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Episode 277: Island Tower, Incredibles House & Jollywood Nights image

Episode 277: Island Tower, Incredibles House & Jollywood Nights

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1.1k Plays5 months ago

On This Episode

The guys answer listener questions on topics including the Yeti, a first stay as a new DVC member, and 3 DVC wishes. DVC released the base price per point for the Island Tower along with point charts and purchase dates. Disney released a first look at the Incredible Parr House being built at the Disney neighborhood Cotino. The holidays are just around the corner and Disney released more details about Jollywood Nights including a new ice skating show. The guys discuss new food for Hispanic and Latin American Heritage Month and a new menu at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn & Cafe.

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Introduction and Casual Banter

This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Rental Store. Thank you for joining us on episode 277 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast.

Challenges of Scheduling Live Shows

I'm Tom here with Trevor. What's up? Hey, how's it going? Oh, you know, it's just, it's funny because, uh, you know, it's, it's always, uh, it's always fun. ah Interesting. Like how our weeks shape up before we do the show. ah Yeah. you know try Yeah. It's hard some like this is definitely yeah one of those weeks where we we were trying to Find a time that worked and it's it. Yeah real Yeah, real life makes it really hard to do this show and It does
It does, and I don't know if you saw Trevor, but I had thrown out on the Facebook group, ah because I feel like this is always a challenge too, right? like We do want to do a live show for Halloween. However, I don't always know what the best night of the week is for people to to join us, because we like you know when people join us live, when people are commenting, when people are watching it live. And so you know to get the the most out of it, I want to know when people want us to do it. And I think the last I looked, Friday was friday night was winning, which I was surprised by, because I feel like most people have plans Friday night. but I mean, you know, whatever. We'll figure it out. Right. So, you know, that's that's good to know, though. You know, you know, Friday makes the most sense. Yeah. Let's. Yeah. Let's plan for that. Yeah. We'll probably do it like the week before Halloween or something. like Yeah. i I was thinking that, too, because, yeah, again, the the problem with the weekend of Halloween is it's very, you you know, there are people people do parties. There is lots of stuff going on, even leading up to Halloween. So, yeah, doing it a week before probably makes no sense. So maybe we'll say tentatively October 25th, which is the Friday before. So let's let's say that tentatively. well don't Don't take our word for that yet, but like if everybody out there, if if that sounds good to you, then ah you know we' we'll look to do it then.
so Yeah, so we'll plan that. We're working on it. We'll get there. I promise we were going to do it this year. So we're going to do it this year. I think we just missed last year, but the year before we did it. So. Yeah. Yeah. it I think last year, again, it was just a matter of timing and like, and because I know like you were, you were especially busy with your, yeah, with your schooling and stuff. So.
Yeah. ah Yeah. I think yeah the chances of it happening are a lot higher this year. Yes. Yes. We're going to make it happen. I promise. Yeah. All right. so you know i put out some i you know We had some questions from last episode. Well, two of them said to go, I guess now because we did a wait list last week, um which I thoroughly enjoyed. and and We got a fair amount of good comments from it too. I thought it was a fun topic. Yeah.
Yeah. So anyway, ah but some leftover questions. Yeah. So I guess we'll start with, so so Jennifer, this is my wife. I was going to say, you're not going to see who that is. no I know she she put in some questions and she yeah she she was excited that we answered her questions. And so we got one last one here from her, which i I'm going to have to have a conversation with her about this one. I was going to say, I'm shocked that your wife would even ask this question.

Listener Questions and Ride Debates

Yeah. So so she said, would fixing the Yeti on Everest Expedition really make the ride better? Oh, honey. I mean, come on.
said she so I think the hard part for her is that she doesn't ride rides like this anymore. And she did actually ride Everest. We got to ride it the first year it came out. So oh yeah okay I did see the Yeti in action before it became Disco Yeti. um I don't think she's seen Disco Yeti and seen exactly how bad it really is. um So short and sweet, yes, it would make the ride better. it just Like I can say that purely from my own experience that yes, fixing the Yeti would make the ride better. Yeah, yeah, I could I could see that I actually. You know, I think I talked about this before I went I was ah at Animal Kingdom as as a park. It's opening year, right? So like we just happened to go to go to Disney.
in ah it was It was like 1999 and so they opened in 1998. We were there in 1999. And so we were there, but Everest was not there yet. like Opening at Animal Kingdom had not a whole lot of stuff.
Right. Kilimanjaro was the thrill ride, basically. Yeah. Yeah. And that was with the old Kilimanjaro. I was you got to experience that. So yes. Yes, I did. I again, I got to catch that right before they they switched it because I think they switched in like 2008 or something like that. So they had like the whole storyline with the poachers and everything yeah still.
Yeah, that's when they were still doing the ah the bridge that shook and everything. yeah I'm still kind of mad. They turn that off. They could still do that. I had it happen like 10 years ago, baby. But I since then, it it hasn't done the the shaking thing that it used to do, but.
You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I like that, that that you know, or we our driver that when we went out the one time had everybody leaning to the opposite side, which was always funny. That's pretty funny. Like we were convinced that like the truck was going to fall off because yeah i know it yeah we never experienced anything like that with the first time that we went on that ride. Well, it was always kind of hit or miss, because I feel like it wasn't always working. And maybe like if they were super busy, they would just skip over, because like I don't know, maybe it caused things to the to back up or something. But you know that the original version of Kilimanjaro Safari, while kind of dark, was also kind of cool, um you know just the way they like the the driver would interact with the radio. And like there was like a whole storyline. and Yeah, it was more production, for sure. Yeah. Yeah.
it was way more of a story now it's just like hey here's a reserve we're gonna go out on it with the truck which is fine like it's still great but you know there's a whole um you know there's a whole different thing so but that's the whole thing with Everest too late like kind of you know tying back to the question is that you know you know Everest actually has some really fantastic storytelling to it as well Yeah, which is, you know you know, as you're walking through the queue, it's this whole thing about, you know, exploring, uh, you know, in the Himalayas and, you know, you know, finding like all this, all this, uh, Yeti stuff, right? So like it, it definitely like builds up to like, a oh boy, like, you know, there is, there's something here, right? And the Yeti is supposed to be the finale, like, you know, yeah like even starting the ride, like, you know, that they, there's a couple of elements that, you know,
Lead up to it and like you see a shadow and everything and and so you're like, you know, you're invested and then the finale is literally just the strobe light. it really ah It really does hurt the ride for sure because that is supposed to be the finale of the ride. So yeah, I mean, I get it. It's it's you know, it's the same like if you go on like Navi River Journey and you get to the end of it.
like and And that you know very impressive animatronic is not working. It's like, well, that's kind of a bummer. they kind of ruins yeah if They've got it in B mode, where it's like yeah just like a screen instead of the animatronic, right? Yeah. Yeah. like it's it's that's It's always disappointing when something like that's not working. I also understand, though, that these are extraordinarily complicated pieces of machinery, and they break, and they're going to break. No matter how much maintenance you do to them, they're going to break. so Um, you know, it is what it is, but ah you know, yeah, I, I, I, would it be, I guess, would it be worth Trevor? Like what if they had to close down Everest for like two years to fix it? Like it was just out for two years. I mean, ah I would be fine with that because.
You know i i've hit a point with my disney trips that. I realize that i don't have to experience everything yeah in in every trip so you know for me personally it's like yeah you know if they close it down for two years fine i'll be back in you know. Two and a half years and i'll get to see it when and when they fix it right so.
That doesn't bother me. I do understand that, you know, yeah, it's it's hard to say that for people that, you know, maybe are once in a lifetime or don't go nearly as often. and um But and also, you know, like we kind of talked about is, you know, animal kingdom as a whole, um you know, it is it is a people leader as far as attractions go. Oh, yeah. So, it you know, it is a hard sell to say, you know, this will not exist for two years because that that affects the rest of the park in ah in a very negative way.

Future Changes in Disney Parks

Right. So well, and I think with all the work they're doing with, you know, basically tearing down dinosaur and getting rid of all the all of dino land, like there's no chance this is happening anytime soon. No, but but maybe after the the South America stuff is done, that might be I wouldn't be surprised if when once.
things are kind of in motion with this new area if they don't announce a closure of of Everest. I feel like though we've been doing maybe after with Yeti for a while, right? It was like, maybe after Avatar, they'll do it. Then like, you know, maybe after, you know what I mean? It just feels like, I don't know, maybe, maybe not. Yeah, but but i think I think again, it's it's further down the list because the the ride itself is still functional, I guess. sure sure probably That's probably one of the big selling points, ah and and or the selling points of keeping it open. And also, like I mean, there's there's there's rides that you know get to a much worse state than Everest before they've They fix them like it's. is palm buzz light year
It's probably a matter of they're looking at going and like yeah you're right you know that it's somewhere on on a to do list but it's. There's probably ten other things that are you know head of it right now so.
did you see Did you see the, I want to say it was Jeff suggested this in the group, but after our Marvel land talk, his suggestion was to change Tomorrowland into Marvel land.
I did see that. And, and you know, i I thought about it and I was like, it's not a terrible idea, but does Marvel belong in Magic Kingdom? I don't think so. But that's just me. But and also just you're going away from the Tomorrowland thing altogether. And I feel like every park has a some sort of kind of Tomorrowland, you know, even if it's not called Tomorrowland, it's kind of a Tomorrowland, you know, like if you just throw them out there, it's like, I mean,
I mean, to be fair, like they they've done the overlays of Space Mountain in in Disneyland because like yeah there's hyperspace mountain and all that. So, you know, it's not far removed to put, ah you know, to overlay

