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USA & World News + Entertainment, Pop Culture, Sports 💯The Professor's Semanalmente #4 ft. Omar 'The Professor' Fonseca @BALLandBUDS image

USA & World News + Entertainment, Pop Culture, Sports 💯The Professor's Semanalmente #4 ft. Omar 'The Professor' Fonseca @BALLandBUDS

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28 Plays3 months ago

The Professor's Semanalmente #4 ft. Omar 'The Professor' Fonseca 💯  

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Introduction and Show Overview

toe to toe, release the flow Created by this mic pro Life cameras get low
and you have no need to know You can't prepare now get ready for the show george
Yo, yo, yo, what up, what up, what up, friends? You know who it is. Omar, the professor, Ponceca here with another installment of the professor's seminar, mente. Again, for you marks out there that haven't learned yet, that means weekly in Spanish. So check yourself before you wreck yourself. Anyways, ah, ah.
We We're talking today, as always, getting our weekly news, headlines in, sports, entertainment, pop culture, all that good stuff. Make sure you are subscribed at Ball and Buds. B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. You see it on the sign. You see it on the t-shirt. You see the QR code up in the corner. I don't know which way it is, because I think my camera is mirrored backwards. But anyways, if you scan that QR code, you can subscribe to our YouTube, which is most important.
and also follow our instagram so again make sure you're subscribed at ball and buds b-a-l-l-a-n-d b-u-d-s and today we have a special guest coming in um he is goes by the felonious chef aka my boy kb coming in to talk about life as a musical artist a sous chef and his future dreams for his restaurant business so that should be a good interview there around 645 ish ah today. But anyways, let's go ahead and kick this bad boy off.

Veterans Day Tribute

First of all, happy Veterans Day to all my veteran brethren out there. um I want to just give you a little history breakdown. Veterans Day was originally commemorated as Armistice Gay after at the end of the World War I.
uh there are currently an estimated 15.8 million veterans alive in the United States right now representing around six percent of the adult population so a little more than one and out of every 20 people you see could be a veteran, so make sure you thank them for their service. ah Veterans obviously served during peacetime, wartime, a third of them served in Vietnam, a quarter served in the Gulf War, and over 25%, 28% to be exact, have served since 9-11.
So, the percentage of veterans alive ah today who served in those wars, we must never forget them. um There are not very, very many left from those older wars. I found that it's only less than 0.2% still alive from World War II.
And ah World War I, there is no known living veterans at all. The last U.S. soldier known from World War I was laid in peacefully to rest in power in 2007.
So again, happy Veterans Day. Shout out to all my veterans out there. Let me make sure I'm staying on top of my comments and everything. All right, cool. Yeah, we're live on Instagram. Yes, we are. Yeah, you're right. We're live on Facebook, live on YouTube. Just make sure you stay updated at Ball and Buds. B-A-L-L-A-N-D. B-U-D-S.
let's get the ah Let's get the U.S. news portion of this started. So ah last week we talked about the election obviously being the big news. As we move into the new week, we have to figure out we've seen how world leaders started to respond. A lot of them responded positively. You can't really think they're going to respond in the media any other way. ah Even Putin had a funny one where he was like, oh,
or the spokesman came out and said, oh, we don't talk with enemy countries. And then it came out to find out that Elon Musk has been back channeling with Putin. ah so And we know that Trump has a relationship with him anyways, but we'll have to see how this plays out into the the global part of things, the wars around the world, ah foreign exchange, um economy policies, things like that. But what's most important this week and what's really been talked about has been how president-elect Trump has started to to fill his cabinet. And so we've seen names coming out this week.
ah names such as South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who will has been picked to lead the Department of Homeland Security, ah former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to lead as U.S. Ambassador to Israel, um former Texas Congressman John Ratcliffe as CIA Director, and then we get into some other ones which people start to look at, okay, these are Trump loyalists, Trump sticker fans. What a great word for a Puerto Rican on a TV show. Shout out, Conan. I hope you're doing better. My brother, be back soon. We love you.
but ah He's, seems like he's filling out people that are just going to be loyal to everything that he wants to do. A bunch of yes men, which is what he had before, but these people have a little more power and power in general. ah Marco Rubio, he has chosen for the secretary of state, which is a weird dichotomy there seeing how he's not cool with the same thing before. So he kind of messes up Fordham to take Rubio out and His dad just had to fill the Senator's class, which a rumor Trump wants to go to his daughter, Laura Trump.

Controversial Cabinet Picks and Political Bias

I'm crazy with that. um Director of National Intelligence.
oh gait abert A lot of people have issues with this because her connections to Russia. You don't really want someone with certain connections to foreign establishments being the director of national intelligence. Probably not a good look because you want to make sure that your our intelligence is not escaping. And by the way, I've got some news on that ah for somebody who gave away secrets. I've got what their punishment was that was just released this past week. Finally, two really controversial picks. The first one being ah Pete Hegseth, who is, he is a veteran and and he should be honored for his service. He served admirably for 20 years, deploying twice and has two bronze stars. And for that, we give him a salute here because we love all our veterans. ah But he has been headed to take over the Department of Defense. I used to work at the Department of Defense for a long, long time.
The issue with this is not that he has he's not a soldier, soldiers, people that were on that front deserve these chances. The problem is he has been a Fox News host and contributor since 2014. He's been running the Fox and Friends Weekend Show.
He hasn't been on the front lines. He hasn't been working at the Pentagon on top of these intelligence reports. And when you have all these global conflicts and escalations, it makes it hard to trust that someone that hasn't had that experience in a long time may be able to even regret it. And even then, he had wartime experience, which is a lot different than running the whole Department of Defense. So more I wish him the best of luck because I I obviously love our country and I want nothing to happen to, especially the Department of Defense. I used to work at many agencies that are a part of that. I've met many friends there, many colleagues. So I just think that's a really weird choice. Most of his choices are just people with not a lot of experience in the field that they're trying to, or or the position that they're trying to attain. um Like, look at this.
Another controversial choice. RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. chosen as the Health and Human Service Secretary. um Guess normally it wouldn't be a controversial pick per se, but he does lean one certain way on vaccines. he does he we He's a well-known to be against vaccines um and other things like the fluoride that we talked about.
and we don't need We don't necessarily know if those things are an issue, but we do need somebody neutral that would not necessarily decide one way or the other that we would do more research. In fact, finding before those decisions were made, instead of just jumping head in on things that you believe, but maybe half of the country or maybe even more than half the country doesn't believe, because a lot of the country does believe in science. And then finally, the most controversial of the picks. And again, this these have to be vetted through the Senate.
And what a weird part about this is, and we'll have our political strategist, Amul Maidan, on either next week or the week after. But when we bring him back on, we'll ask him about Trump wanting to recess the Senate during the holidays so he could stay and push all his picks through so they didn't have to get vetted by the Senate.
I mean, I tell you, I don't know what we're what we're doing here. um I mean, the the Republicans and GOP have fought the filibuster and so many other things that the Democrats had talked about. And then Trump just wants to unilaterally have this power. I mean, that's just, you know, if we're if you're going to have it one way, you can't have it the other way. We've got to have it stringent across the board for everyone. But ah Attorney General Matt Gaetz,
Yeah, he went to William & Mary Law School. Shout out William & Mary from the DMV. I love William & Mary. You got a lot of beautiful campus and other beautiful sites on campus, shall I say. I've been there plenty of times. um ah So, great school.
He's a man that is currently being investigated. How can your attorney general currently be under investigation for alleged in the proper relationship with a minor? Can we get somebody with a clean record? Now, I am not one to throw stone in glass houses. I know I've made my favorite mistakes. I've never been with any minors.
But damn it, man, can we at least have somebody clean? That's kind of just that just doesn't make any sense. So again, a lot of these picks are going to be fought. We'll see what happens. But I'm i'm excited to see what Amul has to say about that.
Hey Albert, thank you for tuning in. Y'all make sure you join at the Bottom Line Sports. um No, and they haven't been. they They haven't. I'm not saying that they have been. I wasn't arguing that. I was just arguing the fact that it should be. um Biden did pick people that were also leaning one way or the other, but that shouldn't be the case. And that's what I'm getting at. But also what we're talking about, right, um is certain things that are just very contradictory to the position they're being put in. And the only reason they're even being put there is because Donald Trump likes them. That's what I'm saying. It should be more of who has the best qualifications for this position. So and even with Vivek Ramaswani, you're not going to hear me say anything about that. I hope that he does well in the government efficiency thing. But to really say, oh, we should put Elon Musk there because he's a billionaire. He inherited a lot of his wealth in the first place from his family. But
He is a smart guy. I don't think that necessarily means that he needs to be running government efficiency. Now, again, more power to him. I hope they get it done. He's obviously smart enough. I just don't i don't see the i don't see the necessary qualifications. I need to see the experience. i mean When I got hired as a defense contractor, they didn't do that because I just came off the street out of high school and wanted to work for the government. No. I had 10 years of experience or or eight years at that time of experience.
So, you know, people need to have the necessary qualifications. That's what I'm saying, Alberto. You know me. I'm very neutral on everything. And I think it should be that way all the time, and especially in our government. And that's why our government is so screwed up now, because it's so um the politics are so strained one way or the other, depending on how certain people feel, that it just really ruins it for the rest of us, the constituents of the actual nation that are supposed to be the ones supposed to be the ones that are actually served.
So yeah, you know how it goes. You're in the military. ah Anyway, so we'll see how all of that plays out here coming up. um ah So, but one thing is found, I found this to be a cool survey done.

