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Patron Bonus Episode 35 - 18 Anomalies about the Mosque Shootings that aren't actually anomalies image

Patron Bonus Episode 35 - 18 Anomalies about the Mosque Shootings that aren't actually anomalies

E161 ยท The Podcasterโ€™s Guide to the Conspiracy
32 Plays5 years ago

Josh and M look over a list of 18 supposed anomalies about the Otautahi/Christchurch Mosque Shootings that don't seem very anomalous.


Introduction to Vinesse and False Flag Theories

So yes, this is the bonus episode to the podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy, which is still going to be a somewhat dour discussion, but it's going to be a much more what on earth is he thinking style discussion. So as I mentioned in the main part of the episode, there's this character called Vinesse. What have we talked about him before? Briefly, briefly, he's come up once or twice. He has an almost daily two hour
podcast slash vodcast that appears on America, I actually can't remember the name of the broadcast network he works with in the US. It's an internet radio thing with video a lot like Infowars. And he kind of is our most prominent conspiracy theorist, although it's quite fascinating. He's not really known by anyone here. He's more well known overseas.
And he tries to come across as a kind of effable chap. He's kind of the happier version of Alex Jones to a large extent. But he's decided to take interest in what's been happening down in Ototahi, which is understandable. He's a Kiwi, just like us. But he's convinced that this was a false flag. And he's convinced because it has 18
of basically 41 features that show an event is a false flag. Now these 41 features originally came from when Barack Obama was President of the United States. So some of them Obama attends a funeral style markers which of course don't make any sense now that Trump is in charge. But we're going to go through the
18 features that Vinny thinks shows that the mosque shooting was a false flag and... Kind of question as to whether these are... Right, so I should point out...
He does state, note that not all of these items will be found in relation to every false flag. Very few of any of these items should be found at a real event. Thus, when you start seeing several of these items appear in one event, it is most likely a false flag.

Questioning the Universality of False Flag Narratives

So it's the idea that the combination of these taken together strongly suggests false flagness. And I'm going to go out on limb and say the combination of these strongly taken together show that the event is newsworthy. Yes. And indeed,
I have never seen people put forward an example of such an attack which they do think is genuine. Is there one? So when he says very few of any of these items should be found at a real event,
Can he point to a real event that doesn't have any of these? So we've kind of had this discussion before when we talked about those lists of false flags that people put forward, and they put forward some which actually do occur, so operations to Zahenna and then the resulting Livona Faire to cover up the failure of the false flag.
Operation embarrassed and the like but then of course they add in a whole bunch of things which aren't false flags as actually being false flags So they seem to be They either put too much in at which point you're going to probably actually only accidentally write about the ones which are real false flags or they don't put in the actual false flags and only mention the things which
I'm confusing myself by talking about false flags and non-false flags. They talk about events which quite clearly look to be mass shootings as being examples of false flags instead. So no, they don't ever seem to apply this list to actual false flags.
especially because going through the list, it appears to be very specifically mass shooting false flags. Some of these false flag, genuine ones that we've looked at in the past have been sort of military operations or political things, but these seem to be very specifically mass shootings, which are actually a false flag operation.

