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M's hectic life in academia got in the way of recording this week, so Josh put together a quick episode to tide you over until next week. There's a Top 10 article, a Top 100 article and more besides!

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Introduction and Filler Episode Explained

Hey! It's the podcast's guide to the conspiracy!
Hello and welcome to the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy. I am Josh Edison in Auckland, New Zealand, and it's another filler episode for you this week. Unfortunately, M was called away to some sort of administrative something or other, some meeting at short notice this evening, or this evening my time, such as the life of a busy academic.
which means we can't record this evening. And I believe Em is also going to be busy for the next couple of days, which means we're basically not going to be able to record a full episode this week. We'll have to put the regular episode back until next week. So a little bit of filler from me here. I thought what I might do
is unique.

Preview of Upcoming Episode on Sovereign Citizens

The episode we have planned is going to be going over an article that's a bit sovereign citizen-y, Freeman on the Land-ish, about the history of treaties and rights and stuff, which is why sovereign citizens and stuff.
But I could not help but noticing as I read through this article that there are a list of links to other articles on the site next to it, some of which really do warrant having a bit of a look at as well. So I thought instead of, I won't say anything about the article that we're going to be looking at in detail, because that's the next property episode, but I will just go through some of the articles linked to from that one.

Exploration of Conspiracy Theory Website Content

So the website it's on is a fairly stereotypical conspiracy theory-ish sort of site. There's a lot of, a bit of new, obviously a bit of sovereign citizenry stuff, but a new world order, a bit of sort of
I don't know, true Christianity stuff, like how the church and the Pope is all corrupt, but Christianity is still good and a real Christian doesn't believe in the church, I don't know, something like that. And a lot of alien stuff as well. So I'm just looking at the sidebar on the page for the article that we're going to be looking at, and there's the list of most popular articles.

Humorous Critique of Alien Existence Arguments

I'm just going to
spend a little bit of time going through some of them just to see what we can see and then that'll keep, that'll tide you folks over until next week. So the first one that jumps out at me is top 10 reasons aliens exist. Now, the first thing to notice is that when I say top 10 reasons aliens exist, the title is actually top 10 brackets, one zero, close brackets, reasons aliens exist. I'm not sure why they felt the need to clarify that the word 10 means 10. But anyway,
So, the reasons aliens exist, let's have a look at what they've got. First one is probability, so it's just the good old, there are hundreds and billions and billions and billions of stars with habitable planets, and so among them there must be billions similar enough to Earth to support life, so that's one. Next reason why aliens must exist is the Bible.
because in their words, chances are, if you're a believer in the Bible, you're going to have a hard time getting away from the fact that the Bible is a full and complete documentation of aliens. So in other words, angels, chariots of fire, all of that business, things going up into heaven. Next one, the pyramids and other landmarks.
We claim to be the most advanced beings this world has ever seen. You can't even replicate the pyramids in Egypt. Can't? Or can't be bothered? I'm quite certain we could build a big stone pyramid if we wanted to. It's just a stupid bloody idea. This item means that we were super advanced thousands of years ago, which evolution doesn't agree with. Or that something besides earthly humans made them. I can't think of any other explanation for this. Can you? Yes.
uh what else have we got old paintings cave paintings um so apparently there are cave paintings from thousands of years ago that appear to show aliens area 51 roswell secret government projects with basically a single sentence saying these things exist abduction stories
So they basically say, yes, abduction stories are basically all crap, but one or two of them must be true. So why don't you go investigate them, and then all you need is to find one true story. And there we go. We've got aliens. Crop circles, quoting again, obviously, many of these are, in fact, fake and not at all completely authentic, as is everything in life. And again, according to science, all it takes is one of these to be real, and the whole hypothesis of aliens not existing. It's rendered false.
I mean, that's not... I don't think this argument that, yes, they all appear to be bollocks, but if we found a real one, it would prove it true. I don't think that's as strong as they think it is. Next one, what are we up to? This must be number seven, number eight rather. Ex-government people, people who worked in the government say they're aliens. Next one, it is extremely logical.
Let's, I'm a little bit afraid to continue reading, but let's see what the logic that they're employing to improve is. They say alien existence fits very tightly into the whole big picture of everything. A bulleted list now, number one, we were created in God's aliens image. I don't recall him
proving that gods are aliens higher up. I think I skipped over a bit. We have animals that are lower levels of consciousness than us, i.e. dogs, lizards, snails, but we don't have anything higher. No, but I mean, yeah. The biggest BS is the government tell us there's no such thing. So if the government says something's false, it must be true. And people educated in the field say they are real, while people who don't research say they're not. Well, I don't think that's true. Okay, there we go. And then the last one, the last one,
The Vatican says it's okay to believe in aliens. Apparently the Vatican's chief astronomer said believing aliens does not contradict faith in God.
So I'm good. There we go. Aliens must be real. You read it here first. What's another good, there's another one. I don't, can I be further reading another one? Why do you believe in aliens, extraterrestrials? What evidence is there? I know this was just a conversation starter for their forum. I was just saying, why, why do you people believe in aliens? Give me some answers.

