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Episode 268: D23 Country Bear Event, Eat to the Beat & Flume Ride Patent image

Episode 268: D23 Country Bear Event, Eat to the Beat & Flume Ride Patent

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
959 Plays3 months ago

On This Episode

The guys answer listener questions on topics including Food & Wine entertainment, Multipass strategies, and bringing toddlers to Disneyland. A new law went into effect in Florida that allows Disney to remove unruly DVC members. Country Bear Jamboree is returning soon, but D23 members can get an early preview of the show with a new ticketed event. The Eat to the Beat concert series, which occurs during the EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival, announced its lineup for this year. Disney submits another log flume patent using Moana as an example, leading the guys to recklessly speculate. Disney Cruise Line gave some updates on the still under construction Disney Treasure and some new experiences on the Disney Dream.

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This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Resale Market. Thank you for joining us on episode 268 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks of a Kitchen Club podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor and Damon. How's it going, guys? It's almost actually 300, like by episode number. I mean, we're getting there. Well, could you mean by like- There's all episodes. Like golden buttons and waitlists and- Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, that's, I mean, that's fair. It's a lot of episodes. It's a lot of episodes. I almost just got, by the way, before I i came on here with you guys, I almost just got fooled by the internet. And this is a Disney related thing in a way. um I don't know if any of you guys saw this, but there's like a video floating around ah of the end of the Disney drone show with... ah
yes Okay, so so you saw and I don't know how many people even get this reference out there because I said this to my wife and She was I don't know what you're talking about. So um ah You know deep internet culture, yes, it really is so I mean, what was that late 90s early 2000s was you know The the site homestar runner was really popular and there was a character, you know called Trogdor And he's you know, it's a big dragon character, right? And there's there was a thing on the internet floating around that you know that he shows up at the end of the Disney drone show and I saw it and I was like
That looks too good to be fake, but there's no way that Disney put Trogdor at the end of their joke You know, that would be wild if they did I mean right that that is like somebody's getting fired and then Some people are like some of the posts are saying it's like a hack or something and I'm just like I don't think that's true either. and then you know i But I think it's just good VFX is really what it is. but yeah um Sorry for a random reference if you don't know what I'm talking about. But it actually has does have a Disney connection besides the drone show too because the guys that that did Homestar Runner we're also also wrote for Gravity Falls and for some of the Mickey Mouse shorts. So um they're actually you know integrated with Disney. So it's it's not
All that far-fetched, I guess. I want to go on a Gravity Falls tangent here. First of all, the the San Diego Comic Con exclusive Gravity Falls gear is ridiculous and like I'm upset. It's so good that like- You want to go? I don't want to go. Too many comic cons anyway. I don't want to go, but I feel like I might actually have to eBay this stuff. That's as crazy. It's going to be ridiculous. It's going to be crazy. Yeah, because I'm sure if it's exclusive stuff, then it's going to be crazy. Yeah, but it's so good. They have a Mabel and Dipper plush official. Then they have some doorbells. I don't even know what they are. They're some little toys. They're just so cool. I don't know. If anyone's going, let me know.
Yeah, I have not seen that, but I'll have to check that out. but yeah So funny that we're starting the it started the show with Gravity Falls and Trogdor references. i actually trevor I actually had a Trogdor shirt when I was in high school. I don't know how and and where I got it from, but it was yeah it was it was a big thing at that point. Yeah, absolutely. i yeah Same for me. is you know we were We were always watching strong bad emails and stuff. so yeah it's It's funny that somebody decided to work that into the the Disney drone show, which, yeah, like like you said, you know, it it looks too good to be true. Yeah. Well, it looks too real. Like they did a really good job on it. Whoever did it. Yeah. It looks legit, but I also know it's like, that's not real. I know this the can't be real.
and But I guess the hard part with that, it brings up a good point that you know it's very easy. Drone shows are actually very easy to fake, I guess. Yeah. Because you know it's ah it's a black backdrop with light points, basically. So yeah, I guess anybody who's relatively decent at Photoshop could do whatever they want for a drone show, which I mean, begs the question of, you know, people say, oh, you know, you don't have to go watch these shows. You can just watch it on YouTube. But, you know. Who knows what's real anymore? Yeah, i mean I mean, I wonder, you know, would you put it past Disney to do a highly produced version of a drone show that looks, I'm using air quotes with my fingers perfect, um just for the sake of a YouTube video, right? like Like, it brings up an interesting point, even though, yeah, obviously, yeah yeah a Trogdor reference is hilarious. But, you know, something to think about.
Yeah, by the way, if you don't know the reference, we're talking about Google it. I mean, I i think it's probably still funny. I don't know. I haven't watched it in a long time, but i' I'm sure it's probably still funny. It is. I mean, I mean, I've so okay. I i have introduced my son to Homestar. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. So so I made it. I made him watch some some so had emails. Yeah. And um and And actually i didn't watch the commercial where i don't know if you remember the one where home start does the fluffy puff marshmallows course yeah course yeah um so i'm gonna watch that. And he kinda was like and actually to be fair that he was i think like twelve at the time when i got him to watch it and he was like why is this funny.
So really, you didn't get it? Okay. Yeah, which I mean, I think it speaks to, you know, things have changed over time. And, you know, kids are into different things. um I might revisit with it with him now, but Yeah, it's it's interesting. Like you said, you know, it's still funny to us because it was a thing, you know, at an earlier point in our lives. But that doesn't mean that our kids will enjoy it. Yeah, no, that's that's sure. I mean, it was like you said, it's like fairly deep in Internet culture. and But it was like one of those things like when Strong Bad had a new email came out, you're like, talk to your friends about it, you know, that that knew, you know, it was like it was ah it was a thing. So, ah yeah, it's so I wonder how many people in our audience actually know this reference. But
I'm sure we'll we'll we'll hear find out. Anyway, ah so let's start off with our review of the week. ah ah this This is from ah somebody that obviously made up a new username on the spot called Nickname123456789123456. So no, you got it wrong. One, two, four, five, six. I'm sorry. there you Yeah. yeah guys You got to be careful at it too fast. You know, one, two, three, four, five, six is going to get mad if you miss out. That's, that's, that's a good point. So this one is titled two good dudes and one Canuck. Okay. I don't know if you're offended by this or not. i Just you be offended by that. I don't know. He's just singling you out ah and he's not calling you a good dude. You're kind of, you're, you're not in the good dude category. just I mean, connects are generally referred to as chill and all that. So that's fair.
So there's just three guys talking Disney, sharing opinions and having fun. Love all all'll all you three three love you all three. ah Wish we could get more time with Damon as a father of three kids. Get it and applaud his community his commitment to family. P.S., more food, please. i Honestly, I thought that this was a Damon burner account until they said more food. There's never any Damon burner accounts. I don't understand. Like they just don't. It's a running joke now. I don't have friends either. I mean, Tom definitely has burner accounts. I do not feel like I have burner. I absolutely do not. I don't know. I feel like um he ordered is both of you don't know that I'm, I'm the one, the bird. trev burn that trevors jeffvs got lots of bird go It's going to get worse before it gets better. Let's i hate to say it, but like, I mean, come September, like. don't know man i could be um for a month I mean, I don't know, I'm gonna have two kids in college going to soccer and swim across the country, and then my daughter's gonna be playing tennis. Like, I don't envision a lot of downtime, let's say that.
But i do I do foresee a future, though, where I'm doing Welcome Home, Golden Buttons, and then The Traveling Rhubarb, which will be interesting. so what is What exactly is that? The Traveling Rhubarb is going to be a travel show, I feel like. You're just going to do a travel show? I don't know. Maybe. It just like is one offs as you're traveling around with your kids to all these meetings. Yeah, maybe I'm not sure yet. I just I feel like it's more of maybe a retirement show. I haven't decided yet. I don't know. I i saw that there was like a new place in Florida, the Evermore. And it looked really cool. And I'm like, man, like,
I like to cover that sort of stuff. I don't know. I want to be doing like three podcasts, four podcasts. I don't know, maybe six podcasts. Who knows? It feels like a lot of podcasts. Yeah, it kind of does. I find, though, that when I can do them on, like, golden buttons is great. Like, I can just do it whenever I feel like it. It makes it a lot easier when you don't have to coordinate with other people. Like, not in a bad way, just, you know, it's challenging to coordinate with people. It's hard when, you know, we've said it before, you know, the three of us finding time for this sometimes is a challenge, right? Because we have a lot of different schedules. But I am excited. I think we're still going to get Matt from
Royal Caribbean blog. he He just, you know, there was a problem, which is fine. And then he ended up being on a cruise. So hopefully next week, I'm excited for that comparison between Royal Caribbean and Disney. That'll be interesting. yeah I keep flip flopping back and forth because I'm like, I'm definitely booking a Royal Caribbean next year. But you know, I see all this universal stuff, but still no specific date. And I just don't know what to do. I mean, our Disney placeholders for two years, which is nice. I like that they do it for 24 months. yeah let's go Yeah, so I mean, that 10%, I mean, and when you think about it in theory, that 10% gets more valuable every year. I mean, I don't know. that in In real financials, it doesn't make a lot of sense. But in my head, that makes a lot of sense. It it doesn't. But yeah, it makes sense in your head. OK, so let's start talking. We haven't been questions in a while.