Advice for New DVC Members

IPs into Tomorrowland. I think as long as it was an overlay and that Tomorrowland didn't just become Marvel lands, like it could be a temporary thing, like.
Like, I think that's kind of where Jeff was going with it is, you know, you know, take some of the older rides in Tomorrowland and repair and things like Stitch's Great Escape and, like you know, repurpose that into something Marvel centric makes sense to me, but it it doesn't make sense as a long term thing. I feel like, no yeah you know, you know, Tomorrowland as a whole should not be just one giant IP. But so yeah so it's it's fine that there is IP in Tomorrowland and um but ah It should all feed into the general theme of
you know, looking forward and tomorrow and not just selling like, you know, hey, Marvel, like, yeah, yeah which which is funny because, you know, Marvel, Marvel is very futuristic. If you think about it, like, like you know, the whole Avengers thing, shirt Iron Man, all that, it is very, very forward thinking and very futuristic. But um i I personally, I agree, I don't think that Magic Kingdom is the place for it as a permanent home.
Gotcha, gotcha, yeah, I agree. I also like what do you do with Carousel of Progress, right? Because like you can't, they can't, no matter what, they're never getting rid of ah Carousel of Progress, right? Like that's, I can't imagine they would do that. it's It's too classic Disney. It's like getting rid of Small World at this point. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. but i Yeah, yeah that that would, I mean, yeah, it would feel weird if they they did get rid of it.
Yeah, but I mean, I don't know. We'll have to see what happens. We keep saying there's more more to come, right? we're gonna we're gonna There's going to be more things that get announced and and they'll be soon enough, right? ah So let's answer Miranda's question because I think it's a really good one. What resort would be a good first resort for a new DVC member staying ah to stay at Florida?
if their home resort is in California. So this is ah this is an interesting one, Miranda, because this is a tough question. and it's we've I feel like we've answered this kind of question before because it really comes down to your preferences, right? Like yes like Trevor would probably tell you Polly because Polly is right right in Magic Kingdom. So like if you want to like look at Magic Kingdom all day, Polly is a great place, you know?
Yeah, but it but so here's the problem with that though. So yes, I agree. Yeah, I would, you know, Polly would be my go to but that's for me. The thing to also factor into is that um it is so you know, you're talking to somebody who's it's not their home resort. So they're looking at seven month availability to not to say that Polly is hard to get availability for but you also need to look at the the point values as well, you know, depending on how many points this person has, um there are different resorts that um could be could get you more bang for your buck um and still meet some... I guess, yeah, like like you said, there are definitely requirements for you know where what kind of area do you want to be in or do you even care about that? Because i mean you if you didn't care about
being near a park in particular, um Old Key West and Saratoga Springs are your go-to. They are the they're the cheapest per points per night. That's true. And they also, the availability on, their they're the biggest, they yeah, they are the biggest DVC resorts. So the chances of getting availability there is very high.
So i had a seven month so um so i mean yes those are kind of your your default go to but then i would actually say you know if you're looking for something your magic kingdom i would actually explore. The wilderness lodge um hotel or okay wilderness lodge dvc areas which is.
Boulder Ridge and Copper Creek, because they because it's split into two, just because of how those those came online. um And the thing is, is that Wilderness Lodge, it is close enough to Magic Kingdom, and you also do have the boat access. So it so it does have that nice direct line to Magic Kingdom, but um it's also you know far enough away that you know it it feels... yeah you know you know i really I really do like Wilderness Lodge because it's it's the mirror of the Grand Californian.
um Well, and you know, it's one of my favorite resorts. i Yeah. like like I like both of those resorts. And and the thing is is that it's close enough that, yeah, you can get to Magic Kingdom easily, but then also getting to the other resorts is not hard because like from where from where it is, you know buses... the the I know we sometimes get on the bus system, but the bus system is reliable enough that like you can hit all the parks from somewhere like Wilderness Lodge without any real issues. So, um you know, i would I would lean towards that probably as my first experience. And then, and then yeah, you know, if you if you're really like, you know, I'm going to be at Hollywood Studios and EPCOT a lot, ah you know, there I think
Boardwalk boardwalks a great option. Well boardwalk or even Riviera Riviera is a great option because you have the skyliner say yeah, but but again, I actually I haven't looked at the point charts too close on Riviera. I don't know how close they are to pricey. Yeah, so yeah, i I feel like yeah, they're they're up there with light like in the same area as Grand Floridian and the Polly.
But that may like, yeah, there' there's it really depends on what you what you're wanting. Like it if if you just wanted to have the longest stay, Saratoga, if you have a particular area you want to be near, um look at those resorts that are near the area that you want.
Yeah, yeah yeah it's it's not a simple simple answer. It really isn't. I almost feel like it's so much nicer in California because you don't really have much of a choice. but where know Disney World has so much choice. You do, but everything funnels into the same two parks. so it's so Really, it's just a matter of, do you want to be really close to the park or a little bit further away? like I just mean, DVC wise, there's only, you know, the couple resorts here. There's a lot of resorts. Yeah. So like, you know, and to Trevor's point, Miranda, like if you're, if you love Animal Kingdom or you just love animals in general, I, you know, I've talked about many times in the show, I say at Animal Kingdom Lodge a lot. We really love it. And I don't know if you have kids coming with you or, you know, smaller kids, are really even adults. Honestly, it's one of those great resorts where if you go back to the resort, there's still stuff to do because you can just
sit out on your balcony and watch the animals. Now, again, that's going to be more points. So it really depends on kind of what you're trying to do here. Are you trying to stretch your points the furthest? Are you wanting to? And I don't know what kind of ah room category you want to stay in. You didn't either didn't mention that either. so yeah you know a studio, one bedroom, two bedroom, grand. ah you know it That all varies a lot too. But you know if I were to recommend, if you want to if you like Animal Kingdom a lot, stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge. If you are going to do Hollywood Studios or Epcot, I say Boardwalk for that, or Riviera. Riviera is a good choice too, just because of the ah of the dedicated Skyliner stop.
And if you're going to do Magic Kingdom, I'd love Wilderness Lodge and and will always, you know, say Wilderness Lodge is my favorite of the Magic Kingdom area ah resorts. So, you know, those would be my suggestions. and And that's Trevor, you know, kind of seems like we're on the same page there, too. so Yeah.
i said i And I know, yes, my favorite is, by and far, the poly. I love staying at the poly and always will. But I also understand why it doesn't work for everybody, especially like you you touched on. you know you know yeah Right now, the the room types are very limited. you know Obviously, that that is going to be changing here. But um yeah, yeah you know if if it doesn't fit your family type, um it's off the table anyway. But then you know the Grand Floridians right there, too, which again, the the problem all all comes down to, you know are you wanting to stay for a week or are you only staying for five days because you know you may but you may be able to only afford five days if you're staying at the Grand Floridian, whereas as if you stay at one of the other resorts that have less points per night. And and it also depends on your time of year too. like like you know Looking at the points charts, you know you know some weeks are better than others for
for you know how many points you can get per night so you know that that all does play into it as well like it's yeah i do want to point out too like so if you look at sarah toga or okie they are great resource but just note that they are very spread out they're very large Um, they're also not like a traditional kind of some of these other DVC resorts. Um, you know, they're outside entry into your room. Uh, you know, so it's not, you don't have the big grand lobby that you walk into and then you go to your room. Like that's so like, you know, and some people aren't okay with that. Like, you know, I, I know some people that don't do outside entry resorts. They just won't do that. They don't like that idea. They like the idea of being inside the building, which I get.
But um just just keep that in mind. you know just keep in And yeah, you know, I guess the I've not stated either of those resorts, but I have stayed at um Caribbean Beach, which is like the the thing about the Saratoga and Oki West is that they are designed very similar to a moderate resort.
Which, yeah like you said, you know it's it's outside entry to all the the rooms. It's very large and spread out. um Saratoga is like old or like Caribbean beach. um you know When we stayed there, it was you know figuring out like the the bus route through the resort. There's actually like five stops throughout the resort. yeah So it was figuring out, you know do you walk across the resort to get on to the last bus so that you're not you know doing the full loop? or like So so like you you are playing more games with like getting to and from your room is not simple. It's not just, you know oh, you get dropped off here and you walk to your room. It's like, well, you know could you could wait on the bus to get dropped off closer to your room. Or do you get off sooner? you know Maybe stop at the you know quick service on your way to the room or whatever. right like it's And and that's that's not like it's it's not the worst thing, but it definitely does change your
perspective and and planning to because you know, like, you know, for me, it's like, hey, if I'm going to Magic Kingdom from the poly, I know I can be over there in like 20 minutes, like that's, that's not hard. But, um you know, if if I'm staying at Saratoga, it may be more like an hour.
or whatever, be like if you're taking the bus. so And then, yeah, you know if you're not, ah you know if you're driving, that may factor in as well. Because you know yeah driving changes the the Disney experience too. so It does. Yeah, especially at Old Key and Saratoga, where you can pull right up to your your door. And actually, I've always said this, one of my favorite things about Animal Kingdom ah lodge is that you can that the parking is underneath the building. so It's like a parking garage underneath the building. Your car is pretty close by and it's in the shade, which is nice. Yeah. um That's huge. Especially in Florida, that is huge. yeah It is. Miranda though, if you want to give us like a follow-up at some point of like you know what your preferences are, like we can probably answer this even better but like and or throw it out to the group too. i mean The group is great for that kind of thing and they you know other people can chime in on on their favorites.
um you know I'm sure some other people would say Beach Club too. I didn't put Beach Club in. It's because by one of my few that I have not stayed at. so and ah and they have gone down That goes down to the seven month thing too is that you know Beach Club is extremely hard to get at seven months because yeah it does get booked up. and say like Boardwalk is kind of the same problem it's tough where yeah where it's hard to get certain room types. so It is. yeah yeah It just depends on what you want. like you know there's like There's the quiet and the serene, there's in the middle of all the action. there's you know it's it's There's so many different kinds of options and it just depends on how you like to vacation. you know
Yeah, so yeah, I think we kind of covered a lot of different scenarios. But yeah, you know, whatever, whatever you and your family is, after the most like that, I think that's probably the questions you have to answer first is, you know, what, what do you really want to get out of this, and then That kind of drives you towards options or or you know or if the answer is even i don't care then it's you know well maybe you just go with you know. You know it's a simple as how long do you want to be there and then it just goes down to to you know points per night right so yeah.
All right, so I like that Jeff stole a question from another podcast for us to answer because, uh, you know, I'm all for stealing material. This is great. Uh, so Jeff said, I heard, I heard this on a different podcast and I thought it was pretty fun question. If you found and rubbed the lamp, the genie came out and gave you three wishes that you can only use to change three things with DVC. What would they be and why? Okay. Yeah.
All right, do you do you got some, Tom, or do you want me to go first? I mean, I've got some. I can give you one here. How about we go one and one? We'll go back and forth. OK, sure. Let's go back to the days where tickets were included with DVC. Yeah, OK. Yeah. OK, so you just want tickets included. I just want tickets to be included with our DVC membership. Yeah.
Okay, um so I would kind of in similar line, my my first wish would be that um the dining discount extended to quick service. Oh, okay. Yeah. I think that's that's pretty valuable.
I think the DVC members should get free, ah what is it called now? Oh my gosh, why am I blanking on it? this ah The free, not Genie Plus anymore. Why am I like multipass free multicasts multi-pass. Free multi-pass? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. DVC members should get free multi-pass. I just think they should. Yeah. Okay.
um Most of mine are aligned with having free things, Trevor. Yeah, I mean, so, um, okay, so I did, I did have an, um, Oh, I totally lost. I had, I had a couple of these lined up because I, I read this earlier and I thought about it.
And you're going to have to give me a minute because that's fine. I can do my third one if you want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So my third one, and this is, you know, kind of my fault, but still, I would love if I could manage my two different use years in a better way. And so what I mean by that is, and ah though anybody out there that has two use years knows it's a pain, right? Because if I want to make a reservation,
Like I have to transfer points from one contract to the other and like just the management of that is a pain. Like I wish I could just use them all as one bucket of points and that they weren't a separate thing. I understand why they're separate. I get it, but it's just, it's, it's a pain and I wish it could be easier. Right.
Okay. all I remembered what Maya, or I had another solid one. um I wish that all of the existing DVC rooms would be retrofitted, that the ones that don't have dishwashers in them oh would would be retrofitted so that they all have dishwashers with reusable um you know plates and cutlery and all that because that's actually a big um for me that that's an issue for sure at you know staying at the Polynesian in the studio because they just have the small kitchenette and it's like it's paper plates and bowls and stuff which is like like the same stuff you get it like the quick service which you know I get why they do that and and you know it's not a big deal you know you can always get more if you need to but
you know, just having proper like, like, and so, so I guess the way, you know, that, that wish, you know, yeah it it amounts to like the, these, the general quality of the room experience. Right. So I'm, I'm, I'm not just thinking about like, you know, where you can get free stuff, but also, you know, Hey, the, the room, the room should be more functional than it is would be. and So, so yeah, so that know would ah that would be my second wish. And then, um, yeah, the, the,
Oh, the third wish. I think I was actually thinking along the same lines as you with the the park tickets. but i can I can give you one, Trevor, if you want an extra one, then i because I had a fourth one in my head. OK. Skyliner stations at every DVC resort. Oh, yes. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Going everywhere. Yeah, there' there's but that's not like DVC-centric. But I guess, yeah, I must say specifically, like no, these are only going to DVC resorts. Yes, only DVC resorts. No, none of the value resorts get any extra accessibility, which really I think I guess there's also like Coronado and Port Orleans and stuff that you know, but yeah, the the the DVC resorts Yeah should have more Skyliners
What about dedicated buses for the DVC resorts that are like, that don't share with any other resort, you know, that are just kind of have that already? egg I don't know. that That really doesn't like, even though like my, but like the Polynesian, I say my bus, like it's my private bus. Come on. I mean, you own, you pay for it. So yeah, well, no, but, um, yeah no, your dues pay for it. Your dues, the transportation portion of the budget, your dues pay for it. So, yeah. So, you know, mine goes between the Polynesian and, uh, grand Floridian. I'm not too bothered by that. Like I, I understand why they, the bus is shared between them. So, you know, that doesn't.
That part doesn't bother me all that much. um But yeah, having Skyliner, so like like what I would really love is and um like I can get to Hollywood Studios without getting on a bus at this point from the Polynesian. it does like Obviously, I have to go through Epcot to do it. So like you need a right now, you actually need like a park ticket if you want to actually get around without you using the bus.
It would be nice, like you said, you know, if there was sky like if if there was a skyline that went straight from the Polynesian to Animal Kingdom or or even like, you know, if I had to hop one stop or whatever. But yeah, i I would love for, you know, and I know I already said, you know, the buses are solid at Disney, but they do have their their limitations. They can get really rough when, you know, it's busy and whatnot.
It would be nice to yeah just be able to hop on a Skyliner and go wherever you want to go. Yeah, I agree. i agree i agree yeah that That's actually a great wish. i i i forgot that we I think that kind of fell off my radar because you know they they haven't talked about it in a while and I feel like I mean, Disney's got a lot of stuff going on with like the parks and stuff, and it feels like the ah transportation has taken a backseat. It seems like they're looking at going, well, it's good enough right now, but it's like you could put in a lot more Skyliners, but I think it's
People need to complain more about the transportation before that happens. Yeah, sure. Well, speaking of Polynesian, Trevor, we got some more details on my next the next Disney resort that I'm staying at, which is going to be the Island Tower.

