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27 Plays4 years ago

Josh and M update you on the conspiracies of June: it's the end of the world (again); Trump might be about to disclose Roswell; fireworks in New York; that Tulsa Rally; poisoned police officers; SS police officers; hydroxychloroquine; and an update on the death of Olof Palme!

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Highlights from Past Episodes

previously on the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. These previously on things are getting quite long, how about we just mention the edited highlights? Okay, hit me with what was good in, say, June 2014. Easy, harp and bengazi. Been what?

Fake Assassination of Arkady Babchenko

Precisely. Okay, your turn, 2015.
It's a toss-up between Alex Jones being worried about the gays or agenda 21. Well, from a certain point of view, it's both. 2016. Our 100th episode. 2017, go. Our John Birch Society episode of Only Because We Called It, none dare call it the podcast's guide to the conspiracy.
Ah, classics. Probably another episode ripe to redo, actually. Edit to the list. Now, 2018. The assassination of Arkady Babchenko. Well, the assassination that wasn't. You know someone who

Listener Engagement with 2019 Episode

knows him, right? I sure do. Now, that was a confusing day. She was sad at lunch and then happy at dinner time. Turns out faking your own death does that to people. And finally, 2019. Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory. We still get at least one email a month about that.
We do, but that was then. This is now. For. This. Is. June. Conspira. News. The Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy. Brought to you today by Josh Addison and Dr. N. Denton.
Hello and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. I am Josh Addison sitting in Auckland, New Zealand, opposite me on my computer screen

New Zealand Water Shortage Discussion

at least. Is Dr. M. R. Extenteth sitting in Hamilton, also New Zealand. I think we prefer the name Kiri Kiri Rower these days. Kiri Kiri Rower. Well, yes, that's an evolving situation. It is indeed. So Joshua, how are things up in the lovely Isthmus?
the Isthmus of Tamaki Makoro. That's the one. Good. A little wet, but not wet enough. Did you see they're talking about bringing in COVID-style emergency levels for Auckland's water shortage? Now, I'm doing my part by not living there. Yes. That was very, very good of you, actually. Yeah.
No, it's that time of year, I guess, that season again when we sit in Auckland looking out our windows at the rain pouring down while simultaneously going on the internet and finding we're in the middle of a giant drought and we're about to run out of water. Yes, I liked how when you had your last major downpour, it only added 2% to the risk was
and the reservoirs are less than 50% at this particular point in time, which means that if this continues by summertime, you're all going to become emaciated corpses. Yeah. But that's our problem.

Live Broadcasts for Patrons

We're not here to talk about Auckland's problems. We're here to talk about the world's problems. Unless of course it becomes a conspiracy theory. Who's drinking that water, Joshua? Is it Peter Thiel? Could be. He's got to wash down the blood of the children
that he drains allegedly allegedly yes allegedly the blood of youngsters but anyway i mean he he is a vulture capitalist it's just not entirely clear he's a literal vampire capitalist yes so uh no it's the end of the month it is the last week of the month which means it's time for a news roundup
So we've got a few things that our patrons will have heard already in the bonus episodes and a few things that are brand spanking new. Including a lot of discussion about police officers being poisoned in the US. So I don't think we have anything to go into other than to say hello Discord.
Apparently we are live broadcasting. So one of the benefits of being a patron to the podcast is guys with a conspiracy because we are now going to be live broadcasting both the main episodes and the patron bonus episodes typically on Thursday nights at around about 7 45 pm New Zealand Standard Time. That won't be true for next week because we're recording slightly earlier next week because they've got a birthday celebration coming up and there's going to be

News Roundup Introduction

Hi Jinx and Malaki and all sorts of stuff going on around about that time for two weeks. So next week we'll be broadcasting on Tuesday, but as a patron, you have the ability to listen to us broadcasting live and you get the benefit, the thrill and the excitement of listening to all the fluff that happens between segments. And believe you may, you might think that we're banal in the main episode, but between segments we are positively boring. Oh, so, so boring.
Now plus you get to see all the times we cock it up and edit stuff out. You do realise this is unedited. This is going to make the next drunken episode of the podcast either mysterious or interminable for anyone who's listening to it because when those drunken episodes occur there's a lot of editing that