Celebrity Endorsements in Politics

It's by a marketing research firm called Grow Progress. And so they run marketing research tests. You know me, I'm a digital marketer, marketer, so I love this. They tested um on October 30th, 4,023 adults nationwide.
ah They tested on nine real celebrity presidential endorsements. So, you know, this year there were a lot of celebrity endorsements, right? So they tested to see how much of an effect celebrities actually have on endorsements and they found Ta-da! You may have thought this, that it's not really a big effect. And a lot of times it has a backwards effect. It has a negative ah connotation to the actual politician running for office. So they examined on the Democrat side, they examined five of the endorsements for Harris, found that they had no measurable effect.
ah out of six. So five people out of six had no effect and they examine they examined Beyonce, John Legend, Eminem, Bruce Springsteen, Maggie maggie Rogers, and leonard Leonardo DiCaprio. um And then for Trump,
they looked at ah They looked at Hulk Hogan, Jason Aldean, and Dr. Phil. And they found that for do Donald Trump, at this point, even Jason Aldean and Dr. Phil actually moved ah respondents away from feeling good about Trump. It brought a negative.
connotations. So it looks like only two, one on each side ah out of these obviously this is a subsect of people you can extrapolate those numbers to the larger U.S. population but I found it kind of interesting that one on each side but only two celebrities out of nine had an effect on how people actually voted this year. So you know, cool a little professor's stat for

Classified Documents Leak Sentencing

you there. Now, I do want to talk about some serious information that we talked about earlier when we talked about the Department of Defense, when we talked about Tulsi Gabbard going up for the university of University for the Director of National Intelligence. I am I worked
in Intel for a long time. So I know this area quite, quite, quite well. And I like our information to be protected. And I think that our information should be protected at all costs, so it doesn't get into the end hands of the enemy. Well, jacked Jack excuse me, a former Massachusetts Air National Guard member,
who was arrested last year for leaking classified US military documents, was sentenced yesterday to 15 years in prison.
Get what you get, big dog. That's what they say on the streets. Get what you get, big dog. You know what I mean? If you decide that you're going to go and leak our classified military documents, and this was the incident is considered the most extensive intelligence breach in at least a decade, you know, probably from some former people we saw screw them to. They don't need publicity. So I'm not going to say their names right now.
even though I have a a close connection with one of them, because I trained a ah pupil of mine and they were their future colleagues. It's very weird, i' like six degrees of separation. I don't even want to talk about that though, because I ain't involved with that. know that You know that, Omar but um my be on top of his shit.
ah The sentencing comes after Texterra, who turns 23 next month, pleaded guilty in March to six federal counts of willfully retaining and transmitting national defense information in exchange for his plea. They spared him from being charged with additional counts under the Espionage Act.
Textura was then an informational technology specialist, IT specialist, who had autopsy clearance in 2021, two years after enlisting in the Air National Guard. But outside of work, he had a secret double life. He had been uploading uploading this classified information, if you remember, to a Discord server where he him and his gamer friends gathered every week. Defense for him Come on defense. I know you got to make a defense. I know as lawyers, that's what you're paid to do. It come up, come up with something to defend him, but there's got to be something other than he didn't mean harm. He wanted to keep his friends apprised of world events.
I was born in the morning. I wasn't born this morning. And I'll tell you right now, the first rule that they tell you when you get a clearance and when you go into Intel is if you say anything you hear within these walls, you are subject to go to jail. He gone. Not going to feel bad for you.
Learn your lesson and come back into society and be a productive citizen, Jack. That's all I can say. Hey, thank you again for always tuning in. Make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buds. B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. Make sure you hit that like button. No one's hit that like button. I see Alberto's over here complaining while I'm reading the article to make sure I got my facts right, but he a he ain't good enough to hit the like button for me. Okay.
um She overspent on her campaign by millions. I've never heard of such a thing. I don't know why you're so hung up on this. ah The election was a week ago. Your your candidate won. um I'm not even defending Kamala. i didn't even I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I don't carry the way. I hate both parties. I think all politicians suck, as anyone who knows this program knows. They're all liars, cheats, and scums, just like your beloved Trump, who also spent lots of money, including Russian money and Chinese money to fund his campaigns.
So if you really want to go deep into it, I know all this shit. and You don't really want to get into that with me. But yeah, you want to know why she spent millions? Because she had the money. There were over a there were almost a billion dollars donated to her campaign. Was she supposed to just not use the donations? Oh, you know what? I'll just try to beat them myself out over goodwill. No, of course she needs to she needs to use the donations. If you have the money, use it.
You know, pointing just letting you sit there and go and do nothing. Anyways, you know, I still love you. Make sure you all join the Bottom Line

Social Media Legislation for Minors

Sports. We go live every Sunday at 8 p.m. Sorry, at 7 30 p.m. Eastern and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern. All right. On to World News. A couple bits here.
First of all, ah ah I'm just going to keep this light since we've been doing a lot of serious news so far. Australian Prime but a little like australian prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced legislation yesterday to ban social media for children under 16 years old. Now, the proposed law set to be introduced in Parliament in the couple weeks ah would require all social media platforms to bar access to children and teenage users.
um There are no exceptions for parental consent if they're under the age of 16. If approved, companies would have 12 months to implement the blocking measures or face fines. And the platforms would be the ones to bear the responsibility. So if a kid a kid were somehow to be able to get on the system, they would not be be punished. It would actually be the platforms, the social media themselves themselves that would be punished and not the parents as well.
um That being said, the argue is that there is a there's a there's a a denigration of our children's mental health due to social media.
being a digital marketer, being someone who teaches and created my own social media course for small business owners, ah shameless plug, please go to MVP, specialty marketing business if you need any digital marketing services, ah sports, entertainment, small business, whoever, wherever. Anyways, I can coheartedly and 100% say this is completely correct.
It does. It not only harms the mind of our children, it harms the mental health of our adults and anyone who uses social media. So I actually agree with this ban and think it should be implemented and everywhere. Now, I would actually move it down to 14 probably, but I don't have kids. So if you're out there, Flo, you're out there arguing about everything else, what do you think? You have three daughters.
What age would you have wanted them to get on to social media? I say 14, but I agree with the ban um because about 95% of teens use some kind of social media spending an hour of average of five hours a day on social media. And the 41% that have high use ah says their mental health art is poor or even very poor. The US Surgeon General has called for a tobacco style warning label on social media platforms. I don't think that's going to work at all, but I agree with that as well. It'd kind of be just like a placebo, like when they used to put the explicit parental advisory stickers on ah the CDs.
I mean, no one really paid attention to that, except my mom. Real funny, quick story. One time, the first hip hop album I bought, I think I was like 12 years old and I went to the, my mom took me to the PX and they were kind of lax at the