Discussion on US Corporation Theory and Illuminati

um what have we got okay this one looks a bit sovereign citizenish the united states isn't a country it's a corporation um so okay this one's a bit longer and a bit more detailed in fact it looks to be the length of the one that we're going to be devoting devoting whole episode to next
uh next time we record so i don't know if i'll go through all of this and it's kind of stuff if you've if you know anything about sovereign citizen stuff it's it's one of them the country is a it's a corporate constitution now hang on what's this
So blah, blah, blah. Here's the history of America. Civil War. Congress realized the country was bankrupt. The Act of 1871. What's the Act of 1871? The Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia. So that's the Act that set up the Constitution, I think, was it? I don't know. In essence, this act formed the corporation known as the United States, all in capital letters.
and then says note the capitalisation because it's important. So then apparently because the original constitution did not capitalise the words United States of America, then a new version
brought about by the Act of 1871, has the Constitution of the United States of America in all caps. That means it's not the same document because capitalization changes stuff. I don't know. So there's a lot of the America was was sneakily founded as a corporation. And so therefore, it's all the usual illegitimate stuff. Sovereign Citizen Freeman on the land business.
how to make contacts with friendly extraterrestrials. Let's get away from the alien stuff. What else have we got? We've got the structure and hierarchy of the Illuminati.
Let's see. It's a good old fashioned diagram with lots of shapes with words in them and a whole lot of arrows connecting them all. In fact, that's all it is. It's the diagram with credits for how the diagram was brought about. So the big ones, we have the Order of the Illuminati, House of Roschild, the Order of the Bilderbergs, the Group, the House of Rockefeller, the Council on Foreign Relations, United Nations, Royal Institute for International Affairs,
and then sort of around the edges, you've got the Fabian Socialist Society, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, CIA, KGB, can't wear something interesting, National Student Association, okay. London School of Economics, League of Just Men. I don't know about the League of Just Men, because that just isn't fear or just isn't only.
I'm curious now, gonna have to look that one up. But anyway, okay, so that is a diagram which does not work in any way on a purely audio medium like a podcast. So let's go ahead, what else have we got?

