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61 Plays1 year ago

Josh and M discuss not one, not two, not three but four of the F. Kennedy clan.

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Introduction and Apologies for Audio Issues

Hi everyone, just a small note from producer version of Em here, who is currently editing today's episode. Due to bad mic placement upon myself, due to the fact I tend to wear quite drapey clothing, my lavier mic is positioned in such a way it picks up an awful lot of clothes rustling. Therefore, you will hear quite a bit of disturbing background noise. Listeners are advised.
Also, by the way, you can't edit this kind of stuff out. It's kind of baked into the recording. So there's nothing I can do about it. Apologies. Listeners are doubly advised. I could put in a third condition here, but that would just be pointless.

Humor and JFK Family Mysteries

I'm just delaying getting onto the show. So listeners have been advised twice. You're on your own.
So Em, you're an expert on conspiracy theories. What does the F in JFK and JFK Jr and RFK and RFK Jr actually stand for? I legally cannot tell you. What? I took an oath Josh and you know where I am. I am a them.
Off my word. Well, that's a filthy lie on your note. Okay, right. So I was paid a lot of money to never reveal the dirty, salacious and outlandish truth as to what the F stands for.
Yeah, no, hang on. I'm just checking online now. In JFK's case it's Fitzgerald and RFK's case it's Francis. That holds for the juniors as well. Oh no, no, no, no, no. The truth is out. Sound the alarms. Ring the klaxons by mourning the world will be in ruins and all our apes will be gone. I mean, it doesn't.
It really seemed like it was a secret to begin with. Josh, the world is about to end. You need to get home to be with your partner and your children. It's quite a well-attested two-fact. Looking here, I just found a newspaper report from the 1960s mentioning JFK by his full name. Flea, Josh! Flea! We have mere hours to live. What's really going on here? Did you forget to get ready for tonight's episode?
No, Josh. The secret I carry is too dark to share. You're drunk, aren't you? Yes. Well, this is going to be a treat. The podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy featuring Josh Edison and Em Dintus.

Meet the Hosts: Josh and Dr. Xtentis

Hello and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm Josh Addison and sitting right next to me so close that to the casual observer we are shunting, it's Dr. M. R. Xtentis. That is a very rude thing to say. Are you aware this is not an R18 podcast? How do you say shunting?
in a podcast that is going out to the general public. Do you realise we could possibly be age limited with language like that shunting in this day and age? I mean, really? If references to classic Brian Yasner films from the 1980s...
Well, there's enough to get me age limited then just... Sorry, there's a brain he has in the film called The Shunter. It's called Society, and you know it well. Yes, but I'm saying there's no film called The Shunter. There should be. Or The Shuntering. The Shuntering.

Highlander 2 and Climate Change: A Corporate Conspiracy?

I tend to talk today, this was on intergenerational injustice with respect to geoengineering, and I got a question then which referenced quite directly
Highlander 2, the gathering. Ooh, why would you do such a thing? Because it was about climate change and the notion that maybe, maybe long term, the solution to climate change might be co-opted by a big petroleum. And I was going, ooh, Highlander 2, that's about a big corporation which is pretending that the climate is bad, but actually it's good, Josh, when actually it's actually good.
Or it would be about that if Highlander 2 existed. But as we've said on this podcast, as I recall, there is no such film as Highlander 2. Straighten up, there are three versions of a film that does not exist. The theatrical cut, the so-called director's cut, the renegade cut.
And then of course, presumably, Michael Ironside's special masturbation cut. Yep, but less about that the better. Hello! Welcome to the podcaster's guide to Highlander 2 not being a film that exists. Yeah, I mean, it's good they never made any sequels to the Highlander film. No, they would definitely be awful. Especially Highlander 3, one of the most confusing
We're retconning the sequel, but also retconning the first film. It's very confusing. Or it would be if it existed. Well, precisely. But it doesn't. I mean, would you make a TV series based upon Highlander? I mean, really, would you? You could. You could have a different immortal every week. I can imagine that work. A different immortal every week. Josh, there can be only one. Yeah, I know. And he's working his way through them. This is all irrelevant because none of these things we talk about exist. Do you know what does exist?