Security Concerns with TikTok

PX. So I went back and I bought the above the rim soundtrack, the movie that Tupac played in. Great soundtrack. What a great soundtrack. um But when she saw it and she saw it, I had like the parental, but I might've been like 10. I had to be like 10 when that movie came out. I think that movie came out in what, 90? Not 90.
88 no 92 93 and when we came out so I was 10 yeah 10 or 11 10 or 11 okay anyways um and she saw the parental advisory sticker and she take it and she threw it away yeah I was like well I mean that sucks I don't know why you just did that after you just paid for it she was obviously the one to pay for it I didn't pay for it um but that's just a hilarious little side note I ended up getting the album later anyways ah great album again shout out and great movie shout out shout out my brother can teen baby um shout out my brother thank you for tuning in yes again the bottom line sports ah no that's not that's not true at all actually I just told you she made almost a billion dollars and she did not spend over that she did not win
you And you're candidate one, I don't know why you keep going on over her. She's not even gonna be in your mind anymore after January 20th. So I don't know why you keep harping on this. We've moved on and now I've moved on, stop. All right, you know, I love you. Canada has now, this is another thing, Canada has now ordered TikTok offices to shut down in the country over security risks. ah That ban does not affect the in-country access um to the app though, so people will still be able to use the app, but the actual offices where they house workers and stuff cannot be in there. Now, in my opinion, back when Donald Trump first brought up that TikTok ban, I actually thought that was one of the smartest things he ever brought up. I personally, again, we've talked about my experience in the military and things like that, the Chinese own TikTok. So anybody who's on TikTok, your your information is with the Chinese right now, so they have your stuff.
you might as well stay on there at this point. But if you're not, I would advise you probably not to go on there because then you're going to have your information too. Now, if you don't care, that's fine. It's one thing for the United States to have your information, which they do, all of you. um But it's another thing for and for a foreign country to do that. So again, I think that's good. I think they should also do that here.

Upcoming Film Productions

ah But then all the teenagers, the little teen queens would come after me and be pissed because there's no more TikTok. So never mind, I take it back. Moving on to pop culture.
Again, make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. ah Hit that like button. that love button. ah Pop culture. So a couple of cool notes I found. The new Star Wars film trilogy is in the works from Lucasfilm and Disney. this It will be live action, the trilogy, um and will be written and produced by the X-Men writer and producer, Simon Kinberg. So we'll see if this is actually good. I'm not the biggest fan of live action movies.
um especially when their original form or their other forms have been very much enhanced by CGI. ah And I know they still use the CGI in live action. I just finished i just find it to be a little bit different, not as enjoyable. It's still enjoyable. So that's why I brought it up. I love Star Wars, so I brought that up. Now, Denzel Washington has been tapped for a role in the upcoming Black Panther 3 film. Now, if you know, he's in the new
a gladiator film that just came out along with the Wicked film, which we'll talk about in a second. I gotta fail for the Wicked crew, ah but he will be. the role in the upcoming Black Panther 3 film for those of you Black Panther fans. Cool. All right. Just a couple of notes there. Let's move into our sports and then we will be bringing our guest on. So first of all, a couple of news ah for for the couple sports news items. Excuse me. um So the
the ah The ESPN, the ESPN, ESPN has its new flagship streaming service coming out ah targeted for a fall 2025 debut to coincide with next year's football seasons. They are going all in on this. It's going to use enhanced features like multi-screen, full integration with ESPN bet, AI, ah excuse me, AI,
Uh, geez Louise, why am I blanking on that word? Personalization, AI personalization. um to just enhance the subscribers experience. If you know me, I am a mark for yeah ESPN. I do love them. So I think that this should be good. Now I am an ESPN Plus watcher. I've been doing that for a lot of time as well. So I still have yeah ESPN Plus, but I am excited to see where they go with this. um i'm I'm kind of worried as well though too, because like what happens if, ah you know, what happens if
if it's not as good as yeah ESPN Plus and they put all this work into it and then they don't want to change back. Like I'm kind of worried about that because again, I really enjoy that ESPN Plus platform. So also another note, the NFL has a little bit of ah America's team issue on their hands, so to say. So what they found this year is that with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey being together,
um that effect plus the Dallas Cowboys regressing in how good they are. ah They have found that the ah six out of the nine highest TV ratings this year have gone to the Chiefs while only three have gone to the Cowboys. While last year the Cowboys had six and had the most. And so again, this can be attributed to that same exact effect.
which is A, the Chiefs are getting the boost in the in the Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift relationship and B, ah the ah the Cowboys are having a bad season. So in retrospect, what we're seeing is a little bit of a switch in the TV ratings. But what I want to put you all on to is a couple things.
First of all, don't be confused ah because even when the Patriots had their dynasty run of like seven years or seven Super Bowls rather over that period of whatever 15 years, screw the cheaters, Tom Shady, Bill Belichick, excuse me, I had a little cough there. um Even though they were really good all those years,
they are still not considered America's team. And once they suck, the Cowboys who were still there all along, um even though they had some down years, went right back to the top. So we may see the same thing happen here.
ah We may see the same thing happen here when you're looking at the that dichotomy of um of the heightened popularity of one team and success of one team versus the the the negative regression of another team. But they still haven't lost their popularity. And I can tell you that because I was at Cowboys Stadium this past weekend and it was completely
completely full. So, all right, let's go into some wins and fails of the week. Two wins of the week, Coco Gauff, the tennis star, she ah completed her season, it was a little up and down there, but she won the WTA finals in Saudi Arabia for a $4.8 million winners check.
um it represented the biggest payout for in women's history obviously we're looking at Saudi Arabia right so of course uh we're gonna you know we're gonna see her winning a lot of money in those sports because the Saudi Arabias have the PIF fund which they're now using to uh sports wash or bring a lot of their uh of sports teams and sports events to their country to solidify themselves as one of the places to be for sports. um Also in NASCAR, for those of you who are in the NASCAR world, ah Joey Logano
won his third in four years, third in four years, NASCAR championship this weekend. I'm just looking, I'm i'm looking to send a message to my guests to make sure he can get on here. But he beat his teammate, his team Penske teammate, Ryan Blaney in a tough, tense competition um that came down to the final race. Why? Ryan Blaney was last year's winner as well. So two of the best drivers down there went to the wire. Let me give this to him. So shout out to both of those people who won championships this weekend. All right. There we go. Sent that to him to make sure he's with us. Now so now a fails of the week.
The Lakers, the Fakers, the Los Angeles Fakers. What are you doing, Canteen? If you're watching, you had it. You had it. They're sending Bronny to the G League. What does this mean? They say it was the plan all along. I don't believe that. I believe they saw that he needed more ah ah more practice, more ways to get in to the groove to be able to get better if he wants to stick in the NBA. But this is where it gets weird. And this is a part that's going to go a little bit against my, be a little contradictory against my argument is that he's going to play for the South Bay G League, which is the team affiliate, um but he is not expected to play any road games. So he's only going to be playing games at home. That really makes no sense to me then. Why not just keep him on the team and let him go on the road with his dad and learn from a bunch of professionals instead of when he's home
Or even better, let him go on the road with those kids, learn the road life of the and NBA, and then learn at home from his dad. So a little bit of a weird thing. I'm calling that a failed experiment already, and I have for a long time, but this is just not going to work out. Once LeBron retires, Bronny is going to be retiring with him. I'm sorry to say that I'm not trying to bring any hate up on the kid. I wish him nothing the best. I actually hope he proves me wrong, but it's not looking good already. More fails.
ah And y'all are wrong for this. Y'all are really, really wrong for this. This is your fault world. This is all y'all who've been watching my program right now. This is your fault. Olympic sensation and Australian breakdancer, Ray Gun.
is going to retire no no all the loves and love and joy she brought us with her t-rex dance and her flailing on the floor like she was ah a a water spout out of control or a loose hose man come on why y'all do that to that girl why y'all do that to that poor lady i mean she ain't a girl she's a 30 30 something year old woman ain't nobody else want to do it She obviously was picked for her country. Ain't nobody else going to go do it. At least she had the gumption, the personality, the charisma, the Riz as the kids call it these days to be able to go out there and on the world stage in front of millions of people and have fun.
And if more people in the world would have fun like her and not be so serious and be a little loose, we wouldn't have so many damn problems in this world. So shout out to you, Ray Gun. I appreciate you.
Obviously, no one else does, but don't worry about it. I know you're also a teacher, so I know you have your side ah job. Don't let them upset you again. I know that it was the world at large that upset you that did this. but We need to stop. We need to be better. All right, y'all need to be better. Don't mess. Why y'all messing with Ray Gun? I'm sorry, Ray Gun. Shout out to you, girl. Next one. Look.
Golf ain't for everybody and it will prove the most, the most ah high accomplished athletes. It will prove them to be humble, to be mere mortals. Caitlin Clark was at a pro-am this weekend and she showed that she's just like us. I mean, she may be a little better than me. I'm not very good, but she shows she's a little just like us when she hit the ball. Um,
and excuse my uh this is going to be a hook I believe because it went left I don't think that shank is to the right if I remember my golf terms correctly it's been a while since I've been on the course I need to get back out there uh but uh she ended up going right into the crowd almost hitting some people so oh which reminds me of the Pete Hegseth going back to that That Donald Trump cabinet selection that I was talking about earlier You got to go see the video where he was downtown New York doing axe throwing and he hits a West Point band member in the arm with the axe. You've got to see it. It's horrible and Crazy and kind of funny at the same time, but I feel bad for the guy I hope he's okay last but not least before we bring our guest in who is here waiting backstage Mattel
one of the biggest fails we've ever seen Mattel. Mattel came out with their new ah movie Wicked. The movie is apparently doing tremendous but the dolls not so much so. The marketing not so much so and you know me as a marketing guy I'm gonna harp on this I'm going to say something about this. First of all they since it was the Wicked Witch of the West, they used W-W-O-W. Now, I'm not going to go tell you to search that out. Actually, I'm going to probably tell you to not search that out because it's not appropriate for home or work life, let's just say. And then on top of that, the makers of the doll did not put the right website. And instead of putting,
They put wicked Again, I would ask you probably if you're at work, home, somewhere not suitable for work, probably don't want to go ahead and navigate to that website.
I can tell you right now. It's a little X-rated. I did not search it. i I could just tell you from obviously the news story. You know what? Let me just stop before I dig myself a hole. Anyways, they really dug themselves a hole with this one and screwed the marketing on this, screwed the pooch. I can't believe they did this. Such a big company would not Google these things first. Someone wouldn't be like, eh, maybe we should look at that acronym. Eh, maybe we should check to make sure that that website is right.
Huge, huge marketing fail. That being said, all right, we are gonna bring in our guest. Again, he goes by the felonious chef, AKA, my boy KB, and he is a musical artist, a sous chef, and he has a dream to build his own restaurant. We will talk about all that today in this exclusive interview. So let's welcome him in. Ah, the cafflonious chef.
What up? What up? What's good? What's good, my man? What's good? What's good? I like the fit. You don't gotta be looking like you hiding out from the cops, but I like the fit. It's okay. Look, look, look, look, man. um It's about the food, man. If you know the name in the face behind this thing, man, you know it's ah food first right now. You've seen enough of my face now. Now come get a taste, yeah?
Yeah, yeah. so let's So let's get into that then first of all, right?