Media Ethics and New Zealand's Response

And yeah, I've never seen a mass shooting type event that people have said, oh, you know, that's actually one of the real ones. If that's ever happened,
I've not seen it. Well let's go through the list. So the first item is key videos hidden. Still pictures which are often grainy or unclear are released support the official story. Now we didn't talk about this much actually in the main episode but we here in New Zealand have seen very little of the either the video or the manifesto that were released by the killer. I understand in other countries stills from the video and excerpts of the manifesto were shown on like major
President Erdogan is showing the video at rallies. That's the president of Turkey. I don't know why I'm looking at the camera there. There's no camera filming. Hello spy cameras. So the key video has indeed been hidden in this country, but I understand not so much.
It's a snuff film. It's the video of lots of people getting shot and killed. So obviously no news network is going to... It falls under objectionable content according to the censor of New Zealand, which is an official title. And objectional material has legal...
ramifications if you view it or share it. And that's not because of trying to keep the video away from public eyes for sinister reasons. It's because it's a snuff film and snuff films are illegal in our jurisdiction.
Now, admittedly, the snuff film is grainy or unclear because it's a low resolution, low frame rate. It's got compression issues like nothing on earth. So it is grainy or unclear, but that's entirely due to the limits of the technology. All right, next one, perpetrators are identified in record time.
I don't know what council's record time in the perpetrator. Well, apart from initial confusion around the fact that four people were arrested, the perpetrator was named, has been named in New Zealand media, and I have seen the name, but since I think
Since Prime Minister Ardern made the point of saying she's never going to say his name, I think most of the media here has followed. Yeah, in fact, actually, I had a problem on Twitter today. There is kind of a consensus in this country. We don't use the name. And I use a combination of Instapaper and Buffer, an online service, to save articles to my Instapaper feed, and then they get broadcast onto my Twitter feed at set times during the day.
And it turned out I saved a New Zealand Herald article before the self-imposed ban on using the name occurred, which they then changed the title of the article subsequently. But when it was captured, it generated what was going to be the tweet at that moment in time.
And so I inadvertently tweeted out the name automatically and then went through and changed the tweet to avoid that. So yeah, there has been a kind of a change of heart as to whether we use the name or not. Even our media organisations are going back and removing his name, not from articles, but from the titles of articles.
So I mean perpetrators are identified here, well I mean the perpetrator certainly was identified quickly how that is specific to false flag offence and not to real offence. He was identified because the police asked for his name and he gave his name because he wants to be known, he's not trying to hide his existence, he wrote a manifesto.
Yes, now the next one, new laws or military action take place as a result of the event. Now that's interesting because here, yes, new laws, it appears, will result, take place as a result of the event. And the States is notorious for nothing ever happening after one of these... Oh, but they did invade Afghanistan and Iraq after 9-11 and that was a military.