Mayan Apocalypse Theory Revisited

has to go on. So much editing. In part because if there's any scripted content I can be guaranteed to not understand a single word of it.
But anyway, now what it is, is news time, so shall we jump straight ahead into the news? Indeed, with our specially prepared news sting, which of course in live broadcast you won't hear at all, because we'll simply leave a pause and then move on. Although that, that will also change eventually. Spoilers.
Breaking, breaking, conspiracy theories in the news. Shall we start with the end of the world then? Yes, so apparently this week the world is going to end because you might be under the misapprehension that we are living in the year 2020. Actually it turns out, at least according to one scientist, we are living in the year 2012.
Now if you're around in 2012, and I don't think we've got anyone listening to this podcast who's under the age of eight, you will be doubtless aware that in 2012 the world was ending due to a prophecy by the Maya. Well, it's 2012 again and the world is ending this week.
Yes, so it's not that the Mayan doomsday prophecy was wrong, it's that we were wrong in what year we thought it was. So how, where did this magical eight years difference come from? Who worked it out and why?
So the scientist's name is Paolo Tagligorn. They put forward a proposal on Twitter claiming that if you do the calculations about when we shifted from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar 268 years ago, and you factor in that we've lost 11 days per year since we made that shift,
then 11 days times 268 becomes 2948 days divide that by 365 days the standard length of a calendar year under the Gregorian calendar then it turns out that actually it's been eight years and thus this week and this week alone is when the 2012 prophecy comes into effect and the world is about to end hmm so
A couple of notes there, a couple of things to say. So first of all, that whole being out by 11 days, I understand that only happened once and not every year since for the last 268 years. Yes, so basically we did lose 11 days when I say we.
the Christian world that was using this particular calendar. So anyone who was using the Julian calendar who then shifted into the Gregorian calendar lost a set of days because the reason why there was a shift between the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar was to get around the fact that there had been too many leap years for quite some time and thus the year was out of whack and the vernal equinoxes were not occurring at the right time.
So the correction of going into the Gregorian calendar meant you had to lose a chunk of time, which for certain part to the west was 11 days. Now there are two things to note about this. One, as you point out, this only happened once. We only lost 11 days at the point you made the transition from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Also, this transition
occurred at different times in different countries around the world which does mean you have this rather odd phenomena in the west of people who are born or died around Christmas or New Year's at particular points in time either were born or died in different calendar years depending on whether the country they died in
had moved calendar and also depending on where the death was reported. But the key point is, it only happened once, it has not been happening for the last, say, 268 years.

Trump and Roswell Conspiracy

And I suppose it's worth pointing out as well that the whole Mayan prophecy... I remember seeing you fresh-faced and youthful on local television talking about this thing back in 2012. That's true. This did happen. And the fact that the whole point of it was there was no prophecy from the Mayans saying the world was going to end at this time. It's just they had
The particular calendar system went in cycles including one sort of cycles within cycles and the very longest cycle Had such a long sort of refresh that it was going to take until 2012 before they got to the end of one cycle and started another one So it wasn't the world was ending It was just this one particular cycle of the it'd be like saying the world is going to end on December the 31st because that's when our calendar ends or Literally the transition from one month to another hmm. Yes, exactly. So
It was all just a little bit silly, and this is an extra little bit of silliness on top of the silliness.