The JFK Legacy and RFK Jr. Discussion Begins

I was going to say the Kennedy bloodline, but those two are not mutually exclusive perhaps. Well, yeah, unfortunately, yeah. So this week we are talking about the J's, the R's, but definitely the FK's. Yeah, all the FK's you can handle. Which, I mean, we did back to the conspiracy JFK not too long ago. And we did talk about the actually quite mysterious death of our FK by the man with two names.
But that was quite a while ago. But yes, basically because last episode, or maybe a couple of episodes ago, we mentioned the various things that old RFK Junior has been saying at the moment and said, we really should do an episode about RFK Junior, shouldn't we? And this is that episode. Yeah, although the problem is A, you said a lot, and B, there's the most recent Trump indictment. But we'll save that. That can be in the bonus episode.
So I think this is a slightly weird hybrid of Back to the Conspiracy but also regular episode where we just talk about a topic. I think we should play half the Back to the Conspiracy chime and then half of a different chime. That's the sensible logical thing to do. So I mean it's one of these weird things where
We're kind of talking about things we've talked about in the past, and we're kind of talking about new things. But you know, that's how conspiracy theory works.

JFK Assassination Theories: Enduring Mysteries

Sometimes everything old is new again. To quote, they might be giants. So before we start talking about that, let's play some kind of chime. Or indeed, invoke the music of Sting.
Buckle up. We're going previously on the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. Why sting? I mean, why not sting? Fair enough. Yeah, I mean, really. Yes, the Kennedys, specifically the F Kennedys. Like that middle name F. Middle initial F. Sometimes this Gerald, sometimes Francis, sometimes...
So we basically thought, okay, we should do an episode about RFK Junior and then sort of thought, is there a full episode in RFK Junior? He's kind of just a guy who said some stuff. Yeah, so the whole thing about RFK Junior, he's really only famous because he's a scion of the FK Junior lineage.
So RFK Jr. is actually not noticeable or even notable as a political figure on his own. He's really only notable because he comes from a particular lineage. So if you want to kind of give RFK Jr. any cachet,
kind of have to talk about why his family is important and then draw a very long bow to then go well because his family is important he's important as well
And so that's what we're going to do right now. We are. So obviously it starts with JFK. We don't really need to say a lot about JFK at this point, do we? We've talked about him. It was JFK. No idea. Never heard of the man. I believe, and I am drawing a long bow here, I believe he was a major political figure in the 20th century of the United States.
Yes, no. So in case you'd forgotten, it was November 1963 when JFK was assassinated and not long after all the conspiracy theories that we know and love popped up. And we've talked about him by my count in four episodes, including the most recent back to the conspiracy one.
Well, the reference here is to Bertrand Russell, not Bertrand, but Bertrand Rottow. That is correct. I didn't mistype a name in our podcast notes. Yes, no, we talked about him in November of 2014, because it was the anniversary of his death. Then we talked about him again in November 2015, where we looked at Mr. Bertrand Russell's views on the matter. Bertrand Russell, who is the famous British intellectual, is kind of interesting because