Polynesian DVC Tower Details

Yes. Yeah, so we're we're now we're getting ah wherere we're just you know a little bit out now ah from the opening on December 17th. So this is coming up. We do now know what the base price is going to be for the Island Tower. And no surprise here, it's $225 per point.
which is pretty consistent with the past couple of resorts that they've done. um As of right now, there's no promotional offers out, but they probably will be at some point. They just haven't announced them yet. um so Interestingly enough, they also released another thing, Trevor. and It's the the third link link on here of kind of showing the ah the timeline here. but On October 1st, sales are going to begin for current DVC members. So if your current DVC member looking to add on, um you know you can do that on October 1st. And then also current and add on Disney Vacation Club members at Polynesian um can book with vacation points. So Trevor, you could book at this place starting October 15th. So there's that.
and And then October 29th, sales open to the public. November 5th, new members can book. So it's it's nice they're giving DVC they're giving dvc members, ah existing members a jump on the booking, which is you know obviously good. and And I mean, they absolutely should. like Yes, of course. Yeah.
Yeah, absolutely. um and so I mean, it's not really that much of a jump because sales really don't even open to the public until the 29th and you're not going to finish really anything by then. yeah But anyway, ah all new members can book with vacation points on the 19th of November and then December 17th, it opens. We've also got some new pictures. like Not really new pictures, I think these are the same pictures that we've seen right um of each room type.
Yeah. um But I really like this graphic, though, because it has like a hidden monorail in it and it has like a castle in it. And and also like I think a thing that's ah going with the Polynesian resort, like representing the Polynesian resort, too. um I don't know if you're looking at what I'm looking at, Trevor, but I am. Yeah. OK. Yeah. they are. that I don't think the view will be exactly what they're implying there, but yeah Yeah, I feel like there's a little bit of Photoshop shenanigans going on. Well, well yeah, no, I mean, I think they're definitely the monorail is obvious there, right? But yeah yeah, yeah, for sure. That's pretty, yeah, pretty obviously the monorail and the second symbol is I mean, the third symbol, I think it's pretty much just ah it's like it's like a castle, you know, but anyway, so I'm excited for this to open. I think, you know, it would be nice to get this going. We also do have point charts as well now, Trevor.
Yeah, I was actually just looking at these which so so the studio points line up with the the it's the same point values as if you're staying at the old Polynesian studios, which yeah is good. i'm I'm glad that they're not like separating those like a studio still a studio. Yeah. um The duo studios are actually I guess I kind of knew this like like the duos are actually pretty cheap as far as reasonable. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Like if if if you're only traveling, you know, you and a spouse like these are you could you could get a lot of a lot of value of staying in a duo studio. But then I also know that, you know, people say that they can be kind of cramped. Like there's not there's not a ton of space in the duo studios. Yeah, there's more. And then, yeah, looking at um like the one and two bedroom villas, I guess they're they're not quite i I guess they are about double the points of a studio. Yeah.
which is, yeah, I mean, I don't know how I feel about that because because the the weird thing is is that, or well, okay, actually this is kind of funny. the The deluxe studio in the in the old building says sleeps up to five is the same points as the deluxe studio in the tower, which only sleeps up to four. Yeah. So I guess the tower studios are actually not as good value as the old studios, which my concern with that is that people are going to be like people who are in that demographic, you know, we're going to have more people fighting for studio inventory at
You know i i don't want to see that there's a lot of families that you know what like you know up to five people that you know want to be in lake.
or yeah like I think it's going to take you away from the the the the old ones. If there is a family of four, you know you know they will yeah I guess you know people will be looking at the tower because it is new and shiny and all that. I'm just and just worried about how that will play in the future. if People will be like you know you know just trying to get the old ones because like In my mind, they the old ones are slightly better just because they actually have a little bit more space and the accessibility of it. and and I should really stop talking about that because people don't necessarily know how convenient some of the ah the studios are. yeah but then but then yeah if you want to flip front you know if you If you only got five people and you want to flip to a one-bedroom villa, you've got or yourre work you need double the amount of points.
So yeah, and one bedrooms are generally to me not a very good value, right? Because you're you're only sleeping one extra person, right? Like it's helpful to have separate space, but it's I don't know, ah one bedrooms are a little a little tricky to me because it's not that much more. You're just getting, more and if for how much more they charge as far as points go, you know? Right. um You know, for like it, if I'm i'm looking at, you know, the week I went this past year was, you know, the first week of May, right? So that one weekly for a theme park view studio is 190 points. But for a one bedroom, it's 343 points.
So you're talking, I mean, it's pretty big jump, right? it's it's yeah It's not double, but close to it, right? So, um yeah, it's it's just, ah which is, you know, I get it, it's fine. I would probably, if we stay here, we're gonna stay at a studio anyway, right? So, because there's only three of us in my family, so we would stay in a studio, most likely.
And, um, you know, that would be fine for us. And one 90 is not a reasonable, I feel like for the week at a studio, a theme park view studio, that's not terrible. And yeah, I mean, that, and that's kind of why we stay at the, you know, at the studio, because it you like point wise, it's not, it's not super expensive and we have enough points that yeah, we can always stay there for a week. So it yeah works out nicely, but then yeah, same kind of thing. You know, if we, if we want to go out to one bedroom Villa, well, I could do that once every two years.
So i you know I could bank points and I could stay at a one-bedroom villa comfortably. And then the two-bedroom, I would definitely need to be you know renting points if I wanted to stay at the two-bedroom. Bank his implants for a couple of years. is Because that that does scale up. that that almost um does Does that double again? No, it doesn't quite double. It's like three times a studio, basically. yeah it's it Yeah, it's like one and a half times that of a one-bedroom.
yeah no it's but Yeah, it's basically three times. A two bedroom is basically three times the studio. Yeah, so so I guess the nice thing about this is that there is actually a scale now like like before it was either deluxe studio or bungalow and the bungalows are just nuts like like for one night.
the The cheapest rate of the year for one night is a hundred and twelve points for a single night. Where as you know a two bedroom villa in that same area like if you're going with a standard you it's eighty six points per night and are actually i know it's premium and then.
Premium and TP? What's TP? Yeah, so they've got standard view, preferred view, premium view, and then theme park view. Oh, so it looks like, yeah. theme park yes c page the so So yeah, non theme park and theme park, two bedroom villas um do have a, it's about a 20 point per night difference, which again, is pretty, pretty substantial. Like when you start thinking about I mean, you could get a two bedroom all the way down to 352 if you don't care about the view. I mean, that's that's only nine points higher than a... I mean, and again, I'm just looking at this one particular ah this one particular area, but um you're talking about ah you could jump from a one bedroom theme park view to a two bedroom standard view for nine more points. I mean, if you don't care about your view, 352 is not terrible for a two bedroom. Yeah.
Yeah, that that is fair. um But and yeah, but like I said, you know, at at the end of the day, you know, it's it is a matter of scale and a matter of, you know, obviously, every you know, there's different families with different requirements and, you know, you know, it's it's good that there is, you know, that they I was kind of worried that the tower would be like,
Yeah, the towers here, but it's just like by default way more expensive than the studios. But it it it does make like the the jumps do make sense. And it does like, you know, you know, looking at it's like, oh, you know, you know, if I really wanted to, I could go and stay at the tower and yeah you it would be fine. Like, like it's, you know, you know, I'm I'm still not I know you keep shaking your head at me like, why would you not stay at the tower? It's new. It's like, but I'm fine where I am i know you are.
i just look It just looks so nice. Every time I see a picture of it, I'm just like, man, they really like went over the top with this one, right? like it's i'm I'm planning to explore it when I'm there in May. I have you know mentioned it to my brother, and and I know there's going to be like you know food options and stuff in there. So at the very least, we'll go over and you know you know check it out and see what to You'll see how it all looks and um you know like you said, you know it's it's great that you know this gives you know you know your family more options that oh yeah yeah um you know you can you can go there and and check it out and whatnot. Like I said, I know you know for me and my wife, like at some point we're going to be traveling just the two of us and you know if we want to stay a little bit longer, I may actually be able to convince her to stay in a dual studio.
yeah I'm sure she's gonna hear this and she's gonna turn around. like that so that's okay Just so everyone knows how this this plays out is that you know we record these episodes and my wife listens to them. like As you guys are listening to them, I don't actually tell her what we talked about on the episodes. like I tell her like yeah yeah you know high level, but it's like,
she'll listen to this and then like i'll i'll i'll get I'll catch this like up to a week later because like she'll listen throughout the week as she's ah you know coming to and from work and whatnot. All of a sudden, she'll come home and she'll be like, I'm not staying in a duo studio and I'll be like, okay. like wait but Wait, I don't even remember saying that. What did I say? and then and and yeah and Then I do have to go back and think about it and go, all right, that yeah, we talked about that on the podcast. so So you know maybe maybe maybe we will stay at a Duo Studio someday. Maybe we won't. I'll i'll let you guys know.