And so i'm glad the questions are bad. I like good questions this time. Yeah, I like those questions. You don't like these questions? I didn't say them I didn't want them actually so I have two monitors going but I think that my audio should be better I have a whole different audio setup here going good. Yeah. Yeah, and the thing is but I can't see my second monitor So there's that that's that's a bit of a problem. Yeah. Yeah So Alexis asked, with food and wine around the corner, recklessly speculate on what comes back to make use of the CommuniCorps Hall. If you could pick from pre-COVID food and wine events to bring back like celebrity chefs, tasting seminars, et cetera, what would you like to see? And then she gave us very nicely a link to the 2018 Food and Wine Festival. Which is helpful because I don't remember everything. so Yeah, i mean that that was ah an eternity ago.
Yeah, it was. It was. So, you know, it's this is this is helpful. But I mean, part of, you know, the reason why they built that right was as as a as a flex space for food and wine and for the other festivals. Right. So, I mean, there's a lot that can do with that. um i I personally I like the whole idea of the celebrity chef stuff. I like the cooking demonstrations that I've seen in the past. um Those are pretty cool. ah Like you mentioned, the tasting seminars are cool, too. ah But, you know, There's a lot of things I think that could that could definitely make a comeback. I'll be interested to see what they announce. Yeah. I mean, it's ah looking back at at this link that we were provided, like like you said, you know, the the um
The celebrity chef stuff ah seems good and all. The thing I have to wonder, just looking at the booths, I'm really wondering, like you said, you know because this is supposed to be a flex space, I'm wondering how many of the booths are going to eventually migrate to this space instead of them being spread all around World Showcase. but I would be surprised by that, because I think part of the charm is them being spread all around. you know Yeah, but that's a lot of walking, though. and So you what you're saying is you're hopeful that they do that so you don't have to walk as far. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I guess that's that's kind of my thing about it is that um I'm or.
Yeah, like I would like everything to be in one place for those kinds of events. But but I also get why, like you said, yo know there is the charm of like hitting all the different countries and and all that. But I just feel like, I don't know, I feel like they could change it up. like like I think you know one of the things about having that flex space is it gives them the ability to change things that have been become just habit, right? Sure. Well, and you know, if you look in the past, right, like they had like ah a thing, they had like a chocolate studio thing they had, they they used to do in the wonders of life pavilion a lot, they had a festival center there. So they had like a wine shop, they had craft beer, they had, you know, events, they had, you know, different paid events. I mean, I could see them doing like special paid events in that area as well. ah You know, because they they could do, you know,
ah things you gotta buy tickets for and and go check out ah you know on a paid basis. so i don't know where i I'll be interested to see. It's it's a it's a good question though because I think there's a lot of things they can do with that space and and obviously they built it for that purpose. right They built it to be a permanent ah you know flex space for these these events. so um you know i I'm just assuming there's going to be a lot of things that are coming in and out of there as the festival goes on. so yeah yeah So that's a good question. I like Dan's question though too. So, and this is from Dan. Uh, I think it's Dan H. I got i forget all the dance. Yeah. is short ten I like how they're fighting all, all fighting over the ah backpack situation. That was pretty funny. There can only be one that can only be one. Yeah. so You guys fight it out. Um, and then, you know, we'll see where we end up. So Dan says, how would you schedule your multi-pass for your first trip using the new system? Would you aim to park hop or stay in one park?
That's a good question. um i don't I don't know about you Trevor. I haven't given it that much thought yet of how I would use it. I know typically in the past, you know, we've, and especially since the rides are tiered again, right? So you've got to pick, you you have to prioritize, right? well So yeah, I mean, the interesting thing is because of the tiering, You, like you get one, you have to pick one of the tier one rides, like whatever your must do ride is. Right. So that, yeah. So, so, I mean, that becomes the bigger your group is that obviously becomes a hard conversation because not everyone's going to agree.
On everything um but but maybe that's also where you know if if you're planning out maybe it's you split into two groups or or you know you get the top two and you know fifty fifty eight or whatever. um so So the tier one stuff is kind of interesting that way. Um, but because like magic kingdom is a tough choice though, right? Like it's, you know, your brain says do Peter Pan because that's going to have the longest line. But no, no, if you want to do, peter I'd like to think if Peter Pan is important to you, then do, then you would do that. Like I would never do a tier one for big thunder, even though it's my favorite ride. Cause you can get fairly short standby times on that ride sometimes. Right. So true
Yeah. So like I would do it for like Peter Pan. That's always a 45 minute plus weight or jungle cruise. That's always a 45 minute plus weight. Uh, or, or I guess Tiana too, cause that's going to be long waits for, for quite a while now too. So, um, you know, like you said, it's whatever your priority is for tier one, right? If, if you're a big Peter Pan person, then that's probably the one to go with, but yeah, the rides. It's a waste, I feel like. The Peter Pan Ranch. I mean, to use it on that. Yeah. I mean, but some people have to feel like- They get younger kids, I guess. It's a different story. My daughter loves that ride, yeah. Yeah. Like I said, I think it does depend on your party and kind of splitting. I don't think I've been on that ride in a while. Like, because it is busy and it's like, ah, you know, do I really need to go on that? I really don't.
so That one's a nostalgia one, I think, for a lot of people. It definitely is, but like even nostalgia has its limits, right? um kind of like yeah it's Again, it's it's a ride that has a pretty decent weight. It does. yeah I'm just not about it. No one's like all hyped up like, oh, let's go wait for 40 minutes for Peter Pan. like No one's really hyped. Honestly, I don't think I'd ever wait standby for Peter Pan more than 30 minutes. like that's That's probably the limit. like Jungle Cruise, I'd probably wait more than 30 minutes. Yeah, Jungle Cruise. I mean, Big Fat Thunder, I would, you know. If you really were wanting to ride Peter Pan, like like you said, I would not use the multi-pass on it. i went I would wait actually until fireworks, because that's a good company evening time is really like Fantasyland empties out.
And you could get on there probably less than 30 minutes. So yeah. So, so yeah, I guess like we're thinking about magic kingdom, but yeah, let's do park by park. Let's like park by park. Yeah. Well, would you, would you park hop? It is the thing like like, I guess this is the hard part is that I feel like with the fact that it's tiered, I don't know that I would necessarily park hop. it's a good i I found myself not parking park hopping lately. you know like That's not been something we've been doing a lot lately. Even though we bought park hoppers last time, we didn't use them at all. see we We did. so so On our last trip, like we did um we found like both Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. We weren't there for the entire day and we did end up going back to Epcot.
Um, both those days. So, um, or yeah, I guess, i guess yeah, I guess magic kingdom. I would not park hop because I feel like there's enough to do there with the multi pass, but the other parks, yeah, I guess it's up for debate. Depends on the park. My kids get too bored. Or if they want to do something themselves at night, like if we go to a park during the day and they want to go somewhere at night, they don't want to go back to the same park for sure. Well, and that's why we had bought Park Hoppers this time, right? So we were supposed to have my in-laws on the trip with us and the plan was, you know, we get the kids back to the hotel, they go to sleep at seven o'clock, the grandparents watch the kids, we go out back out to the parks, we go which to whichever park we want, you know, and most of the time we were going to probably go to like an Epcot or to Magic Kingdom, you know, just to to do the night stuff there.
um But that didn't work out because my in-laws ended up not coming with us. So we we ended up buying park hoppers and then just not using them. Although we I take that back because we did use it on the very last day that we were there. where you know And I'm sure, I don't know if everybody else does this, is but we always use our last day as a you know what do What do you still want to do or what do you want to do again before we do stuff? yeah Yeah, yeah, kind of thing. and And so that's that's what we always do there. But I kind of want to go through each one of the parks and be like, this is these are the ones I would do but but with my three heads. So. All right. Yeah. Let's all pick our tier one, I guess. and madrie yeah So it's Big Thunder, Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan, Space Mountain, Tiana.