Trump's Tulsa Rally Low Turnout

Too much silliness, if you ask me. It is. Now, talking about silliness, let's talk about Donald Trump. Let's talk about Donald Trump. Let's talk about Donald Trump talking about Roswell.
So the other day, I didn't watch it, but I'm aware that it happened for Father's Day. When's Father's Day here? I should know. It benefits me directly. I think September. But it was Father's Day in the US and I think UK recently.
So there was a little television special where our old Donnie Trump sat down with Donnie Trump Jr. for a bit of a Father's Day chit chat. And I understand, I haven't watched it, but I understand there was a lot of sort of questions along the lines of, so dad, you're so great. Why do you think that is? And so on and so forth. But apparently,
There was one little exchange where Don Jr. at one point asked, before you leave office, before you leave office, not leave off us, but a little bit of that as well. I would like that quite a lot. Before you leave office, will you let us know if there's aliens? Because this is the only thing I really want to know. I want to know what's going on. Would you ever open up Roswell and let us know what's going on there? And Don Sr. replied, So many people ask me that question. There are millions and millions of people. They want to go there. They want to see it.
I won't talk to you about what I know about it, but it's very interesting. But Roswell's a very interesting place where a lot of people would like to know what's going on. And wouldn't really go into it any further. Apparently, Donald Jr. said, go on, go on, go on. And all he would say is, I'll have to think about that one. So, I mean, it needs to be pointed out that Donald Trump says a lot of things.
Donald Trump is alleged to also make a lot of jokes, although when pushed upon it, Donald Trump denies making the jokes that bespoke people for the White House claim he made in the first place. See, for example, the so-called joke about doing less testing, which apparently was meant to troll the media when the media actually asked the president, were you joking about that? He said, I don't joke about these things, which of course might be part of the joke, but I don't think Donald Trump has a sense of humor.
No. No, so there we go. Trump suggested that he knows interesting things about Roswell without actually dishing any dirt, which of course is enough to get the Roswell UFO people interested, I suppose. But I mean, he's not the first, is he? There have been other presidents who've, who've wanted to... The Clinton's famously love their UFOs, but Bill Clinton wanted to investigate
whether there were secret files on UFOs. Hillary has made noises about being interested in opening up about UFO disclosure. It does turn out that if you start doing a kind of taxonomy of who believes which conspiracy theories in the US, Democrats are much more likely to believe that there's a conspiracy to hide extraterrestrial contacts than the Republicans are.
So maybe when Trump's about to leave office he'll disclose what he knows. Which I'm assuming is nothing. But the only way to be sure I guess would be to get him out of office as soon as possible. Indeed. To find out about Roswell. That's the reason why. Americans get onto that immediately.
Now, it does occur to me that we actually have a Trump-related sting, and we didn't use it to introduce this bit of Trump news. So we're going to actually put that sting in here before we move on to the next bit of Trump news as a kind of Stalinist revision of history, because we weren't talking about Trump before this point in time. We'll be talking about Trump after this. And I want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news.
Josh, you're a keen observer of the physical. I believe that Donald Trump held a rally in Tulsa just a few days ago. I believe it went swimmingly. It went. It came and it went. You can't say that didn't happen. It's a thing that occurred
in our timeline. Now I was told that Trump's manager Brad Pascali said there'd be over a million people, or at least a million people had registered to attend the rally.
And yet there was between 6 and 12,000 people in the stadium. Numbers are a little unsure. What? There was a lot of it empty. They had set up a stage outside so that Trump could address all the people who wouldn't be able to show up but wouldn't be able to get in. That was not used and those speeches were quietly canceled.
And so then there's been a bit of rights. So what's going on there? You've been hyping this up, saying hundreds of thousands, if not more than a million people are going to show, and then you get only a few thousand. And that's when the kids showed up. The kids started making voices. The kids didn't show up. That's the entire point. Well, the kids showed up on the Internet to say why they didn't show up in real life. And supposedly, yes, it's the youth, the youth with their TikToks and their Korean popular music.
had apparently been out in mass expressing interest in lots and lots of tickets and inflating the numbers and then of course never intending to show up. Now of course it should be said they didn't prevent anyone from going who actually wanted to go in there, they just made it look like there was going to be lots more. So what excuse did they give for the fact that very few people showed up then?
I think you'll find it was Antifa who were blocking people from being able to enter the venue. That is the claim the White House has made. Antifa are the reason why Trump's campaign rallies are not being successful, which
I have to say history is not going to look kindly at a president who said that people who were protesting fascism stopped him from holding what appear to be fascist rallies. But that's another matter entirely. See, the White House has claimed that the reason why people couldn't get into the venue was that they've been blocked by protesters. The problem is we have footage of the outside of the venue in Tulsa.
which shows a remarkable lack of people blocking people from being able to enter. So this is actually raising some really interesting questions about Trump's popularity. They advertised a major rally and not many people turned up.
Now, there are reasons as to why people may not have turned up. One, COVID-19 is still a big issue and it turns out the kind of people who are Trump supporters are also the kind of people who might be worried about getting COVID-19 and dying. Secondly, given that there were so many registrations, even if most of them were insincere, some people may have seen the, oh, there's a million people going, I don't need to go.
But it's still surprising that a major rally had basically only a third to two thirds of the stadium filled. And this is a problem for Brad Pascali, the campaign manager for Trump, because he basically over promised and radically under delivered. And this is a double whammy for Pascali, because this is a known thing that people register for tickets they're not going to use.
And Pascali has said publicly in the past that the Trump campaign has a system to identify such false registrations and get rid of them. And it turns out they don't. No.
Now, it should be said, I think it was Pascali was tweeting that these Antifa people were blocking folks from getting into the stadium and did put up a photo showing indeed a bunch of Black Lives Matter protesters blocking one of the gates into the stadium. What people then pointed out was that that did happen, but they were cleared away after about 10 or 15 minutes, so didn't actually have any effect.
on the number of people who could get in there. Another thing that people have pointed out is that the whole registration thing was expressing interest in the rally was almost a secondary purpose of it. Largely when you have large scale registration stuff like that, what you're doing is harvesting contact details
so that you can then send campaign information on. And people have sort of pointed out that all of this, all of this, this what should have been a massive trove of information for his campaign has basically been rendered completely useless.

