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 Boosting Your Salon's Income Without the Hard Sell: Insights from Caylee Auge image

Boosting Your Salon's Income Without the Hard Sell: Insights from Caylee Auge

The Business of Style
75 Plays1 year ago

In this special episode of the Business of Style podcast, Greg Robins chats with Caylee about a topic close to every salon owner's heart: increasing income without relying on traditional sales tactics. If you're in the beauty industry and looking for ways to enhance your earnings without the sales pressure, this episode is a must-listen.

**The Five-Step Approach to Increased Income**

Caylee shares a five-step process that goes beyond the usual advice of pre-booking and upselling. Here's a quick rundown:

1. **Check Your Mindset About Making Money**: Start by examining your thoughts on financial success. A positive mindset towards money is crucial for attracting it.

2. **Set a Target**: Define what more money and time mean to you. Make your goals specific and meaningful.

3. **Set Targets with Each Team Member**: Involve your team in the vision. Help them understand their role in achieving the salon's financial goals.

4. **Use a Powerful Consultation**: A thorough consultation can uncover client needs and lead to tailored solutions.

5. **Offer Solutions with No Emotions Attached**: Present solutions to your clients' problems without letting personal feelings influence the conversation.

**Changing the Narrative Around Sales**

Caylee emphasizes the importance of shifting our perspective on sales. It's not about pushing products but about providing solutions to clients' problems. By adopting a more consultative approach, salon professionals can enhance their clients' experience and, in turn, boost their income.

**Practical Tips for Implementation**

The episode is packed with actionable advice, from setting smart goals to mastering the art of consultation. Kaylee also highlights the importance of practicing and getting comfortable with the sales process, ensuring that it becomes a natural part of the salon experience.

Increasing your salon's income without the hard sell is achievable with the right mindset and approach. By focusing on providing value and solutions, you can create a more positive and profitable salon environment.


Introduction to Income Strategies for Salon Professionals

Hey everybody, welcome to a replay here on the Business of Style podcast. My name is Greg Robbins. I'm your host for this special episode. It's actually a replay today of a great conversation I had with Kaylee Auger around increasing your income without making more sales. So stay tuned. It's a great must listen episode for anybody in a salon, spa, or barbershop looking to earn a little bit more money without doing that wholesale thing. Enjoy.

Five-Step Process for Income Growth

Good morning, Kaylee. How you doing? Good morning, Greg. Great. Yeah, really good. Awesome. So today we're talking about increasing income or increasing income without more sales. So tell us more. I'm super excited about this one.
Okay, so the typical way if you think increasing income you're thinking I have to sell more and we all know like most of us don't like that icky feeling of selling and so and we all know we've all heard the basic strategies like pre-booking retail and upsell like we've heard that a thousand times, right? So I want to take it a little bit deeper into how do you increase your income and
And so I've come up with a five step process of how to, how you have to do that. And it's not going to be what you think it is. Um, it's going to be on a different level and it's going to seem a bit fluffy, but it works. And, um, often people ask me, you know, what's the secret to your success and how did you grow your salon so fast? And, um, I tell them these steps, right? And they're very simple. So are you ready for them?
Uh, yeah, let's hear them. How many are there? First of all, there's five. All right. We've got five, five steps. Yeah. So we'll go through them quickly and then we can break them out a little bit. Sounds great.