Now, note that Seven seven Dwarves are and Tron are separate purchase, so you can purchase those individually. So that one, although you're not tier one. Seven Dwarves. OK, yeah, I would. I would not pay money for that for an individual. I i really like Seven Dwarves, but like I would probably not pay for it now. I mean, with Tron being right there, I would not pay for Seven Dwarves. Yes. um ah So OK, my pick for tier one is Space Mountain. I think I go Jungle Cruise here. Sorry, did you have more there on Space Mountain? Good. Well, I just feel like it's the Space Mountain is always habitually the longest way, which yeah, I know Jungle Cruise gets up there too, but I feel like Space Mountain, no matter the time of day, is the hardest one to get.
Well, plus it breaks down all the time. So yeah, you always have that problem. Yeah. I think I go jungle cruise with this. Um, you know, I, I think now every, I can't remember the last time I've been to the parks where jungle cruise was not like a 45 to 60 minute wait. is It is right. And it's, it's, it's a tough line to to sit in too. It's just, yeah, I would, that's what I would go with. Okay. I could see that. Yeah, but, and then my, well, Damon, I don't know if you want to do a tier one, play this game. this is like You do Tiana's just, uh, I feel like you'd have to do Tiana's because it's new. I don't yeah know if there's another option because that's going to be packed. Yeah, it's going to be, I mean, its and the thing is, is I like to use those for rides that like, they're not worth the wait.
But you've got to go on them anyway. And I feel like Tiana's is 100% that. I feel like Jungle Cruise is kind of the end of that, too, actually. Yeah, Jungle Cruise can kind of be like that. I mean, it's not worth the wait. But you know you have to do it. Yeah. Then let me not want to wait, right? Yeah, no, I can do like a 10 AM Tiana's. And I don't. I don't like that either. Why? Because it's, I mean, but it's like 90 degrees at 10 a.m. right now in Florida. Well, okay, right now. It's so hot. It's so hot. It is so hot. Okay, fair. We went out recently. What was it, Tom? It was like 106 or something? Yeah, the heat index here yesterday was 109. Yeah. I went outside. We played tennis and it was like, I was tired for a day and a half. I don't even know what happened. I was like,
Dude, the sun ranges for the sun drains you. It wasn't even like we were playing at like 10 in the morning and I was like, I came home and that whole day is just like a wash. And then even the next day I woke up it was like, wow, I'm so tired from tennis yesterday at 10 o'clock in the morning. Yeah, it's hard hot. youll you'll This is a side side note. but So we have a community pool, right? And so we like we go to the community pool usually when it's hot. Well, the day before 4th of July, somebody brought ah into the pool a pair a of scuba goggles that had glass in them and the glass broke. Why did they do that?
I don't know. I didn't even know they made scuba goggles with glass with glass in them. I thought everything was plastic. You can get prescription ones. I guess, yeah. but they I guess they didn't know it was glass, but the pool has been shut down ever since. and It's been, you know like you said, Damon, almost 100 degrees and everyone in the neighborhood is losing their minds because everyone wants to go to the pool because it's so hot, but it's closed. so you know cause They got to drain it. They got to clean it. They got to refill it. It's just a whole thing. so We don't even have a community pool, which is brutal. Yeah, I think everyone in our neighborhood has a pool. Because we are fufu neighborhood, right? Like, everyone's got their own pool. But like, we were just like, man, my kids are all like, there was about a week that we're like, Oh, let's get a pool. And then everyone was like, well, who's taking care of it? And, you know, they all did the spider man thing. And no one wanted to take care of it. No one wanted to check it. No one wants to do any of that. So we're just like, oh we're out. like But now like this week, everyone everyone's like, you know, where's our pool? And I'm like, there is no pool. There's no pool. a lake community.
You can go swimming in the lake. I would never swim in a lake, ever. It's gross. There's no lake that's not gross. All lakes are gross. Sorry. David, you're probably of a brain eating amoeba. Amoebas are out and all lakes are gross. It's too cold for that up here. That's the big difference. It doesn't have to be warm water. You just get gross. yeah ah Anyway, sorry, that's a side note. All right, back to this. I'm definitely getting like hate. commonness So second second tier for Magic Kingdom, I probably go Haunted Mansion. ah And then ah just because of my daughter, I would probably go Winnie the Pooh because she loves Winnie the Pooh. So and I feel like the rest of the things on here usually don't get that long of a line or the line moves pretty quickly. So that's probably the ones I do.
I mean, my family, it's haunted mansions pirates all day long. Yeah, I figured. Yeah. like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. All right. So unless they even wants to continue playing this game, we can. No, I'm not playing this game because it's going to be three hours before you guys are done. No, we're going to go quickly. yeah ahco You frozen ever after Remy and are soaring around the world as tier one. Guardians of the galaxy is separate purchase. Yeah. i don't like any of those i mean i know i know you like so i mean
Uh, it's not, it's not my favorite. I'll be honest. Like, uh, as far as Epcot rides go, i'm I'm not like hard up to go ride Soren. So I guess, I guess I could do Soren or well it might would be a tossup between Soren and Ratatouille. Well, let's pretend that test track is back. Okay. Let's pretend test track is back. Soren test track. Yeah. So test tracks, probably your number one, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I probably go frozen just because Pentel comes back though. I mean, there's there's yeah isn't there like a. could Could it be worse than what it was right now? No, no. I mean, everyone. No, no. These be worse. Yeah. Yeah. um yeah i've I've seen worse. What effect was Mickey and many racers based on the video game? We just didn't know. Or if they brought back superstar limo as. Oh, no, why would they? No, I think Mickey and Minnie's cartoon racers would be the best race. The Roadsters show. Yeah, they're still calling a test track, though. So, you know, I'm just I'm just thinking that would be fun. Well, the problem with EPCOT two is that once you're past tier one, it's like, what else are you going to do? Right. Like, you're not going to do this short film festival. You're probably not going to do figment. You're not going to mission space. You don't need to do season team of friends. Spaceship Earth do living with the land.
yeah Yeah, but that usually doesn't have a long line. I mean, sometimes it does, but. It's still fast pass it. I don't care. I mean, if I was paying for a multi pass, I would, I would fast pass living with the land. It's a fair point. It's fair point. All right. So Hollywood Studios, Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, Millennium Falcon, uh, Smuggler's Run, uh, Rock and Roller Coaster or Slinky Dog Dash and Star Wars, Rise of the Assistants is the one that you have to pay extra for. Hmm. I think, I think I would actually do Mickey and Minnie's. Yeah, that would be my choice as well. It's probably but probably my daughter's favorite ride at Disney. I'd have to come on and say that the same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah i think I think that is the ride to pick right now for that. Yeah. Yeah. Unless you're a big Slinky Dog fan, which you know some people are.
And I guess rock and rollercoaster too, a lot of people that are like, it's not even worth the the time. that's like and on those way better man Like, yeah, we we did it and it was not like my my son was like, eh, like that interrupt it again, I don't think I think wrote it like a few times. And if I never wrote that again, like, what am I missing? Yeah. And and rock and rollercoaster is pretty easy to like, I could do standby for that. I don't need to. They have single rider too, I think, right? You can bust through on single rider on that one too, I think. I think they have in the past. I don't know if they always do, but if there is, yeah, I mean, say exactly. Yeah. I'd have no problem doing a single rider for that. And then what's what's tier two, like, I think the only rides left are star tours and tower terror.
or Or Toy Story Mania. I would probably do Toy Story Mania as one. I would do Tower Terror. Yeah, I could see that. I mean, Star Tours is another one of those that can have like an hour wait and then, you know, a couple hours later have like a 10 minute wait. So you never know because they can move a lot of people through that thing. So actually, I may i might do Alien Swirling Saucers. My my daughter loves that ride. So um and it is fun. I mean, it's a fun ride. It's like the whip. It's good. That's not a bad choice. Yeah. Yeah, yeah it's a good time. All right. And then Animal Kingdom has no deers. So, uh, we would, we would probably end up doing, uh, Kilimanjaro safari. And I guess maybe Navi river journey. We never, I've only done Navi river journey once. And, but I think my daughter would like it. Um, but yeah, I mean, there's not, other than, uh, that other target Javatar ride.
