there was something we missed out in the previous discussion. And I do think the discussion around Killeen, Texas is kind of interesting. There's some stuff going on there. Once you actually put Killeen, Texas, the location into the discussion,
I think it makes sense as to why people treat Groves' story slightly more seriously. Because once you see the Vanessa Gillen stuff, and you see the fact that people have been arrested for child prostitution, and you see there's an unusual number of deaths going on at Fort Hood every year, we end up going, well, there is weird stuff going on in Killeen, Texas.
Why think it's odd to think this additional weird thing isn't going on? Or why think it's odd that it is going on? So I can kind of understand why people are going, you're missing out the crucial context here. I'd simply point out that A,
Most of these events, with respect to the child prostitution ring and the death of Vanessa Gillan, occurred well after the fact. In fact, in both cases they occurred after we had discussed the story of Uncle Sam's snuff factory.
So you can't really backport that stuff and go, oh, you missed out this crucial context of something which you'd have to be a fortune teller to be able to tell was there. It is true that Fort Hood seems to have a major leadership issue, which is leading to a massive deaths on site, which is just indescribably traumatic.
But I don't think it lends credence to the idea that there's a literal snuff factory located underneath Killeen, Texas, where children are boiling each other alive to eat.
Yeah, no, no. So I think that's I think that's where we'll leave it. Now, if you want to know, I say we're not being paid to say this, we're not really, but we do receive some small amount of money from our beloved patrons, basically enough to cover our hosting costs and occasionally buy nice gear. And being our lovely patrons, they get bonus episodes and they're going to get one this week because they do every week.
Yes, this week they're going to hear about how a boss on Twitter predicted QAnon a year before it came into existence.
I'm really not sick of it. No, not at all. And it's also going to be talking about Russia engaging in a bit of the good old interference, this time about the COVID-19 vaccines. Those wacky scams. Yes, so if you'd like to be a patron, if you'd like to hear this episode, simply go to and look for the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. If you are a patron, well, then my work here is done.
And if you don't want to become a patron, but you're still listening to this after we've spent a good sort of 45 minutes bagging a theory that you probably came here to hear us supporting, well, that's fine anyway, because you're our audience and audiences are just grand.
you are you're lovely I mean not as sparkly and superior as a patron but you're still still pretty damn good and I don't I don't use such strong language lightly powerful stuff so to all of you each and every one of you I think the time has certainly come to say goodbye and I shall now activate the Omega personality
The podcaster's guide to the conspiracy is Josh Addison and me, Dr. M.R.X.Denteth. You can contact us at, and please do consider supporting the podcast via our Patreon. And remember, they're coming to get you, Barbara.