The Power of Money Mindset

So number one is check your mindset about making money. Yes. A lot of, oh, we're going to go into it later. Okay. I'm just going to tell them to you now. Number two, set a target. Okay. Uh, number three, set targets with each team member. Right.
Because they're part of that big picture, right? They need to know what's going on. What's your vision? Number four, use a powerful consultation. Oh, I like that. Number five, offer solutions with no emotions attached.
Awesome. So we've got a full on like from the minute you get out of bed in the morning to the moment you're seeing your client out the door kind of solution, right? Right. Exactly. Yeah. So the mindset mindset starts in the morning. Sure does. Yeah. All right. Let's, let's go through them. And we did speak about mindset once upon a time and, and our relationship with money and sort of where it comes from from childhood. So let's start from there because it goes way back, doesn't it?
It's so deep and it's so interesting because even with some of my current coaching clients that have made changes in their business, they call me like panicking and I'm like, well, what's going on? Like, and they're like, there's, there's money in my bank account. What are we going to do?
What do I do with it? It's just such an interesting thing because there's so much out there of like, my boss is getting rich off me, my greedy boss. And I think that salon owners are so such emotional people, they're artists, they're so in touch with other people and their team. And they just don't want to be seen as greedy salon owners and they don't want to
feel like they're in it for the money like you know most of them are in it for the love of the industry and the love of people and you know wanting to create something awesome for their team and so they really don't think about money and they really don't attract it to them and so that's the first step is really like check your mindset so when you hear about somebody else's success what are the things that come up
for you, right? Are you thinking negative thoughts about how they got their success? Because if you think negative thoughts about money, you're not gonna attract money. You're gonna repel money. So we talked about money as like an energy, right? And if you're thinking about money in a negative way, you're blocking it from coming into your life. And that's where it sounds kind of like, you know, out there, but you know, it really works. What's your experience with that, Greg?
Yeah, a hundred percent. And so my experience is actually quite, it's rooted deep in my childhood, actually with my grandparents who had that sort of relationship with money where they thought, you know, the people up the street who have lots of it are evil. They're bad. They, and it was just where they came from. They came from that country. They came from that place. And I watched them sort of watched money real estate and their, their sort of life kind of evaporate in front of them. They didn't do it on purpose. It just sort of seemed to happen. And not that there's,
anything wrong in selling a house or giving things to other people, but they did it at the expense of their own life. And I think that was a lesson for me. When I look back at my family and sort of where I come from psychologically, I go, that's not going to happen to me. I want to retire with dignity. I want to send my kids to school.
I'd like to eat well. I'd like to have time to you know for myself to exercise I don't need a Lamborghini. I don't need a huge ridiculous house I just want to have a reasonably comfortable life and be able to give things to other people like charity and stuff So that's kind of where I come from on it
Yeah. And so that's the mindset you chose and that's the results you're getting, right? And so that's the power that we all have is to set our intention for what kind of lifestyle we want to have and what that means to us. And so I just challenge all of you listeners to really like check yourself and check like what it is that you're trying to create in that financial realm. And for yourself, like what do you want to have to show for your business?
I had a neighbor across the park from me who had a salon and never paid taxes and was cutting hair for cash out of his studio because anything that went into the system was going to get garnished by the government. And so like if we don't plan for it to end well, it doesn't necessarily end well. I think a lot of people, especially when we're young, we just think like
at the end of
Life will take care of us and we'll figure it out, but it doesn't end well for everyone. So we need to have that mindset fixed on the things that we want to attract and be open to it and not self-sabotage it. Like you were saying, you saw your parents do, right? Right. Yeah, absolutely. Interesting. Super interesting. Yeah. And you know, the, the key is to maybe rather than look at it as dollars and cents, look at it as opportunities or doors that will open for you. And how can you make that happen for yourself professionally and personally, right?