Well indeed, but certainly all of the mass shooting supposed false flags have not resulted in changes to gun laws. So if that same market of a false flag, it doesn't seem to be one which applies to most of the mass shootings that go on in the US.

Press Coverage and White Supremacist Motives

Now this next one, come on.
Right, so this is the one which is truly ludicrous. The event receives an abnormal amount of press coverage. And that's a mark of a false flag only. I would like to know what a normal amount of press coverage is to the largest mass shooting in human history.
Yes, no. What is the normal amount of press? I don't see how you can defend that as being a characteristic of false flags just in any way at all. We live in a country that despite the fact that we have a housing crisis, we have endless articles about people buying houses for the first time and how it's important to buy a house. That's abnormal coverage of an issue. A mass shooting which
is kind of a world first for how many people killed on the spot. I don't think we've had an abnormal amount of coverage of this event. No, no.
So basically they're saying if it's newsworthy you've got to be suspicious about it. I mean frankly it would actually be unusual if the event occurred and then there was very little coverage. That would be an abnormal amount of coverage. That would indicate that maybe there is a cover-up going on of some particular kind. Now the next one, the country where the event took place has recently irritated Israel in some way. Was there some
Well, I mean, we've, we've, we've irritated Israel and that, you know, we've disagreed with the US and Australia about where the embassy should be located. We've got on Israel's nerves with regard to the fake passports. There's been a whole bunch of small issues, you know, we've been in support of Palestine for some resolutions at the UN, and that's got, that's
got on this. That's made certain Israeli politicians be against us. But it's not as if it's a major contratum. No, no. It's not the kind of thing which you would expect a, say, a secret service like Mosse to then go, right,
time to get the spies out and cause a mass shooting in Christchurch and it's it's a weirdly specific one as well because it appears to be angling specifically towards an anti-crypto antisemitism but anyway what's next the event and perpetrators are set up to cause conflict between several different religious ethnic or sexual orientation groups well they definitely apply as I suppose yeah but once again this is a white supremacist engaging in an attack that's
kind of what he said in the manifesto. And indeed, it's kind of been the point behind Islamist terrorist acts as well. And actually, maybe, again, I haven't looked, but possibly do they think that when Islamists do it, it's not a false flag.
I think that's fair to say, especially people like the white supremacists in this particular question would definitely, from what I can read of the manifesto, be of the kind of thought that most of those shootings over in the US are probably fake, although it's unusual given he did one himself.
But Islam is a real threat. That said, of course, 9-11, supposedly Islamic terrorists, but the false flag aficionados would claim that that wasn't the United States. Islam might be a threat, but they can't fly planes. They're too primitive to fly a plane, Josh, is the kind of thing they would say.
So, yeah, I mean, it applies to this case. I don't see what it is about that particular fact that would make it a characteristic of false flag attacks and not any other ones.