Interview with KB, The Felonious Chef

yeah You obviously- Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. The felonious chef, you've been a sous chef for a long time. First of all, I want you to go ahead and give out your- Sous chef, executives, executive chefs, man. you know We've been to the top of those side of things too. Let's listen. I'm going to make of a few corrections. Hey, thank you for correcting me. I thought that was the top of the top.
Hey, you know, there's there's different levels because it's it's it's a brigade type of system, but All to Know has really nothing to do about a title or any of that. It's about what you put out on those plates, first and foremost, you know, and that's the last thing because the the people, the people is going to have to say, the people has to say about the food, feel me.
Yeah. Yeah, no, I definitely feel that. So before we move on, though, I do want you to give out your Instagram handle, because I know that's where you do your food stuff. And I know you haven't been on there for a while, but now I'm forcing you to yeah um so that also start following you and see all the cool videos and pics.
You know, as as the name says, man, you know, at Filonia Chef, that's the Instagram handle. And then you have at Grits and Glamour. That's the other handle as well. You know, so, um yeah, go check those out. As a and the professor said, I haven't been on in a minute, but, you know, we're doing some revamping and, and you know, and bringing in ah the the the art back to this to this culinary culture, you know, um and this is one of those things that that's a part of that. um
And this is, we're about to bear witness, right? This is a grand appearance, nobody's seen this yet. Nobody's seen this, it's the first time, first run. So it's a pleasure to be on my guy's platform right now. And we're about to introduce this to the world. And- Yeah, no, I love it. The reinvention of the persona is beautiful.
And so before we get into that before, because you are an aspiring podcaster and obviously we talked about, you do want to own your own restaurant here shortly, but let's first talk about Grits and Glamour. Tell everybody what that is and kind of what was behind that. You know, you've seen it back here, you know, in the back, you know, in the, you know, in the, yeah, it's here, it's here. Right. Right. Right. We're putting your face a little bit. Right. Yeah. Right.
um but first and foremost grits and glamour grits getting rich to take sacrifice so you know and then you get to that level yeah man you get to that level man you know it's all glamorous you know what i mean so you know it's gritty and glamorous but while you even get into that that that that rich, so-called rich point, you know, it's you know it's ah it's a gritty and rough situation to get there from whatever you do, however you do it, right? But now we're going to do this, we do this through this food, and then, you know, food and culture, and and by culture, I mean like the hip-hop culture, street urban culture,
That's what's running through the veins as you heard as you heard before. right you know We've been artists, we are artists on many other platforms as well when it comes to lyrical or art or graffiti or DJs doing beats.
all of those type of things, you know, we also have to understand too that many of us have so-called day jobs, right, but this ain't my job, this is ah my life, this is again what's in my blood, so I've been able to fuse both of those two things together, make a beautiful marriage out of it, and and you know,
those who've seen and witnessed already, they already know what time it is. They already know what time it is, you know what I mean? Like, I need to hit you next time. You know, well, you know, you already knows what it is. He said, what's up, KB? You got the shout out. What's up.
Yeah. you know ah But I've been watching you boys, man. you know I've been watching you boys and it's like, i it's you know like I said, it's time to to reinvent. So that's in that's in you know segue into why we're going to do the own restaurant and pop up. It's been talking for a minute. you know Where's the YouTube page? Where's this? Where's that?
you know and We've been putting a lot of energy and effort into other people's things, you know, ah and seeing their things flourish, and which, you know, that's paying dues, rightfully so. But, you know, now it's time, you know, now it's time again to to really, really focus in on the grits and glamour thing. um While we still, you know, cultivate a healthy environment within the industry,
underneath the mask, because the guy underneath the mask has to do some things before too, right, as as we're moving along. So, you know, um but we still take the same philosophy hand in hand, you know, we go in here guerrilla style, do what we do, make some changes for the better, you know what I mean? But we got to take over, you know, that's why it's like, why are you looking like, yeah, yeah, yeah, because I'm ready to take over, I'm ready to take it over, you know what I mean? And and yeah yeah you got another comment here from the older club saying, what's up? Derek Club says was good. Yeah. What's up? That's the bros. You know, I mean, it's been a minute. You know, that's all seven, seven, no trees and all that stuff. You know, yeah. So talk talk more about how let's talk more about how the music and the culture goes into the food then. Talk about that. So, man, you know, um one of the one of the things is
ah so I don't know how many of the listeners here really have had a chance to have seen some of the dishes that's been developed um recently in the last, you know, four or five years. But there's people that, you know, once they get a whiff of this, day they already had getting a good sample of of a dish such as what I call the the Biggie, right?
And, you know, there's a line. There's a line. There's a line that Biggie talks about, you know what I mean? and each and he And he describes a dish. He describes a whole dish.
Why, why, what why not do that? So how do, but how do we turn, how do we turn up that particular type of dish? Right? So we take a T-bone steak, cheese, eggs, and Welch's grape kind of thing. So let's take that T-bones. Let's take that T-bone steak and make it a marinated beef short rib. Ooh. Ooh.
Oh, yeah, right. OK, it did. Let's take that scrambled egg and let's just do like a sexy poached egg. Hmm. Like on a good eggs, Benny, where you get that nice little run on it. Right. Oh, OK. So now we take that jelly, that Welch's grape. I mean, we could just use straight Welch's grape, which would be dope. But how about we brulee that a little bit? Brulee ain't nothing but a technique. They ain't French but burn. They ain't French but burn. This is also why you get a chance to learn though, right? Because now culturally wise, hold on, we're not even thinking about
And you know, and then like you got the cheese eggs. So you put a little cheese on top of that. You could put like some some some some fontina. Right. That's a nice little light white cheese on there. Melts real nice, you know, or you could put some ah some ah like some Osaka type cheese. That's a good little crumbly white like a Spanish type of style of cheese. You know what I mean? So it. But now how does Some of these people, some people will relate and understand those terms on a dish when they read it, but they won't understand Big Papa. But then some people understand Big Papa, you know what I mean, and and not understand the terms on the dish. So now we're melding two cultures again.
through through two different mediums and two different art forms. And then these two different art forms come together you know as as one beautiful thing. And and now we now we have a conversation where most conversations and most parties really happen anyways in the kitchen. That's where it really goes down. And so let me stop you on that before you get there.
because I want to ask you about the kind of clientele that this brings them because obviously I've been talking a lot about the politics today and how it's split a lot by race these days. So with that sort of restaurant though, I would expect you would get a lot of both sides. How does that tie in? Do you see a lot of everyone and then do those people get a lot more?
So so the desk says see that's the beauty part about this, right? So I'm gonna let you like there's here's one of the things the first time I pulled this concept together would have been honestly 20 20 Which would it you know what I mean like maybe June July no actually September something I got video footage of all right and all of it from the very first one You know what I mean? You gotta to kind of have those things. You know what I'm saying? But um we what What was interesting was because everybody was just opening on the world was kind of just open it back up. And what you had was, you know, you had, you know, your yeah your punk hipsters over here who, you know, who had the art space because it was a cool little art lofty space. It was private, you know, and they were revamping some things.
You know what I mean? And then, you know, actually had like my upstairs neighbors because I lived in a condo at the time. This is Norfolk, Virginia, right? And I'm living in Park Place, you know, kind of like the hood. Shout out Park Place all day. Right. Kind of thing. And long story short, you know, it brought together people that not just because they've been locked up and cooped up but people that necessarily wouldn't have come together but they came together because for one they knew the man behind the mask but they also knew the food as well and they knew what was coming about and and it brought the smokers it brought the yeah again it brought the you know the even the some of the family people you know what i mean like you know because it was a it was an event
that that was different but had many different facets to it you know because it was um it's a performance piece man um next time we set up something like this man i have to shoot you some video stuff so you can slide some clips in there so like that because you know the footage is there right um so the proof has been there Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, to like, you know, to see what what it can be and what it has been, you know, um is that is that thing of ah ah they a gathering and it's not about
It's not a about the color, you know what I mean? It's about, for one, and the food and then the the the performance around it because there's an open kitchen, right? And and love the conversation and the in the conversation behind all of that at the same time. so so So again, it was a melting pot. oh So yeah, and so that's beautiful, right? You have this, and that's what I expected you to say, because I figured when I'm thinking about this concept, I'm thinking about every kind of race, color, creed, everybody just together, enjoying themselves, listening to the music, having good food, trying new concepts, but ah not that that is still in your present.
um But now you're evolving and you're moving on to a bigger and better venue that still combines all of these things, but obviously you want to bring your dream forward a