Setting Financial Targets

Lifestyle, too, right? And that brings us to our second step, which is set the target. Because everybody seems to want more money and time. But what does that really mean? Like, what is that going to give you? So, what is that, what does that target mean? And so, that's what we need to do with our, like, for our team and for ourselves is we need to make the dollar amount mean something and we need to have a dollar amount.
And that's some of the work we do in the profit project is like what is the potential of your salon look like and giving you an actual number per month weekday and hour so that you can see if you're achieving it or not. Because our minds are so powerful and they're always looking for opportunities when we set that target. But if we just save more money, more time, there's nothing for our subconscious mind to grab on to.
So if you say, you know, we need to be bringing in $100 an hour, then you can start to look for ways to bring that in and your mind will be working for you even when you're sleeping. So it's really cool when you actually set that really specific target. And that's what you were saying you did in your life was, you know, you said you want the house, you want the retirement, you know, you knew those things, what the value was, and then you're able to create that.
Interesting. Interesting. And you know, we see this at work all the time with athletes who say they need to, I don't know, run the track in one second less, one second less. You don't just the coach, just a great coach doesn't say you got to do better. You got to go faster. The coach says you need to take one second off that time in the next, you know, three races. So that's a very specific goal, right? Like a very specific goal.
I always love your analogies, Greg. They're so good. But yeah, that's exactly it. So make it specific. Make yourself a really specific goal. Some of you right now just might be to get to that number that you were at before, the closure, right? Some of you that you're maybe setting a new target based on what your business can do right now with a new limitation. So I've found, you know, a lot of frustration around that, you know, them trying to get to the target that they set before.
But it's like, well, you have a new potential, a new world, so let's set a new target to go with that.
Love it. Excellent. And you know, a lot of these goals just in closing are called SMART goals, S-M-A-R-T and the S and the M stand for sustainable or specific and measurable. So what is it exactly and how will you be able to measure that down the road? And of course the T at the end is for time bound. So what can you, you know, what are you looking to have? How will you know you have it and by what time? And this is very common in business. This is a business fundamental SMART goals. So same idea, right?
Yeah, I love smart goals. Use them all the time. They have to be, uh, they have to be smarter. You know, I remembered before I really was practicing smart goals and I'd have one-on-ones with my team. And then we'd meet three months later and we'd be like, what did we mean by that? We'd write down some goal, ambiguous goal and be like, what is that? Do you remember? I don't remember. We didn't know if they achieved it. And so we started writing them in that way where it was very specific measure, measurable is the key and time bound exactly.
So yeah, thanks for sharing that. So number three is now you set the targets, but you're not going to achieve the targets alone. You have a team. And so the team also need to set their mind on what's their part in it. And so that's where your team meetings are really important and your one-on-ones is to help them set the targets. And it's not like I had this awful experience. I went to Paris and I worked in the Champs-ร‰lysรฉes, which is pretty glamorous.
But honestly, I hated it. It was probably the only job I ever hated out of all the jobs I've done. And they came and they would like send they would like give me I'd be on the floor with customers around and they would like show the paper of like, how many sales and how many more he had to do.
It was just like hardcore, right? Like, and all about the numbers, but you know, they know it works, right? They know it works, but I wouldn't take that approach. I would take the approach of coming alongside your team member and going through the same process. So what's their part in that big picture and what does that income mean to their life? And so how do you help them set that target and what does that translate for them? Whether it's like,
having, helping them to afford a cleaner so they can come home to a clean house after a long day's work, whether it's helping them get a down payment on their home. Um, so by making that goal, something specific for them helps them for your bigger goal to get what you want, but you only get what you want when you help someone else get what they want. And so I look at it through that lens, not through a money lens of like push, push, push hit this number because the kinds don't like that either. The team members don't like that, but of how do you get the lifestyle you want? And when you win, then I can win too.
Yeah and you know it's interesting your experience in paris sounds very old school leadership sort of that kind of thing like from the fifties almost whereas yeah i know where's what you're talking about is far more like it's a modern contemporary approach to leadership which is understand what your team members want out of life right what do they want to achieve personally,
and help them get there through your workspace because we spend most of our time at work. So how can we leverage that to get to the place where we want to be in a personal sense? And maybe like you say, it's just for whatever it is, sending my child to school and they, you know, they're, you know, I got a smart one, so they're going to need second level of education. So, you know, you don't want to deny anybody that opportunity and you can get there just by setting your individual target with the help of anyone you're working with. So yeah, brilliant. Love it. Awesome.
So you ready for number four?