Critique of Victim Narratives and Manifestos

Where does he go next? The friends and family of the victims do interviews that are not believable.
Some of them were very melodramatic with response to the fact that their spouses had been killed. I mean, it seems a bit unbelievable that someone would show that much emotion. Now, admittedly, Vinny is a Kiwi, and Kiwis are quite famous for...
But not normally when a spouse has been shot. Yes, no. So that, yeah, not believable could pretty much mean anything. And it's that sort of vagueness that we do see in the false flag things where it's sort of, you know, why would this person act in this way? Who the hell knows? They're a human being. We're all different. People have different responses to...
Yeah, and there is a kind of weird folk psychology of people on armchairs going, well, you know, that's not how I would react. That means it's suspicious. Or maybe that's because that person isn't you and also you don't know how you would react in that situation.
No, it's the thing. I imagine most people with, on occasion, when something really bad has occurred, gone, how would I have reacted in that situation? And then discovered several years later, we get into a similar situation. Our reaction is completely different.
Now the next one, one or more bombs do not detonate. Now there were bombs, he had bombs in his car, didn't he? Yeah. And they indeed did not detonate? No, they were disarmed by the military. So I'm not quite sure whether it was the case of did not detonate or whether they were disarmed after he had a chance to try to detonate them. So it is true, there were two bombs and they did not detonate, but
don't say at this stage that might be the closest thing they've got to de-siderata for false flag and even then you're ever I mean if this person indeed isn't is something of an amateur meaning they're an amateur bomb builder it wouldn't be inconceivable that they'd be messed up and wouldn't detonate properly or indeed as appears to be the case here he never even got the chance to detonate him because he was rammed off the road and pulled out of his car by the cops
The next one, An Unbelievable Hero Story is released by the press on day two. Now we talked about this in the main episode. The ATM bearing shotgun picking up hero was talked about the day two, maybe the Sunday by the time that information came out. So it is true there was a remarkable hero story within a few days.
But yes, again, unbelievable, much like things being not believable before. Well, that doesn't really mean a lot. Yeah. And the thing is, there probably were other. Heroistic stories that we just never got to see of people who ran towards the. Well, stories who ran towards the perpetrator and unfortunately were killed. Yeah. There was the fella who there was a story about a guy who
out of what turned out to be justified paranoia, apparently he had always sat near the window in his mosque in case he needed to jump through it, if some sort of attack on the mosque occurred, and did indeed jump straight through the window and did manage to save people, gave people an alternate exit out of the building and did probably save a few lives.
um but yes okay now 23 a manifesto is released by the perpetrator well that certainly did happen in this case and has indeed happened in other mass shooting cases but with why that's why why that's a feature of false flag as opposed to a feature of ego maniacs and highly egotistical individuals who think they're going to become famous and start a race war through their
actions i don't know i that seems like a perfectly congruent thing if you're going to massacre 50 people you're probably going to explain to people why all right so we and we actually didn't talk about this in the main episode this event was planned for two years according to the manifesto and the particular attack was planned for three months
The original location attack was actually going to be a mosque in Dunedin, but he changed it to Christchurch instead. So he also claimed to have written a longer manifest of about 240 pages in length, which he then deleted and then wrote a new one. My suspicion is
The reference to the longer manifesto is basically designed to get people to look for a longer manifesto, so to keep the story alive for longer. I think it's actually a tactical ploy by the terrorist in this particular situation. I doubt there was a longer manifesto. There might have been, but given the other ways, he's trying to kind of troll the libs in the manifesto. I imagine that's designed for people going, oh, but maybe we can find it. Maybe there'll be copies of it somewhere online.
So the next one was a drill is taking place at or near the event at the same time. Now, as we mentioned in the main episode, this did happen. Police were training in sort of room clearing exercises, I think they referred to as, which is why the two officers who showed up were actually armed right from the get go.
And we do see, this is a claim I've seen a lot before that's sort of some other police or military sort of training event. Yeah I mean there were associated drills on September 11th, there were associated drills with respect to the London bombings. One thing which people don't talk about much is it's actually
Drills going on with services all the time. People training for doing X or Y. So the statistical likelihood of a drill occurring at the same time of a major event is actually substantially higher than most people think it's going to be. Because most people think that you get your police license.
And then you just become a copper, pounding the streets for weeks and weeks and weeks, and then you become a sergeant, et cetera, as opposed to there's actually this constant training on the job to hone your skills. So a training event occurring at the same time looks unusual, but there's actually an open question. Actually, how unusual is it given these particular types of roles?
Now the next one, little to no amateur cellphone video footage of the event has released. I'm not aware of any. Just in the last day there's been CCTV footage of the car speeding away and firing shots out of it.
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, on one hand, yes, it's 2019. Cell phones and cell phone cameras are ubiquitous. But on the other hand, this happened. The shootings happened inside mosques. So people were at prayer. They wouldn't have had cell phones on their phones.
and inside, so there wouldn't have been other, it's not like there would have been people on the street who saw it initially, and anyone who did see a guy out on the street waving a gun around would probably have been running up the cover.

