Episode 190 Breaking Chains, Building Lives: Jason La Chance's Journey to Sobriety and Purpose image
E190 · From The Depths of Darkness to The Light of Success
Episode 190 Breaking Chains, Building Lives: Jason La Chance's Journey to Sobriety and Purpose
51 Plays
11 months ago

In this powerful episode of "From the Depths of Darkness to the Light of Success," we sit down with the resilient Jason La Chance, a seasoned radio broadcaster, and now a beacon of hope for those battling addiction. With a family history of addiction casting shadows on his own life, Jason found himself at a crossroads, unsure of how to escape the seemingly inevitable fate.

Jason's 20-year career in radio broadcasting allowed him to connect with an audience through the shared love of music. Despite this success, there was an underlying emptiness that lingered. After experiencing a life-altering divorce and taking on the role of a single father, Jason confronted a harsh truth: he was an alcoholic. It was a turning point that would shape the trajectory of his life forever.

Embracing the courage to face his addiction head-on, Jason began to open up to others about his struggles. Through these candid conversations, he discovered a newfound purpose in life – to help others navigate their own battles with addiction and other forms of adversity, leading them towards a more purposeful existence.

A serendipitous encounter with Carlos Vieira in a grocery store presented Jason with a meaningful challenge and opportunity. Inspired by Carlos' autobiography, "Knockin' Doorz Down," Jason was given the chance to engage with people who, like him, had faced immense challenges and found ways to overcome them, ultimately living lives of purpose and fulfillment.

As a sober coach, Jason's journey of self-discovery led him to acquire a wealth of knowledge on addiction recovery and mental health management tools. Through his work, he now embraces the honor of providing a safe and nurturing space for individuals to share their vulnerability. Together, they explore the depths of their struggles, knowing that they are not alone in their journey.

With passion and pride, Jason affirms that personal growth is an ongoing process. He believes in the ability of anyone to make positive changes, no matter how daunting their circumstances may seem. By "Knockin' Doorz Down," Jason empowers others to shatter the chains of addiction and adversity, finding strength, purpose, and a renewed sense of hope.

Join Chris Swiech as he engages in a heartfelt and transformative conversation with Jason La Chance, discovering how his battle with addiction led him to a life of purpose and service. Through raw authenticity and unwavering determination, Jason's story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the limitless possibilities that arise when one chooses to embrace the light of change and growth.

Links for Jason La Chance:

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/knockindoorzdown/

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/knockingdoorsdown/


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