you know, was the lead thing. So, the odds are very high where you go, okay, you know, Mark Davis was in charge of Tinkerbell. If it's a key drawing of Tinkerbell, it's most likely. I never like to say a hundred percent. I know what's this or that because Milt's not here to tell me for sure. And then, you know, there's a lot of people, but I can say I believe very strongly it's very possible. It's that because of XYZ. I just, I just hate, you know, to, I would never want to get it wrong, basically. I will say, if one was this completely hypothetical, if somebody, not me, ever to stage a heist and wanted to steal all the Robin Hood, everything, just everything, just all the Robin Hood art, can you give me a location and a time and a, no, I'm joking. I'm joking. From my house? No, no, I love Robin Hood. No, no, not your house. I would never steal from you, no way.