yeah By the way, I should mention that the definitions of the room type standard is other areas of sort such as gardens or parking areas. Okay, so that's probably the backside of the building. Yeah, the the entire backside of the building is standard view because that's facing it's facing the road behind. the There's a road that runs and and there was the the the shades of green golf course, but I think they've like or that's been all under construction for a while, so I don't even know what that's...
going to look like, but well I mean, and then also preferred includes at least a partial view of lakes pools or the golf course. So maybe the standard is just the ones on the side where you just basically are getting a view of like nothing, you know, which is fine. Yeah. Other buildings. Yeah. And then premium is at least partial views of seven seas lagoon. And then theme park, of course, is at least a partial view of magic kingdom. So.
I love how they qualify you know at least partially, which means yeah you you could end up on the on the end where like you have to like stick your head out over the rail and like look to see see a Magic Kingdom. and That's still technically a a preferred view, but yeah. All right. yeah to Like you said, though, I'm glad that they kind of match the studio points to the the the regular poly because it just makes it kind of You know, there's no, like, there's no debating it, right? Like, there's no, well, well, I want a studio. Well, but you want this, studio like, it's like, no, you like she it it's fine. This, this is where I want the studio. And, and the thing is, is that like, when you're, you know, for anyone who's not booked, I know specifically at the poly, you can, you can make room requests specific to the building you want to stay in. So like, cause currently there's, there's three different buildings and I'm sure this will add on to it that you can say, you know,
I want to stay at the tower, I want to stay at one of the other buildings. I guess there is no guarantee that you'll always get the building that you want.
but um yeah you know that there is ah like Yeah, but whatever when you get like it's not like you're you're technically losing by getting one or the other right and but likes the only thing to be aware of is that the the tower studios like if you have a family of five. You know the you know they won't be able to put you into.
a a tower studio because those only sleep up to four you would actually go into one of the other buildings so you know keep that in mind but also if i had a family of five i don't know that i would necessarily want to be staying in a studio all the time because i would i mean even with how big those poly studios are now a five in there is still probably not gonna be a lot a lot of fun.
but Yeah, and I'll admit like, you know, on our last trip, you know, there's just three of us and we were staying in in a poly studio. But, you know, it was easier when my son was younger, like, you know, he when he was smaller, like he was he would stay in the the flip down bed, you know, in front of the TV. Yeah. And stuff. And now, like, you know, he's using the other full down bed. And, you know, even with three of us, you know, I've noticed as he's getting bigger,
you know that that amount of space, like it's it's okay, but you know even for three of us, it feels... like not enough. If there was two more people in there, I don't know how comfortable I would feel staying in there, right? like But again, that's ah you know that's you know knowing it if it's all kids, it's like you know you know kids are are kids are easier to appease in terms of you know you know a small amount of space. Whereas if it was like five adults staying in there or like you know teenagers to adults,
I can see where that just would not work like it's yeah yeah and that's where yeah you know at the very least a one-bedroom villa where you've got like different like like it's just that separation of space right like like that's the biggest problem is that the studios don't have like like you know other than going into the bathroom there's no there's no separated space that you have. So, you know, that yeah think about that as you're booking these rooms yourself, right? Like it's, it does matter, especially with teenagers. Especially with teenagers. Yeah. yeah
Why don't we go ahead and do our ad? Yeah. All right, the sponsor of this episode is DVC Rental Store. The DVC Rental Store, a world of DVC company, offers magical vacations at incredible value. Save up to 60% off retail rates at premium Disney resorts. DVC Rental Store now includes deposits as low as 25% at the time of booking and a built-in cancellation policy for every reservation. And as always, DVC Rental Store pays out the most to members looking to rent their points. Want to learn more? Go to slash welcome home or call 1-855-DVC-RENT. That's 1-855-382-7368. And when you speak to them, be sure to let them know that Welcome Home sent you. All right. and Okay. So. All right. let So we're still talking about buildings, but we're going to switch it up to.

Incredibles House and Mid-Century Architecture

Patino. Patino, yeah, which is the the storytelling Disney community. We're getting another Incredibles movie, right? Didn't they announce that, right?
Did they? I don't remember anymore. Am I making that up in my head? Maybe. No, I still don't. But yeah, but um yeah the the reason we're talking about Incredibles is that, um so in in Catino, in what so this is this is the one in California, right? Just so I'm clear on this. Yes. or By the way, there is ah an Incredibles 3. They announced a D23. So I wasn't imagining that.
All right, so so they're building the par house, which I think this is their house from Incredibles 2. Yeah, it's Incredibles 2. It's the one that they're like borrowing from the ah the guy from the rich guy, right? Yeah. So this is a very impressive house. I'm just going to put this out there. like ah Impressive recreation, right? Yeah.
But this isn't even supposed to be somebody's house though, right? I think this is like the clubhouse for the neighborhood. Is this the yeah community center? Yeah, it is. yeah so yeah it's well it's even better It's the multifunctional space where club members can attend events, celebrate milestones, and enjoy the occasional overnight stay. Oh, okay. Interesting.
oh so there's like a a space you can rent in there i guess which is interesting yeah but i mean it looks just like the movie but yeah which i mean it's a it's a beautiful house like it's yeah that that like i'm sorry i'm i'm terrible with like architecture designs, but I feel like it's like like a 60s art deco kind of and thing. Yeah, yeah, I don't know what I would call it either, Trevor, but yeah, it's it's very cool how it's and and they have the big windows up front, like the big windows looking out over like the water feature that they have in the neighborhood. um And they have that kind of furniture. Oh, yeah, look, okay, now I'm just i'm going by here and I'm seeing the bedrooms that they have in the back. This interesting that they have it's a clubhouse, but also has
a bedroom or two in it, which like, how does that work? Did you just like rent that? Who's looking after those, I guess is the question. that because Because it's run by a community association. So that means that they have to have somebody like making like because I would be mad if I showed up to like you use this room and like somebody had just like trashed it you know the night before yeah or whatever right like tre Trevor it's mid-century modern it says it further in the ah in the mid-century modern that's the century modern yes that's the term okay yep that would be the correct term so uh the interesting thing they were saying though here too is that they actually when they originally designed that house they had used the area where they're building this
as inspiration for the architecture. And now they're building it in the place that they use for inspiration. So which is kind of, I mean, I guess makes sense. It kind of, you know, fits in there, but it is a very striking building. And so it's not something I feel like I have ever seen before. So a lot of glass, a lot of glass. Yeah, that's again, you know, I'm I'm glad that this isn't or well, if this was my actual house, like glass drives me nuts because fingerprints, right? Like, you know,
You know like if you have like a glass top table it's like just. Just always fingerprints that you're wiping off of it and when i look at like that you know that the railing on the the the stairs in the in this in this concept video.
ah Yeah, everything's glass. and you know Again, yeah I'm sure it it'll look beautiful until you know somebody's kid presses their hands and their face up against it. You just got all the handprints up the glass everywhere. I have to say too that what's interesting about this is there's not a single overt reference to the Incredibles anywhere in here that I've seen so far.
like You know what I mean? like yeah like It's very understated. like yeahs It's definitely the house, but it's not like hitting you over the head with you know this is the Incredibles house. like yeah but But I feel like because it's a community center and you know part of like ah you know an actual community,
I don't like, I know people moving into a Disney run community or Disney inspired community are kind of expecting that, but I think there's degrees of it. And I feel like, you know, if it was over the top, Incredibles, you know, people get tired of that real quick. I agree. And it would actually, it would take away from it. Whereas this is like,
You know, it's showing off the architecture from the movie and, and you know, that kind of design. and And I feel like, you know, it will hit a point where, you know, even if people aren't thinking about the movie, they'll still be like, oh, this is just a very nice space. It's more timeless. It's more timeless without the IP in it.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. and Yeah. Not, not everything needs the IP, you know, bonking you over the head. yeah i know I do have to say one of the cool things is the fountain on the outside of the building, uh, on the glass. Did you see that? There's like a fountain. There's like rocks that are built into the glass on the left side of it. And there's a, there's a waterfall coming out of it, which is pretty cool. Oh, it's got a very nice look to it. I didn't notice that, or yeah, I guess I didn't see that there was the waterfall on the outside. I just saw like the rock structure.
um Yeah, it continues the rock from the inside to the outside and then there's the the waterfall to it, which is pretty cool. Yeah, but we're talking about these things like we'll ever get to see them, but we won't. I mean, that's cool. I don't know. Maybe, maybe, I don't know. Maybe I'll end up in California at some point. You never know. looking it this But yeah, probably not. But yeah yeah, I guess the funny thing will be is that, you know, this will get built and people will forget about it. And then you'll see like in five years or whatever, you know, somebody will be like,
oh my god this place looks like you know the house from the Incredibles it's like yeah yeah it's because it was but yeah yeah yeah all right do you want to talk about uh jollywood nights some more jollywood night stuff that's come out yeah uh even though i know it's not even halloween yet but i guess we're talking about christmas yeah we're on christmas we're at christmas already ah So, listen, I remember, and I'm sure you remember this too, Trevor, when Jollywood Nights first started, there was some heavy criticism on that one.

