The Climate Angle

The Climate Angle will examine headline (and not headline) news stories and ask the oft missed question: “what’s the climate angle?”. All too often, the news we are exposed to neglects to address the climate crisis, or consider the role/impact of climate change on the problem or situation. We often find that consideration of the climate crisis in news stories most readily/frequently/easily comes when the stories themselves are about a climate disaster. In addition, as a society in the West and Global North, we still put our news stories into disciplines. The world doesn’t work this way - we must use systems thinking to understand the complex relational network of problems and solutions that surround climate change. Thus: this podcast.

Music: Provided by the Marama Cafe Band; Giles Lewin (Violin, Vocals)  Natalia Kakarkina (Vocals, Saucepan Lid), Pete Watson (Vocals, Accordion)