Future Plans and Culinary Culture Innovations

little bit. So put your dream out into the world, manifest it into existence, tell the people what you're thinking about doing.
so both podcast didn restaurant restaurant y no't matter whatever you want Okay, so so this I mean this is what we got cooking on the open it like yeah everybody should know right it's on the on the on the fast burner and We got the podcast jumping off, you know, food for thoughts, food for thoughts. it's ah is it's a come it's a It's a conversation about culinary and culture and how all of those things meld together together, right? um Just ah another facet of
getting deeper into what you've heard about what grits and glamour is. And then we, you know, we'll melt into some history and why, you know, like even why certain things are with certain terminologies, you know, we want to educate at the same time, but still have, you know, ah a good time because again, it's a conversation and every conversation around the table is not centered around food, but it's centered around food, I should say, it's centered around
there for a second. Hold on. Okay. The headset wants to act. Yeah, we know you're good. You're back. You're back. Alright. We're we're we're headset wants to go up. It's alright though. Little technical difficulties. Not many. Always. But um good yeah. So, you know, um we got that on the back. We got that on the front end. You know, the front end is that um what's always been there. It's always been there but now we're going to bring this back to life is is the private.
Is the private things like, yo, you got, you know what I mean? You got a situation where you want to six, eight people, you know, pull some money together and actually have a true quality experience tailored to all the things you like, maybe a few things you may not like, but have.
top chef's level, you know what I mean? Restaurant, you know, and beyond, because it's done in in your space and in and whatever place you want it to be. So you can definitely hire the guy out. You know, you just got to get at me. You know, there's a hit me and my DMS, you know, you can get a professor. He'll let you know. And we travel well. So don't yeah worry about all that. yeah If you need a little, love to make that when they come they call that catering, right? is that called ka Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Right. it's cater Right. Yeah. Catering.
but um so beyond that you know the um the restaurant it's much bigger I should not have I should not have said cater it's much bigger than that I apologize it's to it's it's an experience it's not catering it but it's a catered experience okay yeah because there's it's curated and that's what's that's what's one of the uh the major uh buzzwords that was being used before right and that's what it is it's actually a curated experience for for the um for the uh the patrons and and whoever's involved in that right so you know those are the short-term little deals long-term then you know we're looking at pulling together again something I feel that's just so that's not really out there but this commercial um commercial studio and dining studio at the same time right so want to be able to showcase
the the the talent and and skill within whatever community that it's in for one. um but also to have these multi-faceted things that are involved with uh what's going on in today's culinary arts and industry right that's that's the multimedia you know i've got my own cameras and things set up and you know and shots and and all those kind of stuff like that that it's hard for a lot of
us that don't have the the means and wherewithal to promote themselves but want to in a way. So where's a kitchen and a space where you can come in and do that? And then not just be a commercial studio space but also a functioning space you know so where you know it's always going to be a constant you know a continual rotating concept because i'm always kind of rotating and and and and changing something up you know what i mean that's the only thing that's constant is the change
So, you know, we want to keep it moving, you know, as ingredients, stay fresh. and We got to stay fresh, you know, so. But it's got to be um it's got to be the ah the the other deal is what's one of my big things is, you know, when you're done playing restaurant is come chill in the kitchen. So it's a relaxed, open atmosphere. So it is the patrons sitting right, you know, damn near hand in hand with the chef at the table. You know what I mean? Where we're in.
You know big long butcher block just imagine right just the studio kind of thing and We're having even a conversation like this now the conversation is this and I'm cooking or you're talking to the the You know the cat who wants to come in and say yo, I want to try this dish and yeah he works at you know Blah blah blah they blah around the corner. You know what I mean? And I'm a ah it culture wise, I'm a late night cat dog. So, you know what I mean? Like, I need this. I need this thing to be not even start jumping till 10 30, 11 o'clock. You know what I'm saying? and And we actually, you know, really not just night night, do what we do, but do what we do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A little nice little night. and And it's centered around the food thing, man, centered around the food. But
um Those that's one of the long-term man. There's some other things that you know, that's really a big thing That's you know, I don't want to blow no lids off of stuff like that But there's some some real good dope concepts that's out there that you know I had the professor keep it look his eyes on and things like that. That's um to it like just luxury high luxury, you know, we have to upper echelons with things and You know what I mean? that That's the fun part, right? That one's the fun part. you know There's a there's a ah ah line.
that I don't think anybody's quite tapped yet that just think of Pullman Porter. If you know what that is, everybody should go look that up. So ah you know there there there's a there' that's missing. and That's missing in an industry. You know what I mean? So I don't want to drop too many jewels, but that's missing in the industry. Pullman Porter, look that up. ah That's the homework, right? Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. I'm important but we do have a fan question from. ah Yeah. Who are some of the chefs that inspired you the most? Man, chefs, I mean that that is there honest one that inspired you the most. Have you did you have a mentor? I mean, honestly,
ah'll be real there's not been a a a mentor in that in this space you know this is something ah like i just you know was good at picked up and realize that i i could beat me. I can't even beat it. You know what I mean? I could beat me in this space, I'll yo. So, I'm gonna beat me in this space. And once I really be dove into it, I just soaked up it all, right? So, real. you know, I did a Bizarre Foods dinner, you know, inspired behind, you know, Andrew Zimmerman and that show.
right and you know there was a thing oh you should go on chops and it's like i play chopped every day so i pulled that i pulled that mentality out of out of that out of the out of the hat of the ether right and just like yo i'm uh i'm playing chopped every day so when you do see me on chopped as a chop champ it's all good you already heard me say it right right type of thing um although I still gotta, you know, do all the things for that. But long story short, you know, there's a lot of, what's inspired me is the creativity. You know what I mean? I wouldn't say it's necessarily a chef that's inspired me, you know? It's the creativity of it. It's the ability to have expression and freedom of expression. And the biggest portion that really is, that comes back
from from that expression is is a clear plate. Right. That's the biggest compliment. That's exactly right. You know, yeah there there could be the compliments to the chef and you know, it's a it's a thankless job. You know, it's a lot of this behind closed doors and a lot of people don't get a chance to see what's going on and feel and feel that. And so what they have to feel is on the plate. And unfortunately, man, a lot of people have been going away disappointed in the last few years, man, about what's been coming out behind some closed doors, you know what I mean? But there's also been some fantastic things that you see, you know, um that people are doing, you know what I mean, in in bigger spaces. But that's where the change has to come, you know. ah
You should be able to access these type of things not just in a big city or big city adjacent You know, these are things that should be able to to come to you. Um Whether it be by my hands or somebody inspired by my hands, you know what I mean with this thing, you know That's the that's the other portion of that That's where they said the education portion comes into this where you learn more than just the food But why it comes and where it comes from, you know because yeah, I've got you know uh i've got some dishes by my guy that uh hip-hop cat i listened to man underground shot out the crime apple but this dude you know yeah he's got he's got