New World Order Conspiracy and Timeline Exploration

An Idiot's Guide to the New World Order. That's inviting a response that I choose not to give. It's also loading weirdly slowly, come on. Is this meant to be some sort of satire on
how an idiot's brain operates, or is my internet connection just gone wonky all of a sudden? Oh, it's going to a, it's a whole different thing. Oh, okay. An idiot's going to the new world order. And this is a, oh gosh, this is, this is enormous. This is a whole new section of the site I see. So it's huge, but it's very, very fancy looking. It's, whereas the others have just been sort of text articles. This is a, this is all graphical, very, very sort of infographic looking stuff.
but again looks too long to go through quickly. Just at the start, what is the new world order? The new world order, NWO, is this conspiracy to enslave humanity through a world government controlled by a select few. The goal is to essentially turn humans into robots where they're unable to think for themselves must depend upon the NWO for their sustenance. It's interesting, it uses the same font that I'm sure the guy uses on the Oatmeal website. I don't know why that's significant.
Ah, then it just has infographics on the usual one-world currency, one-world religion, education decline, elimination of property, destruction of family, elimination of self-defense, elimination of privacy, control over resources, police control.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Who's behind it? Oh, okay. Now you talk. And who's behind it? More infographics. We have secret societies at the highest levels of the new world order. Nobody fully knows what the secret societies are and who's involved in them. One thing we do know is that the highest level members operate through the shadows and never make their identity known. So when you see people out in the public, you can be sure that they are most likely a pawn working for a higher power. We also have priesthoods.
the Vatican and if you go back prior to the Vatican you'll find that the ancient world was organized and ruled through various some orders possessing occult knowledge and of course royalty. Oh gosh there's a time there's an interactive timeline you can click on it starts starts back in 4000 BC with the Anunnaki I'm sure we've talked about before
goes through the Phoenicians and the Canaanites, let's go ahead a little bit, Egypt, yes of course, Roman Empire, Europe and the Dark Ages, what was going on there, Black Nobility and Hensiatic League.
the kings and queens of ancient bloodlines known as the Black Nobility. I don't even know what that is. Now it's not particularly interesting at all. First Britain rises to prominence, then America rises to prominence. On the present day, we have the Trinity of Control, the Vatican, Britain, and America. Apparently the main player is behind the New World Order. How about that? Oh, there's another diagram. Okay, now this goes, this goes, gosh, this one is even,
much more detailed than the article that we're going to be looking at, so maybe I should save that one for another time because there's a hell of a lot going on there.
So, what else looks good here in the most popular ones? Jesus is not my personal Lord and Savior. It says the truncated headline. What's the full headline? Oh, Jesus is not my personal Lord and Savior. I am my own Savior. And I think it's important to point out that the graphic for the link to this episode has a picture of Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars with an equals sign next to a picture of Pope
Benedict, well it wasn't a Pope Benedict, the German Pope who looked like Palpatine from Star Wars, I guess that's why they put him there instead of old Frankie. Okay so this doesn't actually look very interesting I have to say, unless you're
interested in a bit of eschatology. Basically, what I was kind of saying before, the organised religion is bad, but religion is good. Yeah, there's a lot going on there, and most of the terminology means nothing to me.
What else have you got? Was Thomas Jefferson a Christian? I don't care. The Communist takeover of America predicted in the congressional record 1963.

Cold War Fears and Religious Conspiracies

You are about to read a list of 45 goals that found their way down the halls of our great capital back in 1963.
As you read this 39 years later, I see this was published in 2010, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. I first ran across this list three years ago but was unable to attain a copy and it has bothered me ever since. Recently, Jeff Rens posted it on his site and I would like to thank him for doing so. So where did this come from? Current Communist Goals. So this is a paper from 1963
that was apparently remarks of a senator from Florida in the House of Representatives, or is that a congressman from Florida? I don't know which the House of Representatives is, is that Congress or Senate? It's all wacky over there. So this was apparently something that was tabled or whatever you call it when you bring something up in 1963.
I include in the record under unanimous consent the following current communist goals which this woman that the the particular senator I'm talking to identifies an excerpt from a book called The Naked Communist. So it's an excerpt from a book so it doesn't sound as though it's actually come from any official document from inside communist Russia or what have you but
But apparently, OK, there's 45 apparent goals of communism. I'm not going to go through the lot of them. Let's get the edited highlights. Starts with one US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war, two US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. Developed the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. Good luck with that. Free trade? Well, that doesn't sound bad until you get it.
Permit free trade between all nations, regardless of communist affiliation, and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. Grant recognition of Red China and admit them to the UN. Keep talking about Soviet satellites, by which I think they mean satellite states, not satellites in space.
Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. Step 13, do away with all loyalty oaths. I mean, that sounds fair enough. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as quote normal, natural and healthy.
1963, if you'll recall. Discredit the American founding fathers, present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man. That's unthinkable, surely. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Yes.
Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 0.36 and 0.37 there. 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy to fall divorce. Not promiscuity. 45. Internationalize the Panama Canal. OK.
And 45, repeal the Connolly Reservation, I don't know why that is, so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike. So okay, that's what those wacky communists were up to back then, apparently, if we believe this, which I'm not really sure that we should.
Okay, what's another one in this list? There's also an Idiot's Guide to the Federal Reserve, which I'm going to assume is just as long as the New Allure One, so I won't look at that.