Bertrand Russell cast aspersions upon the official theory of the death of JFK by going, look, there are large questions about whether JFK was actually killed by Lee Harvey Oswald or whether there was some kind of conspiracy in the background. And also Bertrand Russell's questioning of the official story of the death of JFK is what leads to the CIA going,
We should probably think about operationalizing the term conspiracy theory as being a pejorative term because we cannot have people like Bertrand Russell calling into question the official theory without us having some kind of, well, that's just wrong. So that's when the CIA goes, maybe.
maybe we should try to weaponize the term conspiracy theory to ensure that when people refer to conspiracy theories about what really happened, people go, oh, but that's one of those conspiracy theories.
But anyway, that's getting into an entirely different area of conspiracy theory theorizing. We talked about, we gave it a rest for November of 2016, but November of 2017, we were back at it again because I think that was when some stuff had just been declassified or something about. Yeah, there's still a large chunk of classified information about the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. So Trump, for example, said he was going to release all of the files.
And then when Trump was in power, he went, the CIA has persuaded me that maybe some of those files may not need to be released.
And we kind of gave it a rest until most recently in episode 399 when we did the Back to Conspiracy. And of course he's come up in numerous other episodes. But the thing is, there's not really much more to say about the guy. He is still dead. Still dead. Still very dead. Now I can't remember from the various times we've looked at Joe Youcinski's polling on things, but his belief in the conspiracy theory version rather than the official version gone up.
in recent times. It's one of those things that fluctuates but it's one of the few conspiracy theories that went polled by Pew Research
people are more inclined to believe the conspiracy theory than the official theory. And I think by over about 60% most people think the official theory of the death of JFK, i.e. Lee Harvey Oswald was a sole assassin. Not true. So yeah, people are very, very much inclined to go
JFK's death? Very mysterious. But as... I'm not sure who I'm thinking of now. Was it Lee Basham? Who was it who talked about the fact that after a little while, kind of, it doesn't really matter? So Lee Basham has the argument that within about 20 years, people kind of forget about things.
And thus people stop caring. Yes, I mean, were it to be conclusively proven in the 1960s that JFK had been killed by the CIA slash Mafia slash Fidel Castro, whoever you think it was, that would have been a massive deal if it was proven today that an event that happened 50 odd years ago, you know, was a result of a conspiracy. It'd be news, but it wouldn't shake the world, I don't think.
Anyway, let us move on to RFK, Robert Francis Kennedy. And we talked about him and his death in June of 1968. No wait, we can talk about his death in June of 1968. We talked about his death in January 2019. We weren't