Client Consultation Techniques

Yeah, let's do it. So number four is use a powerful consultation. This is the key to identifying all the problems. And that's what we do in business is we offer solutions to problems. And so if you're doing, you know, if they're coming in and you're like, same as last time.
You know, which I've seen, right? It's scary. Like, I hope nobody's doing that. But a powerful consultation is there to reveal all of the red flags, all of the things that they might have issues with that they maybe didn't articulate to you when they booked the appointment, right? So maybe they only booked a haircut, but they're actually not feeling super great about their color, or they actually find their hair is really thin and dry. And so these are things by asking the right questions that you can identify. The most powerful consultation I've ever seen is the perfect consultation
by inspiring champions all right so i would recommend that anyone you know who's interested in this if this speaks you're like oh that sounds cool um uh go to champ camp and learn the perfect consult it's so powerful um great yeah and the questions are and they train you on how to do it right because it's not in one you know you have to do a lot of practice to get this
communication down that you don't feel like you're selling and you're really listening. It's all about questioning and listening. So we're identifying all the problems. Um, and then number five is offer the solutions with no emotions. And so can you get where I'm going with that one? I can totally. Okay. So we got the perfect consultation or a powerful consultation as you ask for it. And the last point is, so tell us more about this, no emotions part. Cause I'm a little unpack that for us.
Yeah, well, we like to spend other people's money for them. And so if they're in our chair saying they don't know how they're going to make rent or their daughter's sports are costing so much, we start to like decide what they can afford. And we don't even propose them the solutions to the problems that they've told us that they had.
and so or we're too embarrassed to tell them that that conditioning treatment actually costs extra and then we actually like basically steal it from the salon because we don't bring it through right there's so many um where like areas where our emotions get all wrapped up in it and so if you do a really um powerful consultation and you simply look at it as you're like the doctor and the doctor doesn't get emotional when they tell you your prescription right
They just send you out the door and you go buy it. If you leave and decide not to buy it, they don't take it personally and they don't think I'm a terrible salesperson or that person doesn't like me now because I tried to sell them something. They just simply solve your problem with the recommendation and you leave and decide if you're going to buy it or not.
We need to take out the emotion where, okay, I heard you say you had this problem. I heard you say that you had this problem. Here's my solution to all of these problems. Which ones would you like to do today? And that just takes the emotion right out of the conversation, right? And when they say no, they're not saying no to you.
they're saying no to their budget, they're saying no to their priorities. And some people's priorities may not be your priorities. And so even though they can't make their rent, they may want their color done more than that. And so it's not up to you to decide that for them, right? Maybe we don't think that's the best choice for them, but like they're going to go do it somewhere else if they don't do it with you. Like they're really responsible, you're not responsible for how they spend their money. So stop spending the money for them.
and just offer the solutions to the problems that you discovered in your powerful consultation. It's so interesting you put it that way because of course we tend to think of these things as emotionally bound. In other words, we have this relationship with our customer and they will break down in tears if we tell them that they need this. And a lot of times it's about identifying perhaps a challenge with a client whether or not
this may not frame your face properly or your skin is going to react in a certain way and we become afraid to tell them these things because we worry about the reaction or the response as opposed to saying technically and we call ourselves technicians, right? Color techs, et cetera, right? Skin care technicians. We have a toolbox and we can take these tools and they will achieve this and this is what it's going to cost and this is how it's going to work out and this will be the result.
Would you like it or not? And you're right. So how do we though, if we are attached to our, if we're attaching our emotions, how do we work at disconnecting them? Is it, is there a practice? Is there a tip you can offer?
There is a practice we teach into this profit project that we call the beauty tab and it's essentially the process that we go through to quote the price which takes the emotion all out of it. So I'll tell them more about how to get involved with that later. How do we emotionally like how do we disconnect emotionally? Like is there a tool that we use or like a mindset or how do we
How do we do that?

