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Diana Kander is a serial entrepreneur who entered the US as a refugee from Ukraine at the age of eight. Today, she is an innovation consultant, keynote speaker, and New York Times bestselling author.
What we talked about...
- “The Eye of Delaney.” - Best surprise ever!
- Juggling, handstands, doing the splits! Each year she takes on a physical feat.
- How to unlearn your blindspots.
- She tried standup comedy for the first time in front of 260 women.
- My attempts at standup comedy.
The Curiosity Muscle book.
Go Big or Go Home: 5 Ways to Create a Customer Experience That Will Close the Deal.
- How standup comedy can improve your presentation skills.
- Being memorable hinges on understanding how forgetting works. Audiences forget 50% of a presentation one hour after; one week later, they have forgotten 90%. We don’t get to choose the 10% they remember.
- Five tools that spell out MAGIC.
- M - make it surprising.
- A - analyze them on a deeper level.
- G - give the pitch in the right order.
- I - include 3D objects.
- C - co-create together.
Ronni Bennett interview about slowing time.
- The Golden Window - first 30 seconds with the audience.
- After they laugh, they listen.
- Your gravy is not an appetizer.
The Master Communicator Secret Weapon.
- The Nice mug photo!
What’s the Deal With Water Bottles? By Jason Zinoman.
- Stalk and awe!
- How to get a meeting with anyone using LinkedIn.
- Read Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Client Retention by John Ruhlin.
- TEDX talk, Discover the Three Keys of Gratitude to Unlock Your Happiest Life! by Jane Ransom.
- Connect with Diana Kander.
- Get a free copy of her book by emailing
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🎸 Theme song is “Little Jane May,” and the end song is “Funny Feeling” by
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