New York Fireworks Surge Explained

So it's a double blow for the Trump campaign. Indeed. Now moving away. Oh, sorry, sorry. One last thing. So it's it's TikTok teens and K-pop stans now
I'm an old person. I'm not down with the kids in any way, so the modern use of the term Stan, it's been around a while, and it's been a long while of me not knowing what the hell they were talking about, but my understanding of it, is it related to the Eminem song, Stan?
I believe it is, yes, because the song stand is about a rabid fan. An obsessive fan, yes. So first of all, it seems odd that these youngsters who are, what are they now, Generation Z, or I don't even know, I'm confused. I believe they don't like to be called zoomers.
No. Whatever they are, it seems odd that they would adopt into their vernacular a reference to a song from the 1990s. And also it seems odd that they would make it a good thing to compare yourself to an insane fan who ends up murdering his wife in the end of the song, as I recall.
I mean yes when you put it that way it does seem rather weird and it's also quite possible that we've got entirely the wrong end of the stick because as you point out you are incredibly old and I'm just merely detached from popular culture.
Well, I don't know. It's a mystery for another time. Let's go to a mystery for our times, which is the mystery of the fireworks in New York. A Lord Morrissey Morrissey and Puddles story, if ever I heard one. So you may well have seen this being discussed on Twitter and Facebook. Indeed, it was brought up in the Discord chat as a thing that should be mentioned in our news episode. And we were ahead of you because
We sometimes are. Fireworks have been going off in New York, particularly in predominantly African-American neighbourhoods, since about the beginning of June, with alarming regularity starting basically about 8pm and then finishing at 2am in the morning.
So from the 1st of June until the 21st of June, basically the first three weeks of the month, there were 11,275 calls made to the City of New York to report illegal fireworks, and in the same timeframe last year,
there were only 28 calls. So there's a massive increase in firework activity going on in New York at the moment, to the point where the mayor of the city of New York has announced a task force to look into why this is going on. But there's also a conspiracy theory which explains why it might be happening. Isn't there, Josh? Yes, I've seen a couple.
So some people think maybe it's part of a sort of a government sios thing targeting these minority communities. It's all it's all it's being done deliberately to keep people up all night every night to basically mess with their heads.
So it's partly sort of psychological warfare against these communities. Another variant of it is that it's also meant to desensitize people to loud noises so that if crackdowns begin in earnest, when the police actually show up and start firing their tear gas and their pepper bullets or whatever they are these days, people will pay less attention to them.
Now, some people have said in response to this, well no, it's just people eating off steam. The world is in a frightful state. People, there's all these restrictions due to COVID. It's just people, they've got fireworks, they just, you know,
want to literally lighten things up a bit and that's all that's going on. But then in response to that people have said well I mean it's strangely regular, the whole 8pm to 2am thing seems kind of constant. Also the fireworks apparently are not just the sort you could get at a
at a department store or wherever you buy fireworks in the States. They're sort of Macy's parade type ones. The reply to that has been, well, because of COVID, there's no sort of outdoor gatherings and so on where fireworks might be used. So possibly there are people sitting around with big stocks of professional grade fireworks that they've got nothing to do with. So maybe these have been sold off illicitly or illicitly to the community.
So maybe there's that. So there's a lot of sort of claim and counterclaim. The other variation that I've also heard is maybe it's the police letting them off on purpose to give them an excuse to then go into these neighborhoods with the riot gear. It's sort of a false flag, basically. All comes down to false flags. Yes. So this is actually quite an interesting story because it's
It's not out of the question that certain authorities, especially given what's happening in the US in particular, but also worldwide with respect to the Black Lives Matter movement, it's not out of the question that certain authorities might be wanting to cause a bit of trouble for particular communities.
And thus, it isn't out of the question that this is in fact part of a malign conspiracy by actors operating either the behest of the state or with state-related powers.