RFK Assassination: Bullet Count and Cover-ups

making this podcast in June of 1968. In January 2019, we talked about his death in June of 1968. In particular because we had both just listened to a podcast series called the RFK tapes.
which was I think a 10 or so episodes. Yeah, which was a very interesting podcast about someone who is very adamant there's something suspicious about the death of RFK and someone who's going, I'm willing to be persuaded as long as you give me compelling evidence. And it's one of those interesting podcasts where
One of the co-hosts is going, I'm willing to be persuaded, and as the series goes on it's going,
I'm not being persuaded at all. It was very interesting, and it lays out the actual conspiracy theory around RFK's death. The gist of it is that there are claims that too many bullets were fired, Sirhan Sirhan, who shot him. The man with two names? Both the same. His gun fired eight bullets, and supposedly either more than eight bullets were found,
or more than eight gunshots were heard on recordings of the of the incident. There was talk about the sort of the injuries and the powder burns and so on which seemed to be inconsistent with the two with with Sohan and Kennedy's relative positions relative to each other. There are various bits of evidence that people say disproves the official narrative although
As it went through that, I think a lot of them could sort of be counted. In particular, I remember I went back in this into our episode again, just because I'd forgotten all of the details, to be honest. And one of the interesting ones was the audio, the gunshot recordings.
Sort of some people claim that it contained you can pick out eight shots and some people say you can hear 13 shots and then they sort of when they compared their data it was like okay well the the person who said there were eight shots was a police officer analyzing the tapes who had been told there were eight shots and so was listening for eight shots whereas the person who came up with the 13 shots was a was an independent researcher who had been told there were more than eight shots and so was listening for more than eight shots and so then he ended up
giving it to someone else, basically not telling them anything, just saying, listen to this recording, how many gunshots can you hear? And the guy said, about six, maybe eight, might have been about eight. And so sort of things like that caused, as you say, the guy who started off on the fence to be less and less convinced by the conspiracy theory, much to the consternation of the conspiracy theorist he was co-hosting the podcast with.
And there are so many different conspiracy theories. So you've got the actual official theory, the Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK. You've got the conspiracy theory, which is there's a number of gunshots and Sirhan Sirhan killed JFK, but it's confused by the kind of to and fro of the gunshots during protecting
RFK from the assassin Suhan Suhan. You've got the conspiracy theory which is actually one of the bodyguards of RFK accidentally shoots RFK but because Suhan Suhan was in the process of shooting RFK at the same time they kind of just lit they lit
that if the bodyguard's fatal shot stand, or at least in this case not stand, and allowed Sir Hunter Hunter to take the responsibility, because he was trying to kill the presidential candidate, there's an awful lot of different theories here, and yet
The most plausible theory still seems to be Sohan Sohan shot RFK. But say, Sohan Sohan killed JFK. That's a very different theory. That's quite a complicated one. Although, yeah, I mean, we haven't even yet mentioned the more fanciful stuff. There were ideas at the time that Sohan may have been a Manchurian candidate style programmed assassin who had a post-hypnotic suggestion and so didn't actually know what he was doing.
Which is kind of the line and also is the line that the RFK tapes is trying to go for, which is, oh, there's something weird about his psychology.
In the 1960s, people would give more credence to the idea that a person could be a programmed assassin and not know it. And these days, I mean, that was back when people, you know, MKUltra and all that sort of stuff, people were legitimately investigating to see all this mind, if there was anything to this mind control stuff, which as we've talked about before,
all came to nothing and was a big waste of time considering we do have reliable methods of making people do what you want, namely giving them lots of money or torturing the crap out of them, both of which actually work. Well, they can work. They have a better track record than MKUltra, right, than dosing people with hallucinogens or... Making the game, they've got a better track record than MKUltra.
Big pounce. I stand by that. Yeah, so there was a bunch of stuff about RFK senior and the conspiracy theories around his death. And if you want to hear about them, go listen to the podcast series, The RFK Tapes, or go and listen to the January 29 episode of this podcast where we talk about the RFK tapes. Episode 203, although we actually don't advertise episode numbers. No, so it's basically. Yeah, basically. That's an internal reference thing.
So let's move Fords in Time a little bit. Fords in Time all the way to the year 1999. Oh, Prince did a song about that. Prince did have a song about that, so you know it must have been a significant year. One of the reasons why 1999 was significant was because that was when JFK Jr. died. The plane he was piloting with his wife and sister-in-law, his passengers, heading off to Martha's Vineyard for a wedding or something, I think it was. Yeah, something along those lines.
Well, the plane, they never made it. It was assumed that the plane had crashed into the ocean, which was then confirmed when searches of the ocean floor near where they had been flying turned up the wreckage of the plane and the bodies of its occupants. Ah, or was it?
Indeed. So that was kind of it at the time in 1999,

JFK Jr. Theories and QAnon: Alive or Dead?