Jollywood Nights Entertainment

um Because they, it's a, you know, listen, it's a it's a paid after party, right? After, not, it's a paid party, right? And it should have a lot of things to it.
And it did apparently Jolly With Nights didn't have a lot of stuff going on, and it wasn't very organized. And ah you know in true Disney style, they've taken this this ah feedback to heart, and they have ah really spent a lot of time, it feels like, working on new entertainment and really working on making this a different kind of event. And so for those that don't know, the Jolly With Nights is November 9th to the 21st.
One of the things they just announced fairly recently is a new skating show, an ice skating show. Now, part of me is like, okay, but it's like Florida though. So they're going to be using like that fake ice, right? Like it's not going to be like real ice. Well, unless it's in a building where they can keep it temperature controlled. That's what I thought too, Trevor, but then I watched the video they have in this article and it seems like they're doing it right in front of the Chinese theater.
Oh, yeah. Oh, based on the video. I mean, that's what so I gathered from the video, but I could be wrong. So you're going to have people doing ice skating on a fake surface with like. So it's it's like a plastic. Yeah. Skating ring, right? Yeah. I mean, like, listen, if we don't know the difference, does it matter? ah You know, I don't know. Yeah, I guess. But, you know, there there is something to be said for like,
you know on proper ice. um you know you know I only know this because you know my my wife used to be heavily invested in figure skating. and um or youre like When she was a kid, she actually did figure skating. She paid attention to it throughout the years. the thing is is that they like I feel like there it will limit their ability to do certain things because you know, yeah yeah yeah the surface plays differently than it does how ice plays, right? So I feel, you know, obviously understanding that yeah, it is Florida and they can't have real ice out there. I wonder how that's going to affect the actual performances if you'll get like, and and that's not to say like, I guess ah they don't have to necessarily be like Olympic tier
figure skating going on but you know we just finished or you just finished mentioning how you know Jolly Wood Nights was you know previously felt kind of uninspired if you if you don't get you know a good quality show from the figure skating that could actually detract from you know people's impression of Jolly Wood Nights as a whole so it's yeah it's kind of a weird thing that like I see where you know fine that you know that's what they have to do and you know I'm sure you know Disney is always good at making it work you know where however they need to, but um I guess we'll see how these performers fare with the skating on not real ice.
To be fair Trevor, i you know the cruise I just went on, they had an ice skating shoe show on the on the cruise ship, so which I thought was nuts to me. I was like, this boat is like rocking all over the place. How are you going to go do your you know triple axle? yeah like yeah They good though.
There's a lot involved in and ice skating that like people don't realize. yeah it's But it does say, by the way, the skating show is right on Hollywood bo Boulevard. So it is outside. So, okay. I mean, you know, I don't know. Maybe Disney has some sort of crazy fake thing. I don't know.
I'll look forward to seeing how videos of that play. and you ill you know ah he said it's not It's not that you know it has to be like Olympic tier, but you know that I guess they're advertising it. you know that it you know It says right here that you know it'll be breathtaking routines set to a vibrant holiday soundtrack. so yeah i mean It's called GLSEN, by the way. We didn't say it's called GLSEN. GLSEN, yeah.
which Does plastic glisten? I mean, if it's, yeah, maybe like so like ice. Yeah, I guess. I feel like I want to Google like ice skating rink and the heat. Yeah, I know how this works, but you know.
Yeah, I guess I've never I've only ever and I guess the this is ah truly a Canadian problem is that I've only ever watched ice skating on actual ice. Yeah. So I'm having a hard time visualizing how you could actually effectively skate on not ice because I knew it like I'm very aware of how like you can catch edges and stuff on ice.
And I feel like a plastic surface, like you're, you're not, how are you, how are you actually like digging into it? Right? Like. I mean, they could also possibly, there there are refrigerated rinks that you can get for outside, right? Like you can get an outside refrigerated rink that they could bring in, but. But even in the Florida heat, like, to would it survive? Well, I guess you're hoping by November, of the Florida heat is, you know, this, according to the internet, you can do at ah temperatures up to 68 degrees, but it, I mean, it can get pretty hot still in November, December, so. Yeah, that that's i mean yes sorry, winter in Florida is still like summer here, which we don't have outdoor rinks in the summer here for that reason. Yeah, exactly. so yeah um Okay, so that that was really the only like really new thing here, right? Because like theres a lot of they they have a lot of the same stuff going on here. They have that this really impressive Nightmare Before Christmas show. I know you don't like it, like that yeah IP. but like i I don't watch click it's only like the haunted mansion stuff. I get that Night before Christmas is still a thing. And and fine, know if they're doing a cool show around it, it looks like they're doing some puppeteering. Yeah, the the the Jack Skellington puppet is very cool. If you haven't seen a video of it, it's pretty cool. So there's that. And then you know there's dance parties going on. ah There's an all-new Pixar-themed dance party with Frozone, Joy, Edna Mode, and other Pixar pals. So OK.
That seems generic but you know it's funny that i like the end of both things become such a thing you know. People like that she's ah i know's an endearing character yeah no i agree i agree when i'm assuming she'll be in the third one hopefully so oh she she better be she has to be yeah she has to be the third way can you imagine if they made another one and they didn't have anything like that would people would be mad.
Oh, also new this year, Jose and Panchito from the three Caballeros will be there as well, which is so great. So this is a specifically a a Latin street fair. Yes. That they're talking. so So this is not part of the the other dance party. So they're actually having there's multiple. Multiple different. Yeah. but yeah Yeah. Multiple dance parties. and Yeah. This one is is Latin themed. and Yeah. Yeah. You'll have Jose and Panchito.
Uh, adding to it, which, you know, that's, that's cool. Like I, I do like seeing them bring in stuff like that where, you know, you know, you get, you know, different, yeah you know, multicultural takes on the holidays. Cause you know, it's, it's always neat to see how, how it, you know, it plays in different areas of the world.
And, uh, yeah, it's, uh, and I get what you're saying is, you know, they needed to do something other than, you know, being like, Oh, you know, here's jollywood nights. And like most of Hollywood studios is like empty. So they're, they're trying to, yeah they're trying to, you know, work on that for sure.
Yeah, it's also nice that they have like different areas depending on like kind of the vibe you're going for, right? Cause they also have like, they also have like a laid back, but like, you know, more like sophisticated kind of thing at the Brown Derby where they're going to have like a live piano player and you know, you can kind of just like hang and eat and stuff like that. And you know, that's, that's, you know, if that's your vibe, you can do that. Or if you want to do the, you know, fun Latin street festival, you can go do that. Or, you know, if you want to do the one of the other street dance parties, like just, you know,
over-the-top fun, silly dance party, then you can go to the Pixar one. you know like it's They're giving you options, which is always good. So then jingle ba Jingle Bell Jingle Bams back, they moved it back further. I did see that um yeah there's they they always have all the photo ops. I'm seeing Duffy floating around here. um Christmas Duffy. Yeah, Christmas Duffy. Who cares about Duffy?
ah so So under the photo ops section, I do see there's a ah piece here about um something. It says stepping behind the scenes of the Muppets Christmas Carol set. So so yeah you're gonna have yeah they're they're going to have something specific to Muppets Christmas Carol for a photo op.
Yeah, which I mean, my wife would be excited for that because she loves Muppets Christmas Carol. I think it's fantastic as well. That's the first I've seen of them specifically calling out that as a photo op though. Yeah.
No, I don't remember them calling that out either, so. And then also they're gonna have Bo Peep and Lotso meetings, and then Phineas and Ferb, or Santa Stitch and Santa Duffy. So there you go. Lots of greetings. And also my favorite, most exciting thing is the Gertie cookie. um Even though it looks like such a basic cookie, but I just, I think everybody knows on here that I love Gertie. So yeah um yeah Gertie is like one of my first, very first Disney memories like When I was you know a lot younger, i just remember I always remember Gertie. I don't know why. Probably because I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid. but I mean, dinosaurs are cool. like Yeah, that's great. I get it. I i grew up in in an area. so so In Alberta, Canada, we have Drumheller, which is like one of the dinosaur capitals of the world. that like The amount of
they They have an entire, um look at the Tyrell dinosaur museum, if you want to see how serious they are about it. Then the the last thing we have on here that i I think is relevant is the food. So they're going to have empanadas with street corn, which I love street corn. I don't know if you do street corn, but those are always good. I like street corn. Street corn is good.
But the interesting one here is that everybody's going to get a pack of marshmallows from the company Wonder Maid, which I think they have a booth over at Disney Springs where they sell their marshmallows. But there's they're going to be six champagne flavored marshmallows in a Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy themed box. It's a nice looking box. Yeah. It is. Yeah. I'm trying to think what champagne flavored marshmallows are going to taste like though.
Hmm. I've never, I've never thought to put champagne and marshmallows together. Me either. But it's, it's kind of cool that they're giving that, that out though. That's, I like that idea. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's nice that, you know, it's, it's, you know, I think everybody, as much as these experiences are great, it's also nice to kind of come away with something yeah at the end of the night. Like, you know, cause, cause this is competing with, you know, you know, the, the very Merry Christmas party and, and, uh, not so scary Halloween, like, and those events all like.
As much as there's all the the things to do it's like as you're going around the events you know they're giving out like you know cookies and candy and stuff like that and so i think they figured that you know you have you gotta do. Something like it it doesn't have to always be like that you know a.
an ornament or something like that. But at the very least, yeah, you know some some marshmallows that I can eat on my way out of the park or yeah whatever. like that You gotta need a snack later, you know just get some marshmallows. I mean, that that's kind of like like when we go to the the very merry Christmas party, we that that's kind of the same thinking is it's like you know we go there knowing that you know I'm not necessarily there to buy stuff, but it's like I will hit up the gingerbread cookies and the hot chocolate and stuff because You know, yeah not not to say that I want hot chocolate in the middle of Florida all the time, but their hot chocolate is good. And, you know, sometimes you just need that energy kick and, you know, you know, marshmallows give you that, they give you that sugar high for at least a little bit to get through the night. So exactly.
yeah Anything else on Jolly with Nights we want to talk about before we go to the next thing? ah No, I think i'm i'm hoping that you know it doesn't I'm hoping that they don't ah get the same negative perception of it that it has previously. It sounds like Disney is trying to make it better, but I guess we'll see how it actually plays when when it does come around. Cause yeah, I know, I know in the past it's not been like it, it's not a go-to thing. Right. So that, I mean, reading this though, it feels like they, they have a lot of entertainment options. Like it feels like it's the worth, the price of the ticket, you know? Yeah. Yeah. That's the big thing, right? Is, you know, you know, justifying, you know, me spending my money on it. Right. So exactly. Yeah. Exactly.
Okay, you're wanting to do this, right? you you're I can feel your fingers on the button. Just just let it happen, Trevor.