I mean, you know, there's a lot of references to food that just is like, OK, we're as a chef and and then somebody who's always thinking on their toes. I'm like, how many dishes can I pull out of these things? You know, and so we pull off one of these dishes has yet to been done. So let's do this one. But it's called Tiberones. And if you know a Tiberones,
with, you know what I mean? With some like, like, crumbled, like, FedEx type of cheese over there, because, you know, he's always talking some cheese shit or whatever, you know? ah Excuse my language. for for people No, you good? You know, yeah, yeah, yeah. But, you know, it's, it's those type of things, right? And so now you think about Some kid who sees that or sometimes just kids, some other chef who hears that is like, oh, shit, I listened to that shit. And now's not now they might be listening different, even just to the music. You know what I mean? And now inspired to even dig into who that dude is. Like, OK, now, you know, and here we go back down. You know, we can go down a hole, another rabbit hole, you know, and then
It can and then you take in just simple words in in in feeding people. Right. And then having them actually eat some words, you know, um but the other thing too is the factor of ah What it brings is, you have to bring technique to this as well, right? So that's where, again, conversation comes in. Conversation comes deep into play because now there's technique that's being brought to something that's just as simple as some so-called simple as hip-hop music.
Right. Right. That's got very, you know, um sometimes simplistic undertones with but the way it's not simplistic at all. looks i' not feeling No, that. and No, you're not saying it. I'm clarifying for the fans. ah huh Well, I'm saying more like more, more like, uh, uh,
No, I got what you were saying. I was agreeing with you. i was getting yeah yeah yeah like you know okay like A lot of people think it's simple, or but it the amount of of brain power it takes. and and creativity that it takes. Right, right, right. And then, but there's also, but there's also as a chef's mind, right? And the chef's mind, and other chefs will understand this, you know, and other people cooking when you really listen to it. There's also a lot of simplicity in in the ingredients of the food. Like salmon's a very common fish, but it's put on a, in a hip hop world, it's put on a higher pedestal as something that's luxurious, like shrimp and lobster. Like those are very, very common,
Common ingredients and just common things that aren't really ah there's a whole lot of other things that are way more luxurious than those and way more tasty Yeah, I mean and even in the same category even the same category, but is but it's not put out there, right? It's not the thing that's you know, that's that's you know put into a lyric but then when you do hear a guy like mayhem Lauren talk about steamed monkfish and banana leaves my dude and My guy, my guy, my guy. Now we talking poor man's lobsters. My chefs know what I'm talking about. See, and that's where, and now here we are having a whole another thing, you know, based upon the culture that, you know, didn't raise me, but it made me kind of thing, you know what I mean? And in and brought this.
here it is. Here it is. Here it is. You know, here it is, right? Here it is. Here it all is. Here it is. All in everybody. Yeah, the revamps. Yeah. We want to work it all out. Oh, you definitely don't get it worked out. Make sure that you all make sure that y'all again take it all in taking the felonious chef at his finest make sure it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot but it's it's worth it it's it's a lot it's worth it Instagram Instagram again yeah you tell them right and at glitz and glamour right
yeah grits linsling with just the a in the middle yeah and and glamor definitely check it out because for for food videos and food images and images that are going to catch your eye colorful plates things like that uh uh my boy KB as I call him it's hard to call him full ownership all the time when I call him KB but anyways um He has a nice array of pictures and videos on his Instagram profiles, and he's also going to be starting to build that up more now that he's going to be getting into the podcasting, as you heard, with Food for Thoughts, his new podcast coming out soon. And also, right, you talked about how he wanted to do ah customized, exclusive catering experience that if anyone is interested in, make sure you reach out to us and we'll get you his information or reach out to him. And then he also talked about the huge
restaurant dream that he has to have a little diet. You gotta be You gotta have your got have your big goals and he wants to bring that to a city near you so if you know someone that i would like to invest in this restaurant concept I can tell you right now that you're not going to find a much tastier chef around and this man or many others or multiple others too you want to talk about concepts we've got concepts built out you know again that's that's that's a passion thing right you talk about that's the biggest of the big great on things but when we talk about again i said look at Pullman Porter services look that up right you understand when that comes about there's a lane that's that's that's that's waiting for this. You know what I mean? I've got it. Got the blueprints. You know what I mean? I've got, you know, you see, look, this is some of just the merch, right? You know, that's also part of the culture, you know, like there's designs for shirts and clothing and, you know, all the things that people like another like to have and like to have a piece of.
You know what I mean? And there's some people out there that's got some glitz and glamor sweaters and some things, you know what I mean? We drop some shirts on the low and let things be as they may. So when it really blows like it's supposed to and going to, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They'll say, I remember when. I remember when. I remember when.
I remember when you know and that's all good you know because because it's it's going to tie right back to this. um and Probably one of my final things thoughts on this right is one of the biggest things that that I do about food and what really inspires me as well is the fact of when I'm creating a dish, I want there to be a a memory that's jogged. you know and and people's And most of the people's, if all if not all people's fondest memories are from a food memory.
is is is a jaw you know what I mean if you can you hit that right taste bud you take them right back to grandma's house you take them right back to Thailand you can take them right to to you know to Guatemala you can take them to Jamaica you can I mean you can take somebody all the way around the world and why they sit right there in front of you in their kitchen You know, so, and I myself may not have even have to have traveled all of those places, but understanding the essence. So, you know, so I can got go on for days, but you understand essence, you know, soul food, yeah right? You understand the essence of a thing. a a A, you know why you do a thing, you know? Yeah, you don't have to visit a place to understand the culture and you don't have to ah you have to necessarily, you know, be
be so into the know that you can't you know figure out your way around certain dishes and especially when you have the creativity that you've talked about today when you have the skills that you've talked about today I mean I've seen you turn nothing into amazing things and I know that especially with the dishes you decided you just described for us today sound amazing and you just brought those out of regular everyday food items so I know that a lot of people on here today are probably really hungry but I know that they also want to It should be. Keep up with you and. Let them cook. Work that dream. So, we would definitely have. Yeah, yeah. So, we would definitely have the felonious chef AKA KB on in the future. Once he starts his podcast, we'll bring him back on. How about that? I'll make, I'll make him have to start the podcast. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He'll make you have to start the podcast and don't, don't get it twisted. Don't get it twisted too. Hey, we do know some sports and things like that too. We, you know,