JFK Jr. How tragic, you know, his father dies violently, then he dies in a tragic accident that Shona Lang's song
Imagine being a Kennedy. Glad I'm not a Kennedy. Rome without a remedy. Would get many, many references. And then it's only been in more recent times that suddenly, because there wasn't, was there suspicion about his death at the time? I don't remember.
Everything that I know about JFK Jr. is a QAnon-related theory. So it might be the case that people had conspiracy theories about the death of JFK Jr. before QAnon. But QAnon has really, really, really taken off with the idea that I do realize
JFK jr is alive and he supports president trump yeah i mean we've talked about this before and i've said before i still don't really understand that i think i think you said something in the past about there was the idea that oh you know the deep state killed his father so he's opposed to the deep state and donald trump is also opposed to the deep state so that means he must be on the same side as donald trump was there but it doesn't really i don't understand why they latched on to him why a guy who'd supposedly been dead
for, you know, at the time, like, 15 years. Well, because, Josh, certain people claim to be JFK Jr., including one Vincent Fusker, who has been claiming to be JFK Jr. for quite some time now, and the QAnon movement has really, really picked up upon the fact that a person who looks absolutely nothing like JFK Jr. might actually be the real JFK Jr. after all.
Yeah, so there's a bunch of weird stuff. People have pointed out that apparently JFK Jr. and Trump were kind of buddies, because they're both rich dudes who live in America. And as you remember, he died in 1999. That's basically when Trump is still actually a Democrat. So they kind of share the same political vision.
It's not beyond the realm of understanding that Trump and JFK Jr. were friends and kind of shared general political views. It's just that the Trump of, let's say, the year of our Lord 2023 and the Trump of the year of our Lord in 1999
She might be different people. They're different in some ways. I would argue very much the same in others. But yes, yes, I mean, people actually pointed out there was this magazine called George. It was founded by JFK Jr. and a guy called Michael J. Berman, which was a it was sort of a politicsy, lifestyle sort of magazine that was for politics to try and make politics very sexy.
And apparently in an issue or in addition of that magazine that was published just one month before he died, he supposedly, he said, if my dear friend Donald Trump ever decided to sacrifice his fabulous billionaire lifestyle to become president, he would be an unstoppable force for ultimate justice that Democrats and Republicans alike would celebrate. Now this is an alleged quote. We actually don't know whether he said it. It is simply attributed to one JFK Jr.
So I mean, I guess with that in mind, I can understand why people think they might have been allies, but yeah, I still don't get why of anyone they decided, oh, he isn't actually dead and also he's gonna come back. And also he's a cure.
And, yeah, well, yeah, sometimes people think he is Q himself. Like, they even thought JFK Senior was going to come back at some point, didn't they? They thought Junior and Senior were both going to shine. I don't know. It's all very, very strange. Sorry. Given the physical damage committed to JFK Senior, they came back as if he would definitely be a zombie. Well, that's only if you believe the evidence of your own eyes, having watched the Zapruder tape, as I'm pretty certain you have.
Strong, but back into the land. Who are you gonna believe QAnon or your lion eyes?
So dude or collection of dudes on the internet? Oh, you raise a very good question. Or your own senses. I mean, maybe. It's a poser. It's a poser. I'll give you that. So yeah, that's JFK, that's RFK, that's JFK Jr. And so now we finally get to RFK Jr.
Yeah, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. The man who doesn't seem to know what his view on abortion is. He has many views and and all over the place I think is putting it lightly. So I mean he's in the news obviously because he's running as a presidential candidate. For the Democratic
Yeah, I hadn't paid much attention, but from all the stuff he'd been saying, I thought, okay, so he's going for the Republicans, because he's saying all the things Republicans say, and then I found out he's running for the Democratic presidential nomination, which... Yeah, I think this makes you realise that running for candidate of Party X doesn't require you to be a card-carrying member of Party X.
Well, who's the dude? What's his name? Joe Manchin? John Manchin? Oh, yeah. That dude who's the Democratic senator who is a Republican, as far as I can tell. He basically always votes for the Democrats. Always votes Republicans. No matter what. And screws over the Democrats. Yeah, stuff like that. I don't know. Their system was a little strange. And I guess, yeah, I mean, the Kennedys were famously Democrats. One of them was a president. What was RFK when he died? So he was... RFK wanted to be...
presidential candidate was Attorney General. Yeah, one of them. And Ted Kennedy was in there as well. So they're all very notable Democrats. So I guess it would be very strange if Kennedy came out and started running for the Republicans. So he wanted to stay on side and appears to have not much more than name recognition going for him. Yeah, basically. Although he has been endorsed quite a lot by those on the right.
Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, they're both very keen on one Robert F.

