Irene Iancu: Team Mistake image
S2 E7 · Dental Fuel
Irene Iancu: Team Mistake
68 Plays
3 months ago

Today we are joined by the remarkable Irene Iancu RRDH to talk about overcoming team mistakes and the pivotal moments of her career. 

About the Guest:

Irene Iancu is a passionate and skilled restorative dental hygienist based in Toronto, Canada. With 16 years of experience in the dental field, Irene has developed a diverse set of skills, working in various specialized practices including periodontics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, and cosmetic dentistry. As the owner of her own practice, she goes beyond typical dental hygiene duties by also performing restorative work such as direct and indirect restorations. In addition to her clinical work, Irene is active in the dental community as an educator, social media influencer with 30,000 followers, and host of a popular dental podcast. Her journey and expertise have not only shaped her career but have also provided her with a platform to share her knowledge and experiences with a wider audience.

Episode Summary:

In an insightful episode featuring dental professional Irene Iancu, listeners are granted a front-row seat to the trials and triumphs of building and managing a successful dental practice. Irene provides a candid look into the complexities of onboarding employees and fostering a cohesive team. The conversation, which is rich in experiences and expert knowledge, makes it a must-listen for dental practitioners and anyone interested in team management and business growth strategies.

Irene discusses the pitfalls and learning moments encountered while hiring staff for her dental practice, highlighting the crucial balance between individual skill sets and team chemistry. She reveals having to adjust her hiring approach and subsequently stepping away from the process entirely, allowing her office manager to bring in personnel who have since surpassed expectations. Such revelations provide invaluable insights for both existing and budding practice owners seeking to optimize their team dynamics. Through practical examples and heartfelt reflections, this episode examines the subtleties of team-building and leadership in a dental context.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize the potential downside of hiring individuals who are too similar to yourself and the importance of a diverse team.
  • Understand that relinquishing hiring control can lead to better outcomes as employees can flourish under the trust and responsibilities given to them.
  • Acknowledge that even the best employees may aspire to further their education or change career paths, affecting practice stability.
  • Embrace the concept of managing expectations rather than people, and cultivate a nurturing environment where employees can become empowered leaders.
  • Reflect on the journey of continuous learning and growth, considering additional education such as business management courses if suitable.

Connect with Irene Iancu: @toothlife.irene

Check out Tooth or Dare Podcast: @toothoredare.podcast

Connect with Ignitedds: @ignitedds

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