is Yeah, we could literally cut me off. He cut me off. No, no, no, no. I was not trying to. That wasn't what I was trying to do. I was just trying to. I thought he was like, he don't know sports now, man. You know, you know, you know, you know, sports, if you want to come on to that, you want to talk with sports. I know this is my guy, you know, so, you know, I appreciate this. This is a spam from, from way back when, you know, and we still, now we back doing it again. Yeah.
yeah yeah sir Yeah. We got projects in the works. Faux show. So, again, make sure you all tap in with him. That's it. Yo, D.I. to you boys and, you know, Derek, man, I'm telling you, you've been watching y'all boys, you know what I mean? The rest of the crew, you know, uh, yeah, some inspiration on some things, man, you know. Hey, we here now, so let's go. You know, I ain't got no excuse now, huh? We here now. And honestly, honestly and and I believe that You have found ah ah good niches. The ones that you were asking about, you found really good niches. You already got and a nice ah you know flow to this. You've already got it worked out where you're feeling good on camera and within the first episode. A couple of things that I will text you off air um just to fix the audio and stuff like that. But other than that, it was a great appearance. And I think that you should use this momentum to ah yeah to start that project. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. That's all the type of feedback we like to hear, you know.
when you know I asked I asked them uh uh uh this one of these things when it comes with one of the dishes you know what I mean and say questions comments concerns you know I look I slide look I slide a fresh dish right in front of somebody they don't know like they be like what is this this is exactly what that is this is what is this just try it Here, try it. Tell me what you think. Questions, comments, concerns. You gotta eat it first before you critique it. You know what I mean? You gotta take it in a little bit before you critique it. Don't just look at it, it's like, ooh, I don't know. Nah, if it ain't gonna kill you, try it.
Right. You got to be a little worldly and try everything in life. And yes, Clubber D says looking forward to the pod. We all are. I will make sure, again, I bring him back on when he starts the pod. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Before then. And I will definitely keep everybody informed of everything that he is up to when his new projects start. So yeah. AKA my brother KB. We appreciate you coming on today, my brother. Hey, I appreciate being here. We out. All right. Thank you, brother. Be well.
All right, that is one of my one of my brothers from back in the day, one of my good friends. he Again, he's ah been a chef for a long time. ah He's been a music musician artist for a long time. ah He did rock music, he did hip hop music, so he's done a little of everything. He's trying to combine those fusions in the future to start his dream restaurant. So again, if anyone is interested in investing or helping him out or have any connections,
Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know if you want to become served your next ah customized chef experience. Let me know as well. um But I got to get out of here now because I know football is coming on. ah so i You know, i I was so glad to have him on, but we only got 10 minutes left because football is about to kick off. And I want to make sure I get the last couple sports things in before we get you out of here today. So we're going to take a look at all of our sports ah rankings for the week as we do on a weekly basis for first of all, let's go ahead and look at our as we talked about the men's and women's. college basketball has now started already. So we're going to take a look at the men's and women's college basketball rankings. So first of all, we're going to look at the men's. ah Number one is Kansas. They are undefeated at 3-0. Now the season just started. Most of these teams are playing lesser teams. You know how the major powerhouses will usually do non-conference to start the season, which means that they're usually ah lesser competitive teams that they're expected to beat.
Alabama at number two at three and oh Yukon number three at three and oh the Gonzaga Bulldogs at four two and oh and Auburn at five at three and oh followed up by number six Duke who has the hottest prospect in college basketball right now. The man by the name of Cooper Flagg had 21 and 12 the other night but also committed two costly turnovers within the last minute that led Duke to their first loss ah or duck fook as I am a Maryland alumni and and I hate.
Duke with a passion. um Anyways, I love you, my Duke friends. I just don't like your school. That's all. Moving on to women's basketball for the week. Looking at our number one team, we're still looking at South Carolina that hasn't changed in a long time. Don Staley still winning an efficient great ship out there. 2-0. Yukon, Geno Ariama, also 2-0. They're at the number two spot. USC, Juju Watkins, probably the best player in college basketball right now I hate saying that because again I don't like USC either F USC as a Bruins fan you know I just had to talk about two teams I hate oh that makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit anyways USC is at number three how are they ranked above my Bruins
Ain't this a bull? This is some BS right now, y'all. Really? You're gonna rank them above my Bruins because they got Juju. We got Lauren Betts. We got Kiki Rice, my girl from Sidwell & Friends in the DMV. Shout out DC. Anyways, we're at number five. Texas comes in at number four right above us at two and oh. All right, moving on.
Talking about, if you saw our The Bottom Line Sports episode yesterday, make sure you all tune into The Bottom Line Sports Sunday surge. Sunday nights at 7.30, we go live to review every football game. And also, Tuesdays at 8 PM Eastern, we go live to talk all sports. And I go through my hockey review, and we talk basketball, and football, and other things. So now that I'm adding a hockey review, we've got to go through my power rankings coming straight from the and NHL, obviously. ah The Winnipeg.
yet The best ever. It was for 15 run game run now 16 game run as they won another one. They are 15 and one one loss 16 games. Wow.
fastest team to 15 wins in the history. They won seven in a row. Their offense is humming 4.5 goals per game. Wow, we there's obviously not sustainable, especially in the sport of hockey, but we'll see if they can at least make it to the finals this year at number two.
Carolina Hurricanes at 11 and four. Shout out my boy, Chris Haines, if he's watching. ah My bad, I missed your call. I'll call you back, but he's out in that area. Number three, the Florida Panthers went to the Stanley Cup ah last, or won the Stanley Cup, excuse me, last year. They are at number three, 11, four, and one. At number four, the Minnesota Wild with a record of 10, two losses, and three draws. Yes, there are draws in hockey, if you did not know.
they will play to a regular ah um game draw which is after the regular period of play, the 60 minutes, then both teams will go to a shootout and from there it is decided whether one team will get two points or one point or how happy that's how they do the scoring in hockey.
And then the New York Rangers at number five with a nine, four and one record. So that's your hockey power rankings. Let's look at your NBA power rankings for the week. Again, straight from I'm a Celtics fan and I can't even disagree with this y'all. The Cleveland Cavaliers are 13 and oh, a big fat undefeated zero record. They are 13. Wow, they are playing at one of the best clips we've seen to start NBA season ever. They are number one.
in offensive rating and they're number ah nine in defensive rating so they have a top 10 in both and you know as I always say on the bottom line sports in order to win an NBA championship you have to rank in the top 10 of offensive and defensive efficiency ratings and that they are doing. At number two those Golden State Warriors the resurgent Golden State Warriors are nine and two after beating their old best friend and now current foe, Clay Thompson, who had a remarkable return to Golden State. What a homecoming they gave him. I know it was a little bit of an acrimonious divorce there or breakup, but they showed the love for Clay like other players are not showing love when they return. So number three, the young Oklahoma City Thunder at eight and two. Again,
a really good defensive team. They are number one in defense, but that is going to change. Unfortunately, their star or one of their their second star and after SGA, Chet Holmgren, their young ah third year now, big man, although he's first hearst it hurt his first year Now he's hurt again in his third year. It's sad to see he was. He's such a great player and he was playing so well. It's such a high clip. He broke his pelvis and is going to be out two months. Wow, that hurts getting better soon. My dude at number four, my.
and NBA World Undisputed Undis- Not