Philosophical Explorations and Conspiracy Theory Overload

We have an old souls guide to life, the universe and everything. Oh God, it starts with, this is excerpts from chapter one, excerpts from chapter two, so I'm assuming this is bits from this guy's book or something.
And I don't have any idea what this is going on about. It starts, for eons, the vast entity had tried to contemplate its own nature and discover its limits, but without success. It had reached the end of its resourcefulness. A castaway on a desert island can talk to himself or herself only for so long before imagining a companion, as Tom Hanks' character in the movie Castaway created the Wilson character based on a volleyball.
So the vast entity created quadzillions of companions with its infinite consciousness and imagined them interacting with each other and with their creator. But it wasn't enough. It wanted to explore its own nature using its creations as mirrors, but imaginary characters in its vast mind could not give it the external objective point of view that mirrors do. For further aeons, the vast consciousness pondered the problem and realized that it needed to somehow liberate its imagined characters to give them an identity within its mind that allowed them to act without at first giving them the thought to do so. OK, so that we're talking about
Skip on down to the excerpt from chapter two, which is called Life on the Soul Plane. That was a movie, wasn't it? Soul Plane. I'm sure it was something with Snoop Dogg and there was, I don't know, anyway, which I assume even that was a play on Soul Train, but this is only us. The Soul Plane, the plane of souls. A common human misperception is that the Soul Plane is a holding pattern for souls who are between Earth lives. Even some well-known mediums claim that some souls are crossing over immediately boomeranged back into a body.
how God created stuff, I guess.
The Smith points to an Earth-centred myopia that says Earth lives are what it's all about. Nothing could be further from the truth than Earth life. It's just a little safari, a break from life on the soul plane. If you're on the crew of Star Trek's Enterprise, busy with your shipboard duties, you may make occasional forays to a planet service to do data, to gather data, or do research. But such forays are not your primary purpose. These brief missions are akin to a soul making periodic trips to Earth for the same purpose, gathering data and doing research.
We think of life on Earth as normal and life on the soul plane as abnormal. Wrong! All capitals. Life on the soul plane as normal. Down here on Earth is an aberration. A horrible distortion of who you really are. Okay, so we're all soul. This is getting a bit Scientology-ish. Final word says final word, but it goes on for a hell of a lot longer. I see must be final word for this chapter.
As you work and play in this hologram we call reality, it's vital to remember the three W's. One, who you really are, a vast spiritual being squeezing into a tiny biosuit. Two, what the game is really about, the creator learning everything about itself and growing in the process. And three, why you're really here, as a creator probe who begins its existence in the highest dimensions and projects down through them to explore on behalf of the creator. Okay, right, so.
Okay, so we're all soul beings that are just stuck, sent here on Earth.
briefly so that so that the god can know itself or the creator can know itself, then we get into the god myth. Okay, so now we're starting to talk about, I think, one in Morphin in the underground, I think about how organized religion is all nonsense, and in this case, is distracting us from our existence as soul beings. But this is a very, this is the longest of all the articles I've read so far, I think. So that's, I'm assuming, it's most of a book here. So we'll