It's so weird that you have that opinion. It's it's just so funny. But I i would do Everest for a multi house. Let's go back now and actually think about this. You get, ah you know, GTX 4090 versus what that screen is putting out. And I'm telling you, your home computer looks better. That's it. There's no discrepancy now. There's no doubt in my mind a brand new graphics card, brand new computer looks better than what you're seeing on that. right Yeah, I mean, technology wise, it has advanced. We have advanced past that. Absolutely. That's what I'm saying. So that ride was just a misstep for me. Well, but that was you're talking now. The ride now is when it came out, it was about the same. I felt like now it's been surpassed. I think the idea for a couple of grand. I always thought the graphics on it were pretty good. So I i never thought that that was an issue, but.
You're not a get not computer graphics guy. like you know It's not even that. I just i go on the ride and I enjoy the ride. It feels right real to me. it's not it's it's It's not I'm sitting there looking and going, oh, I get a little better over there. I get better than that. i hate You're not getting a ah bike that has breathing. You're not getting the bike. I agree with that. It's the whole experience. It is, yeah. that there There is more to it than just the screen. I feel like as the ride continues to get you know older and older and older, it's just a ride that just is not holding up in terms of technology wise. I feel like it's a little bit of a misstep. It is definitely, it's going to hit that problem. You're you're exactly right, Damon, that the the ride, because it was built with certain technology at a certain time,
It's not going to be timeless like a lot of other Disney rides. Yeah, and it's expensive. So then what happens? I mean, I guess people still go on it, but you get what I'm saying. Like, it's just not pushing any boundaries. I feel like there was definitely a ride there that could have been a little bit better. The weird thing about Pandora as a whole is, you know, I feel like they're trying to push it back on us with sequel movies. Right. But it wasn't it wasn't a big like I know Avatar made a lot of money because a lot of people went for the spectacle of it, but it does not have the same staying power as a lot of other IPs in Disney. And I feel like it's going to hit a point where people are going to be like, what is this?
What is Pandora? like like it Because even as it is, it was like you know they released that second movie. I didn't hear hardly anything about it after it came out. It made more of their billion dollars, though. It did. yeah Again, it's you know great. you know great the you know some there They've got a great engine around hyping these movies. And it's a slice of time. A billion dollars is a slice of time. It's not. Yeah. Yeah, like like I said, that the the point is, is it like it's it doesn't feel like Avatar has, to me, it doesn't feel like it's going to stick the same way that like a Star Wars or, you know, Harry Potter is is another example, or, you know, it was aome michael is that universal stuff. I know. but That's my favorite. But it's, you know, you know, the reason that they do these things in parks is because they are big IPs, but it feels Avatar feels weird.
In that way, I agree with you. It's built on a technology that's a slice of time, which is how exactly how I feel about that's how everything is, though. I mean, you can't know it's not. That's the whole thing. Fraggle Rock, which OK, I'm going to say Fraggle Rock. What's Fraggle Rock? belt Is it built on technology in a slice of time? no No. But you're talking about a highly, you're talking about the ride. It's an extraordinarily and highly tech tech about the movie. IP first. that That's what we're referring to. We're talking about yeah the IP. The IP is a slice of time for a billion dollars that's based on technology. I mean, the the hype around Avatar was technology. Technology can get to the point where it's irrelevant, right? Everything's going to look perfect.
We're going to get that. Well, listen, I also would say that I don't care that much about IP if I enjoy a ride. I've never seen an Avatar movie, but I still enjoy Flight of Passage. And I'm sure if I went to Harry Potter stuff, I don't care about Harry Potter, but I'd still enjoy it. I don't know. I don't feel like I need to know the IP in and out to enjoy something. Would I enjoy it more if I was into it? Maybe. But for me, if it's a fun ride, it's a fun ride. That's at the end of the day for me. That's fair. i But like I said, to Damon's point is that, you know, the reason that these things stay in the park, though, like it to me, it feels weird that like everything else in Disney kind of clicks with IPs and then there's Pandora. Right. Like it just doesn't click for me. I agree. I never thought it should have been an Animal Kingdom anyway, but
all well Anyway, that that was that was an aside because we you know yeah we were talking about multi-passes and this went way longer than we thought it would. honest Honestly, i did not expect i you know i I would totally agree with you if the last movie hadn't had done as well as it had done. I thought maybe that one was going to falter after being such a big gap between the last movie and this one. and then But you can say that with anything. like so A popular song right can be you know top billboard, but have no nostalgia factor, and you don't ever go back and listen to it again. And that's what Avatar feels. Of course, it did awesome when it came out, but that was based on that time and technology and things like that. I just don't think it holds up well, and I think it was just a bad decision. It's washing the pan. Thank you. It's the difference between like
you know Frozen was not a flash in the pan frozen is is a thing right in the end of all over time. you You know the reason that we're even only the reason that we're talking about avatar is because we're going what is like. Like i don't even get what else there is about it like there's two movies and there's a theme park. What else? What else is there? There's no song. There's no actors, actresses that like there's there's not a lot to kind of I mean, you don't see kids with avatar lunchboxes. Yeah, well, mean like, yeah i so about or not yeah, I get what you guys are saying, but I almost feel like we're just we're thinking about this in our own little bubble of we don't care about avatar because I know I know some some people that know the Na'vi language, you know, like I have some friends that are very into it.
I don't know if that's something I would even be saying out loud. I'm just saying, I know yeah i friends that very into it that like probably went and saw the new movie like four times, you know, it's there are they do exist, but what you're saying they don't there's not as much of them. but I think Trevor hit it perfectly, right? Like you'll see a lot of lunchboxes out there, but I doubt you're seeing too many avatar. No, you're probably right. And I think that's the other thing, too. It's also not catering to Disney's actual audience. You know, that's what I feel like. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, at least it feels tacked on. but so yeah So yeah, don't don't waste your multi-pass on Navi River journey for that reason. I mean, I like that ride. Don't waste it on, like, passage. I don't think it's a waste on a flight of passage. Well, even but no we were talking about the multi-pass. Flight of passage. You got to pay for a single lane. do. a single thing Ridiculous. It's such a complicated ride. All right. ah but But you're the only one that has that opinion. That's not true. There's a lot of people who have that opinion. That ride is... They don't exist in our little circle.
Okay, so none of the listeners of the show have that opinion. I'm sure some of the listeners of the show have that opinion. I mean, I'm sure some do, yeah. But I mean, that ride has all kinds of accolades. A lot of people love that ride that are not even Disney people. Like, my sister's not a Disney person. She loves that ride. She's a woman. What? When's the last time she went on it? Last time she was at Disney. So, I mean. Does she have an Avatar lunchbox? No, she doesn't. live un pointpron okay But so but it' ah again, the IP doesn't matter, I feel like. yeah Tom, you you are right. you know my My parents went on it. they They thought it was an awesome ride. And yeah, same thing. They have they don't care about Avatar or anything. But you know the ride itself, you know I see your point, Damon, that it's like you know the the screen thing can be off-putting.
You know, this goes back to dis Disney kind of does a good job of eat. Like it's not just, there's not just one aspect to the ride. Like there is actually a lot more to it that yes, you could watch the video at home in higher fidelity than the screens they have there, but there's other aspects of the ride that you're not going to get at home because we're not paying, you know, $12,000 for a customized bike thing that sprays water in your face but while you're riding it, right? like That stuff is also upgradable though too, right? like They could refurb the ride and and put in you know better graphics. and but I mean, they can do that anytime. They could, but but it's always behind the eight ball is the problem because well yeah yeah it's the Yeti. It's be the Yeti all over.
but Yeah, that's I mean, they actually said this in the imaginary story, where it's like, when they're building a ride, like, typically from the time they start designing it to when it actually goes into, you know, the park is like four years, right? So like, they're designing it with four year old technology always. And I think somebody should have like, then been like, wait a second. You know, graphics gets get better so much quicker than four years. What are we doing here? Somebody's using screens. Yeah, the screens are limiting, unfortunately.