Culinary Offerings at Disney

All right, so it's food time. We got a couple of food things. Yeah. Yeah. um So first on the menu is the Hispanic and Latin American Heritage Month Foodie Guide for 2024. So hey, I like some good Latin American food.
I do and I will mention this started this started September 15th and it goes to October 15th at Disney World and Disneyland. so um So this is going on now as we speak and you have a couple more weeks to take advantage of this. So we're a week late on it, but you still have time. So let's see what we got here.
So Magic Kingdom Park, ah so this is at Skipper Canteen, um is the the Dr. Fall signature grilled steak, a hanger steak Lomo satado style, or hanger steak Lomo satado style, and then roasted peppers, potatoes,
and agi yeah Aji Amarillo mayonnaise. yeah Interesting. It looks good. Yeah. Even though I don't eat red meat. Have you have you eaten a jungle navigation or a skipper canteen? Yeah. I have eaten a skipper canteen. It was, I very much enjoyed skipper canteen. I like skipper canteen, yeah.
Yeah, I think I went there the like the first day it was open, so I think it's probably even more different than when I went there last time, so. Yeah, and even you know since I've been there last, I know the menus change, but it's it's a great experience overall though. like Yeah, no, I agree. yeah what I see this strawberry drink, but I don't see it listed here because it's there's a blackberry drink, but that's not, oh wait, maybe it is that because it's strawberries and Yeah, this this is at the Connections Eatery in Epcot. Connections. Yeah, so Blackberry Capirosca, maybe? That sounds about right. Capirosca, okay. And that's Tito's handmade vodka, Minutemade lenimon lemonade, strawberries, Blackberry syrup, and Frosted Mint syrup. You know I'm not a big drink guy, but that looks delicious to me. I mean, give it to me without the vodka, sure. Like, I'm i'm sure you could probably get it without the vodka.
Oh, you probably could. Yeah. And could I ask for it? Yeah. And then over at sunshine seasons, they have, uh, Berea tacos, which I love Berea tacos. I don't know if you're in, the but I love Berea tacos. I mean, talk, okay. But like when, when are tacos not good? Just ah it's fair. It's fair. Like I can't think of a time when I do not, I'm actually having tacos for dinner tonight too. So, yeah you know, you know, tacos are good.
No. Tacos are always good. And those, these look very good too. I mean, uh, you know, I, I like the Berea ones just specifically for the, you know, you dip it in that's the, the, the, the, it's not even really a sauce. It's like a broth kind of thing. And that makes it even better. It's almost like, um, you you know, when you get like, uh, like a French dip, like, yeah be yeahwich it's it's the same kind of thing, right? Yeah. If you haven't had Berea before, I, I'd love, I will get that all the time. So.
um so Okay, let let me ask you real quick on this, because because this one comes, so it says, served with beef, Monterey Jack, onions, cilantro, and lime served with consomme. I do it. so So cilantro, are you yay or nay on that? Because it's a very divisive thing. So I will deal with cilantro if I have to.
I am one of those people, though, that it tastes like soap to me. Got it. But if I can ask for it not to be on there, I will. I'm also not a big raw onion guy. like I'll do cooked onions. Raw onions, though, I'm kind of out. so That's fair, too. i Onions are are a ah hard contention for me. like i will I will pass on things with lots of onions in them. but So it's funny. i'm I'm on the other side of cilantro, where I think cilantro is awesome.
You know, I always love stuff with ah with cilantro in it. So I'll deal with it if it's if it's on something like but if if I have the option to have it removed, I will. But it's it's not my favorite. OK. All right. So Margarita. Yeah. So so we're now so they there's actually not so Magic Kingdom and Epcot didn't have a lot. And actually, because there's not there's not a lot across the board here. So we're over at Disney's Hollywood Studios at ABC Commissary for Watermelon Margarita.
I had a watermelon margarita when it was on the cruise, actually, because it was like the specialty on the island. And I was like, watermelon margarita sounds pretty good to me. And my wife had this had this blue drink. So I'm drinking a pink drink. She's drinking a blue drink as we're, you know, going around the pool. It just was funny. um But i I love a watermelon margarita, man. gay I love watermelon is delicious. Yeah.
you know um Yeah, I mean, yeah, again, you know, it's alcoholic drinks are not my go to either. But you know, I feel like a lot of these you could ask for a non alcoholic version of them and it would still work. Like I because I don't need the tequila necessarily. Yeah. But you know, I'd still try, you know, watermelon sweet and sour or I guess sweet and sours.
Alcoholic too, isn't it? Yeah. so just be waterme i don't pick in jus No, that's a mixer, right? so Oh, is it? Okay. Yeah, then yeah that should still work. And then also at ABC commissary. Hey, more tacos. This time though, it is. It's uninspired to me. Yeah. and Yeah, I mean it's a pretty standard shrimp taco, you know, you know, cabbage slaw, chipotle mayonnaise, mango salsa served with Mexican rice and black beans topped with pork and queso fresco. I mean, that's, that's like a a standard taco dish right there. yeah is I feel like, you know, if I'm at Hollywood studios, like, you know, there's there's definitely plenty of options for food, but you know,
You know, tacos are, to me, tacos are a safe bet, especially shrimp tacos. Like I do, I know you don't eat shrimp a lot, or at all, but yeah. I mean, shrimp tacos generally work. Like there's there's nothing wrong with them, but like you said, you know, it's a little uninspired. Yeah, just just a little bit. They didn't do anything fun with it. It's just a straight up shrimp taco. Okay, so now at Hollywood Brown Derby, chorizo-spiced mushroom croquettes.
How do you feel about that? i If you remove the mushroom part, I'm great. ah yeah Yeah, right. I forgot you you don't do mushrooms, but I mean, croquettes are good. Yeah. No, those are one of my favorite things. so I'm surprised nobody's ever, you know, give me a flack for the, I usually say croquettes because when I, one time when I went to, uh, when I was in Miami, I was at a Cuban restaurant and they called them croquettes, croquettes as like, but I mean, I think it's croquettes. I think it's either way, right? Like, but I'm surprised it was giving me a hard time. Yeah. I've always pronounced them croquettes. I've never been.
corrected on that. So okay. Yeah, i'm just some Cuban guy corrected me one time at a Cuban restaurant. And I was like, All right, I'll call him that from now on. um And over at Animal Kingdom at Pete Safari, they have an encanto cupcake. Okay, boring. Yeah, I mean, if it's like, like, okay, there's a lot of icing on it. But again, they did the the but little wafer print yeah printed wafer on it. And it's just a bunch of like,
I don't know. But hold on though, like at least they did like more piped decorations, right? It's not just like straight up. Like there's leaves on there. There's butterflies, there's flowers. Like they they did something. Fair, but yeah I guess, yeah, it's still like this doesn't even have to be an Encanto cupcake. It could be just anything. It's literally just as soon as you plop the the wafer on there, it's now it's an Encanto cupcake. It's like, yeah okay.
Also hinting at the future here, restaurantosaurus also has the incanto cupcake. um Yes. So ah by the way, it's a guava and dulce de leche cupcake.
and Which actually sounds pretty good. That's okay too. that They're not just going with basic, like vanilla or chocolate. So yeah. Okay. That's all right. That that's a little more appealing. Yeah. Yeah. And and then and when also, yeah, they also have the the Cuban burger. So seared Angus burger with, uh, the traditional flavors of a Cuban sandwich, including Mojo pork, Swiss cheese, pickles, and creamy mustard sauce topped with potato strings.
So they basically made a Cuban, but with the burger. with Yeah. Yeah. With the burger bun. Yeah. but That's fine. I mean, you know, why not? Right. and And again, also kind of, kind of funny that they are playing into the, um, like, like, you know, Cuban, like, I don't know if I've ever seen, like usually restaurant stores, I always equate to being like pizza and stuff. It seems like they're trying to.
up the ah the menu a little bit knowing that it's going to be moving into like the South Americas. Well, I'm assuming they're just going to destroy that whole building, too. It's not going to fit into the new area. But it's funny that the menu feels like they're trying to sell on what it's becoming, right? Yeah, nothing like this. All right, let's get down to the resorts. We should only highlight things that we find interesting, Trevor, since we have them. Yeah, well, especially new stuff, because there's a lot of returning stuff.
