pisode 199 From Hockey Grit to Redemption: Josh Boni's Journey to Sobriety image
E199 · From The Depths of Darkness to The Light of Success
pisode 199 From Hockey Grit to Redemption: Josh Boni's Journey to Sobriety
53 Plays
8 months ago

Welcome back to Episode 199 of the with your host, Chris Swiech. Today, we have a remarkable story of resilience, redemption, and recovery. Our guest, Josh Boni, hailing from the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada, is a living testament to the power of determination.

Josh Boni is no stranger to the world of hockey. He's a man who played the game with unparalleled grit and remarkable skill. As he'll tell us in this gripping episode, he made his way up through the minor pro ranks across the USA during the 90s. His prowess on the ice was characterized by a combination of unwavering determination, soft hands when handling the puck, and a heart dedicated to the game.

But as the final whistle blew on his hockey career, Josh was left to face a different kind of opponent – his inner demons. In the years following the end of his career, he grappled with the dark shadows of drug and alcohol addiction. The same strength and determination that fueled his on-ice success now drove him down a perilous path.

In a candid conversation with Chris Swiech, Josh reveals the harrowing journey he embarked on, battling not just substance abuse, but also his own thoughts and the torment within his mind. It's a stark reminder that even those who've reached the pinnacle of success can find themselves lost in the depths of addiction.

But this story isn't just about struggle; it's a testament to resilience and the human spirit's capacity for transformation. Josh, realizing that enough was enough, made the courageous decision to take back control of his life. He reached out for help and began his journey to sobriety.

In this episode, Josh shares some wild stories from his hockey-playing days, tales that hockey enthusiasts and anyone interested in the human spirit's triumph against adversity will find utterly captivating. He also provides valuable insight into the daily challenges of living a clean and sober life, a path that's far from easy but profoundly rewarding.

If you want to connect with Josh Boni and follow his inspiring journey, you can find him on Facebook by simply searching for his name.

So, join us as we delve into the life of Josh Boni, where we'll uncover the depths of his struggle and the heights of his triumph. This is an episode you won't want to miss.

Tune in to Episode 199 of the - "From Hockey Grit to Redemption: Josh Boni's Journey to Sobriety" - and get ready to be inspired.

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