Yeah. They really are. All right, let's ah let's do this last one. That's all you. Yeah, I know. so So Laura says, tips, tricks, suggestions for toddlers slash young kids at Disneyland. OK, so I guess the biggest thing for for young kids in Disneyland, um the two places that you'll probably spend the most amount of time are Fantasyland and Toontown. um Note that Toontown recently had a refurb. I have not been there since the refurb so I don't know, or I can't give you a lot of extended information on that. um For Fantasyland though, um when you when you are there, um it's a lot more condensed than than Disney World if you've been to Disney World. so So you will find that it is easier to get around, but also be prepared. Don't go in there with the huge stroller because
In disneyland they do not have as much space as they do a disney world and if you know if you're coming in with the the the double stroller anything you're gonna have a bad time so so keep that in mind yeah you know try and. Try and remember that it is a smaller space um but yeah really you know you know i guess. for For younger kids, like I said, you know I feel like a lot of the focus is in Fantasyland because there's a lot of dark rides there that that kids tend to enjoy. or But I guess also you know you know your kids because some of the dark rides can scare kids as well. um But like I said, between Fantasyland and Toontown, those are probably your your biggest like try and get stuff done there. And you know it does follow similar rules to
Disney World. And, you know, we we talked about Peter Pan, the Disneyland Peter Pan is better for those that know. It's not a discussion. And um yeah, like, like, you know, you you got a rope drop, like, like, that that's the reality is that, you know, if you want to do certain things with your kids, um be prepared to get them up early. And also, you know, don't, don't try and run them to the end of the day, either. but Like, these are just general rules for traveling with your kids is, you know, don't don't uh don't you know plan to have them out and about for you know 12 hours straight or if you do you know make sure that you've got you know you've got plans to to nap with them somewhere you know whether to take them back to the room or let them nap in the stroller or whatever um yeah ah but yeah i think that's the big thing is you know you know really just focus your time on fantasy land in toontown with with your young kids and then in uh
um In California Adventure, i mean Pixar appears really where you're going to want to be as well. like like that's That's a lot of the the rides that are more targeted towards younger kids. because um It doesn't have doesn't have like a toontown the same way that that they do in Disneyland proper. so Um, I guess that's my only thing with California adventures. I feel like if you, you know, if you have young kids and you only had one day to pick between the two, I would go to Disneyland before I go to California adventure. Cause I don't feel like there is enough there for, for younger kids. Um, yeah. Yeah. So yeah, hopefully that, uh, I mean, yeah, hopefully that helps you with, uh, you know, with your, your young, young kids in Disneyland.
Yeah, there you go. Thanks, Trevor.
ah so i wanted to talk about I wasn't sure if we could talk about this one or not, but I think it's an interesting conversation. so there's ah There's a new law in Florida that DVC owners can be evicted ah from from the hotel, which has actually been a problem in the past because Disney has had unruly DVC members. It can't really do a whole lot with them because they technically are owners. And that there was there was an incident that happened with this pretty pretty recently where they tried to, ah try to you know, had an unruly guest and they couldn't get rid of him from the resort because he was a DVC owner.
But now they can. Yeah. You know, I guess I never, I never thought of it that way the or I've never yeah had that sense of entitlement that, ah you know, be ah yes, technically I'm an owner as well, but I would never go onto a property and be like, you know, you can't tell me what to do. I, you know, I i own here. Yeah. i Yeah. I mean, that that that behavior in and of itself, ah you know, is very sad. And, you know, hopefully, yeah, you know, course i'm I'm glad that, you know, this if there was an incident, somebody did get evicted because of this. Yeah. Yeah. You know, sorry, it serves you right for for being that kind of person. Don't be that person. Yeah. But yeah, I guess so. So how does how does this work exactly? Is it just that if
Like i'm reading this article and i guess correct me if i'm wrong on this but if if they. It kind of gives them the same power as if it was just a regular yeah um the customer yeah just like a regular hotel guests yeah yeah so so you know if you if you're if you're overly drunk or you know being just. you know, you know, generally unpleasant to people. Generally unpleasant. I like that. we We'll leave it at that. um Yeah. Because they they have a list of things. here I'm reading some of these things. I'm not going to read through them all. But yeah, basically, they're saying, you know, yeah, if you're if you're being if you're being not a nice person, they reserve the right to
evict you from the premises, which I guess it makes sense that they would have to have specific legislation around this because like you said, it because it's an owner thing. saying, you know, well, I own this property, you can't do anything to me about it. This gives Disney the control to say, yeah, well, you're you may be an owner here, but, you know, we still reserve the right to not have you on our property if you're going to be like that. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Well, listen, i'm I'm all for anything that allows Disney to make decisions like that because you shouldn't just be able to be unruly and and awful to other guests and then, you know, without any sort of consequences. Right. Yeah.
so I noticed that, sorry, the one one thing on here that stands out to me is they said it fails to check out by the agreed upon time. That's that. That's got to be really doing that. Are they squatting on? a Yeah, like you see, you can't you can't make me leave. I'm or I own here like, OK. I don't know. I mean, i I would assume it's happened before if it's showing up in here, right? of that That's kind of cringy, though, if you're doing that, like. Yeah. I mean, I just don't like the the the entitlement of the DVC owner that's just like, I'm a DVC owner. I could do whatever I want. you know like That's not how things work. No, you can't. You're still in somebody else's house. ah yeah It's like a timeshare. Even with a timeshare, you still have to abide by rules of the company that you're doing the timeshare through. So you know it's not yours. you
yeah and Truthfully, you own like a doorknob in that resort. okay you know and you know You don't own much more than that. like you know Even if you have hundreds and hundreds of points, you you don't own a lot of that resort. I think i think it works out to technically you have like you know, three feet of space that is technically yours. some thes Nice. So go stand in that corner. Yeah. Go stand in your corner. Go stand in your corner until, yeah. Okay. But anyway, so this last thing before we do our ad here, actually let's go do our ad and then we'll talk about country bear. Uh, cause I want to talk about this really quick cause I, I'm baffled by this. Uh,
Okay, this week we have a DVC resell market, a world of DVC company that is the leader in the DVC resell industry with 13 former Disney Vacation Club guides and three former Disney Vacation Club quality assurance managers. If you're thinking of buying DVC browse the largest selection of DVC resell listings anywhere with DVC experts on hand seven days a week to answer your questions. If you're thinking of selling turn to the friendly professionals at DVC resell market where over 98% of listings sell within 30 days. In 2023, DVC Resale Market helped over 4,400 families join or add on to their memberships. Go to slash Welcome Home or call 1-844-DVCPROSE. That's 382-7767. When you speak to them, be sure to let them know the Welcome Home sent you.
All right. Thank you, Trevor. So ah Country Bears is coming back soon here, right? Yep. Which is great. I love Country Bears. It's great. So July 17th, it's going to be reopening. But for D23 members, they're doing, and actually this is happening ah tomorrow. this If you're listening to this right now, you're youre this is happening today. um And so ah that's when I'm sorry, that's when the tickets go on sale. um But D23 gold members will be able to buy a $49 ticket to be amongst the first people to experience this new show. um And that to me is is kind of crazy. That's steep. Yeah, I'm just like, you know, I love country bears, but like, why am I going to do that? Like, i
I could just go i could go to the show like a week a couple weeks later. like Yeah. so so ah Okay. This is what you're getting if you buy this ticket. So admission to the Magic Kingdom park at check-in for the event, admission is valid only for entry immediately following the check-in for the specified showtime. So you don't even get like, like the you don't have, or I guess- That's a pretty good deal though. 49 bucks for, yeah. so So it's just for this, so it's not part of a regular park ticket, but it's nice that they're they're not making you do this on top of a park ticket. So that's true okay. um Private preview showing of the Country Bear Jamboree, a commemorative print.
yeah um And then free show discussion with the Walt Disney archives and Walt Disney Imagineering. So that that might be worth it. Yeah, that that's the part to me that seems that that's the sell here more than the actual show is, you know, there you get to watch the new show, obviously, but being able to, you know, listen to, you know, Imagineering's thought process and to talk to people from the archives, that's That's to me the price of admission, right? Like that's, that's what you're paying for. buts ah I mean, I would go to that just to do that, but just to see the new show. No. Yeah. Yeah. I'm i'm not, I'm not that hard up to go watch country bears. I do find it cute that they, they've named the, uh, show times after the, uh, sun bonnets. Yeah, that's pretty funny. Yeah.
ah I'll be interested though. i Somebody had posted this in one of either our group or the Discord, I don't remember which. so I don't know if somebody's planning on doing this, but if you are, let us know. I would be interested to hear how it goes. but ah you know i just I just think this is interesting because I feel like I don't remember them doing this before where they had a paid member event for the opening of a new round. When I say member, I mean D23 member, not DVC member. i should should draw a line between those two. But um yeah, it's just interesting to me that they're doing that. i I'm not against it, I guess, if you want to do it. I just don't know if I would pay $49 plus the $7 processing fee. you know So $56 a pop. That just feels like a lot. Yeah. It's an interesting idea. Yeah. I mean, I guess I think about like because they used to do like like lunch things with Imagineers and stuff. Yeah.
