Episode 22: Do We Really Need 10,000 Steps a Day? image
S1 E22 · Movement Logic: Strong Opinions, Loosely Held
Episode 22: Do We Really Need 10,000 Steps a Day?
288 Plays
1 year ago

Welcome to Episode 22 of the Movement Logic Podcast! In this episode, Laurel and Sarah ask where the 10,000 step benchmark came from (you might be super surprised!), and if every person needs the same number of steps to receive the same amount of health benefits. We also discuss:

  • What are the parameters that change your number of steps
  • How do you “get your steps in” without becoming totally obsessed about it
  • How where you live might determine how much you walk (versus take the car)
  • How the pandemic changed a lot of people’s overall fitness and activity levels
  • Whether it’s more valuable to track your general activity level vs number of steps
  • How it’s useful to focus less on how many is enough to how many is too few
  • How a workout doesn’t cancel out the negative effects of a day of sitting
  • In what ways do strength training and cardiovascular exercise support each other
  • How to get more movement into your day overall

Reference links:

Step Trackers available to purchase 

Daily Steps and All-Cause Mortality: A Meta Analysis of 15 International Cohorts

Daily Step Counts for Measuring Physical Activity Exposure and Its Relation to Health

The relationships between step count and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events: A dose-response meta-analysis

Guardian Article by David Cox

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