RFK Jr.'s Controversial Views on Vaccines and COVID-19

Kennedy Jr. which makes you wonder...
Why? Yes, I mean, is it because they agree with him because he isn't a Democrat at all, really, when you get down to it? Or is it because they know that if he did get the nomination, Democrats wouldn't vote for him because he isn't a Democrat and they're actually being crafty and sneaky? Well, yeah, and I mean, it's always been my particular concern. This has happened with Tulsi Gabbard in the last presidential election, which is there are these
ever so slightly, right-wing Democratic candidates, that suddenly Republicans or Republican boosters get associated with going, oh, they're the proper candidate in case of you're either promoting them because they're actually Republicans in disguise, or you're promoting them because
they're not democratic candidates but you want to kind of make the voting fuzzy. Yes I don't know it's very strange but anyway that's not particularly conspiratorial and so therefore of little interest to us on this podcast. But the reason why they get promoted by your Taika Kalsins or your Alex Joneses is particularly conspiratorial because they have
And they have Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Frost as Kennedy Jr. I have interesting views. They do, yes. So RFK Jr., despite being a medical doctor,
There's a big old anti-vaxxer. He was an anti-vaxxer. He's one from way back. Oh, yeah. He's been promoting anti-vaxx, particularly MMR. MMR stuff for a long time now. It's just that he's become a little bit more mainstream because of anti-vaxxerism about the COVID-19.
Yes, I mean, he first really nailed his colours to the mast in 2005. He wrote an article called Deadly Immunity, which was published in Rolling Stone magazine and also put online at And it's basically, it's the vaccines cause autism thing.
It's a big, long article. In particular, the vaccines with that Pfaimera cell stuff in it. The mercury replacement. Mercury based. What was it as a preservative or something like that? Anyway, so the idea was that
Yeah, these vaccines cause autism that government health agencies collude with Big Pharma to hide the risks to the public. So it was published in July of 2005. It had apparently been fact checked.
when it was published in print by Rolling Stone. But it was fairly quickly criticized, which caused the publications to print a whole bunch of corrections to it. And finally, in 2011, Salon actually retracted it, removed it from their website.
that made five corrections previously to the story and then eventually said, yeah, okay, no, that's too many corrections. We can't let this stand. In fact, what did they say?
It has become clear from responses to the article that the 40% number, which is, there was this claim that the amount of mercury received from these vaccines was 100, first it was 187 times higher than the amount of mercury they should have. Then it turned out that the number had gone
just being completely misunderstood and it was talking about 197 was the actual amount in micrograms which was only 40% greater than what was supposedly the the recommended amount and then they said it's become clear that from responses to the article that the 40% number while accurate is misleading it measures the total mercury load an infant received from vaccines during the first six months calculates the daily average received based on average body weight
then compares that number to the EPA daily limit. But infants did not receive the vaccines as a daily average. They received massive doses on a single day through multiple shots. As the story states, these single-day doses exceeded the EPA limit by as much as 99 times. Based on this misunderstanding and to avoid further confusion, we have meant that the story to eliminate the 40% figure. So basically, there was a lot of
A lot of argument over numbers and whether they were the right numbers and whether they were actually used correctly, being presented correctly in context, or whether they were being used misleadingly and what have you. And due to the various corrections that had to be issued, that story got pulled, or at least pulled from online, obviously. They didn't pull up a whole bunch of issues of Rolling Stone six years after the fact, as far as I'm aware.
But that's not all. That's not all, is it? Not all by a long shot.

