And finally, anything that any kind of tool where you can collaborate with your clients, even if it's just as simple as Google Drive or Dropbox where things can be shared back and forth, reducing, you know, searching through inboxes for emails, things like that, that's going to be helpful in just staying organized. A lot of the planning tools out there will have client portals so that you might already be using that. And they're so amazing. But any way that you can reduce the need for, you know, searching through your email inbox, things like that is going to be helpful in saving time. And I know that as we discuss these things, a lot of them, it's like, you know, a couple of minutes here, a couple of minutes there. But imagine how it feels when you are like, oh, I need this. There's this one thing that they sent and I need to find it. And you're searching through your inbox. Those couple of minutes, you know, for each client, those add up and it's