Episode 186 Luc Zoratto Marathon 2 Sobriety image
E186 · From The Depths of Darkness to The Light of Success
Episode 186 Luc Zoratto Marathon 2 Sobriety
52 Plays
1 year ago

In this captivating episode of "From the Depths of Darkness to the Light of Success," we sit down with Luc Zoratto, also known as marathon2sobriety on Instagram, to explore his remarkable journey from a corporate life of secrecy to a life of sobriety and success through running.

Luc shares his poignant story of navigating the challenges of keeping up appearances during the workweek while secretly struggling with addiction on the weekends. With a life in the corporate world that seemed put together on the surface, Luc battled the internal turmoil of his hidden lifestyle. When he finally decided to get sober, he found himself at a crossroads, uncertain of which path to take.

As a former athlete, Luc turned to running, a familiar yet transformational outlet that would change his life forever. Embracing marathon training as his newfound passion, he discovered the immense physical and mental benefits that running offered him on his journey to maintain sobriety. Luc's dedication and commitment eventually led him to achieve a remarkable milestone: qualifying for the prestigious Boston Marathon.

But Luc's story doesn't end with personal triumph. Realizing the immense impact running had on his recovery, he embraced his calling to help others on their own journey to sobriety. Today, Luc is a respected sobriety coach, offering guidance and support to those seeking a path to recovery. He also shares his experiences and insights through his engaging newsletter and organizes sober events that foster a sense of community and connection.

Join us in this inspiring conversation as Luc Zoratto takes us through the highs and lows of his personal transformation, the power of running as an outlet, and the incredible community he has built through his sobriety coaching and events. This episode is filled with valuable insights and practical advice for anyone seeking to overcome addiction, embrace a healthier lifestyle, and find success through running.

To connect with Luc Zoratto and learn more about his work, you can find him on Instagram as marathon2sobriety. Be sure to check out his newsletter and get involved in the vibrant sober community he has created.

Links for Luc:

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/marathon2sobriety

Newsletter- Www.marathon2sobriety.ca/newsletter-1-1

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