2004 Election Theories and CIA's Role in JFK's Death?

No, he has a litany of different views. So most recently. And I think this is why we talked about him in the first place. He's been making the claim that COVID-19 is racially targeted to
Do I give particular parts of the population? Josh, what parts of the population does RFK think is particularly susceptible? I think he said it was white Americans and black Americans were more susceptible to it and Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews.
Yeah, at least susceptible to it. So there's a certain part of the population which is mysteriously not susceptible to COVID-19, which unfortunately dovetails with ever so slightly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Now, as I recall, he said, look, look, I'm not saying Covid-19 has been designed specifically to target ethnicities. What I'm saying is it's a disease that affects different ethnicities differently, which means you could make one like that if you wanted to target ethnicities with the disease. I think that that was his that was his backpedaling. Yeah. But either way, doesn't actually appear to be congruent with reality.
It's also claimed that maybe the link between HIV and AIDS is not as clear count as maybe some medical researchers would have it to be.
Yep, bit of good old AIDS denialism. That's one of those things that's been rattling around for a while and I guess it's a fairly short leap from the anti-vax stuff to that. Just claiming the... There's a bunch of... I'm not actually across the HIV-AIDS stuff, I just know that there are people out there who think that HIV isn't actually related to AIDS and there's a whole lot of nutrition and vitamin C will fix you and all that sort of stuff. And he's got in on a bit of that.
He also claims that mass shootings are due to the over-prescription of Prozac. Now that one I hadn't heard. Yeah, so this is a standard claim that the only reason why mass shooting events are common in the United States is that there's been a massive increase in
psychological disturbance by members of the United States population. Why is that in existence? We're overprescribing pharmaceutical drugs for psychological states. The reason why there are more mass shootings is we're prescribing more Prozac.
I guess that doesn't actually surprise me that he would say a thing like that. He said the 2004 election was stolen. Now admittedly, a lot of people. That was the second one, the Bush one, right? That's when Gore lost and Bush won. That's with the dangling chads and other businesses in Florida. And admittedly, this is one of those cases where
Quite a lot of people think that the 2004 election was stolen because it was a very stark judicial bench which gave the election to the Republican and not the Democrat. Yes, I don't know. He also thinks the CIA killed JFK and as we set up the top of the episode, he's not alone. Not alone on that one. I mean, it might be one of those cases where
he's kind of biased because of his family, but a lot of Americans think that there's something suspicious about the death of JFK. And with all that in mind, it should not surprise you at all to know that he believes Sihan Sihan did not kill his father, RFK senior. Which as we talked about in the episode on that topic,
I mean the official story of the death of his father is weird. It's very very weird. There were some odd things. Yeah I mean interestingly to go back to that episode and the RFK tapes there was a third guy Dan
Moldaya, something like that. There's a third guy they referred to who essentially had been an RFK conspiracy theorist who then eventually came around to the official theory. He basically
Unfortunately, in the end, when I say unfortunately, it would be nice if he had hit upon some evidence that he thought actually no proved the official case, but instead it was actually because he went and interviewed Sirhan Sirhan himself and came away from that thinking, actually, this is a guy, this man is a murderer. Because Sirhan Sirhan is known for being
very quite sort of serene and and and pleasant to talk to but has Written, you know threatening violent stuff in the past and so apparently when he was interviewing the guy The more he pressed him the more eventually the guy started to snap at him and become actually quite. Yeah quite um
unpleasant and it was after talking to him that this particular guy decided, you know, actually, after I think he did it. After all, I don't think he was a programmed mentoring candidate. I think he was quite capable of killing a man who he was. What was it was? It was it was Israel. Palestine was was the reason why he disliked. He wasn't yet. He disagreed with his stance on on Israel.
So yeah, that's not particularly surprising at all. He said a few other things as RFK junior. He thinks Big Pharma funds the Democrats, but I guess that's going, I mean, pretty much said that all the way back in Deadly Immunity and that dovetails with all the COVID stuff as well. So I guess we should not be surprised here. So what's he been saying about abortion rights?