I guess this is kind of on par with that, but i but I guess for a lunch, or I guess you're still paying for per person, so yeah, okay, it's not any different. I accidentally had lunch with an Imagineer, a former Imagineer, when i was when I did Keys to the Kingdom, we sat down for lunch and we just happened to sit down at a table with a guy and he's like, oh yeah, I worked on like, you know, I think it was Tokyo Disney. And he was like, yeah, I used to be an engineer and he used to do this. I mean, who knows? He might have been full of it. But but he seemed to know a lot for somebody that, you know, just just a random guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, I believed him. So anyway.
Yeah. Let's talk about eat to the beat. I always enjoy that. So my wife saw this list of acts that are going to be at food and wine. Yeah. And she got very excited actually. Yeah. but we're not going ah my My wife read these off to me too. And, and I realize that that we are old. Yes, we've got old. Because when when all when I know the the vast majority of the bands that are playing at an Epcot festival, like, yeah, yeah yep which I mean, to be fair, this is a good lineup.
I mean, it really is. And my wife was like, ah, I'm so bad that we're not going. But I mean, I was like, which one would you go for? Because, you know, you're talking they've got the fray, Sugar Ray, Hoobastank, Yellow Card, Yellow Card. Yeah, Yellow Card. Really? Yellow Card? Wow. Okay. Tiffany, MercyMe, Sheila E, The Wanted. I don't know who The Wanted is. Um, Louis Figueroa was that Maui, Ricky, uh, Jesse and joy. Don't know who that is. Uh, Joey Fatone and friends. Yeah. Okay. We know who Joey Fatone is. Uh, we the Kings. I don't know who that is. Switchfoot. I know who Switchfoot is. David Archuleta was that guy on like, but see i don't know know I don't know who that is. I've heard the name before.
Hanson's, Hanson's a surprising one too, but yeah this I've been seeing like Hanson seems to be making a bit of a comeback because I've been seeing like YouTube shorts and stuff for a bit now. No, yeah, for sure. And and that's ah yeah that that's an interesting one. that's That was the one I think that my wife was like, oh, I would love to see Hanson, right? Because like that was ah that was a big thing, obviously, when when we when she was you know she was of that age when they were they were big. So yeah um let's see. Boys to men.
Boyz II Men, yep, so there's Boyz II Men, also a Smash Mouth and 98 Degrees, which, you know, my wife was also excited about the 98 Degrees. 98 Degrees is actually ending the festival, so. ah I mean, I guess what else is Nick Lachey doing?
um But yeah, this it's it's a kind of a pretty good lineup this year. I feel like I know way more of the bands than I used to know. yeah I didn't know Smash, but they're still around. i I thought their lead singer here passed away, didn't he? He did, but they, like most of the band has been replaced at this point. Oh, okay. So it's one of those bands where like nobody original is left in it. I think the only original member is like the guitarist or something like that. she Okay. Well. That's interesting. so i mean Listen, I think this is a pretty good list. and you know I'm still surprised that Boyz II Men is does this because I feel like you could still... I think like my wife saw Boyz II Men in like an arena just a couple of years ago. like They're not that irrelevant at this point. you know
um yeah but i feel like maybe We said this before is you know i'm getting these these bands to come in and play you know disney's off obviously offering them something you know you know when they're they're being paid. What do you know you know i'm sure a lot of people are are are you know all these bands are going you know ah you know i get to you know play for you know two days or whatever. And, you know, maybe they are working it into a larger vacation for themselves. Like, you know, yeah, you know, maybe it works out. That's like, hey, you know, I come play for two days, but then, you know, maybe Disney's giving them, you know, you know, free, free hotel for a week or free food, free hotel, free admission. Yeah. It's like a little vacation see vacation.
I guess, you know, if I, if I had a bet or, you know, if if Disney was, you know, approaching me with, you know, Hey, do you want to play at this thing? I'd be like, yeah, here are my terms, right? You know what, you know, I'll do this, but I basically want a vacation out of it. Right. Yeah, exactly. Or, you know, obviously they're, they're probably getting paid, you know, they're getting paid either way. So like you said, you know, somebody like boys to men, they're probably just working this into their schedule with, you know, whatever other touring they're doing. Yeah. So yeah, that's true. Why not? Right. All right, so let's, uh, let's do this. Let's do this patent thing because I want to make a, I want to make a bold prediction. I would have recklessly speculate because so Disney just filed a permit for a, like with what they're calling here a next generation boat ride. Uh, so, you know, boat rides, typically you're just so terrible. Why so terrible? I mean, it's nothing. What do you mean? This is a, this is a nothing burger.
How is it nothing? Dude, it's turning a log flume. Yeah, that's a thing you can't do now. that's Yeah, but it's nothing. Go ahead. Go ahead, Tom. You make your recce speculation about something that ah is very yeah nothing burger. Well, I mean, I don't understand why you're saying that, because i the last time- It's not changing anything, really. Like, so you you're pointing somewhere different. Okay, you can make tighter turns. Yeah, that's a big thing. Go get it. You can't do that with water rides. Okay, go ahead, Tom.
Are you impressed by anything anywhere, David? I am, but not this, that's for sure. all right The dome was cool. Give me the dome. What happened to that? The dome's not impressive. It's just another screen. Yeah. Why why is that impressive to you and this isn't? It's the dome. digge I envision the dome as the thing like in Las Vegas with a boat in the middle of it that's just floating along like it feels like it's in the middle of the ocean. That's impressive. But you can find that the dome is impressive in Las Vegas. That's what i'm that's what what what um my point is, though, here. that they're gonna they're they're both They're quoting Moana for both of these things. Sure, but the little turning of the boat for the log flume isn't as impressive as the dome for me. yeah I mean, this is turning a log flume. They even say in there that it's like it's low tech. It is. It's very low tech. That's what I'm saying. so like It's nothing.
Yeah, it's more about what they could do with it. And that's kind of what I'm looking at it as. I mean, this low tech might be like 16 billion, so you never know. 16 billion. Well, what I'm saying is because they're quoting both, they have Moana in both of these with the giant screen that you're talking about, Damon, as well as the potential that they can move the boat in different ways. I mean, I think they're going to announce a Moana boat ride at D23. I think it's going to happen. I don't know where. I think they might as well, but I just don't think the two patents together are what they're saying. I mean, it could be one or the other. It could be two different rides, but I don't think the patent's mesh. One's a log flume, and one's a dome, a free-floating dome. But no, but that's what you can do with the log flume patent. You can move the boat off of a track, basically. You can make it so it can go anywhere, essentially.
So that's that's what you're talking about here. You can turn the boat. I mean, that's not what this patent says. The first patent outside of the dome is just being able to turn it in a track still. Yeah. And I feel like the dome is outside of a track. So I feel like we're talking about two separate things here. No, but like what if you come up to the dome and then the boat turns to for you to face the dome? You know what I mean? like But I think you're in the dome. This is a combination of a trackless ride system. or and so Utilizing stuff like they've done in Ratatouille and Mickey and Minnie's in conjunction with a water ride, which
um Yeah, it's interesting that like, I guess the the part that's unique about this is that, you know, as it stands right now, log flume rides are... They're forward facing. Absolutely. Yes. They're forward facing and this will have the ability that, i you know, and I'm sure this will be, you know you know, part of a storytelling thing that the boat will, you know, as it's moving forward, you'll turn 180 degrees so that you're, you know, you know or even 90 degrees so it's moving sideways or backwards. And then, you know, for them to show off, you could spin like completely, right? Like you can like get hit by a wave and spin in a circle, right? Yeah. I don't think Disney wants to do that because they want, you know, you know, even though it's a water ride, they don't want people throwing up in the water. But yeah, it's yeah. So, so it, I get,
it's um It is low tech, but it's also you i think that the thing is is you know it's giving them more of the control that like a trackless ride system has on land, but on a water ride, which is cool. like it that's It feels like the whole point of log flume is the bouncing and hitting the sides and stuff like that. That's the point. it Yeah, I mean, that that that that absolutely is. I agree with Damon there that, you know, for the amount of, I've ridden a lot of different- I'm not bumping into the vacuum, the little flume in front of me. It's not a lock. Yeah, but they're just like, the the fact that they're free floating kind of adds to the charm of it. And yeah, the you know, the bumping around and and all that. I feel like you've kind of removed that.