Event Footage and Perpetrator Preparedness

He was shooting at people in the street, shooting up and down the street, which meant that people were running away from the scene. You don't tend to, if you see someone with a gun, go, oh, just get out the old iPhone SE and take, oh, look, I've been shot in the stomach.
Yes, you'd need to be fairly certain you were actually out of immediate danger before you started filming things, I would have thought. And I mean, it wasn't if it was occurring in a kind of business, just a business. This district, it's the middle of the day. People are at work. An online video is found of the perpetrator acting crazy. Is that one even true? I mean, maybe Vinnie's found something, but
The closest I could get would be there's stuff online about the perpetrator on social media like Twitter but I'm not aware of a video making him out to be crazy. Maybe he's making the claim that that's the actual live stream video that makes him look like a psychopath and of course if it's a false flag then obviously that's a plant. Maybe that's what he means.
Yes, I'm not sure about that one. Where do we go from there then? The details of the event make it impossible to not be reminded of other recent false flag events. Now this, yeah, this is the thing that always strikes you about the false flag stuff, just how sort of circular they are. It's always, this is obviously a false flag because it's like all these other false flags, which we thought were false flags because they were like other false flags, which we thought were false flags because they were like other false flags, and it never seems to bottom out in
actual proof, here's a thing, this is concrete proof that this incident was a false flag in any sort of way that would then allow you to infer that because this event is similar to that event, which was a false flag, this one must be one. Yeah.
Which that sort of seems to be the main problem with the whole project, really. If you assume other mass shootings are false flags, then this one resembles those false flag flash shootings, mass shootings, who haven't even had whiskey tonight.
But if you don't think those are false flags, then this mass shooting resembles other mass shootings. Yeah, so very, very circular. Moving on to the next one, the perpetrators wore body armour. No, he did wear body armour. Yep, that just speaks to preparation on the part of the mass shooter. Two years of prep. Yeah.
Ah, former military members played key roles in the event in some way. That seems awfully vague. In a country as small as New Zealand, there must be former military people involved. Well, the bombs were disarmed by people from the army. Yep. And I assume our police force has a decent number of ex-military folks in it as well who would have been involved. Yes, I do. But in played roles in the event in some way. Is delightfully vague.
Authorities are on the scene in record time and numbers that would not normally be possible in a short time period without prior knowledge. Which is certainly is not at odds with anything he's said but it is is at odds with some of the things we talked about in the main part of the episode where people claimed it took a long time for police to get there.
But at any rate, in record time, well, first of all, since an event like this is kind of unprecedented in New Zealand, who's to say what a record time is, we only, the only other mass shooting of note tape in this country was the Aramuana shootings back in 1990, and that was out in sort of
almost rural New Zealand really. Yeah, it's actually hard to get to. So you had the local police station in the major police stations quite some distance away. And so that was a situation where you had a hostage situation in an isolated community. And one of the police officers shot initially, which of course actually made the response even more awkward. The local guy confronted
Gray, what was his name? David Gray? Whatever his name was. Confronted him and was shot instantly. And then it was, so this was if you've seen the movie Out of the Blue, which was the dramatization of it with Carl Urban. So Carl Urban plays the police officer, not the one who got shot. New Zealand's Judge Dredd. New Zealand's Judge Dredd, yes.
And the thing is, and also the numbers, as we said before, two people showed up on the spot, lots of cops got there eventually. And the thing is, so...
The timing was awkward because, of course, they arrived in six minutes to the scene of the first shooting at Al Nour Mosque, just after the terrorist fled by car, or not even fled by car, moved to the second mosque. So they actually turned up to the first mosque, as the police pointed out, too late to do anything, because by the time they got the call, the shootings were basically over and done with.
And then, of course, they got a report of the second shooting and went along to that and they basically captured him as he was leaving the scene because they had a description of him by that particular point. I think they said they knew, sort of obviously being local cops, they knew the city and sort of guessed at the route he would probably be taking and then saw a car that matched the description. Someone had got the number plate apparently and so once they verified that, yes, that's definitely the car, then they sort of weighed their options and decided to ram him to the side of the road. Yeah.
so yeah the uh and also
Christchurch is not a big city. It is. I think it's our second biggest city, but New Zealand is not a big country. And the thing is, Auckland is huge compared to other... By international standards, Auckland is the only city in New Zealand. Because we're 1.8 million in Christchurch is about between... 23 and 400 million. So it's actually... Auckland is fine Christchurch to be small. Yes.
So the last one of this list of 18, which I mean, we haven't been numbering them because it isn't really relevant, but going by the numbers, this is sort of a bit of a grab bag of a list of over up to about 40. So this one, number 37 on his list, number 18 of the ones that he picked out, his authorities immediately
find in inverted commas evidence that ties the perpetrators to radical beliefs. So as we said, the authorities received an email from the perpetrator linking to his manifesto in which his radical beliefs were spoused. So sort of the quote unquote find, it was, there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious about that.
No, he released that information to 4chan, 8chan, the Prime Minister's office and the media. There was no finding. It was promulgated by the suspect. Although, of course, if you believe it's a false flag, then you'll believe that that is part of the rose.