um Yeah, and of course, the very first new thing here is at Caribbean Beach, there's a pomegranate berry sangria, which again, you know, alcoholic. What a big drink. And not really, not really my thing. um But okay, Disney Springs. Yeah. Oh, okay. Emirates always knocking it out of the park. Yeah. Guava cheese. Yeah, good. Guava and cheese filled meal fuel, I think is how you say that. I don't know.
need thousand layer to come back So they can ah tell me how to say these things. Yeah. So me a few would be, uh, I think it's a thousand or it's supposed to be like a thousand fold pastry or something like that. Okay. Because mill is like, yeah I believe it's 1000 in French, if I recall thousand sheets is what it would have yeah but it stands for. Yes. Yeah. So layers of crispy puff pastry, guava moose, cream cheese, moose, and passion fruit gel. That's this, that's this nice.
It looks like a wafer cookie, but a very fancy wafer cookie. This looks like a mess to eat, by the way. It does. As soon as you crunch into that crumbs, just fly it in every direction. It's going to be crumbly, just incredibly crumbly. But in a good way, though. In a good way. Yeah. In a good way. And then, hey, you touched on street corn, so we got the cilantro food truck. Dude, I love Alote so much.
Alote on the cob, lime mayo, chichita cheese, chili lime seasoning, and cilantro, which I know the place is called the cilantro food truck, so I guess you know what you're getting into. yeah but Listen, I'll deal with cilantro on alote. I love alote. I typically like, you know, I've had it. I don't love corn on the cob in general, so I prefer prefer i prefer it like my sister sometimes will make it like um off the cob. She'll actually take like the put all the ingredients in and ah you know make take the corn off the cob and do it that way. and It's really good that way. but i mean i you know Traditionally, the way you should eat is on the cob. I get it. It's delicious. though If you haven't had a low take, go have that. yeah so so that's an ah so you know great Great food truck option. um
going over to Chef Art Smith's homecoming, the Chicken Tinga Sandwich. but so So this is a shredded chicken sandwich with cilantro, lime, aioli, caramelized peppers, and onions. So I think this is kind of ticking all the boxes for you.
Yeah, I would, I would eat that. Uh, yeah, that sounds really delicious. I love, I've talked about it in the show before. I love, uh, homecoming and we've gone there many times and it's always been very, very good. Uh, it has amazing views. It's just, it's, it's a great restaurant. So highly recommend. So we should speed this up a little bit because we have a yeah there's a ton on this. ah yeah Yeah. Okay. So, um, yeah, let's,
Let's see there is OK. We get ourselves to Disneyland. Yeah, I'm I'm just going through all the there's a lot of alcoholic drinks again. There really are. Yeah, no, there's a lot of alcohol. I think the food over it at Disneyland, though, there's we we should just head over over to Disneyland, I think. Yeah, yeah. OK, so Rancho Del Zocado, which is in um This is in Frontierland. It has the torta cubana, which is breaded steak, sliced ham, penelope cheese, jalapeno mayo, guacatillo sauce. I don't even know what that is. I don't know. This has got like everything going on. It's a huge sandwich. I don't even think I can fit this in my mouth. That is tomatoes, julienne onions on a grilled bolillo. Yeah, that sounds good.
That is a busy sandwich, but like I, uh, the onions are just turning me off of it. So without the onions though, you'd be all about it is what you're saying. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Okay. Yeah. All right. then number And then over at award winners. I love award winners is so funny to me. Like just why is that so funny to you? Just cause just cause you know, it's a play on award winners, which oh yeah like where it's located in the park. It's just so funny that somebody was like,
Call it award wieners. I don't know. This is pretty much the same sandwich is on a different role. Is it? I guess it is. Yeah. I mean, it seems pretty similar now. Cheese. Well, there's this, uh, no, this is like a tortilla though. Oh yeah. I guess. Yeah. That's what you're saying is it's the same kind of thing. It's just in a tortilla instead of on a bun.
Also, this stuffed pan dulce, the cream-filled pan dulce with macerated berries, like it looks good, but they couldn't have like you know food photography'd this up a little bit better.
Yeah. It actually looks like Play-Doh on the top. It does. Yeah. I mean, it looks good. I mean, there's no reason why I wouldn't eat it, but it's just kind of funny. That's all. Yeah. Or like raw dough. It looks like they didn't cook it or something. It's weird, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Sure. I thought it wasn't just me.
ah and What about, uh, or is this new? So where is the, the, this is a popcorn bucket that looks like a sugar skull. Is this a new thing? I don't recall seeing this. Um, I feel like they had it before, but I could be forgetting, but yeah, it's the the skull from, uh, you know, from, uh, well, it's not from Coco, but obviously it's from, uh, Dia de los Muertos, right? So it's the, those kinds of skulls that they do, right? Yeah.
I don't know what they're actually called, but it' it's a sugar skull. Is that what it's called? Yeah, because they're usually made out of sugar. Okay. Um, but yeah, yeah, you know that I like that. And it's funny cause like you said, you know, it's, it it is Coco, but it's not exclusive to Coco, but it's definitely, you know, kind of a neat Halloween bucket or is, or is this a sipper?
Um, sipper. It's a sipper. Yeah. It's just a sipper. So I thought it was a pop. It looked like a popcorn bucket, but this is super. All right. Um, okay. we So we talk about the case of burrito pizza.
This is in downtown Disney you're looking at Naples. yeah Okay, all right, go for it. Neapolitan dough stuffed topped with fresh mozzarella cheese, slow braised beeperia.
Shredded Chihuahua, is that Chihuahua? Yeah, Chihuahua cheese. Yeah, and topped with diced chihuahua. Chihuahua's a place not just a dog. I know. I just felt weird saying it. But it also comes with the cup of consummate too, so you can dip the pizza in like you would do it with a taco. That's fantastic. Yeah, that's cool. I mean, so I know you've never been there, but walking, so Naples is, if you're walking from like any of the Disney hotels, like I remember because we would always come out of the Grand Californian and you have to walk by it on your way to either of the parks or like to the main Espenade where the parks are.
And oh man the deep like you could smell them like cooking pizza dough like or like just making pizzas it was the the smell coming out of that place is amazing and yeah it's. I love the smells of italian food to general. yeah so Yeah so yeah I mean this this would be a good reason to stop there on your way to you know you know stop and have.
lunch there on your way to one of the parks. I still may be doing a Disneyland trip next year, by the way. So yeah that's still maybe happening. I just don't have a plan yet. so So you may get to experience this someday. It's possible. I it's it's not. um Yeah, we were waiting on dates to to do it, but it may happen.
I don't know if I told you, I think we are planning to go next fall. to dis oh that paul So we my my wife and I are planning a trip that will probably be like three or four days that will be in Disneyland. Mine's probably gonna be in the dead of summer. So yeah, I don't know, though. I honestly don't know. I'm waiting. So I'm scrolling down though Trevor just for like one more thing on here is that I'm not just donuts. Sorry. Good. Good. Oh yeah. I was, I was going to say I'm not seeing a lot else, but I guess, yeah, this is that, uh, the great maple modern eatery, which is, yeah, in Pixar play. So tell this, this is, uh, my, my head immediately, like I remember when it was paradise pure.
So I'm having a hard time visualizing, you know, if like the food there was not great. So, you know, I'm glad that they're, they're advertising some new stuff. I love Trace Lech's cake. Like I've always, I actually had a, um, a Quattro Lech's cake one time at St. Cuba place I was talking about before. And I'm like, what's the fourth one? I mean, Well, um I mean, so so this is these are donuts with evaporated milk, condensed milk, and cream. So that's your tres leches. There's your three. Yeah, there's your three. Which, I mean, that's way too much dairy for me. yeah i think I think you would explode. i I would at least be down for probably a day and a half if I ate these.
Yeah. Um, they look good though. They do look good. They do. Yeah. It's it's a very, very creamy looking presentation. It is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Pecos Bill's Menu Update