Well, you could still slam into the people in front of you when you're at the station, right? yeah That's usually where it happens. but yeah Based on like what you can kind of see here, are you bumping the sides, though? I mean, maybe? I'm not sure, actually. It's it's interesting. I'm trying to kind of understand how this pattern works. But it's also, if you look at it now, they can turn these boats now, but it's the way that they do it on Frozen, where it's like you go into a little channel and then it moves the boat and then it goes backwards from there. But that's the thing that breaks all the time, is moving you that way. going between three different channels. Yeah. So that's not like the boat itself rotating or it's a it's a big like turntable. Exactly. Moving the boat. This is the boat will have the ability to freely turn or not. It's an omnimover boat. It's an omnimover boat. That's what can happen. Yeah. Like they've announced patents like where we're walking across floors and then we're talking about three wheels on a square. Like this is just not it for me, man. I understand. I'm also just looking at it too. They put out concept art a while ago for a Moana boat ride. There was concept art. Yeah. If it's a combination of both of these, then that's a different story. That's what I'm thinking it's going to be. If that's the case, then yeah, then I'm excited. Because again, I'm more excited about that dome. But if you've got to get me to the dome with this turning this way, that way stuff, then sure.
Yeah. Well, I'm so there's this piece of concept art here that's showing and what looks like a big drop, like almost like a splash mountain kind of drop. And then you're in just like a lake. And, you know, it looks like you turn sideways for the drop. Oh, there we go. Have some interest then yeah were backwards. soon So like it's like riding down a wave kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I would be cool. Yeah. So the interesting thing, though, is this concept art was a while ago, and this was what they were you know proposing that maybe they were going to do with Dynaland. And we kind of know what they're going to do with Dynaland now. So the question is, where does this end up? If this if they're still going to do this, and and i I honestly think they're going to announce a Moana boat. You have to do something. Yeah. Like, I think they're going to. I just don't know where they're going to put it. I don't know if that's a magic. Wait, is there a Moana coming out or something? Yeah, there's new Moana coming out in November. yeah So yeah.
Now, yeah, I i guess yeah would they would have announced something earlier if that's the case, though. Well, but I mean, D23 is next month. I mean, it's it's. But that's what I'm saying, though, like if you so you announce, yeah, I guess to make the announcement with the movie. OK. Well, and and also, you know, they're going to start working on a lot of this stuff. Yeah. So and also, like, let's not forget, too, the first Moana movie, I think, was the most streamed movie of any movie last year. Like it was still haven't seen it. But yeah. Yeah, it was it's it's still a crazy popular. I mean, it's good rock. Yeah, it's great. I know, you know, regardless of the rock, it's a good movie. yeah like When I watched Jumanji, I'm just like, Oh, the rocks in it like not like, Oh, let me go watch Jumanji because the rocks in it. Like, i listen, you know, you're not rewatching the Robin Williams one, because that's what I'm doing. That's a good one, too. Yeah, I feel like there's the rock like,
Even like in Jumanji, you have like Kevin Hart, like the new one and stuff like that. So I feel like it's a little bit less of the rock. I feel like this is going to be like all rock. And I'm just not about that it. I mean, it could be. It's a good question. I'm not talking about the first movie. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. i It's to me, it's like. I don't know. I've just got I have rock fatigue, I think that's like I just think he's in too much stuff. And I mean, I like the rock when he was a wrestler. Like he was he was he was a great wrestler. He was fun. But opinion of the rock has eroded. It has. I mean, it has. I don't mind him in this, though. I feel like he's good in Moana. But yes. And and he's not overbearing in Moana. Like he has his his song in a couple of bits, but then
It does it does actually focus on the one it doesn't focus on Maui. Yeah, Maui is a smaller part of it. So, um yeah, but listen, I think it'll be interesting da because, you know, like to your point, the dome thing like if they can because the dome thing you write is like a motion simulator where you're it's almost like you're sitting still. But if they could make it a motion simulator that also moves and also turns and then you're going through this dome like that. I mean, that could be really cool.
I guess we're going to find out though. I really don't know. I just was guessing, but it is cool. I just worry. So having somebody in my family who is very susceptible to motion sickness and stuff. Yeah. As much as I love them pushing the envelope, I also also don't like it when they take something like this and they make it like that. Not everybody can enjoy it. I get what you're saying. Like I just hope that. I hope that somewhere along the way they stay cognizant of, you know, not everybody can handle spinning or, you know, a wave simulator inside of a ride. Right. Yeah. And I also, you know, to, to, to your point, Damon, like it's low tech, right? But what other innovations have we had in the log flume space in the past, like 50 years? It's basically all the same, right? It's to Damon's point. Yeah. You haven't needed to because people like the, you know, it's a floating, it's a floating log bumping down a channel.
like bumping back and forth between the guardrails. And ah yeah, and and that's why they tell you to keep your hands and arms inside because you don't know when the thing's going to hit the wall. you don't Yeah, that's that's that's a fair point. So yeah, no, I listen, I I think there's some cool things that can be done here. But ah what is going to be done? But I'm going to predict that they're going to be they're doing too many Moana boat patents for there not to be there's too much smoke there for there not to be fire, you know. Right. like yeah why yeah i mean And I understand that it's easy like if you're making boat you know patents that you can just keep quoting Moana because Moana is associated with a boat, but it just feels too coincidental to me. I just think i think they're going to announce something. No, I don't know where they're going to put it.
um I mean, maybe it still goes in Animal Kingdom. I don't know. but and Maybe it still goes there. um Maybe it replaces Pandora. It's not replacing Pandora. Pandora is still immensely popular. I know, I know. I'm just making it. I mean, I just looked at the app right now to see what the flat ah flight of passageway time was like 80 minutes. it I mean, it's still busy and that that thing has a huge capacity too. So, you know, on a hot day like today too. Yeah. Why would you yeah you stay in the air conditioning? That's a day you wait and standby just so you can stay in the air conditioning for extra long. Right. Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah. I guess half the standby is inside on that one, isn't it? Yeah.
Yeah. So i listen, I, you know, I don't know what this is going to look like. I don't know what's actually going to happen. I'm just speculating. I have no actual information on this other than seeing that they've done a couple of patents. That's all. I think, are and was it that they gave it a term too, just so we can. Did they? Yeah. Down at the bottom it, uh, let me find it again here. they they They gave it a name, like ah the story coaster thing. and it's called It's called a capture-pult system. Oh, that's a different one. That's a different one. Oh, that's not. So well, then why did they reference that in this article? Because it's a different pattern that they've done. ah Oh. So they had another pattern back in 2019 where they could caterpult. So they theyre created a new system that allow for ah basically just both stop the boat and also launch the boat.
So, uh, okay. So that would be built on top of yes this one. They can technically include this, says you know, they can include that technology in there too, but you know, listen, they, they patent stuff all the time and it doesn't mean they're actually going to use it. You know, but I do think that they, this is, I don't know. Like I said, there's just too many. Why would you have all these boat ride patents that you're filing if you're not designing a boat ride? You know? Yeah, that, that is true. Yeah. You know, that, you know, I know Disney likes patenting stuff just in case, but. Yeah, there like you said, there seems to be a lot of activity around it lately. It does. i'll be a I want to see if it'll if we'll show up in Animal Kingdom. I think that would be interesting. so You watch it. It'll be in the Beyond Big Thunder area. I feel like that would be a weird spot for it. It would, because then you would then you would have Tiana's and Moana right side. like You would have two log flumes side by side, which actually, oh.