Well, actually, I think it's time. There's one one that I've been saving to the end. But I think I think I'm about done with this for now. The last one I want to look at is one called top 100 conspiracy theories of all time. Well, there really are 100 of them.
Okay, right, well, again, I'm not gonna go through, gosh, maybe I should save this one. Maybe I should save this one for a real episode so we can go through a whole lot of them. But okay, let me just quickly rapid fire scroll down and see what I can see. In fact, the first, starting at 100 and going up to one, just skipping ahead, it looks like, yeah, so the ones at the bottom are all the big ones. Number one is New World Order.
Number three, 9-11 was a false flag. Number four, Illuminati rule the world. Okay, so the frankly least interesting ones seem to be the top ones. Whereas at the number 100, so the first entry, the bottom entry on the top 100 conspiracy theories are that Adolf Hitler faked his death. Charlie good. Number 99 is that there's a mystery man at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Apparently, okay, this is only a couple of paragraphs. So it's not really worth devoting much time to in a real episode So I'll just go through it now. So apparently
In July 4th, 4th of July, 1776, many of the founders of America were debating whether or not to sign the Declaration of Independence, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Suddenly, a voice rang from the balcony with the closing words, God has given America to be free. With that, the American patriots rushed over and one by one signed their names on the Declaration of Independence. Afterwards, they went to go express their gratitude towards the speaker, but he was not there. To this day, nobody knows how he entered the locked and guarded room or who he was.
It's the Montauk project. We've talked about that. Number 97 is the citizenship of Barack Obama. Boring. Let's go a bit more.
Moses was Akhenaten. Oh okay, I know what that means. Akhenaten was an Egyptian pharaoh who was, I'm sure he must have come up in the podcast before, he's the one pharaoh who I know a bit about because when I did Ancient Egypt back at university, I took it in the year when the paper was on Akhenaten.
13th dynasty? 20th? Nah, I can't remember. Whatever he was. The point is, Akhenaten was when Egypt went a bit weird for the duration of his rule, his reign. He completely changed the state religion to a monotheistic religion, worshipping the Artan, the disc of the sun,
The art, he moved to the capital of Egypt. The style of Egyptian art was completely different. And then when he died, he was the father of Tutankhamun, who was actually a bit of a nobody as far as pharaohs go. He didn't really do anything interesting, but just his was the
fancy tomb that people found in the modern era. So that's why everybody knows his name. But after Akhenaten died, everyone was like, that guy was a bit weird anyway, back to normal and changed everything back to the way it was before he started. But because he brought in a monotheistic sun worshipping religion, people like to say that he was actually an important figure in monotheistic religions, including this one, where people claimed that Moses was actually Akhenaten.
which doesn't really make any sense. I don't know a huge amount about the Old Testament, but I'm pretty sure Moses was opposed to the Pharaoh of the time rather than being the Pharaoh of the time. So, yeah, I don't know. This one says there's atmosphere on the moon, atmosphere on the back side of the dark side of the moon that we can't see.
What else have we got? What's something good? A good old John Titor, the time traveler dude, we've talked about him. Watergate, only 87, that's a bit boring.