All right. Well, so I think that's it really for the Latin food, but I, the next one I put in here, Trevor was specifically for you because I know how much you like goes bill and I'm worried, I'm sad about this. So I haven't read this yet. And so I'm a little worried because Yeah. you know we So to be fair, we would always go there for the tacos because the thing about the tacos there was that you could just like, you could pick, you know, it was, you know, you pick your, your meat kind of thing. And so everybody could get what they wanted. Right. Well, they basically made Pecos build Chipotle now. So yes, I'm i'm seeing that. So it's not a bad thing, I guess. Right. You can customize still. Right. But you just don't have the tacos.
Yeah. And so it looks like they've moved to two bowls, which I feel that's easier because they can just, you know, throw everything in a bowl instead of prepping tacos and and all that. And then and to be fair, let like the last time we went, I will say this is, you know, ever since they took away the fixings bar, oh the the taco, yeah yeah the the tacos have not been as good because before it was like, you know, you would load up or like you You'd be able to get all the you know you get the base talk when you can put in whatever you wanted. Where is the last time i was like you know we got like a little thing of like lettuce on the side and some case and it was yeah i guess. it It's been a shell of itself for awhile so it's fair that they're they're moving to these.
bowls, which, I mean, they look good. You know, they don't look bad. You know, yeah for for your base, like, you know, you can pick like tamales as a base, nachos, rice, or Caesar salad, and then you can choose your protein, which, ah you know, that this is still, they're still kind of following, you know, chicken, pork, and beef. Although I will say the beef is curious to me. Coca-Cola cherry braise? No, that sounds amazing.
Okay. I never had Coca-Cola cherry. Oh, I love Coke cherry. Oh yeah. that's like That's a big thing down south where they'll like, they, uh, around here, like they'll make, uh, barbecue sauces with, with, uh, different, you know, sodas and, um, although cook things and different sodas. Yeah. Like it's, yeah I bet that, I bet it's delicious to honestly.
Yeah, I'm I'm not doubting it. It's just so so no longer or we I would always go for the barbacoa beef for the tacos. So yeah, so this is replacing. Yeah. So this is replacing the barbacoa. But then also like green chili pork sounds good as well as citrus chipotle chicken. Like like these are these are these are legitimately some good options. So I guess I'm I'm not I'm not hurt that they they switch those out.
and Because like you said, you know it's it's still like I think that was the big reason that we liked going to Acos Bills was because you know everybody could pick what they wanted and it wasn't yeah like, oh, you know you know two out of three of us found something on the menu and the last person you know couldn't you know didn't like anything. right so yeah yeah so So this is actually better.
I'm but then also they they do have some on trays on here as well or different on trays which i'll never looked at if they had other on trees cuz we would just always default to the tacos yet but they they've got a double chili con queso burger which is.
This is too much. This is a lot. That that thing looks like a beast. Yeah, that that is a burger. Yeah, you got two patties. You've got chili con carne. You got chipul chipotle queso. You got corn chips with barbecue cheddar season fries, which, by the way, barbecue cheddar season fries sounds amazing. I'll just get that as a side. Give me that. Yeah. Yeah. yeah Can you get the fries by them? Oh, you can. Yeah. I want that. OK. All right. it's all I'll get the bowl with the fries and I'll ignore this monster burger.
um There's also a grilled masa flatbread, too. Yeah, I guess they love doing flatbreads now. Flatbreads are like the like they're cheap pizza option, right? so Yeah, I mean, they're easy to do. This one is interesting, though, because it's a grilled corn flatbread, which is not something you typically see with sweet potatoes, stewed pinto beans, plant-based pepper jack cheese, ah shredded lettuce, pico de gallo, and plant-based lime crevice. This is a whole plant-based meal.
yeah note Note that the Pepper Jack cheese, it has cheese in quotes. It quotes, it's my real cheese. Yeah, exactly. yeah yeah and And you can add on chicken beef and pork to this if you want, so but the base is is a plant-based option. Which is nice yeah that they're continuing to do the plant-based options. It's good for the people that... want to eat plant-based, right? so Yeah, I totally appreciate that. I'm i'm not against plant-based, like I will eat plant-based stuff. I'm not exclusively about it, but yeah, it does actually make for some interesting options, right? Yeah. Yeah. They still have the mini churros with chocolate sauce too, which is good.
Cause I, I've gotten those many times that, I mean, yeah, they're mini churros are always a good snack. I mean, um, yeah. Well, was there something else you want to mention on here?
So I will point out the sides. so previously the so So I know sides are not really a big feature, but you know we used to like we'd always get like a side of of taco chips with but salsa, right? Yeah. That's no longer a thing there. But the sides that have replaced it, so so you know the barbecue cheddar fries sound good. um There is Charles beans which are stewed pinto beans topped with pico de gallo and queso fresco and cilantro lime rice, which Like honestly, I thought that they were gonna kind of ruin this menu, but it's actually better
Oh, look at that and that. You're going to be upset about this. This is, uh, there, there's the desserts too, which are, yeah, the sweet corn moose. Wow. Okay. Yeah. I mean, yeah, this actually, is that a moose that looks like, I thought that was a real corn in the cub. Is that, I think that's a moose that look, yeah, it's meant to look so it's sweet corn moose, but I just assumed that they were doing a latte and, but no, this is, er this is a dessert. Yeah. So interesting. So yeah. So, okay. So here's something to think about. You know, people have been talking about, um, Pecos bills turning into, um, like a Tiana's type thing, because it's right next to Tiana's. Do you like, you know, looking at this menu and look like that there's definitely been some love put into this.
Yeah. And, and, and to be fair, it was long overdue. Like Pico's bills, I feel has been struggling for a while. And as much as, you know, we, like I said, we've always liked it because it's been a good go-to with different options. They've actually, it seems like they've acknowledged that, yeah but they've actually improved the menu.
but Like this actually you know you know i'm i'm sure my wife's gonna listen to this episode and she's gonna be devastated at first but then. No we'll talk about it and it's you know this is actually a lot better like like you know i was worried that they were gonna just like. Destroy the things that i liked about picos bills but it looks like they're actually offering better versions of it.
Yeah, i don't I don't disagree. I always like customizable stuff because it yeah as a picky eater, it's nice when I can customize things. you know and And just just you know for families in general, like I said, you know it's and it's great that you know every restaurant you know has like three or four things, but there are plenty of situations where you know you you decide on somewhere to eat and everybody looks at the menu and it's like two people will find like, like I said, my family of three, it's like two of us will be like, yeah, you know we found something and then the third person's like, ah there's There's nothing really here that I want or I guess I'll try this. like yeah you know this This is why we always go to Pecos Bills is that it's like you know you know chicken beef and pork is like, hey, you know you you pick your protein. you know Everybody has different preferences, but then you know the thing about the tacos was everybody could do the tacos the way they want.
But the bulls are kind of the same thing as it's like, you know, you can pick how you want your bulls to be done yeah and, and everybody gets what they want, which, you know, when, when you're at Disney, like it does go a long way to, you know, keeping.
keeping the peace in the family when you're not when you aren't fighting over the meals. right like like don't to Tell me I'm wrong about this. like No, you're right. yeah No, you're totally right. you totally right yeah yeah but so so it's I'm glad that they're acknowledging that Pecos Builds is a place that you know should have some flexibility to the menu and should allow for people to you know pick what they want because i think that's been a lot of people's feedback is that you know disney has been good at offering stuff but you know offering flexible meals in the park is it's a hard thing to do and it's yeah you know that this is one of those places that you know it is kind of you know it's it's kind of a savior for
for, you know, getting, you know, getting everybody to sit down and eat something because you also don't necessarily realize that, you know, people are just hangry when fights are breaking out. That's true. That's true. See, if you're hangry, go to Peko's Pills if you're hangry. Yeah, exactly. Lucky for me, my daughter's still in the chicken nugget phase. So like I can pretty much go at any restaurant at Disney, you know, it's like they all have that. So, you know, works out. All right. Well, let's wrap this up.
Yeah, yeah, that was that that ended on a much higher note than I thought it would because I was worried that it was going to end on a low note because I know how much you love Pico spill as an option because it let's be honest, like there's not a lot of good quick service options at Magic Kingdom. You think they would be but there aren't and even like to your point about, you know, you know, chicken nuggets and stuff like, you know, we could go to cosmic rays.
And, you know, but when my son was younger, same kind of thing, you know, it was easier to, you know, we could just find chicken nuggets and that was fine. But as he's gotten older, he's, you know, finding his own tastes and stuff like that. And, you know, the the the fast food stuff doesn't always work for him. Like he's, you know, you know, he's becoming pickier or not pickier, but, you know, you know, realizing that, you know, chicken nuggets don't always do it for him. So, yeah you know, yeah, like I say, pay Pecos Bill's has definitely become You know a go-to for us over the years because just like I said that the flexibility is there and and I'm glad that it is still there so Yeah, I'm looking forward to that on my next trip.

Conclusion and Audience Engagement

i'll I'll have to try a tamale bowl. Let's get your review and Yeah, and maybe I'll get a sweet corn thing too and see how that pans out The fake sweet one, okay
All right, let's yeah wrapping this up. So as usual, if you guys want to reach out to us, you can always find us at welcome home podcast at gmail We love hearing from you guys and you know hearing your own take on you know stuff that we talked about on the show and you know your own trip reports, asking questions, all that kind of stuff. you knowre We're always available by email, but we are also on social media, so you can find us on Facebook, it's welcome on podcast. You can find us on YouTube, it's welcome on podcast, and Instagram is welcome on pics.
um If you're on Facebook, you know, we mentioned it earlier in the episode, we do have a Facebook group called welcome home, dizzy waitlist, where we've got people that are far smarter than us to talk about about. Yeah, as I said, I talked to talk about about I don't know why I did that.
um But to talk about ah you know the stuff that we talked about on the show, they you know we we we love having good conversations about Disney. It's you know it's it's not a place where you know some Disney groups can be very bad about you know you know telling people that they're wrong or whatever. Everyone's very cool in our group. Everyone's very you know happy to share in the experience of Disney and DVC. So you know if you're wanting to you know talk about you know your DVC trip coming up or you know get other people's opinions, it's a good place to look. So you know please check out our group. um If you'd like to help support the show, you can go to and check out our our merch there. We've got yeah a lot of great stuff. you know Maybe if you're looking for some shirts for your next trip and you know hey, if you're on a trip and you know you're you're wearing the merch you know snap a pic and you know put it in the group we love seeing people sporting the merch as they're doing their disney thing so um you know you know please have a look at our store if youre you are looking for some so merch and similarly we also have a patreon you can go to patreon dot com slash welcome home pod and
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Yeah, and of course, don't forget to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast, and you'll be reminded every time we release a new episode. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, just about any place you can find podcasts, you can find us. Just a reminder to our listeners, Welcome Home Podcasts. For entertainment only, we are not employed by the Walt Disney Company, and as such, all opinions we express on the show are our own, so please consult with a Disney cast member or DVC representative for more information about anything we talked about today.
Huge thank you to our sponsors, DVC Rental Store, and of course, World of DVC for continuing to sponsor the show. Please check them out for any of your DVC needs. Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion and of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.