Sports Highlights and Rankings

undefeated. What is it? How how does ah Paul Heyman say it? ah which I wish I had my channel, my Brock Lesnar right now. Undisputed. Anyways, we are the champions of the world. We're still nine and two, so don't forget about us. We're still blowing teams out at number four. And then at number five, if he's still watching,
My brother, partner, podcast partner in crime. If you did yesterday, you saw our combat sports special, Clubber D, the combat. She gave you your UFC 309 and your boxing Mike Tyson, Jake Paul picks. So if you didn't see that, make sure you go to ball and budge on YouTube and check out that live video from yesterday to see everything.
that clubber he had but if he's still here watching his sons come in at number five uh with a eight and two record but again injuries are coming into play here Kevin Durant got hurt He has a hurt. I believe it's a hamstring or a calf and he's out for a couple weeks. ah So again, the injuries are ravaging the m NBA early on. Jimmy Butler got hurt. Joel Embiid has been hurt. He's hurt again after just playing his first game. Paul George has been hurt. So it's been but just a bunch of injuries around the league. I'm really hoping that we can figure this out. There should be better injury prevention in the 2020s by now, where we're not having as many people injured, but at
It is what it is. Now we'll move into our college playoff rankings for the week. The top 12 were released. The biggest surprise is Georgia. Not that they plummeted to number 12, but that they are still at number 12, but would not make the playoff, which a lot of people were confused about. Let me give you a quick educator. It's the top 12 teams, but in the top five, it's the top five conference champions. So let's say,
an independent team at number 13 like Boise State was a conference champion they would jump into the top five and that number 12 team is no longer in the 12 team playoff or if they were to capture let's say um Well, actually, that'd probably be the the most the most logical way that's going to happen. There's a couple other ways that it can. But that would be the way that there's like independence, like Navy, Notre Dame, Army, or to take up too many spots, then you could also see something like that happen. So don't be surprised if your team is ranked number 12 and does not make the playoffs because I just explained it to you.
Cool, but let's take a look at these rankings. Oregon, still number one, undefeated at 10 and 0. They're still there from last week. They are now separating themselves from the pack. Ohio State at 8-1 is number two. Texas, Hot Take Jake's Texas Longhorns, 8-1 at number three. Shout out my boy Hot Take Jake at the Bottom Line Sports. Make sure you join that Facebook group at the Bottom Line Sports at number four. Penn State at 8-1. Now you will say, oh, well they lost.
a couple weeks ago at home to Ohio State. And yes, that is true, but Ohio State's a really good team. They fell down one week and with all the other losses, they happen to move back up into the top five. Do they deserve it? Yeah, James Franklin has lost a lot of big games. We'll see what happens there at number five, Indiana.
The first time ever, 10 and 0, the basketball school, not even a football powerhouse, is 10 and 0. Awesome, awesome for them. We will see if they can keep that up and make the playoffs. And finally, you know, I like to do a little bit of honorable mention in each of these. Shout out to our Tennessee volunteers here in Tennessee. They are down in Knoxville. They are eight and one. um I'm going to give them the honorable mention now because unfortunately,
it's been the theme today injuries their quarterback Nico Ayamaya Leyva was hurt last game so we're hoping he's able to play in the huge game against Georgia this weekend which they're calling an elimination game because they're saying if you have three losses you may not make the playoffs at all if you heard my argument on the bottom line sports the other day i think it's quite possible maybe not this year But quite possible, we see a three loss team in the playoff next year, the year after, because of Heather Dinnish stated on the Pat McAfee show. Shout out Heather Dinnish and shout out my boy, Pat McAfee. Let's chill soon, my dude. As she started on that show, ah she said that there have been multiple times three loss teams ranked in the top 10 in the past 10 years.
So definitely be on the lookout for that. And finally, with football tonight, we'll move into our top five football teams. Obviously, your Kansas City Chiefs are first. They are still undefeated at 9-0. Although, if you heard me the other day again, you should be watching the bottom line sports to find out all the great information from the professor. I've got all the knowledge and my boys.
I'm not going to count out ah Hot Take Jake, Canteen and Flo. They got their knowledge too. But if you really want some good knowledge, come check out the professor. You would have found out that I would have told you the Kansas City Chiefs have played too many tight games and they are very lucky to be undisputed. I'm sure my boy Wild Car Mark would agree, but they're not. I know they're undefeated. The Detroit Lions look like the best team right now, the most complete team.
They're eight and one, but I think they're just more complete than Kansas City at this point of the season. They rank at number two. Number three, the Baltimore Ravens at seven and three. Big game this weekend against the seven and two Pittsburgh Steelers. Shout out my boy, Clutch Cleveland. ah Buffalo Bills at number four with an eight and two record. They were my Super Bowl team last year. They screwed me. I ain't pick them this year, but now they're looking like a damn Super Bowl team.
Ain't that the odds? Although my other Super Bowl team last year, we don't talk about the bull cow girls, excuse me, I know eagles and ah commanders and Giants fans will like that. And speaking of the Eagles, they come in at number five at seven and two with the aforementioned ah Clutch Cleveland's Pittsburgh Steelers at number six, and and my our NFL insider and DC Commander's insider, Shane Peecher, his commander's coming in at number seven. And what a segue that is, because those two teams play tonight. Don't you like how good I am at this? Damn, I'm good at this. I just segued all the way through that, and I didn't plan any of that. But I ended on the power rankings with the five and seven teams that are playing two night, just started for 851 into the first quarter, zero, zero, the commanders have the ball.
um I think the commanders are a good young team. They're on the come up. My boy Shane Peter, our NFL DC commanders insider. He knows that I think they're good, but I also don't. I've said this before. I don't think Ricky quarterbacks can keep that sustained pace of play the whole season. So I, you know, i ah predicted that this probably happened to Jalen Daniels and it has he slowed down now mainly that was because he got injured and he wasn't able they wanted to protect his ribs so they haven't been rushing him as much but it still doesn't matter he's still taking away from his production uh with the Eagles rolling though right now that Jalen Hurts has not started to have more ball control and not been throwing so many interceptions although I do want you to check out ball and buns on YouTube because I got a short coming up out of Jalen being very reckless
with his balls. Pause. um I'm going to take the Eagles in a close division game tonight. Let's go 21-17. Eagles, Eagles fly, Eagles fly. Shout out my boy. ah Well, I guess I can't shout out Chris Brown if I don't shout out Rob Brown because he was the Commander's fan. Y'all are too many damn fans in the DMV and y'all all NFC East.
i understand and I don't like it but I love you all and I love everybody back and he said KD will be back I think he met I'm sure he met KB will be back the felonious chef if you missed that great interview on ah culinary ah and the musical business mixed together into a a culinary musical chef experience you're not going to want to miss that interview one of the best chefs and most talented skilled uh intelligent chefs in the world make sure you contact us if you need him or want any of his services that being said thank you all for tuning in i gotta go watch football i don't want to miss this good game uh obviously shout out my podcast partner and cry my brother
from another been together a long time uh dion clubs aka club of d the combat g thank him and his bigger brother my other brother the original d clubs d clue for tuning in as well as my bottom line sports fam alberto canteen hot take jake make sure you tune into the bottom line sports sunday again 7 30 p.m eastern tuesday 8 p.m eastern you can join at the bottom line sports on facebook and if not you can always join uh or subscribe at ball and buds b a l l a n d b u d s at youtube and follow on instagram or just add me on facebook and you'll be able to see all
of our content. So again, go check out that combat sports special from Clubber D yesterday. It was awesome. Check out the interview earlier from KB. I'll be putting out some videos throughout the weekend. ah Be safe, be kind to each other. ah We love you and we want to see you next week. We will see you next week for another installment of the Professor's Seminal Mentor. We love you and we'll see you.
to toe, release the flow Created by this mic pro Life's cameras get low
and you have no need to know. You can't prepare now get ready for the show. or