RFK Jr.'s Stance on Abortion Rights: Clarity or Confusion?

so he's all things to all people when it comes to abortion or lack thereof so he was asked by Republicans what do you support about restricting abortions oh oh I mean I think
to get a 12-week abortion ban, which is in line with the kind of thing that DeSantis has promoted, and DeSantis has been talking about RFK Jr. as being a potential, I won't say Minister of Health, I can't remember what the actual position he would play. And then my parents went, oh, I mean, we kind of had someone like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being
in charge because i believe in absolutely no period where abortion would be appropriate so he pissed off the republicans by going for allow abortions up to 12 weeks and then the democrats are going you said what here and then Kennedy went oh i was definitely misinterpreted when i said i think there should be a 12-week window
I was simply responding to a hypothetical, I didn't actually mean, I think there's a 12 week window, it's just a hypothetically if and yeah, he just caused a lot of trouble where people are going, we don't know what you believe. You seem to believe all things for a people Robert.
Yeah, and it kind of comes down to the fact that his whole political rung seems to be kind of based around the idea that he sort of thinks he should because he's a Kennedy, and that's what Kennedys do. And also the fact that he's really only being endorsed by Republicans or people who support the Republican Party. I think you might just be someone's useful idiot there, Robert.
So at the end of the day, when it comes down to JFK versus RFK versus JFK Jr versus RFK Jr, I think the latter is probably the least interesting person to talk about on that list. Yeah, he seems to definitely be a politician.
who exists for the sheer fame that he has more famous predecessors. I mean I don't think we'd be talking about RFK Jr. if it weren't for his father or his uncle. Or indeed his cousin. I mean I don't think we'd be talking about his cousin.
if it weren't for his cousin's father.
the people who claim to be JFK jr well there are a lot of them you mentioned the one so there's this vincent fisker fellow but yeah but there's more than that well there are a lot of people who turn up two trump rallies then we go oh is that JFK jr okay so
No. Oh, but is that JFK Jr? Once again, no. What about? No. There's a lot of people who go, oh. Oh, that. That might be JFK's son. To not so much people coming forward saying, I am JFK Jr. But other people saying that dude over there seems a lot like JFK Jr. Much like all the people who keep photographing guys who they insist are to park. Still alive and all that sort of stuff.
Strange. Strange, I say. Strange. Very. But what's not strange, really, is RFK Junior. Certainly not strange enough to be particularly interesting. Well, I mean, I wonder if you're quite strange, but yes, you're quite right. Not strange enough. Not strange in an interesting way. Not. So there we go. We said we would talk about RFK Junior, and we did. Do you feel good about it?
No. No, not particularly. But it's a thing we said we'd do it and we did. So we are people of our words, our respective words. So I think it's time to wrap this episode up. How drunk are you? So not drunk is what I'm taking from that sort of handsomely. No, no, no. Drunk, but not so drunk. Right. Just drunk enough. Drunk enough. Drunk enough that the opening sketch wasn't a lie.
Well I mean I did write it in advance but I did know that I was having drinks with Nick and Tim earlier today. Those drinks have been completed and Tim did keep on giving me whiskey.
But not unfortunately drunk enough to make another classic drunk podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. But the fact is we recorded the opening sketch basically in one take whereas last time it took us
Four thousand years. Took a great many takes. Let's face it, actually in some realities we're still recording. We're still recording that monotony sketch. Ah, but we're not in this reality. In this reality we're bringing this recording to a close so that we can then go and record a bonus episode for our beloved patrons. Yeah, and the thing about this bonus episode is it was going to be relatively light on content apart from the fact that Donald Trump's been indicted
Again, arrest warrants and shit, yes. So we'll probably talk a bit about that. There's a bit of local content as well, just for the New Zealanders listening. So we best get on and do that, which means we'd best get on and finish this episode. So only one thing to say, Joshua. And that's goodbye. No, assholes. The podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy stars Josh Addison and myself, Associate Professor M. R. X. Dantas,
Our show's cons... sorry. Producers are Tom and Philip, plus another mysterious anonymous donor. You can contact Josh and myself at and please do consider joining our Patreon. And remember, they're coming to get you, Barbara.