Critique of Feminism and Reptilian Theories

Cell phones, number 85 in the top 100 conspiracy theories is cell phones, which is just, yeah, they're bad for you and also the government uses them to monitor us.
Uh, 82. See, cell phones are only 85. 82 is the face on Mars. Come on. Um, what else have we got?
conspiracy theories about America having been discovered before Columbus. I assume when you say discovered, you mean discovered by white people, or rather by not the people who were already there when Columbus was there. Okay, this is a good old deal. There was the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were in America first.
Um, what do we got? Oh, okay. Here we go. Number 74 on their top 100 conspiracy theories. President Eisenhower treaty with aliens. In 1954, President Eisenhower is said to have been involved in meetings with extraterrestrials because apparently astronomers made contact with race of aliens in 1953.
And so 1954, a meeting was set up with Eisenhower and Grey Aliens, a deal was reached which is called the Granada Treaty, which stated that we would keep the presence of Grey's on Earth secret and they would exchange with us advanced technology. Okay, what's something else good? Number 72 was just democracy.
I guess, so they're saying the conspiracy theory there is that the real rulers hide behind the democratically elected frontmen. So essentially they're saying we do still have kings and queens, but they hide behind democracy so we can't see them. Hitler burns down the Reichstag, always a classic.
Knight's Templar, Nibiru. Come on, give me something good. Hollywood's influence, that's not interesting. There is a trend in Hollywood to promote quote-unquote filth, while things that generally deemed as not healthy for society such as pornography, violence, drugs and so forth. Many people claim that these things are promoted greatly in movies and that we slowly shift towards the acceptance of them.
A lot of movies are also said to have hidden stories that are contained within that most people skim over. You have the external story that a majority of people pick up, but then you also have the internal story that really goes much deeper that few people are able to synthesize. Some great examples of this are Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Eyes Wide Shut, and The Shining, to name a few. I have further questions. They do not give any further information. Number 59, Jesus Never Existed. Okay.
Blah, blah, blah, Atlantis, yeah, whatever, Bigfoot, sure, Denver Airport, always a classic. Number 49 is that AIDS was created in a lab. Okay. Number 47 is feminism.
Feminism is a conspiracy created to break down the family unit. The family has always been at the heart of a prosperous civilization, and a primary way to break down and control civilization is to break down the family. By promoting women as being unequal to men, the state is able to gain the allegiance of women to promote more government control. By putting women to work, the government is able to text half more people, and they are all saying, what? The man has been replaced with the government through feminism.
Where have I? I've been replaced by the government. The government replaced me through feminism. Now, rather than having men and women's lives, we have the government. None of that follows. No sentence in that follows from the sentence before it. I don't know. Now, a 46 income tax is not a law. Just try that. You try bringing that one on.
uh MK Ultra blah blah blah blah I guess as we get closer and closer to the top of the um top of the list we get into more much more traditional series although number 36 is that the Jesuits are tied to the Illuminati I have to see what Em thinks about that uh FEMA camps chemtrails
Yeah, that's fair enough. I even expected that to be a little bit higher than number 31. Princess Diana was murdered by the British royal family. Again, I would have thought that would be a bit lower. Fluoride in the water, good old fluoride RFID chips, which ties into Mark of the Beast business. Vaccinations are number 25. Is there anything else any good?
three world wars planned years in advance. It has said the first two world wars, this is number 20 by the way, were planned years in advance by secret societies and that the third and final world war is on the way.
Apparently the First World War was created by British and German Illuminati agents to weaken the tsars in Russia and bring in communism to destroy the other governments and weaken religion. The Second World War was brought about to take advantage of the differences between the fascists and the political Zionists. Nazism was to be destroyed in order to implement a sovereign state of Israel and Palestine. The Third World War
Here's the good bit, if necessary, is to take advantage of the differences between the new state of Israel and the leaders of the Islamic world. The result of this war will bring about the destruction of Christianity and atheism, and will leave people left looking for a new religion which will be the pure doctrine of Lucifer.
OK. OK. Boring, boring, boring. Mainstream media propaganda, boring. Freemasonry gets in there at number 12. Good on you, Masons. But still, you are beaten out by number 11, which is alternative energy slash Tesla suppression. Blah, blah. Organized religion comes in at number 9. Again, that seems to be a theme of the site. Organized religion is a bad thing, even though religion might not necessarily
Bad thing itself. Reptilians rule the world as number eight. According to researchers such as David Eiken, Alex Collier, these beings are able to shape ship into different forms such as human, blah, blah, blah, blah. Hang on. JFK assassination at number seven. I swear there was a JFK thing earlier down. Oh, no, sorry. I was an Abraham Lincoln thing that I skipped over before. Aliens, Illuminati, 9-11 was a false flag, blah, blah, blah, all the way up to, as I said, number one, New World Order.

Conclusion and Teaser for Upcoming Discussions

I was hoping for more, to be honest. There are a couple of interesting things there, but most of it was just just same old, same old. So I think that's enough. Again, I'm not going to tell you the name of the site because then you'll go and you probably won't go and look at it because it's got better things to do. But you might go and look at it and you might find the article that we're going to talk about next week. And that might spoil the surprise for you. So I'll stop talking now.
I think that's more than enough for a filler episode to tide you over. So, yep, again, all going well. We should have a regular episode for you next week in which we will talk about the stuff that we are planning to talk about this week, but circumstances conspired against us.
So, as usual, thank you for listening, thank you to our patrons for being patrons, although we're not going to reward you with a bonus episode this week, because this is essentially the bonus episode. And really, there's nothing more for it, so fingers crossed we're back to normal next week. But until then, goodbye.