20 Somethings Collective

Welcome to the 20 Somethings Collective, a life guide to navigating your twenties wrapped up in a weekly podcast. The 20 Somethings Collective is a show consisting of brutally honest conversations centered around uncertainty, relationships, post grad life, wellness, dating, kickstarting your career, and everything else that makes your twenties such a wild ride. Each episode is packed with attainable & accessible tips, tricks, and tactics to help you through it all. Hosted by *nonfluencer* Lauren Doll, you’ll hear how to deal with uncertainties while you’re in the middle of a quarter life crisis, what valuable content you should look to next, and celebrating 20 somethings killing it in their field. Grab your glass and tune in for this week's happy hour chat. Follow along @20scpodcast and learn more at www.20somethingscollective.com Listen below and chat soon!