The thing about that is that they could both utilize the the behind the scenes systems for ah yeah they filling and draining. so you know i I feel like Moana would fit in Adventureland. I feel like you could put Moana in Adventureland. Oh, yeah, totally. like That would fit. um if they and And there was rumors a while ago they were going to do that. remember I think remember we even talked that they there was talk of like a Moana Like, I feel like it was a roller coaster or something and and maybe even like a hotel. there was yeah Yeah, I think there there was rumor of a hotel or so. So an actual hotel like attached to Magic Kingdom. Yeah. So yeah, yeah right to the edge of Magic Kingdom. Yeah, yeah that that's insane to me. Like that doesn't seem like it'll ever happen. But who knows? the All the Beyond Big Thunder stuff. I have to wonder like it technically it would make sense from a
from a utilizing existing infrastructure standpoint to have two water rides close to one another. Yeah. but They do like to do that, right? Yeah. All right. Well, the only other thing I have, guys, is ah some ah some Disney Cruise Line stuff. I personally put the Disney Treasure stuff on here because I'm going on the Disney Treasure. And you know every time they make updates about it, I look at it and I go, hey, I'm going to walk on that. That's cool. Yeah. Like ah so, you know, that's that that is still being built. It's I mean, but it's not that far away, though, at this point. I mean, that's that's going to be December 21st is the first ah the first voyage. So um I also was enjoying everybody giving Damon a hard time about calling them boats instead of ships in the book in the Facebook group that maybe laugh.
ah um But the other the other thing they put out here too is that they're they you know the Disney dream is being ah you know is is being redone. And so one of the things that they're doing is is updating some of the offerings there. which is you know it's I appreciate that Disney's trying to constantly update things, which you know I know most of the cruise lines do. there's There's a lot of a lot of competition in the cruise line industry, so they have to do these things to keep up. But um you know one of the things they mentioned here, they're going to have revamped youth spaces, so they're going to have ah you know like a Spider-Man themed youth area, I guess. right yeah kind of Following like the um the Avengers campus in yeah Disneyland, which is very Spider-Man heavy,
Yeah. Young recruits will be able to test new suit prototypes for Spider-Man and other heroes and conduct training simulations using web technology to fend off enemies from the workshop. Can I can i go in to do this? as like Is this age restricted? Sounds like fun, right? Yeah. I mean, yes, but yeah, I feel like it would be... If your daughter wasn't there and you were there, they would probably start asking you some questions. Yeah, you probably get asked some questions. so I'm happily kidding, but kind of not. ah and I know I'm, I'm the same way. It's it's like, i I would love to try this stuff, but I don't have a young kid to go and yeah i'll try this stuff with. So I would just look like the just like a we creepy. yeah Why are you here? Well, because this is more fun than sitting on a beach chair.
Yeah, exactly. I want to do Marvel stuff. Can you have an adult Marvel lounge that I can do marvel-y things? Yeah, yeah just just bring all the fun stuff over into the adult lounge, too. Yeah. Yeah, just make it. Yeah, that's that's what we're saying. and Do that. I would i'd be all for that. There's a reason a lot of, I don't know if you've had these popping up in your area, but the the arcade bars are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, people don't want to just sit in bars anymore. They want to play arcade games while they sit in the bar and that's, yeah. Yeah, Trevor, actually, a couple weeks ago, I was in Asheville, North Carolina, which I don't know how familiar you are with. But um one of the things they have there is a ah they have a pinball museum. And so you go there and you pay you know like 15 bucks, and then you just play unlimited pinball, ah so which was a lot of fun. right like and And they also had a bar there, too. so you could you know
you could drink and they cup holders on the, on the you know, on each one of the the the the ah pinball machines. So that was fun. ah Actually, I got a high score. I never got a high score before. I was very excited to to put my initials into a machine, you know? right Anyway. Anyway, but no I like this kind of stuff, you know? Yeah. wait yeah dis Like you said, Disney does need to keep up with, ah you know, keeping these shifts up to date and, you know, offering new things. And and yeah, like you said, it's it's great that that, you know, the kids' spaces are being updated um because, I mean, I guess if I was on a boat with my kids, I would want to make sure that they're entertained for
the duration, right? And I know I just said boat and people are going to get mad at me for that. How dare you? You're not a cruise person though. I'm not a cruise person. I don't know the difference between a dinghy boat, a ship, and I don't know what else there is. Yeah, you can't get criticized for that. You don't do cruises. So that's fine. um yeah Yeah, so also they're talking about a, ah ah ah club a, betweenen the tween club is moving to deck five and there's going to be access to an outdoor deck and ballpit for eleven to fourteen year olds i mean i guess so right all pit i'd rock out with a, ball pit i guess yeah i still think about like how much ah a, shit moves and i feel like a,
A bit of a pain to maintain. I mean, but they do ice skating on these ships, you know, I mean, like, they yeah, it's not like I mean, they they still move, but it's like they've got some pretty stabilized at this point. But, you know, ah that always blows my mind is the whole ice skating thing. So like, really, that seems dangerous, but. ah Then they have ah they have a new suite too. This is ah ah the a-themed funnel suite. It's a two-story suite themed to Fantasia, so which is actually pretty cool. and There's like a really cool art deco kinda thing going on. um If you're super rich, then go ahead and enjoy this funnel suite because I will not be ever doing this.
yeah Um, as cool as it looks, it's not never going to happen. So, uh, but yeah, so, you know, just a couple updates on the dream. I, you know, we'll probably end up talking a little bit more about cruises. It's not like we're trying to jump into the cruise space or anything, but you know, as Damon's going on more cruises, I'm doing two cruises this year. I mean, well, over the next year, uh, you know, it'll be, I'll have, we'll have more to talk about as far as cruises go, but we're definitely not trying to come for the cruise shows, the Disney cruise shows for sure. We're not experts on cruises by any means.
I think it's totally fair because as you know we started this as talking about DVC and this is definitely within the realm of DVC because you know Disney cruises are part of Disney and part of DVC. so yeah yeah i think I think it's totally fair and I think it's good that you know we we explore all the things that you know you can do as part of DVC on the show. so no Yeah, exactly. All right. Anything else you guys want to talk about? ah No, I think yeah i think think I'm good for now. is there's There's not anything really to talk about yet. i feel like Like you said, i you know there's D23 coming out. i'm I'm really wondering what they're going to announce you know just after looking at this patent stuff and everything. like I'm kind of agreeing with you, Tom, that it feels like they're going to
they're going to start talking about what's next, you know, beyond big thunder slash animal kingdom expansion, whatever, like whatever the next thing is. Right. So yeah. And truthfully, listen, my, my, my prediction here is not all that, you know, original considering they kind of sort of already announced the Moana boat ride with that concept there at a couple of years ago. But I think it's going to be for real this time. And I just, I think they're actually going to, uh, it's not going to be like a concept. It's going to be, this is happening, you know, Yeah i mean that's the hard part is that they keep doing blue sky stuff and we have no idea. What's gonna actually stack right like there there's been a lot of things that they've done blue sky announcements on that.
you know we Things we've forgotten about. <unk> so yeah well Yeah, and I think part of that, they kept doing the blue the blue sky stuff because like they probably just didn't have the budget to do what they wanted to do. So it was like, until we got money to do this stuff, we're just going to give you pieces you know of what we're thinking about. you know But now they have an investment. Things are getting green lit. Yeah, exactly. they have They have money again to do this stuff, and so now we're really going to see it actually happening. Yeah. Let's wrap this thing up, man. I think we lost Damon somewhere along the way. We did. Yeah. I know. i We lost him before the, uh, the crew stuff, which, i would you but you know, I thought he'd want to talk about the crew stuff. Yeah. But what are you going to do? Yeah. I think the, uh, the water flume ride, um, I think was when he had to bow out.
Which, you know, we talked about the beginning, you know, it's fair, you know, Damon, Damon's a busy guy. You know, he's got, you know, lots of stuff going on in his life. So he can't always stay here till the end, which is all good. But anyway, yeah, just to to start wrapping this up, if you guys have any questions for us or you want to you know share your own trip reports or whatever, ah you can always find us at We love hearing and from you guys. And you can also find us on Facebook, also as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on YouTube as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on Instagram as Welcome Home Picks.
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Huge thank you, as i always, to our sponsor of this episode, DVC Resale Market, as well as World of DVC for continuing to sponsor and support the show. Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home podcast on the DVC.
I looked around from pole to pole, found a reddish sugar bowl, reading, look out, it's just my ball and chain.