54. Goal Check-In: Navigating the Path, Pivoting with Purpose, and Personal Stories of Evolving Goals image
Imposter Women: Business Inspiration for Entrepreneurs & Hustlers
54. Goal Check-In: Navigating the Path, Pivoting with Purpose, and Personal Stories of Evolving Goals
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5 months ago

Join Jessie and Mel as we delve into the art of setting ambitious goals, explore the necessity of pivoting when faced with challenges, and share personal stories of how our goals have evolved throughout the year.

We kick off the episode by discussing the intricacies of effective goal setting and why it’s important to pursue goals that feel good to you. From SMART criteria to creating personalized high-energy goals, discover the key elements that make your goals achievable and motivating.

Life is unpredictable, and so is the business world. Our conversation explores the importance of recognizing when it's time to pivot and freeing yourself of any guilt or shame related to shifting focus. We share tips on how to navigate changes with intention, turning unexpected shifts into opportunities for growth.

Finally, we share personal anecdotes from our lives and businesses of examples where we have experienced significant shifts in our goals and why we decided to embrace change. Learn how we learned to embrace change, adapted strategies, and turned personal milestones and challenges into stepping stones toward success.

Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business professional, this episode offers valuable insights to inspire and guide you on your journey. We hope you enjoy this episode and empower yourself to make your goals a reality!!