Practicing Emotional Detachment in Sales

It's, I mean, it's a process, right? It's really coming to terms with like not spending them, that you're not in charge of how they spend their money. Right. And so I think it's partly your self confidence because you're getting hurt when they say no to you, right? So you have to be able to take the no. And that could be practice role play. We've got some great scripts for you in the profit project. We've got some great tools to help you through that. But it's really getting out of your comfort zone at,
at first and just sitting in the discomfort of like, this is what the price is going to be. Would you like to do it today? And just being quiet and waiting for their answer. Um, instead of starting to be like, Oh, but, Oh, I know, you know, you might not want that or low rambling. I like that. So sitting in the discomfort, I like that. Um, I, that's a good one.
Yeah. And then you'll learn, like that will go away. It's not, it's just whenever you do something new, you get a little bit uncomfortable, but that will go away after you practice it a few times. So maybe practice it on your colleagues, right? First and just practice actually asking for the sale. That's in your marketing expert.
That's what they always teach you is you have to ask for the sale, right? And I used to role play with my team. And what I would do is when I needed my hair done, I would go in and I'd be evaluating them. So if any of you are owners, this is a great practice to do with your team. So every six weeks I'd get my hair done with a different team member and I'd be evaluating them. And it's, you're actually doing a disservice when you don't solve their problems.
One of the simple questions you can ask at the end is, is there anything else you needed? Because that might just trigger something and I remember I needed a wet brush for my daughter's tangly hair and so I was waiting to see if she was going to offer it to me and she did the whole service and then that was it.
So she sold me my product that I needed, but she didn't ask me anything about what else I might need at home or anything. So I didn't buy it, but I commented after like, if you would have simply asked me if there was anything else, I would have bought a wet brush. And that's what's happening with our clients is like, you haven't triggered that thought for them of what they already were thinking they needed. So it's really, I would try to shift your thinking and think of it as your responsibility.
They're coming in there with a problem, and it's your responsibility to offer them a solution, and it's not personal if they say no. They're saying no to themselves of solving that problem at this time, so they may want to solve it the next time.
Absolutely. And you know, I think of it more as like a, like, again, a technical mindset. I am here to solve a problem. I'm here to deal with physical properties, which are hair, skin, nails, you name it. Um, the emotional part can just be the conversation we have about whatever it is you're talking about and leave it to that. Exactly. Yeah. So let's talk about those five real quick again. So once again, we had, I'll leave it to you.
Number one, check your mindset about money. How do you feel about actually making money? And then when you find that you actually want to, then set the target and then find out, like, what does that target mean to you? So what is that target going to get you? Is that going to get you your dream home? Is that going to allow you to leave the salon for two months a year and travel?
What's that number actually mean to you? Number three, set the target with each team member. So do the same process that you're doing for yourself. Now do it with your team members to support them in achieving their part of that big picture. Number four, use a powerful consultation. So something where you're asking really powerful questions and you're identifying all of their problems. And number five, offer them solutions to all their problems with no emotions attached.
and let them choose. Just be quiet. Just let them answer. Stop talking. Stop talking now. Just stop talking. We have two years, one month. Just go with that, right? Exactly. Talk a little less. Exactly. Kaylee, this is so great. Tell the people how they can get a hold of you and where they can go from here.
Awesome. Well, thank you, Greg. This has been such a great opportunity and I love that I can share this with everyone.

Contact Information and Conclusion

And if you've loved what you've heard and you want more and you're like, how do I set the targets and how do I break that down and how do I get those solutions and what do I say? Like, what are the exact words that I need to say? And then you can always find me on Instagram, KayleeOj at KayleeOj Facebook. So you could reach out to me on messenger, Kaylee at
Awesome. And of course, as a partner of our organization, our association, we always provide a link to you as well. So thanks again. Yeah, thanks. Bye. Bye everyone.