Police Poisoning Claims Investigated

At the same time, you also have the issue that because of what's going on, particularly in the states, something which might have a really prosaic explanation
people are really bored after shelter in place ordinances have been going on for weeks if not months are letting off steam by setting off fireworks is being interpreted as a malign conspiracy so this is the story that if it develops we will definitely be coming back to hmm but in the meantime sticking on the subject um
After the various protests and so on against the police lately and the calls to defund them and so on and so forth, which has been happening a little bit in some places already, there have been a couple of instances of police officers in the states claiming that they had been unfairly victimized in certain ways by people simply because they were police officers and these people had an axe to grind with them.
So shall we start with the poisoned milkshakes? The allegedly poisoned milkshakes. We don't even say they're allegedly poisoned milkshakes. There was no poison in the milkshakes. But the story was not presented that way initially, was it? The reportedly poisoned milkshakes. So basically three off-duty cops at the NYPD claimed that they were poisoned by milkshakes they'd purchased from Shake Shack.
Now they ordered the drinks online and they ordered the drinks online in two separate online orders which they then picked up from two different counters when they entered the Shake Shack with the drinks already having been prepared and put on the counters for them to pick up.
which means the drinks couldn't have been poisoned when the officers entered the building, but they also couldn't have been poisoned beforehand because the nature of the online order meant that no one knew the role or duty of the people who ordered them in the first place.
So then the question is, why did the officers think they had been poisoned? Well they thought they'd been poisoned because the drinks tasted suspect. Now Joshua, why did these drinks taste suspect?
Well, the explanation for that that's been offered is that the milkshake machine had just been cleaned and possibly there were some trace elements of the chemicals used in the cleaning process. I've had hot chocolates and the like from coffee sorts of machines that ended up tasting
quite off. Usually that's because they haven't been cleaned, more than they have been cleaned, but I could believe that you can end up with some variance in the tastes there just because of
just because of trace elements of stuff. And now I see as we're writing this, you're correcting the typo that you made in two places in this thing where instead of saying offices, you had an extra idea. So it was officiers, which quite frankly I preferred. And I'm a little bit upset that you've gone and
gone and corrected it. That's better. So these officiers were given refunds. They were given vouchers and said, sorry about your milkshakes. That sounded a little bit blah. But apparently when they went back and told their sergeant, hey Sarge, we had these milkshakes and they tasted weird. So they gave us refunds. The sergeant said, oh, maybe they were trying to poison you because everyone hates cops these days. And it seems the story just kind of snuggled.
Indeed, it does seem that the officers did think that something suspicious was going on. They went to Shake Shack and said actually these drinks taste off. The people at Shake Shack went, oh, we're so sorry about that.
have a refund and a coupon so that you too can have another replacement drink when it doesn't taste off. They went back to their department, they mentioned it to a sergeant, the sergeant immediately demanded an investigation. And then the lieutenant or lieutenant, I can never remember how the Americans pronounced it.
pronounce these things they then went oh no no there's something really malign going on here obviously these people have been poisoned because they're police officers and it turns out that when they actually did the investigation and looked at the surveillance footage in the Shave Shack it turned out that a nothing had been introduced into the drink