Need for Real Event Examples and Motivations

Well, indeed. So, yeah, I mean, overall, I don't see you can anyway support
this initial claim that these items will be found in relation to every false flag and very few if any of them will be found at a real event. I mean a lot of these are if the event is newsworthy you'll expect this to be part of the story. Yeah so again I would really love to see someone give an example of a mass shooting that they don't think was a false flag because
All we ever seem to see is it's just it's become it's become just sort of a script now a mass shooting appears the Instantly, it's oh, it must have been a false flag Yeah, simply because there seems to be this belief now that every mass shooting is a false flag So for these claims to be any at all believable I'd really like to see someone for once actually point to it to a mass shooting and say oh No that one was real and be able to show a difference between that and the ones that they claim are false flags and
But I don't think that will ever happen because I think this is all a load of bollocks. Yeah, this seems like a list of conveniences. So here are a bunch of things which I think are suspicious. Ipsofacto that makes the event suspicious as opposed to... Yeah, but some of these things are just going to be likely in any newsworthy story and
are probably going to be true by coincidence for a lot of stories as well, not because of some causal mechanism of those stories being faked, but because a lot of events of this particular type, mass shootings, which this list really does seem to refer to,
We kind of have a story about the motivations behind it, which if you don't automatically assume those motivations are false and being imputed upon us by higher powers operating behind the scenes, stem from a profile that fits the kind of person who does events like this.
So in this podcast I have tried and failed quite spectacularly to form as a catchphrase the idea that false flags are the lupus of conspiracy theories. I'm kind of leaning towards the more being akin to some sort of rectal cancer
some sort of genital eating bacterial infection or something like that. So false plagues are the necrostitis of the confusing fasciitis of conspiracy theories. The galloping cockrot of conspiracy theories. The galloping cockrot.
No, my opinion of false flag theories and false flag theorists, I think, drops with each such event that gets referred to as one, I have to say. Yeah, it is one of those, I mean, as we discussed in the series on false flags, we know false flags have occurred, and they normally occur in times of conflict or perceived conflict. And as I said in the spin-off article,
The kind of people who put forward false flags for events like these, the Otatahi mass shooting, are people who believe that there's a culture war going on. So basically, they think there's a conflict between Western civilization and whatever this behemoth that we have right now is, and we've got to fight for that, and the powers that be, the governments of the day,
basically trying to engineer a situation where white people are being disempowered. And one of the reasons why I find that to be an unwarranted conspiracy theory is that the nations that these are occurring in are still predominantly
white nations with systemic issues with respect to marginalising already marginalised or oppressed groups. So it seems like a really odd conspiracy. I mean, it's a bit like the claim that the government and Maori are covering up the existence of a pre-Maori European civilisation.

Disenfranchisement and Future Discussions

Given the antagonistic relationship between Maori and the Crown, why is the government actually helping Maori out when our history has been to actually take stuff from them right up to the current day? These mass shootings is a culture war thing going on because if it doesn't actually seem like there's a culture war going on,
it actually looks more like governments are engaging in very very slight progressive moves and there's a whole bunch of people who feel really uncomfortable with the fact that they actually have to start competing in the marketplace of ideas and not just have things as a matter of course because they were born with the right fancy parents. Yeah I mean there's the thing that you see in a lot of contexts the idea that if the
You may perceive a level playing field when in fact things are tilted very much in your favour. And if you do see things that way, then what is actually a sort of the beginnings of a rebalancing can end up looking to you like things tilting away from you. If you follow my slightly tortured metaphor. Torian, I understand your torture.
So that can sort of be the justification for it. Well, I don't know if you've mentioned it just now, but you've mentioned it in your writings on the subject, the fact that the feeling of disenfranchisement is taken as evidence of disenfranchisement. That seems to be the thing here. Yeah, it is a case of I feel like I'm missing out, which actually isn't the case of really missing out, but feelings can be also... Yeah.
can be awfully decisive when it comes to deciding what you're going to go to the next. As anyone with children will be aware of, if a child feels they're missing out, they get angry. They sure do, there's no denying that. Even if it turns out they're not missing out at all. The perception sometimes
As you always say, humans are just bad at processing humans. My youngest who's six years old drives us up the wall with that crap. He's got all this stuff, but as soon as he sees someone's got something else, he immediately forgets everything that he has and starts obsessing over it. What I'm saying is, white supremacists are essentially on par with my six-year-old son.
And also don't give your six-year-old son cocaine. No, no. Drives me crazy. So I think that's enough now for a week. We've got through a lot of stuff. You've done a remarkable job coming up with the material for this episode. There's more than we've ever had, I think, for anything.
Yeah, and I think next week we need a kind of palette cleanser. We do. I actually don't even think we just do a single topic. I think we find a whole bunch of small things we've just never got round to covering because I discovered today QAnon the comic book. First issue.
And I think we should both read that over the next week. It's not enough to sustain an episode, but it's a nice little bit we can do, reviewing 13 pages of an online comic book about QAnon. And we'll just find some small, fun things to discuss next week because we need a palate cleanser. I think you're entirely right. So until then, when you can see what we've managed to come up with, we will leave you now.
and talk to you hopefully in slightly cheery at home in about a week's time. Yeah, let's just hope that this isn't the first event of a sequence of events in this country because frankly the country's depressed enough as it is. So on that cheery note, once again goodbye and stay well. Yes, la reva de re.